Worshipping Trump? Charisma News Article About Heavenly Bodies Aligning for Inauguration / NAR


Testing The Spirits Podcast Episode # 123 Do hyper charismatics and people from the New Apostolic Reformation view Donald Trump as an almost Godlike figure anointed and sent from on high to bring revival and restoration to the United States and maybe even the world? Listen and find out! -You can also listen to my podcast on Spotify, would you be willing to leave a positive review? Thanks for all the support, it means a lot! A few people asked, so if you would be willing to leave a positive review on Spotify or donate to the ministry to help cover podcasting equipment it would be greatly appreciated - If you would like to donate you can give using Venmo (@Michael-Grant-468) or PayPal https://paypal.me/MichaelGrant78?coun... - you can also click on the thanks button located on the bottom of the video or to give to our church send checks to PO Box 42 Leverett MA 01054 Link to Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2cMa0Ft... Thank you for checking out my videos. Please consider subscribing and remember when you click thumbs up, that helps the video to get out to more people! Along with the sermons & Bible studies we also cover stories in Christian news as well as examining the teachings and practice of people like John MacArthur, John Piper, Alistair Begg, Steve Lawson, Paul Washer, Joel Osteen, Steven Furtick, Amy Grant NIV Baptist Churches Christian Music ESV Newsboys TobyMac, Kirk Franklin, Michael Tait CCM Exposed Daystar Television Network, Joni Lamb, Jonathan Lamb, Suzy Lamb, Marcus Rodgers, Jimmy Evans, Hillsong, Maverick City Music Elevation Worship Bethel Bill Johnson Kris Vallotton Brandon Lake Semler Relient K Switchfoot Lauren Daigle TobyMac DC Talk Kevin Max deconstruction United Methodist Roman Catholic Discernment T.D. Jakes Lakewood Church Truth Error liberal conservative Pope Francis Taylor Marshall Kenneth Copeland, Kathryn Krick, Joyce Meyer Steven Furtick, Joel Osteen, Rick Warren, Beth Moore, TD Jakes, false teachers Apologetics Mike Winger, Voddie Baucham, Paul Washer, Wretched Radio, Todd Friel, TreasureChrist (Reformed Wiki 2.0), Reformation Charlotte, Protestia, Andy Stanley, Ray Comfort of Living Waters United Church of Christ Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, LDS, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Charles Stanley, The Chosen, Dallas Jenkins, The Shack, Heresy, KLove, Christian Science, 7th Day Adventists, Jews, Israel, Seventh Day Adventist, Baptist Church, dispensationalism, covenant theology, Calvinism, Arminianism, Replacement theology, rapture, pre-trib, pretribulation, post-trib, post tribulation premillennial, postmillennial, end times, tribulation prophecy Book of Revelation, King James Version, KJV. The most important thing! Salvation is available for anyone who would repent and turn to Jesus for forgiveness! The true gospel is Christ crucified and risen for the remission of sin. A person is saved by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone (Ephesians 2:8-9, John 14:6). The Scripture says if you would confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead you will be saved! Romans 10:9. The next step after salvation is to get baptized and start learning & serving in a good local Bible believing church. Tags Bethel Church Hillsong, Elevation Greg Locke Christian Nationalism Pentecostal Post Millennial Post-Mil 7 Seven Mountain Mandate Dominion


Hello, and thank you for listening to the Testing the Spirits podcast. In this episode, we're going to be looking at whether or not some hypercharismatics are actually worshiping
Donald Trump. We're going to talk about the NAR, that is the New Apostolic Reformation, and we're going to read this article that I found on Charisma News, just a crazy article about how there are signs in the heavenlies, the stars have aligned for Donald Trump.
A lot of these guys, they turn Donald Trump into an object of Bible prophecy.
So we're going to ask, are they worshiping Donald Trump? So the website
Charisma News, this is one of the main publications or websites for the modern charismatic movement, and they report on many of the people in the
NAR, New Apostolic Reformation. So I have a couple of videos on my channel about the
NAR, if you want to check that out. This is a movement, usually, put it this way, there are people who support
Donald Trump and plenty of people who voted for Trump will get accused of worshiping him.
Usually that's a false accusation. People just, Donald Trump makes people go crazy.
So they accuse Christians who vote for Trump or really like Trump, they accuse them of worshiping him and that's usually false.
But there are some people who do seem to take this to a whole other level. Now maybe worship is too strong of a word, but there's people who view
Donald Trump as sort of like the new King Cyrus. I'm sure you've heard that. There are some who have made prophecies about Donald Trump, for example, and this group is part of the
NAR. So Bethel Church, their so -called prophet, Chris Vallotton, actually claimed that God gave him a prophecy in 2020 about Donald Trump, and of course it didn't come true, and these people have been exposed as false prophets time and time again, but people still listen to them.
So this is the headline from Charisma News, something big is happening in the sky after Trump's inauguration.
They write, there will be a major planetary alignment on January 21st, just as Donald Trump returns to the
White House, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune will be aligning in the sky.
This planetary alignment of six planets will occur the day after the 60th presidential inauguration in our history takes place.
So they say, yes, there are people who think that this is, you know, just coincidental, but they say, so notice they're saying there are some people who are dismissing this as just a coincidence, that the stars are perfectly aligned for Donald Trump.
Some will say it's a coincidence, but this is what Charisma News says. But in Luke chapter 21,
Jesus specifically warned that there would be signs, quote, signs in the sun, in the moon and in the stars, uh, just before he returns now, did
Jesus say that? Yeah. In the context of the great tribulation, but that's not right now.
So I digress, but they continue, uh, the decisions that Trump makes.
Okay. So they say the stars have aligned for Trump. Uh, Jesus talked about this and the decisions that Trump makes over the next couple of months will have a major impact on the trajectory of global events.
Meanwhile, the positioning of the planets in the night sky will be clearly pointing to the fact that something truly unusual is taking place.
Okay. So this article is, you know, it's cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs, but Charisma News, I mean, this is pretty standard.
They have another article about the Nephilim King Charles of England and the vampire connection.
So this type of sensationalism is pretty standard for Charisma News, but to make outlandish statements about, you know,
Trump and the planets aligning, uh, this, this is happening with a lot of hyper charismatics and people in the
NAR. And they really want to, I think the purpose of this is to make a not so subtle connection between Trump and Jesus, right?
Jesus had the star of Bethlehem for his birth and Trump has the stars aligning for the rebirth of his presidency, which
Trump is claiming that now that he is in office, Trump is claiming that this is now he is ushering in a golden age.
So a lot of people have taken note of this, the new golden age. Okay. So my take on that is, you know, that's
Trump being Trump, right? He makes statements like that. He says stuff like that all the time.
So no big surprise that Trump is claiming, okay, now that I'm back in office, this is going to be
America's golden age. And I don't doubt that after the mess uncle
Joe and Carmela made, I mean, things probably will get better for a while, right? I hope so.
But these hyper charismatics are taking it to a whole other level and they are latching on to Trump's comment about the golden age.
And they say that this is not just going to be a golden age politically. They say it's going to be a golden age of revival.
So some people are starting to pick up on this online statements made by some people in the new apostolic reformation.
There's you know, the Bethel church crowd, there's Sean Foyt and some of the CCM, you know, these music artists, the
Bethel Hill song crowd. Of course, Paula White was mixed up with Trump and she was his advisor, right?
And there's been others, Greg Locke, and he's sort of a Christian nationalist, hyper charismatic.
And there's a lot of people who view Trump as an anointed leader, basically.
There was a woman here locally on the local Pentecostal radio station, and I used to turn on the radio and hear her often and she would just always be talking about Trump.
Trump is anointed by God. God has sent Trump to do this. God has sent Trump, anointed him to do that.
And they really view Trump as like a, almost like a biblical figure. So the
NAR crowd, yeah, they claim that Trump is going to help usher in this golden age, which they define as the kingdom of God.
So back in the 1960s, a lot of people have talked this way. There's a shift, you know, the atmosphere is shifting.
In the 60s, the hippies called it the age of Aquarius. You might remember that. But the charismatics, the hyper charismatics, they're calling this, the buzz term is the seven mountain mandate.
Be on the lookout for that term. So the seven mountain mandate that we need to conquer the mountain of religion and the mountain of politics and the mountain of media and arts and entertainment and the family.
And once we conquer these mountains, then Jesus will come back and we'll, we'll usher in the kingdom and then
Jesus comes back, which is really the opposite of what the Bible teaches. The Bible teaches Jesus comes back and then the kingdom is ushered in when
Jesus returns. But they have it backwards that we usher in the kingdom. And I believe this stuff is dangerous.
The danger is that a lot of born again believers, here's the thing, a lot of Christians support
Trump. So when they hear other professing Christians talking about how they voted for Trump and they support
Trump, oh, these people, they're, they're like me, they're on our side and we're all kind of together and that's how people are drawn in to the hyper charismatic movement in the
NAR. And obviously we've talked about how they use music to do this. A lot of the famous televangelists are mixed up in this.
So the average Christian will hear this famous, you know,
Christian musician or this famous pastor talking about Trump and yeah, a lot of people are drawn in.
I think the best way to summarize the danger to warn about the NAR, New Apostolic Reformation, um, they are, they are saying that not only are there prophets and apostles in the church today, this is the whole premise of why they're named the
NAR. God has done a new thing. He has restored the office of prophet and apostle. And now that the church has prophets and apostles, now we can take over the world like we were originally meant to do.
And Donald Trump is going to help us do that. That's the connection. So these
NAR types, whether they have access to Trump, some do, some don't, some are invited to the white house.
There have been some NAR people that Trump has actually met with. Others are just talking about him online and they have a large following.
But I mean, this stuff is everywhere and it's really starting to get, uh, gain some traction.
So they believe that there again are seven mountains in culture, politics, the arts, entertainment.
And once we conquer all seven mountains, then Jesus is going to come back. But we need to take over the culture first.
And this is a type of post -millennial, uh, dominionist theology. So Trump plays a vital role because he is going to, he's going to be the man in power to help bring this about.
So it does definitely have, because of the political element, it has some overlap with Christian nationalism.
Now there's the Christian nationalism of the reformed variety, which I think they have some good points.
I'm not post -millennial, but they have some good points. Don't always agree with everything. There's the average
Christian nationalist who probably doesn't accept the label, but they want America to be a nation under God.
But then there's the Pentecostal version of Christian nationalism. This is the dangerous kind.
So they believe that Trump will help them in taking over the country, not through military, you know, or revolution, but, um, through revival.
So that's why they're always talking about revival, that revival, revival, revival. And they claim that the leadership is now in place.
We have the ability to do this. And they think people like Bill Johnson from Bethel church, he's an apostle.
Chris Fallotin is a prophet. But in short, long story short, this movement is led by heretics.
So if it ever came to pass, it's not going to be the kingdom of God. If anything, it's the kingdom of antichrist.
So they claim revival has started. Things are going to keep getting better and better.
And listen, I'd love to believe that things will get better. And I suppose revival is possible, but generally speaking, when
I open the scripture, what I see is not an end times revival. I see an end times apostasy, you know, led by a man eventually known as the beast and the false prophet or the antichrist.
Just to prove that, let me read from second Thessalonians to the apostle Paul writes in the context of the last days, he says, concerning the coming of our
Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to him, we ask you not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled either by spirit or by word or by letter, as if from us, as though the day of Christ had come, let no one deceive you.
Pay attention. He says, let no one deceive you by any means for that day will not come unless the falling away comes first.
The Greek word translated falling away is the word apostasy. So Paul is saying, Jesus will not come back until the apostasy or falling away happens first.
And that's what we see all around us. I've documented this on my podcast. Evangelical Christianity today is dominated by false prophets and false teachers.
The culture is clearly getting more and more godless and the churches now are more compromised than ever before.
But all of this excitement around Donald Trump, that's what I think in part is driving this.
Okay. So again, I get it after the past four years, I don't blame you if you feel excited about the future.
And in some ways I feel the same way. However, this concerns me, not
Trump. It's the religious movement that surrounds Trump. This is what concerns me.
The NAR, which is Bethel church, hyper charismatics, the false prophets on Daystar, you know, people who view
Trump as an object of Bible prophecy. They are sucking in a lot of conservative Bible believers, even guys that we haven't viewed in the past as radical hyper charismatics, men like Jack Hibbs, all of a sudden he's getting, you know, super political and there's evidence that he's fellowshipping with some of the
NAR people. And then there's the other half of the movement, the non -reformed
Christian nationalists, Greg Locke, and it goes on and on the music groups, the
CCM artists, you know, they draw in another segment of unsuspecting evangelicals.
So this has the potential not to take over the culture or to take over the United States. I don't think that's going to happen, but with Trump, they are, they are a big movement and they're just getting bigger.
So just to wrap this up, I don't want anyone to misunderstand again, if you're happy to see
Joe and Carmela gone, and you're hopeful, you know, I'm with you and yes,
God is sovereign. The Lord can use the Trump presidency to bring about good.
I mean, God uses all things, Romans 828, God causes all things to work together for good to those who love him, right?
To those who are the called according to his purpose, amen. But for Charisma News to publish articles about how the stars are aligning for Donald Trump and people to make prophecies concerning Trump and certainly to fall under the leadership of fake apostles and false prophets, we simply can't do it.
And we shouldn't allow our friends to do it. We should try to rescue them and warn them not to go down this path that leads not to the kingdom of God, it leads to the kingdom, if anything, the kingdom of Antichrist.
So the NAR, the New Apostolic Reformation, Bethel Church, you know, these types of false prophets, they might vote the same way as you, but false teachers are not brothers in Christ.
They're wolves in sheep's clothing. So I'm going to keep an eye out on all of this, and I'm sure this subject will come up again.
But let's do what the Bible says in first John four, one, let's keep testing the spirits. And until next time, may the