The Chosen is Hiding Some Things... | Voddie Baucham

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I was shocked to hear about The Chosen, John MacArthur, Voddie Baucham, Jonathan Roumie, Jesus Revolution, Pope Francis, Lonnie Frisbee, Dallas Jenkins, and Derral Eves. YouTube demonetized my entire channel, so if you want to help fund the creation of more videos, here are ways to help. Thanks so much!! Patreon - PayPal - [email protected] Venmo - @TreasureChrist Subscribe to help spread Truth. Can we reach 1M subscribers by the end of the year? Only with your help :). Thank you so much for your support and encouragement!!!


This and Z, doing laundry together, would be one of the most fascinating scenes. If I actually said those words definitively, if I actually made the statement, evangelicals and LDS love the same
Jesus, or LDS are Christians, that would be a problem, and here's why. Not because there aren't
LDS folks who are Christians, and not because there aren't LDS and evangelicals who love the same Jesus, but because it would be wrong of me to ever say that any one group believes any one thing altogether.
For Dr. MacArthur, yesterday you spoke a little bit about Mormonism, and today about how
Jesus is the only way. At my school and places, I encountered these people, and yeah, we disagree, but they say we basically believe, we believe in Jesus too, and we believe he died on the cross.
I was wondering how I can talk to them and how I would approach them without,
I don't want to call them demon worshipers or anything like that. You may get to that, of necessity.
Jesus? Yes. Jesus? No, no, no, no, no, but I am Protestant. I am making a show for everyone who loves
Jesus. Go to our Catholic friends. Listen to this, the Council of Trent, session six, canon nine.
If anyone says that by faith alone the sinner is justified, so as to mean that nothing else is required to cooperate in order to obtain the grace of justification, let him be anathema.
Again, session six, canon 11. If anyone says that men are justified either by the imputation of righteousness, of the righteousness of Christ alone, or by the remission of sins alone, to the exclusion of the grace and love that is poured forth in their hearts by the
Holy Spirit and is inherent in them, or even that the grace by which we are justified is only the favor of God, let him be anathema.
And finally, if anyone says that the guilt is remitted to every penitent sinner after the grace of justification has been received and that the debt of eternal punishment is so blotted out that there remains no debt of temporal punishment to be discharged either in this world or in the next in purgatory before the entrance to the kingdom of heaven can be opened, let him be anathema.
They do not preach the same gospel. To be honest, I really want to like The Chosen.
It's clear that the people working on it are extremely talented, and it presents the story of Jesus in a way that has led to countless people becoming more interested in the
Bible. However, there are two enormous problems with The Chosen.
First, The Chosen confuses people about the truth concerning both Mormonism and Catholicism.
Daryl Eaves, a Mormon, is co -founder and executive producer of The Chosen, and Jonathan Rumi, a
Catholic, is the lead actor who plays Jesus in the show. Listen to some very disturbing things
Rumi said in this interview regarding Lonnie Frisbee, whom he played in the movie,
Jesus Revolution. In poking around about Lonnie Frisbee, I discovered that his funeral was held at Robert Shuler's Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove, California.
Very, yeah. Which is now a Catholic cathedral. It's ironic.
Isn't it? So interesting. He was a big fan. Lonnie was a fan of St. Francis. When he started preaching, he would -
I could see that. He had a walking stick, he had a leather mantle. He probably was barefoot for a lot of the time.
And he carried a bag slung around him in which he had a bottle of olive oil that was stuffed with pieces of cinnamon and frankincense, and he would anoint people, you know?
Oh, wow. Anoint people in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. And so he had talked about being a fan of St.
Francis. So before I started work, I went over to Christ's Cathedral, and I sat by his grave, and I prayed a rosary.
Keep in mind that Lonnie Frisbee is dead, and Rumi is supposedly praying a rosary with Lonnie Frisbee.
This is completely unbiblical and problematic. Oh, he didn't realize he's buried there, too.
Oh, yeah, he's buried there, yeah. Oh, wow, I'm gonna have to go take a look at that. Yeah, it's powerful.
In fact, I sat down and I prayed with him. The space just to his right is empty, so I got to sit down, or lie.
At one point, I even lied down because I just thought it would be kind of interesting to try to connect in some way.
That's probably more information than you need for me and my published work. Again, we hear Rumi talk about trying to connect with a dead man by lying down on Lonnie Frisbee's grave.
Again, this is absolutely not at all Christian. I said, you know, it's the truth.
And so I finished praying with him, and I said, Lonnie, I want to honor you with this film, and I really want to bring justice and the testament to the gifts of God's grace and powers that you displayed while you were on this earth.
And so if this is a good idea that I do this film, have somebody give me a sign.
Give me a sign, God, give me a sign. Rumi is speaking as if Lonnie Frisbee is in the room with him and is asking
Frisbee to give him a sign. But of course, the Bible never teaches Christians to pray or talk to people who are dead.
And the minute the words left my mouth, behind me, there was a door, and this giant cord rang out for about five seconds.
And then - From the organ. From the organ. Wow. I hadn't heard it before. And that's the very organ that used to be there when it was the, it's the same organ, that when it was the
Crystal Cathedral. It was sent out and refurbished and whatnot, but it's the same one. So I heard that and I was like, okay, thanks for that.
So Rumi believes that Lonnie Frisbee responded to his request for a sign by playing a sound from the organ.
Rumi is not just a Catholic, which is problematic enough by itself, but he also holds to some very disturbing beliefs about communicating with people who are already dead.
Now let's listen to some more of what Dallas Jenkins, the creator, director, and co -writer of The Chosen said about Mormonism.
We oftentimes will label the entire group as having a particular belief or a particular personality.
It would be just as dumb for me to say that all LDS are Christians as it would be to say that all evangelicals are
Christians or that all Catholics are Christians or any other faith tradition. And it would also be dumb of me to say that none are.
That's also a level of arrogance that I don't possess. I happen to be speaking about, when I've talked about my brothers and sisters in Christ and I've talked about those
LDS folks that I know who love the same Jesus I do, I'm referring to some of the friends that I have who identify as LDS, who
I've gotten to know very deeply over the last few years in particular, and have had hundreds of hours of conversations with, and I stand by the statement that those friends of mine that I'm referring to absolutely love the same
Jesus that I do. Now, you may still go, well, that can't be true, that can't be true. And that's your right to think that.
But it's not fair to say, oh, then you are now speaking about everybody. I know plenty of evangelicals who
I would say don't know the same Jesus that I do and don't love the same Jesus that I do. Of course, Jenkins is absolutely correct that many professing evangelicals do not believe in the biblical
Jesus and are not saved. However, Jenkins says that he has Mormon friends who absolutely love the same
Jesus that I do. However, the official teachings of Mormonism and the official teachings of Protestantism are not at all the same concerning Jesus.
So the fundamental question we need to ask is, if a Mormon believes in the same Jesus as a
Protestant, then why does that person still identify as a Mormon rather than as a
Protestant? It seems the truth is that people within Mormonism, as well as people within Catholicism, such as Pope Francis, are working very hard to convince people that Christianity is broad enough to also include
Mormonism and Catholicism. In contrast to many who gloss over the fundamental differences in theology between Protestantism and Mormonism, John MacArthur reveals the truth about what
Mormonism officially teaches. Just to talk about Mormonism for a moment, because we all confront this,
I have had a couple of personal private meetings with the
Theological Brain Trust of BYU who came down, spent hours and hours with me.
Robert Millet, I don't know that name, who writes most of their stuff on theology.
And we have talked through all of these issues. Here's the problem, they are polytheists.
They have millions of gods, just millions of them and more all the time.
Every time Mormons have a baby, they potentiate another god. So this is anything but Christian in its view of God.
They have a Christ who is another Jesus. And another
Jesus is a way to preach another Jesus and you get cursed. 2
John, I have nothing to do with them or become a partaker of their evil deeds.
But what they said to me was, we love Jesus. In fact, they said, we love Jesus so much and we want our young people at BYU to love
Jesus. And so we've had our students in some of the classes read the gospel according to Jesus that you wrote to help them to love
Jesus more. I went into panic, what did I leave out? That was not a good experience for me.
But they said to me, we also believe in grace.
And they do, they have this sort of, this massive grace concept that most people, even though they don't become
Mormons, they won't get, there are three heavens in Mormonism and only one of them is where you wanna be.
The other two are, you're stuck with being single forever. There's a lot of weird sexuality in Mormonism as you know that is part of it.
But there's this first heaven, which is where grace operates.
And this is a kind of near universalism where just because God is gracious,
He'll let you into that place and it's better than hell. Most people will get to that place, but you're stuck being single and you're stuck in a deprived situation.
But if you have any desire to get to the second or the third, you better crank up the works.
So in the end, wrong God, wrong Christ, wrong way of salvation.
They also say the Bible is corrupt. You see that in all their literature.
The Bible has been corrupted. It is not trustworthy. It is not always right. It is not correct.
And you have to turn to them for the correct interpretation of it and all of that.
So I think you can start with the authority of scripture. You can start with the person of God. You can start with the person of Christ or you can start with salvation by grace.
They even said to me, we believe in salvation by grace. And I said, well, explain the full extent of that.
Well, God didn't have to give us a way to earn our way into heaven. So it's a gracious thing that He allows us to do that.
But I think you can pick any one of those you want or try one and then try another, but you need to first distance them from Christianity.
This is the thing they're trying. They're trying to close the gap. This is their formidable effort. You need to make sure they understand that this is more like Hinduism and paganism and false religion than it is anything to do with Christianity.
And so they need to understand that, that they are anything but Christian. They are seriously, fatally and terminally non -Christian.
John, don't you think that there's a schizophrenia in Mormonism in the sense that in this kind of a context, they desperately want to be considered as Christians, but the whole rhetoric of Mormonism has been,
Christianity has been corrupted and we alone have corrected it. So we only understand it, but we want to be considered one of you too.
At the same time, both of those sides are played. That's right. And the best can be said of us who are non -Mormons is that we may get into grace heaven, the lowest heaven and be stuck being single forever.
And with all the deprivations that also go along with that situation, yeah. We already heard from Voti Bacchum about how the
Roman Catholic Council of Trent declared the doctrine of justification through faith alone to be anathema, even though that doctrine is at the heart of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Besides that, there are numerous other doctrines within Roman Catholicism that are completely contradictory to what scripture clearly teaches.
Genuine and discerning believers through all the history of the church and today understand the false priesthood.
They understand the heresy of revelation by tradition. They understand the illegitimate power of the magisterium, the body of leaders.
They understand the idolatry of saint worship. True believers understand the horrific exaltation of Mary above Christ and even above God.
They understand this twisted sacrament of the mass which attempts to re -sacrifice
Christ. True Christians understand the false forgiveness of the confessional, the uselessness of infant baptism and the other sacraments.
The money motives behind the invention of purgatory as a way to raise money. People giving money to the church to buy their dead relatives out of this imaginary place called purgatory.
The true church has always understood the disastrous harm of indulgences, buying your own way out of purgatory by giving money to the system.
The true church has always understood the false works of righteousness that assumes that you can earn your way into heaven.
The abomination of the worship of idols and relics, prayers for the dead, the perversion of forced celibacy.
All of these things have been very clearly heresies and the true church has always understood it.
And at the top of the pile, the true church has always understood the Pope as a usurper of the headship of Christ over his church.
The reformers brought this to its focal point under Martin Luther's launch.
And that's where Protestantism came from. Even at the cost of their own lives, they understood this and they preached this.
Earlier, we mentioned a second major problem with the chosen. Even if the chosen had none of the problem we have mentioned, even if everyone involved in the project were devout evangelical
Christians, even if there were no Mormons or Catholics involved in the project, there would still be a major problem with the show, which is that in the second commandment,
God prohibits making images of God. Even though Jesus took on a human nature in the incarnation, the truth is that we do not know what
Jesus looked like. So it is problematic to create our own interpretation of what
Jesus looked like. And he says, well, do you tell white evangelicals that they need to get rid of pictures of white
Jesus? And you could tell when he asked, that he was like,
I got you now. To which I responded, I tell everybody to get rid of pictures of Jesus.
And so he missed it and he said, but do you tell those white evangelicals, right?
Because again, like it was a curse word, you preach to white evangelicals, right?
That hurt my feelings, by the way. Do you tell them to get rid of pictures of white Jesus? And so, because he didn't understand the first time,
I said, well, actually pictures of Jesus are a violation of the second commandment.
So I tell everybody to get rid of pictures of Jesus because I don't want people violating the second commandment.
As Christians, the ends do not justify the means. We must be faithful and obedient to what
God commands and refuse to do things because we think our methods generate better results than the methods
God has prescribed in scripture. There are countless people who are reading the Bible more because of watching the chosen, yet they still do not know the true saving gospel of Jesus Christ.
So first and foremost, it's important that we get the gospel right because if we don't, there are people out there, including ourselves, who will be duped into believing that they are right with God when in fact they are at enmity with him.
You believe the wrong gospel, it doesn't matter how sincere you are in your belief. You are merely sincerely wrong.
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