The Fear of Unbelievers is Like a Fine Wine

AD Robles iconAD Robles



Hello there, this is AD Robles, and you're listening to AD on the Fight Laugh Feast Network.
Alright, well, we've got an early AD on Fight Laugh Feast Network episode this week.
Normally I upload on Thursdays, I should say. But today is Tuesday, but it's an emergency.
Oh, it is an emergency. The pagans are trembling with fear, and it is a beautiful thing.
You have to learn how to appreciate the fear of pagans. It's like a fine wine.
The more they fear the people of God, the better off I think we all are.
And this is a beautiful, beautiful thing. God in Deuteronomy, one of my favorite books, he's talking about the covenant that he's making with Israel, and in the beginning of the book he says, this very day, listen to this, this is an awesome, awesome line.
He says, this day I will begin, I'm sorry, let me start over again.
This day I will begin to put the dread and fear of you upon the nations under the whole heaven, who shall hear the report of you and shall tremble and be in anguish because of you.
So he says, this day I'm going to make the pagans fear you. They're going to hear about what you're up to, they're going to hear about what you're doing, and they're going to be afraid of you.
Later in the book, in chapter 28, he talks more about what this fear is all about, because it's really not the people themselves that they're fearing.
They're not fearing the Israelites themselves. They're fearing something else, and this is what it says in Deuteronomy 28.
It says, then all the peoples of the earth shall see that you are called by the name of the
Lord, and they shall be afraid of you. Beautiful. Beautiful.
We have to learn how to appreciate the fear of the pagans, because it's not us that we fear.
We're not mighty. We're not many in number. We're not super intelligent, and that's why they're fearing us.
No, they fear us because they recognize full well that we are called by the name of the
Lord. We are not beholden to their phony baloney rules. We don't care about what they think is moral.
We don't care about what they think is the right thing to do. We are laser focused on serving one master.
We're not serving two masters. We're not trying to divide our time or divide our attention. I am not trying to balance my life and my religion.
You know what I mean? I'm not trying to do that. We serve one master. We serve the
Lord Jesus Christ. We're called by his name, and because of that, they fear us, and it is a beautiful thing.
Nobody fears Gospel Coalition. I mean, let's just face that. Gospel Coalition, nobody reads an article of Gospel Coalition or hears what
Gospel Coalition is up to behind the scenes and stuff like that and writes fear porn pieces about it.
Nobody does that because Gospel Coalition is an example of gay Christianity. Here's an example.
Gordon, what are you thinking of writing for the Gospel Coalition next? Well, I'm actually working on a very, very interesting article now.
I've been doing a lot of research. It's about all of the gospel parallels in the Moderna vaccine.
Oh, the gospel parallels in the Moderna vaccine.
That's a joke, right? That's obviously a joke, but all you have to do is go to the Gospel Coalition and peruse what they offer the world, and none of it will strike fear in any pagans.
They're going to read it, and they're going to be like, oh, yeah, right on, you know, of course. You know, the vaccine, the Moderna vaccine. Oh, the gospel parallels in the new
Trolls movie? Sure, like that sounds great. Basically, what Gospel Coalition's shtick is is taking something pagan and pretending there's all kinds of Christianity in it.
Oh, man. It's gay Christianity, gay Christianity. Doug Wilson earlier this year gave a speech, or maybe he preached a sermon.
I can never tell what these conference things are. I'm going to call it a speech because it's at a conference and not a church service. He made a speech called,
I think it was called gay Christianity, and in the speech, he basically says, I'm defining gay
Christianity as fruitless Christianity. So gay Christianity doesn't have to actually affirm homosexuality.
It could just be a fruitless version of Christianity that doesn't really change anything about the culture, that, you know, stupid articles about the six gospel parallels of the metaverse and stupid nonsense like that.
Nobody's scared of the Gospel Coalition. Nobody sees what they're up to and says, oh, my goodness, what is going on?
There's a bunch of fundamentalists. Nobody does that, but I want you to enjoy this article. This is from The Guardian.
I saw Andrew Torba share this article, and I was like, oh, this must be one of those things that Torba sometimes does where he revives an old gab.
Like he'll repost something he gabbed like a few months ago. Because if you remember, The Guardian wrote about Doug Wilson and Christchurch in Idaho a few months ago.
We all had a good laugh, but it's not a redo. It's a new article. They wrote a second article about Christchurch and Doug Wilson, and this is so funny, guys.
I read this article, my heart filled with joy. The fear of the pagans is palpable.
Jason Wilson here, look at this cream puff. Jason Wilson here, he's very, very worried about the fundamentalists and, excuse me, very, very worried about the fundamentalism making inroads into mainstream.
Let's read this because this is beautiful. He tries his best to make this sound so nefarious, and it's just so funny what he's doing.
Let me just read it. It's titled, U .S. Christian Right Group Wages Culture War with Books, Cartoon, and Nature Doc.
The leaders of Idaho's Christchurch are making concerted efforts to enter mainstream amid complicated financial arrangements.
Ooh, that sounds really, really bad. I mean, maybe we should start getting the RICO laws, looking into this because there's some racketeering going on here.
I mean, they're producing books, guys, books. And complicated financial arrangements.
You're going to find out what that means in a second. Complicated financial arrangements to produce books and cartoons and nature.
It sounds very nefarious, I know. The pagans are terrified right now.
There's another verse in the scriptures that talks about how the wicked will run away, they'll flee when there's nobody pursuing.
They're going to see trouble under every rock. And there might be some truth to that.
Let's read this article. First of all, this is what they fear the most. You just take a look at this picture. And they fear men and women, families with children, all worshiping the name of the
Lord in public. We're not hiding in the church building. We're not keeping our light under the little bushel.
Maybe we're in our little Christian ghetto. No, no. This is in public where there's men and women and children not ashamed, praising
God, lifting their hands to the Lord, singing psalms to God in protest of nonsense.
Complete tyrannical nonsense. The Gospel Coalition doesn't do this stuff. Gospel Coalition goes with the flow.
That's why nobody's scared of that kind of gay Christianity. Gospel Coalition's gay Christianity is...
Their days are numbered, guys. Let's just face it. Gospel Coalition is going to be completely defunct at some point.
It might always exist as a website, but it's going to be relegated to just the dustbin.
Because it's gay Christianity. There's no fruit there. All they do is put propaganda forward and give it a little spin of Christianity and call it a day.
Let's read the scary, nefarious tale of Christ's church in Moscow, Idaho.
The son of Pastor Douglas Wilson of the controversial Christ's church in Moscow, Idaho and a close associate have made significant inroads into mainstream culture in America with a successful streaming cartoon based on a book published by the church's own imprint.
That sounds really scary, guys. They're making inroads with a cartoon. It's on a streaming service.
Some of you guys know what the cartoon is, but don't worry, the big reveal is coming. They didn't want to put that in the beginning of the article because I think they realized how stupid it was.
People would stop reading at that point, but they're going to tell you the big reveal is coming. There's a cartoon out there that's pumping
Christian propaganda. The Guardian has previously reported on how the church, which aims to create a theocracy in the
United States, has increased its power and influence in its hometown while also campaigning vociferously against efforts to curb the coronavirus pandemic.
Those developments come amid a broader rise in the right wing across the United States. At the same time,
Christ's church is seeking to use television and book publishing to enter U .S. popular culture and promote its interests.
I mean, can you imagine the demons? They want to use cartoons and books to promote messaging.
I mean, only Satan's allowed to do that. The audacity of these
Christians. You see, they're fine with gay Christianity that doesn't produce anything of any value. But once Christians start producing things of value, well, then they start writing their fear pornography and getting everyone all uppity and scared and worried and clutching their pearls and shaking like a leaf.
I can just imagine all the horrified women reading this article, just literally shaking right now.
Anyway, let's continue. Wilson's son Nathan Wilson and his manager and close associate
Aaron Wrench have simultaneously... I love how they close associate. It makes it sound like it's the mafia. He's a friend of ours.
You know what I mean? He's not a friend of theirs. He's a friend of ours. Aaron Wrench has simultaneously been attempting to crowdfund a creationist nature documentary starring
Doug Wilson's brother Gordon and have continued to market young adult fiction through a mainstream publisher.
Can you imagine? This is so nefarious. They crowdfunded a nature documentary.
It's not just any nature documentary. It's a nature documentary that does not put forward the mythology of magically changing animals from one kind of form to another kind of form and everything just started from the
Big Bang and all of a sudden rocks became animals and then these animals became humans. This is nefarious.
They crowdfunded that. Can you think of a worse... Maybe there's some illicit funds in there too.
Maybe this is actually just money laundering. Who knows? Who knows what this could be? It's a nature documentary.
Listen to this. They've also entered into complex, complicated financial arrangements.
See, this is what the mafia does. They enter complicated financial arrangements so you can never track the money and they did it so that they could produce a nature documentary and young adult fiction.
There was a mobster movie where one of the main characters really liked nature documentaries. Do you remember that one? I think it was
Donnie Brosco, one of the mafia guys in Donnie Brosco. He loved nature documentaries.
So maybe this is the mafia. Are you ready for the evidence of the complicated financial arrangements?
This is a good one. They've also entered into complicated financial arrangements which appear to divert money to a troubled charity associated with Christchurch and silently taken control of a number of Christchurch -associated businesses through LLCs which have limited legal and financial reporting obligations.
There's the connection. Complicated financial arrangements that divert money to a charity and are
LLCs. Did you know that I'm a little bit associated with some of these guys?
Fight, Laugh, Feast is probably one of these complicated financial arrangements of which they're talking about. Did you know that I own two separate
LLCs with complicated financial arrangements? I mean, I don't know anything more damning than this.
I mean, they've got LLCs, guys. They've got LLCs so that they can promote their creation documentaries and mainstream young adult fiction.
I mean, I cannot think of something more evil than this. Let's continue because I'm sure that there's even more damning stuff about Christchurch.
The revelations raise further questions about the way in which the church and its local empire of associated institutions are run.
What revelations? What revelations? This is so good.
These are some big revelations. They produced a nature documentary that they were very open about producing.
Who cares if they weren't? It's a nature documentary and young adult fiction. And these are the revelations which raise further questions.
What exactly are you guys up to at Christchurch? What are you up to? Wait a minute.
You own LLCs? You have a book publisher? What else are you up to in there?
I mean, first you start with a nature documentary. What's next? I mean, what could possibly?
Are you going to produce some news reports? I mean, what's going to be next? I mean, once you started a nature documentary, you never know what could be next.
The revelations raise further questions about the way in which the church and its local empire of associated institutions are run and the extent to which it has succeeded in embedding the church's fundamentalist, theocratic teachings in the products of major media conglomerates.
See, this is the thing. They're really worried because this is not gay Christianity. This is fruitful
Christianity. And so now they're worried. They're like, where are their teachings embedded in our culture?
And they're looking everywhere. And here's the reality, pagans. It might be there and it might not, but you'll never know.
You'll never know because you don't know your right hand from your left. You don't know what's what. And so it's probably safe just to ban it all.
Maybe you should just ban it all because you can never be sure when we're secretly trying to subvert your children into learning that a boy has a penis and a girl has a vagina.
I mean, it's subversive stuff. I know. I know. You never know. You never know what we're going to teach.
Actually, you do because it's all in the book, right? So we have a book, and it's our playbook, and everything we're going to teach comes from the book.
So if you want to know what we're up to, just read the book. I mean, it's as simple as that. But you could also write fear porn.
I mean, every paragraph here is twisted to make it sound like a criminal enterprise, right?
Oh, he's a close associate, known associate, and stuff like that. Complicated financial arrangements. It's all made it to sound like it's a criminal enterprise.
What we're talking about are cartoons, nature documentaries, and youth fiction.
Youth fiction that is not perverted. See, that's the real problem here. If we're going to put out youth fiction, it's got to be about the gay teenager who finds out he's gay, and all that kind of stuff.
Otherwise, you can't do it. It's nefarious. All right.
Guardian investigations have shown how Christ Church has accumulated power concentrated in the hands of Doug Wilson's family and a small number of other individuals.
The relationship between Nathan Wilson and Wrench is— By the way, the effectiveness of Doug Wilson and people associated with Doug Wilson, that's a good thing, but they're desperate to try to make it sound evil.
So they're like, oh, he's accumulating power. You better believe it. You better believe it. And we're all doing this, guys.
This is the thing that you ought to be scared of. You see, Doug Wilson is just the beginning. Because all of us are thinking through right now how to get
LLCs, producing valuable items, not just books and cartoons and nature documentaries, as valuable as those things are, because they are valuable, but everything.
Every part of the supply chain, Christians are currently right now figuring out how to gain more and more control, more and more property, more and more power, so that we can influence things according to God's principles and not your satanic principles.
So fear is actually a very appropriate response. This article is full of fear, and it makes me so happy.
It honestly does. It warms my heart. Let's continue to read this terrifying account of an effective non -gay church.
Let's check it out. All right. The relationship between Nathan Wilson and Wrench is evident across a sprawling and lucrative enterprise, which incorporates publishing and media production and real estate.
That's right. We're figuring out how to control stories. We're figuring out how to put those messages out there through various mediums.
We're also buying property. That's right, baby.
It's effective, and it's going to be more lucrative in the future. And guess what? Again, the
Wilsons are just the beginning. Christians everywhere are figuring this whole thing out. That's another reason why you're afraid of Torba, too, because Torba is working through these things as well.
You can see the roadmap. You can see what he's got planned with GabPay and GabTV and all these kinds of things.
And, guys, I know it's scary. Good. Be afraid. You should be afraid.
Let's continue. Wilson, writing as N .D. Wilson, is the author of a number of best -selling young adults and children's books.
Some of these are published with a church -aligned publisher, Cannon Press. But most—this is the scary part—but most are published with mainstream publishers, including two trilogies and two standalone books with Penguin Random House.
This is supposed to be Satan's publisher. What are you doing? How could you publish these Christian fundamentalist books?
And one trilogy with Katharine Teigen books, an imprint of HarperCollins. Wrench, who is a member of Christ Church, along with his brother
Gabriel, serves as Nathan Wilson's literary agent through his own Leaptide Literary Group.
That's another LLC, probably, and it probably has a complicated financial arrangement where he doesn't have to report all of his revenues and earnings and stuff like that.
It's scary. It's scary stuff. The books. Listen to this. This is so funny.
The books. This is what they're so worried about. They wrote fear porn about this.
You ready for this? The books and the series—oh, I'm sorry. This year—sorry.
This year saw the fourth season of an animated children's program, Hello Ninja, screened on Netflix.
This series is based on a picture book authored by Wilson and published by the children's imprint of Christ Church -aligned publisher,
Cannon Press. The books and the series depict children who transform into ninjas and enter a magical kingdom.
Guys, they wrote fear porn about Hello Ninja. Have you seen
Hello Ninja? It's a good show. It's better than Paw Patrol, definitely, but, you know, the same kind of show.
It's just a kid show where, you know, the kids become ninjas and they go through magical quests, and really they're just pretending they're at home and they're learning lessons and going through quests at home.
You know, my kids do this all the time. They're upstairs right now building Bowser's castle so that they can go and defeat
Bowser. You know what I mean? Anyway, so they wrote a whole fear porn article because Hello Ninja is popular, and they have to admit that they're really worried about the fundamentalist, theocratic teachings in Hello Ninja, which, by the way, pagans, it might be there, but you'll never know, so you might as well just ban it because you can't take that risk for Satan's kingdom.
But the book's about kids who pretend to be ninjas and enter a magical kingdom, and there's dragons.
They're terrifying. This is the thing, the wicked run when nobody pursues. They're in dread of God's people, but not because God's people are doing anything that's so amazing.
Look, this is a good show, and it takes a lot of work, and Nathan is a very talented person, but it's a show about children who transform into ninjas and enter a magical kingdom, and the pagans, because Nathan is called by the name of Jesus Christ, are in dread over this show.
Hello Ninja, they're in dread over this, and it's not because the show has overt
Christian messaging and theocratic teachings. It might be there, though, pagans, so keep looking because you'll never know, but it's because Nathan is called by the name of Christ, and he's supposed to be gay.
That's what they want. They want gay Christians who don't do anything. As long as you're a gay Christian who doesn't produce anything, who's not fruitful, who's not multiplying, they're okay with you.
But the minute someone is called by the name of the Lord and is producing things of great value, they're terrified, and so they'll write an entire
Fear Porn article about Hello Ninja. Oh, and don't sell the rest of them short, and also a creation documentary.
There you go. By the way, it's not just a creation documentary the way you think of them normally. It's a nature documentary just about how awesome
God's creatures are. That's it! And they wrote a Fear Porn article about it because the people who made it, it's really good, but the people who made it are called by the name of the
Lord. They fear the fact that God's people are being fruitful and multiplying, and you should be scared because this is just the beginning.
Both Wrench and N .D. Wilson are listed as executive producers of the first series of the program in 2019.
Wilson remains credited as an executive producer and is credited as the creator of the show. Netflix is listed as the production company, but Wrench's production company,
Guerrilla Poet Productions, has elsewhere been identified as a co -producer. Previously, along with other—
See, this is the thing. This is what really strikes fear into their hearts. It's that they're getting credit.
They're called by the name of the Lord. Wrench and N .D. Wilson are unashamed, called by the name of the
Lord, being fruitful, and they're listed as a producer of the show that's very popular.
They don't want Christ getting credit for anything. So it strikes fear into them, and they know that their days are numbered.
You ever wonder what the demons are thinking, right? The demons out there, they know how powerful
God is. They know full well that they can't do anything. They've seen Christ in action. He just kicks them out of people whenever he wants.
They fear this. You ever wonder what they're thinking when they're engaging in their demonic activities?
Like the demon who entered this man who wrote this article, right? You ever wonder what he's thinking? He's like, you know this plan's going to fail, right?
You understand? You see, they're so consumed with hatred and arrogance that they know that this isn't going to work, but they have to go through the motions.
They have to because they just hate God so much that they have to go through it. They know full well that this article is so pathetic.
They wrote fear porn. I can't stress this enough. They wrote fear porn about Hello Ninja.
I'm not trying to take away anything from Hello Ninja. It's a good show. But, guys, there's complicated financial arrangements, too.
Don't forget that. All right. In 2009, GPP and Wrench produced
Collision, which chronicled a series of debates between Wilson and the late writer and celebrity atheist Christopher Hitchens.
Then, in 2015, another film, The Free Speech Apocalypse, chronicled events at Indiana University when students and others protested against Wilson's speech on the grounds of what they saw as his homophobia.
More recently, Wrench and Wilson have been seeking crowdfunding for a nature documentary series,
The Riot and the Dance, which is excellent, guys. It is excellent, which is set to showcase the creationist views of Gordon Wilson, Nathan's uncle,
Douglas' brother, and senior fellow of natural history at the Christchurch -aligned College New St.
Andrews. I don't know. I couldn't speak there for a second. You see this? Like, they're laying it all out there.
I mean, they're crowdfunding to document. They're making documentaries. They're making movies. They're making cartoons.
They're making books. They've got a church -aligned college. Like, guys, they're terrified of this.
Christianity is supposed to be gay as far as they're concerned. It's not supposed to do anything.
We're supposed to corrupt everything the Christians do. That's what they think. Have you seen the new Santa Inc.?
It might as well be called Satan Inc., Santa Inc. movie. They're trying to corrupt Christmas. Obviously, that's not going to work, but they're trying.
They're damnedest. The demons inside of them, they're arrogant. So the demons that inhabit
Sarah Silverman, they think that they can corrupt Christmas. They're not going to be able to do that, but that's what they're trying to do.
But you see, that's the kind of Christianity that they can corrupt. That's the kind that is supposed to exist.
But this kind, they know they can't corrupt it, and it terrifies them. So they'll write fear porn about crowdfunding a creationist documentary.
Here's their woman du jour here. This is the latest Jezebel that has curried favor with the world like you wouldn't believe.
Kristin Dumez. Kristin Dumez is professor of history at Calvin University and author of Jesus and John Wayne, a critical history of white evangelical
Christianity in the United States, which includes scrutiny of Doug Wilson's leadership of Christ Church.
Asked about Wilson's publishing and media enterprises, Dumez said this. Conservative evangelicals have a long history of advancing their religious and political values through popular culture.
The demons inside of her are like, yeah, we're supposed to be the ones that are doing that.
Like this is Satan's domain. Satan is the one that's supposed to be pushing forward his ideas through popular culture.
Like what are these Christians doing? She added that evangelicals produce media for other evangelicals seeking to shield themselves and their family from the corrupting influences in secular culture.
As a result, Dumez wrote that it's always good to follow the money. Since there is a captive market that has been told to distrust secular culture, there is a lot of money to be made in producing religious themed products, particularly those aimed at conservative audience,
Dumez concluded. You see, this is a disaster of an article. Like the logic of this man is completely gone.
It's devoid of any reasoning. Because he just got done trying to strike fear.
He wrote a whole piece of fear porn about how the Christians are making inroads into the pagans domain.
I mean, they've got a Netflix series for goodness sake. They're terrified of Hello Ninja. But Dumez is saying, well, they're just trying to be like, you know, they're just trying to insulate themselves and they just want to make content for each other.
So just follow the money. What is that supposed to mean, follow the money? It's supposed to strike this idea that this is a criminal enterprise of some kind.
All while it's obviously not, but whatever. That's what she's trying to do. But you see how this is the opposite.
She's saying it's because they're creating content for themselves. But the article is about how they're actually making inroads into everybody's domain and that's the real problem that they have with Christchurch.
It's not the way evangelical content used to be. It just simply isn't. It's not the way evangelical content used to be where it was second rate and it was just kind of like a copy of something else and it was just really lame.
I remember the stuff. I was a kid. I grew up in a church. I wasn't a believer at the time. But I grew up in the church and I saw the quality of the content that we had versus the quality of the content that the pagans had.
And the pagans had better quality stuff. See, that's not the problem with Christchurch. The problem with Christchurch is that they're producing stuff of great value.
They've got businesses that have nothing to do with promoting Christianity overtly, but they're just quality businesses that have made inroads into everything and you know it and you're afraid of it because what you want,
Kristen Dumez wants this and the pagans want this. What they want is gay Christianity, a fruitless
Christianity, Christians who don't do anything. That's what they want. So they're writing fear porn about Hello Ninja now.
Listen to this. In an SEC filing which describes the crowdfunding effort, the rationale for the series is laid out.
So they're crowdfunding a documentary that does not worship
Satan and that's the problem. They're not used to Christians doing that at a high level of production value where it might sneak in somewhere where it's not supposed to be because they are used to gay
Christianity. It sounds nefarious.
It totally sounds nefarious. Why would they be able to produce the documentary that they want?
I don't know. I'm not really sure why that's nefarious, but that's certainly the impression. This is the thing.
You better get Netflix to cancel them because there may be messaging in there, theocratic messaging,
God -honoring messaging, true morality messaging in Hello Ninja, but you'll never know.
You'll never know. So you might as well do what you can while you can do it because it's definitely not like it's going to make us stronger or anything.
Canceling Hello Ninja on Netflix, that definitely won't backfire. It definitely won't.
You might as well just get it done. Do what you have to do. Writing articles like this, by the way, this won't backfire either.
Keep writing articles like this because this is definitely helping your cause a lot when you write this article with trying to make a cartoon and a documentary series sound like The Sopranos.
That's definitely not going to backfire. Keep doing it. Keep doing it because this is helping you guys. Look at this. They fear this, guys.
They fear this. They're going to call out the big guns. Kristen Dumez is their big gun right now, which is so hilarious.
Kristen Dumez is their heavy artillery. I got nothing more to say.
I hope you found this podcast helpful. God bless. Don't forget to tune in next week on Thursday or whatever day