61. What the Bible Says About Marriage (Marriage Series Intro)



Manhood and womanhood are under attack. Marriage and sexuality are under attack. And every institution, from Hollywood to the District of Columbia, is aimed at perverting our children. It is high time that the church says, enough! And it is high time we begin fighting for the only institution God called “Very good. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/theshepherdsprodcast/message Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/theshepherdsprodcast/support


62. Marriage and the Trinity (Marriage Series Part 1)

Welcome back to the podcast where we prod the sheep and beat the wolf. This is episode 61 in the beginning of a brand new series on marriage.
Now you may be asking why start a marriage series? Well, the downfall of every civilization begins with a collapse in marriage.
In the beginning, God designed coveted marriage as the fundamental unit of human society.
He called one man and one woman to enter into a one flesh union that would bring fruitful labor into every neighborhood, that would multiply
God's blessings into every town and would extend God's reign, his dominion to the ends of the earth and would bring the kind of stability that would establish empires and kingdoms for generations without healthy and God glorifying marriages, there will be no culture worth preserving.
There will be no society that is left to flourish. There will be no nation. Think about it this way.
There's a fully ripened apple tree, but in a moment of peculiar madness, a farmer takes a baseball bat and knocks every single one of those delicious honey crisp apples right off of the tree.
Now on the surface, nothing would happen except maybe there would be a noticeable lack of apple pies for Thanksgiving.
But suppose the farmer saw the error in his ways and he noticed that such an action was not good, the apples would come back the following year.
There'd be no catastrophic or long lasting consequences for his moment of stupidity.
But the same could not be said if that farmer decided to take an ax and attack one of the exposed roots of the tree that are visible above the soil.
In fact, with every single root that he severs, a specific section of the tree would die until the entire tree was starved of its nutrients.
That is precisely what the enemy has done to civilization since the
Garden of Eden. But instead of attacking its fruit directly, he's gone after the root of things, poisoning one family after another until the entire society withers.
But instead of using an ax, the devil has attacked the root with various different schemes and tactics.
He struck the core of femininity so that no one even knows what a woman is anymore. He severed the essence of manhood, producing the twin diseases of over -aggressive imbeciles and passive effeminate ninnies.
He's poisoned the roots of sexuality so much that a bisexual tree fairy with the pronouns Z Zem, mating with a queer curious furry named
Mittens seems more natural these days than a lifelong covenantal spouse. Manhood and womanhood are under attack.
Marriage and sexuality are under attack and every institution from Hollywood all the way to the lizards of the
District of Columbia is aimed at perverting our children. It's high time that the church says enough and it's high time that we begin fighting for the only institution that God called very good and that is marriage.
That's why I wanna do a series on marriage but with that said, I have zero interest in contributing my opinion on the matter.
Every year a new Christian book on marriage is published and every year divorce, infidelity, abortions and a host of other societal perversions increase.
Now, it needs to be said by someone at least that every page of our Christian book publishing apparatus has become as useful to the health of marriage as 10 pounds of used toilet paper has been for cleaning dirty dishes.
Which if you're not following the metaphor, not successful at all. So this series is going to be different.
I don't wanna add to the growing noise with anecdotes, funny stories or bare facts. I wanna talk about my own life and how
I've lived out experiences. I may provide some things from my life that have helped me but that's not gonna be the point of it.
The point is that this is gonna be a series on what the Bible says. How the
Bible defines marriage, sex, manhood, womanhood, gender roles and all of the other hosts of topics that are long overdue for us to have talked about.
So with that, join us next week as we begin this new series on marriage together.