The Ahmaud Arbery Response Has Been...Something

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You ever watch a documentary about North Korea? One of the things that they allegedly do, which
I say allegedly because I don't know what to believe in the media anymore. But one of the things that North Korea allegedly does is they set up these like fake buildings and sometimes they're like fake stores where they have like lots of products available.
It looks amazing, like it looks like you're walking into like a Uber, Walmart and stuff like that. But really in the back, there's like nothing there.
It's just like, it's all fake. They also, they'll set up like guard posts and like weapons and like, you know, things like that.
So you think their defenses are like really strong, but from what defectors say, that they're just completely abandoned.
Like there's really nothing there. They've got some military capability, but they're faking a lot of it. And they want you to think that they're a lot stronger than they are.
There's nothing wrong with this, by the way. I mean, you wouldn't want your enemies to know your full capabilities. You want them to think that you're stronger than you actually are.
But it's a lot of, it's fake. It looks strong, it sounds strong, but it's really not strong.
That's what we saw a lot on Twitter recently. This video is about the Ahmaud Arbery reaction.
♪♪ Yeah, so I'm not gonna go into the case too much, you know, for a couple of reasons.
One, you know, the information is still ongoing. So I'm not trying to put my foot in my mouth when it comes to the facts of the case.
and two you know there's gonna be a trial and frankly I don't know much about the case actually first heard about it because someone one of the you know one of the people that's very against like James Wyatt and Doug Wilson and all that stuff retweeted something
I had said about face masks and said you know very sanctimoniously you would think this is about Ahmad Arbery but it's not it's about masks and like as if I'm supposed to be angry at the same things that she's angry about it just makes no sense
I'd never heard of Ahmad Arbery and I didn't know what was going on I actually just watched the video for the first time two days ago and I've got some thoughts on it but but what
I want to talk about mostly is the reaction because you know the usual suspects have commented about it and have lied through their teeth about it this is this one's from LeBron James this is a usual suspect you don't really expect much from LeBron James this is what he says he says we're literally hunted every day every time we step foot out of the comfort of our homes
I can't even go for a damn jog man like WTF man are you kidding me no man for real are you kidding me
I'm sorry Ahmad and my prayers and blessings sent to the family and the the meme that he posted is a picture of Ahmad looking sharp and Ahmad says
I was murdered by an armed father and son who hunted me down and shot me as I jogged in a
Georgia neighborhood neither of my killers have been charged my name is Ahmad Arbery so the idea here is that two white guys decided they wanted to go hunt a black and so they found this guy jogging peacefully in the in the street you know and they said oh there's one son let's go shoot him you know what
I mean and then they shot him and they were gonna get away with it so there's nothing believable about this story by the way like like the idea that that a guy was just jogging minding his own business and a white guy and a black guy said we're gonna go hunting some black people and then they got caught but there weren't gonna be charged like there's nothing believable about that story at all and in year 2020 so I knew that didn't happen
I mean that's that's that's insane but anyway so so you know but obviously don't put any stock into what
LeBron James says you know but but what was unusual about this one is that that there were in an ordinate amount of this kind of posts have you seen this kind of post well
I'm not an SJW but I must speak I my my conscience and within me is burning up I must speak against the racism that this has exposed and it's just you've seen a lot of that from people that you wouldn't expect it from I'm not
I'm not a social justice warrior but and then what follows is essentially social justice warrioring like like and I don't feel any shame in saying that because the reality is that there is absolutely no hard evidence that race had anything to do with this particular crime at this point it's
May 13th and I have to be honest like if race did play a factor in this you would assume that you have would have heard the hard evidence by this point but maybe not
I'll wait for the trial I said this on Twitter yesterday you know it could be that this father and son are our grand wizards you know what
I mean that's certainly what the that's certainly the message that the media is trying to portray if you notice you'll typically see this very clean -cut you know picture of this very handsome young man
Ahmaud Arbery you'll see the picture like this but of the two white guys you'll see them essentially looking like they have a hood in the back you know in the closet kind of thing yeah so so you you can see the propaganda working its way through this you'll never see the the the picture of Ahmaud Arbery when he's looking kind of angry or mean or anything like that but the two white guys oh definitely maybe they just probably just got back from a rally right then and there anyway but the point is so we'll see the trial
I mean maybe they're grand wizards maybe they maybe they make made some Twitter maybe they they did some Google searches how to hunt black people before they went and did this maybe they did that that seems very unlikely to me but you know hey maybe
I'm I'll wait for the trial to see that but actually I don't even care I don't even care if race motivated it or not it makes no difference to me because the reality is that a murder if it is a murder which it certainly seems to be a complicated case to me if it is a murder
I don't care if you murdered someone for being black or if you murder them because they stole your bubblegum I mean it's it's it to me the act of murder is something that the law of God is is absolutely against it has no toleration for it and you get the death penalty doesn't matter what the motive is if if you're angry at someone because they looked at you with a stink eye or you're angry with them because they have the wrong skin color if you murder them you deserve the death penalty so that the murder the actual motivation really doesn't matter to me but in this case
I'm seeing so many conservative Christians that are saying I must speak about the racism of this case and and you ask well what's the racism in this case and well they really don't have anything except for a bunch of assumptions well there's the perpetrators were white and the victim was black and I mean
I guess that's enough for some people that's actually not enough you you can't lie about people because of the color of their skin
I mean I thought this is this is pretty basic stuff right this is pretty basic stuff the other thing is I did finally see the video
I didn't watch it for a long time and I have to say I've heard a lot of things about this case that I'm just I can't believe people are willing to just make stuff up I I really don't get it like like the video is hard to hard to watch
I mean you can see what happens and I've seen videos like that before where somebody gets shot and they try to run away they you know it's you don't want to see that kind of stuff it's very sad but I saw some people that I trust and they're like well you know what would you do if you had a gun pointed at you and I'm thinking to myself
I mean did you see a different video cuz I didn't see them point a gun at him I I know he ended up getting shot but but you can't just make that assumption
I mean you did you see it in the video or not did they point a gun at him or not it's not illegal for someone to have a gun on them yeah
I mean I guess it depends on where you live right in Georgia it's not illegal for someone to have a gun on him in New Hampshire where I am if I have a gun on me it's not illegal
I don't need a permit or anything like that I could do whatever I want to have a gun on me and so if there's a scuffle between two people and you don't see what happened does it mean that the scuffle started because I pointed a gun at the person well not necessarily
I mean that's a possible explanation but but I've seen people just come out and say well what what would you do if somebody pointed a gun at you and this is like well but how do you know he pointed a gun at him
I mean this is stuff we have to establish right like we can't just say things that we don't know are true I mean it's very well it very well could be that they had the gun on them they had it visible the guy reaches for this is what the defense is saying basically well at least the defenders online that I've seen the guy reached for the gun trying to pull it away from them and in that process he got shot and the reality is we actually don't even know who pulled the trigger because if you're fighting over a gun this is what the defense is saying
I'm not saying this happened but this is a possible explanation you're fighting over a gun you know you're both up presumably going after the trigger who knows who actually pulled the trigger right that that's that's that this needs to be established you can't just assume this and it's like well he was stalking him those white guys were stalking him well the idea here is that they were doing a citizen's arrest which
I completely believe that that's something that is valid in fact I think it's required I think it's required if you look at the scripture there's no established police force so what's the alternative right the world's obviously going to be citizens arrest so we would you know if we were a biblical government we would have a lot more of that kind of thing going on so I'm not opposed to citizens arresting so well he's still he's stalking him well it depends on your definition of stalking because if I see someone that looks suspicious in my in my neighborhood or my house which
I have before that's happened to me before I remember in college there's a suspicious guy in our yard and and he kind of walks off after he sees me and I walk after him and I say hey dude what were you doing in my yard is that stalking well we don't know
I mean we the reality is that the video that we saw it's hard to say exactly what what words were exchanged what was you know because if you're seeing the same video that I saw right if you've seen the same video that I saw we need to establish these things we don't we don't know exactly what happened it's a complicated case it's not straightforward and so this is my this is my point and by the way you know again
I'm not commenting on the specific nature of this and also by the way I don't really care so much about what
Georgia state law says what I'm more concerned with is what biblical law says about these things and I think that there are some things in the
Bible that we can look to about you know if somebody comes into your house in the daytime versus the nighttime that might apply here things like that I I really do think that these things you know these are things that we need to consider right but but the reality is if there was a scuffle over a lawfully possessed and a lawfully you know handled weapon that's a very complicated situation and I think that there are but there is biblical you know precedents there about me accidental killings and things of that nature versus murder but the thing is this is a complicated case it's a complicated case so when somebody gives you the rhetoric of hey man you can't shoot people for being black you you have to instantly disregard that that's just empty rhetoric that's like North Korea having the stores that look full but there's really no products there it looks nice it sounds good but it's false it's absolutely false any
Christian who's promoting that narrative is a liar it's an absolute liar there's no excuse for it you can't this guy was just jogging down the street that's also a lie there's there's nothing about this case that makes you think that this guy was just jogging and the two good old boys decide let's go hunt ourselves a black guy it just didn't it just didn't seem like it happened that way at all you can't just say stuff like that you can't just say stuff like that if it's just because it sounds good and it sounds powerful yeah of course you can't shoot someone for being black and you can't shoot someone for being a jogger but do you have any evidence any evidence that that's what's happened here and the reality is you don't in fact there is evidence that seems to indicate that that's actually not what happened here not that the defense has to prove its case but there is a lot of things about this that make this much more complicated than racism and so conservative
Christians out there that are saying stuff like well I'm not an SJW but I must speak about this number one you must you don't have to speak about something you have no knowledge of in fact
I would recommend not speaking about something you have no knowledge of unless you're gonna you know qualify it to death well this is just my opinion kind of thing
I have no evidence of it but this is my theory that's fine I'm okay with that but but let's not pretend like this is a simple thing this is not a simple thing and and and the idea that you can somehow say that this is race related even if it was an unlawful killing even if it was an unlawful killing they stalked him they and they they shot him inappropriately right yeah okay fine it's a murder then in that case let's say how do you know what race had anything to do with it besides the race of the shooters that that's that's what
I'd like to know I mean would it would it change your mind at all if it turned out that that the shooters actually have you know ministries and and and charities specifically for black people and that they were they were members of the
Democratic Party and that they were you know you were anti -racist and stuff like that would it change your mind about the about the shooting then
I mean that's an honest question and if the answer is yes which you know obviously it should because unless you're unreasonable how do you know they don't you simply don't have the information yet nobody does
I'm not saying they do I'm just saying you you don't have the information you nobody knows about the the the the the racial status of these people nobody knows would it change your mind if you knew that Ahmaud Arbery was a was a was a longtime felon with a rap sheet the size of kingdom come but it would it change your mind that if you knew that that he had reached for people's guns before he had a gun he was you know all this kind of stuff
I mean we know certain we know certain facts of the case here in this situation yeah I didn't have a gun on him but do you know for a fact that he didn't try to wrestle that gun away from the other person well you don't know what you would do with if you if you had a gun pointed at you yeah but but you don't know if he had a gun pointed at him you know what
I mean like there's just so much unknown here right there's so much unknown here I don't want to talk about the facts of the case because there's a lot of stuff that's probably gonna come out still and I just have no idea but the point is neither do you neither do you don't say this was racism if you don't know it was racism and even if it was racist it comes out into the trial that they're they're
KKK you know all that kind of stuff that doesn't mean that we have a problem of white people hunting blacks in fact if you look at the statistics of crime in and you wanted to make a case for what race is hunting what race
I don't think you want to play that game that you play stupid games you're gonna win stupid prizes because it's gonna look a whole lot worse in one direction versus the other and let me give you a hint it's not the white against black direction
I'm just saying I'm not saying that proves anything all I'm saying is that let's not go down this road of racial division when we have no idea what happened here
I don't have any idea and neither do you and so I'm not talking to woke people I don't care what LeBron James has to say he's gone he's gone his mind is mush
I don't care what DA Horton has to say that guy's mind is mush he he posted I'm not even gonna watch the video
I'm just gonna denounce the racism in the video is just like I keep talking about man are you crazy you out of your mind
I'm not talking about Jamar Tisby that guy's lost I'm not talking about the beating he's gone I'm not talking about those people
I'm talking to you conservative who has decided I not a social justice warrior but in this case
I must speak my mind speak your mind if you must speak about about you know your opinions on citizens arrest and and an accidental shootings and unlawful shootings and things like that that's all fine talk about the
Bible that's the most important thing talk about biblical justice in this situation like I said I think that there are some some really interesting case laws in the
Bible that we can look to that have precedence here about what happened here you know killing versus in the daytime versus the nighttime when people strive together accidental killing stuff like that there's there's a lot of meat there that we can go into but one thing you cannot do conservative
Christian who says you're not an SJW what you cannot do is start talking like an SJW thinking acting as if you know things about the racial motivations of this case that you can't possibly know and so if you have done that kind of thing where you pretend that this is about racism even though you have no idea right at this point if it's about racism
I would suggest that you would probably recant that and say look this this killing looks awful I don't like it it looks like it's very complicated case which it most definitively is a very complicated case it should go to trial but I have no idea if it was racism
I shouldn't have lied like that stop lying that's all you gotta do you just got to stop lying anyway
I hope you found this video helpful God bless you know how sometimes
James White when he does like a very when he's like defending himself against like a big controversy sometimes he'll wear like a bowtie you know
I mean ever noticed that like you'll get dressed up for it at least I think so it seems that way to me maybe there's another reason why he sometimes wears the bowtie on the dividing line but in this episode