FBC Daily Devotional – November 11, 2021


A brief bit of encouragement for your day from God's Word


Well, good Thursday morning to you. Hope your week is going well. You've gotten over the hump. We're headed toward the weekend and Here we go
Well, let me ask you this. What do you think is the single most hated?
tenet of the Christian faith What is what is the one idea that? Biblical Christians hold
That is most hated by society at large. What do you think it is?
Let me give you a few seconds to ponder that one All right. You got your answer?
Well, I believe what it is is the exclusivity of the gospel the exclusive claim that Jesus is the only way to be saved.
He is the only way to heaven He's the only path to heaven now
Jesus himself said that he said I am the way the truth and the life
No man comes to the Father, but by me Now there's no equivocation there
There is no way that Jesus can be right if the claims of Today's culture are right and what most people think most people seem to think that there are many roads to heaven
There are many ways or paths and it's often been described like this, you know heaven or God is at the top of this mountain and There are many routes many paths that go up that mountain to get to God It's a modern concept.
That's the dominant thinking one of the ways you see that expressed is when when a person dies and You you hear this statement you hear this phrase no matter who the person is no matter what kind of life
No matter what their faith their religion or lack of religion The statement is always made often made well at least he or she is in a better place
Least is in a better place How do you know how do you know
The reason people say that is that they believe that you know it really doesn't much matter how you live on this planet unless you're like a
John Wayne Gacy or a Epstein or some horrifically gross disgusting
Malevolent sinner unless you're really really bad Serial killer or you know somebody like that then, you know, everybody's gonna get there
Everybody's gonna get to heaven So the idea that the
Christian biblical Christian faith proclaims that Jesus is the only way
That no man comes to the Father except through him That claim is is vilified today
You know, that's it's even seen in the Christian Church. I saw a poll not long ago that that said that I Can't remember what the percentage was, but it was a surprising percentage.
It wasn't a majority. It was a minority but a large minority of Evangelical professing evangelical
Christians now an evangelical Christian is supposed to be one who believes the gospel and Would therefore believe the exclusive claims of Jesus that he's the only way to heaven but I think it was in the 30s some something like that percent of Professing evangelicals believe that there are other ways to get to heaven other than through Jesus But listen to what
Peter says in Acts 4 verse 12 and what he says is based upon The claim that Jesus made when
Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life No man comes to the Father, but by me
Jesus is speaking and he says in verse 12 nor is there salvation in any other
For there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved
There is salvation in no other name than the name of Jesus now that's pretty exclusive and That cuts out any other
Any other religious path that one might follow? To try to get to God any path that doesn't that isn't
Jesus there is no other way Now that may not be liked in our culture that prescription of Medicine may not be appreciated
But it is necessary. It is vital You're a lot today about how you need to take a vaccination or you need to get this
So you need to take that in order to use that your life might be spared from You know from some deadly disease deadly virus
Well, there is an eternal death to be faced and the only antidote is
Jesus That's it There is no other name. There is no other way so I hope
I hope that you're trusting in Jesus and Jesus alone for your soul's salvation because You can't trust anything else
It won't get you there He is the way so our
Father and our God we thank you for your grace in providing that way and I pray that all sound of my voice today will have been
Convicted of their sin will have repented and turned from their sin and trusted in Christ and Christ alone as only he can save I Pray that you would work in our hearts to rejoice in that salvation if it is ours
To work in the hearts of those who know not Christ that they might turn to him
The only way of salvation we pray in Jesus name. Amen All right, well have a good rest of your