Mike Todd Said THIS About The Holy Spirit!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to Fight For Truth, the channel where we bring you Christian commentary about the things that matter.
In today's video, we're going to be talking about a sermon clip from Mike Todd, pastor of Transformation Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Mike is one of the fastest -growing influences in the modern church world. More often than not, his trendy sermons involve a lot of yelling, joking, clapping, sweating, etc.
It's really quite a frenzy. It's basically a motivational speech every Sunday. But among other things,
Mike Todd is, to some degree, a charismatic. And many charismatics will tell you that they have a tremendous emphasis on the ministry of the
Holy Spirit. Speaking in tongues, prophesying, getting words and revelations from the Spirit, and so on.
Yet Mike Todd, one of the most popular charismatic leaning preachers today, seems to have a very unbiblical idea of who the
Holy Spirit is. In his recent sermon series, entitled, quote, Launch into Victory, Mike Todd is preaching about what he calls, quote, speaking in victory.
The idea is that if you want to accomplish your goals and be successful in any particular area you desire, you have to speak victory over yourself.
But Mike notes that many people do not practice this, at least not in the way he describes it. Many people are consistently speaking negative thoughts over themselves.
And in response to this, here is what Mike says in the sermon. Watch this. Do you know how many landmines the
Holy Spirit is walking through in your life? He's trying to get to you, but all the words, all the curses you've spoken over yourself, the enemy don't gotta curse you, you don't curse yourself,
I'll never be able to lose this weight. Holy Spirit is like, ah, your body's a temple of me,
I'm trying to help you, get your words lined up with the word of God.
Get your words lined up in victory. There are so many biblical problems with that teaching, it's hard to know where to begin.
So let's start out talking about this and comparing it to scripture. The first reason Mike Todd's teaching here is unbiblical is that it makes the
Holy Spirit look helpless, which he most certainly is not. Mike says, quote, do you know how many landmines the
Holy Spirit is walking through in your life? He then proceeds to walk around the stage tiptoeing carefully in an imitation of what the
Holy Spirit apparently does in your life. I'm not sure who Mike is describing here, but it's certainly not the
God of the Bible. God is the all -powerful creator of the entire universe. He has destroyed entire cities, leveled entire armies with just a word of his sovereign command.
He's not tiptoeing around your life trying to avoid landmines. This picture of a helpless and timid
Holy Spirit who's being extra careful not to hurt himself is entirely unbiblical and lacking in any kind of proper fear or respect for the
Lord. Genesis 1, 1 through 2 says this, quote, in the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.
The earth was without form and void and darkness was over the face of the deep and the spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.
You see, the Holy Spirit was there at the moment of creation. The eternal, powerful, all -knowing creator
God. Let's also consider the story of Ananias and his wife, Sapphira. According to Acts chapter 5, these two people sold a field and claimed to have given the whole of the proceeds to the church.
In reality, they had kept some portion for themselves, and in response, they are confronted by the apostle
Peter. In Acts 5, 3, Peter says this, quote, Ananias, why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the
Holy Spirit and to keep back for yourself part of the proceeds of the land? End quote.
Moreover, Peter says in verse 4, quote, you have not lied to man, but to God. And immediately after this,
Ananias falls down and dies on the spot. Then his wife, Sapphira comes in and Peter confronts her again, highlighting the spirit of God, which is very interesting.
In verse 9, he says, quote, how is it that you have agreed together to test the spirit of the
Lord? Behold, the feet of those who have buried your husband are at the door and they will carry you out.
End quote. And the passage says that immediately after this, she too fell down and died.
In reaction to all of this, verse 11 says, quote, and great fear came upon the whole church and upon all who heard these things.
And it's hard to see how this holy and righteous fear is exemplified by jumping around the stage tiptoeing around as if you're the
Holy Spirit. So here's a good question. Was the Holy Spirit tiptoeing around Ananias and his wife?
When we read that story, we find that the Holy Spirit is not some helpless little boy trying not to, quote, step on a landmine.
No, He is God Almighty, worthy of our utmost worship, respect, and love. But this is not the only time that Mike Todd's analogy goes far out of bounds.
Watch this part of the clip again, and you'll see what I mean. Watch this. He's trying to get to you, but all the words, all the curses you've spoken over yourself.
So Mike says that the Spirit of God is dodging landmines, quote, he's trying to get to you, but all the words you've spoken over yourself.
And of course, the implication is that these words are keeping him from getting to you. This is once again out of step with Scripture.
First Corinthians 619 says, quote, do you not know that your body is a temple of the
Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You see, if you are a Christian, the Holy Spirit is not trying in vain to get to you.
No, the Holy Spirit is always within you. Now, don't get me wrong, that doesn't mean we've fully arrived yet and don't require any further sanctification.
This doesn't mean that we cannot grieve the Spirit or even disobey the Spirit as Christians. Unfortunately, we can.
Ephesians 430 says, quote, and do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.
But this is not what Mike Todd is alluding to, not even close. He's saying that the Spirit is dodging landmines in your life, trying to get to you, but he just can't seem to do it.
It's too difficult, too dangerous for him. He still has to tiptoe slowly so as not to step on a landmine.
That's the image we get directly from Mike Todd here in his analogy. But biblically, when a
Christian disobeys or grieves the Spirit or acts sinfully, that is not because the
Spirit of God was incapable of getting to you. It wasn't the Spirit's lack of ability due to your negative self -talk that caused a problem.
Rather, it is your own refusal to walk by the Spirit that causes a grieving of the
Spirit. Galatians 516 says, quote, walk by the Spirit and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.
You see, when Christians gratify the flesh, they sin. When they walk by the Spirit, they live in righteousness.
So to present this as though the Spirit of God is lacking in any kind of power or capability, or that He is walking carefully on thin ice, so to speak, this is completely inaccurate and irreverent towards God.
This brings us to the third problem with Mike Todd's Holy Spirit analogy. Watch this part again.
Notice how Mike Todd is approaching this and illustrating this. Most of all, notice how he caricatures the
Holy Spirit. The Spirit is cautiously, carefully stepping around your life in order to avoid the landmines of the curses that you've put on yourself through your negative self -talk.
Your self -talk is creating obstacles for the Holy Spirit Himself, says Mike Todd. But this is the problem.
Mike presents it as if the Holy Spirit is in some sort of dangerous or difficult situation wherein
He could possibly make a mistake. But God cannot be in danger, nor can He make a mistake.
Let's put it another way. In Mike Todd's analogy, what happens if the Holy Spirit steps on a landmine?
Does the Spirit blow up? Does the Spirit get injured or severely hurt? What exactly happens?
If the answer is nothing happens, then why use the analogy in the first place when it makes no sense and has no direct consequence?
If the answer is something bad happens, then wouldn't that be suggesting that the Holy Spirit is in some kind of imminent danger and capable of making a mistake if He puts a foot out of place?
If so, the analogy is an outright blasphemy, in which case we still shouldn't use it. So as you can see, no matter what is meant by this specifically, it's a dangerously unbiblical example to give.
And to suggest that this is what the ministry of the Holy Spirit looks like is absolutely false.
There is no indication of that in the Scriptures. Psalm 147 verse 5 says this, quote,
Great is our Lord, and abundant in power. His understanding is beyond measure.
The God of the Scriptures is all -powerful, all -knowing, sovereign, without any equal.
He is the Almighty, and according to Job 42 .2, no purpose of His can ever be thwarted or stopped.
Contrast this with the Holy Spirit given to us by Mike Todd. His Holy Spirit, in the analogy, is a cautious, careful person who's afraid to step on a landmine.
He's so lacking in power that He has to slowly, methodically navigate your life because your self -talk is so powerful that it can control what
He does. And if He accidentally steps the wrong way, well, He might blow up. It's very tricky business.
In other words, He's weak, feeble, teetering on the edge of disaster. That's the image we get from Mike Todd.
And who put Him in this predicament? Well, you did. Your negative self -talk did. You are so powerful that you can put the
God of the universe on His toes. You see, Mike Todd thinks he's giving a clever analogy here, a trendy sermon illustration that will probably go on a clip that they'll post on Instagram.
But what he's really doing is offering something that is either direct blasphemy or man -centered nonsense.
And either way, it's deeply unbiblical. The Holy Spirit described by Mike Todd here bears little to no resemblance to the
God of the Bible. You see, Mike's motivational speech style of preaching is really good at whipping the crowd into an emotional frenzy and growing their
Instagram following at Transformation Church. But it's not nearly as effective at actually instructing people in the truth of God's Word.
The problem is, that's literally the job of a pastor. So flee from the teaching of Mike Todd.
It is unbiblical, inaccurate, and so focused on making you feel good that it's virtually devoid of any real substance.
This new, trendy, pseudo -Christian teaching is something that we as Christians should oppose wholeheartedly.
We can never prioritize entertainment over biblical truth. We must lovingly mark and avoid pastors like Mike Todd as unbiblical false teachers.
I pray that this has been a blessing to you, and please know that this video isn't meant as a sinful attack, but rather as a biblical critique.
And let's pray for Mike Todd that he would stop his false teaching by God's grace and turn to the truth of God's Word.
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