2 Samuel 20



3 Keys to Integrity

3 Keys to Integrity

Let's get started. Mike, will you open us up with a word of prayer? Dear Lord, we thank you for the blessing of laughter, blessing of fellowship, one with another in Christ, and we thank you that in your goodness to us you have given us yet another day to come together to worship you both in spirit and truth.
We pray to be with our brother as he is prepared this week to bring your word. Pray that you would use him to proclaim the oracles of God.
Pray that you'd give us hearts that are ready to receive. That you would bless this time that it would be profitable for our souls.
For it's in Christ we pray. Amen. All right. Second Samuel, chapter 20.
I almost started reading first Samuel 20. That would have messed us up, wouldn't it? We've been looking funny.
A little bit. Yeah, like Mike or something wrong? We're not reading anymore. All right. First one.
Now a worthless fellow happened to be there whose name was Sheba, the son of Bichri, a
Benjamite, and he blew with a trumpet and he said, We have no portion in David, nor do we have inheritance in the son of Jesse.
Every man to his tent, O Israel. So all the men of Israel withdrew from following David and followed
Sheba, the son of Bichri. But the men of Judah remained steadfast to their king, from the
Jordan even to Jerusalem. And David came to his house at Jerusalem, and the king took the ten women, the concubines whom he had left to keep the house, and placed them under guard and provided for them sustenance, but did not go into them.
So they were shut up until the day of their death, living as widows. Then the king said to Amasa, Call out all the men of Judah for me within three days and be present here yourself.
So Amasa went to call out the men of Judah, but he delayed longer than the set time which had been appointed to him.
And David said to Abishai, Now Sheba, the son of Bichri, will do more harm to us than Absalom, so take your lord's servants and pursue him so that he does not find for himself fortified cities and escape from our sight.
So Joab's men went out after him along with the Cherethites, the
Pelethites, and all the mighty men, and they went out from Jerusalem to pursue Sheba, the son of Bichri.
And when they were at the large stone which is in Gibeon, Amasa came to meet him there.
And Joab was dressed in his military attire, and over it was a belt with a sword, and its sheath fastened at his waist.
And as he went forward, it fell out. Joab said to Amasa, Is it well with you, my brother?
And Joab then took Amasa by his beard, and with his right hand kissed him. But Amasa was not on guard and was unaware that the sword in Joab's hand, and he struck him in the belly and poured out his inner inward part on the ground and did not strike him again, and he died.
Then Joab and Abishai, his brother, pursued Sheba, the son of Bichri. And now there stood by one of Joab's young men and said,
Whoever favors Joab and whoever is with Ferdavid, let him follow Joab.
But Amasa lay wallowing in his blood in the middle of the highway. And when the men saw that all the men stood still, he removed
Amasa from the highway into the field and threw a garment over top of him. And when he saw that everyone who came by stood still, and as soon as he was removed from the highway, all the men passed on after Joab to pursue
Sheba, the son of Bichri. Now he went through all the tribes of Israel to Abel, Beth -Makah, and all the
Berites. And they were gathered together also after him. And they came and they besieged him at Abel, Beth -Makah, and they cast up a siege ramp around the city.
And it stood up as a rampart, and all the people who were with Joab were wreaking destruction in order to topple the wall.
Then a wise woman called from the city, Hear, hear, please, tell
Joab, come here, that I may speak with him. So he approached her, and the woman said, Are you
Joab? And he answered, I am. And she said to him, Listen to the words of your maid servant.
And he answered, I am listening. Then she spoke, saying, Formerly they used to say that they will surely ask advice in Abel, and thus they end their dispute.
I am of those who are peaceable and faithful in Israel. You are seeking to destroy a city which is a mother in Israel.
Why would you swallow up the inheritance of the Lord? So Joab replied, Far be it from me, and far be it from me that I would swallow up or destroy.
That's just ironic. I'm sorry. Such is not the case. But a man from the hill country of Ephraim, Sheba, the son of Bichri, by name, has lifted up his hand against the king
David. Only hand him over, and I will depart from the city. And the woman said to Joab, Behold, his head will be thrown over the wall.
Then the woman wisely came to the people. They cut off the head of Sheba, the son of Bichri, and they threw it over to Joab.
So he blew the trumpet, and they were dispersed from the city, each to his tent. And Joab also returned to the king in Jerusalem.
Now, Joab was over the whole army of Israel. And Benaiah, the son of Jehoiada, was over the
Cherithites and the Pelethites. And Adoram was placed over the forced labor.
And Jehoshaphat, the son of Ahilud, was the recorder. And Sheba, the scribe, and Zadok and Abiathar were the priest.
And Jera, I'm sorry, and Ira, the Jerite, also was a priest to David.
Okay, so this has happened in quick succession of Absalom's revolt.
If you remember last week, Absalom, we saw that Absalom had died. They had,
Israel said bring, basically, the ten tribes said, Hey, let's bring David back. We're going to make him our king again.
We're going to install him. Remember, he was up here. He was here. And we're going to bring him back to Jerusalem.
This scenario in chapter 20, verse 1, takes place, if my understanding is correct, at the
Jordan. He ain't even crossed over yet, okay? Takes place.
He gets there. They're saying, Hey, we're going to make David king again. And here it is.
This jackleg jumps up named Sheba and says, No, no, no, no, no, no, no. We're not going to do that. Because here's what it says.
They're worthless. It happened there. There was someone there. Where were they at? They were fixed across the
Jordan. And his name was Sheba, the son of Bichari. He was a Benjamite. And remember, when we hear the trumpet blow, it has a significance.
Either it's a call to war, a call to gather people, or a call to stop war, or a call to worship, something like that.
In this case, he was blowing the horn to basically raise up another conspiracy or rebellion against David.
I understand this as Sheba saying, I'm going to finish what
Absalom could not do. And that's to overthrow David. I do want to do something
I'm thinking about. Gee, sorry.
All three of these were people who wanted to kill David. Not only wanted to kill David, but they opposed
God's anointed king. Something we need to remember. Now, there are other in there. We have some of those incursions and all that.
We could even put Hunan in here somewhere, because he opposed the gracious acts of David when his dad died.
Remember the Ammonites and all that. We could put him there too. But these men opposed
God's anointed king in such a way that they wanted to put him to death. And now we can add
Sheba. All these and death.
Every one of them. Every one of them. Now, as we go through this, we can go ahead and make a spiritual application.
Everybody that opposes God's anointed king, which ultimately would be with the Lord Jesus Christ, in what? Dead. Not just physically, but eternal condemnation.
And I do believe typologically, remember David's a real man, real king, God's real anointed man.
But that points further to the greater son of David, who would be the Lord Jesus Christ. Hey, and just as these men opposed
God's anointed man, those that oppose God's final anointed king that come in the
Messiah, Jesus Christ, end in utter destruction. We need to... Every time we see these men being destroyed, heads cut off, whatever, whether it's through judges or whatever, we understand that, hey, this is only a picture of what
God's going to do with his enemies on those final days. So, he says,
Sheba blew the horn of the trumpet. We have no portion in David, nor do we have any inheritance in the son of Jesse.
Every man to his tent, O Israel. In my mind, I'm going, this guy,
Sheba, must have been... had to be... I know I'm drawing an inference, okay? Had to be somebody that had some type of...
Yeah, pull. He had some high esteem. He was regarded as a man that obviously spoke well and could gather men, because it says all of Israel.
Now, I don't want to say that. I don't mean every last single person did, okay? I'm just... It's collectively meaning there was a...
All the tribes have now headed out to follow this man.
He says, We don't have any inheritance of Jesse. Every man to his tent, O Israel. And it says, So all the men of Israel withdrew from following David and followed
Sheba, the son of Bichrot. David, thinking he's going to cross the
Jordan. He's... And remember, he's leaving. He's coming from exile. He's coming back in to the, quote, promised land, heading to the city of God, which was
Jerusalem, so he could be back on his throne in the place where the dwelling place of God, where God's anointed king could sit on his throne, and it would assume we're expecting peace.
That's not what happens, and that happens even before he crosses the Jordan. So now, he's hoping to set up this everlasting kingdom, quote, again, and never even makes it.
He's got this rebellion that happens. But it says here that the men of Judah remained steadfast to the king from the
Jordan even to Jerusalem. What does that say about his countrymen? I said his tribe.
They're loyal. Man, they are loyal. Yes, ma 'am. You can't ask about... And then right after it, all...
I am not... Well, I am not... That's why when I say... Premature, and he didn't realize, oh, I could have just joined...
Well, here's how... Because when all sometimes does not mean all without exception. Yeah. I understand that this is drawing an inference, and an inference is drawing a conclusion that's not explicit, but it's based on internal evidence.
So I could be wrong. I won't understand the inferences. I could be wrong. But I understand that Shimei is trying to save his face.
Right. He said, hey, David's fixing to cross the Jordan. He could put me to death. He repents.
I believe Shimei steps back in the background and does not follow Sheba. Why do
I believe that? Because he's not put to death. If he... I would imagine, okay, knowing what we know about Abishai, if he sees
Shimei step forward to another rebellion, dude, it's off with his head. Now, I could be wrong. That's why
I say all does not always mean all without exception. It could be all with... You just figured... Maybe he's just waiting to see how this comes out.
He's not... He's going to go ahead and get a pardon while he's... Yeah, I mean, if he thought that he could get in with Sheba and be in more right standing,
I do believe he just stepped forward. But hey, remember, this is right at the same place where Abishai has already said, hey, man,
I should cut that dude's head off. And David says, no, no, no, no. So just to save his head.
Yeah, to save his head. I'm not going to step forward with Sheba. Let's see how far this Sheba thing may go.
Yeah. So it says that David came to his house at Jerusalem.
So they've left here. However long this track come over. I mean, understand, this is not something that happened.
They didn't hop on a train. They came over. I think it's right here, actually, where they crossed.
They come over. He took the ten women. Who were the ten women? Not by name, but you remember who they were?
The one on the rooftop at Absalom. Correct. Ones that David left there to care for the palace, to take care of it.
And what did Absalom do? He, under the curse of God, he had sex in the tent on the roof for all to see.
Now, remember, we're not saying that this was some type of voyeurism. This was just saying that, hey, this is what was going to take place so that everyone would know.
Like it was on TV or Instagram or Facebook, whatever. It would be a known thing, okay, that this is what took place.
So when David gets back to the house, he knows this has happened to these women.
What does David do? He says he takes those ten concubines, and he placed them under guard and provided them sustenance.
David continued to care for them. It shows David's compassion for what happened. Hey, I don't think for one second, if David knew that that was going to happen, he would have left the young women there.
I don't think David intentionally put them in harm's way. I don't think he crossed his mind that this is what
Absalom will do. I think that Phil actually encouraged Absalom to do that.
Yes, he did, and that was part of usurping the authority. We can even go back to when the curse of Jacob, I think it was on Reuben.
If you remember what Reuben did, he went in back in Genesis. He went into his concubine, and that's why the curse, because, hey, you tried to usurp my authority by taking my concubine.
That was always a picture of them taking the authority role and in this case, when another king comes along, he gets the servants, the harem, the whole deal, and that is basically what
Ahithophel was wanting him to do. He said he placed them under guard and provided them sustenance, but he did not go into them.
Now, why did David not go into them again? He's not going to go in where his son's already gone in.
And because they had been defiled. Mosaic legislation, even if you go to the now, in this case, this doesn't have to do with marriage specifically because he didn't marry them, but in marriage, if a woman was to be divorced and then sent to another man, she couldn't go back to that other husband if something happened.
His land would be defiled. That's how they see it. And in this case, because another man had been into them, they were now defiled and David steps back and says,
I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to incur judgment on me, the land or however that would have been sought.
It says he did not go into them, so they were shut up until the day of their death, living as widows. Man, imagine that.
Yeah. Now, you can see this in one of two ways.
These weren't David's toys, okay? I just want you to understand that. It's just to raise up offspring.
And David now is no longer going to use them for the purposes of bringing up offspring.
It's over. He locks them up, doesn't even offer them the ability to release them, to find husbands, nothing.
It's over. This is probably their best bet. Just as Tamar, it would have been hard for her to find a husband based on the culture once she had been raped by her brother, it would have been very difficult.
And what does David do? He does the very same thing that Absalom did, which we thought what Absalom did concerning his sister, not the murdering of Amnon, but the taking care of his sister was honorable.
He knew that she was now going to be taken. Damaged goods. Yeah, that's right. She was damaged goods and nobody's going to want her.
And then he took care of her. In this case, that's what David does. I do wonder what does it mean to be living as widows?
I mean, were they sackcloth and ashes? Were they black clothing? I don't know. I don't have that answer.
Unless it just means they were put away not to be with men for the rest of their life. Whatever it was, a good retirement home.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Overall, yeah. And you wonder, did they still serve the king in that capacity as far as taking care of the palace?
And those, we don't know. I mean, it says shut them up. So I don't think he imprisoned them.
So I don't want you to think that's what I think happened. Verse 4, then the king said to Emesa, who was
Emesa? Yeah, that he had promised.
He was Absalom's general when all the conspiracy took place.
Joab kills Absalom. And my understanding is he is removed from his post.
And David, two things of a way of looking at it. Was it David extending an olive branch, just like he did when his enemies were against him up in Jabesh Gilead early on?
Did David, he's handing an olive branch to the conspirators who were with Absalom.
Look, I'm not going to kill you. It's over. And hey, Joab disobeyed my orders.
Do not kill my son. And what did he do? He killed him. You'll disobey the king.
David says, OK, I'm removing him from his post. That's how I understand it. So now Emesa was put in its place, in Joab's place.
So the king didn't call Joab. He didn't call Abishai yet, but he calls
Emesa. Call out the men of Judah for in three days and present yourself here to me.
So Emesa went to call out to the men of Judah and he delayed longer than the set time which he had appointed him.
We don't know why that time was held up. We don't know, was
Emesa having a hard time gathering the men of Judah to fight? Was he having a hard time getting those good?
Maybe he didn't try. He didn't want to try too hard. Yeah, and that is one of the reasons why
I think Joab killed him. And I think I mentioned this last week. OK, here it is. His job's to go, you gather the forces.
Have they not really recognized Emesa as a legitimate leader? I mean, how long had
Joab? I would say Joab's been leading. This is probably 30 years, 35 years.
I mean, David was, what, 40 years as king. This could be 30, 35 years and Joab's been the man. Now, all of a sudden,
Emesa, well, he really didn't have any pull. If anybody would have had any pull, it would have been
Abishai. So Emesa, for whatever reason, he is unable to get them.
And a lot of time, he had three days to do it. And it was delayed. Verse six,
David said to, I'm here, said to Mr. Consistent, Abishai, now
Sheba, the son of Bichri, will do more harm to us than Absalom.
Take your Lord's servants and pursue him so that he does not find himself fortified cities and escape from our sight.
I can imagine, boy, Abishai's like, yes, why didn't you ask me to do this the first time and we would not have delayed?
So Abishai, one, I don't believe at this time that Joab's even around, okay, at this particular exchange, talking with Abishai there because he doesn't, you think the default might've been, hey, look, let me grab
Joab. He can get this going. But he tells Abishai. They pursue him so he didn't end up in a fortified city.
And then here it is. Now we're back to Joab in verse seven. So Joab's men went out after him.
Interesting, it's not known as Abishai's men. It's not as Emesa's men.
Whose men? Joab's. Once again, that may be why Emesa had a hard time rallying the troops because they didn't recognize him as a legitimate general, per se, or leader.
Along with the Cherethites and the Pelethites. Cherethites and Pelethites and Hittites, were they pagans?
They were Canaanites, right? Huh? They were Canaanites. We understand this, though, as those as being proselytized.
Remember, Uriah the Hittite, was he a Gentile or an Israelite? He was an Israelite. What does he mean?
He had... Go ahead. Roots that are outside of what he's in now.
Sure, because he had either become a Godfearer. I think he took in circumcision, my understanding of that one.
He held high regard to the place of the Lord, meaning the tabernacle. He became, he was a man of valor.
So even though these men were outside of, quote, the covenant, they have put themselves under the
Mosaic covenant and under the leadership of the recognized anointed king. And hey, these actually become the special forces, per se.
Yeah, the mighty men. So it says, and all the mighty men along with them, and they went out from Jerusalem to pursue
Sheba the son of Bichrat. So here is where Abishai would have gotten, obviously, gotten the orders to go pursue.
But remember, we're fixing to see that Amasa and Joab mean here.
So was this the place, the rally point that Amasa gave the people to meet him? I don't know. Well, all we know is this place where he meets him is where this exchange between Amasa and Joab come.
It says here in Sheba, I'm sorry, verse eight. And when they were at the large stone, which is at Gibeah, that,
I don't know if you remember, I can't remember right off as we were reading it just a minute ago. I can't remember exactly where it was in 1
Samuel, but there was a large stone that they met at in Gibeah. And I wonder in my mind, is this the same place?
Was this a known place that they met? You know, a meeting place. So they met them in Gibeah and Amasa came to meet him there.
Now, Joab was dressed in his military attire and over it was a belt with a sword and a sheath fastened in his waist.
Look, he is ready. He is still looking like the man. He is still looking like the role of general.
He is still looking like, hey, I'm the guy that's running the show because he's in his military attire. Joab said to Amasa, is it well with you, my brother?
Does anybody else say anything? Are you in good health? Or does anybody else? Are you in good health, my brother?
Yeah, that's like, man, what a snarky way. Hey, man, just to make sure
I'm not killing a guy that don't feel good. That's how I hear like, hey, man, you ain't got a cold, do you?
Because I don't want to get blamed for killing a man who was sick. But he wants, hey, are you feeling well?
Oh, yeah, I'm feeling good. All right, so Joab took Amasa by the beard with his right hand.
Understand, that was a common thing to do. Jewish men, even in Middle Eastern culture, was to grab that person, grab him by the beard, not snatch it, but grab him by the beard and they would embrace and they would kiss one another on the cheek.
All right, that's why it was not uncommon the way that Judas did it, but it was not uncommon that Judas would have went and kissed
Jesus. It was not uncommon. It was the means by which he betrayed the Savior which made it so diabolical.
This case, same thing. Amasa thinks that everything's on the up and up. I don't know why he would have thought that.
He ought to know what happened to Abner. He ought to know what happened to Absalom. He had his track record is whoever gets in my way dies.
Go ahead, Mike. I was just going to say that he didn't know that Joab could fight with his right hand or his left hand.
And he's so good with it. He's picked up the sword. And he's good with it because he doesn't have to do it again.
Fifth rib one time. Yeah, doesn't have to do it again. A lot like Abishai, I could swing one time and his head would be gone.
He might sneeze before his head lands back on his shoulders. He said, I'll do it so quick. And he was also, hey,
I can strike. Remember Saul? He said, let me just run it one time. I won't have to do it again.
I can do it one time and I'll pin him to the earth. So here it is.
It says, Joab said to Amasa, are you well, my brother? And Joab took him by his beard and he went to kiss him with his right hand like this.
And when he did, Amasa was not on guard against the sword, which was in Joab's hand.
So he struck him in the belly and poured out his inward parts on the ground and he did not strike him again and he died.
All right, here it is. Is what Joab done wrong?
Yeah, yeah. In Joab's mind, is it wrong? No, no.
I don't think Joab thought what was wrong anytime he killed somebody because it was for the crown. I do think what he is trying to do and they're justified in his own mind.
I think he is trying to protect the crown. David tells
Amasa, you got three days to get the men ready. We got to pursue this guy.
He's going to be worse to us than Absalom. Amasa could not or did not, whatever happened.
Joab, if we know we follow or try to follow his train of thought, anybody that threatened
David and the throne, what happened to them? They ended up dead. Abner was a threat.
He ended up dead. Absalom ended up being a threat.
He's dead. Amasa ends up being a threat and he's dead. Now, I do think, did he kill
Amasa because, hey man, you had three days to get this together. That's three days that you've not been able to do that.
Now my king's in the possibility of being in danger.
You've endangered the king. You're done. Is that?
I don't know. That's one conclusion. Is the other, hey, this guy has taken my position just like Abner, okay?
Abner, he was worried about Abner taking his spot as the general because who was the leader of the armies of Israel under Saul?
It was Abner. He was a great military man that people, remember he was the prince of the, what did David say? A prince in Israel has died.
Abner was a beloved man and what happened? Joab kills him.
This case is whether it is to save the crown and the king or whether it's to save Joab.
Or both. Could be both. Yeah, could be both. Could be a little in there. Either way, it's looked at as murder.
David has Joab put to death by Solomon for two things.
He killed two men in the time of peace. Amasa, once Absalom had died, was killed.
They blew the trumpet. The war was over. The civil war, the conspiracy was over.
So his conflict with Amasa was squashed, okay? It's supposedly over.
Same thing when the conspiracy between, I mean, the infighting between Saul's men and David's men,
I mean, Ishmael's men and David's men after Saul died, it was supposed to be over.
That's why he says you have to put Joab to death because he killed two men in a time of peace.
If you kill two men in a time of peace, it's what, Mike, you said it. It's murder. Murder. It's murder. But man, it still baffles me.
He does not have him put to death for killing his son. Man, because he knows that what
Absalom was doing was deserving of death. I'm just going to let you, okay? What Absalom did was deserving of death.
So Absalom was killed in a time of war. These two men were killed in a time of peace.
So Joab's put to death under the reign of Solomon. And it's interesting.
The person that puts him to death comes up at the end of the, yeah, at the end. It says, so where was
I at? His emerald parts are on the ground. He didn't have to strike him again, and he died. Then Joab and Abishai, his brother, pursued
Sheba the son of Bichri. Now they stood by him, one of Joab's, I'm sorry. Now they stood by him, one of Joab's young men, and said, whoever favors
Joab and whoever is for David, let him follow Joab. So here it is.
We're going to consolidate who's following who. But Amasa laid wallowing in his bed,
I mean, in his blood, in the middle of the highway. Someone grabs him, moves him out of the way so people don't come by and look at him.
They put him up, they cover him up. All right, so Amasa's out of the way. Everybody's going to follow
Joab. Now we get to actually squashing the revolt. As soon as he had removed him from the highway, all the men passed on after Joab to pursue
Sheba of Bichri. Now he went through the tribes of Israel from Abel to Beth -Makah and all the
Baraites, and there were gathered together also went out after him. They came and besieged him at Abel, Beth -Makah, and they cast up a siege ramp against the city and stood by the ramp.
And all the people who stood there, who were with Joab, were wreaking destruction in order to topple the wall.
Okay, it's up here. That's where, that's a long ways.
This man has ran. He knows his days are numbered. Hey, if you think you're going to overthrow the king and this is where you rule and reign, why are you skedaddling from Dan to bear
Sheba? Basically, you know what I mean? He's ran to the most northern point of the...
I think Dan's right here. He's almost to the most northern point running. So he gets there.
They build up a siege wall. Why do they build up a siege wall? Cut off supplies, don't let nobody in, don't let nobody out, and they're going to topple the place.
It says, a wise woman called from the city. Here, here, please tell
Joab, come here, that I may speak with you. And he approached her and the woman said, are you
Joab? And he answered, I am. And she said to him, listen to the words of your maid servant. All right, here it is.
I will summarize it because we're starting to run out of time. She's basically saying, look, you're coming to a place where we extinguish things peaceably, whether it's through judicial things.
It's almost like she is a judge in that city. If you all caught that, it's almost like she's speaking as a judge.
And it's interesting, she uses kind of the same terminology of Deborah. Did y 'all see that, the mother in Israel?
And is she a wise woman? Most certainly. She intercedes for those people. She comes out and says, hold on a second.
We don't even know what's going on. You're besieging the city. What is it? And whatever it is, we'll take care of it.
Let's not do this through violence. And you have her say, you're here to destroy the city.
And here it is. Even a mother in Israel, why would you swallow up the inheritance of the
Lord? And that is a good point. Why would you be willing to kill your own countrymen in order to do this?
And he answers wisely. We don't, we're not here to kill all y 'all. We just want the guy, the rebellious man, basically.
And it's interesting. You're going to swallow up the inheritance. And here's Joab's remark. Far be it from me.
Far be it. Would I do anything to destroy anybody? No, not me.
I would never do that. Such is not the case. That's what, I mean, it's almost like this guy here is a bag of wind.
So he says, but a man from the hill country of Ephraim, Sheba, the son of Bichorah by name, has lifted up his hand against the king.
Only hand him over and I will depart from the city. And the woman said to Joab, behold, his head will be thrown over the wall.
Now this chick got some pull. This chick's got some pull.
He, hey, he didn't ask for his head, did he? He didn't ask for his head. He said, you hand him over.
She's, she's the auntie. You ain't even got to worry about executing him. You only have to worry about having a scuffle with him or his men when they come out.
Understand he is in this city where this lady's at. He didn't come alone. You know that. He didn't come alone.
So I'm thinking, he came with the people that had been part of the rebellion. I'm going, what kind of men were not willing to protect their leader?
This chick shows up, basically says, all right, here's what we got to do. They're going to destroy the city.
They want him, but we're not going to hand them him. We're going to hand him his head and it'll all be over.
And that's exactly what happens. They, where is that?
And the woman said to Joab, behold, I will throw his head over the wall. Then the woman wisely came to all the people and they just, just don't even give no, how it happened, what took place.
Came, talked to the people. There's his head. They cut off his head. The son of Beercrott.
And they threw it to Joab over the wall. So he blew the trumpet. All right, who blew the trumpet the first time?
Early in the chapter. Sheba, to start this insurrection, basically.
Now who blows the trumpet to say, hey, this is over? Joab. Joab. Joab has succeeded once again in the providence of God using
Joab to seal the throne and keep it to David. So he blew the trumpet.
They dispersed from the city, each to his tent. Joab also returned to the, to the king at Jerusalem.
I do wonder, man, did he go, did he carry that booted? Bag it up? All right, ain't no
Ziploc bags. Do they wrap it up in a cloak? And so that they, hey, here's the evidence.
You don't have to worry about Sheba. Although I do believe that David would have taken Joab's word if Joab said, yeah, man, his head's off.
It's over. So Joab returned to Jerusalem.
Joab was over the army. We should say again. Joab was over the whole army of Israel.
And Benaiah, the son of Jehoiada, was over the Cherethites and the Pelethites.
It's interesting. It's Benaiah that actually kills Joab at the beginning of Kings.
He's told to kill him. Hey, you're gonna have to take care of that. He runs to the horns of the altar and he's holding on to the horns and he sends word back to Solomon.
Hey, man, he's run to the altar. He said, well, if he won't let go, kill him right there. He said, hey, and it's funny in that story, he goes, okay.
And he just, you know. When the king gave orders, it is, there was almost like stoic.
Just gotta remember, Joab had been Benaiah's leader. Imagine being, you know,
Solomon going, all right, gotta kill him. All right. It's wacky.
So it says here that Adoram was over the forced labor and Jehoshaphat, the son of Ehud, was the recorder.
It's just giving us who these people, the recorder is, I would say, probably the accountant.
Does it, Mike, does yours say accountant? It does, okay. It's, some believe it was his accountant. I don't think it's the historian.
Okay, I think it's someone who is basically his bean counter. Sheba was a scribe, and Zadok and Abiathar were priests.
And it's interesting, and Ira the Jerite was also a priest to David.
So we have two high priests. We've seen this multiple times and we've read through this so far.
You have Abiathar and you have Zadok. One was in the line of Eleazar.
One is the line of Eli. So at some point, and it happens in Kings, that Abiathar is removed from his position.
And he's removed from his position because he goes with Adonijah who tries to raise a rebellion against David too.
And we got, oh man, we ain't got much time. So you had Amnon. I'm gonna do these short.
Amnon, then you had Absalom. And then you had, that was the, these were born in order.
This guy's gonna do the same thing that this guy tried. Crazy. With David on his deathbed.
David and not even knowing it. David not even knowing what's going on. He has no idea.
And Adonijah gets, he pulls Joab into it.
He pulls Joab into it. And he pulls Abiathar, the priest. He's put to death by Solomon as well.
But not, he gives him an opportunity to do what's right. And he doesn't. He gets put to death by Solomon.
But then Abiathar is removed from his position. And he's removed from his position. He says, only reason why
I'm not killing you. This is Solomon's word to him. The only reason why I'm not going to kill you is when my dad was on the run.
You were the only one that carried the ark for him. He said, I ain't gonna kill you. But then
Adonijah's put to death for basically wanting to usurp, what was her name?
Haggith? Is that her name? Y 'all remember? From, I think that's her. Lynn Davidson. Wanted to, no, yeah.
It was her, when he's getting cold in his old age, they get her to lay in the bed.
I forget her name. Anyway, beautiful girl. Abishag.
That's it. Yeah, a warming girl. He didn't get an ugly girl lately. He got a pretty girl.
So anyway, that leaves us at the end. David's back on the throne.
No insurrection. No people pushing against the throne. We think things are simmered down now.
Till next week. Till next week. Till next week. Bert, you'll pray us?
Amen. Father, thank you. Thank you for this time. Thank you that you're on so many avenues, even in this
Old Testament historical narrative of warfare. So we ask you now to bless our pastor as he speaks today.