Our President is Promoting sin on Easter | EP 11

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If you went back in time 30 years to explain that the President of the United States was promoting sin on Easter, well you might have a hard time getting people to believe you. Especially if you got into the detail of the types of sin he's advocating for. Then he signs off - in the name of the LORD!


So the vulnerability comes from a place that's fundamentally disordered in the first place.
And what Joe Biden is doing to this person who's trans, as they say, is he's enslaving them.
He's a slave master to them with an ideology, not with the physical chain, but with an ideological chain to say, hey, young person, you are trapped in the wrong body.
You are a woman, but you're trapped in a male body. How enslaving and insidious is that?
That is a gross evil against that person. And so now you're imprisoning them in this wrong way of thinking, which only can lead to their own pain and ultimate destruction.
And welcome to Tearing Down High Places. This is Average Joe and we're coming to you on our remote, our first remote, our first remote podcast.
As I always say, we've got Pastor Jeff Cleaver here and Pastor Tim Robinson, as per usual. And today we're going to address something that came about on Easter Day.
We're going to address what Joe Biden did to celebrate the
Lord's being risen from the dead. Is that what happened, Pastor Jeff? Well, in his proclamation of Transgender Visibility Day, if you go to the last paragraph and Joe, we're going to ask you to read this if you don't mind, because it is jaw dropping what's happening in our country.
But I want to point out that he signs off in the name of our Lord. Now he uses the year of our
Lord, 2024, but he's using the name of our Lord to promote this kind of insanity.
Wow. Yeah. So I will take this full screen for our guests that are here.
On Transgender Day of Visibility, we honor the extraordinary courage and contributions of transgender
Americans and reaffirm our nation's commitment to forming a more perfect union where all people are created equal and treated equally throughout their lives.
I am proud that my administration has stood for justice from the start, working to ensure that LGBTQI plus, there's a couple new ones in there, community can live openly in safety with dignity and respect.
I am proud to have appointed transgender leaders to my administration and to have ended the ban on transgender
Americans. Transgender Americans as part of the fabric of our nation, whether serving their communities or in the military, raising families or running businesses, they help
America thrive. They deserve and are entitled to the same rights and freedoms as every other American, including the most fundamental freedom to be their true selves.
But extremists are proposing hundreds of hateful laws that target and terrify transgender kids and their families, silencing teachers, banning books, and even threatening parents, doctors and nurses with prison for helping parents care for their children.
These bills attack our most basic American values, the freedom to be yourself, the freedom to make your own healthcare decisions, and even the right to raise your own child.
It is no surprise that the bullying and discrimination that transgender
Americans face is worsening our nation's mental health crisis, leading half of transgender youth to consider suicide in the past year.
At the same time, an epidemic of violence against transgender women and girls, especially women and girls of color, continues to take too many lives.
Let me be clear, all of these attacks are un -American and must end. No one should have to be brave just to be themselves.
At the same time, my administration is working to stop the bullying and harassment of transgender children and their families.
The Department of Justice is taking action to push back against extreme and un -American state laws targeting transgender youth and their families.
And the Department of Justice is partnering with law enforcement and community groups to combat hate and violence.
My administration is also providing dedicated emergency mental health support through our nationwide
Suicide and Crisis Lifeline. Any LGBTQI plus person, young person, in need can call 988 and press 3 to speak with a counselor trained to support them.
We are making public services more accessible for transgender
Americans, including with more inclusive passports and easier access to social security benefits.
There is much more to do. I continue to call on the Congress to pass the Equality Act to codify civil rights protections for all
LGBTQI plus Americans. Today we send a message to all transgender
Americans. You are loved. You are heard. You are understood. You belong.
You are America. And my entire administration and I have your back. Now therefore
I, Joseph R. Biden Jr., President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the
Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim March 31st, 2024 as Transgender Day of Visibility.
I call upon all Americans to join us in lifting up the lives and voices of transgender people throughout our nation and to work toward eliminating violence and discrimination based on gender identity.
In witness thereof, I have hereunto set my hand this 29th day of March in the year of our
Lord, 2024, end of the independence of the United States of America and the 248th,
Joseph R. Biden Jr. So Joseph R. Biden Jr.
has a remarkable way of casting his aggressive anti -Christian punch in the face as victimology, where he's the defender as if anybody was on the attack, but he himself chooses
Resurrection Sunday, Easter Sunday, to proclaim trans. He's trying to co -opt what was the most important holiday of the year for Christians and make it a trans day.
And yet he has a remarkable way of acting as if he's the defender of victims.
Yeah, it reminds me of this verse in Romans 1, verse 32, though they knew
God's righteous decree that those who practice such things deserve to die. They not only do them, but give approval to those who practice them.
Wow, kind of what Joe was doing there. And also, are we sure
Joe even wrote that? I don't know if he's coherent enough to even formulate those thoughts. But that's him.
That's a harsh. That's harsh, buddy. I know it's hard. But just getting him and watching him, he doesn't seem like he he would be able to formulate that.
But he signed it. So I guess technically he did write it. Yeah. Did did
Adam technically eat the apple first? Right. And was it an apple?
Yeah, that's what you're supposed to say. Average Joe. Did you just call it the apple? It's not an apple. Yeah. So I could go through this whole thing.
There's so many horrible things, too. And I mean, Jeff, you went right to the end. And I would
I would say, my gosh, there's so many planned things in there that are just trying to expand power.
Right. This is all this is all about expanding power. What else can we take over to control people?
Well, they recognize that there is a struggle in this country between two competing worldviews.
And what he's saying is they want to have the Equality Act. So you got to say, well, what is the Equality Act? What does that seek to do?
And one of the things that it seeks to do is to silence pastors and silence
Christians from speaking the truth about matters of right and wrong. So you can't call sin, sin any longer.
You have to follow this politically correct language in the pulpit and on radio and on podcasts.
They're trying to control the narrative. And it really is the clash of two worldviews.
So we are preaching the truth of God's word. And this is a direct assault against that promoting the
Equality Act, because just like you said, they want control. They want to be able to silence the speech of those who disagree with them.
And ultimately, this isn't good for anybody, because he's saying in the name of protecting the rights of these people, the
LGBTQ and the transgenders, he's saying he wants to do all these things to protect their rights.
But what he should be doing is stopping all of this nonsense to protect them.
Because none of this is good for them. And then he even went on to talk about how he wants to protect
LGBTQ and transgenders from committing suicide, and he wanted them to call for help and stuff.
But it's bad that we're even saying this is okay for a boy to become a girl, a girl to become a boy.
And it's confusing them even more. Yeah.
I mean, we could go through this line by line, and, you know, why don't we?
As I go through this, you know, what is that new, it looks like there's an extra acronym in there, an extra character in the acronym,
LGBTQI+. What's the I? I's new, isn't it?
I don't know. Now, the plus, the plus, and I, you know, it's funny,
I mean, several years ago, I heard this and warned people about it and they thought I was crazy. You know,
I guess it was before COVID. Everybody thought everybody was crazy, you know, things hadn't been exposed too much.
But we know what the plus is. Plus is all the sins that they're not ready to expose because they know they haven't indoctrinated us enough.
Right? Yeah. I think of bestiality and pedophilia.
Those are the two big ones out there that they haven't really addressed yet, although Yeah.
And polygamy and polyamory. Well, I mean, that I think people are ready to accept, and I think that's probably right.
I mean, I know I met with some Mormons several years ago when the whole Boy Scout thing was going down.
And they said, yeah, well, if they get this passed, we're getting our polygamy.
Now that hasn't really transitioned, and that was the first thing, and that's not, I wasn't talking to the leader of the
Mormon church, I was talking to one Mormon guy, you know what I mean? So, but there are, my understanding is there are two cities in the
United States that have legalized polyamory. Wow. Well, they call it polyamory instead of polygamy.
I don't know why. I don't know. Well, because of social justice, they got to leave it to be open in both directions.
It's got to be fair and equal. Oh, is the etymology of the word polygamy refers to men having multiple wives only and not going both ways?
Is that what you're saying? That's what I think. Yeah. But I could be wrong. I'm no expert on that. That would make sense.
That would make sense. Okay. So, interesting here, we've got a reference to dignity and respect.
What's, what the heck, dignity, isn't dignity, isn't that a word that, you know, comes from being made in the image of our creator?
Yeah, and it also refers to how one carries oneself. There it's it's not something that is inherently always there.
People can objectively operate in ways that are undignified and that should be dishonored.
You know, dignity is something that you carry with which you carry yourself. So but it's it's something that's being demanded here when it ought to be something that's earned respect.
That is, you should have to earn respect rather than demand it of other people. Now, I would say one of the things that gets even the secularists upset is the next line.
He talks about transgender Americans openly serving in America. Secularist humans who have no love for God whatsoever hate this because it it inherently is destroying our military.
Have you guys either you guys spoken to any military folks about what's going on with this?
Not this particular thing, no, but we have military people in our church. Yeah. Yeah, I think they're they're very upset about what's happening in the military.
And you know, we talked about, you know, can can Christians, you know, at what point can
Christians even serve in the military when when this kind of stuff is going on? Right.
Well, that's the constant struggle in any kind of employment, if you're in the world and not of it, at what point has your company or the military, whatever it is, become so corrupt that to even work for them is is helping their cause or their mission.
And if the mission of the military now has become LGBTQ inclusion and all of these social justice initiatives at some point, that is a legitimate question, at least.
I don't know that it's gotten to that point where everybody and Christians need to leave the military. I don't think it has.
But I think that that it's a legitimate conversation at this point. Something to keep an eye on.
Yeah. So the next part of that sentence, and I don't know if you guys have this pulled up or if you can see it, it's but I'll show it to the audience in the final cut.
It says, I'm proud to have signed this to strengthen civil rights protections in housing, employment, health care, education and the justice system and more.
That is that's what we talked about last week. The government has absolutely no role in housing, employment, health care, education.
They're not supposed to be involved in any of that stuff, right? And it's interesting how they connect all those things because they make everything.
It's that whole intersectionality that all of these things are connected.
And once you're part of that victim class, then one area of victimology affects the other.
So somehow this advocating for, quote, unquote, trans people, which is a fiction.
This becomes a social justice issue economically. You're helping the poor.
And they find ways to connect these dots in ridiculous ways. Yeah. So I'm thinking of your first your first book quoted
Votie Bachum a lot on this as you know. So if folks wanted to, you know, if they've already read
Woke Free Church, I think Votie Bachum is a great place to send people to get more info.
Fault Lines was his book. Oh, Fault Lines. You quoted Fault Lines. Yeah. Yeah. It's I mentioned
Votie Bachum multiple times to some woke Christians. And boy, they that's a that's a that's a conversation stopper right there.
Really? Yeah. Well, for the audience, if you don't know Votie Bachum, he's he's a he is blessed with a lot of melanin.
And he you know, the last thing a woke Christian wants to hear is an argument from a black pastor, especially one as articulate as Votie Bachum.
And he knows it. And I think that's one of the reasons he's so aggressive. He's like, this is what God's called me to do.
Put me in a position to do this. Well, Votie Bachum doesn't really count, Joe, because he's been whitewashed.
That's what he says. Yeah. But interestingly, you know what? His story is so interesting.
He said he he literally went to did his graduate work over in England because he felt like if he went over there, he couldn't get accused of being a product of affirmative action.
So he he went I think he went to Oxford, you know, and he figured, hey, if I go over there, you know, people wouldn't treat him like, you know, they had to just pass him along.
And, you know, he was I mean, give him some credit, man. That's that's pretty impressive that he would do that.
Yeah. I care. Every average Joe would have took the A's over here. I'm just saying. Yeah. So then then then
President Biden talks about the respect for the Marriage Act into law, ensuring that every
American can marry the person they love. Is there a new Marriage Act he's putting up there?
Wasn't he wasn't he involved in the Marriage Act 30 years ago with President Clinton that said marriage is between a man and a woman?
Well, he's changed his tune, evidently. So I guess with Obergefell, that's a Supreme Court decision.
And now they want to write a law. Yeah. The legislative. Right. Oh, so horrible.
So horrible. You know, you know, I'm I got oh, I got to share with you guys. I got I got a comment from a someone who said that they gave me a quote from a
Roman Catholic who liked everything we were saying when we were talking about Trump versus Biden.
Remember that he thought everything was great, except apparently like Tim asked me what
I liked about marriage. And I said, I love marriage. I love it so much.
I was married twice, you know, and and they didn't think that was funny. And like,
I mean, you know, we I just it just makes me wonder. I mean, how how far away are we from the marriage ethic in the
Bible that you can't talk about anything? You know, I mean, and if we you know, we are we kid around about a lot of serious issues.
And you spoke before about being dour. Should we should we be dour, Jeff? No, I don't think so.
And as far as like divorce, there are biblical reasons for divorce. So if there's a biblical reason for divorce, then then that that's the case.
So Christians should be allowed to talk about that. And and yeah, no. But to your point, we should be able to joke about everything in life and just not necessarily every single thing.
But we should have a joyful disposition and generally be happy people and be able to laugh.
You know, if you're not going to laugh, I feel bad for you. I don't know where this is in the
Bible. Maybe you guys know, but I know C .S. Lewis talked about in the screw tape letters that the devil hates to be mocked.
And if the devil hates to be mocked, man, we need to be mockers, right?
Well, there's a place for it. Like, I think we can't. I think it's like a specialized weapon in the arsenal of the
Christian that can be used from time to time and appropriately. So Elijah, when he's on Mount Carmel, he is literally
Mark mocking the enemies and those who bring more water. Yeah, he is.
Maybe your God's off going to the bathroom like you can't hear you. Paul, at times, employs mockery.
And I think even Jesus and Matthew 23, you could describe some of his languages as mocking or at least so strongly and severely opposing.
And I think, Joe, you and I disagreed about that one comment about the tithing of the mint, the dill.
I think he meant that seriously, but you might have taken that as a as just a joke. Yeah, yeah.
Can you imagine going down? I can imagine getting an IRS letter saying that I didn't give the
IRS enough of my garlic and my oregano. Right. And that's. Yeah. That's how they how they were thinking that, yes, we don't have to be funny to laugh at one another's jokes.
We might not be funny, but we're happy. I think someday we're going to be in heaven and Jesus can be.
No, that was comedy. And no, that was serious. And you all got it backwards. Yeah, you got I'm sure that's happened more than once.
Well, so the guy apparently the commenter didn't like that. You you made a joke about having been divorced.
Well, I mean, it's a doctrinal issue. I mean, in the Catholic Church, I mean, I know I know lots of people that have their faith has been trounced because they were forced into a divorce and they weren't allowed to go take communion.
And to write a Catholic, if you don't have communion, you've got no grace.
So you're literally having God's grace taken from you. Yeah, because in their view of justification and it's not a legal declaration, it's something that you maintain.
It's an infusion of grace and you need the sacraments for the kind of the maintenance of your spiritual life to remain justified, not just the sacraments, but also your works and not to commit certain sins.
And if you do, you've got to go maintain it through penances and all. So it's a different system and a different view of being justified.
So, yeah, for them to deny communion for someone, what if the person who was divorced was not at fault?
So here we go with the no fault divorce kind of stuff. What if what if one one spouse committed adultery and therefore there was a divorce?
Should that one who was cheated on not be able to take communion? We've kind of talked about, you know, keeping my my personal opinions of marriage and divorce out of a full show because we don't want to knock people off the wall at once.
And we haven't even fully vetted you, Joe. We don't even know everything. You better vet me on that particular subject.
Yeah, but but I will I will say this. You can always you know, you know, you can always have me delete something if I say something silly.
But in that circumstance, you know, I really wish I had read First Corinthians seven closer.
Yes. When when when, you know, so if that if that Catholic person is listening, you know,
I foolishly allowed myself to fight till I was bloodied to keep my family together from his first time left me in 2004.
Again, in 2012, we didn't get divorced till 2008. I mean, I went years and years and years. And if I had only read
Paul's statement in First Corinthians seven, it says if the unbelieving spouse leaves, you are free. Why didn't
I read that? Yeah, no, I think that it's good to fight for the marriage, but if there's an unbeliever who is leaving you, yeah, that's an extreme situation.
That is a form of divorce. It's not. Yeah. The legally recognized. But she's left you.
She's divorced you. Well, because we've allowed the government to take over marriage to what happens is that extends the legal length of the marriage.
So I had like I had like an 18 year marriage on paper, but I only lived with her nine years.
Wow. So which is a significant difference in the alimony and all that stuff.
But anyway, as we go on, Joe Joe Biden's respect for marriage, they really just can't define.
I mean, why do we have these people defining marriage that I mean, we just got to get there is no definition because the way that they've destroyed the foundations of one man and one woman in covenant.
Now, how could they ever deny three men and four women in some polyamorous thing?
Like so they've completely undermined the foundation. So I think it is actually appropriate that we've veered in this conversation to talk about marriage, because that's the point.
They've left any objective standard from God's word. So and transgenderism is a mockery of it is one male and female.
And so it's a mockery of marriage. It's a mockery of God's design for marriage, that it was male and female.
Right. So, you know, they now I mean, we got people arguing that, well, if it's a male, that's a transgender female and a female, it's a transgender male.
You pretty much got the same thing. Doesn't matter. I've heard of it happening. There is every letter on there is a mockery and it's trying to get you away from male and female, one male, one female.
So I looked up the eye. We didn't know what the eye was. It stands for intersex. So it's like intersex is like if you are not comfortable being any of the binary genders, you just.
Yeah, and we should say that if there's someone who's born that that point, small percentage of a percentage who are born with genitals of both both sexes, what's happened there is that God has created chromosomally a male or a female.
But because sin is in the world, there will be birth defects that could affect any part. You could be born without an arm or you could, of course, be born with with problems in the genitals.
But this does not mean that God's design has changed. It means sin is in the world and therefore there are birth defects.
And so the person should correct, according to using medicine and surgeries and things like that, in a way that conforms with how
God chromosomally designed that person to be. So, yeah, there's sin in the world, therefore there's defects.
But that doesn't change the design. It doesn't change God's good pattern, just to say that it's been defaced by sin.
Yeah, and we're not and all these laws that are going to prevent us from talking about sin, you know, even in you know, we've talked about this to I think nationally people are more aware of what's happened in Canada and their recent tyrannical efforts to prevent people from sharing good biblical counsel.
But in the state of New Jersey, that law is in effect. The penalties aren't as severe, but that law is already in effect.
If you're a psychologist who is a Christian and you decide to help someone who's struggling with the sin of homosexuality, you can lose your psychological degree.
I would argue maybe you should think about whether or not you should be practicing psychology. Maybe you should just be a biblical counselor, but but you will.
You'll get you'll lose your license. Wow. Yep. Yeah. And they want to extend that to the pulpit.
They haven't gotten there yet. That's the point of the Equality Act and so many other things they're pushing.
Yes. Well, the Equality Act being is that a federal that's going to be a federal law that they're pushing.
That'll be a federal law. Yeah. Yeah. Wow. Talk about and this let's circle this back around, because all right.
Joe Biden proclaims Easter Sunday. To be the trans visibility day, this is the clashing of two incompatible kingdoms.
And yet Joe Biden uses the term in the year of our Lord. He's saying our
Lord. Meanwhile, importing something that's completely contrary to the
Lord's own word. So I think this is a wake up call to the church that you have somebody who is accosting the kingdom of God.
He is a direct assailant to all things that are good and godly. And yet he's using the name of God.
And Christians cannot accept that. We have to stand up and say Resurrection Day belongs to the
Lord. He rose from the dead. He's a higher authority than you, Joe Biden. Yeah, I'm kind of glad he didn't say common error, because, you know,
I really I've heard some Christians promoting a Christian book talking about common error and before common error.
And I'm like, what are you doing? Yeah, gag me with a spoon. You're you're you are capitulating to the language of the left.
They they would. So it's interesting because he's a Catholic, he's more comfortable doing that. But really what he's doing, Joe, is actually just keeping with presidential protocol, which what does that say?
It says that since the founding of this nation, these presidential decrees have used the term in the name of our
Lord. That's amazing. Well, yeah, well, it says a lot about wrote prayers, right?
Wrote prayers are meaningless because he he probably he's probably got the our father memorized, too, which is a great prayer.
But I'll bet you he can't explain it. Right. You know, so, yeah, so the the the federal government getting involved in any of this, this is this is a this is powerful.
But, you know, they're going to say I already heard them say, you know, it was every March 31st.
So we may not have really meant to have it on Easter. It was March 31st.
And that's every year's transgender day since the beginning of transgender time. It's been March 31st, which
I think that was a couple of years ago. Right. Well, I think the first person that ever used it was like 2009 and just tried to get a movement started.
It built and gained momentum throughout the world. But every year that a president decrees this, he wrote a presidential decree this year for March 31st, twenty twenty four.
Sorry, that's your fault, Joe. You know, you're going along with a worldly current of thought that is not necessary.
You don't have to declare that every year. But you chose to do that this year in twenty twenty four, even though it was
Easter Sunday. So it shows that he's he's just blown away by the blown along by the currents of the time.
And he's not thinking at all as a Christian, even though he uses the name our Lord. Yeah, one, there should not be even a day devoted to it.
Well, that's the simple point. Yeah, that's yeah, that's the simple point. And how could you even have, you know, a conscience that week to allow you to even do it for one time, let alone on Easter Sunday?
Right, right. So that's that's a problem, I think, if you have a president that can't think through that and and isn't moral enough to even see that that isn't right to do.
Right. He's not bound by anything. Let's say twenty twenty five. The next president comes along and here comes
Easter Sunday or even March 31st. And it's not Easter Sunday. He does not have to declare that trans visibility day.
Hmm. He can declare it, declare it whatever he wants, if that's his presidential prerogative.
But he will be accountable for what he does. Yeah, that yeah. The next section in here points to the other bill we're talking about, the
Freedom to Read Act in New Jersey. President Biden says extremists are proposing hundreds of hateful laws that target and terrify transgender kids and their families, silencing teachers, banning books, threatening parents, doctors and nurses with prison.
So unfortunately, I think that means that the bill that we saw put on the side in New Jersey probably going to come back at some point.
What do you think? Oh, yeah, that fight's not over. They well, the whole point is they're trying to indoctrinate children into their worldview.
And so much of their worldview is sexualized. And their worldview runs on that fuel because that's really what's motivating and driving many of these people.
They're motivated by their perversions. They want it mainstreamed for their own. First of all, for their own consciences, because they feel like morality is just subjective anyway.
And the more people that agree with me, the more I can feel right about what I view. Hey, if 93 percent agree on this, then
I must be OK. Nothing to be ashamed of, nothing to feel guilty about. So they want as many people and they want more people to practice their perversion with a
Christian country where people practice biblical morality, leaves them alone in some weird bathhouse somewhere.
The next question, the next section has has a good has a question on my mind that I want to ask you guys.
It talks about it's no surprise that bullying and discrimination that transgender Americans face is worsening our nation's mental health crisis, leading half of our transgender youth to consider suicide in the past year.
Mental health crisis, I personally am of the opinion, you guys may disagree with me that this is this is where I say the conservatives aren't really conserving, conserving anything.
They're falling hook, line and sinker for the mental health nonsense that comes out of the
APA, the American Psychological Association, which is nothing more than a political organization that that that changes their their so -called so -called medical opinions based on political wins.
What say y 'all? You want to go first, Tim? No, you go ahead,
Jeff. All right. So. Is guilt good or bad? That's that's a big question, guilt is good,
I think can be good. Can be good. It could be such such a thing as like a thought of guilt when you shouldn't feel guilty, which would be a mind that's that's troubled by something like maybe
OCD can result in that scrupulosity. Yeah. Or Satan, or Satan.
Yeah. But generally guilt comes from a conscience and assuming that the conscience isn't getting haywire, that guilt is supposed to lead to repentance.
Right. So that a person can turn back to God and be forgiven. But this is an enemy of the mental health movement.
Guilt seems to be like a disease that they want to eliminate, that you should never feel shame or guilt.
They just call that mental health disorder. So, yeah, I think that that's just two competing worldviews.
If there's no such thing as sin, then there really should be no such thing as guilt or one of the one of the things
I've talked to politicians about is trying to exempt Christians from mental health.
The problem is too many Christians have accepted mental health and mental and the reason why, you know, from my background in the family courts, family courts utilize mental health professionals as weapons and they've been completely weaponized.
And they're what they've done is there's no juries in family courts.
So the judge will use a mental health professional's opinion as C .Y
.A. And. Oh, yeah. Yeah. So so they well, I didn't really you know,
I couldn't go against the medical professional opinion, which is really problematic.
So, I mean, I just really early I'd love to, you know, dig into psychology another time, but we got to keep going through this.
Unless you want to do you want to say something else about that, Jeff, or no? No, we can move on. OK, so he then goes on.
I mean, this is just so full of of craziness. So now he's he's set up toll free numbers to speak with counselors.
The federal government is setting up toll free numbers for psychological counseling and easier access to Social Security benefits.
I mean, where is that in the Constitution that they have the authority to do psychological counseling?
That is health counseling. That is insane. And all it is is it's the big government indoctrination of this nation.
So now they're employing our tax dollars to indoctrinate people in the trans ideology.
Well, this is this is like I don't want to pay for abortions. I don't want to pay for someone else's health care.
I mean, I don't want to pay for their gym membership and I don't want to pay for their, you know, their electricity and their in their in their
SUV. You know, the two I don't want to pay. I don't want my I don't want to pay extra money on my electric bill so that they can charge their two hundred thousand dollar electric
SUV. I mean, it's it's not fair. Right.
And it's I'm not saying it's sinful, but it might be. Well, there isn't a see, this is a thing.
There is an objective standard about what government should be doing and what tax dollars should be used for.
And that comes from the law of God. So what we've done is we've made it like, well, hey, if you want a bigger government that, you know, you can have these leftist
Christians that love big government and they think government should be the solution of everything. But the problem is that's just unbiblical.
It's objectively wrong to grow the beast that you see in revelation to do more and more things.
And yeah, so the big government is the issue. This is a good time for average Joe to admit he got something wrong to put a correction out there.
You and I were talking about the 13 states, the 13 independent countries that we call
America back in 1789. We said that each one of them had an established religion.
You said maybe not New Jersey. And you were absolutely correct. And I was wrong. And we haven't aired a car. Well, thank you for saying that,
Joe. I love I love here. This is music to my ears. I think there were like there were like four of them. Right. That because it was kind of the
Quaker movement with Penn, William Penn. So. There was two, it was
Pennsylvania and New Jersey are too close to just the two. OK, just the two. Everyone else had an established religion.
But Pennsylvania and New Jersey did require you to be a Protestant in order to run for office.
Right. Yeah. Yeah. And I think that's exactly what you said. And I shouldn't even have I think in my
I was like, no, Jeff, I think you're wrong. One thing I learned about Jeff is he's hardly ever wrong.
Yes, I know. Yes. No, no, no, no. Don't say that. It's not always forceful enough.
You got to say, Joe, stop it. You know, I can always tell me, stop and I'll edit the film.
Right. So, yeah, it is. Well, it is wrong. He's he's pretty. He's pretty good.
But it's also a great. Remember, it's great for us to remember. This was objectionably, objectively, objectively a
Christian nation. This is not your opinion. Well, the Supreme Court declared such things in the 18 late 1800s.
In one of the arguments of their cases, they said, well, this is a Christian nation, and so there should be no question that we have every right to say no to this transgenderism nonsense and to anything that violates our ability to be
Christian. I mean, and I'm not even trying to say that we should as a Christian nation. I don't think it was ever intended that we would discriminate against other against.
Well, not discriminate. That might be the wrong word. But we would never force someone to be something that they didn't believe in.
And I think the Christian ethic behind that was God doesn't force us as individuals to believe something, you know, he he gives us a choice.
I mean, he you know, as a as a Calvinist, I would say, you know, he he empowers that choice as well.
But, you know, he doesn't he doesn't really force us to to love him. A lot in that question.
Let's do a different episode on all of that, because there's a lot of different roads to go down there. Yeah, yeah.
We're running out of time for sure. Yeah, let's let's table that whole. There's a lot of different directions there.
OK, well, you know, for sure, for sure. We've got a Christian nation and we really need to stand up to this kind of nonsense and the offensiveness of and I, you know,
I don't think it's any of us get are easily offended, but this was pretty offensive what the president did, right?
Absolutely. It's a Christian nation in some senses and not in others. And we'll we'll do more on that. But just anger.
Just if I mean, I know that most of the time my anger is not just. But this this would be a just thing.
Right. Yeah. Regarding what we saw this week, we're understanding that there is a civilizational struggle going on for the the future of America.
And Christians have to stand up, appealing to natural law, just the law of of what's written in general revelation, just written into creation.
And through reason, we can say that a baby in the womb is a human person.
We also know that by Scripture, we have specific revelation. So we stand for children. We stand for marriage, male and femaleness.
It is logically and reasonably known as well as revealed through Scripture.
And this is the kind of truth that we cannot surrender to the Joe Bidens of the world, we have to resist this kind of proclamation because it is nothing short of demonic and an all out assault on the kingdom of God.
And it uses the name of the Lord, but it is using that name in vain. It's a blasphemy against the
Lord Jesus Christ. And we have to, as Christians, stand up against this. Amen, Pastor Jeff, Pastor Tim, any final comments?
I'm looking for a quote that I'm looking for in the Bible. I'm looking for it.
I think it's in John 11 when Jesus sends back to John and he says, and blessed is those who is not offended by me.
I think really there is a blessing on those who are not offended by Jesus.
But yet it's them who are constantly offended by Jesus. So they're missing out on a blessing.
So I think that the world gets more offended by Jesus than we even get offended by them doing crazier stuff.
Yeah, that's such a good point. Like if somebody hates my doctrine, hates me and everything
I stand for, I'm not tempted to go kill myself. There's not a fragility there because I know
I stand upon a rock. Psalm 40, he set my feet upon the rock. And so I'm not vulnerable to that.
And you don't need to blame that party for you wanting to do that.
Right, so the vulnerability comes from a place that's fundamentally disordered in the first place.
And what Joe Biden is doing to this person who's trans, as they say, is he's enslaving them.
He's a slave master to them with an ideology, not with the physical chain, but with an ideological chain to say, hey, young person, you are trapped in the wrong body.
You are a woman, but you're trapped in a male body. How enslaving and insidious is that?
That is a gross evil against that person. And so now you're imprisoning them in this wrong way of thinking, which only can lead to their own pain and ultimate destruction, whether by themselves or ultimately and finally before God in judgment.
So what Biden is doing here is an evil equivalent to physical slave training.
Snatching someone to convince if he succeeds. Now, obviously, there's a difference between ideas and physical.
So not it's moral. There's a moral difference there. But what he's doing.
Thanks. At least this is a this is a gross evil. Maybe the yes thing going on.
That's where I was going to go. You know? Yeah. If it comes to the point where they then undergo a surgery and the government is backing that or something like that, it becomes physical at that point.
This is an evil that we cannot underestimate how how bad it is. So we have to stand for children who are being led astray in the same way that we stand for babies who are being led to the slaughter.
That's what I'm trying to say, that we have to we have to stand up. And, you know, I I saw a little a little boy dressed as a girl in a pair of red one time.
And and they had it looked like he had two moms. And I saw they went to their car and they had the
LGBTQ signs on their car. And I went up to the car and said, please, if this is really a little boy, raise them to be a little boy, because I just put in my heart was breaking for that child.
If that was me, I would hope someone would come up and tell, you know, the people raising me what a mistake they're making.
So I don't know. What did they do to him? Did they rage or. Well, they they rage a little bit and said, no, it's a girl.
It's a girl. You know, she she just looks like a boy a little bit. I'm like, are you sure that I I really think it's a boy.
So I said, if this is really a boy and he was born a boy, please raise him as a boy.
And then they drove off. But that's the extent I got. Yeah. And the flags on the back of the car show show where their ideology was.
So you were right to to address it. Mm hmm. So, you know, maybe I was wrong.
Maybe it really was a girl that looked like a boy. But I didn't want to take the chance. I just wanted to at least say something and confront it.
Yeah. Yeah. I said, God made this took a lot of courage. Yeah. Yeah. And I thought about it for a second.
But yeah, those who know their God stand firm and take action. Amen. So Daniel 1132, baby.
All right. Well, well, with that, ladies and gentlemen, we are going to shut down this episode.
Thank you so much for watching, sharing. And we would like you to send in to us.
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Dot org. And until next time, if you see a brother down, lift him up, pick him up.