The View From Afar


Kyle Douglass; Deuteronomy 3:23-28 The View From Afar


Welcome to Recast Church, where we're growing in faith, community, and service. You're listening to a message by Pastor Kyle Douglas from the
Book of Deuteronomy, from a series entitled Clinging to God on the Way from Here to There. If you'd like more information about Recast Church, check us out at recastchurch .com
or you can find us on Facebook. Here's Pastor Kyle. Welcome to Recast, everybody.
Happy Labor Day. We're going to get through a couple of the usual little tidbits here in the beginning and then we're going to watch a video.
Hopefully, as you came in, you got a worship folder, and feel free to read through that for announcements.
In that, you'll find a connection card. Fill out the connection card, especially write some prayer requests. You don't have to be a new person to fill out the connection card, but we love to connect with you over those kind of things.
And then hopefully all the parents of kids ages kindergarten through fifth grade got a letter that explains what is happening coming up in the fall for kids ministry.
And then also today, we're kind of given, it's Labor Day, right? We're giving our volunteers a break, so we got kids in the service.
We're well aware of that. Don't worry, I'll be giving them all a quiz at the end, so you can exhort them to pay attention.
But it's going to be good. We're glad to have them in here with us. Also, if it's your first time here at Recast, you're welcome to take a mug from the back just as a thank you for being around.
And then if you have a gift or offering, we encourage you to do that as a way of thanking
God for all the blessings that he's given you. And you can put that in an envelope and drop the envelope in the black box.
Connection cards also go there in the black box back there on that table. All right, let's go ahead and cue the video, guys.
So journey groups are a really safe place to take a look at some of the hurts or wounds that we've experienced in the past.
My name is Mike Nelson, and when I was about four years old, I was sexually abused by a family member.
I'm a recovering alcoholic, so that was something that I used to try to help numb my pain.
Struggled with pornography, and really a lot of that has been trying to deny my emotions and just not express them, not know how to express them and not to express them.
My mother was very absent, and my father was distant as well, and so I grew up feeling really insignificant.
I think it's lagging behind. The audio is way off. Is it, what's that?
It's interpretive. That's right. All right, let's try and start it over, and maybe now that it's had a chance to catch up.
Start things off. Thanks for your patience. We're going to play it a different way, and I think it'll play a lot better. Anybody have any vacation plans?
I'm going to Holland today. Hopefully the rain stays away. And let's all agree we don't tell
Don this happened, okay? This is, everything was A -okay, it's normal.
All right, let's try again. Journey groups are a really safe place to take a look at some of the hurts or wounds that we've experienced in the past.
My name is Mike Nelson, and when I was about four years old, I was sexually abused by a family member.
I'm a recovering alcoholic, so that was something that I used to try to help numb my pain.
Struggled with pornography, and really a lot of that has been trying to deny my emotions and just not express them, not know how to express them and not to express them.
My mother was very absent, and my father was distant as well, and so I grew up feeling really insignificant.
There's a term we, or a phrase we use in journey groups that we're wounded in relationship and healing comes in relationship.
In journey groups, I found that it's safe to be in a group with women who care about me, and I've been able to share intimate things with them and found love and acceptance in that group.
It's a 12 -week course, and it's with the exception of one Saturday.
It's on Thursday nights. There's an aspect that's a presentation where a lot of the co -leaders that are there will go over the material that's in the curriculum and teach that and tie their story into that somewhat, and then we'll break out into a small group, and a small group is really where the phenomena happens.
So it's a really safe place. Like I said, it's developed to be safe. It's led by people who've been through the journey and know how to make it a safe place so that you can feel comfortable.
It's scary to be authentic and to be real and to trust others, but as much as you're willing to trust and trust
God to be with you in this process, I believe he'll be faithful to you.
And if you picture a journey as driving across the United States, what journey, what our process allows, you can be the driver.
So hopefully the distraction of the video didn't take away from the message, but basically here at Recast, we try and keep things simple in terms of our programming.
We have church on Sunday. We have small groups. We provide some opportunities for people to serve, but then we try and identify other programs, and maybe those are programs at other churches or outside of our direct structure that help people grow in faith, and we think that the journey group is one of those things.
Don and I have been through it. Many other people have been through it here in our congregation, and it's just a great chance to, like Lois said, to really get authentic and talk about the things that are kind of driving you on the inside.
Groups start September 11th, like we mentioned. Mike and Lois are actually out visiting some family this weekend, but they're actually the leaders of the program, not just at Recast, but over the
CenterPoint program, and they're a great resource so that you can talk to them about how to sign up, but you can see me today if you're interested in getting more information.
So we just wanted to make that known to you that that's an option for you here. On Thursday, May 27th of 1943, former
Olympic runner Louis Zamperini and his fellow crew of World War II airmen boarded the
Green Hornet, a particularly janky B -24 bomber. It was known by the guys as a musher.
I don't know what happened to this particular plane, but it would move through the air with its nose up and basically try and just sludge through the air so it was slow.
It had been pilfered by other crews for parts, so this thing was what we might affectionately call a piece.
The crew has volunteered, and those of you in the military know what the air quotes are for, the crew has volunteered by their lieutenant to help conduct a search and rescue mission for another crew who had gone down over the shark -infested waters of the
Pacific. They were all nervous about having to fly in the Green Hornet, one of the only planes available that day for the mission.
About halfway to the search point, their worst fears were realized when engine number one quit and started a series of events that resulted in the plane taking a downward spin and landing in the ocean.
Miraculously, Louis, the pilot Phil, and a poor guy named
Mac who had volunteered to go on the plane just so that he could see live combat, bad day to bum a ride, survived.
They ended up in two small inflatable canvas life rafts adrift at sea. Out of the three men, only
Phil and Louis would make it the full 47 days adrift at sea, drinking rainwater, catching and eating birds that would plop down in their raft, and even catching a couple of sharks that constantly harassed the withered men.
And not surprisingly, as these men fought for what seemed like a losing battle for their lives, they prayed.
Phil was the son of a preacher, but prayer came really unnaturally to Louis. But several weeks out to sea with no water brought
Louis to pray out loud to God for rain and rescue. Author Laura Hillenbrand in her book
Unbroken describes a scene like this. On the sixth day without water, the men recognized that they weren't going to last much longer.
Mac was failing especially quickly. They bowed their heads together as Louis prayed. If God would quench their thirst, he vowed, he'd dedicate his life to him.
The next day, by divine intervention or the fickle humors of the tropics, she writes, the sky broke open and rain poured down.
Twice more the water ran out, twice more they prayed, and twice more the rain came. The showers gave them just enough water to last a short while longer, if only a plane would come.
Well, a plane didn't come, but a ship did. A Japanese ship.
And the Japanese were not very kind to prisoners of war in World War II. And so began three years of continued starvation, hard labor, and torture that would cause
Louis to say at one point, I wished I was back on the raft. Have you ever been in a situation where you've prayed desperately for something, only to have
God answer it in a way that doesn't seem like a very good answer? Sometimes we call these unanswered prayers.
But someone has quipped that God always answers prayer, it's just sometimes with no. Think back on your life.
What have been some of the big asks that you've had of God? And he's answered in a way that you weren't particularly fond of.
Was it a marriage that fell apart? Cancer?
A job you really wanted? Maybe it was just something that you thought would be really nice to have.
I mean, we all have those, we've got things that we'd like. Or maybe you were like Louis, and somehow, maybe metaphorically, maybe not, you were out to sea and you needed
God to intervene to save you. In our passage today, we have a situation involving an unanswered prayer like this with Moses.
I'm continuing my series in the book of Deuteronomy called Clinging to God on the Way from Here to There.
And Moses is wrapping up the introduction to this magnum opus sermon that he's giving here at the end of his life.
The people have come through the wilderness, they're right at the Jordan River, the promised land is just on the other side, and Moses is about to say sayonara.
And so he's giving this really elaborate speech to them to encourage them and equip them to go on without him.
And our passage this morning is right at the end, and it's this window into this personal moment between Moses and God.
Where we find Moses asking, the text actually says pleading with God for something that he really wants.
And God denies his request and gives him what seems like a lesser alternative. How encouraging, right?
I don't know about some of you, but maybe you're like me and you already struggle with prayer. I'm a pastor, and I'm admitting that I struggle with prayer.
You struggle with the discipline of it, the usefulness sometimes of it, feeling like it's an exercise in talking to the ceiling or communicating with a distant entity who's going to do whatever he wants to do anyway.
Anyone ever feel like that? You don't have to raise your hand. I wouldn't want you to admit that in church, right? So we might be tempted to ask if Moses, God's chosen leader, and a man who would talk with God face to face in the tent of meeting can't get his prayer answered, is there any hope for me?
Who am I? I'm not Moses. It is a good question.
And I promise you, I won't be giving you any special fixes for making sure that God answers your prayer this morning. I don't think that it was
Moses made a mistake in how he prayed. It was a great prayer. Moses was in a good relationship with God.
It was just that there were other factors involved. And what I'm going to try and do this morning is share from the passage some of the reasons why
I think God was just and right in not giving Moses what he asked for. And strangely, and I love preaching, you know, because you do the study and then all of a sudden you're like, you're under conviction.
I pray that you'll find the same thing that I found as I studied, that I was actually motivated to pray harder and stronger and with more perseverance and more honestly before God.
I pray that maybe after today, you will want to make more of your desires and requests known to God.
So I'm calling this sermon, The View from Afar. And we'll be reading from Deuteronomy 3, verses 23 through 29.
And I think it's found on page 128 in your Bibles. If you don't have a Bible with you and you'd like one, go ahead and raise your hand.
And if we could have maybe a couple guys just hop up and grab a couple, so if you need one. Deuteronomy 3, starting at verse 23.
And I pleaded with the Lord at that time, saying, O Lord God, You have only begun to show
Your servant Your greatness and Your mighty hand. For what God is there in heaven or on earth who can do such works and mighty acts as Yours?
Please let me go over and see the good land beyond the Jordan, that good hill country in Lebanon.
But the Lord was angry with me because of you and would not listen to me. And the
Lord said to me, Enough from you! Do not speak to me of this matter again. Go up to the top of Pisgah and lift your eyes westward and northward and southward and eastward and look at it with your eyes.
For you shall not go over this Jordan. But charge Joshua and encourage and strengthen him, for he shall go over at the head of this people and he shall put them in possession of the land that you shall see.
So we remained in the valley opposite of Beth Peor. Let's pray.
Father in heaven, we come to You this morning just acknowledging Your greatness.
Acknowledging Your goodness and Your power over us and over the world. And God, we are so thankful that we even have the opportunity to address
You in prayer. We're so thankful that You're a God who's made Himself known to us, who wants to communicate with us, who wants to make
Himself known, and who even responds. And God, we confess, I think many of us, we do not take full advantage of this thing called prayer and getting to interact with You.
And maybe this is a hang -up that some of us have that we're afraid to even begin to talk with You, God, because maybe
You'll say no. But I pray, Lord, that this morning that from Your Word You would encourage us and inspire us and help us to see
Your greatness better and that we would want to draw near to You, that we would want to be in Your presence, that we would desire to talk with You on a regular basis,
God, knowing that You are good. So as we come to worship God, I pray that it would be a prayer of sorts, that we'd lift up these words to You in thankfulness and praise of who
You are and that You'd be pleased with it, Lord. It's in Christ's name that we pray. Amen.
As always, thanks to the band. I just really appreciate these guys and all that they do. They practice during the week and Josh spends a lot of hours getting things around and great musicians.
Just love you guys. Alright, feel free to get your
Bibles open and just kind of follow along. That's something we love to do here, show you that we're at least mostly not making this stuff up, but it's trying to come from the
Word. And then make yourself comfortable. If you need more coffee or donuts, feel free to get up and get those. Bathrooms for the adults are down this hallway towards the south of the building.
Ladies downstairs, men upstairs, take care of bids. I said that out loud.
Sorry. Alright. So before we really dig in here, just a quick aside.
I'm choosing to focus on prayer in this passage. But I wouldn't say that Moses' primary goal here is to teach us about prayer.
That's not exactly what he was doing. Rather, in the flow of this sermon that he's giving, he's setting up Joshua as his successor.
So in terms of the nuts and bolts of what's happening in the flow of his thought, that is the primary passage. But of course, like in most
Scriptures, you have an episode of something And as you observe it from kind of a distance, you learn things about what's happening.
You learn things about God. You learn things about ourselves, prayer, the situations that are happening.
Just to make that clear as we begin. To give us a road map of what I'd like to do with this sermon, first, we'll talk about the fact that we are to pray.
That it's something that we are called to do. It should be a part of our Christian lives. And Moses is a good model for us in that regard.
So we'll ask, what does it look like to do what Moses did here in this passage? But then secondly, we'll look at the fact that sometimes
God says no to our prayers, like we already discussed. And we'll look at some of the reasons that he may have for that answer.
And then we'll end with a little chat about why our faith in God ought to be strengthened when
He decides to only grant us a view from afar. So those are kind of the three parts that we'll be dealing with.
So we are to pray. What is prayer anyway? Some of you, you know, the old
Christians, saved at three and been here a long time, feel free to work on your grocery list or check
Facebook right now. But some of us, you know, may struggle with what is even prayer?
You know, we say that word. What do we mean by that? Is it like a nursery rhyme that kids say before they go to bed?
Is it a liturgy that we recite over the casserole at dinner? O Thou Great Father, please remove these evil
Brussels sprouts from this Thine holy dinner table and forgive Mom for burning it again.
Is that all prayer is? Something we say before meals? Is it something that, you know, we use our still, small voice to talk to God about landscaping?
You know, dear Lord, just put a hedge of protection around all these things that I got. Is it the silence that football players use before they go into a game?
Can you write it? Can you sing it? Right? I mean, it might seem simple when
I ask you what is prayer, but then it can get kind of complicated, especially if you're new to this Christian thing. So let's just kind of go back to the basics and define prayer like this.
Prayer is simply communication with God. Period.
Prayer is communication with God. Anything that you somehow intentionally send to God that carries a message is a prayer.
And yeah, sometimes it looks like a graduation speech. Sometimes it's the grunts and groans that sneak out through the tears and the snot.
Sometimes it's set to music and sometimes it's an unmelodious rant. Prayer is simply communicating with God.
And Moses was a guy who did a lot of it. What Scripture records of us, of his prayer life, was that it wasn't a thing that he just did as a religious duty.
But it was a lifestyle for him. And by that I mean it was regular and it was honest and it was passionate.
We're talking about a man that in Exodus 33, 11 is recorded as being someone who would talk to God regularly, face -to -face, as a man talks to a friend.
Isn't that incredible? This was a guy who talked with God face -to -face.
And think if you can, if you know some of the stories that involve Moses talking with God. What happened at the burning bush?
Mount Horeb? Or in the wilderness with the people complaining about hunger and thirst?
The Exodus. Some of the battles, right? We see him afraid.
We see him anxious. We see him full of self -doubt. We see him angry, compassionate, at times pleading for God not to destroy the people.
Now yeah, Moses was really unique. Not many of us will get out up from our prayer time with a glowing face.
But we should be passionate and persistent in our prayers. Right? Don just blogged about the fiddler on the roof.
So I figured I'd better watch it. I'd never seen it. Who's seen Fiddler on the Roof? Anybody? Okay, kind of know what
I'm talking about. There were some things about it that Don didn't really like. But as I was watching it, one of the favorite parts of the movie to me, it's a musical, but watch the movie, was how
Rev Tevye talked to God. It was open.
It was funny. Sometimes angry. Sometimes sarcastic. But it was personal and a part of his daily routine.
And I thought, that's kind of how I want to be more like that. I mean,
I pray a lot. I have times of scheduled prayer. Most of my day involves some kind of thought about God or what
I should be doing. But there's something about literally conversing with the
Lord that's so good.
And it should be more than just this duty, this religious duty that we check off daily or weekly or monthly.
So we know this about Moses, that he was a man of prayer. But look at verse 23. This is obviously kind of a special prayer for Moses.
It says that he pleaded with the Lord at that time. The word pleaded is rooted in the
Hebrew word for showing favor or grace. So he's asking God to throw him a bone. And not just a casual, you know, hey
God, if you get around to it, if you've got the time, I'd really love to go see the Promised Land, but hey, don't worry about it,
I know you're busy. It's not that kind of a pleading. It's like a please, oh please, oh please, oh please let me do this kind of pleading.
Any of you who have had a 2 -12 year old person in your homes know what
I'm talking about, right? If you're under 12, raise your hand. Okay, your parents all need an illustration about prayer, so I want you to keep begging for the stuff that you want when you get home, okay?
You tell them Pastor Kyle told you to do that. My daughter Evie, I actually asked her to come up and demonstrate this for me, but we decided not to, so I'll just explain it.
But sometimes at night, we try and read every night to our girls, sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn't, but usually one story's not enough.
And the evening usually ends with me trying to get away from the bed, out of the room, and her like holding on to me, begging, no, please, one more story, don't go daddy, please, one more, one more, one more.
That's the kind of pleading that we're seeing Moses participating in or giving to God here.
He really, really wanted this. I don't think that all of our prayers have to be this super passionate, but I wonder how strong our faith is or how seriously we're taking
God if we don't find ourselves begging Him for something from time to time.
Why wouldn't we? Because we think He doesn't care? Do we not think
He's strong enough or He can't hear us? Or would we rather just use our own superpowers to get stuff done?
But also in His pleading, He reveals to us His motivation. And I think if we're going to pray like Moses, this is really interesting and informative.
It might even be surprising to some of us. Look what He does here. He precedes His direct request, which is coming in v.
25, with a couple of lines of support to inform God why He's even asking for this, which
I think can be broken into two parts. His wants and God's glory.
So what He wants to have happen, personally, and God's glory. Regarding His wants,
He doesn't want to miss out on the show. He's seen enough to know that God is awesome.
That God does awesome things. And He truly believed the best was yet to come.
Ten plagues. Warm -up. Walking across an underwater land bridge while the
Spirit of God puts up an invisible force field on the side to keep the water out. Pre -game. Right?
Breakfast served fresh every day for 40 years. Just getting started, baby. Think of what
Moses saw. Think of what he got to have a front row view of.
God's majestic power and holiness. Incredible manifestations of His awesomeness and His power and His glory.
And he wanted to keep going. He wanted to see more. See, Moses knew that when
God is with His people, epic things will happen. It may have been a selfish request on his part.
But can you blame Him? And then the second part.
He doesn't just want to see these things. He wants to give God all the glory He deserves for the great things He'll do. What great
God is there like You, O Lord? He wants to worship a God who can do these kind of things that manifests
Himself in His righteousness. So his motivation for pleading with God is personal.
And it's to witness God's greatness. A few points of application here. Number one,
I think that we should always be honest with God regarding what we want. We should always be honest with God regarding what we want.
Do you know it's okay to be a little bit selfish in your prayers? It's okay to benefit from God's goodness and to ask for it.
And I would rather have you praying honestly to God than not at all. You want a
Corvette? Or a pop -up camper? May have just gotten one of those.
Or the Lions to win the Super Bowl? Yeah! Great! Pray for it.
Ask God for it. Ask God to give you those things. Give Him all the reasons you deserve them.
And I'm not saying that sarcastically either. I'm being serious. You've got to start somewhere.
And if you don't start with what you want, with what's really in your heart, then I think prayer is just always this dry exercise that you try and get over as soon as you can.
But secondly, second point of application on this. Here's what I think that we'll find if we're truly filled with the
Spirit and in love with God and desire in an intimate relationship with Him, we will experience an unavoidable transformation in our desires.
Which means that we will want less of the things of this world and more of the experience of God's presence.
I think this is where Moses had matured to. Yeah, his request might have been a little bit selfish, but it's honest.
And he had come to a point where what he wanted most was to see God work.
That's what he wanted most was to see God work. Why do you pray? And are you feeling the transformation in your own heart?
Are you growing hungry for God's presence? For His work? I think if you start praying to Him honestly, you might begin to experience it.
But now the twist. You've got Moses, who's a man of regular, passionate, persistent prayer, who is only asking to be able to see
God reveal His glory in the Promised Land. That sounds pretty good, right? I mean, that's pretty good prayer.
And he gets told, No. In fact,
I love how God says it. He says, Enough from you! Quit bugging me, man!
God actually sounds kind of annoyed. Like me on vacation in a gas station with my kids. No, you can't have another beef stick.
We're only getting gas. God sometimes says no.
And before I get any further, let me remind us that God does not need to give any reasons for His no.
He has no need to explain Himself to us. That was one of my dad's favorite replies when he told us to do something.
But why, dad? Because I said so. Right? Any dads use that one? It's a good one.
He is God, Supreme Ruler of the Universe, and He answers to no man. But, He is also merciful, and He wants us to know
Him. So I think we can surmise some reasons from His Word that may help us from getting bitter towards Him.
Or losing trust in Him when He does tell us no. So we're going to look at three things.
Three reasons why I think God may have been telling Moses no here. And they might apply to our situation, even though every situation is unique.
First, despite our pleading, God does not always see fit to remove the practical consequences of our sin, even if the spiritual ones have been taken care of.
Did you catch that? Despite our pleading, God does not always see fit to remove the practical consequences of our sin, even if the spiritual ones have been taken care of.
Moses was being denied entry into the Promised Land primarily as a consequence of his sin.
Let's read it from Numbers chapter 20. And you kids that are in here, all you kids,
I said I was going to quiz you, right? I need your help with this. I'm going to read a section out of Numbers chapter 20, and I want you to tell me what
Moses did wrong. So you've got to listen carefully because you might miss it. I want you to tell me what
Moses did wrong in Numbers chapter 20. We'll start at verse 2.
Now there was no water for the congregation. So they're out in the wilderness. They're walking around. A million people.
Sheep, goats, cattle. Lots of stuff. You need some water, right? Not little water bottles. You need like streams.
And they assembled themselves together against Moses and against Aaron. And the people quarreled with Moses and said,
Why would that we had perished when our brothers perished before the Lord? Why have you brought the assembly of the
Lord into this wilderness that we should die here, both we and our cattle? And why have you made us come out of Egypt to bring us to this evil place?
It's no place for grain or figs or vines or pomegranates, and there's no water to drink. Then Moses and Aaron went from the presence of the assembly to the entrance of the tent of meeting and fell on their faces.
What are they doing? They're praying. And the glory of the
Lord appeared to them, and the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, Take the staff and assemble the congregation, you and Aaron your brother, and tell the rock before their eyes to yield its water.
So you shall bring water out of the rock for them and give drink to the congregation and their cattle. And Moses took the staff from before the
Lord as he commanded him. Then Moses and Aaron gathered the assembly together before the rock.
And he said to them, Hear now, you rebels! Shall we bring water for you out of this rock?
And Moses lifted up his hand and struck the rock with his staff twice. And the water came out abundantly, and the congregation drank and their livestock.
And the Lord said to Moses and Aaron, Because you do not believe in Me, to uphold Me as holy in the eyes of the people of Israel, therefore you shall not bring this assembly into the land that I have given them.
These are the waters of Meribah, where the people of Israel quarreled with the Lord, and through them
He showed Himself holy. So what did Moses do wrong? What do you think?
Right back there. So he didn't trust in God, and that's right.
And why didn't he trust in God? What did he do differently than what God wanted him to do? What do you think, Grace? He hit the rock twice.
Now before, there was another episode where the people needed water. God told him to strike the rock with his staff, and he did it, and it was fine.
So why the problem this time? What did He tell him to do to the rock? What do you think?
Oh, nice and loud. What? He sinned. That's right.
He did. Good answer. What was he supposed to do to the rock? Come on, kids, pastor's kids.
What do you think? He wasn't supposed to tap it once. In the back.
What? Tell the rock. He said, this time
I want you to speak to the rock. And the water would come out. Well, Moses gets a little high and mighty.
You rebels. You want us to bring water out of this rock for you? And rather than obey
God, he elevated himself in front of the people. And God said, you didn't believe
Me. If you had believed Me, you would have done exactly what I told you to do. But instead, you dishonored
Me. Interesting that God still granted the request for the people. But now who's going to suffer the consequences of the sin?
Moses. And it's kind of a big deal. Just a little nugget here.
It's a big deal when leaders sin. The Bible tells us that not many of us should aspire to be leaders because we'll be judged more severely.
When you're in front of the people, meant to be giving an example and showing them what it's like to be obedient, we better do our job.
So, for us to make sense of this, this consequence that Moses received, that he was now not allowed to go into the promised land, we have to distinguish between God's discipline and His wrath.
God disciplines those He loves. Meaning He brings corrective situations into the lives of His children to teach them or those around them not to sin.
Just like parents are supposed to do with their kids. We discipline them because we love them. We want them to behave right.
Discipline, even though it can hurt like crazy, is actually good for us as individuals and as a church.
It refines us and makes us more like His Son. And even though we are fully forgiven in Christ, if we believe in Him and confess
Him as Lord and Savior, which means that we're not fearing His wrath at the final judgment, we may have to deal with what our situation brings about.
Think of it this way. If a man was convicted of first degree murder, and let's say he really did it, and he goes to prison, and he hears someone share the
Gospel with him, and he has a true conversion, he recognizes his sinfulness, he knows that he needs
Christ to save him, and he confesses Him as Lord, is that man saved from eternal damnation?
Yeah. Does he get out of jail at that moment? No. So sometimes the consequences of our sin are not removed.
Sometimes we're shown mercy, and I've had several situations where I should have been busted, I should have served my sentence, got in trouble, and I got off.
And those are sweet. I love it when that happens. But sometimes it doesn't.
And I think that the manner in which we respond shows our true heart as well. Do you pout and storm off when
God says no? Well, then it's really just about your comfort. You don't really care about God's glory in this situation, or what's right or just or true.
Or do you humbly serve your sentence, accepting your course and giving God glory for His justice and mercy?
The fact that He hasn't vaporized you yet. So sometimes
God sees fit to let us endure the consequences of our sin, and we need to accept that.
A second reason, though. God may say no to our prayers when their fulfillment might derail
His plan for others. The thing that you are asking for may be a good thing, nothing wrong with it at all, but it would mess with somebody else's life.
The Lord has been preparing Joshua to take over. He's the right man for the next phase.
Think of how difficult it would be for Joshua to take over as leader with Moses still around. Have you ever been in that situation?
Maybe at work or in an organization, where there's like a leadership swap, and the old boss is still there, and you know that on paper the other guy or girl is kind of in charge, but now you're just not quite sure who to go to.
It gets weird, right? Moses had to accept that his role had ended.
He'd run his course. It was time to let go. It wasn't all about him.
It's not all about you. Have you ever thought through what would happen to those around you if God gave you everything that you asked for?
That's a really fun creative exercise to do sometimes. Just trying to think a couple steps down the road.
If God really gave you everything you asked for, what would happen to the people around you?
Would they be better off? Would they have an opportunity to come closer to the
Lord or an opportunity to fulfill their gifts and talents? It can get pretty scary pretty fast if we were in charge.
So we accept God's perfect will, knowing that He's not our personal ATM, but He has a planet to coordinate.
And sometimes that means that we don't get everything that we want. I think it's also very instructive as we look at Moses here to recognize that getting a no from God is not an excuse for checking out.
It's not an excuse for checking out. We are still called to walk in obedience. Moses got over the denial and manned up and passed the torch.
And he did it well. He celebrated Joshua. He prepared the way for him.
Sometimes when we hear no, I'll tell you how
I react often when I get told no. I either go into like a severe depression. My life's over.
I didn't get what I wanted. Or it's a challenge. Telling me no? Let's go, pal.
I'll show you I can get it done. Right? I was really convicted by Moses' reaction.
He wanted this. He begged God. He pleaded for it. God said no. Okay. Keep on going.
Thirdly, third reason that God may say no, and this one gets a little bit thick, but try and hang with me.
God may deny our requests when doing so provides a clearer proclamation of the
Gospel to future generations. God may deny our requests when doing so provides a clearer proclamation of the
Gospel to future generations. What in the world does that mean? Metaphor.
Word pictures. Typology. Right? God's Word is full of them.
It's one of the reasons that I've come personally to trust the Word of God as inspired and not from the work of man.
Because all over it are hints and whispers and illustrations of the grand scheme that God is working through Jesus Christ.
From the beginning to the end, all over the place, metaphors, images, pictures that we can all use to go, you know what?
Jesus is the Son of God. Jesus is our promised Messiah. He's the one that we're looking for.
And many of the examples and the characters and things that we see in Scripture encourage our faith and help us to stay strong so that we can reach that point of faith in Christ.
The flood with Noah hints at a cataclysmic judgment. Abraham sacrificing
Isaac, his one and only son. Sound familiar? The Passover.
The Exodus. The tabernacle. The Holy of Holies. Even Moses, the mediator between God and the people is recognized in many ways by many commentators as a type of Christ.
David, our shepherd king, etc., etc. All foreshadowing the One who would come and deliver us not from a
Pharaoh, but from death itself. And one of these characters, and I think one of the clearest types of Christ in the
Old Testament, is Joshua. He and Jesus share the same name.
The Lord will save. In numbers, when Moses is wrestling with God over His punishment for striking the rock, it says that he pleaded with God, like is recounted here in Deuteronomy, but it says that he pleaded with God to raise up a new leader so that they would not be like a sheep without a shepherd.
Who does that sound like? And God answered that prayer and established
Joshua, who would have all the authority of Moses, and who would victoriously lead the people into the promised land, who at times would even override the law of Moses, just given in Deuteronomy, and whose
Scripture never records a criticism for. He also doesn't have a genealogy after him.
No child or descendant is recorded of Joshua. And so you have
Moses, whose great legacy is the law. A good law, a code of rules and regulations that if followed precisely, would honor
Yahweh and bless the people. The New Testament usually associates the law with Moses.
If you're talking about the law, you're talking about the commands of Moses. Moses, law. But it wasn't
Moses who led the people to the promised land. It was Joshua.
And just like Paul worked so hard in his letters to explain to us, it's not Moses or the law who is our salvation, despite the fact that many
Pharisees believed it to be so. We need more than rules.
We need a shepherd. We need Yeshua. We need
Jesus. And I really think that one of the reasons God said no to Moses was so that he could leave another clue, another breadcrumb on the trail for us, leading us to the confession that Christ is
Lord. So God was using Moses and Joshua to help us see a part of the gloriousness of the
Gospel. And God wasn't going to allow that to be messed up. Louis Zamperini couldn't see much from his prison camps either.
The war had finally ended with the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and after a couple of weeks, Louis was finally rescued, really rescued.
But when he got back, life hadn't ended up going as well as he thought it would, that he dreamed it would, from his prison cell.
He found a girl, married her, had a daughter, and became an alcoholic and was consumed with hatred and compulsions for revenge.
In fact, he was hatching a plan to return to Japan to murder one of his most horrendous captors, a man they called the
Bird. But then
Louis found himself dragged by his wife into a crusade where a young preacher named Billy Graham was speaking. Resistant the first night, he came back the second and found he couldn't fight
God any longer, and he was reminded of a promise that he had made on the raft, that if God would rescue him, he would devote his life to him.
He had prayed for God to rescue him from that raft, but now he was finally saved. And Louis would go on to speak to thousands and thousands of people about Christ, even running a summer camp for troubled young boys, and now a book, multiple books have been written about him, and a movie's coming out, and guess who's getting the glory?
The Lord. God may want your story of redemption, or faithfulness, or long -suffering, to be told to future generations, and maybe long after you're dead.
So we do see, however, that Moses was granted a view from afar, a small consolation probably, but something.
He gets to go up to Mount Nebo and look over the land that he's not allowed to enter. And I think even from up on that high mountain, looking out over the land that he so badly wanted to walk in, he still could not see all the way to Christ.
I don't think he could see or even understand all the ways that God would use his life and even this denial to help proclaim salvation to the nations, just like Louis couldn't see how his capture could be used by God.
But now, looking back, he can see. We see a lot more than Moses did, but we still have a lot that we can't see yet.
There's still a lot coming over the horizon. God is still working out his plan, and we might not end up in the pages of Scripture like Moses, but we are a part of God's story.
Every one of you is a part of God's story. And maybe you'll get to see
God do some awesome and amazing things. Or maybe you'll come to your own personal
Jordan, and God will say, Sorry, bud, the track stopped here. But whatever the answer might be, let's be people who pray like Moses, who passionately plead with God to see his greatness, even if it means we have to watch from afar.
So we come to communion, and we take this bread, and we take this cup, and we do it for what purpose?
To remind ourselves something that was done in the past, but also to look forward to something in the future.
Right now, it's like we have this view from afar. We know Christ is coming back. We know he's going to establish his kingdom on the earth.
We know that he's going to make a new heaven and a new earth. And when we take that juice and that cracker, we're reminding ourselves that someday that's going to happen.
And so we hold on today. We keep being faithful today. We accept
God's answers today, whatever they may be, yes or no, trusting that his plan is going to come to fruition.
The work's already been done in Christ. I'm just waiting to see it all pan out. Let's pray, and the band will come up and lead us, and we can take communion.
Father in heaven, we thank you for this morning. We thank you again for your word. Father, we thank you for all these hints and whispers that you've given us of your son.
Thank you, God, that we're not saved by the law, but we're saved by the blood of Jesus Christ. We thank you that you did send a
Joshua for us, that he's crossed over from death into life, that we follow him, and someday we'll be with him in that great land.
I thank you, God, that sometimes you don't answer our prayers. I pray that that would not hinder us from seeking you passionately and honestly, making our desires known to you,
God, but I pray, too, that you transform us to be people who want nothing less and nothing more than your glory and your presence.
Thank you, God, for Jesus. We take this bread and this cup in remembrance of him. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.