“Christian” Feminist RECLAIMS Proverbs 31?

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you real
Christian commentary about the things that matter. Thanks so much for watching, let's get into the video. So today we have yet another video reviewing a
TikTok from the female Episcopal priest and progressive Christian named Reverend Lizzie. And very true to form, the good
Reverend has yet again butchered God's Word and manipulated it to serve ungodly purposes.
Go figure. In this clip, she decides to take back Proverbs 31 from the dreaded patriarchy.
Literally, the description of her video says, quote, don't let the patriarchy take Proverbs 31. It's so much more than that, end quote.
The only problem with this progressive drivel is that the Bible is clearly a patriarchal book. Pretty much every
Christian up until the rise of the cancerous modern feminist movement believed that. But in any case, let's not have any further ado, let's just get straight into this video.
Watch this. In the name of God, can we talk about Proverbs 31 real quick, I promise it's not what you think.
So Proverbs 31 is one of these passages that is often used to justify cis -hetero -patriarchal gender binaries and gender norms for women that are...
Again, I hate to break it to you, but the Bible clearly and unapologetically supports the cis -gendered heterosexual standard that you're so opposed to.
Let me shotgun a few verses for you that demonstrate this clearly, and then we'll move right along. The gender binary, for instance, is given explicitly in Scripture, with no alternative options, in Genesis 127, when it says, quote,
So God created man in his own image. In the image of God he created him, male and female he created them, end quote.
This passage by definition presents a gender binary, and you're a fool if you say otherwise. The Bible is also a book that supports heterosexuality, and it supports that as the norm.
Romans 1 26 -27 says, quote, For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions, for their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature.
And the men likewise gave up natural relations with women, and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men, and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error, end quote.
So yes, unfortunately for progressive Christians, the Bible does indeed support the dreaded idea of heteronormative culture, oh no.
Instead of complaining about it and whining about it, you should repent and believe the gospel and submit to Jesus Christ in all things.
That's what Christians are supposed to do. But believe it or not, folks, it's about to get even more ridiculous. Watch this.
It's really curious to me that Proverbs 31 is often divorced from its context in the book of Proverbs, where God is repeatedly referred to as a feminine presence, as lady wisdom.
The exclusive pronouns used for lady wisdom are she and her. So she says that God himself is referred to in a feminine way because lady wisdom is a woman in the book of Proverbs.
And that last part, at least, is true. Proverbs 8, 1 -2 does indeed say, quote, Does not wisdom call?
Does not understanding raise her voice? End quote. So yes, lady wisdom is a feminine personification of godly wisdom.
And if Reverend Lizzie had just said that, she would have been correct. But that's not what she said, was it?
No. She said, and I quote, God is repeatedly referred to as a feminine presence, end quote.
God himself is what she's talking about. She actually said that God is referred to as a feminine being or feminine presence.
And this, ladies and gentlemen, is not a small mistake. This is complete and total blasphemy.
We live in a day and age where an artist like Ariana Grande, for instance, can make a song called God is a
Woman. And there's an entire cult out there called the Mother God cult. All around us, there is this new cultural tendency that people have to want to make
God into a female figure instead of a male one. And this is no doubt a result of the feminist movement that has continuously made it its goal to worship and idolize the female figure, as well as female power and independence.
You see, people tend to make God into what they value most. For real Christians, we see
God as he actually is. We see him as he has revealed himself in his word, because the true
God of the Bible is what we value most. And that's what we want to believe in. But to modern feminist priests, they make
God into a woman because that's what they want to exalt. They value the feminine identity, and they long to throw off the shackles of patriarchy so much so that they begin to worship the feminine and make
God into their own image. Rest assured, this kind of blasphemous idolatry will not go unpunished or unnoticed.
2 Corinthians 11, 13 -15 says, "...for such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ.
And no wonder, for even Satan himself disguises as an angel of light. So it is no surprise if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness.
Their end will correspond to their deeds." I only hope that these people will repent before it's too late.
But in any case, let's get back to the actual argument made by Rev. Lizzie and let me tell you, let me explain to you why it's so completely absurd.
She said that God was referred to as a feminine presence because wisdom is referred to as a woman in the book of Proverbs.
But there's just one problem with this theory. In Proverbs 8, 22 -23, Lady Wisdom says the following, "...the
Lord possessed me at the beginning of his work, the first of his acts of old.
Ages ago I was set up at the first before the beginning of the earth." This passage clearly separates
Lady Wisdom from God himself as an entity. There is the Lord in the passage, and then there is wisdom that he possesses.
These are not synonymous words. They clearly have different meanings and refer to different things in the text.
That is to say, wisdom is not actually another name for God's being or presence at all.
Rather, wisdom is an attribute that belongs to God and is being personified in the passage in the form of a woman for poetic purposes.
This is what the actual reality behind this scripture is. If you don't have an unhealthy obsession with pagan feminism before you even read the passage, then the meaning is astoundingly clear.
But then again, I'm mansplaining right now, and therefore I should probably repent of my microaggression and beg for forgiveness.
In addition to all this, there's another problem with Rev. Lizzie's theory, the way she interprets this. And that is that not only is wisdom referred to as a woman in Proverbs, but so is folly.
In the very next chapter, Proverbs 9 .13 says, The woman folly is loud.
She is seductive and knows nothing. So it seems the whole girl power, you -go -girl message of progressive
Christians leads them to ignore some pretty significant facts when they look at the scriptures. If you're going to use the fact that wisdom is a woman as your interpretive framework for God himself, then wouldn't you also have to say that God is folly?
Surely even the most progressive of progressive Christians doesn't believe that. And in addition to all this, we know that as far as masculinity goes,
God is referred to directly as both Father and Son. These are two explicitly masculine words.
John 3 .35 says, The Father loves the Son and has given all things into His hand.
Indeed, when God became a human being, He did not become a woman. He did not become a eunuch, either.
1 Timothy 2 .5 says, For there is one God and there is one mediator between God and men, the man
Christ Jesus. When God came to earth, He came as a biological man named
Jesus. So long story short, when you hear these TikTok feminists and progressive Christians talk about God being feminine, just know that virtually everything they say is total garbage.
Their previous commitment to feminism and progressivism has utterly blinded them so that they cannot help but speak blasphemies against our
God and against His clear revelation. They want to change God's Word to match their personal views because they ultimately think that they know better than God.
Stay far away from their foolish teaching, and keep your children away from it as well. Their false teaching is a deadly cancer to true
Christianity, and in the end of days it will be removed and burned. In Matthew 13 .30,
Jesus says this, Let both grow together until the harvest. And at harvest time, I will tell the reapers, gather the weeds, that is unsaved people, first, and bind them in bundles to be burned.
But gather the wheat, that is saved people, into my barn. This is not a game, folks.
This kind of bad theology has really terrible consequences and horrible effects for those who believe and promote it.
Progressive Christians are false brothers. They're not a little mistaken here and there. They're utterly lost, and they need the
Gospel desperately. This is very important, so please pray earnestly for people like Reverend Lizzie that they would repent and believe the truth of God's Word.
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And until next time, fight for truth, never surrender, and keep your eyes open. Thank you, and God bless.