Karen Swallow Prior Hates You

AD Robles iconAD Robles

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So I've had some time to think about my very abrasive comments last night about Karen Swallow Pryor.
And, you know, having thought about it, I think that I was definitely right, and I actually should have used stronger language.
And, you know, we'll see how this goes, but Karen Swallow Pryor, notorious
KSP. You know, you look at her and everything that you see before you is a lie.
Like you see like you remember in what's it called? The second Star Wars movie from Disney, the one with General Holdo, General Gender Studies.
And she's presented as this like great warrior. You know, she's a war hero and stuff like that.
But when you look at her, she's got, you know, pink hair or something like that.
She's wearing a nightgown. She's slender. You know what I mean? Like everything about her appearance is a lie when you compare it against how they're presenting her.
You look at her. She's not a soldier, obviously. And when you look at Karen Swallow Pryor, you don't say to yourself, oh, that's a conservative
Christian right there. And people are going to get mad at me and say, well, you can't judge a book by its cover.
You can't do that. And I understand that to a degree. But at the end of the day, we have to understand that you communicate through many other means besides just words.
I communicate through other means besides words. You know, I have a beard and that communicates something to people, you know, that kind of thing.
And so, you know, you look at Karen and you're like, well, that's actually, she plays for the other team.
But you can't just use how she looks to judge her. You have to actually see the content there.
Maybe she is just for some reason rebelling against how to dress and stuff like that.
Maybe she does have a bit of high school teenager still in her. And, you know, because when you're a teenager, oftentimes you rebel and you try to dress edgy boy, you know, that kind of thing and all that.
And so, you know, you can't just judge a book by its cover. But it's information that you file in the back of your head, right?
That's something that is totally appropriate to do. But then when you see her activities in the church and in her seminary, you know, classes and her think pieces and stuff like that, then you start to think, well, maybe the rapper does match the inside.
Like, you know, she certainly seems to be super progressive in many areas.
And it's like, well, what's going on here? But it goes beyond just being a progressive. I think that Karen Swallow Pryor is the primary application of what it means to be an accuser of the brethren.
Here is a tweet that she tweeted out last night. And I have to look at it on incognito mode because, you know, she's blocked me because I made fun of this.
Forget what it was, something she posted, whatever. It doesn't matter. So, you know, I take it takes me five extra seconds to look at her tweets.
You know, she did a real good job there. Here's what she says. She posts an article.
And here's how she summarizes the article. She says, L .A. hospitals are so overwhelmed by COVID patients, ambulances are being ordered to stop transporting patients to hospitals if they have virtually no chance of surviving.
The culture of death that we pro -life Christians warned about is here. We brought it.
And this is demonic speak. I mean, she's a witch.
I called her a witch last night. I called her an absolute witch and then I changed it to regular witch because she's not absolute witch.
But she's a witch. She's an accuser of the brethren. She's working for the demons.
And, you know, this tweet, you know, makes even the most rabid atheist on Twitter look nice by comparison.
I mean, I'm sorry, but, like, you can't convince me that she's not playing for the wrong team.
Karen Swallow Pryor has revealed herself. Yeah, and I know
I'm going to get in trouble because she's got somehow she's got friends in my circles and people think that she's actually, like, on the right team and, you know, she's not that bad and all that kind of stuff.
And I've held my tongue about Karen Swallow Pryor for a long time. Not because I, like, I want to, like, respect, you know, their wishes, but, like,
I don't know. She just seems like a run -of -the -mill kind of liberal -ish Christian. Nothing special. You know what I mean? Nothing different.
But, you know, she's getting more and more in lockstep with the propaganda as the days go by.
There's just no question about it. This tweet is so preposterous.
I don't think I have to describe all the ways that it's preposterous. But think about this for a second.
Like, what is she saying here? What she's saying is that Christians are killers, right? We're the ones that are killers.
You know, we've been warning about abortion is murder and abortion is killing a life with malice aforethought.
We have been the ones arguing that, but we're the ones doing that. That's the point of this tweet, where it's like we brought what we warned against.
We warned against murdering babies and murdering innocent folks, but we're the ones doing it.
Why? Because we're having church. Well, at least some of us.
At least the real Christians among us are having church. This is a dig at John MacArthur, by the way. And she didn't name him, so she'll always be able to wiggle out of it.
This is a John MacArthur and his, like, proponents dig, because they're having church during COVID.
I mean, what could be more heinous than worshiping God as he's commanded on Sunday in person, the elements and everything like that, not requiring pieces of clothing in order to be clean for worship, not spurning the law of God where it talks about quarantining the sick and the healthy go on.
Nothing like that. No, no, no. That's not part of the worship, so therefore, they're killers.
That's the pro -death party. We brought it. Christians brought it. She's accusing
Christians of being murderers here in the same vein that abortionists and pro -abortionists would be murderers, because they won't wear a mask.
Well, some of us won't wear a mask, even though masks don't do anything, even though there is no spread of this virus when it comes to people that have no symptoms, even though all of that doesn't matter to Karen Swallow Pryor.
The details don't matter. What she wants to do is she wants to zing Christians.
Someone who takes every opportunity to zing Christians in general. I'm not talking about specific people, specific words.
Obviously, everyone has to own their words. If somebody wants to come at me and say, Adam, you're in sin because you called
Karen Swallow a witch, I'll call her a witch again. She's a witch. You want to tell me that I'm in sin for that?
That's not the same thing as accusing the brethren, you see, because I'm actually owning those words, and so you can come at me, and I'll have to own those words, because it's something specific
I said about a specific situation, and you can be like, well, there it is, there it is. But no, no, no, that's not what
Karen's saying. Karen's saying that Christians are the force for evil in our time during COVID -19.
Christians are the ones that are pro -death, even though they say that they're pro -life.
We're the ones who brought the culture of death. It's not the thousands upon thousands of children that are murdered in the womb every single day in our country.
It's not the pagans that push forward this kind of stuff. It's not her gay friends who have unions that are destructive, and they're fundamentally destructive to human flourishing, and whatever buzzword you want to use, it's none of that.
That's not the culture of death, right? You see, the revoiced people, they're just looking for human flourishing and for love, right?
That's not the culture of death. What's the culture of death is going to church on Sunday in the midst of a pandemic that doesn't kill hardly anybody that it infects, and all of that.
And so Karen Swallow Pryor is playing for the wrong team. She takes every opportunity to bash
Christians. It doesn't matter how preposterous it is. Any opportunity that she can seize, she will do it.
She wants to make the Church of Christ look as bad as it possibly can, and that's the reality.
Guys, this is so evil, and by the way, it's also stupid.
Like, stupid and evil often go hand in hand. Like, she's not understanding the article. A couple of people were pointing this out.
Tom Buck, I think, is a friend of Karen Swallow Pryor's, but, you know, and listen, I'd have nothing against Tom Buck for that.
You know, you can have unbelieving friends. That's totally fine, but here's the thing, guys. Like, in the article, he says, like, maybe you guys should actually read this article because Karen obviously didn't summarize it properly.
Listen to the article because Karen wants you to think that there's all these people that are sick that should be going to the hospital and getting resuscitated that are being turned away, but the article actually says, we are not abandoning resuscitation.
We are using best practice resuscitation, and that is to do the resuscitation in the field when you go to the house, when the ambulance is there, when the sick person is in front of you, and do it right away.
The only difference is that we're changing the rules about who gets to come to the hospital and who doesn't get to come to the hospital because we've seen there's been poor outcomes there.
This is nothing that's not best practices here. This is what hospitals do. Then Marcus Pittman over here, let's see if we can find his tweet because his was also,
I thought, very insightful as well. She says this, she says,
If Karen Swallow Pryor understood basic economics, she would understand that hospitals are overcapacity in the same way that McDonald's always has a line of people waiting.
They staff in order to be efficient and profitable. It is unprofitable to have bored staff and empty bedrooms.
That is very true. That is very true. They have contingencies for when they're overstaffed or overcapacity, and they put those actions and plans into place as necessary.
We've got very smart business people that decide how to do that and stuff like that.
But no, no, no, no, no. Karen Swallow Pryor doesn't care about any of the facts. What she cares about is taking digs at the
Christian church, the Bride of Christ. What she wants to do is to say, just in general, they're just pro -death.
They say they're pro -life, but they're bringing the culture of death. The stench of death is in the church of Jesus Christ.
We hate our neighbors, and we want to kill our neighbors the same way, or at least analogy to the way that abortionists want to kill their neighbors.
But I guarantee you, if you go through Karen Swallow Pryor's little litany of articles, she probably has the technically correct position on abortion, but she probably soft pedals it every chance that she gets, because that's how these people are.
When it comes to the pagans, she wants to make them look as good as possible.
She'll have the technically right answers, because she's not a stupid woman, or at least not a—she's a cunning woman, let's just say that.
She's not stupid in that way. But she'll have the technically right answers for the pagans, but she'll make them look as good as possible.
She wants to hold them in the right lighting to make them look good. But when it comes to the church, she often doesn't even have the technically right answer, and she'll always hold them in a dark room to make them look as ominous and as tired and as twisted as she possibly can.
What do you say about someone who does that? What if you had a husband or a wife that did that to you, that was always pointing out what you did wrong or what you're bad at and never, ever encouraging you in the things that you're good at?
Nothing like that. No. What would you say about a wife like that? Is that a good wife or a bad wife?
What would you say if simultaneously to take in digs at you all day, what she did with the neighbor, the
Ned Flanders next door, you know what I mean, who's got the barrel chest and all that stuff, what she did with him was always say the good things that he did and ignore the bad things.
What would you say about a woman like that? Anyway, the point here is that Karen Swallow Pryor is likely playing for the wrong team.
She is on the propaganda bus like you would not believe. Any piece of propaganda that CNN wants her to use, she will use it.
You want to use our propaganda terms, Christian nationalists? Sure, I'll use Christian nationalists. Anything to take a dig at the church.
Anything to take a dig at the church. Now her friends are going to be like, whoa, whoa, that's not very charitable,
Adam. That's not very charitable. You can't know her heart. And the truth is, I don't have to know her heart perfectly.
I have to look at her actions. I have to look at what she does because out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.
And I think it's very demonic to act in this way, to be constantly looking for ways to make the church look worse and constantly looking for ways to make the pagans look better by comparison.
I think that that's demonic. That's a very carefully chosen word.
I think that Karen Swallow Pryor is playing for the wrong team. And so this is the reality, guys.
I think we need to recognize that and understand that. And there's a few different ways you can deal with this.
You can come at her very difficult and hard the way I'm doing right now. You can just ignore her and maybe she'll go away.
I don't know really what the solution is, but I do know one thing that you probably shouldn't pay into the systems and the institutions that are employing her to teach
Christian men how to be pastors and stuff like that. I would probably advise against that. I would probably avoid paying into this kind of a nonsense.
What cemetery does she work for now? Southeastern, I think. Southern Baptists are paying her and all that kind of stuff.
I don't really know what else to say about this, but I want to say that I think calling her a witch is probably not harsh enough.
This is deplorable. And you can even see she's got that sarcasm, that really pathetic sort of pagan sarcasm.
Sarcasm is okay, but there's a pagan way to do it and there's a Christian way to do it. The Christian way to do it is way better, of course.
But she's got that sarcasm where she can always wiggle out of what she's saying here and all that kind of stuff.
I think a lot of people caught on to her game in this. If you look at the thread here,
I can't see everything because I can't log in because the minute I log in I won't be able to see it, but lots of people here are questioning this.
You know what I mean? Even some of her Big Eva guild, Dan Darling and some of these other people, they're questioning it.
They're like, this is insane. But, of course, they're not going to do anything about it. That's the thing.
Okay, I'm against what you said here, Karen. Okay, fine, but you've got to do something about it though.
You've got to make her change. You have to fire her from your institutions. You've got to stop paying her to do this to you.
Why would you pay someone to just constantly berate you and demean you and make you look bad if they're pretending to be on your team?
I can understand going to Amazon and Jeff Bezos doesn't like Christians, let's say, and you're buying a video game there or something.
That's one thing. But if you're paying her to do the thing she's paid to do, which is be a
Christian commentator or whatever or a Christian leader or something like that, and in that role she's doing this against you, why would you do that?
It doesn't make any sense to me. I don't get it, but I'm not a Southern Baptist, so I guess you guys have to figure that stuff out.
Anyway, I guess that's it for my video today. I think today's going to be a really good day. I think that a lot of people have woken up to the nonsense in the last couple of days.
I know a lot of people think that today's going to be like the start of the Civil War. I don't think so, man. I think that it's going to be a nothing, a big nothing.
We're going to have the confirmation of the Electoral College, and what's -his -face
Pence isn't going to do anything. Maybe they'll have a little bit of debate, a couple hours or something like that, but there's going to be no different result.
I mean, that's just how it is, right? Anyway, I hope you found this video helpful. God bless.
Here's the thing, guys. I know that some people are going to say I'm being mean and all this kind of stuff, and that's what the story's going to be.
It's going to be like, well, you shouldn't have called her a witch. You shouldn't have called her demonic. And all of a sudden, these things like calling her a witch, calling her demonic is going to be the story, but she called
Christians, in general, murderers for nonsense. For having church,
Christians are murderers to Karen Swallow Pryor, and because that's not as aggressive, it's more covert because she's a woman and they speak in covert language.
Because it's more—and by the way, lots of Big Eva males speak in covert language. That's going to be acceptable, but what
I'm saying directly in strong language won't be acceptable. Don't fall for that. I know people in this audience won't, but there's a good chance that new people are going to see this video because Karen Swallow Pryor has a lot of sycophants.
And so if you're going to say that it's okay to call Christians, in general, murderers for having church, but not okay to call her a witch for saying that evil thing, you've got problems.
You're like the whitewashed tombs, and on the outside, you don't have the harsh language, but on the inside, it's just destruction and war and bitterness.
Like, that's not how this works, guys. You've got the outside polished nice and good.
Karen really doesn't, but a lot of you do. But the inside is just destruction and decay and nonsense.
I mean, this is a bitter woman, a bitter woman. But she doesn't use strong language, so I guess that's okay.
I mean, that's just such a scam. Like, I would suggest, if you're new and you're watching this and you've got that reaction, how dare you call her?
How dare you? You know what I mean? I would suggest that you take a look at the scriptures about that exact thing, where the outside is all polished, but the inside is destructive.
That's the actual problem, though. Like, I could have just said she's a big meanie for what she said, and hers would still be worse than mine.
I could call her something much harsher than what I did, and hers would still be worse than mine.
You see, it's just like, it's the content. She's evil for having said this. This is an evil statement.
And if you don't agree that this is an evil statement, then you've got some other things that you need to take to work out with the
Lord as well, because this is pure, unadulterated evil. Anyway, I hope you found this video helpful.