DUMPSTER FIRE | Prophecy Open Mic Golden Calf Edition

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Welcome to another installment of Dumpster Fire for the last week of March 2018.
If you've been a listener to my program, my podcast, Fighting for the
Faith, which by the way you can find over at FightingForTheFaith .com, if you want this kind of content, you know, more expanded, more in -depth, that's what we do over at the podcast.
But if you've been listening to my podcast for any length of time, then you are familiar with segments that I do on Fighting for the
Faith that are called prophecy open mics. Now here's the thing, is that if you've ever heard a prophecy open mic, that's one thing.
If you've ever seen one, that's a whole other thing. So what we're gonna do on today's episode of Dumpster Fire, we are going to head down to glory of Zion where the
Apostle, and you have to put that in air quotes, the Apostle Chuck Pierce holds court, and we're going to start off this
Dumpster Fire with a prophecy open mic segment. You will not be needing a bingo card, however, you might need a helmet, you might need some duct tape, and some knee pads,
I'm just saying. So let's go ahead and whirl this up. Here we go, first installment of prophecy open mic here on Dumpster Fire.
I'm so excited for you to see this. Here we go. I visit you today from the northeast where we've had four northeastern storms, mighty winds blowing trees down, blowing the ocean into the mainland, but the trees that fall are the rotten trees.
And today I saw the Lord blowing the rottenness out of your temple. Oh that's so great,
I'm gonna have the rottenness blown out of my temple. It's about time, I've been wanting that stuff gone for a while. ...are
going out, and so now allow that wind to cleanse areas that have never really ever been cleansed, or need to be recleansed now.
So I say let the cleansing wind of God blow today! Yeah, did you feel that cleansing wind getting this, you know, the stuff out of your temple there?
Whoo! Wow, that was, mm -hmm. Yeah, if that doesn't look like a church service to you.
Yeah, those are not dead bodies right there. Yeah, no, those are people apparently slain by the the weight of the glory of the presence of the anointing of God thingy.
And then you got the voodoo priestesses doing their thing there. Now some of you out there, you're feeling a healing move within you.
Come up here and lay hands on people. My gosh, let the body be the body.
What did that even mean, and what's with the tall flags? Hear the wind, hear the sounds, hear the morns, hear the calm, hear the wind, hear the sounds, hear the morns.
Yeah, if you're thinking, man, we never have anything like this going on at our church, there's a reason.
Probably because you attend a Christian one, not a pagan one. What is with the staffs?
Now, I'm gonna send these dancers down there and they're going to take the matah and go around some of you.
A matah? Just like this matah that is strong. It's going to release a sound where you're walking.
The matah is gonna release a sound. What kind of sound is it gonna release?
To create a strength in your back. None of these guys make any sense, okay.
The Lord says I'm giving my people a backbone for this hour. Really?
Wow. Hopefully God does give people backbones to stand up to you and your false prophecies.
Wow. Is she beating that lady with a stick?
What is she doing there? I swear
I've seen this on the National Geographic channel, but it was like pagans out in the bush doing this stuff.
Oh! I got a backbone. She's singing, I got a backbone. Fatality.
Okay, now, it's about all I can handle. That's about as many minutes as I can handle in one stretch.
I'll come back to this. Let's head over to the Jim Baker show and his guest,
John Shorey, who a couple of years ago predicted that the Great Tribulation would begin in March, and this was several years back, that would make him a false prophet, is on the
Jim Baker show to talk about and prognosticate over whether or not Billy Graham is one of the 24 elders from the
Book of Revelation. You can't make this stuff up. Here's Jim Baker and John Shorey.
Does Billy Graham have any significance in prophecy, do you think?
No, but false prophets like John Shorey do. Jesus mentioned them in Matthew 24.
Well, you know, two or three days before the funeral, I'm reading some verses in Revelations chapter 5, and something just jumped out at me, and I started thinking about it, and I'll kind of share that with you.
In Revelations chapter 5, it says the Father is giving the scroll.
You know the scrolls, the Book of Revelation, with the seal, sealing it. Yeah, I don't recall
Billy Graham being mentioned in Revelation 5. He's, in chapter 5, he's giving the scroll to Jesus in the presence of the 24 elders.
Yes, the 24 elders are mentioned in Revelation 5. Yes, I'm familiar with them, and the living creatures, and those who've been slain for the testimony of Christ, yes.
And the four creatures. But I got to thinking about the 24 elders, and the thought hit me, who are the 24 elders?
Okay, I mean, legitimate question, and anybody who's done careful
Bible study may have actually asked that exact same question. Now, generally speaking, one at this point would think, 12 plus 12 equals 24.
12 plus 12 equals 24. Hmm. Where in the
Bible do I find 12 guys, and then, you know, maybe another 12 guys?
Oh, I know! It's like the 12 tribes of Israel!
And maybe the 12 apostles, something like that. You know, you just,
I'm just kind of throwing it out there, you know? 12 plus 12 equals 1 ,212.
Just, you know, okay. 12 plus 12 equals 24. Okay. And traditionally, if you talk to many theologians, they'll tell you, but this is not based on Scripture, it's conjecture.
But most theologians believe, it makes sense, that the 24 would be the 12 disciples, and the 12 leaders of the 12 tribes of Israel.
Yep. It's just kind of one of those things that makes sense. Watch what he does shortly after this.
Well, you know, by definition, an elder in a church or a ministry organization are kind of like the top spiritual leaders.
Okay? So the thought actually hit me years ago. Instead of 12 and 12, what if the 24 elders are the greatest spiritual leaders of all time?
This is just not how we do theology. No, and this is not how we do Christian job.
What if? You know, hey, you know, what if it's the first 12 presidents of the
United States mixed with the greatest prime ministers from the
United Kingdom? What if? You know, yeah, oh boy, this is...
now we're in full -blown just -make -stuff -up -as -you -go -along mode. That's because he's a false prophet.
Because if you look at the 12 and 12, you're including Thomas the Doubter. Yeah, who was martyred for his faith.
You are aware Thomas died professing Christ.
He was martyred in India. As one of the 24 elders.
Wow. You're including Matthias, who replaced Judas, and you never heard of him again.
Yeah, just because you never heard of him again doesn't mean he didn't do anything important.
I mean, wow. Okay, so at this point, Thomas has been demoted.
Matthias, he's AWOL. Why? Because John Surey says so.
Won the spot by drawing lots. In the Old Testament, you know, some of the leaders of the 12 tribes of Israel weren't that outstanding.
So who should we demote among the 12 sons of Jacob?
I mean, who deserves a demotion? So if you go with the 12 by 12, you've got some less -than -great spiritual leaders.
So he's deciding who's in and who's out. Wow. You're eliminating Enoch, who walked with God, Abraham, Isaac, Noah, Moses.
Oh yeah, yeah, we're leaving all them out. I mean, so John Surey is currently working with crack theologians over at the
Jim Baker show, and they are deciding who is worthy to be considered part of the 24 elders.
Wow. In the New Testament, you're eliminating Paul, who wrote half of the New Testament.
So the thought hit me, what if the 24 elders are the 24 greatest spiritual leaders of all time?
I mean, could we be more arbitrary and capricious? Wow, okay.
And if that was true, now listen, this is not thus saith the Lord. God didn't tell me this is the way it is.
No, but you know, he does claim to be a prophet. So this is not him speaking thus saith the Lord.
This is just him prophetically musing, if you would. Just your thought. This is just a thought, yeah.
Okay, yeah. It's really no more unscriptural than the 12 and 12, because...
Except for the 12 and 12 actually have, like, biblical meaning to it.
Just, you know, just saying here, you know. The Bible doesn't say.
But if it is the 24 greatest spiritual leaders of all time, could
Billy Graham be the 24th elder? No!
I can think of some really good theological reasons why that wouldn't be the case. Oh, man.
So apparently we've demoted Thomas, and taking his place is
Billy Graham. Why? Because, well, you know, John Shorey is just musing, thinking, what if, you know.
By the way, this is not how doctrine and theology is done. Brace yourself. I feel the need to go back to glory of Zion.
Here we go. On the well, if this is you that we're addressing, you put your hand on that screen, and you let the vibration come through, and let it go down your backbone.
I'm supposed to put my hand against my computer screen, and a vibration will go down my backbone.
All right, well, let me try this. Yeah, no, nothing happened.
I felt no vibration. Nothing. I don't even have a headache. Yeah, those women with the stick, they wiped out half the congregation, you know.
Yeah, the Rafiki move, you know, from the Lion King. The wall of healing is coming.
I'm sure it's in the omnibus thing that Trump just signed. Was that guy one of the guys from ZZ Top playing bass back there?
Somebody call 911. They need an ambulance there. Probably more.
It looks like a terrorist act happened at glory of Zion. Okay.
Man, listening to this is like beating my brain against a wall. I don't think anyone's capable of lucid thought.
After exposing themselves to these pagan chants. Is that a cheerleading coach?
What's going on there? A violent praise that creates a new atmosphere.
Yeah, I don't recall that in the Bible. It really looks like those ladies with the sticks are like, we're killing you now.
You know, you're dead. Those of you on the floor, you have no chance of survival when the ladies with the sticks beat you while the trumpets play.
Okay. Let's just pause there for a minute. Let's head over to Elevation Church and the
King of the Narcissists, Stephen Furtick and his recent message.
And by the way, I did cover this on my podcast, but it was so over the top awful. It made it into the dumpster fire too.
I think this is one of the first crossover segments, but the name of the sermon is
Danger in the Distance. We will do a little biblical reading along the way. And he's going to start by talking about the account of Jesus healing a leper in the
Gospel of Mark and touching him and things. And strange things are about to happen when he gets to the book of Exodus and recounts the dialogue that occurred between God and Moses while God was speaking to Moses from the burning bush.
Here's Stephen Furtick. I hope you're sitting down. Says that a man with leprosy came to him.
I looked in Matthew's gospel, Luke's gospel, and John's gospel to see if I could find a little more information about this man.
Mark doesn't tell us much about his background, his hair color, his eye color. He doesn't even give the common courtesy of stating his name.
Now, come on. You even ask your server his name at the restaurant. I generally don't have to.
They wear name tags. Maybe God should have had lepers wear name tags. This man who is the subject of one of the first miracles recorded in this
Mark and account does not even get a name. We are not told his name, but we are told about his condition, which is leprosy.
We're not given his name, but we know about his issue, which is leprosy.
It goes to show that sometimes your identity can be consumed by your issues.
What? Okay, that's a wee bit of a stretch of a leap there, dude.
Okay, so the idea probably goes something like this, is that this leper who was healed by Christ early on in his ministry, they didn't record his name.
There are some people who have their names recorded and others who do not, and one of the more common things we've seen in the
Gospels is that people who have their names recorded in the Gospels oftentimes were part of the early
Christian Church after the Day of Pentecost. So, I mean, this guy has one encounter with Jesus, is healed, and it's early on in his ministry, and they forgot to record his name.
But, I mean, he had a name. Just because it was omitted doesn't mean that he was somehow...
his identity got wrapped up with his issue. I mean, you know, I mean, that would be like me saying, you know,
Stephen Furtick who? The only guy I know is a guy named Steroids. We continue.
That is, you can become more known by what's wrong with you than who you have the potential to be.
Is anybody here? To the point that you no longer know your own name or...
I've totally forgotten my name. What's my name again? ...no longer have a real sense of your identity or yourself.
We are losing a sense of ourself at times because our issues have run so rampant that they have consumed, our issues have consumed our identity.
Now, when Moses met with God, the fire was burning the bush, but it did not consume the bush.
It burned and burned and burned. It'll burn and burn and burn. God spoke from the bush.
He said, I want you to know who I am. Moses said, who are you? He said,
I am. And see, right there, right there, if you missed it, I'm going to back this up because I want you to hear it.
So he switched into talking about the burning bush, and somehow the dialogue is, well, to say dubious would be an understatement.
So let me back this up just a few seconds and listen again as he's talking about Moses and the burning bush.
They have consumed, our issues have consumed our identity. Our issues have consumed our identity.
Now we talk about Moses and the burning bush. Listen carefully to the dialogue. Moses met with God.
The fire was burning the bush, but it did not consume the bush. It'll burn and burn and burn.
And God spoke from the bush. He said, I want you to know who I am. Moses said, who are you?
He said, I am. Moses said, I am is a good start. What comes next?
And then God said, without saying whatever you need comes next. Whoa, what?
Okay. I mean, let's just make up stuff now. I mean, what's the point of having
Bibles? People have them. They have paper Bibles. They've got Bibles on their tablets.
They've got them on their smartphones, on their laptops. But let's just not even read it.
In fact, nobody's going to open this up and say, hey, wait a second. That's not how that conversation went.
But I'll do it. So let's take a look. And you're going to note that he's claiming that God appeared to Moses and said, hey,
I want to tell you who I am. And Moses said, who are you? And God said, I am.
That's a good start. Exodus three, verse one.
Moses was keeping the flock of his father -in -law Jethro. Keep in mind, by this time, Moses was on Egypt's most wanted list.
I mean, he had murdered an Egyptian fellow. And Pharaoh had found out about it.
And Moses had skedaddled. And now he's on the run. Literally, he's been a fugitive from Egypt for like 40 years.
And so Moses is on the run. And he's gotten married. He's become a shepherd.
He's keeping the flocks of his father -in -law Jethro. Moses was keeping the flock of his father -in -law
Jethro, the priest of Midian. He led his flock to the west side of the wilderness, came to Horeb, the mountain of God.
And the angel of Yahweh appeared to him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush. He looked, and behold, the bush was burning, yet it was not consumed.
And Moses said, well, I'll turn aside to see this great sight, why the bush is not burned. And when Yahweh saw that he turned aside to see,
God called to him out of the bush, Moses, or Moshe. And he said, here I am.
And he said, do not come near. Take off your sandals, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground.
And he said, I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the
God of Jacob. And Moses hid his face, for he was afraid to look at God. And then
Yahweh said, I have surely seen the affliction of my people who are in Egypt. I have heard their cry because of their taskmasters.
I know their sufferings, and I have come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of that land to a good and broad land, a land flowing with milk and honey to the place of the
Canaanites, the Hittites, the Amorites, the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites. So you know,
God leads off with, I've heard, you know, I've seen the affliction of the people of Israel, and he has concern for them, and he's going to come and rescue them out of slavery.
So now behold, the people of Israel has come to me. I have also seen the oppression with which the
Egyptians oppress them. Come, I will send you to Pharaoh that you may bring my people, the children of Israel, out of Egypt.
But Moses said to God, who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the children of Israel out of Egypt?
And he said, but I will be with you, and this shall be the sign for you that I have sent you.
When you have brought the people out of Egypt, you shall serve God on this mountain. And then
Moses said to God, if I come to the people of Israel and I say to them, the
God of your fathers has sent me to you, and they ask me, well, what is his name, what shall
I say to them? God said to Moses, I am who I am. And he said, say this to the people of Israel, I am has sent me to you.
God also said, Moses, say this to the people of Israel, Yahweh, the God of your fathers, the
God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob, has sent me to you. This is my name forever, and thus
I am to be remembered throughout all generations. Go and gather the elders of Israel together and say to them,
Yahweh, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob, has appeared to me saying,
I have observed you, what has been done to you in Egypt, and I promise that I will bring you up out of the afflictions of Egypt to the land of the
Canaanites, the Hittites, the Amorites, the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites in a land flowing with milk and honey, and they will listen to your voice.
This is what God is saying. So you're going to know, the topic of the name of God is first brought up by Moses.
Moses saying, who should I say sent me? And God says, my name is
I Am, which by the way is the name that Jesus uses for Himself in the Gospel of John.
You know, you think about when Jesus uses that name for Himself, the Jews take up stones to stone
Him, because He's claiming to be God. But that's for another episode.
So all right, so let's head back over to Elevation Church here, and I'm going to back this up just a smudge and listen again to this really weird dialogue that Stephen Furtick just made up, just made it up, as to what happened over there at the burning bush when
Moses and God were talking. Here we go again. ... our identity. Now when
Moses met with God, the fire was burning the bush, but it did not consume the bush.
It burned and burned and burned, and God spoke from the bush. He said, I want you to know who
I am. Moses said, who are you? He said, I am. Moses said, I am is a good start.
What comes next? And then God said without saying, whatever you need comes next, because I will...
No, He did not say that. ... change I am. But what you will need in different seasons of your life will change.
So whatever you need, I will already be before you even know your need. I am what you need.
And they're clapping for this. That's not what
God said at all. Stephen Furtick is like making up his own version of the
Bible now. Wow. That's, I mean, I don't know if I can think of anything any more demonic than that, except for maybe this.
I'm here for a breakthrough. I'm here for a breakthrough. Oh, that lady just fell down.
Oh, man. I wonder if they're serving Kool -Aid there. Wow. Anyway, a little bit of a dark episode there, but I think you get the point.
And this is the current state of the church right now. Absolute narcissistic rebellion against God.
A refusal to actually teach what He says, and people just making up all kinds of stuff.
None of it's even remotely biblical. Strange. Now, if you found this episode of The Dumpster Fire to be interesting and helpful, well, please remember to subscribe to our
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So until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and His vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.