Matt Slick Live: June 19, 2024



The Matt Slick Live (Live Broadcast of 06-19-2024) is a production of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry(CARM). Matt answers questions on topics such as: The Bible, Apologetics, Theology, World Religions, Atheism, and other issues!  You can also email questions to Matt using: [email protected], Put "Radio Show Question" in the Subject line! Answers will be discussed in a future show. Topics Include: Matt Gives an Update of Research Topics, Matt's ad hoc Bible Study on Unbiblical Doctrine in EO the RCC and Justification by Faith Apart From the Works of The Law June 19, 2024


The following program is recorded content created by The Truth Network. It's Matt Slick Live!
Matt is the founder and president of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry, found online at karm .org.
When you have questions about Bible doctrines, turn to Matt Slick Live for answers. Taking your calls and responding to your questions at 877 -207 -2276.
Here's Matt Slick. Everybody, welcome to the show. It's me, Matt Slick. Listen to Matt Slick Live.
And today's date is June 19, 2024. If you want to give me a call, as usual, all you have to do is dial 877 -207 -2276.
And then we can start blabbing. Boy, that's interesting. There's no chatting going on in the Rumble.
It is working. I don't see any chatting. Maybe they haven't chatted yet, but there it is.
If you want to watch the show, watch me sit at my desk in a chair and do the show.
And you can watch some of the stuff that gets put on the screen. And if you are interested also in participating in the chat in one of the rooms, you can just go to Rumble .com
forward slash Matt Slick Live. All one word. Matt Slick Live. And everything should work out fine.
Okay, there we go. I always miss one thing, don't I? I always miss one thing. One little switch.
I guess so many switches. I've got to press and flip and all that kind of stuff before the show. So hopefully it's good now in Clubhouse.
All right, there we go. Audio is canny, uncanny, or canny or tinny or what,
I don't know. So give us some feedback there in the private and we'll work on it. All right,
Buskman from Dayton, Ohio, welcome. You're on the air. Always a pleasure to speak with you,
Matt. With everything that's happening with Pastor Tony Evans and Robert Morris, Matt.
What's happening? You haven't seen, sir. Well, Pastor Tony Evans is stepping down.
Are you being funny, Matt Slick? No, I don't know. I'm serious, I don't know. No, but you're breaking up.
Every other syllable is kind of cracking, so it's hard to follow what you're saying. All right, stand by.
Stand by. All right. There we go. How about that? I don't know. Keep talking. Is that better?
I don't know. Keep talking. Check one, two, three. We love Matt Slick. No, you're still breaking up. Why don't you call right back?
Just call right back, okay, and get a better connection. Okay, will do. Will do. All right, man. Sounds good. Bye -bye. All right.
Well, that's Buskman. He'll call back in a little bit, and if you want, you can give me a call, 877 -207 -2276, and I want to hear from you.
Give me a call, and so we can talk. All right. I'm looking at making sure all the settings are right, and I'm doing that right now.
Yeah, everything's right. Everything's right. Yeah, I don't know what's going on. It's worse.
Yeah, we've had some problems with our sound stuff lately, so hopefully that's better right there.
Let me know, and if not, I'll learn to break. I'll try a Mickey Mouse thing, and we have three open lines.
If you want to give me a call, 877 -207 -2276, and you can also email me, info at karm .org,
info at karm .org, and put in the subject line, radio comment, radio question, something like that, and then we can get to them when we do that, and by the way,
I will not be on the air Friday live, so tomorrow I'll be on, because Friday I'm driving down to Salt Lake City.
I'm going to be in a debate, and I'm going to be debating Andrew Rappaport on are the charismatic gifts for today.
If you want information on that, utahchristianresearchcenter .com, utahchristianresearchcenter .com,
and we're going to be debating on Saturday night at 6 p .m. I'm still going to be down there
Friday and hang out and do stuff and talk to people and all that kind of stuff, and then Friday, I mean
Saturday, we'll be doing a debate, so I hope you want to check it out. All right, as soon as we get back to Wesley's, Nathan Buskman, the call's kind of on, but not, so we'll get to that in a little bit, and please give me some feedback.
Oh, it's better in the, okay, good, in the sound. No, we lost him. I think he's having a sound problem, so he's probably calling back yet again.
All right, so what I do at night, during the summer and stuff in the spring,
I walk around the block, and there's a set of blocks that I walk around, and it's one mile exactly, so each time
I walk around the circuit, it takes about 20 minutes, then it's one mile, and yesterday, I did four miles, all right, and what
I do is I carry my phone, and I have my headset on, and I go into chat rooms, and I talk while I'm walking and trying to remember stuff, and man, it was a great discussion yesterday on Roman Catholicism and works righteousness, and I am particularly enjoying the conversation for an odd reason.
Now, I know Roman Catholicism is bankrupt and it's apostate, and by the way, they keep saying,
Matt, you're going to become a Catholic, and I say it's never going to happen,
I'm not going to become an idolater, and so I'm listening to these guys' arguments, and they are,
I mean, the arguments in order to justify works, by saying they're works without their saying they're works, and the minutia, the games they play, the logic they use, it's really amazing.
They recognize what the Bible says, and yet they want to say that you have to be saved by your faith and your works, but it's not, it gets really convoluted, and so I've been having a really great discussion, and so last night, also,
I got into a discussion with a Mormon guy, and he's supposed to know Greek, and I'm starting to think less and less that he knows
Greek, but we went to 1 Peter 3 .21 for quite a while, and it was really an interesting discussion, it really was, and so what
I did last night, for about an hour, I read commentaries, looked at Greek analysis of 1
Peter 3 .21, which said, Baptism now saves you, not the removal of dirt from the flesh, but an appeal to God for a clean conscience, according to the resurrection, and then
I woke up real early this morning, like 7, and I couldn't go back to sleep, so for another hour and a half,
I just went in and studied this topic, and I developed a list of 11 commentary quotes that go in and examine it, and it's really interesting, what
I found, I'm going to summarize it and put it into all of my notes, but that's what I'll be doing. To me,
I enjoy that kind of stuff. I'm also doing a study, where I'm trying to go through, if I get time, go through every instance of the word pray, and praying prayed, or called upon, whatever it is, in the entire
Bible, which is a big undertaking, and I'm doing it for a reason, because the
Catholics and the Eastern Orthodox, they pray to Mary, they pray to the saints, which is idolatry, and so what
I'm doing is, I'm going through the Bible to see what the Bible says about prayer, and that's it, just to learn as I go, to see what it says, and it's a good thing that I know how to do
Excel really well, and I know how to do HTML and search and replace functions and exports, and do all kinds of stuff, so that I can do all kinds of work, and you know, that's really weird,
I really like doing that, I do, I really, I mean, just leave me alone, you know, just shut the door, and I'll be in here for two, three, four hours doing this, you know, research, and I go out to my wife and say, how are you doing?
She goes, what are you working on? Well, I'm doing a word study on it, in depth, on the genitive, when it's used, and she goes, okay, that's nice, thank you, and so, but it was interesting, and I say, let me tell you what
I found, and she gives me this half -masked eyelid stare, like she's really trying to pay attention, but she doesn't care, and so,
I've learned to break it down to something really interesting, and this is, I'll say, this is really interesting, and then I'll say, what
I've learned, she goes, oh, it is interesting, but usually, I find one interesting point per hour, so, you know, for me, it's a lot of fun,
I enjoy it. All right, waiting for Buskman to come back in, and not seeing him come back in there, but the number for anybody and everybody who wants to call is 877 -207 -2276, you can give me a call if you want,
I want to hear from you, and I think you wanted to talk about church discipline, so we'll talk about that, maybe, we'll see what's going to happen, and I probably will be on Discord again tonight, if anybody's interested, you can, what you can do on Discord is just follow my name,
Matt Slick, that's the name I use, and just follow me when I go into rooms, you can find me, and usually, what happens,
I go to a room, usually, is they just line up to start asking questions, and a lot of people want a piece of me, they want to destroy me, and so,
I get into these nice discussions, they're pretty entertaining, and I learn through them,
I actually learn through them, I do, so I enjoy that, I really do. All right, all right, we got a call coming in, don't know if we're having problems with the calls, or what, he's breaking up really badly, still was, okay, maybe he can, maybe he can, let's see, maybe he can email us the question, or something like that, and we can get to it that way, but sometimes it happens, you get a bad connection, or a bad series of connections, and I think we got another call coming in, not sure,
I don't know if we have any problems on the lines, I don't know, so anyway, what I was doing with the, let me do this,
I'm going to get to it, here we go, what I was doing with the Catholics last night was talking about something,
I'm going to read some stuff for you guys, this is important, a lot of people don't think it's important, but it is, because I want you to know the
Roman Catholic Church is not Christian, okay, it is not Christian, check this out, this is what paragraph 2036 says,
I'm going to read two of them, this is interesting stuff, the authority of the magisterium, that means the magisterium is that set of bishops, authority teachers within the
Roman Catholic Church that are very, very, very high up, the authority of the magisterium extends also to the specific precepts of the natural law, because their observance demanded by the creator is necessary for salvation, so it's necessary for salvation, that's what they say, so now when you go to paragraph 2070, the
Ten Commandments belong to God's revelation, at the same time they teach us the true humanity of man, they bring to light the essential duties and therefore indirectly the fundamental rights inherent in the nature of the human person, the
Decalogue contains a privileged expression of the natural law,
Decalogue is the Ten Commandments, so the Ten Commandments contain a privileged expression of the natural law, and following the precepts of the natural law, their observance is necessary for salvation, now in logic, we have a rule called the law of proper inference, so if A equals
B and B equals C, then A equals C, again, if A equals
B and B equals C, then A equals C, so it's called the law of proper inference, now if A is necessary to observe the precepts of the natural law, and B, the natural law is exemplified in the
Ten Commandments, then C, keeping the Ten Commandments is necessary for salvation, so this is simple, it's just simple logic, so that's what they teach, now
I'm going to go to Romans chapter 3, and I'm going to start reading Romans 3, so if you've got nobody waiting,
I'm going to do a little Bible study, and teach, I've got a break coming up, but what I'm going to do, after the break, is come in to Romans 3, and start reading around,
I'll do a summarization, but start around verse 19, now read through it slowly, you've got to hear what it says,
Romans chapter 3 and 4, do a little bit of a study here, on salvation, justification, stuff like that, we'll be right back after, these messages please stay tuned.
It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877 -207 -2276, here's
Matt Slick. Alright everyone, welcome back to the show, oh we had a caller, and we lost it, let's see the chat here says, the producer,
I don't think the issue is with the callers, it's either on our end, or my end, another caller called in, and his phone was breaking up,
I just called in, and my phone was breaking up too, so then it would be on their team, on our system.
Okay, well, thanks for letting me know, they'll work on that, alright, now, what I'm going to do, is
I'm going to go through, I'm going to do a little Bible study, I'm going to go through Romans chapter 3, a lot of people don't know, about salvation, and what it is, and so, here's the thing, are we saved by what we do, in combination with faith, or what?
That's the question we have to ask, right, and well, there's a lot to study in that, but nevertheless, so in Romans chapter 3, what
Paul is talking about is, all the world is guilty, and then the Gentiles, and everybody, and then he says something interesting, he says in verse 9, are we better than they?
He says no, both Jews and Greeks, are all under sin, and he talks about that, so everybody's equally guilty, now, starting in verse 19, now we know, that whatever the law says, it speaks to those who are under the law, so that every mouth may be closed, and all the world may become accountable to God, now, what they'll do,
I noticed that the Catholics, and the Eastern Orthodox, is they'll say the law here, is in reference to the ceremonial aspect, not the moral law, they just say it, now, there's nothing here that says that, but if that's the case, then how is it that, notice this, now, we know that whatever the law says, it speaks to those who are under the law, so that every mouth may be closed, if it's only the ceremonial law, that was only for Israel, then it wouldn't make sense, to say that's just the ceremonial law, so here we go, but to those who are under the law, so that every mouth may be closed, and all the world may become accountable to God, verse 20, because by the works of the law, no flesh will be justified in his sight, no flesh will be justified in his sight, okay, that's what it says, for through the law, comes a knowledge of sin, now, we're going to get a justification here, a little bit later, but justification,
I'll tell you now in advance, it's the legal aspect, of the declaration of righteousness, that's granted to us, and it's by faith, that's
Romans 4, 1 through 5, we'll get to that, but right now, we're in Romans 3, 20, but it says, by the works of the law, no flesh will be justified, now the law, in the
Old Testament, has different aspects, it's not differentiated here, but the law, can't save you, even the ceremonial law, and the moral law, it can't save you, now in Romans 2, 13, it says, not the doers, not the hearers of the law, are just before God, but the doers of the law, are justified, so, some say, well you can do the law, and be justified, well
I say, yeah you can, yeah, do the law, keep the law, but, you have to understand something, the standard of the law, is perfection, because Deuteronomy 27, 26, says that you, are to abide by all things, written in the book of the law, to perform them, all, and in that law, it says love
God with all your heart, your soul, and mind, and strength, and your neighbor as yourself, so is anybody doing that?
If they say yes, I'm going to ask them, are you keeping it on the level of Jesus, because he's the standard keeper, and they can't say yes, because if they do, they're arrogant and prideful, and if they say no, then they're not keeping the law, so you can't be justified by the law, you can't, because no one can keep it, that's why it says, by the works of the law, no flesh will be justified in the sight, so, for through the law, comes the knowledge of sin, how is that?
The law is a tutor, that leads us to Christ, and that's Galatians 3, 24, that's what that says,
Galatians 3, 24, going over there, the law has become a tutor, to lead us to Christ, so that we might be justified by faith, the law shows us, we can't keep the law, that's what's going on, now go to verse 21, now, apart from the law, the righteousness of God has been manifested, being witnessed, by the law and the prophets, so, apart from the law, the righteousness of God is manifested, what law?
the codification of the law, you know, don't do this, and do that, and so, that's what it is, and when it says, witnessed by the law and the prophets, that's the division of the
Old Testament, so, what we say here, is, but now apart from the law, the righteousness of God has been manifested, that death occurs, and the truth of sin occurs, even without people who don't, you know, people who don't have that form of, understanding of the law according to the
Jews, all right, so verse 22, even the righteousness of God, through faith in Jesus Christ, for all those who believe, for there is no distinction, righteousness of God, for those who believe, now what, the
RC and the EO, Roman Catholics and Eastern Orthodox will do, is they'll say, yes, you're justified by faith, but you have to do stuff, alongside of it, but you're justified by faith, but the faith is not dead, the faith is alive, and this was a discussion
I had last night, when I said to the guy, this Catholic guy, I said, look, God grants we have faith, and John 6, 29,
Jesus says, this is the work of God, that you believe on him whom he has sent, so I said, is the faith that God grants, that's in Christ Jesus, is it sufficient to justify us, in and of itself, and he wouldn't, didn't want to answer the question, he started going on to, well, it's just mental ascent, no, no, no, it's a faith
God grants, it's in Christ, come on, and they really have a lot of problems with this, when
I started pinning them, and holding their feet to the fire, but verse 23 says, all have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God, being justified as a gift by his grace, through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus, or justification is a gift, if it's by what you do, it's not a gift, that's
Romans 4, 4, if you have to earn anything, it's not a gift, it's what's due, so it's a gift, justification is a gift, all right, verse 25, whom, the redemption which is in Christ Jesus, whom
God displayed publicly as a propitiation, in his blood through faith, this was to demonstrate his righteousness, because in the forbearance of God, he passed over the sins previously committed, what that means is
God was very patient, with the people who, didn't have the full knowledge of God, and Christ, and the law, and stuff like this, and he was very patient with a lot of people, passing over stuff, he didn't ignore their sin, but he let things go on for a while, all right, in verse 26, for the demonstration,
I say of his righteousness at the present time, so that he would be just, and the justifier of the one who has faith in Christ, now notice what's going on so far, apart from the law, the righteousness of God is manifested, being justified, righteousness is through the righteousness of God, through faith, that's verse 22, verse 24, being justified as a gift by his grace, verse 26, the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus, verse 27, says where then is boasting, it is excluded by what kind of law, of works, no, but by a law of faith, so Paul is juxtaposing law and faith, works and faith, because he says law and works, okay, verse 28, we maintain that a man is justified by faith, apart from the works of the law, and this is what the
Bible is clearly teaching, and we've got a break coming up, so we can continue with this, I'm going to keep going through this, because this is necessary,
I hope you guys are listening, and I hope it's interesting, and I'd like some feedback too, if you like what
I'm doing here, because I would like to get a feedback, we can get going, hey, we'll be right back after these messages, please stay tuned, it's
Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877 -207 -2276, here's
Matt Slick, alright everybody, welcome back to the show, so the phone systems aren't working there, they let me know, they tried restarting the phone system, it didn't work, so we got something up with that, that's just how it is, we'll just continue teaching here, so in verse 28, for we maintain that man is justified by faith, apart from the works of the law, now what
I'll tell people is, in Matthew 22, 37 -40, Jesus says that loving
God, and loving your neighbor, are the two greatest commandments, and that they are the summary of the law, now that's the
Old Testament quote, respectively from Deuteronomy 6 -5, and Leviticus 19 -18, love God, love your neighbor, so we maintain that man is justified by faith, apart from the works of the law, so this is a very very direct statement, and what happens, you've got to understand this, the
Catholics and the Eastern Orthodox, they're convoluted, they'll say that they're not justified by faith and works, because it's by faith only, but you have to have a faith that has works, so your works are necessary to demonstrate the faith, but you're not saved by the works, okay, so then
I say, well then, the Bible says we maintain that man is justified by faith, apart from the works of the law, and they say that's a ceremonial law, well wait a minute, if it's the ceremonial law, why are you complaining, you're saying the other aspects of the law are necessary, but you just told me that they're not necessary, so which is it, and that's why we're having, they can't see it, it's like the atheists
I talk to, the same kind of thing happens, it happened yesterday, I was talking to a guy online, and a very polite conversation, but like so many atheists
I talk to about one particular topic, they can't see, it's like this, they say that the brain, the human brain, is limited to the neurochemical reactions, that's all it is, for the atheists who say that, there's no soul, there's no spirit separate from the body, from the brain, when the brain dies, the physical,
I mean the mind ceases, and I say well then that's called property dualism, that's just to inform you, that's what it's called, now here's the thing, if that's the case, that means the chemical reactions in your brain, are just operating under the laws of chemistry, physics, chemistry right, but how does it produce truth, how does it produce logic, it's just chemical reactions, and they say because blah blah blah, they give you all this big explanation, but they don't get it, but that's just your brain chemicals saying something, it has no bearing on truth, and they can't get it, because how does one chemical state, that leads to another chemical state, by chemical necessity, just chemical reactions, if you have a bunch of tubes, of chemicals, you put them together, and they react, is that logic, it's just chemicals reacting, how does the brain produce logic, when it's a bunch of chemicals reacting, from their perspective, they can't, and they still can't see it, it's just amazing to me, and the same kind of a thing happens, with the
EO and the RC, because they have been indoctrinated, and they can't think straight, because they can't think according to scripture, they can't, so when we get to this verse,
Romans 3 .28, we maintain that a man is justified by faith, apart from the works of the law, they have to say that the law here, references only the ceremonial law, even though nothing in it says so, nothing, and so this is what they do, it's amazing to me, and I point out, it doesn't say that, yes it does, it's what it means, how do you know it's what it means, and so you're saying then that, the ceremonial law is all that it is, and that the law of the ten commandments, for example, that we have to do those to be saved, and they'll say yes, well then that's salvation by your grace, by faith and works, and they'll say no it's not, it's like, do you drive a car at night, because I don't want to be on the road with you, this is how you think, it's like this all the time, it's really interesting to me, so then
Paul goes on, he says in verse 29, or is God the God of the Jews only, is he not the
God of the Gentiles also, yes, of Gentiles also, verse 30, since indeed
God who will justify the circumcised by faith, and the uncircumcised through faith is one, now
Paul keeps saying the same thing, justified by faith, not by works, not by the law, but by faith, what do they want to do, well in the
Catechism of the Catholic Church, paragraph 2068, it says that you attain salvation through faith, baptism and the observance of the commandments, this is saying the opposite, they teach a false gospel, and when
I bring this up, I am fascinated by the mental gymnastics, that they go through, to make things fit, there are some smart people, who have come up with some ways, of making it sound like it's okay, but at the heart it's so bad,
I know how to get through it, and I can do that, so anyway, it's what it is, and the Eastern Orthodox say the same thing, and here's one of the things,
I get this, so I ask them questions, is justification by faith, and I'll show them what the
Bible says so, and I force them to admit that it is, and I say good, so you have to be baptized to be saved, yes, and they say okay, normally speaking they'll say okay, all right, then are we justified by faith, when we have faith, well yeah, well then why do we need to get baptized, for salvation, if we're already justified by faith, why are you saying that baptism then saves you, from your sins, if we're justified, which means your sins are already forgiven, how does that work, and this is where the wheels come off the cart, and then they do their sophisticated ramblation, along with blurification, as they're trying to make things make sense, so back to 30, it says
God who will justify the circumcised by faith, and the uncircumcised through faith, is one, verse 31, do we then nullify the law through faith, faith may never be in the contrary, we establish the law, okay, that's interesting, do we nullify the law by faith, no, the law is still valid, the law is true, and the law is good, but the law can't save us, because of us, not because of it, the law is good, but we can't keep it, but the one who does keep it, he'll be okay, are you keeping it, no, the
Eastern Orthodox and the RC Roman Catholics, they say yeah we keep it, I've talked to people,
Protestants even, and I say, do you sin anymore, some will tell me they don't sin anymore, and I'll say, you don't sin anymore, no
I don't sin anymore, how long has it been since you've sinned, I'm thinking about 10 years, really, that's amazing, so you have loved
God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength, and you neighbor yourself completely and totally, just as Jesus taught on the same level as him, right, yep, that's right,
I've had people actually say it, and I say, man, you can't see your own pride, your own arrogance, when we have ourselves as a standard, ooh, then things are easy, you have
God as a standard, that changes things, all right, so now let's get to chapter 4, now check this out, what then shall we say that Abraham, our forefather according to the flesh, has found, for Abraham was justified by works, whoa, works, he's talking about the law back there, mentioned works in verse 27, and now he's saying justified by works, this is before the law was given, by what
Abraham did, anything he did, not just a ceremonial law, because it was before that ceremonial law, you see, oh, the
RC and the EO are in trouble now, for Abraham was justified by works, he has something to boast about, but not before God, this is what's called the vertical, justification before God, okay, for what does the scripture say,
Abraham believed God, and he was credited in his righteousness, so what was credited in his righteousness, belief, that's what it says, in verse 4, to the one who does, not to the one who works, his wage is not credited as a favor, but what is due, verse 5, but to the one who does not work, but believes, now notice there's two things, works and belief, does not work, but believes, that's faith alone, you have two things in a bag, an apple and an orange, you take the apple out, the orange is by itself, the orange is alone, simple, easy, you have two things, work and faith, works are removed, faith alone, so,
Romans 4, 5, but to the one who does not work, but believes, in him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is credited as righteousness, oh, that's what justification is, the crediting of righteousness, by faith, that's why, because the law can't save us, you see, by the works of the law, no flesh will be justified in his sight, that's what the
Bible says, okay, so apart from the law, we are justified, that's by faith, because we can't keep the law, all right, that's what's going on, all right, now, that was verse 5,
I went through now, look at this, verse 6, just as David also speaks of the blessing on whom, excuse me, on the man to whom
God credits righteousness, apart from works, apart from works, so apart from the law, and now apart from works, they want to say, these are,
I get different answers, I get different responses, works of charity, works of ceremonial works, that's what it is, they have to make it sound, they have to get rid of one aspect of the law, restrict us to that aspect of the law, so they can continue to earn their own salvation through their works, that's what they're trying to do, it just proves how bad off they are, blessed is the one whose lawless deeds have been forgiven, and whose deeds have been covered, blessed is the man whose sin the
Lord will not take into account, now when we get back from this break, I'm going to jump over to Galatians chapter 3, and continue with this study, actually
Galatians 2, and then go to Galatians 3, and I'll show you some more stuff, we'll be right back after these messages, please stay tuned.
It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877 -207 -2276, here's
Matt Slick. Alright everybody, welcome back to the show, hope you're listening and enjoying it, in fact if you are, and you like what
I'm doing, teaching this, please just give me an email, info at karm .org, and just say, hey love the teaching, or hated the teaching, whatever it is, on Romans 3 and 4, that'll be good,
Romans 3 and 4, teaching on justification, I'd like to hear what you think. Alright, so now what
I'm going to do, is I've got a couple of things, this is always stuff I go to, when
I'm talking about this stuff, I have a lot of it memorized, I know where to go, and appeal, stuff like that, this is what
Titus 3 .5 says, I'm going to get to Galatians here in a little bit, Titus 3 .5 says this, He saved us not on the basis of deeds, which we have done in righteousness.
Now the reason that's important, is because the RC and EO both say, that it's not the works themselves that save you, but God gives you works, gives them works to do, and those works are by His grace, and those works are necessary for salvation, so you have to do them, but they're not the things that save you, so you've got to do them, they're
God's works, so it's clever, see that's clever how they say that, but this is what the Bible says, He has not saved us on the basis of deeds, which we have done in righteousness, so I say to them, look, what
Titus 3 .5 is saying, is that the deeds that you do in your faith, in your supposed righteousness, that you say are necessary to demonstrate true faith, which isn't necessary to God, because God grants that you have faith if it's true, and so He doesn't need your works,
He doesn't need that to prove anything, so why is it you have to do works, because your churches teach that you have to do good works to be saved, but yet, and then you say,
I say, see that you're saying that your works save you, and they say, no, they say the faith that we have, that we do works because God's granted them to us, is not the work, but the works that we do in faith, that shows that we are saved, and to be saved, because you've got to do them, if you don't, you can't be saved, so they play this game, and I go here, and I say, but He said it's not on the basis of deeds, which we've done in righteousness, but according to His mercy, so how is it then, if it's by His mercy, then how is it by, your works have to get in there to help, see, it's a, it's a, it's a bad thing that they do, it's a bad, bad, bad thing they do, all right, now look, so, what
I'm going to do is go to Galatians 2, 15, and start reading, we are Jews by nature, not sinners from among the
Gentiles, verse 16, nevertheless, knowing that a man is not justified by works of the law, but through faith, notice what
Paul's doing, he juxtaposes it, he says, not this, but that, it's like saying, not red, but green, not left, but right, they're excluded, one, they're excluded, not by works of the law, done, can't be by that, even the ones done in righteousness,
Titus 3, 5, he says, we're not justified by works of the law, that includes loving
God, loving your neighbor, the summation of the law, a man is not justified by works of the law, but through faith in Christ Jesus, even we have believed in Christ Jesus, so that we may be justified by faith in Christ, and not by the works of the law, since by the works of the law, no flesh will be justified, and he goes on, he says, but if we, while seeking to be justified in Christ, we ourselves have also been found sinners as Christ, then a minister of sin may never be, for if I rebuild, for if I rebuild what
I have once destroyed, I prove myself to be a transgressor, for through the law, I died to the law, so that I might live to God, that's an interesting statement,
I love that statement, to the law, I died to the law, I won't get into that right now, but it's an interesting statement, I have been crucified with Christ, and it is no longer
I who live, but Christ who lives in me, in the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God, all right, verse 21,
I do not nullify the grace of God, for if righteousness comes through the law, then
Christ died needlessly, what they want to say then, is that the law, it's a ceremonial law, but that's not what's going on, it's not it, so he said,
I do not nullify the grace of God, for if righteousness comes through the law, so what the
RCEO will do, is redefine the term, to make it fit their theology, heresy begets heresy, now this is interesting, check this out,
Galatians chapter 3 verse 1, you foolish Galatians, who has bewitched you, before whose eyes
Jesus Christ, was publicly portrayed as crucified, this is the only thing, I want to find out from you, did you receive the spirit, by the works of the law, or by hearing with faith, notice the juxtaposition again, it's this or that, not both, did you hear or receive the spirit, by the works of the law, or by hearing with faith, are you so foolish, having begun by the spirit, are you now being perfected in the flesh, that's the
Roman Catholics, and Eastern Orthodox, because they're being perfected, in the flesh, how so, well, as paragraph 2068, the catechism says, of the
Catholic Church, it says, you attain salvation, through faith baptism, and the observers of the commandments, and then when you sin, you have to go back to the church, which has a sacramental authority, to divvy to you, the grace that's re -infused, into your soul, when you lose some, because you sin, so that the church, is now in charge of your salvation, it's in charge, okay, and the
East Orthodox, say baptism, is where you're initially justified, and it's the beginning of the process, and justification's a long, lifelong process, you've got to go through, with the energies of God, the graces of God, that work through you, to make him more like Jesus, so that you can eventually get saved, okay, so it's all by works, okay, all right, so, he says, are you so foolish, having begun by the spirit, are you now being perfected by the flesh, the sacramental system, by what you do in your flesh, by what you do in the law, now, really what he's getting into here, is circumcision, we're going to get to that, but I'm expanding this a little bit, to show, because circumcision, in Galatians 5, we'll talk about that,
I'll go there in a sec, the issue of the Judaizers, who were saying you had to be circumcised, to be saved, they had to do one thing, to be saved, okay, are you so foolish, having begun by the spirit, now being perfected, by the flesh, you see what he's saying here, in the flesh, circumcision, and he calls them fools, for this, now what he's doing, is juxtaposing faith and works, and the works here are symbolized by, circumcision, because he says, works of the law, plural, and circumcision is one of the works of the law, so circumcision here is representative of anything in that law, that's the issue, that's the point, so, he goes on, and he says in verse 6, so Abraham believed
God, this credited him as righteousness, right there, that's so interesting, alright, and therefore, be sure that it is those who are of faith, who are sons of Abraham, the scripture foreseeing that God would justify the
Gentiles by faith, preached the gospel beforehand to Abraham saying, in you, all the nations shall be blessed, alright, now,
I'm going to jump over to, Galatians chapter 5, this is really good stuff, I love
Galatians 5, I think you should study, Galatians 3, 4, 5, and Romans 3, 4, 5, easy to remember, now check this out, this is what
Galatians 5, 1 says, it was for freedom, that Christ set us free, therefore, keep standing firm, and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery, that means those who are under the law are under a yoke of slavery,
Jesus says, I'm going to show you this, this is Matthew 11, 29, take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls, for my yoke is easy, my burden is light, so, what he's saying here, in Galatians 5, 1,
Galatians 5, 1, it was for freedom that Christ set us free, therefore, keep standing firm, and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery, to the law, that's what's going on, verse 2, behold,
I, Paul, say that if you receive circumcision, Christ will be of no benefit to you, now circumcision is interesting, we all know what it is, and, here it is used, as representative of the law, because earlier, he said works of the law, and then, he's dealing with the issue of the
Judaizers, works, and they say circumcision, which is one thing of the law, but he's complaining,
Paul's getting into about the issue of everything under the law, the works, plural, not just the one thing, so this is representative of, just even the one thing they want to do under the law, he says in verse 3, and I testify again to every man who receives circumcision, that he's under obligation to keep the whole law, if you want to keep one aspect of the law, you're under obligation to keep the whole thing, that's what the
Bible says, let me go back to Galatians 3 .10, which says this, he says, for as many as are the works of the law, are under a curse, for it is written, curse is everyone, who does not abide by all things written in the book of the law, to perform them, so if they were to say, the ceremonial law, is what he was talking about, it's not that law, well it says, by all things written in the book of the law, they keep one thing in the book of the law, they're under a curse, they've got to keep it all, man, it's so bad for them, so let's get back to Galatians 5, verse 4, for you have been severed from Christ, notice the pun, circumcision, severed from Christ, you who are seeking to be justified by law, you've fallen from grace, now
I'm not going to get into the issue of falling from grace, losing salvation, it has to do with, not salvation here, it's something else, but look, you've been severed from Christ, you who are seeking to be justified by law, notice what
Paul says, the one thing you do, makes you want to be justified by law, that's how
Paul sees it, so, they may have been doing all kinds of other things, works of charity, whatever, but just this one thing, now you're under the law, you're seeking to be justified by the law, that's how
Paul interprets it, verse 5, for we through the spirit by faith, are waiting for the hope of righteousness, for in Christ, Jesus, neither circumcision, nor uncircumcision, means anything, but faith, working through love, oh, they'll quote me that sometimes too, your faith has to be in love, it has to have love, yeah, we know that, that's okay, and they try, whatever they can, they try any set of words they can, to get their works, to be part of their salvation, he says in verse 7, you were running well, who hindered you from obeying the truth, this persuasion did not come from him, who calls you, a little leaven, leavens the whole lump of dough,
I have confidence in you, in the Lord, that you will adopt no other view, but the one who is disturbing you, will bear his judgment, whoever he is, but I brethren,
I still, if I still preach circumcision, why am I still persecuted, then the stumbling block of the cross, has been abolished,
I wish that those were troubling, you would even mutilate themselves, that's
Romans, excuse me, Galatians 5, 12, that they would mutilate themselves, he's talking about circumcision, that's what he's talking about, that they would mutilate themselves, so you can see, the very strong language, that Paul the
Apostle is using, people say, no you can't talk like that, you got to be super nice, because Jesus is the blond haired, blue eyed
Caucasian surfer dude, and you got to be really nice, and Paul says, regarding circumcision,
I wish those were persecuting you, or confusing you about this, but they would mutilate themselves, whoa, well that's not very nice, you can see how important this is, and Paul the
Apostle says what he says, now ladies and gentlemen, what I've tried to do, is go through Romans 3 and 4, you know quickly,
I didn't get Romans 5, there's some good stuff in there too, and then went over to Galatians 2, and Galatians 3, and Galatians 5, and also
I touched on Titus 3, 5, what I'm trying to convey, is that the word of God, clearly teaches that justification, the declaration of righteousness, is by faith, not by faith in anything you do, you can't add to the finished work of Christ, you can't, salvation is by grace through faith, not by works, that's what
Ephesians 2, 8, and 9 says, there is nothing we can do, and we can add, but the false religious system of Roman Catholicism, says you attain salvation through faith, baptism, and the observance of the commandments, and the false religion of Eastern Orthodoxy, teaches that the energies of God, work through you, after your baptism, and by keeping the sacramental system, you gradually become more justified, and you get your salvation at the end of your life, by hopefully maintaining everything, you're supposed to be doing, according to their system of thought, and their system of deeds, both of them preach a false gospel, both of them are false churches, and Romans 3, 4, 5,
Galatians 3, 4, 5, check them out, and you'll be all the more convinced, of the truth of God's word, and not their lies from the devil, hey folks, there you go,
I'm out, may the Lord bless you, I hope you had a good time listening, let me know if you liked today's teaching, just email me at info at karm .org,
I'd love to hear, and yeah, we'll see you later, God bless everybody, bye.