Malachi 3:6-12, Mending the Minimum Mentality, by John Carpenter

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Malachi 3:6-12 Mending the Minimum Mentality


My Malachi chapter 3 verses 6 to 12 hear the word of the
Lord For I the Lord do not change Therefore you Oh children of Jacob are not consumed
From the days of your fathers you have turned aside from my statutes and have not kept them Return to me and I will return to you says the
Lord of hosts, but you say How shall we return? Will a man rob
God? Yet you are robbing me, but you say how have we robbed you in your tithes and contributions?
You are cursed with a curse For you are robbing me the whole nation of you bring the full tithe into the storehouse
That there may be food in my house and thereby put me to the test as the Lord of hosts If I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you a blessing until there is no more need.
I Will rebuke the devourer for you so that it will not destroy the fruits of your soil and your vine in the field
Shall not fail to bear says the Lord of hosts then all nations will call you blessed
For you will be a land of delight says the Lord of hosts May the
Lord of his blessings the reading of his Holy Word You ever known anyone
Who is the world's best or at least among among the world's best at something
I've had the privilege twice in my life of being able to work closely with people who were Among the world's best recognized as some of the world's best and what they did
The first time was when I was in college Samford University Samford had had a small kind of half -hearted
Athletic program until my junior year and then it hired a track coach Bill McClure Who had been forced to retire from LSU.
He was an interesting character It was an eyewitness to the bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941.
He was actually there stationed there I thought about him this week the 80th anniversary of the bombing of Pearl Harbor He was then a
Marine Corps pilot who was twice shot down by the Japanese in World War two after the war
He became one of the best track coaches in the world Coaching at Texas Christian University the
University of South Carolina and then LSU McClure coached a total of 145 in C double -a all -americans
In case you're wondering I wasn't one of them Along the way he coached for the u .s.
Olympic team at Mexico City in 1968 and at Munich in 1972 he was inducted into the track coaches
Hall of Fame in 2002 I've been mounting a campaign of my own with my alma mater to have him inducted into the
Samford Athletic Hall of Fame The fact that he's not yet in it being in my opinion and a horrendous oversight
The other man who was one of the world's best this time in academics was professor
Robert Fogel at the University of Chicago Professor Fogel studied the economics of American slavery and came to some surprising
Findings controversial findings in his book his first book time on the cross in 1974 it got a lot of criticism for supposedly the critics said he was exaggerating the profitability of Slavery of the plantations how profitable they were
In fact, he his original conclusion from his statistics that he was able to study was that southern plantations were 35 % more efficient
Than northern free northern white farms and they a lot of critics said no couldn't possible
It can't possibly be so he added much more research and came out with a book without consent our contract in 1989
Which by the way found he said, okay, you're right. I wasn't 35 % wasn't quite accurate it was actually southern plantations were 36 % more efficient than free white northern farms and He so won the debate that he was awarded the
Nobel Prize in economics in 1993 I first took his class in 1999 and had the temerity to write a paper for him in which
I criticized The main thesis of an upcoming book that he was there writing Okay, normally you don't try to get away with criticizing a professor on his book
But anyway, not only did not take offense at me He asked me to come into his office and he to talk about it
And then the next year he hired me as his teaching assistant for the same class That I had disagreed with him about the previous year
I then became part of a staff one of several graduate students working for him. I published several articles since then defending and propagating his findings
Now both these men one in athletics and one in academics had a few qualities in common
Most obviously they loved what they did They didn't just do their jobs just because they needed a job to pay the bills
They did it because they took joy in it because they loved being a coach or a professor for coach
McClure and I'm sure that LSU gave him a fine pension when he retired at 65 and he probably had other sources of income
You know, not only social security, but probably other things coming in but he wanted to keep doing what he loved doing
So he came to my college When I started to work for professor Fogle He was already about 72 years old with the
Nobel Prize comes a substantial amount of money now. It's up to a million dollars I don't know quite how much it was in his time
But it was supposed to be a lot and he had book royalties and I'm sure he too could have retired Well on a pension, but he kept working professor
Fogle even had a word for that he invented the word for purely voluntary work that one does simply because You just love to do it
Vol work he called it now I'm going to ask him as we were preparing exam if what he was doing was vol work and he admitted it was
What made these two men so successful? Was that they didn't have a
I'll just do enough to get by Mentality, they didn't just put in the minimum.
They didn't have the minimum mentality Because they loved what they did
And so they worked at it Even when the pay didn't matter Now here in Malachi, we meet a very different kind of people
Remember the context we're on the way to the manger This is the last book of the
Old Testament And this shows us the heart of the people that the attitude of the people during those long years
Those silent years before Jesus was born between the Old and the New Testaments, you know, how do you ever ask?
How do you get to a situation a spiritual situation like we find when Jesus is born a time of a lot of religion?
Almost everybody seems religious a lot of strictly religious people. They're keeping the law there They're measuring out even the produce of their herb plants that they have growing in pots
I guess on their windowsills, you know the the mint and the dill and They're measuring out so they would be sure to tie, you know, every tenth
Dill leaf or every tenth mint leaf it have to tide it just so they made sure they're keeping
Just strictly keeping the rules That's their attitude and yet when the
Messiah is finally born and he comes They kill him
How do you get to a situation like that? Well, well, that's what we see here we see
They have a lack of they keep the rules But they have a lack of love a minimum mentality.
The reality is they just didn't love it They didn't love the Lord and that spoils everything they do even when they keep the rules
And so they're trying to do just enough to get by Putting in the minimum and here we see three commands from the
Lord to mend the minimum mentality first turn then tithe and then test
Well starting verse 6 the Lord tells them that he does not change. I Lord do not change
This is in part God's final answer to that mocking question. We saw it last week in chapter 2 verse 17
Where is the God of justice they're asking? Criminals evil people are prospering and they were saying where's the
God of justice and he's saying I'm still here folks I don't change I'm still the
God of justice That's why you should be concerned about the the injustice you are letting flourish in your society
Now some Christians today think that basically God changed between the Old Testament in the New Testament That's a common attitude and it's just in guardians the
Old Testament with I do not change Okay, what do you think's coming in the New Testament? I'm gonna be the same
God I the Lord do not change but there's some people to say God must change He must have changed somehow
At least he changed what he did that we can unhitch the Old Testament from our faith because even if he is the same
God he changed at least he changed what he but he's doing a New dispensation started with Jesus they'll say but here we see but here he says that he does not change that He's the same covenant -keeping
God. He's committed to doing good to his people to do what he promised to save his people
That's what Jesus was born For not because God had changed
But precisely for the opposite reason Because of his commitment in verse 6 he's the
God who does not change We're not consumed by his consuming fire
The reason the reason we are not destroyed It's not because Maybe we think
I'm not destroyed because I haven't done enough to deserve it yet No, that's not the reason We already have
We've already done enough to be damned Every one of us has already offended
God's justice more than enough To be condemned to hell Okay, we're already over that threshold.
We've met the minimum for hell already We haven't done enough put it another way.
We haven't done enough To get by to get by God's judgment we haven't met that minimum of being justified
The reason we are not destroyed is because the Lord Does not change he's still committed to doing good
To his people to loving and saving them That's the reason
And here verse 7 the Lord reminds him that the whole nation is guilty before him and they've been that way for a long time
From the days of your fathers. He says I was all the way back Abraham Isaac Jacob Moses David they've turned away
They keep turning away They've come back to Jerusalem. They've rebuilt the temple but soon drift right back into this kind of old
Half -hearted worship Into the minimum mentality Now many churches today seem to be in the same rut
For as long as they can remember of this is the way they've been doing things We don't know what we're doing, but we're gonna do it again.
They don't think of sitting down Admitting they've gone astray that something's wrong and then open up the
Bible and seek to start over now we could think Ourselves we could call what we call ourselves reformed
We've started over we're doing it, right, but it's not good enough just to say we're reformed.
We have to intentionally be Biblical to follow the Word of God to so Love the
Lord that we're not satisfied with the minimum To do that we have to turn he says turn
That's the key word there verse 7 turn here. They turned away already long ago people before us
Turned away they set precedents and patterns that we might follow out of habit They turned away from the
Word of God. Sometimes we just follow in their steps because we think well This is the way things are done. They turned away to let people remain members of churches.
They don't attend They turned away from practicing church discipline They turn to manipulating people and particularly children and to repeating a prayer and then rush them through a baptism
They don't understand and then they assure them that they're saved and then they wonder why they grow up and don't care anything for the
Lord they Turned to the minimum. And so now we need to turn back.
We need to return We can't do it with a minimum mentality. Just thank you.
What's the what's the least I can get away with? We have to turn away from that If we turn he says the
Lord will turn to us in verse 7 of religion of the minimum mentality Thanks if we could just do enough to get by This is enough for God We can find that absolute lowest that least amount
That we have to give You know, we give of our interests. What's the least amount
I could be interested can sit through one sermon a week Try to pay attention sometimes the least amount of our time the least amount of our money
We can find that minimum Then he'll be happy. We'll satisfy God and he'll let us get by It's kind of like paying your bills, right
Send in the minimum payment just enough so the electric company doesn't cut you off just enough to keep the credit card active
Keep your account going until the next month. And so it's something well, I'll just say a little prayer I'll read a verse or two now and then attend a service now and then contribute a little
You know, that's how you get people like you find in sometimes in some churches not particularly I guess not us but in some churches this time of year they think well,
I gotta go. I've got a church around Christmas round Easter That's the least that's enough
They think that should be enough but think how insulting that is to the glory of God when any of you be happy if To find out that the people who gave you
Christmas gifts thought of you like that But they're thinking when they're thinking they gave you a gift. They're thinking. Oh What's the least
I can get away with? the gifts of this person Not not look like a cheap a cheapskate but the minimum mentality might work and keeping your credit cards active
But it does not work with someone you're supposed to love and remember the Lord is the one we're to love above all others
We have to break out of the minimum mentality. We have we must intentionally turn from the very the mindset
It's been so much a part of the old religion That mentality that begins by asking what what's the least
I can give to God and get by must turn from that and throw ourselves with joy and love and pursuing
God and keeping his word and then he says I'll turn to you and One way we do that is
By tithing at the end of our seven the people show their their typical denial Remember what we looked at last week their denial the
Lord tells them to turn back and and they say, you know What us turn back we've never turned away
What whenever you ever turned away Lord and the Lord counters you've turned away by robbing me
Now to rob someone is to take from them something that rightfully belongs to them So God is here saying that they've been taking something from him that rightfully belongs to him again.
They're in denial What are you talking about God we never robbed you, you know, I have a clue how have we robbed you
No idea what he's talking about. The answer is simple and specific in Your tithes and offerings you've robbed me and your tithes and offerings
They were required by the law to give 10 % for the temple It's upkeep and for the priest to provide for them and for the poor and that's the tithe
Tithe just means 10th. That's what the word means means 10th. It was a minimum they were required to pay the offerings were the portions of the sacrifices the offerings here are
Contributions the offerings of the contributions were contributions our offerings were gifts on top of that They have no comprehension that they haven't been paying it.
But here they weren't Even meeting their minimum payments they weren't giving a tenth or Enough offerings to keep the temple going if that continued
The priest and the and the Levites would have no option but to give up their ministry and earn their own living by farming
You have to leave the temple unmanned and God here's takes very seriously knows how serious and personally
God takes their requirement to give to the temple. You know, he doesn't just say You're robbing the temple you owe the temple this much and you're not giving it.
He says no you're robbing me Now there are two schools of thought about this among serious
Christians and was this apply to us and first There's two ways of approaching that first some believe
Well, this applies directly to the church and that the church the local church is the believers temple
So you just substitute temple here church for temple and you give to your church like that and therefore the the member of a church is required by God to give at least a tenth to his church and plus special offerings and of course
All Christians are to give their whole lives to God as a living sacrifice and everything they have belongs to the Lord and We're just stewards of it
That's one school of thought The other school of thought is that since this is an Old Testament law and it is not specifically
Applied to Christians of the New Testament. Otherwise, there's no place in the New Testament where it says this apply This is for you Christians Because of that they say well the law of tithing then has passed away
It's just for the Old Testament just for the temple but we are called to give generously I can first second
Corinthians were called to give generously and Proportionally that is the more you have the more you should give and so 10 % is a good guideline a good proportion to follow for your giving to your church and of course
All Christians have to give their whole lives to God as living sacrifices Everything we have belongs to the
Lord and we're to be and we're the stewards of it for the Lord So which of those two thoughts the schools of thought are true.
Well if you're paying attention You probably already realize It's an irrelevant question,
I mean you think about it either here's the two options either you have to give the 10 % and everything or second
You have to give everything and 10 % is a good biblical proportion of what you should practically give. So no matter which road you take
You're gonna end up in the same place But some insist well, they just want to just insist they have to ask this question
Is this a binding command on us now, or are we free of it? I believe that's a dangerous question
Because what we just saw you're gonna end up in the same place if you seriously are dealing with this back You're gonna end up in the same place No matter which option you take why you keep pressing that idea that this is whether this is binding or not
That's the minimum mentality. The person with the minimum mentality is thinking what is the least I can get away with?
Is it 10 % is it less or free I can Give almost hardly anything
People that conclude that this is just an Old Testament command about a temple that we don't have anymore to support a priesthood
We also don't have any more and then they say I'm free Maybe but what free to do what free they think often
To fritter away their money on every other thing eating out too often into expensive places Entertainment cars more expensive than they need
Christmas gifts There are unnecessary, but you feel like well, you just got to give a lot on Christmas every year it's that's how you have the
Christmas spirit by spending a lot even you put it on the credit card and Then they throw in a couple of dollars in the offering plate as a tip
That they call Freedom I'm free from the law It is of course only bondage to their self -indulgence and their love of money and things
Now setting aside this command plays into the hands of the love of money of materialism
Then it is sin Well others will insist okay, it is a binding command on us just like here you got it
Your church is your temple. And so they'll pay the 10 % and They'll pay it like any other debt they owe
They'll sit down With their bills all lined up the checkbook open
Lecture the bill gets paid water bill gets so much The rent or mortgage whatever credit cards and the church 10 %
It's paid. I've met the minimum There's no love of course for the electric company or the waterworks or the visa corporation or for some
There's no love for the Lord and his church But there is the sense look what
I've done there is Self -righteousness Turn from your minimum mentality by tithing should you give 10 %?
Yes, even if it's only an Old Testament law like the laws of sacrifices still shouldn't grace
Move us to give at least as much as the law commanded us to the minimum was 10 % now the minimum is generous how
How how is it possible? How can generous? generous
Possibly be less Than what was the minimum? Shouldn't gratitude surpass duty and giving shouldn't love
Outgive simple obedience Well, of course That's why if you concluded that there's an
Old Testament law and we're not bound from it for by it. We're free of it I'm not gonna bother arguing with you about that.
I don't want even the debate point. I might even agree You know, it's just one of those questions where I know
I'll end up the same place Why even bother thinking it through I mean even agree But what you need to see though is if you have a minimum mentality, that's what's motivating that question
Then that's wrong Maybe you don't have to give 10 % But you should want to Or maybe you concluded that you do have to give 10 %
So you've been counting every last penny like the Pharisees, you know every little mint plant
And make sure they give one leaf out of ten Careful not to accidentally fall under the minimum do
But you don't do it cheerfully with joy like the gift of one lover to another turn from your minimum mentality by changing your mind
To become generous turn and tithe Then test the
Lord now this may sound peculiar when we remember the command Marriage repeated by the Lord Jesus himself in the desert when he was being tempted
You know, you shall not put the Lord your God to the test But here in this specific situation when they are they are cursed by God for not tithing
God challenges them God himself says test me Bring it on test me
Bring in the full time. Don't hold anything back Don't look for clever deductions don't be so Untrusting that you think that the
Lord can't provide for me. So I got a hold of this myself Don't look for excuses to redirect some here or delay it bring it all in in verse 10 and then see if that curse is lifted and You you gave more and you actually end up with more somehow
Specifically when it comes to giving to tithing God challenges us to test him
Give more get rid of that minimum mentality and be launched toward generosity and see if He will not cause
Blessings to come our way now the language here in the second half of verse 10. It's got exuberant in its generosity test me if I will not open the the windows of heaven and It's using the same words like we used to describe the the rain and the water is coming during Noah's Flood You just got a poured the rain poured down and the
Springs gushed up here God says that he will open the floodgates a Provision for us until we have enough
If you give so to here God challenges us to test him That if we'll that is that if we stop being so self -indulgent
Just Holding tight to our money using it for for whatever but not setting aside in a disciplined regular way 10 % of our income and then giving generously of our offerings test them and see that he will bless us and this is a scriptural principle
In the New Testament as well that God loves the cheerful giver. He rewards those who give not only out of their excess
They have the other way they have a bunch of money left over and they give some of that but they but those who Sacrifice to give what
I was what will cost them something when they have to cut back on their Their satellite
TV service or their dinners out in order to give when it's going to cost them something Not looking for a minimum to get away with But looking for a maximum to give away and The Lord Jesus said that such people will experience
God's blessings pour down running over press down packing it in for you and God will bring us so many blessings that we can can't contain them all he says now you might think well that sounds too good
Be true It sounds like it's like a you're that's a fantasy Maybe a little cynical.
It sounds like you're trying to manipulate us into giving more So you can get a raise and drive a
Rolls -Royce that's really what's going on here well Test him and see
I wouldn't mind a Rolls -Royce Now verse 11 implies that well, they've been suffering from devouring insects, right?
They've been their their produce has been destroyed by locust or whatever's been eating them up They've been holding back their tithes and offerings instead.
They probably have been investing in their crops I bet one of their excuses was that well, you know, I'll cut back on giving this year to invest in my farm so I can plant more so I could grow more and next year when
I have a bumper crop and Then I'll go back to tithing But then the locusts come along and they destroy their investments.
Of course, the Lord sent the locusts To curse them here. They are under a curse for stinginess
God curses the stingy They've been finding ways to take deductions out of their tithe for trying to get by but as little as possible
They assume that like most people do today. They're probably just calculating it. They're thinking You know if I want to have more
I want to have more money then I need to lower my expenses I need to eliminate all unnecessary expenditures and I can just stop this tithe business and and save the money for now
Maybe give more later, but now and so what's the minimum up we could get away with? You know and they'll probably say in an economy like this
You know with our crops being eaten up by locusts Or we might say where our business is going under jobs being cut inflation
We've got to cut back a little, you know, including in our giving hate to do it, but we got to but God says
Test me I'll rebuke the devourer you give Generously, I'll rebuke those locusts those things taking your money
I'll rebuke that inflation that job loss, whatever's eating away at your money
If you give generously notice the two sets of two words there in verse 11 two sets of two words
I will rebuke I will God says act He will do for you
I will For you And we so naturally think in terms of a contract
Will you for me? We think like a contract if you will if you will
God then I will if first you give me a lot of money God you first give me a lot of money
Make me rich then I'll give a lot But I'm waiting for you to go first but God comes with a covenant and says
I will For you Test me if You will be for me the
Lord challenges us. I will be for you. You might ask so are you promising?
That if I give to the church God will prosper me that really what you're saying Yeah Yeah, that's what it's that's what it says doesn't it?
So what God's saying here If you will be for God if you'll put away that minimum mentality if you'll stop approaching
God like he's a Boss that you're trying to get by with by putting it in as little work as you possibly can
Without getting fired if you'll change your mindset, then God will bless you now
He may not make you extravagantly wealthy because at the end of verse 10, he says that you will pour out a blessing until there is no more need
You don't need a new Rolls -Royce A used Kia will probably do just as well and he may not bless you on your timetable
You might have to learn to live simply for a while eat ramen noodles Cut off your cell phone and cable
TV But test him He will bless you and you might think
How can you how can you promise that God will bless us if we give? What he says here at verse 10.
Ah But you sound like a he's like one of those prosperity preachers. I'll put him to the test.
I promise you I Promise you if you give joyfully out of love seeking the maximum God will bless you he will at the end at least
Bless you with the greatest blessing of all by making you Into the kind of believer who gives joyfully out of love seeking the maximum He will prosper your soul
You may not be able to afford his nice house or as a car or have those luxury vacations
But you will have been blessed by becoming more like our giving
God I Believe that God has designed this command of tithing that if you practice it if you make it a discipline of your
Christian life That is you plan you prioritize your giving you miss a part of your budget
It's a part of the discipline of your life. It will transform the way you deal with money you you begin with how much you
Have coming in and then give in proportion 10 % to good proportion to start with it's easy to add up Especially first math challenge people like me just add to move the decimal point over one space to the left
Once you've disciplined yourself to do that, it then becomes easier to discipline yourself to do other things Like pay off all your bills on time
Hey You're paying you're giving you're giving Regularly now you can pay all your bills on time.
And that way you don't have to pay late fees You're not stuck with interest payments. You save a lot of money that way
To obey this you have to learn to be disciplined with money and once you learn that for tithing
You didn't become disciplined in every other way you handle money Anyone who has worked with a chronically poor people now not just people who are born into poverty and they really have hardly any way to Escape from it like in some very poor countries, but people who have
Have been able to get out of poverty, but just they just don't People who work for those kind of people will tell you that one characteristic they share is that they don't not they do not know
How to handle money they're undisciplined in their handling of money Mary is a social worker once had a homeless man.
She was working with who had gotten a loan the look, you know a loan by I guess by a bank to Supposedly for his education so he gets
I've got a degree and you know get his life on track and said he took the money He got from the loan Splurged it on a chauffeur driven limousine and have expensive dinner out.
This is a Los Angeles area So you've had a really expensive restaurant there now such people if they want something they want something now
They happen to have the money in their pocket They'll spend it. They'll waste it even if that means sacrificing their education their future
Just like you know, just a couple of hours of feeling like they're rich But if people will practice this discipline that is from the start as a discipline planned budgeted
Giving it is easier to plan and budget Every other way you're using money.
So before the expenses are added up you put aside 10 % to give once they do that Then they begin to learn self -control to plan to budget to manage money so they can begin to break out of The culture of poverty
You see I believe when God gave Israel this gave us this to this command to tithe pregnant within that command is this discipline to learn how to handle money and Once that is learned
Then you begin to prosper now, you may never be a Warren Buffett or a Bill Gates But your needs will be met
Test him and see Now that we your needs be met but we will all is all of us
God's people We will be blessed notice there in verse 12 if they follow this prescription if they turn
They tithe a test him and then the Lord promises all that all the nations will call them all the people around them
Who aren't believers, but they'll see how Blessed they are how much they have even us is the the true
Israel. They'll see that we're blessed You will find yourself spontaneously Supernaturally Blessed you find yourself learning the discipline of giving of using money
Instead of wasting it Mastering money instead of letting it drive you and we all will be better off for it
We turn we tithe and we test him to see if indeed we are now
So much better off After all the father By giving us
Christ giving us a son Did not just do the minimum for us
If he had done the least He would not have sent the Sun at all If the father had a minimum mentality like we often do
Then we'd all be doomed He thought and gave like we so naturally do before we're transformed
Then he would not have done anything for us He did not have to do anything for us.
You know, there was no law. There's no requirement. There's nothing forced him to give
He did not if he had the minimum mentality there would be no I will for you
But here he says to us. I will for you,
I Do not change He will be for you. That's why he sent the Sun Jesus who was the
Lord himself Who tells us here that it's not because of our morality or our religion or our giving that we are not cursed and damned but because he doesn't change
Because our salvation depends on him on his commitment To us not on us and that Lord the
Lord of hosts the king of the universe Was rich But he came became poor
He took on a curse took on the curse of poverty So that we wouldn't have to bear that curse anymore
He didn't ask what was what was the least he could get away with? How little can he give us?
We on the other hand us We would hardly even die for a good person
We give our lives for a good person. We would celebrate as a Selfless act of generosity, but God gave a son for us while we were still
Sinners while we were unrighteous while we were still under the curse Jesus became cursed for us on the cross
So that we might know the blessings of God forever knowing that believing that Don't you now want to?
Live for him to give to him Not just your minimum
But your maximum you're all to serve him out of love