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“Pastor” René McIntyre sets herself up as the go-to prophetic voice for the new era! The Holy Nope Breakdown


Is God's Word enough? In episode 315 of the Holy Nope, Renee McIntyre sets herself up as the go -to prophetic voice of new revelation for the new era.
So I believe what the Lord is trying to do is take us to a place of maturity because the era has changed and there must be new revelation.
Three primary buzz phrases in this word salad are new revelation, new era and the revealing of mysteries in a greater way.
In this breakdown I'd like to address each of these concepts. Let's start with new revelation. The claim is that new revelation is needed in order to navigate the new era victoriously.
But the only reason new revelation is needed is because the old revelation is insufficient. Now at this point we need to qualify our terms because a lot of people will use the word revelation and what they mean is illumination.
Revelation refers to God making himself objectively knowable. The second article of the Belgic Confession says we know him by two means.
First the creation, preservation and government of the universe which is before our eyes as a most elegant book where in all creatures great and small are as so many characters leading us to contemplate the invisible things of God.
Namely his eternal power and divinity all which things are sufficient to convince men and leave them without excuse.
Secondly he makes himself more clearly and fully known to us by his holy and divine word.
That is to say as far as is necessary for us to know in this life to his glory and our salvation.
God after he spoke long ago to the fathers and the prophets in many portions and in many ways in these last days has spoken to us in his son.
The revelation of the incarnate son is contained in the canon of scripture and the canon is closed.
God is not adding to his word. God has spoken and he has spoken sufficiently. That's revelation.
Illumination on the other hand is the work of the Holy Spirit in the believer to cause us to believe and understand revelation.
So when you're reading the word and suddenly the understanding clicks for you that just as Moses ascended
Mount Sinai to receive the law from God so Christ in Matthew 5 ascends a mountain from which to give the law in the
Sermon on the Mount because he is God in the flesh. That's not you receiving new revelation directly from God.
That is the illuminating work of the Holy Spirit making you to understand the revelation in front of you.
So revelation and illumination are distinct. This woman does not mean illumination. She is teaching that the church requires new revelation.
This is heresy and I don't use that word lightly. It is heresy because it is denying the fundamental truth that the
Bible alone is infallibly authoritative and sufficient for the church in this age. Not new as in never created and now it's made up but that he is going to reveal mysteries in a greater way that are needed to be able to sustain and to become victorious in the new era.
Does that make sense? No that does not make sense. It is in this very clip that Renee is already claiming to have received not illumination but fresh revelation directly from God.
She claims that the church has passed into a new era an era in which old revelation isn't enough.
If we look back at Hebrews 1 we notice that verse 2 says that in these last days God has spoken to us in his son.
The last days are the period between Christ's ascension and Christ's return. So there's no need to look around and say well things are getting really bad now.
We're definitely in the last days. We've been in the last days for 2 ,000 years. So there are no new eras for the church to move into before the return of Christ.
Yet Renee claims at least implicitly that God has revealed to her that we are in a new era that requires new revelation.
That as we've gone into a new era of time the mysteries that he has thus far already revealed to us are not enough.
They were enough for the era that has passed but we must now open up our understanding to the mysteries.
Let God reveal greater things. Baloney. Hogwash. Gobbly goop.
Nonsense. Ridiculous. Absurd. Astronomically idiotic. Let's talk about mysteries. Now I've dealt with this in a previous breakdown when super apostle
Catherine Crick has said something very similar about God wanting to reveal mysteries. According to the
Bible, however, mysteries are not mystical. You should see that video pop up right here for your viewing pleasure.
And I encourage you to watch it because the way in which these false teachers twist the mystery of Christ is a major holy...
I feel like I'm losing my mind. Is everybody in the world blind?