Mormonism (Part 2)

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Mormonism (Part 3)

Welcome to No Compromise Radio, a ministry coming to you from Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
No Compromise Radio is a program dedicated to the ongoing proclamation of Jesus Christ based on the theme in Galatians 2, verse 5, where the apostle
Paul said, but we did not yield in subjection to them for even an hour so that the truth of the gospel would remain with you.
In short, if you like smooth, watered down words to make you simply feel good, this show isn't for you.
By purpose, we are first biblical, but we can also be controversial. Stay tuned for the next 25 minutes as we're called by the divine trumpet to summon the troops for the honor and glory of her king.
Here's our host, Pastor Mike Abendroth. Welcome to No Compromise Radio, a ministry. Mike Abendroth is my name and I'm your host.
We are discussing issues that require your mind, whatever happened to the evangelical mind?
I think this other book that's interesting is Stott's book, John Stott, Your Mind Matters, a small little book that talks about the importance of the
Christian mind. And as much as it is good to feel and to emote,
I'm all for feelings, I'm all for emotions, we need something else in our life. And that is the right use of our mind.
So I have lots of themes for our show, but one is I want you to use your mind and I want you to use your mind with critical thinking, right and wrong, black and white, antithetical thinking, propositional truth.
If one thing is right, the opposite of it must be wrong and vice versa.
And so on this show, it's a unique show. Now, some say, oh, you're so blunt, but I think more than negative email, we get positive email that says, you know, we just want somebody to be a straight shooter, tell it like it is, as John Lennon would say, give me some truth.
So see, even John Lennon, broken clock's right twice a day, right? So I'm talking today about Mormonism again.
I did this last week on the same day today, same day of the week, and it's really all come up because of the article in World Magazine about Glenn Beck's Christianity, the
Glenn Beck rally, the evangelicals love for Glenn Beck.
You know, most of the times, if you would say to people, are you a Christian before you're Republican? I hope the answer would be yes, but functionally, pragmatically, practically, these days, many evangelicals, due to their hatred for the current policies of the current administration, will chuck their
Christianity, will evacuate it, will push the eject button because something else is more important to them.
Show me what you do and I'll show you what you believe. And if you want to just link arms and sing
Kumbaya, or what's that other game we played when we were kids? Red, you know, you'd all link arms,
Red Rover, Red Rover, send, and then you'd pick the strongest person you could because otherwise, if you're gonna have some freight train, if you're gonna pick
Brian Bosworth, Red Rover, Red Rover, send Brian Bosworth right over.
You know, you never want to make sure, you never wanted to pick somebody with a nickname, the train, or bulldozer.
You wanted to pick Leaf Boy, stick man. Oh, back in the day, you know, these days, kids are getting in trouble on the internet and all kinds of cell phone sexting and all these kinds of things.
And for us, we had unregenerate hearts as well. We were depraved, but we just didn't have as many vehicles to show and to demonstrate our depravity.
And so we've come a long way. Maybe that'll be a new book name from Red Rover, Red Rover to whatever.
So I don't think you, as an evangelical Christian, if you're not a Christian, then you might as well go for the bottom line.
You might as well go for pragmatics and you might as well say, how do we deal with issues? Well, Mike makes right.
Mike makes right too on this show. And let's just gather together and let's just increase our base.
And I believe that you should do things properly and biblically, and the way you do things is just as important as what gets done.
The means is just as important as the end. It's not we've got to win at all costs.
It's got to, we've got to glorify God and let the chips fall where they may. And God will continue to build his church.
Jesus has not fallen off the throne. God, as in Daniel chapter four, sets up kingdoms and he knocks them down.
And so what do we care? The world has survived. After Ronald Reagan was president, the world has survived after Jimmy Carter was president.
The world has survived after George Bush and after Bill Clinton and the world will survive when
President Obama is voted out. That is to say he doesn't win reelection or his eight years are up.
So in the meantime, church, act like the church. Don't act like the world.
And so to me, worldly thinking is, let's just forget what the Bible says about Mormonism. Let's just forget it's another religion.
Let's forget that it teaches a works righteousness and let's have our new temporal
Messiah. We need a Moses and this time it's Glenn Beck. So we look, my purpose is to look at Mormonism today to see if it's actually biblical
Christianity or not. And so, as I reminded you last time, when you look at a cult, a false teaching, the best thing to do is remember these three
S's. And then you can look at the peripheral things later.
But these three S's are the big ones. Source, Savior, Salvation. If you want to look at any cult from Jehovah's Witnesses to Seventh Adventism, you just look at the source of their truth and it will be the
Bible plus inevitably. You look at the Savior and it will not be the Jesus of the
Bible. And look at salvation. Is it by the sovereign grace of God based on the work of Christ Jesus' life and death confirmed by the resurrection?
So safe, it's safe to say that you look at source, Savior, salvation.
And last time we looked at Mormonism's view of their sources and they have four sources and pretty much the
Bible's at the bottom of those four. Wallace Bennett, Why Am I a
Mormon, page 159, said, we recognize the Bible's limitations all well as its value.
That must be a typo. We do not ascribe final authority to any of its statements because we believe that God has re -established the authority to speak in his name.
That is just confounding. That is just wild.
That's unbelievable. To quote somebody with verbiage from last week, that's funky.
It's more than that. I would respond this way when it comes to Mormonism's claim to represent
God by denigrating the Bible, that that is fallacious, that is false, that is ungodly, that is blasphemous, and why a
Christian would say, now let's link arms with someone else who calls himself a Christian because it will help our political party.
That person is a short -sighted fool. That's what they are.
They're a short -sighted fool. What's the opposite of fool? Wise, a wise person.
This is not wisdom that says, oh, we'll just take somebody that denigrates the Bible and say, yeah, yeah, that's it, because we believe in Sola Scriptura.
We believe that the Bible is God -breathed according to 2 Timothy 3. So, Andrea Sue, or whatever your name is from World Magazine, I don't know what you're thinking, but you're not really thinking, and that, by the way, is why
I canceled my subscription to World Magazine long, long time ago.
I wrote to them when they made the pope, John Paul, the man of the year, and if they want to say, humanly speaking, he's the man of the year, but we do not believe as basically a
Presbyterian magazine. We do not believe the Roman Catholic system. We do not believe that he promotes the right way of salvation, that he has the wrong view of Mary, and intercession of Mary, and mediatorial nature of Mary, and he just has affected a lot of Christian people, our so -called
Christians, therefore we give him the man of the year award, and they didn't say anything like that. I wrote him a letter. Part of it was published in the letters to the editor in the back, but I said that was my last issue, because if you're going to be a news magazine, or if you're going to read
Real Clear Politics, or Newsmax, or Politico, or Slate, doesn't matter what you're going to read, you just would assume that it's going to be written along the lines of that kind of ideology, and so if World Magazine purports itself to be a
Reformed magazine, a Christian magazine, a Protestant magazine, then you just can't do that, and so it's interesting, if I see it on the floor someplace, on the floor, that's not right, if I see it on the table someplace, well, then
I'll pick it up, and I might read it, but I'm not going to pay them any money, and now they write some kind of foolish article that talks about Mormonism this way, regarding Glenn Beck, I don't think it's very wise,
I think it is foolish. Now, let's talk about Mormonism's savior.
The first is source. Their source is the Bible Plus, Doctrines and Covenants, Bible Plus, Great Pearl of Price, Pearl of Great Price, the
Bible Plus, what's the other one, Book of Mormon, and so, now let's move to savior, and I thought it was interesting when
MacDowell and Stewart in their cult book said, Josh MacDowell, I think it's Don Stewart, the sure mark of a cult is what it does with the person of Jesus Christ.
All cults ultimately deny the fact that Jesus Christ is God the Son, the second person of the
Holy Trinity, mankind's only hope, page 29 of their book. Let's find out what the
Mormons think about God generally, then we'll talk about what they think about Jesus specifically, since God is one, the
Father, Son, and the Spirit. They do not think that God is like the
God of the Bible, the Father in Doctrine and Covenants, 130, 22.
The Father has a body of flesh and bones as tangible as man's, the Son also.
Well, you don't have to go very far to figure out that God the Father is a spirit, and the spirit doesn't have what?
Flesh and bones. If you look at Talmud 448, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter -day
Saints proclaims against the incomprehensible God devoid of body, parts, or passions as a thing impossible of existence and asserts its belief in and allegiance to the true and living
God of Scripture and Revelation. Joseph Fielding Smith, Desiree News, page two.
I know that God is being with body, parts, and passions. Man was born of woman. Christ the
Savior was born of woman. Okay, now ready, here we go. Tell me you want to link arms with a group like this.
And God the Father was born of woman. Church News, September 19th, 1936, page two.
How about Parley Pratt, Key to the Science of Theology, 7th edition, 1925.
It was published in Salt Lake City, page 42. Each of these gods, we're talking about Mormonism if you just tuned in.
Each of these gods, including Jesus Christ and his Father, being in possession, gods, by the way, did you notice that?
Being in possession of not merely an organized spirit, but a glorious body of flesh and bones, is subject to the laws which govern, of necessity, even the most refined order of physical existence.
I mean, we just go from bad to worse. If you read McConkie in the Godhead, page 239, 293 rather, though each god in the
Godhead is a personage, separate and distinct from each of the others, yet they are one
God, meaning that they are united as one in the attributes of perfection. Accordingly, they all think, act, speak, and are alike in all things, and yet they are three separate and distinct entities.
The oneness of the gods is the same unity that should exist among the saints. So they do not believe what the
Bible says about God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. I don't believe
God had a father. I don't believe God had a mother. I don't believe God had a grandfather.
When Joseph Smith said God himself was once as we are now and is an exalted man and sits enthroned in yonder heavens,
I'm going to tell you how God came to be God. Even that makes me, I get the heebie -jeebies on that.
We imagine Joseph said, this is in McConkie's book on the Godhead, 295, actually taken from Joseph Smith's Journal of Discourses, 6 -3.
We've imagined and suppose that God was God from all eternity. Yeah, that kind of sounds like the Bible's version of God.
I will refute that idea and take away the veil so that you may see. It is the first principle of the gospel to know for a certainty the character of God and to know that we may converse with him as one man converses with another and that he was once a man like us.
Here then is eternal life, to know the only wise and true God and you have got to learn how to be
God's yourself. Now that is actually repulsive. Here you begin to quote a
Bible verse and then you add, and you have got to learn how to be God's yourself. I'm pretty much sick of me the
God. I was very good at crafting myself as a God and I would like to run to a
God and run underneath the wings as it were of a God, metaphorically speaking, who can save me from such self -idolatry, from such self -worship.
We don't need to have God the Father having a father. McConkie, Plurality of God, 521 to 522.
Where was there ever a son without a father? And where was there ever a father without first being a son?
Hence, if Jesus had a father, can we not believe that he had a father also, meaning the father?
So here's what happens. You say, this is all fine and dandy. Quit reading all this stuff. I get it. I don't like it.
My question to you is how often do you hear this? You hear Mormonism, you hear
Latter -day Saints stuff, but you never really get this kind of stuff in the evangelical press these days like World Magazine, and you don't really get it on Fox News either.
So where are you going to get it? You're going to get it on NoCompromiseRadio .com.
I believe that God is an unchangeable God. I don't believe that he once was as we are now.
That is ridiculous. When you've got the wrong view of God, you can't be saved. You have to think about God exactly the way he tells you to think about him in Scripture alone.
And you can't go looking at these Mormon prophets who keep trying to tell you all the time that God, the eternal father, wasn't eternal, and God, John 4, who doesn't have flesh and bones because he's a spirit, once was a mortal man.
You can't do that. If you do, you've made up a God after your own liking, and your heart is an idol -making factory, and it already makes enough idols.
You don't need the idol God that McConkie and Joseph Smith and Willard Woodruff have figured out for you.
God himself is increasing and progressing in knowledge, oh, so much for omniscience, power, so much for omnipresence, and dominion, and will do so worlds without end.
It is just so with us. We are in a probation which is a school of experience. Wilford Woodruff, Journal of Discourses, 6, 1, 20.
I believe that there is one God, and Deuteronomy makes that very clear. God is one, and all their talk about God's this,
God's this, God's that, there are three gods, the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
McConkie and God 291 is a lie. So if you get God the Father messed up, you're going to get
God the Son messed up as well. My name is Mike Abendroth. We're on No Compromise Radio today talking about what
Mormonism is really like, pulling the veil off of the quotes of Mormonism who claim four sources of divine authority so that you will know this is not the right thing to do.
What's this? To be some kind of politically yoked with Glenn Beckettites for the sake of America.
What does the Mormon doctrine say about Jesus Christ? If you run across a cult, ask what's their source of truth?
Who's their savior is the second one, and then how do you get saved? Did you know the Mormons teach that Christ did not exist eternally as God, but was brought into being as our men?
Well, we kind of alluded to that a little bit earlier, so I won't bore you with that other blasphemous quotes. I'm pretty much getting tired of quoting blasphemy.
That's no fun. I don't really like to do that. I'd rather just read the Bible. I have my Bible terms of Galatians here, and I'm just going to have to give myself a little bath here, a refresher class mentally, and I'm just going to read one of my all -time favorite verses.
You can put this on my tombstone next to 2 Corinthians 5 .21. This is my favorite verse, at least for the day.
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, who gave himself, let's talk about Jesus, for our sins so that he might rescue us from the present evil age according to the will of our
God and Father, to whom be the glory forevermore, amen. Can you imagine
Jesus Christ, the God -man, gave himself for our sins, and he rescued us from this present evil age?
If it wasn't for Christ and his goodness and his mercy and his sovereign grace, we'd be just like the
Mormons. We're not any better. We have been shown by the revelation from God what the truth is, and we don't believe there are three gods.
We believe that Jesus, the second person in the Trinity, was the eternal Son. He existed eternally, and we believe that the incarnate
Christ was born naturally, but she was conceived supernaturally by the
Spirit of God, born of natural means, but conceived supernaturally. Listen to Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses, one, volume one, page 50 to 51.
When the Virgin Mary conceived the child Jesus, I mean, it's like these people just smoke some peyote and sit in some kind of tent, a sweat tent, and then start writing.
The Father had begotten him in his own likeness. He was not begotten by the Holy Ghost. And who was the
Father? He was the first of our human family. Jesus, our elder brother, was begotten in the flesh by the same character that was in the
Garden of Eden. And who is our Father in heaven? And who is our Father in heaven? Now, let all who hear these doctrines pause before they make light of them or treat them with indifference, for they will prove their salvation or damnation.
Well, Brigham Young, I can say this. It will prove their salvation or damnation, and if you believe nonsense like that, you're damned.
And if I have to believe that Jesus is my elder brother and the same character that you think he is, then
I will be damned, because I will trust in the God -man, the eternal
God -man, Jesus Christ, who, because of his adding human nature, could be my representative and that he could live a perfect life in my place and credit that to my account, and that my sin's credited to Jesus' account.
I don't want anything to do with the Mormon Savior, nor do I want to have anything to do with a bunch of people who think these differences shouldn't exist, we don't care if they exist, let's just march for lower taxes.
How asinine is that? How lame is that? If you're not a Christian, go for it.
Matter of fact, I hope you have my political views and you go make the world different, and I'll be very, very glad for that, but I'm not going to compromise my position for some kind of, well, it just is gonna work out better for me.
No, when Brigham Young says in Journal of Discourses, Volume 8, 115, the birth of the
Savior was as natural as the births of our children. It was a result of natural action. He partook of flesh and blood, was begotten of his father as we were of our fathers.
That's just all cloaked in such a way. Again, I think when baby Jesus came out of the womb of Mary, it was normal, it was natural, it was a regular delivery, but it's the conception that was not natural because the
Holy Spirit had to superintend. So Jesus would not be tainted by the fall since Mary is fallen,
Mary was fallen. So they've got the wrong Savior, they've got the wrong source.
What about salvation? What about salvation? Well, you can just add, you know, if you ever have some kind of test, well, tell me what these unbelievers, this false cult believes about salvation.
And the answer will be grace plus works. It'll be some kind of hybrid of that, grace plus works.
It'll be some kind of obedience to something, some kind of baptism, something that they've got to do in addition to the grace of God.
Now, I think we'll probably have to save the rest of this for our last bit of the show here on the
Mormon Doctrine of Salvation. So I've got a minute or two to kind of wrap things up.
I think you should do a quick study on the history of the Mormon church. And I think that you'll quickly find out that Joseph Smith claimed that the angel named
Moroni appeared to him and revealed the location of some gold plates, these golden plates that he had to translate.
Moroni then showed up and he came back four years later.
Joseph Smith was allowed to dig up the plates and began to translate them. I thought that was kind of interesting.
The Book of Mormon, I think you should read that sometime. I think you should study it.
I think you should just have a cursory overview and you are quickly going to say to yourself, this is not the word of God.
This is not equal to the word of God. This is not over the word of God. Not at all.
Well, today has been an examination of the Mormon doctrine of Jesus Christ and God.
And it's a different God. It's a different Jesus. And so you need the one revealed in scripture.
I don't want anything to do with the Jesus of the latter day saints. And whether this is a
Jesus found in Western New York, Kirtland, Ohio, Independence, Missouri, Nauvoo, Illinois, our
Salt Lake City, I'll take the Jesus from Nazareth, the God man who was able to live a perfect life because he's fully
God and fully man. And he, the second Adam, the last Adam technically, lived and completed a life that Adam failed to do.
And then now we have him as our representative, as our captain, as our savior, who has enough infinite righteousness to bestow on all those who would look to him and say,
I will take you at your word and I will believe what the Bible says. And that's what we want you to do. If you don't believe that, you need to repent and trust alone in the risen
Christ for your substitutionary saving. That's what you need. This is Mike Ebendroth, No Compromise Radio.
God bless you. No Compromise Radio with Pastor Mike Ebendroth is a production of Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
Bethlehem Bible Church is a Bible teaching church firmly committed to unleashing the life transforming power of God's word through verse by verse exposition of the sacred text.
Please come and join us. Our service times are Sunday morning at 1015 and in the evening at six. We're right on route 110 in West Boylston.
You can check us out online at bbchurch .org or by phone at 508 -835 -3400.
The thoughts and opinions expressed on No Compromise Radio do not necessarily reflect those of WVNE, its staff or management.