Matt Slick Bible Study, John 4:24ff



Matt Slick teaches through John 4 starting at verse 24


Hour late, and we're starting to getting all this technology stuff going so you hit start broadcast on YouTube thing all right
So what we're going to do is we're going to continue through John 4 Starting at verse 24, and I don't know how far we're going to get into it
But next week as we were talking last week you guys want me to do an eschatology thing so I think
I'm going to do next week is announcing the radio and some other stuff is Do an eschatology study, and I'm going to present the amillennial side and people might say well
That's just not fair do both sides after I do this one presentation. I don't think there's any room for a position to be valid That's how may sound arrogant, but I really believe the the argument of God is pretty good
Doesn't mean it's perfect, but I think it's pretty good. So if you guys are interested in that it'll be next week, okay? Oh man, so let's let me pray.
We'll jump into John chapter 4 verse 24 and We'll see what we can learn is that a whole bunch of real depth in here when we get into John 6
It's going to just really open up. There's a whole bunch of great stuff in there. All right. Let's pray Lord we ask that you would be with us and that you would bless us and that In the teaching of your word that you would open up our hearts and our minds to the truth of who you are
Lord as you have seen fit to have these words Given to us and written down in the
Bible. We thank you for it. We ask that you would Teach us out of it that we all might come to know you better and learn how to Tell others about you all the more and bring glory to you in the process.
We ask this Jesus your precious name. Amen All right so We're starting at John chapter 4 verse 24
Now this is happens to be a verse that I use a lot with some cults particularly those cults that deny the physical resurrection of Jesus like the
Jehovah's Witnesses and what they with a J dub say is that Jesus was resurrected in a
Spirit body, but he's not resurrected physically and the reason they do that is because they say that the life is in the body that the body is a sacrifice and They don't understand that the blood is what cleanses us, but that's not gonna get into that right now
We'll do a thing on J dub sometime but nevertheless God is spirit and those who worship him must worship him in Spirit and truth now
Jesus here is declaring the nature of God that he is spirit He's not a physical being.
He's not a physical being and one of the things I'll do is I usually associate with John 4 24
Luke 24 39 see my hands and my feet that It is I myself touch me and see for a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see that I have
So we must worship God in spirit and truth now in Mormonism.
They say that God is Spirit God is a God the Father has a body of flesh and bones and they say that he's an exalted man from another planet and he has physical sexual relations with his goddess wife in heaven and make spirit babies and That the father appeared to Joseph which is contradicted by Romans That's gonna be
John 6 46 and also first Timothy 6 16. You can look those up some other time what
I'll do is I'll say look the Bible says God is spirit as talking here in the context about the father and So what is spirit
Well spirit is Something we don't know how to describe we kind of know it.
But what what really is it? We know what it is Not Jesus says see my hands and my feet and as I myself touch me and see for a spirit does not have flesh and bones
As you see that I have So Jesus saying that the spirit or spirit does not have flesh and bones and God is spirit
Now clever Mormon what they're going to say is that God is spirit and physical and that the spirit part doesn't have flesh and bones
But that's ridiculous. Well, if that's the case, then why say it now? He's not talking about the differentiation between spirit and a physical aspect
He's talking about God being spirit because that's what they understood about God that he was not an exalted man for another planet as Mormonism teaches now
I'm gonna introduce something to you It says that in first Corinthians 1550
Now I say this brethren that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God now, this is an important thing
Let me show you something Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God nor does the perishable inherit perishable the the imperishable
So flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom kingdom of God, but Jesus he was raised physically
So one of the things that Job's witnesses will do is they'll say flesh and blood Cannot inherit the kingdom of God.
You can't go to the kingdom of God if you have flesh and blood, that's what they're saying And so Jesus is physically resurrected.
So how then could he go to heaven because the Bible says he can't Good question, right?
Wouldn't say it's a good question. Well, I Want to teach you something. I've said this before I want you to understand something.
This is critical You must read Every single word for what it says and what it does not say you must see what the words are because the words what it are
Critically important in a lot of areas of Scripture and I'll use this as an illustration to show you
What we do often when we read the Word of God is we assume certain things are meant and we don't
Challenge it like two men are in the field one is taken one is left people assume pre -tribulation rapture
It's not the rapture to wicked or to take one's taken According to context now,
I'm going to read something here again about this Jesus says in Luke 24 39
Touched me and see for a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see that I have now first going to 1550
It's Paul says flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God. You notice the difference Jesus said flesh and bones
Paul said flesh and blood That one difference blood and bones is significant and what you should do at this point is go through keep the
Bible program and you can say flesh and blood and you can Look through and see how it works.
See how God uses the phrase flesh and blood You can see how God uses the phrase Because of one word difference you should be motivated to go through a study to see how
God uses these words and By doing this you'll learn things so We know that Jesus Died on the cross in his physical body.
We also know according to John 2 19 through 21 Jesus says destroy this temple three days.
I will raise it up and he was speaking the temple of his body Okay, he said it took 46 years to build the temple in three days
You will raise it up and John says but you were but he was speaking the temple of his body So that's John 2 19 through 21.
Now. He says I will raise that's a Greek word a gay row And a gay row is the future active indicative first -person singular
What that means is he will be the one performing the action of the resurrection Now that's interesting because he says so He said
I will raise it up destroy this temple. I will raise it up. He's talking about his own body that he will raise
And this is one of his demonstrations of his deity But after his resurrection, he says flesh a spirit doesn't have flesh and bones as you see
I have now Remember Thomas in John 20 25 to 28 doubting
Thomas Doubting Thomas he did not believe that or he was highly suspicious
Did Jesus physically rise from the dead? He says I'm not going to believe unless I can put my hands Unless I seen his hands the imprint of the nails and put my finger into the place of the nails and put my hand into His side.
I will not believe that's John 10 25 or 20 25 now
Incidentally the Jehovah's Witnesses say that Jesus was crucified on a vertical stake and that his arms would be put up above his head
Like this with a single nail driven through his wrists That's how the crucifixion was to be done on a torture stake
And what they'll do is they'll say the cross is a pagan symbol blah blah blah But notice what Thomas says unless I can see in his
Hands now the wrist is considered part of a hand back in that culture They didn't have a word for wrist unless I can see in his hands.
That's two hands the imprint of the nails That's two nails two hands two nails. You don't do it like this one nail
We could be through if they did it that way or one nail out there and there that's a cross. That's just a little tangent eight days
After eight days his disciples were again inside and Thomas was with him Jesus came the doors having been stood in their midst and Said peace be unto you reach here at your finger and see my hands and reach here your hand and put it into my side
And do not be unbelieving So he says put your hand into my side
Why is that significant because what Jesus is demonstrating is that his body had been physically crucified and physically raised?
And it had open wounds in his side and his finger. He said you put your finger into my hand and you can see that You can see it's me
Thomas. You see it's me. I've risen. Here's the proof. Here's the holes in the wrist
Here's the hole this side. It's me This is the proof that he's giving Now that means there weren't any scars.
I've heard of saying the only scars in heaven are those by of Jesus That's Incorrect Jesus didn't have time to heal
So his wounds were open and he apparently retained their openness We don't have anything in scripture that says they were healed and hence scars
It's a nice sentiment, but it doesn't seem to be biblically correct. All right I'm focusing on this for a little bit of reason.
I want you to understand something a principle that something like this brings up Now if you're looking at the issue of flesh and blood versus flesh and bones you'll find that for example,
I think it's a John Matthew 16 where he says who do you think
I am and Peter says you're the Christ the Son of the Living God and Jesus says flesh and blood did not reveal this to you
So flesh and blood is a phrase when you do a study that refers to the sinful part of what you are
It's a phrase. That's how it's used But flesh and bones is what Jesus refers to him himself now in Leviticus 17 11
It says the life is in the blood Leviticus 17 14 the bloods offered I may have reversed the blood is offered as a sacrifice were cleansed by the blood first John 1 9
The blood of Christ cleanses us the sacrifice is in the blood Not simply the body the blood is that thing that represents the life and when the blood is
Offered out the blood is what cleanses us not the body the blood does
So Jesus after his resurrection retained his crucifixion wounds They were open they could someone could put their hand into his side.
It was open If he had functioning blood Now this is a conjecture and I'm just going to go with this because it's where I lean and if you don't like this
Don't think it's biblical Okay but What you'll see is that Since the blood is what cleanses us the blood was offered on the cross his body was retained the crucifixion wounds
If he had functioning blood it looks like his heart ruptured as well How people let me take a sidestep here and talk about that?
When the blood is leaving the body your arms are outstretched There's holes in your feet.
He's already had his back ripped open from the whip the cat of nine tails, which is extremely painful And would rip his back open so his blood coming down his back down his buttocks his back of his legs
They would take hit the nails. They put his nail between two feet That's what they would do and they would in order to do that flat
Sometimes they do it against the wood and sometimes they'd have a little thing he could step on But his knees would be bent like this
Now if anybody wants to do this as an experiment even as I'm doing it right now I'm standing with my knees slightly bent and right now about now this quad is starting to burn well so Let's put all my weight on my right quad not both
So when you're there in that situation It's problematic you have the nails that are coming through here.
It's extremely painful There's a certain nerve that gets punctured and it they say your hands are on fire But it feels like so you're sitting there and your arms are outstretched
They've already been disjointed because of the nature of weights and your arms are out And so when they put him up on the cross the gravity would cause his body to fall down pop pop is
Joints would pop out of out of socket. So now you're in a lot of pain and now you have trouble breathing Don't forget his back is ripped open and he's got to rub up and down Against the rough wood in order to breathe because we're in a position you have to push up And That's what you got to do.
And so he was in agony. They say crucifixion is one of if not the most painful way to die
And he was there for hours In order to do this. He had to press his weight upon the nails in his feet
Now that means blood is gushing out Of his feet of his hands now his side not till after he had died
So what happens the blood is leaving the body? He's already under trauma because of the beating the whipping
He's had to carry this post He was already weakened and they had to get Simon of Cyrene to pick up the the post and carry it for him
They nailed him they put him up They raised him up there and blood is leaving because the blood is gushing out of his body
Through the holes in the wrists you guys know when you cut yourself. Sometimes they can bleed a lot.
It's amazing What if you have holes through both sides of your wrists and on your feet? Is it going to heal while you're pressing up on a nail?
It's if anything is gonna make it worse rip the skin open and it's gonna be even more blood coming out and when the gravity is
Pulling everything down and you're pressing on that for hours. It's gonna be leaving your body. What happens? You get thirsty.
That's why he said I thirst Another thing that happens is your body starts not having enough blood and blood needs heat.
It has hemoglobin in it hemoglobin is the The thing that transfers oxygen to your body
So the heart has to start beating quicker and quicker and quicker Because there's not enough blood in the body because it's draining out of his system while he's going through crucifixion
So the blood is is leaving there's less oxygenation a possible in his body
So he has to breathe even quicker and harder, which means he's got to push up even harder and harder on his on his feet
Yeah Yeah, so it starts beating harder with more power as well as rapid so more blood pressure.
So it causes more problems There's going to come to a point where you can't be saved Your body is gonna it's gonna erupt unless they got you off the cross put
IVs all over you and did pressure stuff That's the only way in fact
An actor who did the scene Cavell, whatever his name was Yeah, he did this.
He was up there. He almost died And the reason he didn't is because he was in distress
They had all but he didn't have any nails in him, but it made it look like it You know special effects makeup and everything and he was up there
He couldn't breathe very well And he couldn't talk and he was trying he needed help and the only reason he didn't dies
Because one of the crew looked up during a break or something you to stay up there We're getting moving cameras around for another shot
Looked up and said I think something's wrong and they went they saw and he's like this and they got him down and they had to take care of him and He wasn't even doing that having in him
Okay, so what happens the heart ruptures ruptures ruptures ruptures ruptures boom and it explodes
Basically what happens when that happens in the body then the blood circulation stops you die
So when they would pierce him on the right side, not the left. That's interesting The right is salvation left his judgment
Predomination they pierce him on the right side But said blood and water came out The reason it was blood and water is because and I I've read this before I don't understand it
But when the this all this is going on that fills up in your chest cavity something happens around the heart
And so when you do this If blood and water come out it's because there's already been death the hearts already stopped and the the tooth
Something in the blood separates. It looks like water. I guess plasma, but whatever it separates and so you see both these things coming out they call that blood and water and So the reason
I brought all this up is because if he retained the wounds in his hands and he retained the wound in his side
Then he retained consistently the ruptured heart If he had a ruptured heart, he had no functioning blood in his body
In his resurrected body and he said flesh and bones as you see I have not flesh and blood and my personal belief is because it was drained out on the cross
So this one difference of words caused me to research years ago
It took me days to to figure this out. I do research crucifixion I ended up writing an article on karma about crucifixion had to read some what goes on to the body.
I Think I did once I did a presentation for a half hour shortly after I Learned about it all the stuff that went on people were just like you gotta be kidding me.
It's incredibly difficult incredibly painful So all of that I wanted to say because it tied into God's spirit
Well that causes me to look at John Luke 24 39 because I do I apologetics
Well that caused me to look at flesh and blood flesh and bones. Why the difference I look at the patterns and I learn one word difference one single word and Look what
I've learned You know you see me before with Romans 5 18 because that verse is different in the
NASB than all the other Bibles and I went and looked at the Greek. I learned a great deal of theology because of one simple verse
I Try and tell people what you need to do is not just skim over stuff
And you think the Word of God is is something you ski on you know at a fast pace 60 miles an hour behind a boat
You're skiing over the world man. I saw yeah, it's good. No you got to get down in it Just do some scuba diving in there skiing is not what you want
Do you want a scuba diver maybe some snorkeling for some people and so? You got to get down into the word.
Why is that word here? Why is the word not here ask the question and go explore and go find things out?
Now we did this before last year When I was here at the other place it was the other place where what we did was remember
I we said okay, we're gonna have a Bible study I'm going to assign some verses this week
And then next week you could come back and tell me what you learned remember that It was good, and we gave the same verses and some other stuff, and we for two hours
I think it was we went over stuff and people enjoyed it, and they thought at first. They were not going to be able to Understand God's Word properly, and I gave him some tools
And I come back with some great stuff, and I remember a few times people going. Oh, I didn't even think of that That's an excellent point.
That's right there in the text You know good stuff But I'm trying to encourage people you can go in and you can do some studying pay attention with the text says all that from John 4 24th this rate will take about 12 years to get through all right now
Just so you know in Doctrine and Covenants and Mormonism and Doctrine Covenants 13022 God the
God the Father has a body of flesh and bones as tangible as man's and that's Crud this is one of the stuff.
I will have to use in order to refute them So apologetics has taught me a great deal in order to defend the faith
I've had to learn other faiths and had to learn why the words in the Bible are what they are in fact
You guys may know the book the shack and how it's coming out as a movie pretty soon.
I watched the trailer today The shack is 95 % really good stuff and 5 % leaven and People are loving it, and I'm not sure if it's good or bad that Hollywood's doing it
But when Hollywood does a movie about Christianity, that's a warning flag right there, and so we'll see
I'm gonna Go see it the night. It comes out and write a review the next day But the reason
I'm so critical about the shack The book dish is because I've studied the Word of God like this, and I've seen what
God says about himself And I've learned how Critically important words are and he picks them for a reason and he wants us to know him in it for a reason and To depict him any other way is equivalent to the idolatry.
Which is what is happening in the movie and the book to shack And I'll get into that some other time.
I may do a Presentation on that I'm gonna do definitely do something on the radio We've got some plans about that we're gonna do any rate another thing another time all right
Hey, let's get to after half -hour. Let's get to the next verse The woman said to him.
I know that Messiah is coming. He who is called Christ When that one comes he will declare all things to us so both the
Jews and the Samaritans remember this is in Samaria And I like to rub it in I drank out of that very well when
I went to Israel and stuff That's very well that Jesus was at I got to drink out of it. Oh, I like to rub that in it's great
And a lot of fun, okay, and I remember the hill that she's pointed to we worship on this hill
I I can still see it in my mind's eye memory All right in Deuteronomy 18 15 the
Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you From your countrymen you shall listen to him so since the
Samaritans only recognized a Pentateuch Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy pent five
Pentateuch five books And the Jews recognized them and the rest of the the
Old Testament Nevertheless, this is the verses from Deuteronomy which is common to both so she believed that the
Messiah would come and reveal Many truths to their people what Jesus had done at the well of Jacob's well
Where they met is what he had done was he told her her past That was impressive
He didn't have to read her palm to do it look at a crystal ball to do it. He did it because he's God and He says he when he comes will declare all things to us and It says in verse 26 something interesting.
Jesus said to her I who speak to you when he Actually what it says in the
Greek is a Guy me Lagoon soy,
I'm looking at my notes Which re when I printed this up that put some blocks in so I'm probably getting the
Greek wrong, but he's saying a going me There is a Greek word for he
I think it's out to us but a way me as present active indicative and It's the same phrase used in John 8 58 when
Jesus says before Abraham was I am So Jesus said to her I who speak to you M He says
I speak to you I am or I am the one speaking to you It's kind of it.
You know, I don't know because I'm not a Greek expert, but I don't know if that's significant Because it's the same thing that Jesus says in John 8 24 unless you believe that I am a going me you will die in your sins
So I think it's interesting. Jesus uses a going me. Okay So Jesus declares himself to be the
Messiah. He's saying that's me That's me Yet contrast that With John 6 15 now he says to her
I'm gonna ask a question why the difference he says hurt. Yep. I'm the Messiah I'm the one but in John 6 15
So Jesus perceiving that they were intending to come and take him by force to make him King Withdrew again to the mountain by himself alone
So wait a minute. He says to her in John 4 Yeah, I'm the Messiah on the
Christ on that prophet. I'm here. It's me But John 6 they want to come and force him to be that Messiah And he hides himself
Why? Why would he do that? Why would he say to her which is interesting to a woman
This is really interesting. He says to a woman. He reveals it but to the others
He flees from them and what do the guys want to do in? John 6 the guys want to raise him up to be the king kick
Rome's butt All right Now she the woman and I got some notes about this a little bit later on.
I may jump ahead for that About the how women Got it have it together generally quicker than the guys do about who
Jesus is I'll talk about that now a little bit But why the difference why is it that in John 6 15
Jesus hides himself? when they want to carry out his messianic work what they proceed to be in the messianic work and yet here in John 6 28 sweet John 4 26
Jesus says That he is the Messiah Why the difference anybody know
I? can wait here and get that music with a tent and but What?
Timing what why yes, that's correct. Why what timing what right time for what mm -hmm?
not the right time for people to know who he is fully, but he'd already let her know a Non -jew a
Samaritan woman Why they killed Jesus? He was proclaiming to be the
Messiah. They wanted to kill him in part for his miracles as well So it wasn't what they were jealous, too
So he could say to this woman now. I'm not trying to degrade women at all, but is she a threat She's not a threat
Now he said to a Pharisee that's different a Pharisee's got influence He can go to the council and say this is what he said to me
And then they can get the Roman Guards or whatever they get their own guards they can get in and they could cause trouble But she's a woman who a bad reputation so who's gonna believe her
Well barely as people do and I'll tell you we'll talk about that a little bit So not to degrade women at all, but her situation is such that they're not gonna really take her seriously
She's not gonna be a threat and so I think that's part of the reason, but there's more to it. I think for the proclamation of the
Samaritans and The descendants of Abraham will be blessed and get us some a tangent I don't know how many changes to go into so it was not time for Christ to be fully revealed publicly
And if he had they would want to have killed him sooner Now the thing about prophecy is in Micah 5 2 from you
Bethlehem Ephrathah too little to be among the clans of Judah from you woman go forth for me to be
Rupee rule in Israel for his goings forth are from long ago from days of eternity so Micah 5 1 & 2
It's a prophecy about Jesus coming out of Bethlehem to be the Messiah and that he's eternal in the past sense all right and so Why'd I bring that up for dang it
Oh prophecy so some things you can't control unless you're God But you know I didn't control where I was born or when
I was born I was just born wake up Okay, and here. I am now six years later Well Jesus in a sense could not control where he's born except.
We know he's God. Yes. He could all right That's kind of a cheating thing But there are instances where it seems to be that Jesus knows a prophecy and is arranging
Specifically for the prophecy to be fulfilled So we know and I'm gonna have to do this sometime
Get the details out about the hundred eighty four three thousand days Whatever it is of the proclamation of the succumbing of the
Messiah until he comes in to the city in Jerusalem And it's detailed prophecy, and this is another project.
I got a research to get it all worked out to make it understandable, but there was a detailed prophecy to the day over a hundred and eighty thousand days in Advance or in the past was prophesied and Jesus came in exactly when that day was right.
I'm sure he knew It was arranged to come in on that particular day I don't have a problem with that prophecy being being arranged and Jesus could certainly do that Anytime and anywhere he wants why because he's
God. He's God right all right, so verse 27
At this point his disciples came and they were amazed that he had been speaking with a woman yet No one said what do you seek or why do you speak with her?
now remember we talked about this last week a Man did not speak with a woman that was not his wife or relative if she was alone out someplace
It was impolite. That's kind of what you do with prostitutes though and since she'd already had
What five husbands and one was the one she's living with now wasn't her husband and Jesus had disclosed that to her
And that's why she was Not accepted in the morning or the evening to get water at the well in the morning or the evening the cool the morning or Cool the day she had to go at noon and carry the water which is a difficult time and you just met her there
All this is breaking social mores Breaking social acceptability and Jesus does this he's talking to a
Samaritan woman She is just not acceptable. That's not good company
You don't hang around with women like that and you know the women especially women who are
Samaritans and And who have been all this fornicating and everything else
Jesus. What are you doing? This? Oh shit. We would let her in church Well They were shocked they were amazed that he had been speaking with a woman and And the
Greek word there is so module to wonder to marvel be struck with astonishment
It's really a very strong word They were stunned He's talking to a
Samaritan woman in public Now that's important. I like Jesus He doesn't seem to think that social mores are all that important sometimes
Now tradition set up by God in the scriptures for fulfillment those are important, but you know the way things are done
You know, I I don't like tradition in churches now. Some people do I'm not knocking it
I don't like the high church liturgy stand up We've been doing this for 300 years saying I've sit down Touch your nose do five jumping jacks do a couple sit -ups and then you walk outside, you know
I don't like that. My wife and I do not like that. We dry up it spiritually kills us
Actually, you'd have a you said have to serve at a church where that was the case and she would drive home after Sunday service
She'd be weeping the country You know good woman that she was she you know endured with me.
I'm like, I know I'm not knocking it. Some people like it. Okay, and that's fine.
I don't understand how they can like it But that's just the way I am, you know It's like I don't like country -western.
I don't know how anybody Could like country -western I just don't get it like cats and heat fighting in a blender.
That's what country -western is to me I just got a lots of people unliking me and stuff. I but anyway So Jesus he didn't seem to care about traditions and more a is he cared about people
It was worth his detour from going from Where he was to Galilee and going from Judea to Galilee and in the count here and he went out of his way to go to Samaria and talked to an
Untouchable and this is the kind of man he was Was it worth going that far just for her?
For one person a woman at that point a Samaritan as well
Who was basically an adulterous fornicator? And yet he wouldn't sought her out
You know what? I've done that. No, I don't look down my nose at her because I'm more righteous.
I'm better than she is and that's exactly The thing that his actions do they expose these things in us
They expose our sin they expose our prejudices expose our
Arrogance our pride our self -righteousness I'm telling you. I got plenty of it in me.
I don't want it, but it's there and I'd like those pictures
I see of Jesus not that the blonde here be like a Cajun version But when he's sitting there and the children are there and the women are with him
There's something about this man. Who's a carpenter who probably is pretty tough and Who told off the
Pharisees He would sit with the ladies and it wasn't a lustful thing obviously, but he enjoyed them
Now I wanted to do research on this more I ran out of time I got so many things going on And I wanted to find those places where it talks about the women and I found a couple places
Verses so we can go to Matthew 28 5 through 7 the angel said to the woman do not be afraid for I know that you're Looking for Jesus who has been crucified.
He's not here for he's risen. Just as he said come see where See the place where he was lying go quickly and tell his disciples that he has risen from the dead now wait a minute
The angels appear to the women why? Because the women are at his grave site. Why are they at his grave site?
Well, they're gonna take care of the body. They can't they do the embalming on the Sabbath but they're there early in the morning to do the womanly work and Because they're there they get the privilege of being instructed by angels in Mark 16 after he had risen early in the first day of the week
He first appeared to Mary Magdalene from whom he had cast out seven demons. So he first appears to a woman a woman
Not a man, but a woman Now wait a minute If I write a fake thing about how great this guy is
I'm not gonna be talking about how he appears to women first He's gonna be appearing to the strong guys who've got it together who can maybe will distort and and Then see how
Jesus isn't I'll try and throw some wisdom in but it for me I'm not gonna be talking about women because there's the weaker vessel and No one's gonna take him seriously in that culture
Yet, that's who he goes to first. I think I suspect it's because as women
You know, we know Women have that heartfelt ability that love that thing that we men we have it, but women have it a little better that mom thing that Caring thing you can insult me, but you sold the mom.
It's a different story Now, I remember when you know, I'd hear on the news And men had killed three or four of their family it's a tragedy it's horrible
That's true. I remember what a first time I heard a mom killed her own children
Now not that one is better or worse than the other but I was like what? That's really bad.
How could a mom do that? I could understand how a guy a dad could do it. Not that it's okay But a mom are you crazy they don't do that Moms are better than we are that way.
What has happened that a mom would do that. It blew me away It was that woman who?
Ran her kid in the van into the lake drowned him, you know Like I said, not that it's okay for a dad to do it, but I get it
He I see how a guy could be that stupid and evil but not a mom They have that ability they have that something and Jesus what he would do is he would sit with them and Don't forget the woman who touched the hem of his garment
She had an issue of blood for 12 years the hem of his garment the tallit and that seats He is wearing the 613 knots that symbolizes 613 laws.
So the Old Testament And it was a sign of him being a teacher. She pressed through the thing and touched him
She had faith in him apparently before the men I could do a criminal chronology of this because the
Centurion he knew Jesus was a non Jew a Samaritan woman a woman who's an outcast because of her blood
Jesus broke the mold. He didn't follow social norms It's what one of the reasons
Not much of a reason. I think it's just me, but it's one of the reasons I'm not into tradition in churches
I do not like the tradition that I hear about in churches. This is how we've always done it This is the way we've done it.
We don't break the tradition Then the traditions become the things we hammer others with or the traditions can become those things
That we ignore people with that we use them to ignore Now I'm gonna be honest with you
I would prefer not to deal with people who aren't super handsome super cute Drive really nice cars
Etc. And said look what I got and I would prefer to deal with people who are really top -notch.
Oh, you're good. I mean, I'm about him, but you're good. You're okay All right, and the girls in here fine
I mean Lindsay's awesome except for her taste in men and stuff like that, you know And so the ladies
I'm gonna be careful because I got two husbands in here who could beat the crud out of me and But I Forget what
I might train of thought. What's I saying? It was really what was I saying? I told Our digging a hole.
It's right. So see how deep I could get Social norms. Thank you very much
But you know, I don't like I just don't like the social norms and you know the way I am I could use
I know my heart I know I don't mind using myself as an example of failure and sin and prejudice and all that stuff because this is there
I'm just open. Maybe it's my Asperger's but you know what? There's nothing good in me except for Jesus when
I see what Jesus does how he spends time with the helpless He spends time with the outcast. He spends time with the unlovable.
I Need to do that Maybe I won't like doing it. I need to do that Maybe I'm not gonna enjoy doing it.
But so what I need to do that. Like I just emailed the prison guy again I got to go back in the prison and start doing some more prison work to be honest
Sometimes I don't want to go it's what it is It's something I don't want to go. Sometimes.
I don't want to wash dishes or my wife you know is is in the house and I look up you know, why should
I say I'll say you're the woman and I did on purpose, you know
I usually do it with a safe distance and when she while she has nothing in their hands But I usually get she has this like Superman glare it's like and Anyway, no, she's a good woman except for taste of men.
Okay So we can move on we come on digging a hole Shouldn't get myself out of it. So anyway, so these disciples are amazed.
I'm trying to get you understand why they're amazed And what is Jesus doing? He's breaking the mold he's not following the crowd
He's concerned about people. He's concerned about who you are. I Have so far to go when it comes to that particularly because of my ass burgers
Not an excuse. It's what it is. We ask burgers people We don't need social connection like others do
It's no big deal for me My idea of a good vacation is for my family to take off and go back to California for a week and a half
Two weeks to spend time with their friends who we grew up in California And I sit around and watch
TV all day for a week. I'm fine with that That to me is a good vacation. Why I don't need all the social stuff
But I see Jesus he was social And I see what his example was.
I have to follow him. I Like it that he was different so anyway in verse 28
So the woman left her water pot and went into the city and said that the men come see a man who told me all
The things that I've done. This is not the Christ is it? so Did you know the disciples had just gotten back?
They were amazed that Jesus was talking to her Maybe she's a little intimidated time to leave motivated all these men came up But I you know,
I don't know but she went into the city which is interesting because she's an outcast already But she went into the city and told the men
Not the women. I think it's interesting. I think the women and sometimes women sorry ladies can be a little more catty than the guys
Women tend to remember wrong suffer a little bit longer than guys do guys can kind of get over stuff
We have their advantages or disadvantages. And so maybe there's something psychological emotional just something male -female going on He could she could talk to the men.
I don't know but It says to come and see this man who told all the things that I've done
This is not the Christ is it? They went out of the city and were coming to him
Wait a minute this This woman who let's say is less than respectable
It goes into the city as I was talking to the men and they're coming out to see Jesus why are they gonna believe her?
They probably don't have much respect for her Maybe they didn't know who she was but she's talking to the men.
Okay, I Think that what was going on is that Jesus? Even before he started his ministry at the age of 30 had a reputation.
I Because Zechariah had the issue about the prophecy of John The angel had come to Mary These kind of things are a little bit scandalous about Mary and being pregnant already
And could you imagine I've had this before, you know, all the moms are getting together talking about their families and their kids and How's Ezekiel over there?
Oh, he got into that the pig trough again Well, how's Jeremiah doing?
Oh, yeah, he wandered off. It took us About five hours to get him. How I forget what last got
Jesus. We know he's perfect. You know, they skip because well, how's he just well Well, he's perfect.
I Mean, that's how it would be. I mean, it's gonna get a little bit of reputation around there This guy's great at 12 years old. He's confounding the people in the temple and Then he starts his ministry and he's performing miracles
People already go out to see John the Baptist and John the Baptist points to him Right, so I think his reputation has already spread around The area people are like, oh he's here in Samaria Let's go see him
See, I think they were primed by what he was doing Patience is something
God has and he uses real -time Throughout the whole life of Jesus the beginning of his ministry one thing at a time and then he moves
Something I'm having to learn to be more patient about Not with Idaho drivers, but I am having to learn how to be far more patient with how
God works The Idaho driver thing. I'm working on that. I don't get it.
What? I'll never they'll never get there. I don't get it Yeah too polite
It'll be yeah, so do I but You know, I could complain but I'm I'll go on okay
So they went out to see where they went to the city. They were coming to him So meanwhile, the disciples were urging him saying rabbi eat
But he said I have food to eat that you do not know of now Why would they say eat he wanted something to drink at the well?
Maybe he got it. Maybe he didn't doesn't say but probably did but when you're walking and I've been to Israel I've seen the terrain and I I've seen the terrain where John the
Baptist was I'm serious. That would be One of those survival shows if you can get out there and you can survive.
There's not much out there And there's some places in Israel where it's green plenty of water
And some places where it's not but on the Sea of Galilee. It's huge Plenty of fish in there if you can catch them, but he'd been walking
And he was fatigued he was both God and man and as a man he was tired And I'm sure the disciples were caring for him.
I said you need to eat It's important that you eat so their concern is legitimate and their concern is
It'd be a little bit unfair to say this fleshly. I mean, come on. You want to take care of them?
But notice what Jesus says I have food to eat that you do not know about that's verse 32
But Jesus was saying that he has food that they don't know about what food What food what foods that?
because Verse 33 the disciples were saying to one another. Well, no one brought him anything to eat did he?
But back to the verse 32. I have food to eat that you don't know about Now that's cryptic.
We know what he's talking about. We've read this before But He was spiritually minded and we know that he's getting to the issue of doing the will of the
Father verse 34 Because that's what he says You just said that my food is to do the will of him who sent me and to accomplish his work well
You know in John 5 30 Jesus says I can do nothing on my own initiative as I hear
I judge and my judgment Is just because I do not seek my own will but the will of him who sent me
And in John 6 20 29 When you lift up the Son of Man, then you will know that I am he and I do nothing on my own initiative
But I will I speak these things from the father that the father taught me and he who sent me is with me
He has not left me alone for I always do the things that are pleasing to him But Jesus always does the will the father doesn't seek his own will and always pleases
God now And to me, of course is amazing but what
I find interesting is that he he's divine and yet in his
Humiliation his humbleness what he What he's doing is
To not do his own will He wants to do the will of the father who sent him and the will of the father is that Jesus bear the sins of his people and be murdered and rise from the dead
Jesus knew this and the crucifixion was a horrible ordeal and He walked open -eyed right into it
There's never a place where he questions it now. We can go to Luke 22 He says father there's any way that this cup pass from me let it be so but nevertheless not my will
But your will be done Luke 22 42. That's the only place where you see Jesus to be reticent and Why was he because he knew what he's going to go through the physical aspect.
I've described a little bit. We have no idea No capacity to really understand the spiritual aspect the eternal triune being in flesh and Becoming sin second
Corinthians 521 bearing our sin in his body first Peter 2 24 We don't know what that means
We don't understand what that kind of Filth is upon his holiness.
What does that mean to him? He didn't want to go through it, but he said nevertheless not my will but your will be done
I can get into the hypostatic Union communicatio iam atum do some doctrine stuff, but for now nope the issue here is
That Jesus sets the example for us Because Jesus says pick up your cross and follow after me.
I think it's Luke 9 23 someone can check me if they want And if you don't pick up your cross and follow after him you're not worthy of him and so When I think of what
Jesus who's God in flesh who had the right to say to the Pharisees you don't exist anymore
Or the people persecuting him go away He had the right to do that and he chose not to He didn't go after his own interests, but the interests of the one who sent him
He came to do the will the father who sent him even John 6 39 40 The will the father who sent me that he would lose none all that has been given to him
He only wanted to do what God the father said I can't understand that and The reason
I can't is because I'm always struggling Between doing my will and what
I think is God's will Most of the time I'm not sure what God's will is now.
I know don't commit adultery. Don't lie. I got those down I know that's that's a will of God I'm talking about Like a left or do
I go right do I move here? Do I move there? Don't write this article that article do I say yes to going to this place or not going to that place a
Lot of times. I just don't know But I think Jesus always knew exactly what to do
He said he always does What's pleasing to the father? I?
Certainly don't I mean Nathan knows me pretty well. He'll testify.
That's the case My wife certainly would if she were here But the thing is and I know you all say the same thing about yourselves
But nevertheless, that's the standard were to aim for doing the will of the father
Not what we're capable of doing Because God often asks us to do more than what we're capable of doing
He says be holy for I'm holy First Peter 116 I can't be holy the reason he wants me to be holy is because he's holy
He's the standard of righteousness whether or not I can do it is irrelevant That's the obligation.
That's a standard The will the father is the perfect will Therefore I should always do the will of the father.
I should always be seeking his will Whether I'm able to do it or not It's always our goal
That's how it should be for all of us. How do we find his will? Well Hebrews 1 3 says
Jesus is to express representation of the nature of God We should be following what Jesus said
So what I was doing for a few days devotionals reading through The red letters of the
Gospels only the red letters Just something to do when you hear what Jesus said and a lot of times
I'd miss context and a lot of time I knew context but I would just say okay. I want his words just what
Jesus said just what Jesus did And read through it was it was fun.
It was interesting. I Want to follow him? I want to be with him
He's what I want and Since he came to do the will the father Therefore I want to do the will of the father.
I don't know how to find that Except to read his word to be in prayer to follow
Christ I'm sure I mean, I'm completely so graciously thankful That God loves me even though he knows me
That he puts up with me, even though he knows the wickedness that's in my heart
You know reminds me of my wife She has stuck with me through thick and thin a lot of thin a lot of thick a lot of good a lot of bad
A lot of this a lot of that. We've had some real upheavals in our lives she's a good woman and She you know, she's a nice -looking woman she could have got any guy
She really could have there were guys after her all the time and her girlfriends were actually saying what are you doing with this guy?
for real Okay I Don't know. I just can't help. I love the guy That's because I'm clever how to be annoying and I know how to trigger certain
Things and you know bewilder filter and stuff like that make it goes like yeah better topic
But yet I'm reminded that you know, she loves me even though she knows me
We've been married 30 years. We've known each other 38 or 39 And she loves me even though all of that even though she's seen me at my worst and she has my very worst
And she's still there and that's the only comparison I can have it. Why is
God love me? He loves me not because of me. He loves me because of him He doesn't he's not committed to me because of my goodness, but because of his goodness
He's not loving me because of my ability to be used but because of his His greatness and that's why
I want to you know end this here at verse 34 To do the will of him who sent me to accomplish his work
But I want to do his will I'm not able to so many times because I'm so selfish but At the same time.
I'm hopeful and I'm gracious I'm grateful to know that God loves me
Even though I'm not always doing as well, even though I try but I've failed so many times That's a good hope as we follow
Christ and we look to him. I Really want to do the will of the Father. I don't hope you do too.
And when you fail just know this That God loves you. He's never gonna leave you.
He's never gonna forsake you He's always gonna be there for you and that his love for you can not
Decrease and it's not conditioned on anything in you It's infinite his thoughts for you have been infinite his love for you is unfathomable
His dedication to you is found in the person and work of Jesus who died on that cross. And so We should be thankful But even though we can't do the will of the
Father like we should as we emulate as we emulate Christ I'm reminded of how much he loves me how much he's patient with me and The things that are so good.
He has in store for us for all of us the resurrection his eternal presence and everything
So we'll stop here at verse 34 and when we do start again, we'll start in verse 35 and I think next week we'll do the all male study for fun.
So let me pray close We'll shut these things down and then we'll see if we're gonna start up in five or ten minutes
If anybody wants to question we've got people maybe who want to do Q &A on the web We'll see if you want you can start doing that on Facebook as well.
We'll see Lord Jesus We thank you that you have been so gracious to us for so long that you your kindness
Lord has been just just incredible And I thank you Lord for the words that you've given us in your son
I thank you for the disciples who recorded them I thank you that you have exemplified goodness and graciousness in them and that if we dig into your word
We're gonna learn. I thank you Lord May we bring glory to your name and may we learn how to love you more and live for you more
We ask this Jesus in your precious name Amen, I'm sorry what?