What is the definition of evil? | GotQuestions.org


What does evil mean? How does the Bible define Evil? Can someone be evil, or can only behavior be morally evil? In this video, we answer your question: What is the definition of Evil? Source: https://www.gotquestions.org/definition-of-evil.html


Hi there, many others like you have asked, what is the definition of evil? Let's find out, shall we?
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Q &A website online, and here is our answer. Evil is usually thought of as that which is morally wrong, sinful, or wicked.
However, the word evil can also refer to anything that causes harm, with or without the moral dimension.
Anything that contradicts the holy nature of God is evil. On the flip side, any disaster, tragedy, or calamity can also be called an evil.
Well, am I pure evil? Am I the face of terror sitting here in front of you? Evil behavior includes sin committed against other people and or God.
The Bible states, man is held responsible for the evil he commits. The one who sins is the one who will die.
J .P. Moreland has noted, evil is a lack of goodness. It is goodness spoiled.
You can have good without evil, but you cannot have evil without good.
Greg Kokel has said, human freedom was used in such a way as to diminish goodness in the world.
And that diminution, that lack of goodness, that is what we call evil. God is love.
The absence of love in a person is ungodlike and therefore evil. The lack of these godly qualities in anyone constitutes evil.
It then manifests itself in the opposite behavior. As it turns out, we lack a lot.
As it is written, there is no one righteous, not even one. Moral evil is wrong done to others and it can exist even when unaccompanied by external action.
Committing adultery is evil, but so is the moral evil of lust in the heart. Jesus said, what comes out of a person is what defiles them, for it is from within, out of a person's heart, that evil thoughts come.
Sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance, and folly.
All these evils come from inside and defile a person. Those who fall into evil behavior usually start slowly by refusing to glorify
God or give thanks to Him. In the end, God gives them over to a depraved mind and allows them to be filled with every kind of wickedness.
Those who practice evil are in Satan's trap, are slaves to sin, and are set free only by the grace of God.
Physical evil is the trouble that befalls people in the world and it may or may not be linked to moral evil or divine judgment.
The word evil, in this case, means disaster, misfortune, or calamity.
Sometimes physical evil is simply the result of an accident or causes unknown with no known moral cause.
Other times, physical evil is God's retribution for the sins of an individual or group like Sodom and the surrounding cities were destroyed for their sins.
The Lord also is wise and will bring evil and will not call back His words, but will arise against the house of the evildoers and against the help of them that work iniquity.
In all situations, God brings about His good purpose. In conclusion, God is not the author of moral evil.
Rather, it is His holiness that defines it. We bear the responsibility to make moral choices that please
God and conform to His will. As believers, we have the forgiveness of sin and a reversal of the moral evil within us.
Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. Alright, that answers your question, what is the definition of evil?
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