BREAKING: Pastor Ministering to the Navy SEALs. You can help.

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Good evening, everybody. My name is Pastor Jeff Durbin. I'm with Apologia Church in Arizona. Thank you so much for watching this breaking news
Show tonight very important things. I have to share with you Many of you guys know me as pastor
Apologia Church We have many ministries like endabortionnow .com And things like that that deal in the area of cultural engagement and bringing the gospel into very difficult places and into the public square
Wanted to report to you all what some of you may have already seen today that I broke a story today about my counseling and ministering to a number a
Significant number of United States Navy SEALs who are Christians They have very strong commitments to the
Lordship of Jesus Christ to the law of God And to the command to love their neighbors as they love themselves
They are committed to the biblical principle of the preservation of human life and these are Navy SEALs who are
Resisting the vaccine mandate now as of right now There are hundreds hundreds of United States Navy SEALs our most important warriors
One of the most significant fighting forces in the history of the world. There are hundreds of United States Navy SEALs who are opposed to the mandatory vaccine resisting the vaccine many of these seals have actually already had kovat and Recovered from it and they have natural immunity and this is their essential story right now
They're being told that they need to get the vaccine or they are going to be non deployable
They will not be able to deploy as Navy SEALs, which means in resisting getting this experimental vaccine
They will no longer be Navy SEALs That's a situation that they're being put into right now and what's important to note about this at the start
I want to make sure that I'm expressing what they're going through in a fully accurate way. These are
United States Navy SEALs These are disciplined men. These are strong men. These are critically thinking men
We need that in them and these are men who are silent professionals. That means that these men do not want
The limelight they don't want the spotlight on them at all They do not want to come out publicly and use the
Trident for any personal gain These are men that ultimately and this sounds odd in terms of talking about the best warriors in the world
They can't speak for themselves. And so I am speaking on their behalf I've been counseling and ministering to a number of these
United States Navy SEALs who again are Christians and these are Men who have committed to lay their lives down for your family and mine for our safety
These men represent the very tip of the spear and in this particular fight They represent the tip of the spear in one of the most important fights
That's probably affecting your family right now this nationally mandated vaccine and this federally mandated vaccine even for the military and it's important for you to know as I Explain to you what they're going through It's important for you to hear from me that these men do not represent a group of men within the
Navy SEALs who are Anti -vaxxers or anything like that at all no matter how the leftist media tries to spin this they are not anti -vaxxers
These are United States Navy SEALs and anybody who's been in the military knows that you will often go down a line getting
Hit with vaccines now the difference between that situation and what they're facing right now
Is that this particular vaccine is new has no long -term safety data
And that's an irrefutable fact an undeniable fact because it's new We just got it. So there's no long -term safety data and anybody can read the documents the hundreds and hundreds of pages of documents that are coming out on a regular basis from solid scientists and Reputable people even in government that will tell you that the short -term data that's coming from this vaccine is actually pretty alarming
There are a number of people who have been harmed for this vaccine from this vaccine or even killed and these
Navy SEALs again They've been vaccinated up and down but the difference between that the long -term safety data vaccines and this
The difference is stark and these men are strong men Critically thinking men and they're warriors and they're disciplined men and they're committed men and they're consistent men in many respects and in this case
They see this as Christian men the men that I'm speaking on behalf of They see this as Christian men as a violation of their commitment to the
Lordship of Jesus Christ as Christ as ultimate And this is really important because these men represent very very disciplined men who respect their chain of command
They do they truly do they want no attention and they honestly can't even appeal for help because they're the silent
Professionals these men represents the most disciplined kind of men who respect their government and their chain of command
They have honor for their government And of course they would these are the men that go into battle when their government tells them to do it they go in front of bullets for your sake and for mine when their government tells them to You can't get a more disciplined man than that.
You can't get a more respectful man than that. However in this case These Christian men recognize a very important fact that if no transcendent law is recognized above the state
Then the state has become God and they can't abide by that These are men who are submitted to the
Lord Jesus Christ as ultimate they honor their country. They honor their president They honor our form of government, but they recognize that there's only one
King Jesus and that's where these men stand So they have a commitment first and foremost to the
Lordship of Christ to the kingship of Christ to the ultimacy of Christ and with that God's law word his word as supreme and his law as supreme
They view as the historic Christian tradition does this perspective that's being handed down now through the lens of Lex -rex, it's the historic
Christian position on the law of God as ultimate Lex -rex is ultimately this the law is king
It is not the king is law. It is that the law is King Ultimately that God's divine word his law word is ultimate and these men
Took an oath before God and their countrymen. They raised their hand to God as a way of essentially saying
God View this and remember this swearing an oath to God that they would uphold the
Constitution of the United States of America There are principles there that are straight from Scripture life
Liberty and the pursuit of happiness that comes from the Christian worldview These are Christian men consistent
Christian men who not only have an allegiance to the Lordship of Jesus Christ But to the law word of God and these men know their history
They know where we've come from and they know how we got the laws of this nation They know that it was the Christian worldview and biblical principles that actually gave rise to this grand experiment
When they raised their hand as an oath to God They swore an oath to something that was entirely meaningful to them that oath meant something because it represented truths
That they're committed to because of the Lordship of Jesus Christ because of their Christian commitments that oath
Was meaningful and brothers and sisters I can say this on behalf of them They meant it when they swore that oath
They're also committed to the command of Christ his second greatest commandment
The first is to love God with all your heart and soul and mind and strength that goes to their allegiance to Christ The second commandment is to love your neighbor as you love yourself and these men these
Christian Navy SEALs They recognize that love for neighbor demands that you hold to the preservation of human life
That is a biblical principle through God's law word from beginning to end
The preservation of human life and so these men are not just simply concerned for themselves in terms of Taking an experimental vaccine with no long -term safety data
They're concerned for their families and they're concerned for their countrymen They're concerned for the community around them that they took an oath to defend
And so when they look through this they look through this as Christians as critically thinking men
Christian men who see the preservation of human life as premier and brothers and sisters
I want to just ask you to think about something for a minute These are men who have committed to lay their lives down for you and for me.
That's not a theory That's a fact they do it and they've demonstrated that they will do it over and over and over They live their lives these
Christian Navy SEALs live their lives with that premier Lee in front of them Preserve human life protect the innocent.
That's why they do what they do These are their convictions and in terms of what's being asked of them right now
They're being asked to participate in a national experiment. That is ultimately I'm saying this unconstitutional
Unlawful and it is a national experiment that actually violates their Christian commitments to work towards the preservation of human life
They see this experimental vaccine and they say we don't have enough time to view this Long -term data to view this the short -term data is alarming us.
We're confused We're concerned and they need more time and that is where you come in brothers and sisters
What the Navy SEALs are asking for these Christian Navy SEALs with an allegiance to Christ as Lord What they're asking for from their government is more time
More time so that they can actually ask questions. They can actually put forward their argumentation
They can stand on their Christian convictions. They need more time. That is to say they need congressional support
They need Congress to step in in their place and in the place of military members across all branches
This is happening brothers and sisters everywhere to Christians and even non -christians and all other branches right now
There is a large number of people who are saying no this goes against my conscience This goes against my convictions and my commitments and what they need is more time
The Navy SEALs right now represent the tip of the spear in terms of fighting this fight in a way that is righteous and good
And it's consistent with the laws of this nation Again, the premier thing these Navy SEALs would want you to know is this
For them, this is about Christ. This is about neighbor and ultimately this is about the gospel itself
I'm speaking on their behalf right now. They want people to know that they believe that this nation is
Dealing with a problem and the problem is not just left or right It's not merely political and dealing with the partisan politics.
The issue before us in this nation is sin The issue is sin all of us are sinners before a holy
God all of us are rebels We're broken and all of that rebellion and all that sin will be seen in so many different ways in our lives and personal
Relationships and even in terms of government sometimes government tries to deify itself
Sometimes government tries to become God any quick look any quick look at human history will demonstrate that without question
Government often tries to become God just ask North Korea Ask Stalin, ask
Pol Pot, ask Mao. It's happened in our very recent history Actually government tries to become
God and the problem is human sin. We're prideful. We're rebellious We're idolatrous and our sin expresses itself in so many different ways and I'm speaking again on behalf of Navy SEALs who love the
Lord Jesus Christ and are committed fully to him and their Resistance is because of their commitment to him. They want their nation to know
Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord They want people to know the same Savior that these men know their
Lord who gave them forgiveness and life and peace Because he is God in the flesh who lived a perfect and sinless life
Who died for sinners and he rose again from the dead and he calls all people To turn and to trust in him to receive forgiveness and life and peace.
That's what they would want their neighbors to know But as a pastor, I'm saying
On top of all that good news that one of the glories of the Christian worldview is that the
Christian Church becomes light to the world We know Jesus were reconciled to God.
We're united to Jesus and then we become light to the world We become salt that stops things from decaying.
It's a preservative It shines light and darkness and the glory of the Christian worldview is it is it's not just about saving us from sin
Is that the goodness of Jesus Christ actually extends out into the world through his church in terms of justice?
liberty and peace that comes from his law word and These men recognize that when we abandon the
Christian worldview in the Christian roots of this nation What's only what's left is only tyranny It's only totalitarianism.
And so these Christian men this significant number of Christian Navy SEALs who have a complete allegiance to the
Lord Jesus Christ and have deep Christian commitments They're resisting
They're resisting in ways That are extremely meaningful Just consider this there are so many members of the military and I want you to know right now that we're praying for you
Who are resisting and be having their jobs threatened their careers are threatened their ability to feed their families
Their children are threatened right now many of you nurses doctors Hospital staff you've already been fired.
You've already quit You've already had to walk away because you've been told to take an experimental vaccine And it goes against your conscience
So many of you are suffering right now, and I want you to know an apology a church. We're praying for you We really are
So many of you guys have lost your jobs in the last couple of weeks Some of you guys are facing the loss of your job in just the next couple of days or maybe even by tomorrow
Because of these unconstitutional mandates we want you to know that we're praying for you, too
Please pray for the Navy SEALs and support them help them because these men right now are
Demonstrating that they're willing to go into the fight that matters the most and risk everything to risk losing their careers
Losing their status as SEALs to once again be the tip of the spear to fight for you
I Mean this isn't about them. That's the thing that they have constantly said as I've been counseling them and ministering to them
This isn't about them This is about their countrymen. This is about their God. This is about justice
Again, I want to reiterate these are men who love Jesus and are fully committed to him and they want you to know that you can have life and peace and forgiveness in him and They need your prayers and support.
So here's what you can do right now This is what you can do. You can go to stand with warriors org stand with warriors dot
O -r -g stand with warriors dot o -r -g It's a site that's been set up That's going to be used to actually help to fund the legal battle that these
Navy SEALs are going to have to be a part Of we have an ex -member of JAG an attorney who is actually working with some of these
SEALs right now Who is trying to support them and trying to get them more time and trying to fight this legal battle itself
If you go to stand with warriors org and you get connected there and you end up giving there
That's gonna go towards helping to fight the legal battle for the legal battle for these Navy SEALs The fight that needs to be had pray for them
Now, I know you hear this often because I recognize this in myself. Here's somebody say contract contact your congressman
Contact your congresswoman Contact your state legislature and demand of them that they do something about such -and -such a thing
Oftentimes you hear somebody say that and then nothing is ultimately done by me or by us.
We just don't let's admit it in this case The implications of this mandate are so far -reaching that you will
Love somebody who is affected by this you're gonna love somebody or you know, somebody that's been hurt by this perhaps you
Already have been This is going to affect so many people and if we want to see change number one, we need
Christ We need the gospel. We need peace with God and number two We need to be light in a situation like this
We need to actually call upon God's deacon the civil civil authorities and the governing authorities and we need to say do your job
Do your job protect the citizens uphold righteousness in this state or in this country
Protect these Navy SEALs as they are essentially engaging in this In many ways first in terms of when the
American people are really hearing about this. So let's pray for these Navy SEALs Let's support them
Contact your congressman or congresswoman and demand of them that they do everything they can right now to support the
Navy SEALs as they are ultimately trying to resist this mandate and do away with this very
Unconstitutional and unrighteous and unjust order again go to stand with warriors org all of that Ultimately is going to go towards supporting our warriors our men and women of Christian faith who are standing against this vaccine