$$$ Osteen Twists Nativity Story During TBN Fundraiser $$$
I bet you thought the Christmas story was all about the incarnation where Jesus came to save His people from their sins (Matthew 1:21), but in this fundraising video from Trinity Broadcast Network Joel Osteen distorts the true message of God into a self-help motivational message about you having success and getting a promotion at work! Osteen doesn't open the Bible once, instead he tells people what they want to hear fulfilling the prophecy of the Apostle Paul when he said in the last days perilous times would come, and men would be lovers of self. 2 Timothy 3
If you know someone who listens to Joel Osteen feel free to send them this video!
Thanks to Justin Peters who shared this video on Twitter
- 00:00
- Hello just a short video here Joel Osteen totally twisting the message of Christmas the glorious incarnation of our
- 00:10
- Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Joel Osteen just takes that and perverts it into a self -help self -absorbed message about you getting promotions and fulfilling your dream and your destiny and yeah let's play the clip and then
- 00:28
- I'll comment. Isaiah prophesied that a virgin would conceive she had to get pregnant at the quote wrong time
- 00:36
- Herod had to call for a sentence at the wrong time to get them from Nazareth to Bethlehem all these wrongs were necessary.
- 00:44
- Okay so first of all it wasn't the wrong time it was at the right time so that's the first thing and yes
- 00:52
- I do have to distort the video because Joel Osteen is notorious for giving people copyright strikes so I had to alter the way the video looks and I'm going to have to interrupt if I play the whole thing yeah
- 01:06
- Joel Osteen loves to go and his people go and find videos about him that are critical and they issue copyright strikes and have the videos taken down so we're gonna alter the video and break it up into sections but yeah no
- 01:22
- Mary got pregnant at the right time not the wrong time so that's the first thing and listen to what he does next
- 01:29
- Can I tell you there is a prophecy over your life there are things God has ordained for you to do that he's already written in his book before time began like Mary you're not going to understand everything that happens this feels wrong this isn't fair this is not the right time it's all necessary it had to happen what is he even talking about what had to happen now you notice he's doing this on tbn this is a fundraiser so he's twisting the story of Jesus turning it into a self -help message to get money so that's the first thing it's on tbn the heretical prosperity gospel network but he never opens the bible and then when he actually does you know on rare occasion quote a bible verse what does he do he immediately jumps to well there's a prophecy over your life okay so there was a prophecy about Jesus and he actually mentions the prophecy about Jesus but that's enough of that then he talks about well there is a prophecy over your life no there isn't there's no prophecies about you in the bible there's no prophecies about me in the bible so this is ear tickling at its worst let's continue it had to happen it's leading you to the birth to the promise to things bigger than you can imagine favor influence opportunity like you've never seen when you're dealing with wrongs know this
- 03:08
- God has graced you for everything that you'll ever face God won't allow a wrong and not give you the strength the favor the endurance to go through it don't complain about what comes against you why did this happen god this is too much it's not fair don't stand strong you are well able you've been equipped and empowered for every season yes you may be on a detour but my encouragement is it's a divine detour the enemy didn't get control of your destiny
- 03:39
- God is ordering your steps now if some of these statements were made in a different sermon in a different context okay maybe i'm not against encouragement okay people need encouragement that's all fine and good but Joel Osteen is just kind of giving this out as a blanket statement to anybody and everybody that God's going to do this and this will happen and this is your destiny and this has to happen and God has a prophecy over your life and he's making promises that the way he's communicating this these are promises specific promises that God really never made will he be with his people yeah but does that guarantee you a promotion at work yeah
- 04:28
- Joel Osteen's gonna mention that later on because of course he always has to bring it back to money so let's watch the last clip he hasn't failed you in the past and he's not going to start now you keep going through the wrongs with a good attitude now believe and declare like Mary you're going to see favor that you've never seen like Joseph suddenly new doors are going to open negative situations turn around healing breakthroughs promotion the fullness of your destiny in Jesus name you notice he starts out that clip by saying i believe and declare what is that that's the name it and claim it theology of Joel Osteen and the modern charismatic movement not all of them but many of them the leaders word of faith prosperity gospel name it and claim it so he decrees it he declares it and then at the end he says in Jesus name as if invoking the name of Jesus is a magical incantation to make it all happen because he's not preaching
- 05:33
- Christ he's preaching your best life now because the whole remember this is the application of his supposed sermon about the birth of Christ he ends it with you're going to get a promotion which equals what more money so it's all in line with prosperity gospel and keep in mind this is a fundraiser if you look at the video on youtube it is a fundraiser for tbn this is all about money money money and he perverts the glorious story about the incarnation the birth of Christ into a way of telling you you're going to get more money we're raising money and money money money money money so this is more proof that Joel Osteen needs to be marked and avoided so if you know anyone who is a professing
- 06:28
- Christian but the types of sermons they listen to are Joel Osteen you need to evangelize your
- 06:35
- Christian friends our Christian family members who think that this is actually a Bible sermon it is most certainly not invite them to join you at your hopefully good local
- 06:47
- Bible -believing church so that they actually hear the truth about Christ and his glorious incarnation which happened nearly 2 ,000 years ago to God be the glory