WATCH: Bethel Pastor Says That JESUS SINNED!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you real
Christian commentary about the things that matter. Thanks so much for watching, let's get into the video. So Bethel Church is a charismatic church in Redding, California, that often manipulates the
Scriptures and teaches false doctrine. Many people often complain when I talk about Bethel, saying, but Colin, Bethel might have some weird beliefs, okay, but they teach proper theology about the main tenets of the
Christian faith. The problem with this statement is that it ignores the egregious blasphemy of Bethel in other areas that aren't directly related to the
Gospel. For instance, Jen Johnson, who is the daughter -in -law of Bethel's head pastor Bill Johnson, she once said that the
Holy Spirit is blue and sneaky, just like the genie from Aladdin. Check out the link in the description for a video on that.
These kinds of statements are not inherently related to the Gospel itself, but are still unacceptable nonetheless.
But in any case, today I have an example for you of a Bethel pastor named Seth Dahl from Bethel Church preaching something that does directly contradict the
Gospel. Watch this. It hurt me so bad. And one time
I was laying on the floor, actually it was in this room, I'm laying on the floor, and in a vision, in an encounter with God, in a vision,
Jesus picks me up and holds me so close that I can't see anything, and he holds me so close, and Jesus starts to weep.
And he says, please forgive me. Please forgive me. What are you talking about?
Please forgive you. He said, when that pastor hurt you, it's as if I hurt you.
So let's deal with this nonsense using three biblical points, shall we? Number one, the first reason this statement is unbiblical is that it strikes at the very heart of the
Gospel message itself. In the clip, Bethel pastor Seth Dahl says that Jesus had to ask him for forgiveness, and that would imply that Jesus sinned.
After all, you cannot really ask for forgiveness if you haven't sinned against someone, can you? Second Corinthians 5 .21,
on the other hand, says this, quote, For our sake he made him to be sin, who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God, end quote.
The Bible says that Jesus is perfectly holy and that he never sinned. But more than this, the passage
I just read also declares that it is only because Jesus did not sin that we can be made righteous before God.
In other words, if Jesus did, in fact, sin, then we have no hope in Christ's sacrifice or that he can save us and make us holy.
That is what is at stake with a comment like this. So contrary to popular belief, there are indeed statements being made at Bethel Church from their pulpit that contradict the essential
Christian doctrines. That's what happens when your church's teaching is basically an emotional feeding frenzy where you can spout off whatever you want without having to match it up with Scripture.
This is precisely what happens when you do that sort of thing. There is no excuse for the comment being made here.
Calling Jesus sinful even by implication is heretical, unbiblical, and absolutely unacceptable.
And this brings me to point number two. There is a second problem with what this pastor says that quite easily goes under the radar if you're not looking for it.
Notice that when he says Jesus sinned, he does not say that Jesus simply walked up to him and told him that he sinned.
Rather, in the vision, Jesus actually hugs Seth Dahl and begs for his forgiveness. There's an important distinction to be made here.
In other words, Jesus is actually submitting to the authority of this pastor rather than the pastor submitting to the authority of Jesus.
According to Seth's vision, he is the judge of Jesus' actions, not the other way around. And that's why
Jesus has to ask him for forgiveness. In essence, the statement this man made wasn't just in conflict with the
Gospel. It is a complete reversal of the Gospel. Second Timothy 4 .1 says, quote, I charge you in the presence of God and of Jesus Christ, who is to judge the living and the dead, end quote.
You see, the Bible makes it clear that Jesus will judge us. He has ultimate authority. Under no circumstances will we ever judge his actions negatively in any way.
The Bible says that we submit to Jesus, but this Bethel pastor's vision includes Jesus submitting to him.
This isn't just problematic, it's deeply dangerous, and it's wrong. And this brings me to point number three.
This statement was uttered from a stage at Bethel Church and on the streaming platform called Bethel TV. So we know that Bethel Church members saw this, and we know that representatives from Bethel could have dealt with this.
This comment was blasphemy of the highest order and an affront to the Gospel itself. There should have been an immediate and resounding apology and correction with regards to this false teaching about Jesus.
And Bethel should have clarified their stance immediately for the sake of protecting their flock from this false doctrine.
But I cannot find any record that Seth Dahl, the man who said these words, has ever been corrected publicly on this matter or apologized.
I have not been able to find any time that Bethel Church redacted this view and offered a more Biblical one instead.
Acts 20, 28, it tells church leaders to, quote, pay attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the
Holy Spirit made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood, end quote.
This passage tells church leaders to do two things, to pay careful attention and to care for the flock.
And I don't think it's very attentive or caring to let this kind of false teaching be declared in your church without rebuking it.
You see, the fact that this blasphemy was ever something that could be uttered in Bethel Church by a Bethel pastor, that's bad enough.
But the fact that this statement has gone uncorrected, that's even worse. How many times does
Bethel Church have to allow unbiblical beliefs to be spread from their platform before we realize that false teaching evidently isn't something they care about all that much?
At what point does this stop being a little mistake here and there and actually become a fatal flaw that's integral to their ministry at large?
Unfortunately, I would say we're already at that point when it comes to Bethel Church, but most people aren't willing to admit that.
So in summary, Bethel pastor Seth Dahl said on Bethel TV in front of a large audience that Jesus had to ask him for forgiveness.
And this is a direct attack on the Gospel itself, whether he meant it that way or not. And it contradicts essential
Christian doctrine. There is no excuse to be made for this at all, and there was also no correction offered by Bethel Church that I'm aware of.
So if anyone from Bethel is watching this video, please know this is not an attack on you. It's a warning to the
Church about false teaching, and my hope is that everyone involved would repent of this and stop preaching falsehood.
So let's pray that Seth Dahl and the people who promote Bethel Church would repent of this and turn to the truth of God's Word.
And until next time, fight for truth, never surrender, and keep your eyes open.