How Wonderful Is He? (12/26/1999)


Pastor David Mitchell


Isaiah nine six Please this morning.
You might want to put another hand in Luke chapter 1 verse 35 right in that area
And then put your third hand in John chapter 1 Let's look at Isaiah chapter 9 and verse 6
I had you've heard the story I'm sure if you've been around very long about the Jehovah's Witnesses that came in.
I mean the Two Mormon elders who came in my office and challenged me one day
I think one of them was named elder young which I thought was a funny name because he was about 19 and he's elder young and I thought well, that's a good description and he was gonna teach me the
Bible and So I let him teach teach for a little while and he started talking about these funny sticks these two sticks something about two sticks
And one of them was supposed to be the Bible and the other was supposed to be the Book of Mormons and and I really hadn't spent a great deal of time in my life studying those two sticks
So I turned and while they were talking I started reading the chapter that that the two sticks were found in from the first of the chapter and read down through By the time
I got he got through talking. I knew what it was about and it dealt with the two
Tribe the two divisions of Israel Of the nation Israel and it was very clear in the passage and I pointed that out to him and he began to get angry
With us a little bit but at the end of it. I asked him. Have you ever? thought about Isaiah 9 6 and I went and turned to this verse and began to read it
And I read it and I said for unto us a child is born Unto us a son is given and I stopped right there and I said who's this talking about and the young man said well
That's Jesus and I said, that's right And I said and the government shall be upon his shoulder and I said who is this and he said this is
Jesus the Messiah And I said that's right. And I said in his name shall be called wonderful Counselor who is this and he said this is
Jesus and I said at the end of the verse It says he shall be called the Prince of Peace. Who is this and he said this is
Jesus And I said and right here in the same verse. It says he is the mighty
God the Everlasting Father How do you deal with that? And he looked at his friend and the friend looked at him and he said we've never seen this verse
And I said, well it is in your Bible, isn't it? And they said yes, sir They said we'll go deal with this this week and we'll get back with you.
They never they never got back with me on that verse But what an awesome verse it is for us and I want to preach to you this morning on how wonderful is he
I Want us to ask that question together. How wonderful is he for unto us a child is born
Unto us a son is given and the government shall be upon his shoulder and his name shall be called wonderful Counselor the mighty
God the Everlasting Father The Prince of Peace, let's pray father.
We ask that you would by your Holy Spirit Reveal the face of this wonderful one to us by faith today as we study this passage of Scripture and we ask it for Jesus sake
Amen He shall be called wonderful. This comes from a Hebrew word
Paul all and let me tell you what the word means it means
Separate or to be distinguished from others It also means to be great and it also means to be difficult or hidden and So I want to talk this morning about the
Lord Jesus Christ this one who is called wonderful This one who is separate from all others and distinct from every other
This one who is great the greatest and this one who is
Difficult to contemplate and hidden in some ways to the natural understanding of man certainly
This word Paul all means things too high. That's one way. It's been translated in the
English Bible another place has been translated into marvelous and wonderful and wondrous so the first thing
I'd like to point out this morning about the Lord Jesus Christ this one who is called wonderful is That he is wonderful in the sense that he is separate and distinct and distinguished above all others
He is the only one Who is different from all others look at Luke chapter 1 in verse 35 with me?
And the angel answered and said unto her The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee and the power of the highest shall overshadow thee
Therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the
Son of God That holy one the angel said now we have to understand that when the word holy is
Applied to the Lord it certainly does mean perfection But more often than not the
Bible when we see the word holy it means distinct or separate and Jesus Christ this one who would be born of Mary and of the
Holy Ghost Was called by the angel this holy thing not only did he mean this perfect one, but he meant the one who is distinct and Separate from every other thing that there is
So he is the one who is holy Different from all others secondly he is the only begotten of the
Father look at John chapter 1 with me for a moment John chapter 1 and let's look at verse 1 follow along with me in the beginning was the
Word and The Word was with God and the Word was
God now if you are not familiar with this word that starts with a
W capital W look at verse 14 and it explains who this is talking about and the
Word was made flesh and Dwelt among us and we beheld his glory
The glory as of the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth
This is who the Word is The Lord Jesus Christ and in the beginning was the
Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God The same was in the beginning with God all things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made in him was life and the life was the light of men in verse 12 says
But as many as received him to them gave he power to become the sons of God Even to them that believe on his name
Perhaps that's the most wonderful verse in the Bible that Describes those men and women in the world who make the only right choice of their will that they could possibly make
But look at verse 13 Which were born not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor the will of man but of the will of God and This shows the great external
Irresistible force of agape love Which moved those men to make the right choice right there next to each other
We see God's teaching on salvation, but look at verse 14 and The Word was made flesh and Dwelt among us and we beheld his glory the glory as of the only begotten of the
Father This word wonderful means distinct separate from all others
Jesus Christ is the only begotten of the Father there is none other and it goes on and says he is full of grace and truth
So we see from this Verse verse 14 that Jesus is the only begotten of the
Father now It's interesting to look at this phrase begotten because it comes from two little
Greek words one Manos, which means single or only and the word
Janae Omae he which means to cause to be or we get our English word generate from this word or Gene like you're talking about your chromosomes and your genes your genes
And so we get the word generate So when it says he is the only begotten of the
Father It means that the Lord Jesus Christ is the only one who was generated from the
Father. There is none other and He is the only one who is full of Grace and truth, but not only that he's separate and distinct from all others because the fact that he is the only one who
Proceeded forth and came from God. That's John chapter 8 verse 42 Jesus told those old
Pharisees those religious ones. He said I'm the only one who proceeded forth and came out from God He said if you've seen the father if you've seen me, you've seen the father
He said I and the father are one. He said you shall die in your sins for if you believe not that I am you shall die in your sins and they picked up the stones and Attempted to destroy him, but they couldn't do it because he had to go to the cross
So he's distinct and separate from all others Another reason is because he's the only one who was set up from everlasting turn to Proverbs chapter 8 with me for a moment
This is a fascinating passage and I want you to look at verse 23 but this is a personification of wisdom and the
Bible teaches us that Jesus Christ is our wisdom and Jesus is in fact the personification of wisdom and it says
The Lord Jesus Christ in Proverbs chapter 8 verse 23. I was set up from everlasting
Isn't that an interesting phrase? Because normally when we think of everlasting we look going forward in time and just saying it lasts forever but this uses the past tense from having come from a place called
Everlasting so it's everlasting go on the other direction and he says I was set up from everlasting
From the beginning or ever the world was Jesus Christ is wonderful because he is distinct and separate and different from every other and one of the main reasons is because the
Bible says he was set up from Everlasting this comes from a Hebrew word no sock
Which means to pour out or it can mean to cast as metal being molded in the cast and So Jesus Christ was poured out or cast from before the vanishing point
It's interesting to look up this word everlasting From everlasting set up from everlasting.
It's Olam in the Hebrew and it means the vanishing point And so if you consider the vanishing point to be the point where you go back in time as far as you can go
To the place where physical things came into being and you go just a step past that and they vanish
Jesus was set up before that time Jesus Was poured out from the father or cast as metal being cast into a cast and made into something solid physical at that point and so the
Lord Jesus Christ was set up from Everlasting. He was set up before the earth was and He was always with the father and proceeded out came forth from God He was set up from everlasting from before the vanishing point as the
Bible literally Says it Another reason he's distinct and wonderful is because look at verse 25 in Proverbs 28 chapter 8 verse 25
David could I get you to turn this down just a little Just barely move it just a little bit it's ringing to me.
Can you hear it? Okay, that's good Look at verse 25
Before the mountains were settled before the hills Was I brought forth?
Now in verse 23, it uses the phrase that I was set up Jesus said this one says
I was brought forth Now this phrase in the Hebrew language for brought forth you can remember it because it just sounds like cool
All right teenagers will like that and They can say
Jesus is cool and they'll learn what that means right here. It means to twist
Whirl in a circular or spiral manner Now, I believe this is a reference to the fact that we could read verse 25 this way before the mountains were settled
Jesus came spiraling out of the father. I believe this is a reference to the place where Jesus being with the father in eternity past and We speak of the counsel of God Where we go back as far as the human mind can even contemplate
Maybe it goes back even farther than that because we have a hard time contemplating this determinant counsel
But when we go back to that place and we see the determinant counsel Jesus is there in Fact he came spiraling forth out from the father
He was always in the father and now he comes out as a distinct person of the
Godhead at this point Some sometime perhaps before the determinant counsel, but we know that he was there as the
Son of God at that time He is different than any other there is no other in all of existence
That it can be spoken of in the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word
Was God He is wonderful because he's the only one that that can be said about Now he's also wonderful because in Proverbs 8 30
It says then was I by him as one brought up with him and I was daily his delight
Rejoicing always before him and remember the then and this verse is going back before anything physical was before the angels
Before the universe was created And he says I was daily his delight rejoicing always before him
The wonder of Jesus one of the wonders is this that before anything existed, but God Jesus Christ was daily
God's delight now this word delight in the Hebrew language means to look upon as A mother would look upon a newborn, babe
How many of you can picture that countenance? I? can still see it as I see
Charlotte look at Matthew from time to time and been the other three she doesn't look at that way anymore, but but I Can still see that look and that's the look this is referring to in the
Hebrew language Jesus Was daily the delight of the father and this is before anything was created
He was daily Looked upon by the father with that same look Because he was the son the only begotten son full of grace and truth
But not only does it say say I was daily his delight it then says rejoicing always before him
And this looks at it from Jesus's point of view because this phrase before him in the
Hebrew Simply means the face. That's what the word means the face and what it means is that Jesus Christ is the only one
Who could view at the face of God and live?
He is in the face he is before him He stands before the face of the father and he is wonderful because he is the only one who can do that.
I Wouldn't think a cherubim would even dare look square on at God's face would you but Jesus does
And that awesome He is both God's delight, but he is also standing before the face of God on your behalf at this very moment
The father looked upon him with the light and the son looked back into the face of the father with love
John 1 17 says for the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ No man hath seen
God at any time the only begotten son Which is in the bosom of the father.
Remember he proceeded forth and came out from God He hath declared him. That's why his name is the word because he is the only one who has ever looked in the face of the father and who can come to man and describe and declare the father unto us
John 6 44 says no man can come to me except the father which hath sent me
Draw him and I will raise him up at the last days And this is taken from the
Old Testament verse 46 says it is written in the prophets and they shall all be taught of God Every man therefore that hath heard and hath learned of the father cometh to me
Jesus said Not that any man hath seen the father and I look at this not that any man hath seen the father
Save he which is of God he hath seen the father Verily verily
I say unto you he that believeth on me hath everlasting life The Lord Jesus Christ is wonderful because he was before the father before anything was made
He was daily the delight of the father But maybe more important than that than that to us is that he stood and gazed into the face of the father and he came down to this earth and that's what
Christmas is supposed to be all about and was born in that manger and He then was able to say if you have seen me
You have seen the father if you listen to me, then I declare unto you the father if you look at me
You can see that which you could never have seen because only I have stood before the face of God And I bring that to you and declare that to you and therefore
I am the word and this is one reason Jesus is so wonderful He is wonderful to us
Because he is separate and distinguished from all others. He was that Holy One who was
Was brought about by the Holy Spirit He was the only begotten one of the father the only one who proceeded forth and came out from God He was the one who was full of grace and truth.
And that's why Isaiah 9 6 calls him counselor He's the only one who is truth and He proceeded forth from God He was set up from everlasting.
He was brought forth before ever the world was and He is constantly and was constantly before the face of God He is different than all others
John chapter 10 4 says and when he put it forth his own sheep He goeth before them and the sheep follow him for they know his voice
Then said Jesus and to them again verily verily I say unto you I am the door of the sheep
All that ever came before me are thieves and robbers But the sheep did not hear them.
That's why some of us believe in the elect Only the sheep hearing and he opens the door and these sheep come in Buddha Confucius Muhammad Joseph Smith the
Watchtower the Dalai Lama and Mr. Farrakhan He is so far beyond and higher than those men who will all die or have died and rotted in the grave
That he should not even be mentioned in the same sentence He is wonderful because he is separate and distinct from all
Others he said this in verse 10 the thief cometh not But for to steal and to kill and to destroy
Any other person who claimed to be a prophet? Those who came before him those who came shortly after him like Muhammad Jesus Christ himself says that they came but for to steal and to kill and to destroy
He said I am come that they might have life and they might have it abundantly I am the
Good Shepherd. He didn't say I am a Good Shepherd He said I'm the Good Shepherd.
That means there's only one I am the Good Shepherd the Good Shepherd giveth his life for the sheep
Show me another who did that? Buddha didn't give his fat life for any sheep.
He was a hedonist Muhammad didn't give his life for any sheep
Joseph Smith certainly didn't give his life for those 40 ,000 wives that he had. He created a religion so he could have them
They all came just to steal people's souls and to kill people and to slaughter them and They are work of Satan's hands
But the Lord Jesus Christ is the only true one He is separate from all others for unto us a son is born
For unto us a son is given and his name shall be called wonderful Well, let's go back to our definition for wonderful again.
Paul law. Not only does it mean to be separate and distinct It also means to be great
So let's talk about this for a moment turn to Revelation chapter 1 verse 8 with me Why is he so wonderful?
Because he is great Revelation 1 8 you better follow along in this passage so that you'll catch this because when we first start reading we think we're talking about the father and Perhaps we are
But as we read a little further we see that we're talking about the Son and we're calling him the same name.
I am Alpha and Omega The beginning and the ending saith the
Lord which is and which was and which is to come The Almighty and I want you to underline the phrase
Almighty because we're going to talk about that in a minute I John who also am your brother and companion in tribulation and In the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ was in the isle that is called
Patmos for the Word of God and for the testimony of Jesus Christ I Was in the
Spirit on the Lord's Day and heard behind me a great voice as of a trumpet saying I am
Alpha and Omega the first and the last Now he's about to turn and see where this voice is coming from look at verse 12
And I turned to see the voice that spake with me and being turned I saw seven golden candlesticks whoever this one was who was calling himself the
Alpha and the Omega and the first and the last was in the midst of The churches, isn't that beautiful? That's what the candlesticks typify or picture the churches.
He was in the midst of the church And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the
Son of Man now, who are we talking about? Clothed with a garment down to the foot and gird about the paps with a golden girdle
And I want you to notice in verse 14 that you'll never see Jesus as a child in a manger again
Because the next time you see him you will see him in this form his head and his hairs were white like wool as White as snow and his eyes were as a flame of fire
And those are the eyes we will each look into and be judged for the works that we did in this body whether they be good or evil as a
Christian Those are the eyes will look into I don't believe he'll have to say a word.
I Looked straight into ours and read everything in our memory banks and his feet likened to fine brass pictures the power and omnipotence of God as if they were burned in a furnace and his voice as The sound of many waters.
Do you remember the expressions in the Old Testament? when when God would speak many times it said it was like the power of The waves coming in from the ocean
Just an awesome sound of power of many waters and this is the very voice that was coming from the
Lord Jesus and he had in his right hand seven stars and out of his mouth went a two -edged sword
That's why he's the Word of God And his countenance was as the
Sun shineth in his strength That's who you'll see when we see the
Lord Jesus and look like look what the response of a saved man who was at that time writing scriptures was and When I saw him
I fell at his feet as dead and he laid his right hand upon me saying unto me fear not
I am the first and the last and He that liveth and was dead and behold.
I am alive forevermore Amen and have the keys of hell and of death why
Jesus mentioned hell if there's not one Why would he put that in there that there's not a place like that.
He does put it in there But who is this one we'll remember I told you at the first of that phrase passage in verse 8
It says alpha and Omega the beginning and the ending saith the Lord which is and which was and which is to come the
Almighty The word wonderful one of the Hebrew meanings for it is the word great
Let me tell you what Almighty means when you look at it in the Greek language It comes from two small
Greek words The first one is pass which means whole or all and the second one is
Kratos, which means might Power or strength that's translated that way, but the literal word means great
So he is the all great one That's what the word Almighty means
That's who our Lord Jesus Christ is the all great the whole great one the wholeness of greatness is in him
The definition of what it is to be great is In this wonderful one the
Lord Jesus Christ the only holy great One the Almighty his name shall be called wonderful counselor
Isn't it interesting that it calls him the mighty God the word mighty means the great one well
He is wonderful in that he is separate and distinct from all others He is also wonderful because he is the great and mighty
God But there's a third reason that's found in this Hebrew definition for the word wonderful and remember it also means to be difficult or hidden and it's been translated into things too high for our understanding and So the third reason the
Lord Jesus is so wonderful is because he is hidden He is too high
Too wondrous for us to contemplate all that there is of him
He is the everlasting father and the prince of peace at the same time
Now that's one that the world can't figure out He is the everlasting father those
Elders from the Mormon Church Looked at that verse and their mouths just dropped open open when
I read it to them Because they could not believe that of the same person It was being said that he was both the everlasting father and the prince of peace
For unto us a child is born. His name shall be called wonderful counselor the mighty
God the everlasting father the prince of peace all in one man
Theologians have struggled with this throughout the centuries Because they call him the
God man Let me read to you just a little bit about what's been written along this topic
Jesus the man and yet Jesus the everlasting father he is a wonder a once hidden truth too high for some a mystery
To the Old Testament saints that has been revealed to us the God man well
Lewis Perry Schaefer said this about the Lord Jesus He is the incomparable
Theanthropic the means the God Anthropic meaning man. He is the incomparable
Theanthropic person the God man the mediator and the days man
There need be no other for every demand whether it be for divine Satisfaction or for human necessity is perfectly answered in Christ Though his deity is eternal
The humanity was gained in time it is also revealed that though the assumption of his humanity was first a condescension and afterwards a humiliation
Through his death resurrection and ascension. He acquired a surpassing glory, which is the state he is in now there was a joy which was set before him in Hebrews chapter 12 verse 2 and because of the obedience manifested in the cross
God Quote hath highly exalted him in Philippians chapter 2 and verse 9 his condescension and humiliation were not relieved by a dismissal of his humanity, but by its glorification a glorified man
Schaefer says a Glorified man whose humanity has not been renounced is in heaven right now
Therefore it is to be recognized that the Theanthropic person is very God and very man and that his humanity perfect and complete is as enduring as his deity
That's the part that people have a hard time understanding Fully God and yet fully man.
He is wonderful because he was Before the face of God before anything was made
He is wonderful because he proceeded forth and came out from God and Pharisees couldn't understand it
But they knew it had something about the fact that he was claiming to be God and they picked up those rocks He is wonderful though because he was born into this world a man
Holy man and the life that he lived and the powerful things that he presented in this world were done as a man fully filled by the
Holy Spirit of God The healings that he did he did as a man
The words that he spoke which we now have as the Word of God Were spoken as a man fully and unreservedly controlled and filled by the
Holy Spirit of God the God -man There's an old creed that goes back to as long ago as just for about 300 years after John the
Apostle died And it's called the Chalcedonian Creed and it says this to reach a correct estimation of the person of Christ Has been the aim of the greatest scholars whose conclusions have crystallized in this creed which reads thusly
We then following the Holy Fathers all with one consent
I remember these men lived only a hundred or so years after the Apostles a couple of hundred years
All with one consent teach men to confess one and the same Son our
Lord Jesus Christ the same perfect in Godhead and also perfect in manhood
Truly God and truly man of a reasonable rational soul and body
Co -substantial in other words co -essential with the Father According to the
Godhead and co -substantial with us According to the manhood in all things likened to us without sin begotten before all ages of the
Father according to the Godhead and In these latter days for us and for our salvation born of the
Virgin Mary the mother of God according to his manhood one in the same
Christ's Son Lord only begotten to be acknowledged in two natures in confusedly unchangeably indivisibly inseparably the distinction of natures being by no means taken away by the
Union But rather the property of each nature being preserved and concurring in one person and one subsistence
Not parted or divided into two persons But one and the same Son and only begotten
God the Word the Lord Jesus Christ We can't even hardly understand their writing, but it's beautiful anyway
But the point they were making is that Jesus Christ is God and man in one person
Fully God and fully man. He was truly the days man who? took the hand of the
Father and stood before his face and put his hand down and Declared him to us.
Oh He is wonderful He is the most wonderful of all how wonderful is he?
He is wonderful because he is separate and distinct from all others the only begotten of the Father He is wonderful because he is the great and almighty
God the everlasting Father And he is wonderful because he is hidden to the world the world cannot understand the
God -man But he is the everlasting Father and the
Prince of Peace in one person He's the days man He is the intercessor for us