Woke Christians, CNN and Complaining About Whites

AD Robles iconAD Robles




All right, well time for a serious video. If you saw over the weekend, I uploaded absolute proof of a huge evangelical conspiracy and I apologize for the video in advance.
If I ever apologize for a video in the title of the video, then you know that it's gonna be weird.
And a lot of you liked the content, but a lot of you were saying, hey I'm kind of new to your channel, like what is this supposed to be?
Understandably so, because this video is absolutely insane. Don't worry though. I haven't gone insane. It's just the video that's insane.
I'm fine. My mind, at least I think, is still pretty sharp. But I wanted to follow this up with a serious video today because my content is very serious.
I have a good time. I joke. I, you know, produce funny content as well. But at the same time, these are serious issues and I wanted to address this
CNN article. I'm not gonna address the whole thing, but there are some key elements that I want to bring to it.
And I'm just gonna read some of it and talk to you about it because this is where we're at. This is really where we're at.
It begins. It's called, Why Black Christians are Bracing for a
White Lash. Here's how it starts. It says, Trillia Newbell, a Christian author, had just delivered a talk in Jackson, Tennessee when a white man approached her.
Now, we're gonna stop right there. I know it's just one sentence in and a lot of you guys don't like when I interrupt articles like this so often, but if you're new to this and this is something that kind of snuck up on you, you didn't see this coming, this woke cult, this woke church cult.
I need you to see something here. This is a small detail, but it's an important detail. Look at how the
W in white is capitalized. The W in white is capitalized.
So Trillia Newbell, she just delivered a talk in Jackson, Tennessee when a white capitalized
W man approached her. Now, what you need to understand is that is not an appropriate use of capitalization, so you need to pay attention to that.
Whenever you see a weird word capitalized, you need to pay attention to that. And there's a variety of different reasons why someone might do this, but the primary reason that you need to understand with this new cult is that when you see this white man with the
W capitalized, this man is the representative for white people.
This is a proper representation of white people. So what you're going to see here is this author,
Daniel Burke, is saying that this is white people. This is a representation of the group.
This white man, it's not just a white man. This is whiteness. This is whiteness personified.
And the reality is that the woke cult in the Christian Church doesn't really do much to counterbalance this narrative that we've got whiteness in and we've got blackness and whiteness is wicked, whiteness is the devil, and blackness is the oppressed and God's always on the side of the oppressed and stuff like that.
That is the narrative of the woke cult. That's the narrative of the woke cult. And so it's a sad thing, but you have to understand that your leaders and people that are promoted by your organizations,
Trillia Newbell is in the guild, no question about it. Gospel Coalition promoted, ERLC promoted, this woman is promoted by the guild.
And so she's more than willing to lend her credibility, her blue check status to CNN, to slander your white brothers and sisters in Christ.
She's more than willing to do that. And so here she is doing that for CNN. She is okay with this man, this white man that should be lowercase white.
She's more than willing to make him the representation of whiteness in the church. And that is a sad thing.
That's a cultic tactic, and that's not Christianity. That's not how
Christianity operates. But Trillia Newbell, she's part of this cult. She's part of the woke church cult.
Here's what she says. So a white man approached her, capital W. Newbell, who is black, see now black is also capitalized because Newbell represents the oppressed blacks.
So here she goes. Newbell, who is black, had spoken about the Imago Dei, the idea that all humans of all races are made in the image unlikeness of God.
The man disagreed. Quote, he explained that I was subhuman, that I was a different species, recalled
Newbell, and he was trying to use Scripture as proof. Newbell, 41, chooses her words carefully, but the
Knoxville native is candid about the racism she's faced during her ministry, including the past seven years as a community outreach director for an arm of the
Southern Baptist Convention. Quote, too many times to name, I have gone after a speaking event and wept in my hotel room,
Newbell recalled in a recent interview, just realizing how deeply deceived some people are.
Well, I don't weep, Newbell, Trillia Newbell. I don't weep very often. But it also is very troubling how deceived you are, because the reality is that I've experienced racism.
I've talked about it on my channel many times, but you know what I didn't do? What I didn't do is when I experienced racism,
I didn't start saying, wow, I just, whiteness. It's just whiteness is the real problem here.
Capital W whiteness. I mean, look how rampant it is. It's everywhere. Everyone agrees that I'm subhuman.
Like here's the reality. Like if you think that the idea that black people are subhuman, not made in the image of God is a common belief in the
Southern Baptist Convention, then you are more insane than whoever produced this video over here about the absolute proof of evangelical conspiracy.
Like you are actually not well in the head. You need help. You need help. You really need is you need
Jesus, because if that's how you think, if that's how you operate, you are completely consumed in the flesh.
Like, like that's insane to think that. So I'm not denying notice what I didn't do.
I didn't say Trillia is lying about this. I think it's distinctly possible that somebody came up to her and said, you know what?
You're actually a subhuman. You're not made in the image of God. You're subhuman. Now, if you disagree that that likely happened,
I don't have any beef with you because it's a pretty wild story. It is a pretty wild story.
And we've seen this one too many times at this point. Right. People make up racist stuff all the time.
But I don't have to do that because I think this is possible that this happened. Right. There's a lot of wackos out there.
There's a lot of wackos out there. People have said racist stuff to me. I know it happens, but you know what you don't do?
You don't cry to the pagan newspaper about how bad the church is. That's what you definitely don't do.
That's insane. That's insane. Here's Trillia Newbell. This is a promoted guild member more than happy to go to CNN and say, yeah, you know, the church, yeah, there's so many people in the church that they just think that I'm subhuman.
And, you know, there's so many, in fact, that we can capitalize the W in white. And this is the representative of whiteness in the church.
That's pretty evil. That's pretty evil. That's actually breaking one of the Ten Commandments, right?
That's that's actually bearing false witness. So this article bears false witness about white people and Trillia Newbell is more than happy to lend her credibility to it.
More than happy. But she's not the only one. Here is a section under the heading
The Theology Problem. Ready? So here we go. So this is another person more than willing to lend their credibility to an article that essentially bears false witness about white people.
Here we go. The Theology Problem. Last month, the National Association of Evangelicals put together resources for churches and pastors to respond to racial injustice and encourage its members to, quote, combat attitudes and systems that perpetuate racism, end quote.
It wasn't the first time the N .A .E., which represents some forty five thousand local churches, has addressed systemic racism, said the
Reverend Walter Kim, the association's president. Appointed last October, Kim is a Korean American, the first person of color to lead the
N .A .E. He said he sees a broader, more active swath of evangelicals engage on race in recent weeks.
By the way, that's not a good thing. That's not a good thing. This is this is basically he's happy that more churches have started following the zeitgeist here, following the lead of the culture in engaging race issues in an inappropriate way.
Now, that's not to say that the church can't engage race issues. It definitely can. But it has to have a distinctly
Christian approach to engaging race issues. It has to be distinctly Christian.
And it's not going to be the same as the way the culture approaches it. But more on that in a second.
He says he also acknowledges that evangelicals haven't always been willing to address their racial history or see the wider repercussions of contemporary racism.
Quote, there are streams of evangelicalism in which the issue of race has been woefully and inadequately addressed.
Evangelicalism itself began as a spiritual renewal movement with a primary focus on saving souls and fostering deeply personal encounters with Christ.
Often larger societal problems are seen as spiritual issues that can only be solved by salvation.
Here's a quote, the outworking of evangelicals' public theology needs to catch up on its understanding of personal transformation.
But like other evangelicals, Kim believes the wind has shifted since Floyd killing. Quote, when
America saw the death of George Floyd with their own eyes on video played millions of times, it changed something, said
Ronnie Floyd, a former Arkansas pastor who now heads the Southern Baptist Convention's executive committee.
I really believe it was a watershed moment for this country. I also believe that, but not in the same way that he does, most likely.
Floyd, a longtime advocate of racial reconciliation, noted Southern Baptist public apology in 1995 for its history of slave owning said there are a variety of views on race among Baptists.
He also pointed out that 4000 of the Southern Baptist 47000 churches are predominantly African -American.
Now, here's the thing here. So I want to go back up to this quote about public theology, right? The outworking of evangelicalism's public theology needs to catch up to its understanding of personal transformation.
Kim actually has a very good point here. We absolutely do need to have a public theology, a theology of civil government that is derived from the scripture in the same way our our theology of public or personal transformation is derived from the scripture.
But here is the rub. You need to decide what your standard is.
Let me ask you this. How many times have you heard something like this? Well, you don't just preach the gospel, the sex trafficking.
That's a quotation from Matt Chandler, right? You don't just preach the gospel to sex trafficking, right?
You don't just preach the gospel to abortion. No, you actually have a civil policy that goes behind those two things as well.
And that's very true, right? Because when it comes to abortion, that should be punishable as a murder and sex trafficking ought to be punishable because it's essentially kidnapping.
And that's illegal in God's law. There's a there's a crime. That's a crime in God's law. And so is so is murder in God's law.
Those are crimes. And so if we look to the scriptures, we can say, OK, so so we should make those things crimes.
No question about it. But we recognize, though, that that even if you make abortion crime, people will still actually have abortions because people are sinners.
And so they'll risk being prosecuted as a criminal to accomplish their dirty deeds.
This happens now. Murder is illegal. But yet people still murder. Why? Because people's souls are twisted.
People's are sinners. So they they're willing to risk any punishment, even the death penalty, in order to accomplish what they want to do, because people are twisted.
People are sinners. People hate God. People hate other people. And so people will always be willing to risk being prosecuted as a criminal to accomplish their sins.
And so the spiritual transformation that people want to focus on is actually the only thing that will change sinners.
So so you can make murder illegal all day long, but people will still murder unless their hearts change, unless God changes their heart of stone into a heart of flesh.
That's why the gospel is so central to everything that a Christian ought to be about, because really the only thing that you can do to stop sin is to get that heart to change.
God has to act there. That has to be that's a literal miracle. People have to change their stripes. Like basically what has to happen is the leopard has to change its spots.
The Ethiopian has to change its skin. And and right now there is no way for humans to do that kind of stuff on their own.
God rather has to come in and do that kind of thing. That's by the way, when I said the Ethiopian needs to change his skin.
That's a quotation from Scripture, by the way. But when it comes to race, though, we have to understand that that in the
Bible, we see what the laws that God gives Israel are. And there's nothing in there about solving the race issue with making things even
Stevens wealth wise or with welfare state or anything like that, or discrimination laws or hate law.
There's stuff like that. And so the race issue is totally different. It's totally different because we can't just make up whatever civil laws we want to make up.
You see, you have to decide what your standard is going to be. Is your standard going to be the scripture or is your standard going to be some other standard?
And as long as you keep choosing some other standard, we're going to have all kinds of issues in our country.
God will judge our nation if we start making up our own law, because it sounds pretty good. Like like, for example, like, like, can you imagine if if if somebody said,
OK, guys, guys, listen, listen, we have to have a public theology that catches up with our personal transformation theology.
And so one big sin, one big sin that Americans struggle with is obesity and obesity and gluttony.
Those are sins. And so we can't just be focused on the internal, the soul. No, instead, we need to have a public policy that outlaws gluttony.
And so we you know, we need to do what we need to do is have an established diet, a non gluttonous diet, because if we establish a diet, then no one can commit the sin of gluttony.
See, that's our public theology. Sorry about that. Our public theology has to catch up with our understanding of personal transformation.
Therefore, every person in the United States has to eat their, you know, the food pyramid of a proper diet, because that's how we
I mean, you don't just preach the gospel of gluttony, right? Imagine if somebody said that. You'd be like, are you are you insane?
Are you crazy? By the way, people have tried this kind of thing before. That's what prohibition was all about.
People had tried to say, you know what? You know, Christians shouldn't drink. And so we should ban drinking. It's like, no, you can't just make up laws.
Right. Every single time we try to do that, it ends up in a worse situation than what we started with.
And I guarantee you all this hate crime stuff, all of this even Steven racism stuff, all of this capitalizing
B, capitalizing white stuff and making things even stuff, all this kind of attempts to to achieve racial reconciliation through the law.
Every single one of them will actually make things worse off than they are right now. And if you notice, race relations seem to be getting worse and worse and worse and worse.
Why is that? Because we're attempting to fix race, racial reconciliation, the sin of racism.
We're attempting to fix the sin of racism with more racism, except in reverse.
That's a stupid idea. That's an unchristian idea. And the only people that could promote an idea such so stupid would be cultists, would be
Christians who have replaced the law of God, the perfect and holy standards of law of God's law and God's morality and God's ethics with the standards of some other ethics, some other morality, some other law.
And in many cases, it comes straight from Karl Marx's ideology. It's communist. It's socialist.
And that's not going to ever fix. That's not going to reconcile the races. The only thing that will absolutely fix it is the gospel of Jesus Christ is
God's law, God's kingdom coming. That's it. That's the only thing. Anyway, I'm going to stop the video right there.
I don't know if you guys are if you guys are enjoying this content.
If you want me to do the rest of this article, let me know. But I'm going to stop right there because I think this video has gone on long enough.
But anyway, I hope you found this video helpful. God bless. And I'll see you in the next video.