Transformation Church Easter Service & How to Find a Good Local Church in An Age of Apostacy

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Easter Service at Transformation Church: Mike Todd's Transformation Church has just hired former Hillsong NYC pastor Carl Lentz:


We would encourage anyone who moves away to find another local
Bible -believing church, and also it says, of like faith. So number one, the church should be
Bible -believing, and number two, if at all possible, and it might not be possible. If you move to an area, maybe the best church option has a few differences, so it really depends.
But here's some of the similar doctrines, the key doctrines that would be in line with what we teach.
Believers' baptism by immersion, I think that's a big one. In the day and age we live in, finding another church that believes in the autonomy of the local church, because the denominations are just going liberal at a rapid rate, so it's best,
I think, to find a church that's independent. A proper view of the spiritual gifts,
I think is important, a proper view of eschatology in the end times, the closer we get to the return of Christ, the more important it becomes to have a proper view of eschatology.
And even if you can't find a church that has all of those points, this is a very big deal, finding a church that has a reverent worship service, because I don't know how many of you saw the story, the church is called
Transformation Church, and they had an Easter service, and some are describing it as blasphemous, demonic, it's even making
Christian posts in some of the major Christian news networks. So point is, we want to find, you would want to find a church where the church service shows reverence for God, that it's not just a rock concert with, as Charles Haddon Spurgeon said, he said, the day will come where it's not a shepherd guiding sheep, rather it'll be a clown entertaining goats, or something like that, and that's really the state of a lot of,
Spurgeon said that, what, 120 years ago? And if he was around today,
I don't know what he would say, I have an idea, but obviously we want to show reverence and respect to God, and have a healthy fear of God, and that's just something that's lacking more and more.
So these are a few things, and if you ever do move away, which again, I don't want you to obviously, but I'd be happy to help assist in finding a good local church to attend.