Introducing the Twelve Days of Christmas Charity!

AD Robles iconAD Robles


Welcome back!


Hi there. Hope you had a good Thanksgiving. I know I sure did. I hope you feasted.
I know I sure did. Probably a little too much. I hope you enjoyed your time with your family.
If you did see family. If you didn't, I hope you enjoyed your time doing whatever it is that you did. But I am back.
I am back. I was actually supposed to come back yesterday, but there was a big snowstorm that prevented my travels.
Right in my travel corridor. So we had to delay a day. And I got back just a couple hours ago.
And I gotta tell ya. Catching up online in my corners of the internet. It's a lot of angst.
A lot of angst going on out there. And listen, I get it. I get it. There's a lot to be angsty about. And to be honest,
I didn't totally unplug. I didn't really participate in too many debates while I was gone.
I did a little bit. A little bit for sure. But anyway, so I took most of the time off.
I didn't make any videos. I didn't do any of that stuff. I wanted to, but I was with family. I was sick actually most of the time.
But it was really good. I hope you enjoyed it as well. What I've decided to do, just to kind of combat the angst.
I mean this is the glorious season, right? At least I thought this was the glorious season. We've got Christmas coming up.
We've got all kinds of festivities and feasting and fun coming up over the next few weeks and stuff like that.
I know some of you don't celebrate Christmas. That's cool. That's cool. But let's just be honest. We have a lot of festivity, a lot of merriment to be had very soon, very soon.
So what I wanted to do is just spread a little Christmas cheer, right? A little Christmas charity if you will.
Because believe it or not, I know some of you might not believe this. There are some people that don't like me.
That's right. There are some people that don't like me and I don't like certain people. That's a fact.
So there's people that don't like me and some people I don't like. But sometimes those two groups are not the same.
So like I don't just automatically dislike people who dislike me. In fact, I like a lot of people that I have a very strong suspicion don't like me very much at all.
Now most of these people haven't told me they don't like me, but some of them have and I still happen to like them very much despite their flaws, despite my disagreements, despite how dangerous
I think they might be for the church in general. There's still some people out there that dislike me very much that I happen to like just fine.
And so what I'm going to do is I'm going to have the 12 days of Christian charity where I'm going to identify 12 people that I have a sneaking suspicion, don't care for your boy ad very much.
Some, some of them I have more than a sneaking suspicion, but I'm going to identify 12 people that I don't think like me, but I actually like them very much.
And I'm going to say, well, I'm going to say how I know them, how I met them. If I've ever interacted with them before, I'm going to say why
I like them. And then I'm going to give them some unsolicited, probably unwanted advice for 2020 to each of these people.
Because I think that there are a lot of people out there that don't care for your boy ad that I think have a lot to offer the church and I want to help them out.
So I'm going to give them some unsolicited, again, probably very much unwanted advice. All as part of my 12 days of Christian Christmas charity.
Yeah, I got to get the title of this right. But yeah, 12 days, 12 people each day, I'm going to say who they are, how
I know them. What was the second thing? Why I like them, despite the fact that they dislike me and some unsolicited advice.
So it could be, I think it'll be fun. I think it'll be a lot of fun and I'm serious. I'm not joking.
Well, listen, it's very hard for me not to joke. I will joke, but I am serious that I do actually like these people.
And I think some of the names on this list might surprise a lot of you, might surprise a lot of you.
I think there are some people that really don't like me and people that go after me from time to time that I actually happen to like very much.
But look for looking forward to doing this. This is this will be a lot of fun. I think it's like I said, it's a glorious season.
It's time for charity, goodwill towards men. And listen, we all don't get along all the time.
But at the end of the day, just because somebody doesn't like you, it doesn't get along with you doesn't have the same opinions as you. It doesn't mean you have to automatically hate them.
You know what I mean? It doesn't mean that at all. You can, you can, you can very much like people. And I intend to, to help demonstrate that this, this idea, that's what
I intend to do. So I hope you enjoy it. I don't know when I'm going to start because this week has been a little crazy.
I hope to start this week, but thanks for, uh, for watching. Um, and again, looking forward to talking to you.