Dealing with the Liar Media According to the Bible

AD Robles iconAD Robles




Hello there, this is AD Robles, and you're listening to AD on the Fight Laugh Feast Network.
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ROBLES, R -O -B -L -E -S. Now, one more announcement before we begin.
I'm going to be taking about a week off, maybe a little bit more. I will do another Fight Laugh Feast podcast next
Thursday, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to do any videos between now and then. So this might be the last video for a week or so, and it's two reasons.
Really, one of them is just insanely busy with my normal business and then also putting the finishing touches on my book that's coming forward.
So I've got to devote some time to that. And also, really, it's kind of along with the theme of this podcast, there's just so much happening right now.
The information is fast and furious and, I would argue, very untrustworthy right now.
And I'm having a hard time cutting through the nonsense. There's just no question about it. So I think that with some time to think about what's happening before I produce any more content about what's happening,
I think it'll be better, and I think it'll be clearer headed. I'm considering nuking my traditional social media, so I'm thinking of getting off Twitter, I'm thinking of getting off Facebook altogether, and I'll explain why in a little bit.
But I want to be as helpful as possible, and I personally, I think
I've reached my capacity to cut through the nonsense because there's just so much nonsense coming at lightning speed, and I just have to recognize my limits.
And so I think taking a week or a little bit longer off will help me to sort of reorient a little bit.
But let's jump into that because I think one of the things that we really need to come to terms with, all of us,
Christians, non -Christians, just Americans right now, is that we've been played big time by propaganda.
I mean, let's just face it. And it's not just the mainstream media. It's everything. It's social media.
It's our politicians. It's the companies that we do business with. I mean, we've been played so bad.
And some of us are a little bit more hip to the game than others, but even those of us that are hip to the game, like I consider myself somewhat hip to the game,
I'd be stupid to think that I'm above it all, right? Like it's become clear to me that social media has created fantasy worlds that many people live in, and I can see that it's an obvious fantasy world.
Like one of the things that I've seen in the last week is this fantasy world that millions and millions of people live in where Trump incited an insurrection and supported and planned an insurrection and a sedition and a riot.
He incited a riot. So many of our Christian leaders have repeated this propaganda that Trump incited a riot, and the reason they did that is because the media organizations created that story.
They created that narrative almost out of thin air. And so there's a fantasy that people live in where that minotaur guy, that shaman, that shaman who's a demonic pagan worshiper, he's actually a
Christian nationalist, and he was part of Trump's Christian nationalist insurrection, and that's the real danger.
How do they come to this conclusion? Well, that's the story they were told, and they believed it.
And I think that we can all recognize that that fantasy world has been created by the media and by social media, but I think we'd be fools.
Listen to me. I think we'd be fools to not at least consider the option that social media and media has created fantasy worlds for us as well.
I think we'd be foolish to not at least consider that for ourselves as well, and so we need to recognize that we've been played.
This is an article or a tweet that I saw that said that CNN's now reporting that the
Capitol riot may have been preplanned, may have been preplanned.
And I have to just laugh about this because if it was preplanned, then
Trump didn't incite the riot in his speech like everybody said he did. Everyone said that that speech he gave got everyone all riled up and incited a riot, and so it's all his fault.
He was just impeached for that, by the way, inciting that riot. But if it was preplanned, then he didn't incite the riot during that speech.
Obviously he didn't because in that speech he called for peace, yet so many evangelical leaders said that he was using violent rhetoric and inciting a riot as he called for peace.
This is a story that they heard from the mainstream media and they went with it, and now the mainstream media comes back and kind of does a redo and says, but it actually might have been preplanned.
Now, I don't really know if this is true either, but the point is it's conflicting information. First they told you that Trump's speech incited a riot when it clearly didn't, and now they're telling you that the riot was preplanned.
And I'm thinking to myself, well, of course it was preplanned because many of the people that were there were wearing
T -shirts that had January 6 printed on it and talked about how they were going to start a civil war.
So they either made that T -shirt after the speech but before the riot, which was like 45 minutes in between, so they either had those
T -shirts made up and distributed them in 45 minutes or it was preplanned. But the thing is, if it was preplanned then he didn't incite the riot during that speech, which is what
I was told by the mainstream media, and then is what I was told by evangelical leaders.
And it's like, well, what has happened here? What has happened here? Why are my evangelical leaders telling me that Trump incited insurrection if the same source that they got that story from is also telling you that it might have been preplanned, or that it was preplanned rather?
And this is what happens with the mainstream media. They tell you the narrative, and then a few days or a few weeks later they tell you more information that actually conflicts the narrative, but they know full well that most people will just go with the initial narrative.
They won't go and look at the retractions. They won't go and look at the new information. They'll just go with the story that they were told.
They're committed to the original story that they were told, and they're not going to change their minds about it.
And this is a real problem because we know that the media lies.
You know what I mean? This is why I made that video last week where I said, it's okay to just wait. Take a deep breath and just wait for the facts to come in because I had a feeling that facts like this would come in where they would find out that this was actually preplanned, and they'd find out that that Minotaur guy was probably not a
Christian, and they'd find it. Do you see what I'm saying? Just wait. Just wait because the mainstream media have proven themselves to be liars, and so you'd be a fool to trust liars.
That's the thing. Let's make this easier. Let's pretend that we're not talking about the media for a second.
We're talking about a person that you know in your regular life. If you have a friend that you know lies a lot, like they stretch the truth, they lie a lot, and then they tell you something kind of bombastic or something that they want you to act or react about, you'd be foolish knowing that this is my friend who lies all the time.
I'm not going to act based on his word before I confirm it.
If it's your friend, you'd be like, well, I got to confirm that first before I just react. Like if you tell me that I got to do
XYZ based on this information and I know that you're a liar, I'd be a fool to not confirm it first before I act, and yet we know how to deal with it in our personal life.
Yet when the media says something, what's the first reaction that we have? Well, we're going to get on Twitter, and we're going to react.
We're going to denounce. We're going to do whatever it is that they want us to do. We're going to denounce the
Covington kid for his racism. How do you know it's racism? Well, the media told you.
Don't do that. That's not how you can deal with a liar. Here's some Bible verses about dealing with liars.
The book of Proverbs and then the book of wisdom from the New Testament, James, gives you a lot of ways to deal with liars.
Let me just first start this out with Proverbs 17 .4 because Proverbs 17 .4
I think gives you needed perspective when you're dealing with a lying media and you're reacting based on that lying media.
Like if you got on Twitter and said, I denounce the insurrection incited by President Trump the day that the media told you that that's what happened,
I think you need to take a look in the mirror. And I have to do the same thing. When I react based on a piece of news that I got from Fox News, which
I know has a history of being unreliable, I need to take a look in the mirror because it starts with personal responsibility.
It starts with you. Yes, the liar is culpable for their lies, but you're culpable for what you do with the lie.
Because listen to Proverbs 17 .4. An evildoer listens to wicked lips and a liar gives ear to a mischievous tongue.
If you were fooled by the mainstream media, knowing that they're mischievous, knowing that they're wicked, knowing that they're liars, you're the liar.
Do you see how the Bible puts the onus on you? Take responsibility for yourself.
It's an evildoer who listens to wicked lips. It's a liar that gives ear to a mischievous tongue.
If you just react based on lies from the mainstream media, and you just react, and then you start spreading the lies, like you get on Twitter and say, well,
Trump incited a riot. You're the problem. That's what the
Bible says in Proverbs 17 .4. An evildoer listens to wicked lips. A liar gives ear to a mischievous tongue.
The onus is on you. The onus is on you. So if you got on Twitter after the
Covington situation, said, look at this racist white kid laughing at, or just with a smile, there's a punchable face.
If that was you, you're the evildoer. You're the liar.
And this goes for conservatives as well. If they just react based on a news report they heard on Fox News, and it ends up being a lie, and you spread that lie, you're the liar.
You're the evildoer. Don't listen to mischievous tongues without confirming. You know the media is mischievous.
You know the media has wicked lips. And so if you just react on what the media reports without confirming it, the
Bible says that's what an evildoer does. And we all need to take responsibility for ourselves.
That's where I want to start. It's self -deception. You can't just react based on the media when they're known liars.
They told you that Trump incited a riot in his speech where he called for peace. They were lying, and if you repeated that lie, you're the evildoer.
That's the problem here. Because a few days, a few weeks later, we're getting conflicting information about, well, it looks like this was preplanned, so Trump probably didn't incite that riot, unless they're spinning a conspiracy theory here that Trump was in on the planning, which there's no evidence for, obviously.
Let's go to the next proverb. Let's go to the next proverb. Because again,
I think this puts the onus on you, and this is so important.
You need to look at yourself. I need to look at myself first. Take a good look in the mirror, folks, because that's what the
Bible tells you to do. Listen to Proverbs 10, 18. The one who conceals hatred has lying lips, and whoever utters slander is a fool.
You see, liars are concealing hatred, and so if you just bought the narrative,
Trump incited a riot, and you didn't know that Trump incited a riot. In fact, maybe you didn't even hear the speech, but you just repeated it.
He incited a riot, because many people said that Trump incited a riot, and he incited insurrection, and they hadn't even heard the speech, and you know how
I know that? Because the social medias deleted the speech, so you couldn't even confirm the story, even if you wanted to.
So many of you heard that, and you just, you heard him call for peace and said, see, that's violent rhetoric. That's a dog whistle.
The reason why you lied like that, the reason why you bought the media's lie and became a liar yourself is because you are concealing hatred.
You are concealing hatred in your heart. That's why you did it, and so again, the
Bible puts the onus on us. Yes, we were lied to. Yes, they are gonna be held accountable for their lies, but the fact that we gave ear to that mischievous tongue, and then we acted on it, we took it to heart, and we acted on their mischievous lies, we did that because we're concealing hatred in our hearts.
Here's something that you need to remember. Proverbs 12, 19.
Truthful lips endure forever, but a lying tongue is but for a moment.
Truthful lips endure forever, but a lying tongue is but for a moment.
This is why I said last Wednesday or last Thursday, I forget which day it was. It was either the day of the
Capitol incident or it was the day after. I put that video out that said, just wait. Just wait. It's okay to just wait.
You can condemn all illegitimate violence. That's okay, but don't rush to condemn
Christian nationalism because just wait. Wait to see what happened because still to this day, we really don't even know what happened, but just wait, right?
That's why I said wait because I know that the truth endures forever, but lies are revealed right away.
Lying tongue is but for a moment, the scripture says. Lies don't have a good shelf life.
The truth does, and so if you waited, you would have found out. If it wasn't obvious that that Minotaur guy wasn't a
Christian, it should have been obvious based on just appearances, but if it wasn't, all you had to do was wait, and then you come to find out, oh, he's a pagan.
He's a literal pagan. He's a shaman. He's trying to ward off evil spirits, and he has a certain shaman diet, and like he's a shaman.
He's not a Christian, right? So like if you just waited, the lie, the lying narrative of Christian nationalism rioting at the
White House would have been revealed, but so many didn't wait. So many didn't wait because they forgot that it's the truth that endures forever, but lying tongues are but for a moment, and so here's the thing.
This is a verse that we all know, and we all forget all the time.
It's James 1, verse 19. James, the brother of Christ, says this.
My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this. Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry.
Quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry. Could a verse be more relevant to our current situation than this verse?
Because we understand that if you give ear, and you react to the lying tongue, to the mischievous tongue, then you're a liar yourself.
You're the evildoer, so listen. I'm not saying don't listen to the mainstream media, although that might be a pretty good idea.
Hear what they have to say, but don't act. Don't react. When you feel that anger building within you, just stop, take a deep breath, and wait, because there's a very good chance that that anger, that frustration, that anxiety, that fear that you feel is what they intend their reporting to do.
They want you to just feel. They want you to just react, and they don't want you to really think about what they're saying.
That is how we've had so many people who claim the name of Christ, hear the words of Trump saying,
I want peace, I want this, I want that. Yes, the election was stolen, but I want peace, and heard him say violence.
I want violence. They heard him say that because they were not slow to speak.
They were not slow to become angry. They listened to the mischievous tongues quickly. They gave ear to it.
They gave themselves to the narrative, and they were bought in, and so they can actually hear somebody say up, and hear him say down.
They're concealing hatred in their hearts. You see, a lot of people really hate Trump, like really hate
Trump, so much so that they can do that kind of thing. They can lie and feel justified in their lies, and it's a real problem.
But in this audience, I don't think we have that problem so much, but we must consider, who is it in our lives that we are concealing that kind of hatred for?
Because the response to this, the solution to this, is not to say, see, it's you.
You guys are the problem. That's the opposite of what these Proverbs are saying. These Proverbs focus on you, me.
I need to take some time and think about, are there people in my life that I'm concealing this kind of a hatred for, where I'm the opposite of quick to listen?
Or rather, I am quick to listen, but I'm quick to listen, and then absorb, and react, and speak, and get angry.
You see what I'm saying? We should listen, but not into the sense of giving ear to it, giving our energy to it, our actions, our reactions, our anger, our emotions.
There's a difference between hearing someone out and listening to them. You see what I'm trying to say? When you listen to the mainstream media, it should be, at this point for a
Christian, it should be with extreme skepticism. There is no honor in giving ear to a liar.
It doesn't mean everything the liar says is false, by the way. It doesn't mean everything the liar friend that you have in your personal life, everything that they say is not false either, but you'd be a fool to action off information that you know for a fact is unreliable.
You need to confirm it first, and that's why I say wait. Wait. Listen, but wait before you react.
Wait before you speak. That's the thing. And so again, I think I'd be a fool to not at least consider the chance that I have my own fantasy world that I give too much of my energy to, too much of my ear to, to use the biblical term.
So I don't know. I just think that we all need to take a good look in the mirror. We all need to consider what has happened, the fantasy world that so many
Christians are living in right now, and at least consider the chance that you might be in that kind of a fantasy world as well.
I hope you found this podcast helpful. I'll see you in a week, unless something crazy happens and I decide to do a video on it.
If I decide to do another wait, hold on kind of video, maybe I'll do that. But pray for me. I'm going to have a very busy seven days ahead of me, and I hope that I can be productive.
Hope you found this podcast helpful. God bless. Don't forget to tune in next week on Thursday for AD on the