You're Not Crazy - SJWs in the Church Really Do Lie....Alot.

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This will be a short video, I think. I always say that and then it ends up being long, but you know, if you're, if this is too short for you and you're looking for additional content, check out the, there are two things that I think you should check out.
The Jerks for Jesus video that I did this week and also yesterday's video on Gary North.
The Gary North stuff is just pure gold. But anyway, I've been spending a little bit of time going through some of this unsealed court documents from the
Ghislaine Maxwell case and the Jeffrey Epstein case, and a lot of people are doing that this morning.
And I'm trying to add a bit of a loss for words, but the thought that keeps coming through my mind is all of the things in 2020 that have come to light in an undeniable way that have been called conspiracy theories over the years.
There are a lot of things that have been called conspiracy theories that in 2020 are being admitted that they're true in ways that are very hard to deny.
So court documents, you know, the Pentagon admitting that they take UFOs very seriously, they study them and things of that nature.
You know, this whole, you know, even just sort of like the left -wing bias of social media and media, even that has been called a conspiracy theory.
But now it's just out in the open, you know, like they're protecting Trump's tweets and things of that nature.
When you go to share an article that doesn't say that COVID is the worst thing since, you know, the black death, you'll get a little message.
Are you sure you want to share this? This might be misleading, or this is misleading. Everyone is making the decisions for you on what to consume and what to believe and all of these kinds of things.
These are all things that have been called conspiracy theories at various points in our history. There's a lot of things like this that in 2020 have been revealed that it's actually real, actually it's happening.
It's not that it's been revealed for the first time. I mean, people knew about Epstein's Island. People knew about Bill Clinton being at his sex orgies with children for a long time.
People have known this for a long time, but if you're a Christian, and I'm concerned with the
Christian church, right? The culture I'm concerned with as well, but my content is geared towards the evangelical church.
If you're a Christian, you've seen articles recently by people like Joe Carter who would have you believe that if you believed that Bill Clinton went to Epstein's Island and molested children and had sex with people that had been trafficked, if you believed that, then you're actually satanic for believing that because conspiracy theories is demonic, is satanic.
You've read that article. We covered it on this channel. Joe Carter has said that if you believe a conspiracy theory, then that's satanic.
At the time, we knew that there were no principles there. He was just running cover for evil people. I don't know why
Joe Carter is running interference for evil people, but we're not stupid and we're not crazy.
And my friend, you are not stupid and you are not crazy. We've known about the
Clinton's darker side for a very long time. People have been writing about this for decades, literally decades.
But Joe Carter, for some God only knows reason, is running interference for people like that by writing these vague articles, conspiracy theories, demonic and stuff like that.
That man, I think of all the various, like there are people that have tender hearts out there that they don't want to do anything wrong.
They want to honor God. They want to honor the Lord. And then they read from a source that they trust.
I mean, a lot of people at this point still trust Gospel Coalition. I can't imagine why, but people still do trust
Gospel Coalition. And they'll see an article like that and they'll say, man, I don't want to do anything demonic.
And so they're binding people's conscience to not believe what they see with their own eyes, what they know to be true.
They just, they're binding your conscience to not even pursue it. Like don't even entertain a conspiracy theory.
You don't want to be an agent of Satan, do you? All the while they're also simultaneously telling you that there are these conspiracies of white supremacy out there and they're playing tough and big and bad on racism and slavery.
God's against slavery, don't you know? Black lives matter as if they're doing something brave, as if nobody, as if there's anybody out there that disagrees that black lives matter.
They're talking tough with truisms like that, that nobody denies. Nobody denies.
So the question you got to ask yourself is why is your leadership so big and bad on battles that we won centuries ago, decades ago?
They're talking all big and bad like they're brave on things that happened decades ago, but the things that are happening now, they're powerless or unwilling to confront.
I mean, when are you going to see someone talk tough against the Clintons who are currently living?
Their reign of terror is currently still active. When are you going to see them start talking tough about Obama, one of the most corrupt presidents in the history of mankind?
You won't see it. Don't hold your breath. It won't happen. And you got to ask yourself why.
Why is it that in a year where many conspiracy theories have turned out to be exactly accurate and it's being admitted by all the people that know, the same year that that's happening is the same year that Gospel Coalition and Big Eva decides to call conspiracy theory satanic.
I mean, you've seen many Big Eva leaders come out against conspiracy theories this year, and the rhetoric has been ratcheted up.
So it's like simultaneously as they're becoming, it's becoming clear that these things have been accurate, some of them anyway.
I mean, I'm obviously not talking about anything that anyone says, but the big ones I'm talking about, the pedophile rings.
Why is it in the year where that's coming to light and these things, and we're seeing behind the curtain more clearly than we ever have before, the rhetoric ratchets up for Big Eva to come against that stuff.
Why is that? I mean, they're trying to make you feel crazy. You're not crazy. And why are they running interference in this way?
Epstein dies in police custody and you're actually told that you're in sin if you don't believe the official nonsense story that he offed himself.
It's hard to understand like how ignorant, some of them
I am assuming are ignorant, but how upside down gospel coalition, Big Eva people, they're just upside down.
Like for them, up is down. Right is left. Hot is cold. Like it's, it's, it's, it's, you're almost to the point at this point when it's, when it's a controversial issue, when it's an issue that is in the media or whatever, like it's almost completely safe to say, okay, whatever
Big Eva is saying, I'm going to believe the opposite. You'd almost be right a hundred percent of the time. Like, like I'm not,
I'm not suggesting you do that. I mean, the Lord says, you know, we need to look into these things. We need to have witnesses.
We need to have credibility. We need to see what's so, so you can't, you can't just do this, but just, just as an illustration, like you'd almost be safe believing the exact opposite of what gospel coalition promotes on any given controversial topic.
That's, that's where we're at. That's how, that's how upside down Big Eva is. And you look at some of these people's backgrounds and it's, it's not really, you're not really that confused as to why this is.
I mean, you look at Russell Moore, I mean, he's been a lifelong Democrat. He, he wished his wife was more like Hillary Clinton.
And we'll see what happens when, when we were, when we're, when it becomes revealed the kind of things that Hillary Clinton's been involved with.
And so you got to ask yourself, how, how much of this are you willing to put up with?
There was a, there was a tweet and I'll close with this. There was a tweet by Preston Sprinkle. Preston Sprinkle, this is a gay
Christian. His last name is Sprinkle. And he said that the church didn't grow by meeting every week for the
Lord's day. No, no, they, they grew by, you know, giving to the poor and, you know, caring for women and stuff like that.
They, they didn't grow by meeting every week. And the whole idea is that you don't have to meet every week this week. And the whole thing is a lie.
Like that, that's not true, right? That's, that's not true. That's not, that's not how the church grew in the first 300 days.
They met often. We, I mean, you don't even need to have a history book to know that all you need is the Bible. The Bible talks about how they met.
But if you had history books, you could also confirm that further. So like the whole thing is a lie from top to bottom.
And you have to ask yourself, why is it that they lie all the time?
Like so often these social justice Christians, these promoted, these initiated, these guild members, social justice
Christian. And some of them are social justice, more emphasizing the race. Some of them are more emphasizing gender. Some of them more emphasizing sexuality.
There's different flavors, but it's all the same belief system. It's all the same religion. You got to ask yourself, why is it that they lie all the time?
And not even in a way that's hard to decipher. Like they lie in ways that it's very easy to see that it's a lie.
It's not hidden, really. It's like when Jonathan Lehman, you know, says, you know, come on down to the
Black Lives Matter rally, but it's too dangerous to meet for worship. Like you, he's lying to you. Like, it's so easy to see the two and be like, yeah, that doesn't make any sense.
Like he's not even trying to hide the lie. There's nothing there to even kind of obfuscate it.
It's just there. It's in your face. They're lying to you. It's as if they're telling you that sky is green.
It's not blue. It's green. And you're like, yeah, but I see that it is blue. That's the kind of lies that we're getting right now.
It's not like sneaky stuff. It's obvious stuff. So why is that? Why are they doing it?
And I think what we all have to consider is that we're partially responsible for that.
Not, not the lie, not the lie. They're responsible for what they say. You're not responsible for that.
But the reason that you're lied to so often, and the reason that people, they're upside down, you know, and they're,
I'm not, I'm not, I'm not saying it's your fault that they're lying, but the reason that they do it so often is that it works.
They get away with it. It works. That's why they lie to you.
It works. And so my suggestion, and I'm speaking to myself here, it works on me too.
My suggestion to you is to just stop letting it work. Stop paying attention to these people.
Do not give them the time of day anymore. Because the minute you are that kid, who admits that the emperor has no clothes, the whole game comes down.
The minute you say no, the sky's blue. That's it for them. They can't do anything else to you.
You know, maybe I'm, maybe I'm not thinking through this the right way, but, but this, it's just so, it's, it's very difficult to accept how upside down things have gotten.
I, I think that we have to just, we have to follow the scripture, right? If people are dividing you via nonsense and lies and poor doctrine and extra biblical sources and stuff like that, if people are intent on doing that and you warn them and you warn them again, and they, they still do it.
Have nothing more to do with them. Don't click their links. Don't read their books.
Don't invite them to speak at your conference. Nothing more to do with them until they repent.
That doesn't mean you don't give them the gospel. Of course you do. You give them the gospel. You call them to repentance. You rebuke them to their face.
If you need to, you mock them mercilessly. Like, like today, I tweeted a picture of Jonathan Lehman of the worship service held in honor of Jonathan, John Lewis, the, the, the, the guy who died this week, the
Senator, the representative. And of course, nobody's socially distancing, you know, because there's some worship.
This is what I told them. There's some worship that's worth it. Right, Jonathan Lehman? Anyway, sorry for the downer on the weekend.
I'm actually going to a short trip to meet some brothers in the Lord, hang out with our families.
It's, it's amazing. We've got four families coming and I think between us we have almost, let's see, 15, 20 children.
It's going to be great. Anyway, I hope you found this helpful. Have a great weekend. God bless. Oh, and a little red meat for all the, uh, the
Karens out there. The, one of the, one of the men that I'm hanging out with this weekend is the first person to introduce me to federal religion theology.