Witchcraft on Primetime TV / Fox News sinks 2 a new low trying 2 discern 2024 election Trump & Biden


Article link from the website Christian Post - https://www.christianpost.com/news/ex... Ex-psychic warns Fox News pushing 'demonic agenda' by airing divination during primetime


Hello, in this video, I'm going to be covering a story from the website, christianpost .com. The headline reads, ex -psychic warns that Fox News is pushing a demonic agenda by airing divination during prime time.
So Jen Niza, she is a former witch, a former psychic who has converted to Christ, and she is upset that Jesse Watters and Fox News has basically brought on a sorceress, a witch, a woman who is doing tarot cards and divination on the program, and she says it is demonic.
So let's just read from the article, former psychic who repented of occult practices after turning to Jesus Christ.
She warns that Fox News potentially opened their viewers to demonic activity by airing an act of divination during prime time last week.
Now I'm not going to show the whole thing. I'm not going to let her do her little act. I'm just going to show you the opening just to kind of prove it happened.
So watch. Paula Roberts is the English psychic who is on set to give us a reading right now.
I would like, Paula, for you to give me a reading on President Trump.
Just the one card. One card. One card. One card. Let's do just one card.
We like that one. Uh -oh.
Uh -oh. What is that? I mean, I do recognize this.
I'm at Fox TV. I have a sense of loss, a sense of loss. But it's very specific.
No, no, no. Let me move on. OK, so there it is. The article continues.
The deception of putting something that seems good out there while pushing a demonic agenda is heartbreaking.
Gen Nisa told the Christian Post, and I think this is the deception with Fox News. And listen,
I know a lot of Christians who they like Fox News, watch Fox News, and I'm not against you. I'm just telling you what happened.
But here's the potential problem. Like CNN, you know where they stand. Fox News pretends to be wholesome and we support people of faith, but really
Fox News is celebrating pride month every June. Most of their people on TV are pro -abortion.
It's like, then they bring on a witch who's doing sorcery and divination on live
TV. So I mean, that's the deception, right? They present themselves as one thing, but they're really something else.
Nisa, an author and podcaster who runs the xpsychicsave .com
website, she has written about how dabbling with tarot cards as a young teenager ultimately led her deeply into the occult.
She said that she found it completely alarming when Fox News host
Jesse Watters invited a medium on his show last week to discern the country's political future using tarot cards.
Watters, whose show, Jesse Watters Prime Time, occupies Tucker Carlson's former time slot.
The host, he brought on this woman, an English psychic named Paula Roberts, who pulled a tarot card for Trump known as the five of cups.
And I'm not going to read it all, but it's a, well, you probably saw it on the video, a cloaked figure in the card, according to them, symbolizes focusing on negativity.
So the psychic went on to say how she predicts a sense of loss for Trump in 2024, which everyone's going to assume she's saying that he's going to lose the election, but sense of loss could be anything, you know, a member of his family could die.
And you know, that's the problem with these, um, psychics and all this stuff.
It's, it's vague. So it could mean a whole bunch of things. Roberts, who identifies as a clairvoyant paranormal investigator and ghost hunter, according to her website, she claims to have ties to the
Spiritualist Association of Great Britain, which was founded in 1872 and it included high profile members such as Sherlock Holmes author,
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Roberts also claims to have a prominent, she has known in the past, prominent occult figures such as Ingo Swann.
I don't know who that is, but, uh, Swan apparently was involved with the United States government when the
CIA, according to the website, according to this article, uh, the CIA was researching occult practices to see if they could, uh, study astral projection, remote viewing and extrasensory perception, you know, to kind of, uh, use that in, in warfare.
So Nisa, she made a TikTok video last week explaining that she had a little bit of a bone to pick with Fox news for airing this segment with Roberts, who she believes to be a legitimate psychic who engages in communication with demons, even if she is unaware of it.
And that's what you have to understand. Psychics, a lot of them are con artists, but some of them are actually in communication with spirits.
Now we know that they're not spirits of departed loved ones, because when people die, they either go to heaven or hell.
So when they're actually in contact with spirits, the only possibility is demons, you know, fallen angels.
So here's what, uh, Nisa says that this woman, Roberts, who is on Jesse waters program, she is a real psychic who has been doing this for a long time.
And she's serious about what she does. Nisa told the Christian post that a lot of people will say that these people are hucksters.
That's simply not true. She says there are hucksters, but this woman is not a huckster.
She's not a con artist. This woman is truly a psychic, but remember she's communicating with demons.
According to this former medium, she explained that the cardboard and pictures of the tarot cards do not actually offer any insight by themselves, but that the purported information psychics obtained from them is channeled and it is inherently demonic.
A tool of divination is one that's actually accessing the demonic realm, the spirit realm.
And if you're going to do that, you're going against God. And this, uh, ex psychic references
Deuteronomy 18, 10 through 12. And I'm just going to read that Deuteronomy 18, 10 through 12 says there shall not be found among you.
Anyone who makes his son or his daughter passed through the fire or one who practices witchcraft or a soothsayer or one who interprets omens or a sorcerer or one who conjure spells or a medium or a spirit test or one who calls up the dead for all who do these things are an abomination to the
Lord. And this goes on to talk about how, when a nation allows such practices that actually invites the judgment of almighty
God. So in broadcasting such a practice during primetime television, she said,
Fox news has wrist peaking, the curiosity of their viewers to dabble in such things.
And you said, well, you're talking about it right now. Maybe you're peaking people's interest. Well, I'm saying this is of the devil and you need to stay away from it.
But a Fox news, they present it as, oh, this is fun. Oh, this is, yeah, let's just bring them on and, and do that.
No, this is, this is demonic. Again, what do we read in the
Bible? It is an abomination. One of the strongest words that you find in scripture condemning this.
So yeah, this is pretty bad. Fox news has gone from celebrating pride month to,
I don't, you know, what do you even say to a doing witchcraft on primetime television.
So those Christians who continue to watch Fox news, oh, I think Fox news, they're, they're good.
They really support Christianity or something like that. Well, Hey, I'm just giving you the information.
You can take what you see on Fox news and hopefully you're testing it against the word of God.
And as far as me, uh, I canceled cable a long time ago, so amen.
But, uh, you do what's right for you. This is dangerous, dangerous stuff.