David Platt's Big Lie - Exposed With Evidence

AD Robles iconAD Robles


https://issuu.com/sbcv/docs/sbc_of_virginia_2017_annual_report If you want a copy of the pdf I was given here please email me [email protected]


We're not a member of the Southern Baptist Convention. Hi, many of you may be new to the channel.
And so if you are, welcome. My name is A .D. Robles. And earlier today,
I flipped a silver coin that I keep here at my desk. And it was going to be heads or tails. Heads, I do this all professional -like.
And tails, I just go in. But luckily for everybody, it landed on heads.
So I'm going to do this as professionally as I possibly can. Obviously, I have a personality, and that'll come through.
But what I wanted to do is I wanted to provide a little bit of extra information regarding the abject lying that David Platt and the elders at McLean Bible Church are engaged in right now.
And I think the SBC is starting to get in on some of these lies as well. And it's just completely unacceptable.
I was actually texting last night with Ruslan K .D. He's the man that I did the video regarding yesterday.
And he asked me a question. He said, why would David Platt lie about this?
By the way, we're going to have a conversation on my channel on Monday. So look forward to that. I'm looking forward to it. He said, why would
David Platt lie? It's such a stupid thing to lie about that the church is affiliated with the SBC or not.
Like, why would he do it? And I have some theories as to why he would do it. But at the end of the day,
I don't really know the why behind it. I've got some theories, and that'll definitely come out in a future video.
But I told Ruslan, I said, I don't know, Ruslan. I said, I don't know why he's lying. But the fact that he is lying is very clear.
It's obvious. And I think Ruslan's accepted this fact that, in fact, David Platt is lying about this.
Now, yesterday, I did kind of a funny video where I just went to the SBC website and searched McLean Bible Church.
And of course, it came up because it is a Southern Baptist affiliated church. But to be honest,
I didn't want to take away from the research that some people have done about this topic because it is a little bit more depth and more complex than that.
Yes, you can go to the SBC website and look it up, and it's there. But there's a lot more evidence than just that.
Some people were saying, oh, you know, once you appear on that website, you can never get off it. Well, maybe that's true. Maybe it isn't.
But the affiliation could not be more official in McLean Bible Church's case.
Now, this is a document, and I don't know if I'm going to read the entire document, but I was given this document about the evidence regarding McLean Bible Church's affiliation with the
SBC. And this document is very open. It makes no bones about it. There's no hidden agenda here.
They're upset, and they want to hold, it says right here, the call to action. The congregation can no longer be apathetic about the lack of transparency
McLean Bible Church leadership displays. It wants to hold the leadership to account.
And that's a good goal, because the reality is that we understand as Christians, our duty to our brothers and sisters in Christ is to not let them sin willy -nilly.
No, we ought to go to them and confront them with their sin so that they repent. And if they don't repent, we take a few people with us.
I think that's the stage we're in right now, because I was not a part of this, and now people have called me, and let's go to these guys.
Let's come with me, and we'll confront them with their sin. David Platt, you are sinning right now.
To this day, you're lying about this affiliation, and you need to stop. And then if they won't listen, you take it to the church, and eventually they are just treated as if they're
Gentiles, if they refuse to repent of their blatant lying. This document says that the pastoral standard church leadership, it says, is built on truth and trust.
They should be setting the standard for integrity, honesty, and biblical leadership. That's true.
The Bible says that the elder must be above reproach, and at this point, in no ways can you say that David Platt is above reproach.
There is no way, because he continues to lie about the McLean Bible Church's affiliation with the
SBC. And the purpose of this document, you can see it right here, is to bring light to the fact that McLean Bible Church is affiliated with the
SBC in violation of its own constitution. Now, that's the key here, because some people have asked me, well, who cares, right?
I mean, the SBC is a legitimate denomination. Who cares if they're a part of the SBC or not? Well, here's why it matters.
This is the McLean Bible Church's constitution. So, this is the legal document that binds
McLean Bible Church together in its mission and its purpose. So, in the very beginning of this constitution, here is what it says, right after it states the name.
So, this is Article 1, Section 2. Section 1 states the name of the church. That's a good place to start.
Article 1, Section 2 says this, this church shall not and cannot be affiliated.
That's an important word. So, keep affiliated in the back of your mind. Shall not and cannot be affiliated with any denomination, but shall remain independent for the promotion of the gospel of our
Lord Jesus Christ. That's important, because when people become members of this church, when someone becomes a leader of this church, they're signing their name to the dotted line of this constitution.
They're agreeing. Their word, their integrity is bound by this agreement. And they're saying, here is how we are going to run our church.
This is how we're going to elect elders. Whatever the case may be, their yes is saying this.
You know, let your yes be yes. Let your no be no. Your word is binding, right, according to God.
And so, you couldn't come to this church, like David Platt couldn't come to this church, become the pastor, and say, okay, guys, guess what?
We're now going to be known as the David Platt Fund Church. He couldn't do that, because in the constitution, it says the name of this church shall be
McLean Bible Church. So, he wouldn't be able to do that unless the constitution were to change.
And likewise, there shall not and cannot be any affiliation with any denomination.
That's what they decided at the beginning of this church. Now, you may agree with that. You may disagree with that.
But the point is that that's what the document says, right? Affiliation. That's a very important word.
Now, here is the section that talks about the initial request for SBC affiliation.
So, here's what this slide says. MBC requests formal affiliation with the
SBC in September of 2017. McLean Bible Church requested formal affiliation with the
SBC through the Southern Baptist Conservatives of Virginia in September of 2017, the same month
David Platt started. Affiliation, which includes affirming the
Southern Baptist Convention's Baptist Faith and Message 2000, is strictly prohibited in the
McLean Bible Church's constitution. So, here is the—this is from the report.
And I'll include the link to this report in the description of this video. I pulled it up myself because—not because I didn't believe the person who sent it to me, but I just wanted to be sure.
And sure enough, here's the document. I found it. Same page and everything. And what does it say? 2017
Church Affiliation Partnership Report. And you can't see it.
It's right here, but—it's right here, north. It might be hard to read, but it says
McLean Bible Church, Vienna, Virginia. And so, the same month that David Platt starts, they officially request affiliation with the
Southern Baptist Convention. Now, I defy you to say—to show me how requesting affiliation—that's the literal word that is used in this document—somehow doesn't count as being affiliated with the denomination.
So, the Constitution says you shall not and cannot be affiliated with the denomination, but in 2017, the month that David Platt starts,
McLean Bible Church requests formal affiliation with the SBC. That's the end of the discussion right there, by the way.
It's the end of the discussion. They are in violation of their Constitution, and David Platt continues to deny affiliation with the
Southern Baptist Convention, to this day. And so, he's now lying from the pulpit.
He's continually lying. He refuses to repent of his lie, and that should be the end of the discussion, but it's not the end of the evidence, guys.
Maybe this document—maybe—so, maybe what—you know, you could say, well, maybe the website is wrong. I searched the website yesterday and found the church, and maybe this document is wrong.
This official Southern Baptist report is wrong. I mean, they're reporting 18 new affiliations here, of which
McLean Bible Church is one of them. Here's the word it uses on the next page—18 new affiliations.
So, that's the beginning and end of it, right? But it doesn't end there, so here's the next bullet point.
It says, McLean Bible Church's new mission is now that of the North American Missions Board—Send Network—which is to, quote, see the church grow through church multiplication.
Now, you might think that's a pretty good mission, and I would agree. I would like to see the church grow through multiplication.
Now, I wouldn't quite put the church's mission that way. I think that the Great Commission is probably good enough for a mission statement, but this is beside the point, because right after they get affiliation with the
SBC, they also adopt the mission of the SBC's Mission Board, whereas before, if you look one slide up here, the original mission of the
McLean Bible Church was to, quote, make an evangelical impact on metro Washington with the message of Jesus Christ.
It was a very narrow, specific mission, and the idea behind it was, look, if we change
Washington, we can change the world, so we can disciple politicians and policymakers and bureaucrats.
If we can disciple bureaucrats and politicians and leaders, we can change the world for the gospel, because all of a sudden, our leaders and our bureaucrats, they'll be acting as Christians.
This is the mission of our church. We want to do this in this narrow way, in the DC metro area.
That's what we want to do, and so you might disagree with that mission statement, but you cannot deny that that was the mission statement of McLean Bible Church, but then after they joined the
SBC, they changed their mission statement to be more SBC, so that's more evidence that McLean Bible Church has become an
SBC church. This document makes sure to note that McLean Bible Church's affiliation status makes
McLean Bible Church of the same status of every other Southern Baptist church.
There's 47 ,000 of them, so there's almost 50 ,000 Southern Baptist churches, and all of them have the same status as McLean Bible Church, because that's how the
SBC denomination works. You're affiliated with the SBC. You cooperate. It's supposed to be a loose affiliation, so you still have your autonomy, sort of, but you are a member of the denomination and all of that kind of thing, so there's just no question that in 2017, when
David Platt started at McLean Bible Church, McLean Bible Church became an SBC church, and there is no question that that affiliation—again, that word is very important—that affiliation was strictly forbidden by the
Constitution of McLean Bible Church, and yet David Platt continues to lie about this.
But that's not all. That's not all the evidence that we have. We actually have more.
Here is an email that was correspondence from 2017.
So this is when they applied for affiliation. That word is very important.
Let me just say it again. This is when McLean Bible Church applied for affiliation.
Now, we're getting multiple streams of evidence here, guys, and that's important, because, okay, maybe one thing could be misunderstood, maybe another thing could be misunderstood, but now we're getting multiple streams of evidence from people who really have no reason to be hiding this, because it was a good occasion when
McLean Bible Church joined the SBC. That was a reason to celebrate, because, number one, it's a huge church.
I mean, it had thousands upon thousands of members. This is a great reason to celebrate when the
SBC got affiliated with McLean Bible Church. Number two, it's strategically important.
Politicians visit McLean Bible Church. Dignitaries visit McLean Bible Church. Even Donald Trump, President Donald Trump last year or two years ago, visited
McLean Bible Church to get prayed for, and David Platt prayed for him, and then he kind of walked it back.
He cried about it for a little while. So, like, people, important people in our country, leaders, you know, the kings of our time, visit
McLean Bible Church. There's some strategic importance there. So there's money, there's influence, and there's lots of people as well.
And as we know, I mean, the SBC, as it shrinks, it could use a people infusion, and so there's no reason to hide the fact that McLean Bible Church was joining the
SBC. This is an email from the executive director of the state convention. So they've got little organizations.
This is the Virginia State Convention. This is an email where he says—an exciting update that he has—here's what the email says from 2017
September. I want to share an update with you related to the McLean Bible Church and David Platt, the president of the
International Mission Board of the SBC. So he was in the SBC when he became the preacher of this church.
Here's what the update says. It says, McLean Bible Church has applied to affiliate slash partner through the
SBC of Virginia. So this man has no reason to hide this and no reason to make this up.
He says that in September, McLean Bible Church has applied to affiliate. There's that word again.
Affiliate with the SBC of Virginia. McLean Bible Church is a very large church in northern
Virginia. In 2016 and 2017, the church did contribute through the cooperative program.
In the past year, McLean has given over $60 ,000 to help support SBC Virginia -related church plans.
I recently met with their lead pastor, and they now want to officially partner through the
Southern Baptist Conservatives of Virginia—I'm sorry, Convention of Virginia. This church is also a lead church in the
D .C. area with our North American Mission Board's efforts. So again, this guy has no reason to hide it.
We're now getting multiple streams of evidence. They officially applied to partner slash affiliate.
There's that word again. Here's where he shows, like, this guy has no reason to lie, that he's excited about this.
He's very excited about this. As executive director, I want to state that our team and I believe that the
Southern Baptist Convention of Virginia as a whole will be able to be a good partner to McLean Bible Church as they seek to boldly proclaim
God's Word and make disciples. We will seek to be a good partner as this church learns more about how to partner with and through the
Southern Baptist Ministries. And so there's obviously more here, but this person makes no bones about it.
He says, yes, McLean Bible Church is officially applied to affiliate with the Southern Baptist Convention.
Now, let's, you know, just to kind of make sure that this is all buttoned up, some emails were sent to the executive committee this year just to make sure maybe, you know, because you could say,
OK, maybe they were affiliated in 2017, but then maybe they fixed it and unaffiliated by the time that they claimed that they weren't affiliated.
So maybe, I mean, you know, maybe aliens, you know, change the documents to make it look like they were affiliated as well.
But just to check, they emailed the executive committee of the Southern Baptist Convention.
Here is what the email says. It says, hi, this was sent this year in March. Hi, I wanted to briefly connect just with two small questions as I'm trying to learn more about the
SBC. I see McLean Bible Church in Vienna, Virginia is listed on the SBC's website, quote, find a church, and they seem to be a larger giver to the state cooperative.
I just don't see the Baptist Faith and Message 2000 listed on their website. Can you confirm whether McLean Bible Church is affiliated with the
Southern Baptist Convention? Secondly, is the Southern Baptist Convention a denomination? Thanks so much for your assistance.
So there's some shrewdness here, and I appreciate that. So he asks a couple questions and he gets a response from the executive director for church affiliation.
So this is the guy who knows who's affiliated and who's not. There's that word again.
The response comes that same day, a little bit later in the day. It says, yes, McLean Bible Church, David Platt, senior pastor, is affiliated with the
SBC. In our database of record, the data field, quote, affiliation status shows
McLean Bible Church as affiliated at all three levels of affiliation and cooperation, national convention, state convention, and local association.
To your second question, though, through affirmation of this—I'm sorry, through.
Yes, through. To your second question, through affirmation of the Southern Baptist Faith and Message 2000, and by strict definition of denomination, a, quote, distinct religious body within Christianity that comprises all church congregations of the same kinds, end quote, the churches of the
Southern Baptist Convention would compromise the denomination. Let me know how I can help. So, the
SBC, of course, is a denomination. We don't necessarily really need that definition to know that. It operates as a denomination.
It's always spoken of as a denomination. It is a denomination, even if they have a different word for it. It's still a denomination.
You can call a transsexual a woman, but he's still a man.
We get that, right? So, this is a recent interaction where, again, it affirms, one, affiliation, and two, just a little icing on the cake, yes, of course, we're a denomination.
All right. But that's not all. There's more. And again, maybe one or two of these things in isolation, you go, oh, it's a mistake.
But all together, multiple streams, these people have no reason to lie. It's just, it's not, it's not a mistake, guys.
McLean Bible Church is obviously affiliated with the SBC, and David Platt has obviously been lying about this for a long time.
Here's what, here's some additional evidence. We already covered this, that they're listed on the 2017
Report for Conservatives of Virginia. It lists them on the church affiliation.
Here's some money evidence that McLean Bible Church has given more than $375 ,000 through the state cooperative.
Are we to believe that you give almost $400 ,000 to an organization that you're not affiliated with, even though every document that exists says you are affiliated with them?
I mean, come on, guys. I wasn't born yesterday, and neither was anybody else. But there's more. SBC is listed on the online, or McLean Bible Church, rather, is listed on the online
SBC church directory. Here's one. Dun & Bradstreet. Yeah, maybe
Dun & Bradstreet is in on this conspiracy. Dun & Bradstreet wants to help out the people that are concerned about the leadership of their church.
So what they did, if you can see, is they put a DBA. You know what a DBA is? That's a doing business ad.
You can have a name of your company or organization, and you could be doing business as another name and all that.
I have that for my own business. But here's what Dun & Bradstreet says. McLean Bible Church company profile.
Doing business as a Southern Baptist church. McLean Bible Church.
Dun & Bradstreet. So yeah, maybe just Dun & Bradstreet's in on the whole scam, and they just want to help out these guys that are trying to divide up the church.
And so they switched up their documents to say it's a Southern Baptist church.
Sure, sure. That's probably what happened. And of course, then there's here, you know, Christianity Today reports that McLean Bible Church is new to the
Southern Baptist convention in September 14th, 2017. Yeah, maybe they got it wrong.
Again, any one of these things in isolation. Okay, yeah, maybe Christianity Today doesn't know what it's talking about. It often doesn't know what it's talking about.
But you see, Christianity Today has no reason to hide this or make this up. Why would they make this up? What would be the purpose of making up that McLean Bible Church is new to the
Southern Baptist convention in the very month where they formally applied for affiliation with the Southern Baptist convention? But somehow they were wrong.
They just made it up. I mean, again, it's just beggars belief, obviously. So here is some more kind of circumstantial evidence that when you add it to everything else,
I mean, this is just a tsunami of evidence, guys. And Ruslan, man, if you watch this video,
I hope you do, man. This is what I'm talking about. This is not above board. You know what
I mean? David Platt is not above reproach. You know, you might think he's solid, but he's lying about this.
And you ask, why is he lying, Ruslan? I don't know. I've got some ideas and they don't make him look all that great.
You know what I mean? And so let's continue this and we'll wrap this up in a neat little bow in just a second.
This slide talks about how many SBC churches that McLean Bible Church has planted.
So again, he's saying, so McLean Bible Church is non -denominational, supposedly, not a member of the
SBC, according to David Platt. However, they continue to plant
SBC churches, right? Which itself could be a violation of the
Constitution. But even if it's not, it's obvious that they're doing. They're doing
SBC things. They're giving SBC money, they're planting SBC churches, and they've applied for a formal affiliation with the
SBC. They're an SBC church, obviously, obviously. New City Network. New City Network is
McLean Bible Church's planting ministry, church planting ministry. So this is McLean Bible Church's network to plant churches, okay?
They've adopted the Southern Baptist Faith and Message 2000 version as their doctrinal statement.
So they've adopted the SBC doctrinal statement in their church planting network,
McLean Bible Church, right? So I would argue that would be a violation of the Constitution in and of itself.
So let's just say they really aren't a member of the SBC. Somehow, all this evidence is all wrong.
They're planting SBC churches, which obviously would violate the entire purpose of Article 1,
Section 2 of their Constitution. So this itself is a violation of the Constitution, but all that other evidence isn't wrong.
It's all correct. They became an SBC church, and now they're planting SBC churches officially, and they're using the
Baptist Faith and Message as their doctrinal statement. And so this gives you a little bit of information about how
McLean Bible Church and this network are related. So the New City Network was created and is led by a team at McLean Bible Church in conjunction with the
North America Mission Board, which is a Southern Baptist organization. New City Network is organized according to its own
Articles of Incorporation to be an auxiliary of McLean Bible Church, Inc. Churches cannot receive funds from NAM unless they are an
SBC church and specifically one affiliated at the national level. And so this is an organization that's an auxiliary.
It's a part of McLean Bible Church, Inc. That is a Southern Baptist organization. McLean Bible Church is a
Southern Baptist organization itself. So let's continue here. McLean Bible Church, in violation of its own governing document, continues planting
Southern Baptist churches as evidenced in the Southern Baptist Conservatives of Virginia's 2019 report.
So there's 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 churches planted by David Platt.
And you can see, here's the partner church, McLean Bible Church. Here's the pastor, David Platt. Nine churches planted by this.
Look, planting churches is a good thing. It's a good thing. There's nothing wrong with planting churches, obviously.
There is something wrong with lying. There is something wrong with misrepresenting the truth.
Guys, the ends don't justify the means. You can't plant churches through illicit means and expect anyone to be okay with that.
It just doesn't work that way. It doesn't work that way. But here's some evidence of some of the lying here.
And this is where we're going to tie this up in a bow here, because I've provided irrefutable evidence that McLean Bible Church is affiliated with the
SBC. That word affiliated is very, very important. It's in the documents.
It's in all the SBC documents. It's in the Constitution. There's no question McLean is affiliated with the
SBC. So some congregants who are unhappy with David Platt's leadership and teaching and all kinds of stuff at a congregational meeting decided to set up a series of questions because they wanted to get to the bottom of this.
Is David Platt going to just continue to lie or will he stop lying? And so here's how this went down.
The question was like this. Simple question, yes or no. Is McLean Bible Church affiliated with the
Southern Baptist Convention? Here's what David Platt said. I'm not sure.
I'm honestly not sure how else to answer your question. Like if what you mean by affiliation is, or if what
I mean, if what anyone means by affiliation is working together with other churches to plant 43 churches in the
DC metro area to send missionaries, including some from our church family overseas to support disaster relief in response to hurricanes, to support
Yemeni refugees, then the answer is yes. If you or anyone else or I by affiliation thinking we are submissive to a denominational structure that we are helping direct and guide,
I say the answer is no. The church member follows up with this question. But let me just stop there for a second.
Do you see what he's doing? He's obfuscating the issue because he knows what this woman is asking.
I think it was a woman who asked this. He knows what this woman is asking. So he wants to make it seem like a ridiculous question.
He's like, so we're planting tons of churches. We're helping Yemeni refugees. We're doing all this good stuff.
So if that's what you mean, I'm being guilty, guilty. I mean, I'm just a great man.
You see what he's doing? He's trying to make it seem like a ridiculous question. And while at the same time, low key pumping up his own stats, which is so gross.
David, that's gross. So a quick edit here. So this is not the only time that he's been asked about this
Southern Baptist thing. This is just one of the more weaselly attempts to get out of it. But he's from the pulpit.
He's denied being a part of the Southern Baptist Convention as you saw in the beginning of this video.
So just keep that in mind. I'll play it again right here. But this is not the only time he's done this.
He's just flat out denied it in the past, which again is a lie. But these weaselly kind of like half truths and like that kind of thing, arguing over definitions.
That's also lying, by the way. It's not, it's not, you don't get around it by using a bunch of jargon and trying to give a false impression, even if technically what you're saying is not true.
That's still lying, obviously. We're not a member of the Southern Baptist Convention.
I mean, you wrote radical, bro. You know that this is gross what you're doing. And here's what you're doing. So the woman who asked the question was unfazed by this.
And so she follows up with a further question. She says, okay, so are you making a distinction between partnership and affiliation?
Now, the reason this question was asked because she knows what the documents say, obviously. She knows what the documents say.
They did the research here. Here's what David Platt says. I'm giving anyone the freedom to make that distinction.
I am saying we partner together in all these ways that I've just mentioned. So again, he's trying to obfuscate by saying, look at all this great stuff
I did. Yeah, sure, maybe I'm lying, but I did all this great stuff. How could you don't touch the
Lord's anointed? It's gross, man. It's gross, David. You gotta stop.
I don't hate you, man. And I'm pretty sure, I mean, I can't look into their heart. I'm pretty sure the people that came up with this document don't hate you.
They want you to stop. If I hated you, I would let you continue in your sin and say nothing, let you destroy yourself because that's what you're doing.
You're destroying yourself. And here's the thing, David, I hope this weighs on you. You're destroying people as well.
Other people whose faith is going to crumble because their hero is a big fat liar.
You're pretty skinny, but you're a big fat liar. The person who wrote this says, each time his response was obscure and evasive as to whether McLean Bible Church is affiliated, which is a violation and prohibition of the church's governing document.
At one point, David goes so far as to answer, depending on what you mean by affiliation, it would affect my answer to your question.
So it depends on what the definition of is, is, I guess. That's what level we've sunk to with David Platt.
It's unbelievable. It's unbelievable. So this document doesn't hide what it wants, right?
It doesn't hide what it's want. The constitution says this about pastoral staff. It says this, the board of elders has the right to dismiss the pastor or teacher by a three -fourth vote of the board at a meeting called for this purpose.
Dismissal may be on the grounds of endorsing a doctrinal position in disagreement with that of McLean Bible Church, personal spiritual misconduct, lying, cheating, stealing, immorality, et cetera.
The person who put this document wants David Platt removed from office, and I don't blame him because he should be removed from office.
He should be disqualified from the ministry. He should be forced to repent of this ridiculous, there's, it's just a stupid lie because it's, you know,
Ruslan said to me last night, it's a stupid lie though. Why would he do it? Especially when it's so easily refutable, like why would you lie so blatantly when someone could easily just go and find out that you're lying?
Like it just, it doesn't make any sense. And I agree, it doesn't make any sense, but sin rarely makes sense.
It rarely makes sense. This person wants, he made a motion to dismiss and remove
David Platt from office. He wanted to do it. He made a motion for it and the elder board has not responded about this.
To this date, you know, they have not said anything. This was yesterday when this document was put together finally.
Guys, this is not like a gleeful, sort of like, I'm so thrilled about this. It's not, this is disgusting.
And this is like, it gives me no joy to make a video like this. It gives me no pleasure to do it.
Look, I'm having a good time with my channel because that's just my personality and I enjoy the fight. But this is a serious violation here.
This is a serious problem that David Platt has. And I have to say, there's a lot of guys out there that say, well,
David Platt's been so helpful to me. I mean, he's just a solid guy. He's taught me so much. Radical helped me so much and all that kind of, okay, okay, fine.
I'll give you all that. What I'm saying is, if you truly love
David and you truly care for him and want the best for him and stuff like that, then you must do what the
Bible says you have to do here. You must treat him with love.
You must treat him according to how the scriptures tell you to treat him. He's been caught in a huge lie, a huge lie.
And quite frankly, I think that the reasons are money, power and notoriety. That's what
I think. We need to do something about this. You have to confront him.
You have to walk away if he refuses to repent. You have to. Otherwise, you're demonstrating that you actually really don't love
David Platt. You love what he does for you. You love how he makes you feel, but really you're just using him and you hate his soul, which will live eternally.
So he has to repent of this or else I just don't know what to say about that.
I really don't. Anyway, I hope you found this video helpful. God bless.