Imagine by John Lennon performed at Funeral for Rosalynn Carter (The Secular Religion - Part 2)

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In episode # 57 of the Testing the Spirit's Podcast we look at the funeral for former first lady Rosalynn Carter and why professing Christian Jimmy Carter would want Garth Brooks to sing John Lennon's Anti-Christian song "Imagine" where the former Beatle seems to sing something like an anthem advocating for Communism where Jesus & Christianity are blamed for the world's problems (a common atheist / progressive narrative). What explains this? The new secular religion - for part 1 of the podcast click here -    • The Secular Religion & Its Crusade Ag...  


Hello, and thank you for listening to the Testing the Spirits Podcast. The title of this episode is the
Secular Religion Part 2. I went over this in my last podcast, but what made me want to do a
Part 2 was this story that I saw yesterday. It was reported by Protestia .com.
Here's the headline, Funeral for Former First Lady Rosalyn Carter Included John Lennon's Communist Anthem Imagined.
Okay, so Jimmy Carter, who is a professing born -again Christian, he had a funeral for his wife.
And of course, you know, we do pray for those who have lost loved ones and it's very difficult and I want to be respectful on that front.
But at the same time, there's a larger point that needs to be made. Jimmy Carter is a professing
Christian and at his wife's funeral, what do they do? They have
Garth Brooks come and sing John Lennon's Imagine, where the song starts out,
Imagine there's no heaven. I mean, that's the whole premise of the song, that there's no God, no heaven, religion's bad, we got to get rid of God and this concept of an afterlife, and that's what a
Christian would have played at the funeral for his professing Christian wife.
It's bizarre, but once you understand what's happening, it all makes sense.
Okay, so President Jimmy Carter, who is again, a professing Christian.
You might remember hearing how back in the late 1970s, when he was running for president,
Jimmy Carter came out and he said, he declared to the world that he was a born -again
Christian and he made those remarks in an interview that he did for Playboy magazine.
So just let that sink in for a moment. Jimmy Carter declares to the world that he's born again and the platform that he chose to reveal that was a pornographic magazine.
Okay, and now that his wife has passed away, at the funeral, they invite
Joe Biden and invite Garth Brooks and Trisha Yearwood, who
Garth and Trisha also claim to be followers of Christ. They invite them to come and sing
John Lennon's song, Imagine. Well, here are some of the lyrics and I can't play the clip because YouTube will hit me for a copyright strike.
Otherwise, I'd play what happened at the funeral, but here are the lyrics to John Lennon's Imagine.
Imagine there's no heaven. It's easy if you try. No hell below us, above us, only sky.
And then later on in the song, John Lennon basically blames the world's problems on Christianity.
He says, John Lennon says that religion and John Lennon was not against religion.
If you're a Beatles fan, you know how John Lennon and the Beatles, they got into Eastern religion quite a bit.
So John Lennon has no problem with religion. The religion he is talking about, the religion that he hates is
Christianity. I mean, this is just a fact. People who know about John Lennon, they know this.
And listen, if you're a Beatles fan, if you like the melody of some of John Lennon's music, this isn't a knock against you.
You know, I'm a guitar player. I grew up listening to all this stuff. I probably know more about rock and roll and all of this than 98 % of the people listening right now.
But as a Christian, I came to a point where I realized that following Christ and embracing music where the lyrics are explicitly anti -Christian, you can't do that.
Besides secular music these days, it glorifies sin. So fornication, adultery, drunkenness, murder, it's all being glorified by rap music, rock and roll, pop, hip hop, all the rest.
So as far as music goes, as far as I'm concerned, that's between you and God. But the point, it's a bigger point for this podcast, bigger point that I want to make, that Christianity, biblical
Christianity is being replaced by the new secular religion.
And oftentimes they just want to bring in Jesus and kind of blend in Jesus. Of course, this is the long -haired hippie
Jesus who is cool with whatever you want to do. They blend in Jesus.
So in this case, you have Jimmy Carter who taught Sunday school at his church for many years.
You have all these other professing Christians, Bill Clinton, Joe Biden, and I realize they're not actually
Christians. I do understand that. But they all come together and they have this form of godliness, as Paul said, but they deny the power.
So they call themselves Christians, but they deny the truth, the truth of the power of God in repentance and a changed life and truly being born again and the power of God that Jesus actually was resurrected from the dead and that there isn't an afterlife.
But no, they bring in Garth Brooks to sing about how there is no heaven, all while saying we're
Christians. Again, biblical Christianity is being replaced by the new secular religion.
And I talked about this on my last podcast, explaining how it is definitely a religion.
So they bring in this John Lennon song, you know, just imagine no God, no heaven where the world we can finally come to.
If we can just do away with Christianity, the world can finally come together as one.
You know what? That is the message of the Antichrist. Hello, the
Antichrist wants to do away with the true Jesus, biblical Christianity, and he's going to unite the world into a one world government, one world religion and a one world economic system with the mark of the beast, 666.
And this is kind of like the prototype Antichrist church, like right before our eyes. And honestly,
I'm not even kidding with this. If the new world order, the one world government, if it really did happen soon, they might actually adopt
John Lennon's song, imagine as their national anthem or globalist anthem.
I really think they might do that. It's already the anthem for every
New Year's Eve celebration where the ball drops in Manhattan and the world kind of looks ahead to a new year.
What are all the drunk people doing in Times Square? Singing and swaying along to this song, imagine.
And here you have the presidents coming together, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Joe Biden, and this is the song that was chosen.
So let's read from the article. Again, this is from protestia .com. It says, former presidents,
Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton are the only two Southern Baptists to serve as president of the
United States. Clinton became a member of a Methodist church along with his wife upon taking office in 1993.
However, Jimmy Carter remained a Baptist after marrying Rosalynn, a Methodist. So Carter stayed a
Baptist. Rosalynn converted with him to become a Baptist, converted, whatever.
Carter, the article says, was credited with becoming the first self -proclaimed born -again
Christian as part of his presidential campaign. Again, that came out in Playboy magazine.
Professing a faith, the article says, that heavily emphasized the social gospel in alignment with his big government brand of Democrat politics.
So notice it's the social guy. It's not the gospel of Jesus Christ, Christ crucified and risen.
No, it's the social gospel. Okay. So the Carters, according to the article, are considered an institution at Maranatha Baptist Church in Plains, Georgia, a church that maintained dual affiliation with the ultra -liberal
Cooperative Baptist Fellowship and the SBC before they finally broke ties with the
SBC, the Southern Baptist Convention, over their Baptist faith and message, which stands against female pastors and homosexuality.
So understand that Jimmy Carter is a member of a church and that church broke away from the
SBC because they don't support homosexuality. Okay. Maranatha Baptist Church now functions as a
Jimmy Carter -themed shrine and tourist attraction with the church's website featuring more mentions of the
Carter family than Jesus Christ himself. Carter has stated, I believe that Jesus would approve of gay marriage.
Okay. So get this. Jimmy Carter says that Jesus Christ himself would approve of gay marriage.
He says, I think Jesus, this is an article or excuse me, an interview with the Huffington Post. Jimmy Carter argued, he said,
I think Jesus would encourage any love affair as long as it was honest and sincere.
What's the problem with that? Well, the Jesus Christ, the Jimmy Carter worships, affirms gay marriage.
The Jesus Christ of the Bible, according to Matthew 19, does not affirm gay marriage.
Rather, the true Jesus of scripture says that marriage has always been from the beginning between one man and one woman.
What does this prove? Jimmy Carter worships a false Christ. The article says most
Bible -believing Christians can't imagine a church would allow such sacrilege in the sanctuary.
Then again, it's the United Methodist Church, which is rapidly downgrading into a denomination that is nearly identical to Unitarian Universalism in the scope of its heretical teaching.
So yes, it's universalism. That's what's driving not only the deconstructionist movement, you know, embracing
LGBT, no hell. Universalism is driving deconstruction. It's what's driving the new secular religion.
You can believe whatever you want. You know, our version of religion is, hey, anything, you know, anything goes.
Of course, that's not really true because you have to follow their agenda. Otherwise, you know, preach against what they believe in and then see what happens.
So they don't really think that anything goes. They've just, as I explained last time, their faith is
Christianity, just the mere opposite. So if you want more explanation of why the new secular religion is, in fact, a religion, you can listen to my last podcast.
It's called The Secular Religion and its Crusade Against Christianity. But this is just more evidence of all of that being true.
So in conclusion, what can you do? You know, why talk about this? What can you do about it?
Number one, I'm trying to open people's eyes because churches today are just filled with false converts.
You know, if we ever want to see a change in this country, you have to see a revival in the church. You know, judgment starts in the house of God.
So that's number one. Churches are filled with false converts. The only way people can be saved is if they first realize they need to be saved.
So we need to speak about these things bluntly. So number one, I'm trying to open people's eyes and trying to equip you with the arguments so you can talk to others and you can open their eyes and on and on it'll go.
Number two, we need to fight the enemy. And to win the battle, we need to know their tactics to defeat them in battle, to defeat them in spiritual warfare, because that's what this is.
This is spiritual warfare. In order to defeat them, we need to know their tactics.
Paul says to the Corinthians about the devil, we're not ignorant of his devices. So how do we fight?
How can we win these battles? Understand that the war itself will be won by Christ.
But until he returns, we need to equip ourselves. So we need to assemble for worship.
You know, get serious about church. Find a good local Bible -believing church. Get serious about church.
We need to assemble for worship. We need to strengthen the churches. Every time you pray, understand this.
Every time you pray, every time you overcome temptation, you get a little stronger and the enemy gets a little weaker.
So we need to fight the good fight, obey Christ, speak the truth, speak it in love, but speak the truth.
If you've never been baptized, get baptized. If you haven't joined a church, join a church.
If you haven't been serving, find a way to minister and exercise your spiritual gift.
Get involved in the war effort. And remember, the people caught up in all of this, they're not the enemy.
People are not the enemy. The devil is the enemy. They are the mission field.
But there are clearly very powerful people, people in high places that are essentially doing the devil's bidding.
The book of Ephesians chapter 6 says this, we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities and against powers and against the rulers of the darkness of this age.
Now we're seeing that against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. So therefore, the
Bible says, take up the whole armor of God that you may be able to withstand in the evil day and having done all to stand.
My name is Michael Grant. Thanks for listening. And until next time, may the Lord be with you.