Q&A Live on Radio (97.3fm WLPV)


Questions: 2:44 - What do the Amish believe? 6:37 - Why are there so many denominations?


Good morning. It is just about 9 a .m. And you're tuned in to 97 .3 W LPV out of Greenfield, Massachusetts My name is
Michael grant and I'm the pastor of Moore's Corner Church in Leverett this morning before we get into our study of the gospel of John I want to start out the program by doing something a little different normally,
I would invite all the radio listeners to Join us tonight at Moore's Corner Church, but we're not having our
Bible study this evening Instead we are having our annual meeting so because there's no
Bible study I have decided to do a Q &A and I'll be posting this on our church
YouTube channel a little Later on so we did this last year and we're going to do it again
So I have seven questions and this Q &A will last probably
I'm planning 20 minutes half hour at the most probably not that long
So let's just get in to the questions. So the first question, let me just read through the seven questions and something might pique your interest and you'll
Stay tuned for something in a few minutes. The first question is what do the
Amish believe and How are their teachings? Similar or different from ours?
Second why are there so many denominations? number three What about the timing of the rapture is the rapture?
pre -trib mid -trib or post -trib The next question can we have fellowship with other denominations and if so Where do you draw the line?
The next question our elders and deacons the same thing or are they different or our elders and pastors and bishops
I mean are these the same are they different? What are the differences? the next question
What did? We or what did the church learn from kovat 19?
That should be interesting and then finally a very serious question to close with Can a believer?
Lose his or her Salvation. So let's begin with question number one. And again, this will last let's just I'm just going to guess about 20 minutes or so We'll be getting into our study of the gospel of John chapter 19 a little later on.
So first what do the Amish? believe Well, basically the
Amish Have been around for several hundred years They are a strict sect of the
Mennonite Church the Amish are named after Jacob Amman who broke away from the
Mennonite Church after he felt like They were becoming too liberal or their practices were becoming a little too loose
So the Mennonites are more strict or excuse me the Amish are more strict than the
Mennonites, but the the Amish came out of the Mennonite Church the
Amish are typically Arminian in their theology and That means that they believe you can lose your salvation a
Calvinist would believe that you cannot lose your salvation and of course, there's many non
Calvinists who believe that as well, but The Amish are Arminian in their theology.
They believe salvation can be lost Now the thing most people know the Amish for Is their simple lifestyle they seek to live a very simple life apart from modern
Technology. Let me just turn the light on here Sorry about that the light shut off on me so they're
They're really extreme. I would say they're extreme separatists practicing separatism
The scripture says be separate, but they go a little too far in my opinion
So they are known as being extreme separatists. They keep to themselves Instead of living, you know, we're not supposed to be of the world
But we are to be in it and we are to be salt and light but they've sort of retreated and just keep to themselves
So I would say they are extreme separatists. I Understand why they do it.
But yeah, they strive to live a simple lifestyle apart from modern technology They are also pacifists.
So this is common within the Mennonite Church and amongst the
Amish They believe in pacifism We do not believe that that is biblical.
Although I would be against most of the wars that are fought today I don't know that Christians could support them.
So it's not like Christians should be pro -war there's something to be said for Being against warfare.
Amen, but They go to the extreme I think by being complete pacifists and they do not believe that anyone or any believer should serve in government or The military and again,
I think there's some wisdom in that But as an absolute rule, I do not believe that is an absolute rule
Many of their core beliefs are the same as evangelical Christians But their strict adherence to rules have really caused
People to levy this charge of of legalism against them and perhaps
The read the biggest reason for that is they practice shunning they are known for practicing shunning
But many of these beliefs an argument could be made from Scripture so just because Evangelicals don't practice some of these things.
It doesn't mean that The Amish are wrong about everything. It's just that They're they're much more strict
Needless to say or to say the least they're they're very strict in these in these beliefs.
So that's Sort of a summary of of what do the Amish believe?
Next up the next question Why are there so many? Denominations.
Well, this is a really hard question to answer. Why are there so many denominations? Well If you think back to the
Protestant Reformation the Roman Catholic Church had Really a stranglehold on power throughout
Europe So when the Protestants broke away Really that issue
If you read about the Reformation the main issue was salvation by faith alone
But really it was about power to some degree the Roman Catholic Church wanted to hold on to power
They thought they were the the true church and that they had the authority But once the Protestants broke away and then the
Protestants You know, you got the Lutherans and then later the Church of England and these churches started to break apart and there's this church over here that denomination over there and it's just started to form all these different denominations
So power and authority is part of it. That's the first thing I would say another thing is
The main reason I think there are so many denominations is because of false doctrine because of false doctrine if one church teaches or if a church teaches something that's false and People break away from that church and start their own church and teach what they believe is true.
There you go. Do you have? the potential of two denominations forming and there was that split because of false doctrine also
That something that's tied in close Closely with that is false practice.
So false doctrine and false practice or bad practice so once you have a church and this happens in local churches, too, but once you have a denomination that takes a stance that 50 % of its members don't agree with yeah, they're gonna break away and start their own group and that's why
I believe Denominations exist you could kind of shorten it and say because of sin I mean in a perfect world.
I don't think there would be denominations, but we don't live in that perfect world. So those would be my my answers why did denominations exist because of Authority and power there's that issue and then mainly because I think it's false doctrine and false practice
That just separates people throughout the years throughout the centuries. Okay, the next question
This is in regard to the timing of the rapture What is the rapture?
So we're going to turn to the book of first Thessalonians we want to get into the scripture and see what the the
Bible says about this So first Corinthians, excuse me first Thessalonians chapter 4
We're going to look at verses 13 through 18 the Apostle Paul says but I do not want you to be ignorant brethren
Concerning those who have fallen asleep lest you sorrow as others who have no hope For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again
Even so God will bring with him those who sleep in Jesus. That is those who have died in Christ for this we say to you by the word of the
Lord that we who are alive and Remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are asleep for those who have died verse 16 for the
Lord himself Will descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of an archangel and with a trumpet of God and the dead in Christ shall rise first Then here's the verse
Some people that where's the rapture in the Bible the word rapture isn't even in the Bible. Well, yeah, it is
Verse 17, then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up now the word the
English word rapture isn't there but the the Greek term harpozzo and it goes through the languages and Into French I think and and Rapturo and then it goes through the languages and you get the term rapture
Which simply means to be caught up So the scripture clearly teaches that when Christ returns the
Saints will be caught up together with them in the clouds That is the dead in Christ We caught up together to meet them in the clouds to meet the
Lord in the air and thus Paul says we shall always be with The Lord so that's the teaching of the rapture of the church.
Now. The question is What's the timing of it? Is it before the tribulation period is it at the midpoint of the tribulation?
Or is that is it at the end of the tribulation? Those are the three main Views we don't have time to get into.
Okay, where does the Bible teach the seven -year tribulation? that's based on an interpretation of Daniel chapter 9 and then of course the book of Revelation talks about a time times and a half a time and 42 months and again, we don't have time to get into that to establish the the basis of the seven -year tribulation, but How do
I know here's my answer? I believe the rapture is Pre -trip, I believe the rapture comes before the seven -year tribulation.
Am I dogmatic about that? No But that's what
I believe and here's here's the reason In first Thessalonians 4
Paul's teaching the rapture and Then he moves right into chapter 5
Where he talks about the day of the Lord Chapter 5 verse 2 for you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the
Lord so comes as a thief in the night So if you look at the rapture teaching in chapter 4,
I mean naturally the question people would have is Okay, when is this going to happen
Paul you told us it is going to happen Everyone wants to know when
First Thessalonians 5 verse 1 Paul addresses that but concerning the the times and the seasons concerning the timing
You have no need that I should write to you because you already know He says the day of the
Lord that is the tribulation when God pours out his wrath upon the earth It comes as a thief in the night
For when they say peace and safety then sudden destruction comes upon them So what you see is you see the rapture in chapter 4 triggering
The day of the Lord it triggers the tribulation therefore it comes before the tribulation and Then if you go back to first Thessalonians chapter 1
Paul basically just comes right out and says that when Jesus returns You know, we should wait
For Jesus to return from heaven Jesus who delivers us from what?
the wrath to come So I think Paul answers the question in chapter 1 verse 10
That when Jesus reveals himself from heaven he delivers Christians because Paul's writing to Christians he delivers
Christians from the wrath which is to come and that is the tribulation period therefore the rapture is before the tribulation
And that's my answer And that's my story and I'm I'm sticking to it
Well, I would say one thing though. I Knew people years ago that if you didn't believe in the rapture
Like if somebody wasn't pre tread like they weren't even a Christian like you weren't even saved if you're not pre tread
You know, I reject that. I think that's that's going way too far someone's salvation to make it dependent on the
Their position of the rapture in the time of the rapture. I mean, that's that comes dangerously close
I think to adding to the gospel if someone you would condemn them just because of that issue
So that's my that's my answer on the timing of the rapture the next question.
Can we have fellowship? with other denominations and then if so, what is the line
Well, the the answer is yes I believe that we can have fellowship with other denominations
What is the line I would say if somebody is saved if a church You know if the pastor is saved and he preaches the true gospel
I think you can have fellowship with other Christians, right that that should be obvious I think if the same
Holy Spirit that is within you is within someone else and this church is
Spirit -led the pastor saved they're preaching the gospel. The people in that church are saved
Of course, you can have fellowship because you already do have fellowship because the
Holy Spirit is in them Just like the Holy Spirit is in you so Can we have fellowship with other denominations?
Yes What is the line I would say is is the pastor saved? I mean if I want to boil it down to one thing
I would say is the pastor saved of that church Then yes now the problem is with a denomination
Can you can't really have fellowship with an entire denomination but I think what the person who asked the question is getting at can a
Baptist have fellowship with a Presbyterian and I think the answer is Yes, of course.
The next question is our elders and deacons the same or are they different?
This is a very Simple thing to answer elders and deacons are not the same
I believe there are two offices in a local church based on 1st Timothy chapter 3 and the two offices are bishop and deacon
Now people get confused today because hardly anybody within evangelical churches
Calls them bishops anymore. Instead. We use the term pastor and Then the word bishop means overseer and then most people would believe most most churches would take the position that an elder and A pastor or an elder and a bishop.
It's all the same thing now within Roman Catholicism within the
United Methodist Church Within those churches, I mean they have all sorts of different positions that are that mean different things have different responsibilities
But I would say biblically Elder and deacon definitely two different things
However a pastor a bishop an Elder an overseer that is all the same thing first Peter chapter 5
Verses 1 and 2 says the elders who are among you I exhort I who am a fellow elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ and also a partaker of the glory that will be revealed shepherd the flock of God Peter says which is among you serving as Overseer so you'd notice that Peter uses these terms elder
Shepherd which means pastor Overseer he uses them all synonymously, so Again, just to make it simple
Bishop pastor elder overseer it's all the same thing and Then that's one office and then you have the office of deacon which is something different so a bishop or a pastor or an elder what's
The responsibility for that office is to shepherd the flock and to teach and to preach the deacons are to Assist the pastor or the deacons are to The word deacon means minister.
So oftentimes the deacons will help with communion They will do odd jobs around the church, but the deacons assist
The pastor or the elder or the overseer or the bishop? Okay Next question.
What did the church learn from kovat 19? Well, you know,
I wonder if the church learned anything But Individuals a lot of churches a lot of Christians learn.
Here's one thing I learned. I guess I'll just answer this From my point of view the thing
I learned from kovat 19 as a pastor Is that many people a lot of people a lot of professing
Christians will always side with? the government over God Now I'm not talking about Somebody who stayed home
Initially because they had severe health issues if you add the comorbidities because at first we didn't really know what kovat was and we
Didn't know how serious it was. I Believed based on I Didn't really know but I believed it was being overplayed.
I was Concerned that there might be another Agenda behind it, I think well, you know if I say too much,
I'm gonna get the video pulled off of YouTube later when I post it, but Yeah, if somebody had serious health issues you had breathing problems and you decided to stay home
For a little while initially. I'm a totally understandable Now the people who stayed home and then just never came back.
I mean, that's a whole other problem but yeah, I think when when you saw churches shutting down for a full year
Church shutting down for two. I don't know if there's any churches that are still closed. I mean, there's probably some but Yeah, I think the thing
I learned is that there will always be those professing Christians who side with the government over God they'll side with Caesar over Christ and You know if you disagree with that, that's that's up to you
But that's that's what I that's what I learned The next question and the final question can a person lose their
Salvation can a person lose their salvation. I Just want to give a straight answer to this and Say no a person cannot lose their salvation.
However It certainly appears as though people lose their salvation
I preached a sermon on this past Sunday night from 1st
Corinthians chapter 15 and The title of the sermon was the perseverance of the
Saints Paul says this in 1st Corinthians 15 verses 1 and 2 brethren
I declare to you the gospel which I preached to you which also you received and in which you stand by which you are also saved if You hold fast that word, which
I preached to you unless you believed in Bane So the gospel is the death burial and resurrection of Christ Jesus said in John 10 27 through 30
Jesus said my sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me and I give them eternal life
And they shall never perish Neither shall anyone snatch them out of my hand
My father who has given them to me is greater than all and no one is able to snatch them out of my father's hand
I and my father are one based on that verse and many others
I do not believe a person can lose their salvation What complicates matters is that you have these people who profess faith in Jesus?
It looks like they're truly saved and then they fall away Some of them will renounce
Christ completely I've told this story before I preached a sermon on eternal security one of the first sermons
I ever preached and a woman came up to me afterwards and she said I'm just so So appreciated what you said
Knowing that we can never lose our salvation. My daughter Said that my heart kind of broke when
I heard this but she said my daughter Said the sinner's prayer when she was five years old, but now she's an atheist but I'm so glad to hear that she's still saved and is going to heaven and I I thought oh no, you know, what did
I Is that what she heard me say? That's the problem That people think as long as you said you believe long as you made a profession of faith as long as you said the sinners prayer you can go on and Live like the devil or renounce
Christ or do whatever you want And then once saved always saved and you have a guaranteed ticket into heaven because you made that profession of faith that is that's not the case
That is not what Paul is saying. Paul is saying in first Corinthians 15 that you must hold fast
You must persevere now the reason why a True believer will persevere in the faith is because God preserves that way we've been sealed
By the Holy Spirit until the day of redemption Ephesians 4 verse 30
No one is able to snatch them out of my father's hand. But again, it looks as though People lose their salvation, but no
Here's the bottom line a true believer Will keep the faith
Many people will fall away So then the question is did they lose their salvation or were they never really saved to begin with?
And I believe the answer is clear that they were never truly saved to begin with First John 2 19 says they went out from us, but they were not truly of us if they were truly of us
They would have remained with us, but they went out that it might be made manifest that they were not
Of us so a true believer will keep the faith. So if somebody falls away It means they were never saved to begin with nobody loses their salvation again from our perspective.
That's the way it looks but from God's perspective Salvation can never be lost
Because once a person comes to faith true saving faith in Jesus Christ they are
They are predestined to be conformed to the image of Christ Philippians 1 6 he who began a good work in you shall complete it until the day of Jesus Christ, here's how
I know and We'll close with this. Here's how I know for a fact that a true believer will never lose their salvation
Paul says in Romans 8 29 starting in verse 29 for whom he foreknew that is for whom
God foreknew he also Predestined see if it's predestined it cannot not happen a true believer is
Predestined to be conformed to the image of Christ that he might be the firstborn among many brethren
Moreover whom God Predestined these he also called and whom he called these he also justified and whom he justified these
He also glorified What then shall we say to these things if God is for us?
who can be against us and then Paul goes on and Says who shall separate us from the love of Christ shall tribulation or distress or persecution or famine or nakedness or peril or sword as It is written for your sake.
We are killed all day long. We are accounted as sheep for the slaughter Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us for I am persuaded
That neither death nor life nor angels nor Principalities nor powers or things present nor things to come or height or depth or any other created thing
Shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our
Lord Thanks for watching this Q &A or thanks for listening if you're listening on the radio
It is 928 we'll be back here in a few minutes a 97 .3