Let's Watch the Founders Ministry Trailer!

AD Robles iconAD Robles


some comments on the trailer for the upcoming movie.


oh man I was thinking about starting this this video and saying like the founders founders ministries are
Mike my some of my favorite friends are Baptists something like that I was thinking is that you've been allowed to say that is it kind of like saying like oh
I have some of my best friends are black you know cuz like you're trying to appear like you're not racist so you say some of my best friends are black so my best friends are
Baptist I don't know anyway the founders ministries apparently they're doing a movie about some of this critical theory cultural
Marxism social justice all of this stuff and they're doing it with some people that that I that I like very much and looks like it's gonna be good so let's let's watch the the trailer here and I was gonna start and stop and comment on it but it just didn't really work out because the trailer kind of moves very quick so let's watch the whole thing and then whatever comments
I can remember to make I'm gonna make them but again these are some of my some of my best friends are Baptists and as you can see they're fighting the good fight and this is good stuff so let's let's watch it together and we will comment on it at the end this is
God's world and he gets to set the rules that's right
I see godless ideologies that have spread throughout Western civilization over the last several decades with a vengeance
I just like to directly address my my white brothers and sisters out there to tell us what we are supposed to be seeing council we're just not experts in this
I believe that God given particularly what we call white evangelicals a divine opportunity many of these ideologies have been smuggled into many evangelical churches and organizations through the
Trojan horse of social justice we've got an opportunity to prove we need to listen more than we talk
I was not trained in any of this churches are gonna be better for finding subject matter experts and pulling them in we've not been black this understanding we've not been black so many who are moving in these circles advocating these ideologies to tell people in the hegemony that what they must do is sit down and be quiet and listen let's really step up to the plate and humble ourselves the way every
Christian should humble themselves and say to the Dehadees and to say to my brothers and sisters here teach us and I think some people think the gospel would advance much more rapidly if we ingratiated
I know I said it wouldn't start and stop but I kinda saw a me too moment here did you guys catch that let's check it out and say to the
Dehadees and to say to my brothers and sisters here maybe not he didn't touch her I take you back he didn't touch her she looked like she was a little upset he got a little too close to her but anyway let's continue people think the gospel would advance much more rapidly if we ingratiated ourselves to the culture so there's that impulse and then sometimes just a tenderness like what could possibly matter if she preached she's got a
Bible word I heard somebody on TV and she preached better than my preacher a Southern Baptist Convention that doesn't have a place for Beth Moore doesn't have a place for a lot of us we need to turn the women loose with the gift that God have ordained them to even preach to men and women and that's exactly what
Paul instructed Phoebus to do and then we talk ourselves into outsmarting the Bible and it's almost like yeah let's try a little bit well no that wouldn't matter either and then you wake up one day and like you're egalitarian we're always having the powers the spiritual powers and principalities exert pressure on us that's not new so if we can take a clear passage of Scripture that says
I do not permit a woman to teach or exercise authority when we're finished with it it now says
I do permit a woman in some cases then there is no stopping where you can take that where that will go
I had a major that's true newspaper called me in a costume with that you know can't can you deny the complementarianism behind much abuse
I said well clearly it was not motivating Harvey Weinstein the ideas of liberal
Christianity did not die and and they're here with a vengeance the critical race theory and intersectionality of simply analytical to be used they're not that's not true tonight and we're seeing all of this overt attack from the left outside of the church but the insidious stuff inside the church frequently that people don't even recognize that uses our guilt and our shame against us to get us to do self -destructive things you see it's precisely at this point that's true too
I think we're being played we recognize the obligation and we can be played into their agenda as to what to do in order to pursue justice that has been their core tactic for a century and a half it's not new it's not even new to Southern Baptist because Satan does this he is constantly telling you he is constantly asking you to live with regrets when the father is taken all the sins of the world that's right amen
Wow there's some nifty editing going on in there
I'll tell you right now that it was very well done that trailer is very well done I gotta be honest I'm looking forward to this this movie coming out
Wow you know when I heard about this I I had a
I had the opportunity to watch this trailer last week and when I when
I had heard about the project I was excited about it for sure and but I and I knew it wouldn't
I knew it wouldn't pull punches yeah I knew it wouldn't be you know milk toast
I knew it wouldn't be like that but I was not prepared for the kind of essentially let's just put it edgy type stuff like that editing like it talks about I mean some of the some of the shadowy figures in there you can kind of tell some of the people that they're talking about a
Russell Moore and and some of these other people and it talks about the it kind of ties together some of the egalitarian you know movements in the
SBC with that Jezebel lady that's Doug Wilson called her anyway but anyway so a little edgier than I thought it would be and I'm very grateful for that I'm very grateful for that because at the end of the day this is serious business you know
I am a post -millennial guy I'm very optimistic when it comes to the Church of Jesus Christ in the long term but but we're in we're in serious times right now serious issues are being put on the table serious battles and wars are being fought right now and so we need to act like it's serious it is serious and so we need to call out who the enemies of truth are and I think that that this this this trailer does a pretty good job sort of framing that we'll see what the movie does but based on the trailer
I think that we've got we've got some good things to look forward to here now now look at the end of the day
I'm not the kind of guy that requires purity right so there are some people that I saw that were interviewed here and and we'll see if they're portrayed favorably or not
I don't know I mean some people here that that I think are on the right side of these issues but they're not as quote unquote pure and when it comes to the issues that I would be
I mean I don't require purity to be on the same team as you I don't require you to do things the same way I would do them in order to be on the same team and so I'm looking forward to seeing what these people have to say about this that beginning part with that like Matt Chandler that other dude who is that other guy that that other white guy
I don't know I don't recognize him man I mean maybe they're just not my circles but you know
I find so interesting it's just like Matt Chandler basically is talking about and that other guy they're talking about deplatforming yourself if you're white you know like you're not an expert you've never been black before and so maybe you should just ask blacks and Browns to teach you and you can sit at their feet and just teach us about racism and teach us about what the
Bible says to do about racism and I guess that's so stupid that's so stupid because the Bible doesn't give skin color any kind of extra qualifications when it comes to talking about what the
Bible says about partiality and oppression and things like that you can be white and have a really clear idea about what the
Bible says to do about partiality and oppression it doesn't require you to be black or brown or whatever but notice that these people aren't taking their own advice you see this is the thing
I find this so annoying right these two Chandler will tell you to deplatform yourself if you're white the other guy will tell you you know sit at the feet of black people but yet they're talking you know if you really wanted to affect change in the world and and you know you maybe should take some advice from that from that inspirational meme be the change you want to see in the world why not instead of telling everyone else to deplatform themselves why don't you deplatform yourself stop telling us what to do you're white you've never been black you don't know anything about this racism why don't you platform me
I know more about racism than you Matt Chandler right but why not why not oh because it's really not about that it's about me looking good it's about you know doing things that appear good but not actually doing them yourself actually just telling everyone else to do them
I find that so annoying look practice what you preach you want it you want to do all the white pastors out there deplatform themselves deplatform yourself first why don't you lead by example
I find that so annoying and you know anyway so there's that and then you know hey this is gonna be interesting now now what
I wanted to talk about too before before I finish is what people are gonna how people are gonna respond to this video
I think I was watching a podcast I think this was it's either a pod is it a podcast or is it a
YouTube channel it's probably both I was watching this it was it was it was Jordan Hall on pulpit and pen he was talking about something specific
I don't I don't watch pulpit and pen religiously or anything like that but whenever there's a topic that I find interesting you know
I'll put it on while I'm working just to hear what what he's had has to say and oftentimes he has some really interesting things to say and one of his analysis is of the whole situation here is that right now we're kind of like people that are on our side of this issue are kind of in between two responses right normally they just ignore you they just ignore you you know the pretend like you don't even exist they follow you of course they watch your videos they watch your podcast they read your articles but they don't think but they don't acknowledge it they pretend like it doesn't exist and I know this is true this happens to me
I know there's one guy out there and you know who you are you know who you are who's disavowed me publicly he's distance himself from me publicly he slandered me publicly but he watches all my videos you know who you are he pretends like I don't exist like my content all while he's talking about me you know sometimes he'll subtweet me sometimes he'll do these anyway so we're being ignored but also and then we're we're trying to be discredited so we're in between two responses you either ignored or you're discredited right now we're mostly still ignored but also kind of being discredited so I think that the founders ministry is gonna encounter two responses number one they'll be mostly ignored number two they'll attempt to be discredited oh they were they were they were mean mean they said mean words and they you know they talked about someone a little bit too aggressively and that was that wasn't very winsome of them and you know
Jesus Jesus spoke kindly to people he would never have said that things that you said oh but you might counter well
Jesus you know turned over tables but you're not Jesus you're not Jesus so you can't do it that's the kind of responses they're gonna get they're gonna get discredited for being not winsome enough using mean words maybe being too aggressive maybe talking to to to much like a man you know that kind of thing so that's what
I think is gonna happen this is gonna this movie's gonna be either ignored or they're gonna try to get discredited for being too mean essentially but the reality is that that's what's gonna happen with the intelligentsia the people that that that are like the thought leaders of Big Eva but I think the regular
Joe's they like this kind of stuff and not only do they like it but but they want to know what's going on I think that the social justice warriors in Christianity the
Russell Moore's of the world the the the beating on your wheelies of the world the Eric Mason's of the world they have awoken a sleeping giant because at the end of the day most everyday people in the pews they really hadn't heard about this stuff critical theory cultural marketing if they had only in only in secular context you know what
I mean I'm not saying that they're ignorant they just it's not on their radar I mean they're they're busy doing other stuff you know what I mean for the kingdom of God but the the beatings of the world the
Russell Moore's of the world they've overplayed their hands so much that people are starting to be like okay what what's the deal with this and so they're looking for information they're looking for my youtube channel they're looking for people that are gonna produce movies about this they're looking for blog posts about this they're looking and you know what they're gonna find they're gonna find pulpit in pen because pulpit in pen was talking about this stuff a long time ago and they're gonna find that some people are telling the truth and others are obfuscating and their biggest the biggest thing they can say against some of us is older they're too mean they're just too mean now look at the end of the day do
I agree with everything that founders ministry says or pulpit in pen says or dr. our pastor
Robert true love says or all these guys no absolutely not but the point is people are gonna be looking for this information and guess what once they find it they're gonna realize you know what the gospel coalition hasn't really been telling me the truth all the time you know you the
URL see hasn't really been straightforward with me all the time and so you guys overplayed your hand and this movie is the result and I got to be honest with you there's other movies like this coming out there's one called enemies enemies within the church there's some other things that are in the works and stuff like that and tonight
I'm looking forward to all of them because the more available this information is for the common everyday folk who's not gonna sit the sit back and read you know a hundred articles a day from the gospel coalition but they will watch a movie like this so I'm glad I'm grateful for this kind of stuff
I'm grateful for this because we need to clear up some of these issues we need to provide resources for people that they can easily consume while they're going about their everyday business while they're producing for the kingdom of God while they're working for their family while they're raising their kids and stuff like that this kind of stuff is gonna be important and your little criticisms of oh they're too mean they're too mean and they're too aggressive and it's not gonna it's not gonna fly with everyday folks because everyday folks they're not like you they're not like you they don't have these ivory towers where if anyone says a harsh word against a liberal well they're the devil that's just a fundamentalist they're not like you they like this stuff they eat it up and guess what they know that some of this stuff's it's harsh language it's not necessarily in biblical guys it just isn't you could see you could write all the articles you want about how talking in aggressive ways is evil and wrong and they know that they read the
Bible they read the Bible everyday Joes in the pew everyday Joe six -packs they read the Bible they see how people talk godly men godly men of valor how they talk and they know what you're saying is not true so I'm looking forward to this movie