You Must Obey God To Worship Him


Scripture Reading and Sermon For 07-03-2022 Scripture Readings: Psalm 8:1; Romans 1.18-20 Sermon Title: You Must Obey God To Worship Him Sermon Scripture: Psalm 19 Pastor Andrew Beebe


Please stand for the reading of God's Word the
Old Testament reading comes from the eighth psalm I will be reading the first verse.
Oh Lord our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth? You have set your glory above the heavens the
New Testament reading is in Romans chapter 1 starting in verse 18 for the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and righteousness unrighteousness of men
Who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth for what can be known about God is plain to them
Because God has shown it to them for his invisible attributes Namely his eternal power and divine nature have been clearly perceived ever since the creation of the world so So they are without excuse you may be seated
Good morning Open your Bible. So Psalm 19, please
Psalm 19 Psalm 19
To the choir master a psalm of David The heavens declare the glory of God and the sky above proclaims his handiwork
Day to day pours out speech and night to night reveals knowledge
There is no speech nor are there words whose voice is not heard their voice goes out through all the earth and their words to the end of the world and Them he has set a tent for the
Sun Which comes out like a bridegroom leave in his chamber and like a strong man runs his course with joy
It's rising is from the end of the heavens and its circuit to the end of them and there is nothing hidden from its heat
The law of the Lord is perfect Reviving the soul the testimony of the
Lord is sure making wise the simple the precepts of the Lord are right Rejoice in the heart the commandment of the
Lord is pure enlightening the eyes The fear of the Lord is clean enduring forever.
The rules of the Lord are true and righteous altogether More to be desired are they than gold even much fine gold
Sweeter also than honey and drippings of the honeycomb Moreover by them is your servant warmed and keeping them.
There is great reward Who can discern his errors? Declare me innocent from hidden faults.
Keep back your servant also from presumptuous sins Let them not have dominion over me.
Then I shall be blameless and innocent of great transgression Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight
Oh Lord my rock and my Redeemer Oh God in heaven This is a day in which you have made to be glorified in Truly Lord you have given us all these things for us to look at and marvel
And for us to worship it is our life Lord as your creatures to be in your creation and to see everything as Glorifying your name so that it would resound deep within our hearts that our
God be praised God in heaven. This is a simple task yet It is a terribly difficult task because many times we are drawn away by many other things
So I pray God that this would be a time in which we are Told and welcomed and shown how we can be brought forth brought again to the cross of Christ the one who has forgiven us of these trespasses and Sins and the one who brings us into conformity
After the image of Jesus. Thank you for his great work. Thank you for his great shepherding
Love that he has for us Although we go wayward constantly. He brings us to the fold like a loving
Shepherd I'm overwhelmed by his mercies So I thank you for Jesus Christ and may he be glorified today and all these words that are said and may we may we hear through Grace Lord by the power of grace so that we can have worship once more in your creation
So we can worship your great name and glorify you in Jesus name. Amen So tomorrow is the great day tomorrow is actually personally one of my favorite holidays
It's actually probably the one of my the favorite holiday that I have and of course, it's the great
Independence Day I Absolutely. Love it. I love just the nature, you know of Telling the history of our nation, you know telling the so -called
Great Britain That you know, we're not gonna be obedient anymore If you have problems with that come at us, right and they did and we slapped them around I just love that and then we did it again in in 1812.
We did it twice I love calling, you know, I have a few Not so much anymore, but I used to have some
British friends I love calling them on that day and really celebrating that day with them And and I also love our history so much that then after we slapped around Great Britain twice
We saved them from getting slapped around twice from Germany And so it's just man we just have so much to celebrate with Britain with the
British on this day I I love I really do love Independence Day. It is a day though where we celebrate our
Independence Day that we declared to Great Britain that we would no longer be obedient to the crown and you know, my other favorite holiday is
October 31st and what's on October 31st? Yes. Oh, I love it.
I love it Reformation Day not that other thing Reformation Day is another great and if you think about it, what makes that so great is what did we tell the
Pope? We're not gonna obey you anymore, right? It's it's really it's amazing my personal favorite holidays
It has something to do with disobedience now whether or not it has the good disobedience or not is another story
But nevertheless, even if you think about The Apostolic faith or or teaching that the
Reformation recovered It was what that you are not saved by a work of obedience
Are you but you are saved by faith in Jesus who was perfectly obedient and is obedient Obedient and so really we're saved by faith in in Jesus Christ, and we don't rely upon our own obedience
Do we and so I want to make sure that as good American Protestants right in which we oftentimes celebrate disobedience to some degree that we ensure ourselves that really obedience is very very
Important obedience is something that we we don't say of course We need to be obedient to God, but rather obedience is something that we must do to enjoy
God You see what we have before us in Psalm 19 is Really a psalm that's that's telling two different things here
One is it's talking about God's general revelation and God's general revelation is all of creation all of nature, right?
That's his revealing of himself to us through his creation. And so that's the beginning of that song
We have that great telling of God's general revelation But then the second half is then
God's special Revelation and we see that we are we we are gonna see here in Psalm 19
We are to enjoy God's general revelation And we see that the only way to do that is to obey his special revelation
Again for us to truly as we are told to enjoy his general revelation in his creation
We are to be obedient to his special revelation So obedience despite the fact that we're
American Protestants is a high order It's something that is very important something that we should meditate on Daily, am
I being obedient to the special revelation of God to his scriptures? So that I can enjoy him and his general revelation now
I remember being a Child and I thought that my obedience was something
I did out of a favor for my parents and we can run into a problem thinking that way that our
Obedience to God is something that we do as a favor for him like we're doing him a solid but beloved
We God does not need our obedience. We need our obedience to enjoy
God in his creation So far from being from far from obedience being a curse word to our
American Protestant ears It needs to be something we delight in in order to enjoy God's general revelation
And so the first thing we come across is you are to enjoy God's general revelation is found in verses 1 through 6 19 1 through 6 the heavens
Declare verse 1 the glory of God the heavens declare the glory of God and the sky above Proclaims his handiwork
So we see the skies have a very important function in God's general revelation and his created order now the heavens when we see
Heavens, it's talking about the sky. It's talking about the sky So it's repeating it twice here the heavens the sky it does something very important and glorifies
God it proclaims His handiwork it shows off what God has done in creation
The sky does the sky has a job to proclaim the glory of God and we can see in verse 2
That it is constant in verse 2 day to day pours out speech
So you see the sky the heavens the sky it Proclaims it speaks it does it day to day and it goes on to say in night to night it reveals knowledge and so it is a
Constant thing that the skies do it proclaims the glory of God constantly day to day night to night it is a constant proclamation of the glory of God in verse 4
Verse 3 excuse me. We see that it is heard There is no speech nor are there words whose voice is not heard
And so it is constantly heard the glory the proclamations that the sky scream out of the glory of God is
Constant every day every night and it is heard Constantly and then in verse 4 we see that it is everywhere their voice this cries of the skies
Their voice goes out through all the earth and their words to the end of the world
And so we can see here that the sky proclaiming the glory of God the general revelation of God in the skies as it proclaims
His glory is constantly heard Everywhere. No one can get away from it.
It is always screaming down upon all those who are on earth And even above the earth this proclamation is also beautiful It's also beautiful and since it is beautiful.
It is something that we are to then enjoy We see in verse the end of verse 4 there and into 5 and 6 in them in the sky in The the heavens he has set a tent for the
Sun It's the visual here is that The Sun comes forth from the horizon and the poetry is that it's like it's coming out of its tent
It's coming out to to to show off to the world right in them in the sky
God in his general revelation is creation of the skies He has set a tent for the
Sun and what happens each day Well, the Sun in verse 5 comes out like a bridegroom
Leaving his chamber now if you ever notice that when the Sun comes out of the sky
Right comes forth from the horizon. It is beautiful. It is masterful each day
It draws our breath away as God Paints a beautiful picture for us on the horizon and in this beautiful poetry of Psalm 19
It likens it to a a bridegroom going forth from his his tent to go and get his bride
What's what's that all about? Well, whenever a bridegroom went forth from his bedroom to get his bride
It was an exciting time. It was full of pomp. It was full of Celebration that the bridegroom is going to get his bride so it came out in dazzling array right excitement and it went forth to get his bride and Excitement with pomp and display and beautiful celebration
And so that's a good visual of when the Sun comes out of its tent to scream the glories of God It does it in beautiful display.
It is amazing to us It cries out to all who are under it glory be to the
God of heaven It is beautiful and no one can deny it
It is a beautiful display of the glory of God It goes on to say and like a strong man the
Sun that is and like a strong man It runs its course with joy Have you ever considered the
Sun that way? The Sun is going forth up through the sky and moving and it's running its course with joy
Why is it a joyful thing because it's doing what God the Father created it to do to glorify him
The Sun bursts forth and pomp and display and it runs its course with joy as it
Glorifies and screams the glory of God to everyone who is underneath it Verse 6 it's rising is from the end of the heavens and its circuit to the end of them and there is nothing
Hidden from its heat just like there's nothing hidden from the hidden from the heat of the
Sun There's nothing hidden from the glory of the Father that's found in the heat of the Sun.
No one can escape the glory Declaring the glory is declaring of the glory of God The majesty that's found within the creator himself
And so we see that general revelation the revealing of God and his creation
It is constant it is heard everywhere and it is absolutely beautiful and Since it is absolutely
Beautiful it is to be enjoyed by creatures who were made by God to enjoy beauty
We were created to enjoy beautiful things the Sun and its glorious pomp and display is
Objectively beautiful and so what is going on here? The Sun is always glorifying
God the skies are always glorifying God the stars and everything There's always the glory of God beautifully being displayed from heavens above coming down on us
And so we always have an objective reason to glorify God Why is that so important for us?
Why would it be so important for us to always have an objective reason to glorify
God? What do I mean by that? Objective meets its reality and it's not dependent on your thoughts or feelings
It is a reality that God is glorified always and it does not depend on our emotions or feelings
We always have a reason to wake up and glorify our creator for his creation
This can give us Confidence in our darkest of times than our saddest of times and the times in which we subjectively do not want to worship
God We know that there's an objective reality screaming glory to God above us.
And so therefore we shall join it. We shall join it So our worshiping of God is not dependent upon our subjective feelings
But it's dependent upon the objective reality of this the sky screaming forth glory be to our
God I remember this Was an important reality for me
Especially I remember a particular time working for Comcast Which is like spectrum here.
I had someone around here say what's Comcast? So I figured everyone knew Comcast but Comcast is like spectrum
It's a cable company and I worked for them and I had to get up, you know early and get out to work And I remember
I had the grumpies, you know, I had the grumpies. I didn't want to worship God that day I didn't want to honor him. I didn't want his word.
I don't want anything to do with him I wanted to have the grumpies instead and so as I'm in my car with those
I remember the Sun coming forth from the horizon and just beating on my on my on my eyes, right?
Glaring down and I'm just complaining about the Sun not be able to drive in my car without having the
Sun blinding me I remember getting to one of my first jobs and the Sun is high enough to where now it's really hot
It's beating down on me. I'm really hot and I got to carry my ladder to get up 25 feet up in the air Don't feel like doing that and I have this hot
Sun and I'm sweaty and all these reasons why I want to complain And so what a far cry that is, right?
The Sun is up there. What is the Sun doing? Well, it's providing heat It's doing all sorts of things. But what the major thing it's doing
It's saying our God is awesome. And I'm saying I got the grumpies instead. I'm complaining instead
What is that? Where is this come from? How can general revelation do such a great job of glorifying our
God? But subjectively it hits my heart and all I can do is grumble. How does that possible?
How can we do that when it's such a great display of God's glory? I think an answer to that We can find that if you go to Romans 1 18
Romans 1 18 Paul I think is referring to this psalm in Romans 1
It's very fascinating he says in Romans 1 18, he doesn't say the glory of God is revealed from heaven
He doesn't say the glory and I think he's quoting Psalm 19 He doesn't say the glory of God is revealed from heaven.
Instead. He says the wrath of God is revealed from heaven And I think it's very fascinating that I don't think he's denying the glory of God revealed from heaven
But what he's saying is it subjectively is received by the receiver as the wrath of God Right, the glory of God is revealed from heaven and we receive it as wrath.
Why? Well, he says against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth so it's a very fascinating thing that God's glory is revealed from heaven and The receiver of it, me and you, anyone walking this earth, we in our unrighteousness
Receive the glories of God and it is rather the wrath of God because of our unrighteousness Because of our sin it turns from being something beautiful that we can worship him and Everything to rather something that crashes down on us and it's really the wrath of God Subjectively felt within our hearts.
This is why someone can walk about in creation and rather Glorify God rather what they have crying out to him from the skies is the very wrath of God The very feeling of I am under judgment because I do not
Because I fall short of the glory of God And so we can see that we can subjectively receive the glory of God and it could be his wrath because of our sin because of our unrighteousness now
I do think and I know Romans 118 is talking about the unbeliever and In reference to the believer here the believer even us we can still have party with that even in our belief we can fall into a spell of disobedience to God and lack of worship
So you fail to join in worship to God with the
Son Because of your disobedient hearts because of my disobedient hearts an obedient heart
Will leave his house and happily join in with the choir of the nature that cries out worship to God the
Disobedient heart uses the nature around him to feed his grumbling heart Same objective reality used in two totally different ways.
So what do we need? We need obedience We need to obey we need to be righteous
We need to use God's nature in his general revelation in a way that's righteous and not unrighteous in right unrighteous
So that we use his nature to worship him instead of grumble and complain. And so therefore
I think the psalm moves into God's special revelation going forth from his general revelation and how beautiful it is to now his special revelation and we see in verses 19 and I'm sorry chapter 19 7 through 11
This is all about God's special revelation in his word and it follows a general formula here
These verses follow a general formula and I'm not going to spend too much time on each one But it follows a general formula.
What is that? Well, there's a noun that is possessed by the Lord Okay, and it's typically it's the
Bible only the noun is used in different ways to describe the Bible So we see a noun that the
Lord possesses, right? The Lord possesses the noun the Bible He possesses it and then there's an
Adjective that describes the noun that's empowered by the Lord and we'll get to in a second
But it is we see that there's a noun that God is the possessor of and then there's an adjective that describes it that is an empowerment by the
Lord himself and then the third general part of this formula is a Positive result for the one who obeys the noun empowered by the
Lord. So what do I mean? Well look at verse 7 We see the first one there the law
The law and whose law is it? It's not my law. It's not your law It's the law of the
Lord the law The one who possesses it of the Lord and what's the adjective what describes it is perfect The law of the
Lord is perfect now law there. It's not talking probably it's not talking about the law of Moses It's talking about a general instruction.
It's just talking about general instruction here And so since this instruction from is the Lord's it is perfect And therefore the one who obeys it it revives the soul it revives the soul
The law of the Lord is perfect and it revives our soul. Look at the next one the testimony the testimony
That is God's witness right a testimony is a witness. And so the testimony that is God's with witness 19 7b the testimony of the
Lord is sure and it makes wise the simple right and so there's the noun
It's a testimony. It's God's testimony and the adjective it describes it as being it describes it as being sure and so therefore
Those who obey it and makes wise the simple now some people argue that in order and It will make someone who is simple.
It'll make them wise But another another way to look at this is that those who approach the the testimony of the
Lord simply it'll make you wise So in other words, you cannot approach the Bible. You cannot approach the scripture as they know it all right you must
Approach the scriptures as a very simple person in need of the understanding that the
Lord provides And so with this simple approach of the scriptures you will then become wise
And look at the next one 19a 8 8 the precepts of the
Lord are right So the precepts of the Lord, which is the commands of the
Lord the commands of the Lord are right They're not wrong. And so therefore they rejoice the heart
Spurgeon says about these three different things the law of the Lord is perfect So it revives the soul the testimony the
Lord is sure so it makes wise and simple the precepts of the Lord are right And so it rejoices the heart
Spurgeon says that this is really the journey of the believer that the soul is revived through his obedience that he grows in wisdom through His obedience and so it results in the rejoicing of the heart through his obedience
So we see that in order for us to enjoy God's general revelation in order for us to enjoy what he has for us.
There must be an obedience to his word There must be obedience to his testimony. There must be obedience to his precepts and we have these very very
Positive results because of our obedience And it goes on in 1908
The commandment of the Lord which is very similar to precepts. It's an authoritative order by God.
It's pure It's not impure. It's pure. So therefore it enlightens the eyes. Why are our eyes darkened?
Why do our eyes get dark? And why do we because we follow things that are not pure We follow our own commandments our own law and it brings us into great darkness
But rather the one who obeys the commandment of the Lord it enlightens their eyes
It goes on to say in 1909 a the fear of the Lord It's clean.
So therefore endures forever The rules of the Lord are true and righteous in 1909
It waits though in verse 11 to get to what happens when we obey it
Because his rules are true and righteous we in 1911 when we obey it we are warned and we are greatly rewarded
I Believe that the the great reward that we've received and keeping the Word of God is to enjoy this general revelation that he's already
Described above that it is beautiful in its display and for us to enjoy it as we should we are to obey his revealed or special revelation
Now here's the problem though that we have Which one of us wants to obey naturally from the heart
Which one of us uses God's Word we take hold of it and we say this is something that I want to obey of my own power
Why is the Bible if the Bible has such power inherently involved in it all that?
Effects that we just saw right look at all those effects meditate on those effects sometimes, right? It makes wise a simple it rejoices the heart and enlightens the eyes and endures forever
It is we are warned and we have great reward through it, right? It has all these great effects why in the world are people why do we get so bored with it?
In fact, look at what's in the middle there. It says that Verse 10 more to be desired is the
Word of the Lord is a special revealing of the Lord More to be desired are they then gold even much fine gold sweeter
Also than honey and drippings of the honeycomb if it is this is true
Then why do we find it so hard to obey it ourselves? And why do we find it so hard to have others to obey it?
What's the problem? What is the deal? Well, I think this is a great transition into the last set of verses the last set of verses as he considers the beauties of the
Word of God as He considers the importance of the obedience to it So we receive its great benefits the last set of verses is his overwhelming
Feeling and understanding of his own error and sin there's a great sin problem in this world and the greatest tragedy of sin is it draws us away from the true testimony of God to The great effects it has on our hearts and it draws us into Disobedience to God and it draws us away from his beauty
And so I think as we saw the first set of verses We saw that God's glory is revealed in creation and you are told to enjoy it
We have the second set of verses is the way to enjoy it It's by obedient to a special revelation and because we are unable to because it is not more desirable to us than honey
It is not more Desirable to us than gold we are to seek forgiveness of our sins, which is the last set of verses
Look what he says in verse 12 Who can discern his errors
I Find that question to be very fascinating because he doesn't just simply say man
I am such a sinner, but he says even further. He says I can't even discern my errors I can't even understand my error.
He's saying that the sin that I find myself in is so persuasive It's so far reaching in my soul that I can't even discern it all
He says who can even discern his errors in light of the truth found in God's special revelation Who can discern his errors
The Word of God shows us our error and shows us our inability who can discern it
And then he goes on to beg from God declare me innocent from hidden faults
These are faults that he doesn't even see he's not even aware of he it's hidden from him because of his ignorance
He says he says forgive me of my end of my hidden faults and he goes on to ask forgiveness Keep back your servant also from presumptuous sins presumptuous is is purposeful sins, right?
He's asking forgiveness forgive me for the sins that I do Purposefully against you and he says don't let them have dominion over me.
Do not let them have control over my soul He says then I shall be blameless and innocent of great transgression, so there it is a
Understanding that there is a great transgressor who's reading the special revealed Word of God and it explains
Why it does not resonate with our hearts and why disobedience comes so naturally and why we complain in God's general revelation?
Instead of enjoying him in his general revelation So what's the great cry?
What's the great help verse 14? Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight.
Oh Lord my rock and my redeemer He cries out for the rock he cries out for his redeemer
He cries out that the meditation of his heart would be renewed and he would desire the law of the
Lord from the heart He cries out for grace. He cries out for change This is exactly what me and you should be doing as we approach
God in a special revealed word. Oh God in heaven Reveal yourself to me, but don't just reveal your law to me that shows my error my transgressions but reveal a
Redeemer to me the one who will renew my heart and calls me from the heart to rejoice Greatly in your word and then that will change everything about how
I carry myself out in your general revelation You see it is a cry for grace. It's the cry for forgiveness of sin.
It's a cry for Jesus Christ There is only one redeemer who can forgive you of your sins and give you a new heart where you desire
God's Word more than wealth and more than luxury It's the one who said if anyone thirsts let him come to me and drink
Whoever believes in me as the scripture has said out of his heart will flow rivers of living water There's only one
Redeemer that said I am the way the truth and the life No one comes to the Father except through me The one who said
I'm the light of the world whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life It's the
Redeemer who said before Abraham was I am The one who says if you abide in my word you are truly my disciples and you will know the truth and the truth will
Set you free. It's the one who said if you love me, you will keep my commandments Jesus Christ through forgiveness of sins gives you a new heart of love for him
That's what the new covenant does for you that enables you to keep his commandments
Jesus Christ saves not through your obedience, but through his obedience and after he has done his work
He saves you for obedience See Jesus Christ saves you not by your obedience, but his own but he doesn't save you so you can be a disobedient wretch
He saves you that you can be a an obedient forgiven sinner And so that you can then carry yourself differently in his general revelation in which no longer are you grumbling from the hearts?
But rather you sing out with the Sun with nature with the birds praise be to our God See the
Sun By his obedience Jesus Christ forgives you and brings you into obedience so the word the word of the
Lord his special revelation That you must obey in order to enjoy his general revelation The word of God becomes delightful to you and you are empowered to obey from the heart by faith in Jesus by faith in Jesus, this is why your
Devotional time with God should always begin with the proclaiming of the gospel to your soul This is why if you wish to be to find any kind of Benefit as you meditate upon the scriptures of the
Lord. It needs to be in light of the gospel of Jesus Christ It needs to be in light of the mercies found in his veins
Because any kind of understanding of the Lord separated from the grace found in Christ is vain and useless it needs to be in light of the forgiveness of sins found in his cross and This livens everything
That livens your worship to God as you behold God in the scriptures It's all in light of Jesus Christ.
And so you obey him you obey his commandments and it produces life in you So that as the
Sun comes out of its chamber to shout proclamation of God's glory Your heart filled with the word responds with sweet songs of worship
Because of what Jesus Christ has done to forgive you of your sins We can only enjoy
God's general revelation through obedience to his special revelation and Jesus Christ Our Lord is a source and enabler of that blessed obedience
So that enjoyment of God's creation becomes married to our worship of Christ as a redeemer and King If you are not enjoying
God in his creation, you are not enjoying Christ and redemption They are married together
So the problem that you have as you grumble in this world is directly married with your problem with not
Understanding what Christ has done for you So when you wake up tomorrow
The Sun bursting forth from its chamber proclaiming God's glory To the birds singing songs of praise to our
King to the wind amongst the tree branches making a sweet melody of worship to our God and the only melody playing in your heart is one of murmuring and complaints or just simply indifference to our
God Proclaim the work of Christ to your soul Open up his word with the aim to show him your love by your obedience
That is driven by his grace With a confidence that it is only through gospel obedience that one can enjoy the general revelation of our
King That's why Every single problem that we have is a gospel issue
It's a not realizing the power of the gospel in that problem that we have
You think about biblical counseling? What is biblical counseling all about telling a believer?
This is how you apply the gospel to this particular issue. You're having this is what it looks like as a rubber meets the road
So it's always a Christ problem whenever we are not utilizing this world in the way that glorifies his name
So we proclaim the excellencies of Christ to our heart and we see it reverberate and worship to him as we carry ourselves in his
General revelation. Let us pray to our God. Thank you so much Lord That you have revealed yourself in creation
Lord, it's such an important thing for us to grab hold of and within our hearts and mind because we carry ourselves in your creation constantly
We're always in your creation And we're met that each moment of our lives as we live and have our being in it would be one of worship to you
But we know Lord that Oftentimes our hearts are full of disobedience. And so instead of enjoying worship with you in our obedience
Instead in our disobedience we find ourselves grumbling full of plagues of problems We're fighting fighting each other fighting ourselves full of envy and sin within our hearts
I'm so thankful Lord that you don't just leave us to say well, here's my law. Here's my word. Obey me
It'll be alright, but instead you give us Jesus Christ I'm so thankful Lord that as we look upon him
We believe upon Jesus Christ and we live in faith to him each day. He empowers us for gospel obedience
So now our lives are rich with meaning now we can truly join the song of the ages
We can join nature itself as it proclaims your greatness So can we we proclaim Jesus Christ and him crucified and resurrected
Thank you Lord that this is what we have for us We get to obey today We get to obey you
But it's only through the blood of Jesus Christ and his work and so I pray that for those who are disobedient to him
To the unbeliever that you would grant them repentance and a look at Jesus That you would grant those who are being disobedient to Christ Even as they profess believing in him that you you would show them that it is better to obey
Christ Than to live in disobedience. So may we be reminded of it by your word reminded of it by the baptism that we get to Witness may we be reminded of the grace found in Jesus Christ to enable our belief and the table that we get to partake of Now, thank you for these reminders.
Thank you for your grace. May you be glorified Glorified forever in your church in Jesus name.