LDS Temple visit

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Andrew provides his insight as a Jewish person examining the Mormon temple. Their temple is very different in focus from the Old Testament temple. Their focus is on feelings and family, not Jesus Christ. Andrew visits the LDS/Mormon temple in ID. The LDS immediately spotted Andrew and told his tour guide that they were on a non-speaking tour. So they were not allowed to ask questions during the tour.


Well, I'll give you guys a quick report of my first temple visit for the LDS temple went to the temple here in Idaho and Basically as soon as we got on the property and ran up to friends of ours that were outside holding the signs we were immediately from where we found out we're being photographed with telephoto lenses from from afar and I guess those got used later because when we got to the temple
Basically, we were quickly identified and what our tour guide once we got to the temple was told that we are a silent tour
Tour in front of us tour behind us all talking our tour was not allowed to speak That didn't stop us though from speaking and asking questions.
And in the end, we ended up talking to some missionaries I ended up having The tour guide couldn't answer my questions
So she brought two missionaries over who couldn't answer questions who brought two more missionaries over Was interesting because we did have at different times had three gentlemen who were roaming around me all the time
Sitting down just kind of listening in I was basically trying to play the role of you know, the
Jewish Jewish You know guy from the line of Aaron which blew them away and knew more about the real temple than they did
Here's the thing that I walked away with one their temple is not about Christ It's not about God it's about them their happiness their joy and Their marriage in fact, they play a video where they're they have an apostle that says that heaven wouldn't be heaven without his family
And that's what the temple represents because he'll be able to get married there and have be married for eternity and have his children for eternity
For me heaven wouldn't be heaven without Christ. I actually said that's one of the missionaries The reality is everything
I saw was about their feelings it was all feeling based It was about the temple making them feel good.
One lady told me she was in depression and this is the one missionary that you should pray for I Didn't get her name
But it because she actually got very upset and scared when I said that if if I'm right and she's wrong
She would spend eternity in a lake of fire and I don't want that for she became you know She says the importance of Mormonism is it she was depressed and it made her feel good
This is what I end up seeing difference throughout their temple I do not see Christ when I brought that up the one missionary said well
There's he's mentioned in the video in the beginning. Yeah, that's it. He's a footnote He's a footnote to their temple footnote to their religion their real religion seems to be revolve around them their temple highlights that the temple
Is all about Baptism for past family members to get into heaven to be with you
To for marriage so you could be with your family forever But it's not about Christ and his sacrifice.
This is the difference between the temple that God had built said to be built in You know the
Old Testament that was about sacrifice atonement for sin And we see the fulfillment of those sacrificial system in Jesus Christ So I there's no more need for a temple
We don't need those sacrificial system the the wall between the the Holy of Holies and the holy place was torn apart showing and displaying that now there's no more separation between Man and God as there was in the
Old Testament with the sacrificial system now we have one mediator Jesus Christ This is all missing from the
Mormon temples. This is not seen in their temple You know and and the fact as of you know that they wanted to have us on a silent tour shows that they know
They can't handle people that have questions, and they don't want those questions
They know that they are deceiving their followers, and they're brainwashing people and that's why they don't want questions
They don't want people you know to stumble that because they're afraid that the missionaries are prepped to how to answer it
But they don't want those other people walking through Hearing the questions that we might ask and and wonder because this is a big way that they do for recruitment
So the walk the takeaway that I have from the Mormon temple is that one it's not about Christ It's about them and their family their their loved ones and Feeling better, and that's a part of the second thing you know their testimony
Missionary after missionary all four of the ones I spoke to every one of them told me that they know they're going to heaven because Feeling when they asked me how
I know I basically gave them an objective standard that every man -made religion is going to add human
Effort, and I showed them. I asked them. Do you need to be baptized to to go to heaven in Mormonism?
They said yes, is that a work? They said yes took him to scriptures that say there are no works Well, they ended up realizing as I showed them that objectively every man -made religion uses human effort
Christianity is the only one that's divine effort. That's objective That's not my feelings. I showed them how
I came to Christ because of fulfilled prophecy again nothing with feelings all about Objective standard this is the difference is what