Russell Brand's Got Questions, The Bible's Got Answers!
Russell Brand recently went to Instagram and asked Christians a bunch of great questions, including which church he should attend. We're gonna let the Bible answer all of his questions! Let's get into it :)
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- tell me what is the importance of the church and tell me is it important what church you go to i see his excitement right for this and it just it encourages me other celebrity quote -unquote christians who have come out proclaiming jesus but then their journeys have been have not ended well is this another one of those times it's always good to see someone who is seeking the lord and asking these kinds of questions no matter what their past looks like let's just come alongside him and help him amen russell brand recently shared an instagram video where he asked christians to help him determine which church he should go to i love this opportunity because here at wise disciple we're going to let the bible answer all of brand's questions so stay tuned for all of that if you're new here welcome to wise disciple my name is nate sala and i'm helping you become the effective christian that you are meant to be before i jumped into this ministry i was a pastor and bible teacher for a number of years and so it is from that experience that i make these videos don't forget to like and subscribe to the channel and if this video blesses you at all would you do me a favor and share it with someone else so that we can continue to get the word out about why is disciple i'd really appreciate it uh also don't forget to check out the awesome offer over at logos .com