Danger of the "Christian Music" Industry / Lecrae hates words like "Bible" after Deconstruction

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Warning about the dangers of the so called "Christian" Contemporary Music Industry / "Christian Rock n Roll". Lecrae admits he has deconstructed his faith yet he is still promoted and even gets a starring role as the angel Gabriel in the new movie "Journey to Bethlehem" also starring Antonio Banderas as King Herod. Testing all things (1 Thessalonians 5:21) refuting those who contradict (Titus 1:9). #discernment


Hello, in this video I just want to talk about the dangers of modern Christian music or what passes for Christian music these days.
I'm going to play a clip of the so -called Christian rapper, Lecrae, who has partnered in the past with people like Beth Moore and John Piper.
Lecrae actually admits in this video that he has deconstructed his faith and when he hears words like Bible, you know, prayer, disciple,
Bible, he's like, I hate those words. Now I'm not surprised by this because if you actually look at it, many, if not most, so -called
Christian contemporary musicians, they're actually apostates. In fact, they will openly deny the teachings of Scripture.
I've talked about Amy Grant in the past hosting a lesbian wedding at her house, saying how
God approves of it and how we should all celebrate it. Just a couple weeks ago, the lead singer of a so -called
Christian band showed up at the Dove Awards dressed in drag. The band is called
Cademan's Call. My friends, the Christian, here's what we need to understand. The Christian contemporary music industry, that's exactly what it is.
It's an industry. It's about making money. It's not about Christ. It's not about glorifying
God. But it's about what sells, which is why most of their lyrics are so vague.
The songs could be about someone's boyfriend or girlfriend. So here's the clip from Lecrae.
It's basics. You know, I think a lot of us, because I'm somebody who deconstructed and went through deconstruction and dealt with being de -churched and not trusting the church.
And these like things can be triggering. Prayer, disciples, Bible. It's like, oh, trigger, trigger, trigger, trigger.
It's fundamentalism. It's evangelicalism. I hate it. But guess what, man? These are ancient, ancient spiritual practices that are beneficial.
They may have been co -opted by people and structures that you have a distaste for.
Yeah, so that's bad. Now, if you were to listen to the whole interview, you might think that he has come out of it.
That no, no, Lecrae, yeah, he went through deconstruction, but he's still a Christian. Listen, don't be fooled.
Lecrae and some of these others, they have rejected biblical Christianity and they have concocted a new version of the faith in their own mind, redefining terms, creating a new version of Christianity that they are comfortable with.
We've dealt with this locally with people who have gone through deconstruction. They still call themselves
Christians. They just reject biblical Christianity and now they have this new version of the faith that denies many of the biblical teachings.
So, you know, it's like Amy Grant. Amy Grant still calls herself a Christian. The only problem is her version of Christianity embraces and celebrates sin.
In true Christianity, we all recognize that we're sinners, but we seek to turn away from sin and we believe that Jesus's death on the cross saves us from sin and its penalty, which is death in hell, which
I can almost guarantee you most of these people don't believe in hell. It's all part of deconstruction, the denial of hell.
But then they trick people by saying, no, no, we believe that. But then they redefine the terms.
One last thing. I went to see the movie Journey to Bethlehem and a few things stood out.
First of all, going in, I saw that Lecrae was starring in the film. So I automatically knew that was a problem, that they would have a deconstructionist playing the role of the angel
Gabriel. Then the movie started out with Mary, the mother of Jesus, being a feminist in the movie.
Mary, she didn't want to get married. She didn't want to raise kids and have to cook for her husband.
You know, no way. She wanted to focus on her career. Yeah, that's not biblical at all.
And listen, I'm not Roman Catholic, so it's not like I believe that Mary needs to be portrayed as sinless.
You know, I'm okay with a little creative license. But that's going a little too far.
Mary was no feminist. They also portray Joseph as a guy who is out trying to pick up women while he is engaged.
No, it's like the TV show The Chosen. Remember how they at first portrayed the
Apostle Peter as a traitor, that he was really working with the Romans? That's not true.
And then they painted the picture that the Apostle Peter thought John the Baptist was just this insane, crazy man instead of a revered prophet.
Like I said, a little creative license is one thing. But these movies and TV shows, they really do cross a line.
And that's not even to get into The Chosen and their rainbow flag incident. But you get the point.
As Christians, we need to be careful about so -called Christian music and what's on TV and what
Hollywood is putting out. We need to get our beliefs from where? You guessed it.
We need to get our beliefs from the Bible and be part of a good gospel preaching,
Bible preaching church. That's where we need to get our beliefs. And if you want to listen to music that is glorifying to God, listen to music written by Christians, not deconstructionists and people who host lesbian weddings and dress in drag.
My recommendation is for churches to stick with the hymns. Stick with the hymns. And if you're going to adopt new praise music, hey, amen,
I'm okay with that. But the lyrics need to be tested against the scripture. In fact, everything needs to be tested.
As Paul wrote in 1 Thessalonians 5 .21, test all things and hold fast to that which is good.
My name is Michael Grant, pastor of Morse Corner Church. I hope you found this video helpful. Check out my podcast titled