Having the Mind of Christ, Pt. 2 (04/17/2005)


Pastor David Mitchell


Book of Romans, 8:1 - No Condemnation For Those Walking After The Spirit, Pt. 3 (08/11/2019)

Turn with me to 1st Corinthians chapter 2 verse 2. We'll review just a little bit
This morning as we continue our thoughts on having the mind of Christ 1st
Corinthians chapter 2 verse 2 If you remember
We had this idea of the fact that Paul says we are the perfect in Christ So watch for that as we read through this passage for I determine not to know anything among you
Except Jesus Christ and him crucified You'll notice with this entire passage that it
Actually is a strong defense against every cult group that was ever invented
Because in order to invent a cult group, you cannot stay with the simplicity that's in Jesus Christ You have to go out into other areas you have to seek for mysterious things in the other world that the
Bible doesn't speak of and Try to act like you know about those things and they grow into all manner of perversions
But the Apostle Paul said I don't speak that way He said I won't speak anything among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified
And I was with you in weakness and fear and much trembling So you don't see the idea of a prideful man standing up in front of the people
Acting like he knows everything about the world and everything about how everything works. He just preaches the
Word of God He sticks with the Scriptures He says my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom
But in demonstration of the Spirit and of power why?
So that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men But in the power of God that implies that the opposite is also true if preaching is all about man's wisdom and Human psychology and the things like that then the power will not be of God.
It will be of man So preaching needs to be according to the Word of God in the simplicity of God's Gospel verse 6 how be it we speak wisdom among them that are perfect That's the
Christians. Why does it call us perfect? Well, we'll see that this morning yet Not the wisdom of this world nor of the princes of this world that come to naught
Now we'll come back to verse 7 in a moment But I'd like for you to turn to Colossians chapter 2 in verse 9 the main message this morning will come from this passage which is sort of a
Parentheses in this passage in 1st Corinthians that deal specifically with what does it mean when it says them that are perfect?
And what does this have to do with having the mind of Christ? Well, it is having the mind of Christ It makes us perfect in the sense that this is speaking of now.
This does not speak of sinless perfection, by the way You won't reach that and I won't reach that until we see
Jesus face to face and We have a new glorified body and our flesh will no longer be
Negative pulling against everything God wants to do and everything we want to do. It will be right
So it's not speaking of sinless perfection But it is saying that we are perfect in Christ And let's see if we can't get some light on that in second.
I'm sorry in Colossians chapter 2 verse 9 We're going to see the word complete and it's the same
Greek word is the word perfect. So it means the same thing It's a synonym. Well in English, they are synonyms in Greek.
It's actually the same word And it'll give us some insight into why it is that God can say we are complete in him
But before we read this, let me just say this, you know, what else it says to us it says we don't need to add anything
To the simplicity of the gospel. We don't need to add a bunch of religious stuff to it
We don't need to add a lot of man -made rules and standards and regulations and hoops to jump through like the
Roman Catholics do like the Mormons do like the Jehovah's Witnesses Like so many groups do like we
Baptist even have some and and the Lord over time hopefully Unveils our eyes where we can see them and eliminate them
But we don't have to have those extra things So therefore what we have is not really a religion in the sense that the world thinks of religion at all.
It's a relationship With the Lord Jesus and in that relationship, we are perfect.
We're complete We don't need any other stuff to go with it. Does that make sense that kind of sums the whole thing up?
But let's look at Colossians 2 9 We'll see some interesting reasons why we are complete and they'll just they're just stand right out in this passage
Colossians 2 9 says for in him dwelleth all of the fullness of the Godhead bodily
So the one with whom we have to do the Lord Jesus Christ The Bible says that he is all of the fullness of God in a body that's who
Jesus was when he walked on this earth and that's who he is now as he sits at the right hand of The throne of the
Father in the heavenlies. He is all of the fullness of God in a body
He Jesus was not just the eternal Son of God Nor was he just the
Holy Spirit in fullness But the Father also dwelt in him. He was all of the fullness of God in a man he was the
God man and That's who we have to do with now verse 10 says we are complete in him
Well part of the reason for that is because of who he is He is all of the fullness of the
Godhead in a body In a human body and therefore if we are in Christ if we are one with him, we are complete
So we are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power
Now verse 11 shows us Really the first reason that we can say we are complete in Christ in whom also you are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands
Putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ so the first thing that we gain when we are in Christ is
That there is the the fact that the flesh Has no right to have lordship over us anymore
Now that's what it says when it says we've been circumcised with the circumcision made without hands
Circumcision in the Old Testament was a type just like everything in the Old Testament is a type a symbol of the spiritual side of it
And so the spiritual side of that is that when we are born again? God places us into Jesus Christ as we are one with him and Since God is a
God who is in the forever present now He is the present tense all the time
It is just as easy for God to see us in Christ the day Jesus was on the cross as it is to see us in Christ now or to see us in Christ later when we're in heaven
Glorified we are in Christ Eternally at that point you are baptized or immersed into all that Christ is and you're in him
And so therefore you were in him the day. He was crucified since that's true Your sins were in his body while he was on the tree
So he died not just for your sins, but he died with your sins does that make sense
Your sins were there that day And when he died he paid the price
But also what it shows is that when he died we died in him
Now if we die if you picture yourselves this morning as a corpse laying on the floor
What could we pass Past your corpse to Tempt you
Could we tempt you with anything? No, so your flesh would have absolutely no rule over you anymore
Would it and so this passage says that spiritually you should count it to be true
That your old man the body of flesh in the negative sense of that that part of you that wants to do wrong
That part of you that has hungers and urges to do things that God says not to do
Whether it's to eat too much or whatever smoke a cigarette, whatever we can name them, you know
We want to name what we know what they are. Don't we? those urges That body that part of you that has those is in fact
Spiritually considered to be dead by God now and you are told to reckon that to be true in your own life
So the truth is since we were in Christ when he was crucified our old man was crucified with him
Therefore the flesh in the negative sense has no more now underlying this word in your mind no more, right?
To have lordship or rulership over you. I'm not saying it won't have rulership or lordship from time to time it does
But it has no more right to Therefore if it has no more right to that means you can tell it no anytime you want to Now I'm speaking to you who are saved today the real you is the spiritual man the new man or woman
That you Can tell the old man? No anytime you choose to That's why when we come before Jesus at the judgment seat of Christ, we will everyone
Answer for what we did in this body of flesh whether it be good or evil Because we have the right to tell it no every time we don't have to sin by the way now
I said we will never reach a sinless state in this life But the truth is you can go long periods of time without sinning and theoretically you could live the rest of your life without sin
If you simply let your new man tell your old man. No every time If you dwelt in the spirit rather than in the flesh, you would not sin and you could not sin your new man can't sin
The real you cannot sin. Did you know that? The only part of you that can sin anymore is the flesh the old man
And so this tells us one of the great powers that we have one of the reasons we are complete in Christ We don't need a bunch of rules listen young people if you ever leave here and you go off to some other church in another city and you get under a preacher that Starts telling you what we have standards
We're not legalistic But we have standards and they start giving you a list of rules that you have to keep like how you're gonna wear your hair
What you're gonna wear what you can and can't listen to in the music world What you can and can't go see in the movies and all that stuff
You just walk right out of that church and go find you another one because I'm gonna tell you that stuff doesn't work Anyway, you already know it doesn't work.
You probably tried it. It does not work We are not made complete by adding a bunch of man -made things to religion
We are complete in him and the first reason we're complete in him is because we were crucified
When he was crucified, therefore this body having been crucified the standing of it is that it's dead
Therefore it has no right to have any power of what you do at all So anytime that it does have power, it's because you let it does that make sense?
You allowed it You gave it the right when you really don't have the right to give it the right So there's nothing right about us being in the flesh when it happens it happens, but it doesn't have to happen
We have power over that. Let me tell you this whole idea of having the mind of Christ Let me give you some application of that when you're tempted
It's always the flesh that's tempted the old man when you sense yourself being tempted
You just pray and say Lord. Give me the mind of Jesus Christ. Give me his beautiful mind. Give me his blessed mind
Let me think as he would think in this exact situation that I'm in right now. What would he do? How would he think give me that mind and that's temptation will flee from you so the only time you ever sin is when you want to and You just choose not to pray that prayer and mean it you choose not to say
Lord Give me Christ mind you would rather have the old man's mind Therefore we will stand before Jesus someday and answer for that because we're responsible
Let me tell you what you're responsible for ladies and gentlemen. It's not to keep a whole bunch of rules There are a lot of rules given in the
Bible In fact next Sunday, we're going to talk about some of the things the Bible says that the mind of Christ had
But I'm not going to teach those to use a set of things that you need to achieve or strive for that's not why they're given the truth is
That we are to have the mind of Christ and allow his spirit and our spirit to become one
And at that point you will not sin You will not doesn't matter if you have a list in front of you or not.
You won't do that sin And so we will be judged someday for our responsibility to choose what to keep a list of rules
No our responsibility to choose to say Lord. Give me the mind of Christ right now, please
I need it because my mind is corrupt. My old mind is not thinking, right? give me the mind of Christ and let me live in the new man and you will go right through that temptation and Hopefully be wise enough to flee from it
But you'll have the mind of Jesus Christ in that aspect So the first point is the reason we are completing him as we have
Power over the own our own flesh. It's not that we have the power But Jesus who is in us is greater than anything in this world
And if we ask for his mind, it will rule over the flesh The whole goal is for us to rule over it rather than it ruling us
Does that make sense All right Let's go to verse 12
The second reason that we're complete in him is found in this verse We are buried with him in Baptism wherein also you are risen
So if it's true that God Spiritually places us in Jesus Christ at our moment of salvation and then to God that spans all of time
It becomes eternal in a sense So that it becomes true that you were in him when he died so that your old man the flesh is crucified
Then it's also true that you were in him when he rose From the grave you are risen with Christ Buried with him in baptism wherein also you are risen with him
Through the faith of the operation of God in other words the power of God which brought him out of the grave is the same
Power that lives in you to help you live to live a resurrected life Who has raised him from the dead?
Let me ask you this if you had died Let's say your corpse was in the floor like we talked about a while ago you just fell over your corpses in the floor and then
Three days later God raised you from the dead in your glorified body now
How many sinful things can we pass before you and tempt you if you're in your glorified body? None But it's a greater power than the fact that the temptation will not affect you
It's greater than that. There is a life in this resurrected body a Positive in energy in it that goes beyond just not doing what we're not supposed to do
It goes into being able to do everything we want to do for God and everything the
Lord wants us to do This is powerful. Listen, we're a complete in him
Not only because the flesh the old man is crucified. Therefore. We don't have to listen to it, but it's better than that It's more powerful than that it's because also the new man is now risen and Resurrected and it is as if you are already glorified at least spiritually you are
Everything except what I'm looking at what you're looking at is already glorified. I Mean, we're looking at the unglorified part unfortunately this morning but The inner man is already there
We that's the part of us that is in fact complete So if we dwell in that inner man, we have power even in this world even in this life
This is not stuff we get later. This is stuff we have now So we are risen with him now
It's even better than that because if you if you look at verse 12
We're buried with him in baptism where and also you are risen With him through the faith of the operation of God Who hath raised him from the dead and you being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh?
Hath he quickened that means brought life to together with him?
Now we're not only risen or quickened But we're quickened with him
Now that means this if this is you and this is Jesus you're like this now
It's not just that he gave you a new nature and you're out there on your own What he did was he gave you his nature because he is now merged with you and you're one that's
Really? Excuse me What it means to have the mind of Christ It doesn't mean to go out there and look at a list of things
Jesus thought like how did he think and I want to? Try to think like that. It doesn't mean that it means your mind and his mind your spirit and his spirit
Become one and that's what the Bible calls being spirit filled and it's a choice that you make
Now he's in dwelt within us forever. You don't make that choice It's a seal that's on your body.
He won't leave you the Holy Spirit does not leave you He's with you till the day of redemption But you make a choice if you're living in the same house think of it as a man and a woman married living in the same
House, but they're out of fellowship. They just had an argument That's different than if they're living in the same house, but they're in fellowship and they're one
They still in the same house either way So the indwelling of the Holy Spirit you can quench him and grieve him, but he doesn't leave the house so to speak
But isn't it better to be right with him and to be in fellowship with him and to become one with him?
Spiritually and that is when we're complete is when we're one with him spiritually we have power over the flesh
It has no right of Lordship over us anymore Secondly, we are risen and we have an energetic positive
Living self that can go out and do things for God in this world. And thirdly, we're not just risen
We're risen together with him. We're one with him And You being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh
Hath he quickened to gather with him having forgiven you all?
Trespasses, so the fourth point is we're complete because we're forgiven Isn't it wonderful good news gospel good news to know that you're not forgiven on the basis of how you live today.
I Is not the basis on whether you're forgiven you're forgiven if you're his son
You're forgiven if you're in Christ You're forgiven if you've been born again, you're you're standing is one of having been forgiven
You can't get more complete than that Half of the religious malarkey that's out there in these strange religions such as Catholicism are designed to make you think that they help you
Get forgiven. Have you ever heard of the confessional that the Catholics have? You go in a little booth and tell the dirty -minded priest all the bad stuff you did now.
He's thinking about it And he can't get married No wonder that the altar boys are in trouble
It's perverted It's a horrible perversion and they do that those things
Because they try to find things that you can do to get forgiven There is no thing you can do to be forgiven other than to be born again
To receive him as your personal Lord and Savior and once you do you are in him and you're complete
You don't have to go out looking for forgiveness anymore. You have Forgiveness on your worst day you have forgiveness
It's a position you stand in having been forgiven That clears the conscience way even when we do sin
We can have a conscience that's at least clear enough to come before him and kneel and say Lord forgive me
We don't have to listen to the voice of Satan who says well, you can't go pray now Look what you just did.
You're probably not even even saved We don't have to listen to that Oh If you do hear that voice just let your new man tell
Satan hey get behind me because I'm forgiven The Word of God says I'm forgiven you're lying to me
So we're complete we got we have the whole package in Jesus Christ Now he goes on and he says some interesting things beyond this in verse 14
Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us
Which was contrary to us and took it out of the way nailing it to his cross We have been freed from ordinances religious ordinances
Do you hear that? No, not very many people know that today. Ladies and gentlemen your friends probably don't know that I don't care where they go to church if they haven't studied this carefully.
They don't understand these things Even the best Baptist around the day most of them think well, you know, there's certain thing.
We better keep we better keep the Sabbath You know, we better do this We better do that and you'll hear people say these things all the time
But the Bible says that all of that's been nailed to the cross And you say how does that make sense?
You mean we don't have to obey God's ways. That's not what it's saying It's saying that the law
No longer has power over you the handwriting of the ordinances was against us
The Word of God says and when Jesus died on the cross, he nailed it to the cross that day so we no longer have
The need to allow any cult group and young people if you're in your 20s or getting close to that You're the most vulnerable of anyone in the room
When you go out from here, you can have a religious -looking person I would always watch out for religious -looking people and Sounding people if you hear somebody on TV that talks like this and it just makes you feel so good
Watch out for that. Jesus didn't talk like that. He was a rough man he was a
Carpenter's son and his best buddies were fishermen When you see someone talk like that Usually those are
Satan's servants Satan's ministers who the Bible says appear to be ministers of light They appear that way
But they are not and they will come to you and they'll tell you here's some things you need to do to be right with God and they're going to give you the little list that makes you fit in with their little cult group
And you're gonna think that if you don't do that, you're displeasing God And so you'll be afraid to not follow them and you get sucked into a cult.
So don't let that happen Tell these people look I'm already complete. I don't need your stuff I'm already complete.
I have Jesus. I'm in Christ and he's in me. I'm complete. I don't need that stuff
I don't need the funny underwear that the Mormons hand out You know about that You really didn't?
Yeah, they they all next time two Mormon elders come to your door Go ahead and let them in so you can ask them about the underwear they're wearing
You don't you know, they add all these kind of things try to make you be forgiven and make you be righteous
You don't need that We're complete any kind of set of rules whether they pull it out of the
Bible or wherever they get it from That set of rules does not have dominion over you and we'll see why as we continue to read look at verse 15
Having spoiled Principalities and powers he made a show of them openly
Triumphing over them in it if it's true that you've been freed from the ordinances
This verse says you're now freed from the principalities and powers. That means Satan and his demons themselves
They have no right of lordship over us Whatsoever the flesh has no right
Satan himself has no right of lordship over us Because we are now in Christ we belong to him.
He is our King He is our Lord and he frees us from every lower Lord Now at that point at the end of verse 16,
I mean the end of verse 15 We have covered these points
We are complete because we have power over the flesh and the flesh has no right of lordship
We are complete because we are now risen and we have a new nature and we're a new man and Third we are risen together, which means we are one with Christ the risenness that we have the quickenedness the life that we have is because we are one with Christ and Then fourth we stand forgiven and in fifth we are freed from the ordinances the law we are freed from it and Sixth we are freed from the principalities of Satan and his demons now when we move into verse 16 and following down through 21
It gives us a couple it start starts to kind of Emphasize or even strengthen the arguments that we've already seen
It doesn't add new material but it just strengthens the argument and you'll see this that verses 16 through 18 speak very strongly
Against these cult groups and when I say cult group, I'm just using that I mean any group that's legalistic
I mean you may not call the world may not call them a cult group the independent Baptists many of them are legalistic the the
Catholics are the largest group and and I like to call them a cult group But the world doesn't call them a cult group
But they're just like any other cult group because they add men's rules and act like they're not complete
So if they live like that way then obviously they're not So look at what it says
Let no man therefore judge you and meet or drink or in respect of a holiday or a new moon or of The Sabbath the word days by the way is not found in the
Greek it ends with the word Sabbath in that sentence So if you have any group that comes to you and says oh listen
You've got to start worshiping on Saturday keep the Sabbath because the Bible says so there's a mark
They're trying to bring you down under these ordinances if you have a group that says well You have to go into the high temple if you're going to be complete and whole you have to become a priest and get in The temple that's the
Mormons Just tell them no. I don't have to do that I'm complete because the
Bible says let no man judge me. I'm in Christ let no man judge me with what
I eat Well, you can't eat ham Bible says you don't eat ham don't let any man bring you under that I Mean the
Lord spread a table for Peter and said here kill and eat Peter said oh, no I don't eat unclean and the
Lord said don't call that which I have blessed unclean So don't let people bring you under these things
Drink respect of a holiday or the Sabbath all of those things it goes on and says these were a shadow of things to come
They're trying to bring us under the shadow when we're living in the dispensation of the real spiritual truths that the shadows predicted and taught about So if someone wants to bring you and make you worship on Saturday tell them look
I have a Sabbath every day all the time because I'm in Jesus Christ and the word Sabbath means rest and I'm resting at Christ I don't need to picture it by having a
Sabbath on Saturday. I have a continual Sabbath. I'm in Christ I'm complete brother
You don't have to bring that to me These were a shadow of things to come but the body is of what?
Christ You're full and complete in Christ Let no man beguile you of your reward and a voluntary humility and worshiping of angels
Do you know the Jehovah's Witnesses and the Mormons? Kind of think well not so much the
Mormons, but the Jehovah's Witnesses believe Jesus is an angelic being that's a very old heresy
Paul argued against it in the first chapter of Hebrews. So it's been around for 2 ,000 years. They just resurrected these thoughts but these groups that try to bring you into humility and Voluntary humility where you have to dress a certain way act a certain way eat certain foods all of that That's what this verse is talking about.
So just stay away from it The Bible says you're not brought under those that you are free from these things
They intrude into those things which they have not yet seen if you ever see a group talking about stuff out in the heavenlies
That the Bible doesn't talk about They're intruding into areas that God hasn't revealed to man yet.
That's a sure mark of a cult group They may even say it say they've written an extra book that gives them that information sure mark of a cult group
Stay away from all of that all of the lost books of the Bible. They'll tell you Well, you know what
God and his sovereignty has preserved the exact Word of God He wants you to have in it sitting on your lap this morning
It's a process that he worked over almost 2 ,000 years of history and he promised in the
Psalms That he would preserve them to each generation So any added book they go out and find now wouldn't be fair Because it meant 2 ,000 years of Christians didn't have that information
So all of these things that they add This voluntary humility worshiping of angels looking into things that God doesn't want us to be looking into They're vainly puffed up in pride.
That means with their fleshly mind because they act like they're smarter than we are Did you know that the Gnostic?
Heresy in the first second third century the very word itself means unknown
Mysteries because they like to pride themselves in the fact that because of their mysterious religion Stuff they knew and learned in their little temple that you don't know so they know more than you do
That's what Gnosticism means now. That's very similar to the Mormons where they have secret meetings in the temple that only certain levels of them get to go in there and they talk about Things that they say that if you go outside and tell other people these things may your intestines come out so they they take
You know odes like that and it's just it's so amazing that 2 ,000 years ago
This was written and it describes these things perfectly I mean, there's even a verse in the Bible where it says call no man father
Like the Catholics do there's a verse that says there'll be a cult in the end times where they forbid to marry
Like the Catholics don't let their priests marry. It just is it hits all of it So as long as we're in the word, we're complete.
We don't need These things now verse 19 and not holding the head.
You see that's Jesus they don't hold the head because they're not complete and So they have all these rules and regulations and strange things that they do
But we have the head of the church, which is Jesus and if we hold him then we're complete
They don't hold the head from which all the body by joints and bands Having nourishment ministered and knit together
Increases with the increase of God you see you have everything you need if you're in a local church
You're in the body of Christ and you have the Word of God You will grow and you will grow and you will increase according to God's will verse 19 says in Verse 20 wherefore if you be dead with Christ from the rudiments of the world now, that's talking about not only worldly things
It's talking about religious rudiments Religious rudiments that different churches would put on you
Says wherefore you are dead with Christ from the rudiments of the world Why as though living in the world are you subject to ordinances touch not this taste not that handle not that Pretty good question.
He asked Now I'll tell you why it is that you're not ruled by the ordinances even of the
Old Testament law It's because you are seated in Christ in the heavenlies and that law was an earthly law given for an earthly people a
Physical people it was all the picture and shadow the spiritual truths of where we are now where God has brought us now
We're in Christ we were crucified with him
We were buried in him. We were risen with him. We are quickened and have life in him
And we are seated in the heavenlies with him and in him above everything that's down here on this earth so when it comes at you with both barrels and You're looking into fear that Satan would bring that the world
Circumstances the world would bring our temptations that your own flesh would bring just remember your position
Remember where you are in who you are You are in Christ. You are one with him
You can ask for his mind because you have his mind his mind is merged with your mind when you're filled with the
Spirit And you're seated in the heavenlies above everything down here. Even the law Even the law of the
Old Testament you're above that because it's for man while they're on the earth It's not for men when they're in heaven when you're in heaven.
You see Christ as he is and you live the law You fulfill it in Christ.
Well, we have that right here to fulfill that in Christ So now we see why it says
That when Paul says how be it we speak wisdom among them that are perfect that's us the
Christians We see why it says in Colossians 2 9 for in him dwelleth all the fullness of the
Godhead bodily and you are complete in him That's our standing
Now we have to apply it We can't just walk out of here today and say, okay, everything's gonna be great
Because what happens when that temptation comes we have to be ready and willing and able to say
Lord Give me the mind of Christ right now Let me think about this situation as he would
Can you practice that look at me with your eyes and tell me whether you can or not?
Can you practice that? Can you think Lord? Give me the mind of Christ. I Have the mind of Christ.
Let me dwell in the mind of Christ And that temptation will flee
Let's stand and have prayer together Father we thank you for your word and the power that is in it power to quicken us
You say that your words are spirit and yours and they are life They give us the life force the energy that we have to be able to walk this walk that we read about today and studied today
Lord, we thank you that in Christ. We are complete We have everything from forgiveness to a crucified old man to a risen new man and Lord we have your pleasure upon us
Your smile upon us now because of your great love for us
May we return that love to you and because of our love for you may we desire?
To live each moment in the spirit not in the flesh and as the flesh comes and tempts us
May your sweet spirit remind us that we have the mind of Christ and give us the power and the strength
To ask to have that at this moment that we might flee from temptation that we might be holy as you are holy
And Lord, we know from the study of the scriptures that the method that you used as a man on this earth
Was that you were had the complete? fullness of the Holy Spirit without measure and so give us the desire
To walk as you walked in this world and we ask it in Jesus name
Amen, you know what better have brother Russell bless the food because I forgot to so go ahead