Christian "Prophet" Says God Took Moses Time Traveling!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you real
Christian commentary about the things that matter. Please like, comment, share, subscribe, and hit the notification bell so that you never miss another video.
And if you send me a topic, quote, or clip to respond to, I'll be sure to give you a shout -out if I make a video on it.
Thanks so much for watching, let's get into the video. Everyone wanted a fresh revelation from God, didn't they?
You see, His Word, His perfect Word, is not enough revelation for them, no. In the hyper -charismatic movement that is very present in America today and across the world, the emphasis is not on obeying the
Word, but on writing a new Word. The Lord God revealed Himself to us through Scripture and through creation, but that is not enough for many of these so -called prophets.
Let it be acknowledged that there are many dedicated, charismatic Christians who have sound doctrine on core issues and truly are my brothers and sisters in Christ.
I'm not talking about them when I make this video, I praise God for them. This false prophet I'm about to show you does not represent all charismatics, but she does represent much of the hyper -charismatic
Church today. I recently watched a video wherein a charismatic prophetess named
Kat Kerr offers up a bizarre interpretation of Exodus 33. In this chapter,
God says to Moses, "...while my glory passes by, I will put you in a cleft of the rock, and I will cover you with my hand until I have passed by.
Then I will take away my hand, and you shall see my back, but my face shall not be seen."
This is a notoriously confusing passage to interpret, but let's see what this magical prophetess has to say about it.
Here's the clip. I do know this, that when Moses, when God put Moses in the cleft of the rock,
God himself put Moses inside him. The cleft of the rock was inside God, and all of time is shown in there.
God's been from the beginning to the end, the end to the beginning, it's all inside him. So when he hid
Moses in there, Moses saw time begin. He saw the
Garden of Eden, he saw Adam and Eve. He saw that he would not have known about any of that, and so he said, as I pass by, when time passes by, he said, that's what he's saying,
I will show you the hinder parts. That's the actual word. Oh, that's what that means. The hinder parts wasn't, the hinder parts wasn't,
God wasn't talking about his back. The hinder parts were the parts of time that had gone before then.
He showed Moses time before that time, and that's how Moses knew about Adam and Eve and all that stuff.
So that was a whole different encounter that Moses had with God. That was a brand new encounter when
Jesus was shown and is glorified by an amount of transfiguration. She says that the verse is not referring to God's back or hind parts, rather it's talking about going back to the beginning of time.
She's probably a big Back to the Future fan. She also says that the cleft of the rock is in God himself.
So without further ado, let's tear this unbiblical nonsense to shreds using the
Bible. And if you think that language is too harsh and you don't like it, I will quote for you 2 Corinthians 10 5, which says that we should, quote, destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God.
So let's get into her first claim. She says that the cleft of the rock is in God himself. Of course, such an idea never presents itself in the passage anywhere, but this is very characteristic of the hyper -charismatic movement in the church today.
You can just make up whatever you want. They so desperately want a new revelation from God that they are willing to manipulate, contradict, and even reject
God's perfect and inerrant revelation from the past, namely the Old and New Testaments.
Her central claim is that God is talking about the hinder parts of history rather than the hinder parts or back of himself.
When you read the passage in context, though, which is something that rarely happens in the modern charismatic church, you'll see that this interpretation is absolutely horrendous.
Let's read the passage. It says, quote, You cannot see my face, for man shall not see me and live.
And the Lord said, Behold, there is a place by me where you shall stand on the rock.
And while my glory passes by, I will put you in a cleft of the rock, and I will cover you with my hand until I have passed by.
Then I will take away my hand, and you shall see my back, or hind parts, but my face shall not be seen.
God clearly tells Moses what He's talking about in verse 20 when He says, quote, You cannot see my face, for no man can see me and live.
That's why Moses had to see his back and not his face. God is not talking about time at all here.
He's talking about His physical manifestation before Moses. Then in verse 21,
He says, quote, Behold, there is a place by me where you shall stand on the rock. Sur, the
Hebrew word for rock, is used in both verse 21, where He talks about standing on the rock, and verse 22, where He talks about the cleft of the rock.
And Kat Kerr, this prophetess, says that the cleft of the rock is the place where Moses goes into God and travels through time.
But verse 21 says that Moses will stand on the rock. Does that mean that he was standing on God?
That's rather blasphemous, don't you think? Does that mean that he was standing on time itself? No, of course not.
It's impossible. Literally 30 seconds of looking at the passage, and it becomes absolutely apparent that this woman has no earthly clue what she's talking about.
This is a deliberate mishandling of the text, and it happens in hyper -charismatic churches all the time, and it needs to stop, because it's sinful.
It's lying. By the way, if you think this kind of crazy interpretation of Scripture isn't a big threat to the
Church, just know that this deception, this lie about God's Word, was viewed by over 100 ,000 people.
And beneath it were countless positive comments, praising her for this new interpretation of an old passage.
I'm sure that everyone watching this video actually has come into contact with some form of this nonsense before, or at least they know someone else who was deceived by it.
So here's what I recommend you do when this sort of thing happens to you. When you hear someone spouting off prophecies and bizarre revelations and weird interpretations of the
Bible, first, ask them where they find it in Scripture. Usually, a hyper -charismatic cannot even withstand that small amount of critical thinking.
However, some will quote a Bible verse for you. Don't panic at this point. All I want you to do is read the entire chapter that that verse is in.
If you haven't already found a part of the passage that they rejected or completely ignored when they took this proof text for you, and you cannot see how they possibly be wrong, then just ask your pastor about it.
That process, when used properly, will refute about 90 % of the ridiculous, bizarre, charismatic claims that are out there.
And finally, I pray for this woman and all the people who are misguided enough to follow her and this movement.
Pray that they would repent and believe the truth of God's Word. Thank you so much for watching that video.
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And until next time, fight for truth, never surrender, and keep your eyes open. Thank you and God bless.