New EAN Website | Check It Out!


With your support we have been able to put together a monumental resource. Watch as Tim outlines the key changes to the EAN website and the impact we can now have moving forward. 2023 is our biggest year yet and together we can make a significant impact in protecting of Life. Join Us! Be sure to like, share, and comment on this video. You can get more at : You can partner with us by signing up for All Access. When you do you make everything we do possible and you also get our TV show, After Show, and Apologia Academy, etc. You can also sign up for a free account to receive access to Bahnsen U. We are re-mastering all the audio and video from the Greg L. Bahnsen PH.D catalogue of resources. This is a seminary education at the highest level for free. #ApologiaStudios Follow us on social media here: Facebook: Instagram: Check out our online store here:


Hello, my name is Tim, and I am the web manager here at End Abortion Now. I have the absolute joy and pleasure to present to you the new and updated
EndAbortionNow .com. I want to show you just a glimpse into what our donors accomplished this last year by showing you some new tools that will impact the way we politically fight to end abortion around the
United States. At the beginning of 2023, End Abortion Now will be going to be filing 10 state bills of equal protection.
We will be going to Colorado, Georgia, Kentucky, Alabama, Arizona, Idaho, Louisiana, Texas, South Dakota, and finally
Arkansas. That may sound great and all, but why does it really matter?
Sometimes when we talk about politics, we can really lose sight of what we're actually doing here in trying to end abortion.
We are saving lives. Let me show you why these new tools will impact the way we approach the mission of ending abortion.
Let's go to the new interactive map. Now let's go to the state of Georgia since we will be submitting a bill of equal protection there next year.
Scroll down and there you'll see 114 babies murdered through abortion every single day.
One hundred and fourteen. That means by the end of watching this video, one baby will have died.
By the time we get to the state of Georgia next year, 10 ,260 babies will have been murdered.
If you're like me, you want to do something about this, but know nothing about politics.
This is why we've made it easy through this new tool on endabortionnow .com.
If you continue to follow me on Georgia's state page, you will see two primary calls to action that you can take.
Number one, sign the petition. When we submit the bills of equal protection in Georgia and all the other states next year, we want to present a stack of names to the representatives there for political leverage.
How? Tell them if they do not support the bill, they will have thousands of their voters voting them out.
It's easy to do. Just go to your state, click on sign the petition.
It takes no time, no commitment. The second thing we've created is the state page.
Among state -specific data, you will see a contact your representative button. When you see us in your state next year, and when you get an email from us telling you to contact your representatives, you want to click this button.
You will see the list of every pro -life politician in your state. You will then systematically email and call each of them.
Clicking on their names, clicking their email address, copying and pasting the message.
Then, you can grab your phone and call them. Use the on -screen script to help assist you in that phone call.
This is what it takes to save the lives of children, like little Dakota. You can read about her on the homepage.
This is what it takes to save the lives of precious babies like Savaria, Keyshawn, Kingston, Navy, Rosie, River, all the babies on our testimony page.
These new tools equip us to finally see an end to abortion in these states.
Using these tools is a means of protecting and giving life to thousands of little children this year and thousands more to come.
If you haven't already, please consider helping us end abortion in these states this year.
The cost is great if we continue to do nothing. It's the price of tens of thousands of babies.
But the cost to you right now might be your financial support and a handful of phone calls.
It's worth it. Please join us this year. If you feel led to give, please do so.
Click on the link somewhere in this video or go visit the new site EndAbortionNow .com.
As you can see, our donors change lives. God bless you all and I look forward to see what