10 RICHEST Pastors Of 2021 - A Doctrinal Review!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you real
Christian commentary about the things that matter. Thanks so much for watching, let's get into the video. So recently the official list of the top 10 richest pastors in the world came out, and the premise of this video is quite simple.
I just want to see how many of these guys made their money honestly. Did they make their money preaching the truth of God's Word, or did they make their money using unbiblical church growth tactics and false teaching?
In a way, this is sort of going to be a rapid -fire analysis of these teachers, if you will, so buckle up and get ready.
And without further ado, let's have a doctrinal review of the richest pastors of 2021. Let's start with number 10,
Bishop T .D. Jakes. He has $20 million, and he is the founder of the Potters House in Dallas, Texas.
I wish I could say the Potters House was a place that sells pottery, but alas, it is T .D. Jakes' pitiful excuse for a church, and it sells false teaching.
The T .D. in his name stands for Total Denial, because that's what you'd have to be living in if you call this man a good pastor.
I recently made a video about T .D. Jakes, link in description, where he said that most people's prayers are too small to be worth anything to God.
So instead of praying a small prayer, you need to pray a big prayer, because God, quote, needs a challenge.
That's actually what he said, you can't make this stuff up. 1 Thessalonians 5 .17, on the other hand, says that we ought to, quote, pray without ceasing.
It makes no distinction as to what small prayers and big prayers are, in fact, that doesn't really matter.
Put simply, it says we must do this regardless of how big or small our prayers are.
And therefore, this passage contradicts the false teaching of T .D. Jakes. Coming in at number 9, we have
Jesse Duplantis, or should I say, Jesse Duplicitous. Jesse also has $20 million, and he has gained his fortune largely by preaching false doctrine as well.
In a recent video I made on Jesse, link in description, he says that Jesus will tell people who do not prefer his prosperity gospel that they should, quote, go to hell instead of heaven.
The idea that Jesus would ever tell a Christian in heaven to go to hell instead is unbiblical and seriously heretical.
John 5 .24 says, quote, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life.
He does not come into judgment. The Bible definitively says that Christians have eternal life, but Jesse Duplantis thinks that Jesus is going to contradict his promise by throwing
Christians out of heaven. He is a false teacher. Coming in at number 8, we have Rick Warren with $25 million.
He is the pastor of Saddleback Church in Orange County, California, and most of his fortune came as a result of the wildly successful book,
The Purpose Driven Life. In a recent video I made on Rick Warren, link in description, I reveal an email that he sent out to the people in his church which promoted a blacks -only church service where black and white people in his congregation would not be both invited to worship together.
Instead, it would be only black people allowed. Galatians 3 .28, on the other hand, says, quote, there is neither
Jew nor Gentile, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. The principle of this verse is as follows.
The New Testament clearly commands Christians to integrate and worship together regardless of their race if they attend the same church.
Rick Warren has broken this command directly and has promoted disunity in the church on the basis of race.
Coming in at number 7, we have Creflo Dollar who has $27 million, no pun intended.
Creflo is the pastor of World Changers International Church in Atlanta, Georgia. Dollar is quoted as saying the following, quote, you possess the ability to seize and command wealth and riches to come to you.
Like God, you can speak spiritual blessings into existence. This is a completely unbiblical perspective.
Romans 4 .17 says that only God, quote, gives life to the dead and calls into existence things that do not exist.
Nowhere in Scripture does it say that mankind can speak things into existence. That is an ability which belongs solely and strictly to God, and to suggest otherwise is pure false teaching.
Coming in at number 6, we have Pastor Chris Oyakolomi. Bear with me if I got the pronunciation wrong because he's from Africa and he has a name that I don't recognize.
In any case, Chris is an African pastor with $50 million who believes that the prosperity gospel is the way to go.
In fact, he is a proponent of the idea that Christians who truly have faith in God will never be sick.
This is absolutely unbiblical. The story of Job demonstrates that. Job was literally the most faithful man on earth at the time he lived, and God still allowed him to be sick and to live in poverty.
Pastor Chris has no clue what he's talking about, and he's a false teacher. Coming in at number 5, we have faith healer
Benny Hinn with $60 million. Benny Hinn is another prosperity teacher who believes that it is always
God's will for any true believer to be healthy and wealthy. Again, the story of Job refutes this idea completely.
We know that Job was a true believer. In fact, we know that Job was the most faithful believer at the time he lived.
The Bible tells us this explicitly. God himself says in Job 1 8, quote, Have you considered my servant
Job, that there is none like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man who fears
God and turns away from evil? Despite Job's unique faith, he's still allowed to experience sickness and poverty.
In other words, Benny Hinn's false teaching is not in accordance with the truth of God's Word. Coming in at number 4, we have televangelist
Pat Robertson. Now I know what you're thinking. How on earth is Pat Robertson still relevant? Why are we even still talking about this guy?
My thoughts exactly. But despite what you might think, Pat has a net worth of $100 million, and he has a huge audience as well.
I think we should be talking about Pat Robertson. Pat Robertson also says that God told him, quote,
Without question, Trump is going to win the election, end quote. Now regardless of what you think about the security of the election or who you think actually won, you at least have to admit that Trump is not currently the president of the
United States of America, which means Pat Robertson is by definition a false prophet. He made a prophecy which did not come true.
In Matthew 7 15, Jesus says, quote, Beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves.
In other words, Pat Robertson is a hack and a false teacher. Coming in at number 3, we have Joel Osteen, the pastor of Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas, with $100 million.
Now while Joel did come in third place when it comes to his net worth, on my personal list of most annoying preachers of all time, he actually comes in first place.
So I'm sure that's a good consolation for him. But in all seriousness, this guy is totally unbiblical.
When Joel was asked about people falling short of God's holy standard, he said the following, quote, You've got to get away from that.
God is smiling down on you right now. He is for you. I've learned that when you know God is for you, then you can rise higher.
You can go further in life. In other words, Joel Osteen wants you to ignore your sin and pretend that God is unquestionably happy with everything you do, including your bad behavior.
This is absolutely untrue, and it's very dangerous. In Matthew 25 46, Jesus says the following, quote,
And these, the unrighteous people, will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.
So no, God is clearly not always happy with everyone's behavior, and suggesting otherwise makes you a dangerous false teacher.
And that's precisely what Joel Osteen is. Coming in at number two, we have David Oyedipo. David is another
African prosperity gospel teacher from the country of Nigeria, and his net worth is a reported 150 million dollars.
Because we've had so many people to refute in this video, I'm simply going to refer you back to my previous comments refuting the prosperity gospel given earlier in the video.
Again, the story of Job soundly contradicts the prosperity gospel, and people like David Oyedipo are total frauds.
And coming in at number one, we have the illustrious Kenneth Copeland with 300 million dollars. Here's the key to making tons of money in ministry these days, folks.
Just put your aging grandfather in front of the camera, and then tell him to yell nonsensical gibberish all the time.
Using what I call the yelling grandpa technique, Kenneth Copeland has amassed a huge following. That's pretty much all he does.
But in all seriousness, this guy is a total heretic, who's quoted as saying the following, When I read in the
Bible where God says, I am, I just smile, and I say, yes, I am too.
For those of you who don't know, I am is a name used exclusively for God in the Bible. To suggest that a human being can also be called the
I am is to suggest that there are multiple gods like the one true God of the Bible. This is utter blasphemy.
Isaiah 46 9 says, I am God, and there is none like me. In short, Kenneth Copeland is a false teacher, in addition to being a deranged lunatic.
And this is not me making up an insult. No, unfortunately, I'm being dead serious. That is an accurate representation of this man's teaching and his general behavior.
So I want you all to take heed of this and to notice the pattern in this list. We have 10 people on the list.
All of these claim to be pastors. All of them have made tens of millions of dollars doing what they call preaching the truth of God's Word.
Yet every one of these men is responsible for offering some seriously unbiblical false teaching to their audience and leading many, many people astray.
If you are a Christian today and you're watching this video, please be taking this stuff seriously, because it's only a matter of time until true
Christians become the minority. False teachers have more attendance, more money, and more resources than any true teachers do.
Why did this happen? Because somewhere along the way, Christians decided to lose their discernment. We decided that love is more important than telling the truth, rather than thinking that truth is an extension of loving someone.
And look at where it's gotten us. This is why I created my channel, folks. I need your help to spread the Word and stop this false teaching.
People are dying. People are going to hell because of this stuff. It's time to rise up and do something about it.
So while this video was indeed meant to be informative and even humorous at times, it's really meant as a wake -up call for all
Christians who have been ignoring this stuff. Get your head in the game, Church. It's time to put the armor of God on and go outside.
Jesus says in Matthew 12 30, quote, "...whoever is not with me is against me." So I urge all of you today, stand with Jesus Christ and fight for the truth of God's Word.
Fight for sound doctrine as much as you can, and fight for the souls of those who are deceived. Thank you so much for watching.
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And until next time, fight for truth, never surrender, and keep your eyes open. Thank you and God bless.