The Answer of Conscience


Preacher: Ross Macdonald Scripture: Genesis 42:1-28


Well this morning we begin chapter 42. We will not complete it this morning.
In fact, there's So many things to say just about the first 28 verses. I hope we'll have time thing a little under the weather today
So I hope I also Preserve my voice tried my best not to belt out hymns for that very reason
But as we begin chapter 42, we're reminded that Joseph has now been in this place of prestige
He now is next to Pharaoh Governor perhaps more than governor over all the land of Egypt and indeed all of the earth is coming to Joseph that they might receive grain as these seven years of severe famine began to set in We're reminded over the course of several weeks that Joseph has been enduring the rollercoaster of God's providence in his life
At times very difficult providence in his life by keeping faith in what
God had revealed to him Joseph was keeping faith in God's revelation.
And so he had humbled himself While he was in the roundhouse the course of well over two years
He humbled himself under the mighty hand of God and therefore God exalted him in due time
And as the interpretation he gave to Pharaoh declared seven years of abundance quickly turned into seven years of devastation and of course
God is moving through this event as it flashes across the ticker tape at the bottom of MSNBC or CNN God is actually in the details of this crisis affecting this
Reconciliation between Joseph and his brothers that was the vision that Joseph had received his own family would come and bow
Before him chapter 42 begins to take a step in that direction It will be the central focus for the next five chapters.
We begin in verse 1 When Jacob saw that there was grain in Egypt Jacob said to his sons
Why do you look at one another and he said indeed? I have heard that there is grain in Egypt go down to that place and buy for us there
That we may live and not die Most likely this is occurring toward the very beginning of the famine in chapter 45 verse 11
We read there were still five years of the seven -year famine remaining so they didn't have grain that lasted very long
Maybe they made it through one season if that and they realize we're not gonna make it now.
This is critical We need to get down to Egypt to get grain So the narrative has shifted away from Egypt for the first time in five chapters.
We're back now in Canaan Notice that Jacob is brought into view and Jacob is still exercising responsibility for his family
Jacob hears about the grain and Jacob tells his sons what must be done his sons are grown men His sons have wives and households of their own but Jacob is the patriarch and so he still especially in times of a crisis
Exercises his fatherly authority over his family Notice how unified the family is as a result of this all of his sons come to Jacob Jacob is able to say
I want You to go to Egypt all but one son will go and so we see this picture of unity within the family
Maybe a unity that's been forged in a time of emergency And of course that's also setting up the contrast with Joseph who is far from unified with his family
Jacob mentions the grain in Egypt and he notices as soon as he mentions it that they all sort of look down Cough shuffle their feet look at each other side to side and what's going on with that?
Why are you looking at each other in this way? It's like as soon as he mentions the word Egypt There's this prod perhaps the first pangs of conscience
We're gonna be looking across these first 28 verses at the matter of conscience this morning
Whatever looks they give the sons recognize We really do have to go down to Egypt.
This is life or death We've tried to barter with our neighbors We've we've gone quite a ways in search of food and Egypt is about all the hope we have
Jacob says by for us there that we may live and not die. That's how
Pressing this need is verse 3 So Joseph's ten brothers went down to buy grain in Egypt But Jacob did not send
Joseph's brother Benjamin with his brothers for he said less some calamity befall him Most likely didn't say that out loud that the
Hebrew there could be he thought or give an insight into his understanding Well, you know less something happened to him on the way or when he gets there
He somehow doesn't come back to me and the sons of Israel went to buy grain among those who journeyed for the famine
Was in the land of Canaan Right in the land of blessing a curse has come notice what verse 3 says
It doesn't say so they went down to buy grain in Egypt It says
Joseph's ten brothers. We already know these are Joseph's brothers So why have it emphasized in verse 3?
These are Joseph's ten brothers going down to Egypt again We're having this relationship that's been severed
Emphasized before us why all ten brothers? Why would Jacob risk sending ten brothers all the way down to Egypt?
That's practically his whole legacy his whole heritage He's sending down to Egypt. The only one he keeps by his side is
Benjamin Well, most likely he understands the grain is gonna be doled out per capita
So one man can't go down and say yes I need this many hectares of grain to feed about 800 people nice try pal
You'll be selling it in the in the back alley. No, no, no per capita This is the amount you're allowed to have and so he has to send anyone that can be sent to bring back this grain
Benjamin remains We of course remember that to Rachel Jacob's beloved were born
Joseph and Benjamin Benjamin being the youngest within the family of Jacob and it seems that Benjamin is now taking
Jacob's place in his father's affections Surely he would have been reminded of Joseph as the years rolled by even as Joseph reminded of Rachel as the years rolled by so you see
The pain is still there even 20 years on and if he ever clung to Joseph as the beloved son
How much tighter has he clung to Benjamin? Benjamin is all he has left as far as he is concerned and he is the one brother that must not go even in this life -and -death situation
You could almost say he'd rather starve than lose Benjamin Now that's gonna set up next week some rather discouraging dynamics that we've seen in Jacob's family and the favoritism he plays and how
Destructive that is to his relationship with his sons and the way that the sons relate to each other
And so we're looking at signs of God's grace Through this narrative and we'll see that though Jacob's sin of favoritism is still alive and well
God's grace is working in the lives of Jacob's sons verse 6 Now Joseph was governor over the land and it was he who sold all the people of the land
And Joseph's brothers came and bowed down before him with their faces to the earth the prominence of Joseph again
Emphasized and when the ten brothers finally come, of course, they're probably Looking for where is this grain supply given?
They're finally pointed toward Joseph Joseph must have had quite a retinue before him But he's the type of leader that likes to have his hands on the field
He's a leader that likes to lead by doing and so I think quite literally he is there
Exercising the dispensary of the grain and they come before him and recognizing his status
But not recognizing him they bow down We remember that when
Joseph's brothers plotted murder against him and sold him into slavery They were specifically trying to overthrow the dream that Joseph had shared with them
Brothers, I saw in my dream interestingly. It's a grain dream, isn't it? We were all bundling together sheafs of grain and your sheafs bowed down to my sheafs
Well here they are in the midst of the grain crisis and they're bowing down before him they murdered him
Effectively cast him into the pit They didn't care what happened to him as long as he was dragged out of their lives and they thought well so much for that dreamers dreams
But in doing that they actually have begun the fulfillment of that vision that God gave to Joseph They provided the very way the dream would be fulfilled.
This is not just high Literary glory. This is the truth of God's providence
He can and does allow evil actions of men in order to establish his good
Overruling purpose never in a way that excuses the evil of men as we'll see in chapter 50 but in a way that Establishes the goodness and the wisdom of God's purpose which accords with even the evil of men
Psalm 76 10 surely even the wrath of man shall praise you Lord The brothers bowed down to him
Can you imagine the cyclone of emotions that Joseph felt in this moment It's been 20 years 20 years.
I Look back on photos of Elsie four years ago, and it's shocking to me
Can you imagine looking at brothers that you haven't seen in 20 years? The pain must have immediately rose to the surface
Mingled with hope but then fluctuating back to to rage That thirst for justice
But then that recognition that God has been merciful to you and and this place that you have now in Egypt That you never would have had it
He must have been wrestling with this vortex Very intense emotions and and I think we have that on the page look at verse 7
Joseph saw his brothers recognized them, but he acted as a stranger to them He can't even know how to reveal himself and he just speaks roughly to them.
I Wonder what the servants of Joseph thought. Here's this man who's so wise so Self -controlled so diligent and gracious meek and all that he does
This is all that they've seen year after year after year in seven years of plenty They've watched as their master has very calmly but very sternly warned these seven years of abundance will not last
Prepare yourself and prepare your field prepare your storage jars hard years are coming
But don't lose heart God has a plan and if you come seek me in the years of crisis
I will provide for you and your household and they saw this man that was so meek and wise and perhaps for the first time
They saw him lose that self -control He speaks roughly to them
We don't have the rough words But you get the sense that it's very abrupt
He spoke roughly to them. We read then he said to them So he spoke roughly to them before we have the dialogue recorded here
You get the sense that he's restraining the pain the rage the aggression
But he can't break the disguise quite yet, they don't know it's him They probably didn't even know and they this is just what
Egyptian governors are like They don't recognize that Zapnot Panea is actually their brother
Joseph. He said to them. Where do you come from? And they said from the land of Canaan to buy food
And so again, it's repeated verse 8. So Joseph recognized his brothers, but they did not recognize him
There were countless things he could do to them He has all authority underneath Pharaoh No questions
No trial needed if he wants them taken away They will be taken away if he wants these ten brothers never to be heard of or never seen again
They will never be heard of and never seen again He has all the power all the authority of the
Egyptian Empire at his disposal He's in pretty good with the butcher. He knows all of the guards in the roundhouse
He can make any arrangement that he sees fit but what remember what we said what we've seen all along Joseph endures the rollercoaster of God's Providence by keeping his faith in God's revelation and He remembers verse 9.
He remembers the dreams This is not coincidence fancy meeting you here after all these years
He knows the hand of Providence is at work and He recalls the dream that God had given to him the same dream that he's been keeping faith in for these 20 years
He remembers the dreams and then he says you are spies the wisdom of Joseph he
He almost makes this plan up on the fly He knows the effect he wants to have he knows he has the upper hand and that he knows who these men are
But they don't know who he is. He concocts this plan on the run.
It's incredible really No wonder he was such a a brilliant administrator
No wonder he could work his way up in whatever starting place you gave to him. He says you are spies
It's a false charge. He knows they're not spies You've come to see the nakedness of the land.
The whole world is naked by this famine And I said to him no my lord, but your servants have come to buy food we are all one man's sons
We are honest men. Your servants are not spies But he said to them.
No You've come to see the nakedness of the land. He just won't hear any of their protests any of their countering evidence
He just keeps repeating the accusation. No, you are spies. No, you've come to see the nakedness of the land
Now this is a baseless charge Now the brothers know what it's like To be dealt with so harshly so cruelly without any basis whatsoever
They came they were honest men. That must have been painful for Joseph to hear. We're honest men He must have had to swallow pretty hard on that one.
But at the same time look at how they ingratiate themselves to Joseph They call
Joseph Lord. No, my lord They refer to themselves as his servants
No, my lord your servants are honest men whatever rage he feels in that moment he's tempered by Well, we're already on the way to the fulfillment of this dream now
The dream was that all of my brothers would bow down to me and only ten are here So where is the 11th brother
Joseph has to work this out in his calculation, but perhaps he's already detecting
There's there's something of God's hand in the midst of even their response to him Verse 13
Your servants are twelve brothers the sons of one man in the land of Canaan And in fact, the youngest is with our father today and they must have trailed off at this point and one is no more
Don't don't ask on that. Please don't press on that one They spend all this time talking about their relationship to their father
Their brother is all from the same fatherland of Canaan. The youngest is still with our father one is no more
Let's just get past that chapter in our lives and in our family history They want to spend more time talking about the missing brother
Benjamin One is no more this was a lie the brothers know it is a lie
Perhaps he's no more last they knew he was being dragged away as a slave into Egypt Which is why they were so nervous when
Egypt was being mentioned They had every reason to believe that Joseph was not dead. He would have been a valuable slave at this age
He was a hard -working honest intelligent diligent young man, even his brothers knew him in that way
But perhaps they had repeated the lie so often. They just thought this really is the case. He's no more
Effectively, he was no more as far as their lives were concerned Verse 14
Joseph said to them. It's as I spoke to you again, just endless incessant repeating of the charges
You are spies, but now he concocts a plan How will I get the 11th brother to bow before me in this manner?
You shall be tested by the life of Pharaoh. You shall not leave this place unless your youngest brother comes here
Send one of you. This is a plan that will change but for now send one of you
Let him bring your brother You shall all be kept in prison so that your words may be tested to see whether there is any truth in you
That's Joseph's concern What really is inside of you after these 20 years if you're capable of that 20 years ago?
What remains in you today? Or else by the life of Pharaoh surely you are spies
He doesn't have to trail off and explain the consequence of that if you are spying on the nakedness of the land
That's an automatic death sentence So he put them all together in prison three days.
All the brothers are together there in prison for three days Perhaps these three days were given to them so they could examine themselves
To just force them on the spot wouldn't be an act of wisdom on Joseph's part to get them in a secluded place where they could be with each other and Actually begin to examine their selves to look at their situation.
All right, that was an act of wisdom on Joseph's part He had already said one of you will be sent
In order to bring back the youngest brother No one else will be allowed to leave or even live unless that youngest brother is returned to me
So now these brothers have to work out who is trustworthy among us who will not abandon us here.
They're all terrified Who will go and actually come back? I will we don't trust you.
I will no way. You're the last brother. We're gonna send Who are you gonna send on this mission?
It seems like a kamikaze mission for the first time they would get a short taste of What it would be like to be utterly hopeless
Urging and desiring for a brother to come and rescue them. This seems to be the whole point of these days and nights
But it also gives Joseph time to think through to pray to plan
To understand Lord, why have you allowed this Providence to unfold in my life? And for three days you get the sense that Joseph is working these things over in his own mind and heart with the
Lord Trying to understand how should he act and move to get Benjamin and and begin to walk in the fulfillment of God's plan
He recognizes the hand of God in this moment. And so he comes back three days later and this helps us understand
He's really sort of planning on the fly But now he's had three days to create a plan and that the terms change verse 18
Joseph said to them the third day do this and live for I fear God if You are honest men.
Let one of your brothers be confined to your prison house, but you you all the other nine
Go and carry grain for the famine of your houses and bring your youngest brother to me
So that your words will be verified and you shall not die and they did so He comes to them
And the first thing he says to them is do this and live He comes to them really as a bearer of hope whatever they thought might happen.
He's just been pulling us along We're actually on the execution slate. He comes to them. He says if you do this you live do this and live
It's a command. It's an entreaty do this so that you may live I'm sure after three days in the
Egyptian penitentiary system The brothers were willing to do anything to live anything to get out of the roundhouse
They'd only been there for three days. They actually were there with each other. That meant something
At least they could rely upon one another and comfort one another in those dark days and nights
Remember that Joseph was alone in that pit for years And so even here as we think typologically were reminded that our
Lord faced a depth of suffering that we could never comprehend We experienced the equivalent in our lives in the most difficult pains three days
Where the Lord in his earthly life experienced years And so it's no wonder we can trust him when we look to his nail -scarred hands and he says to us do this and live
I've already gone the way of suffering ahead of you. You can trust me We can say to him you alone have the words of life when he says to us do this and live
It's not as an abstract detached arbitrary governor But it's as the suffering
Savior who came and suffered beyond our depth in our place These brothers have tasted the dread of being lost of being abandoned
Now they have to depend upon One another to restore the brother that will be bound that the plan has changed now they all can go
This is a merciful adjustment to Joseph's plan He must have been concerned that their households would be met with supplies
They can all go but one They can all go and bring back grain and supply their families in the midst of this famine
Joseph shows No heart no stomach for retribution he would not have these brothers nor their families starve in the land of Canaan and The brothers now being released all but one faced this temptation that they had faced with Joseph Would they abandon another brother as they had once abandoned
Joseph? Will they go to their father and tell the truth or will they cover it over and say we're never going back to Egypt We got our grain and let's just pray for a better harvest next year
Notice the testimony of Joseph also he says to them I fear God That's something they would not expect out of an
Egyptian viceroy's mouth It almost comes with the implicit charge.
Do you fear God? They're Canaanites. They're coming as as those who actually ought to proclaim the
Living God to this Egyptian governor But it's the Egyptian governor who proclaims God to them.
I fear God. Do you fear God? Are you honest men? Will you do what is right?
Do this in live he says toward the end essentially do this and you shall not die
He's confronting these ten brothers with matters of life and death. This is what will get you death
This is what will get you life whenever we're confronted with matters of life and death do this and live
This is the way to life do this and die This is the broad and wide path toward destruction when we're confronted with that Existential moral ethical fork in the road.
God is moving in us to awaken our conscience We'll spend a lot more time in application talking about that Joseph is wisely confronting his brothers with matters of life and death
Presenting for them a narrow difficult path that will lead to life or the broad and easy path that leads to destruction
They can abandon their brother and make it one more year and then starve in the following year to come
There's only one way to live Joseph begins to pain their conscience
Think about what these brothers have experienced. They've been in the roundhouse for three days They've perhaps asserted.
Yes. Okay. This is the brother that we're going to send to go we trust him Maybe it was Reuben being the eldest in that roundhouse
But now Joseph comes and he's totally changed the terms of the plan now they can all go but one Perhaps they'll have to slowly walk away
While they hear that one brother who's been left behind cry out
Don't leave me. Don't abandon me brothers. Come rescue me. Please come rescue me
All of this would have been a haunting memory of what had happened 20 years prior
Joseph is now making them reenact the experience that he had faced
They can all go but one and for the second time these brothers must return to the tent of their father and say
One of your sons is not with us No wonder
The conscience now is fully awakened verse 21. They said to one another We are truly guilty concerning our brother
For we saw the anguish of his soul when he pleaded with us and we wouldn't hear therefore this distress has come upon us and Reuben answered and said didn't
I speak to you saying don't sin against the boy and you wouldn't listen Therefore behold his blood is now required of us
But they did not know that Joseph understood them for he spoke through an interpreter They're speaking to one another and Joseph is able to understand everything
Remember what they had said when they first entered and stood before Joseph. We are honest men
They said but now what is Joseph here? We're all guilty. How do you get an honest man who's protesting his innocence?
To then say I'm truly guilty It's the power of the conscience
It's the power of the conscience It's the power of the illumination of God upon man's contorted and repressed conscience
Sometimes the conscience has been compared to a sundial If you think of a sundial in the darkened soul of man, what what good is that sundial?
Go to a sundial out in the park. Sometimes they make them out of cement and if it's nighttime, what good is that to you?
It's useless If anything the moonlight the park lights will only scatter that and point you in the wrong direction.
It won't be accurate You need the light you need the illumination for that to function as it was designed to We see the illumination now begin to dawn in the hearts and minds of these brothers and for the first time these honest men say
We are truly guilty They not only understood they felt the guilt of what they had done to Joseph Their minds immediately go back 20 years in time to vividly
Experience what they had done to their brother. They're no longer in the present. They're not concerned about their growling stomachs
They're not rushing back because the most important thing is getting the grain on the table. They're frozen in their steps and saying
Our brother Joseph, this is why this distress has come upon us our brother
Joseph. Surely we are guilty This is why we're being punished our brother Joseph and notice.
He's not that dreamer anymore. He's our brother our brother 20 years ago.
He wasn't their brother, but the light of conscience has moved in a way that now they understand
He was our brother He was our flesh Reuben protests he wants to say not not me
Maybe all of you but not me and that that bears out in chapter 37 Remember he he had a secret plan that he was gonna kind of go along with the boys and he'd sneak back and deliver
Joseph up out of that pit But he was complicit he didn't directly act against it
He he allowed that injustice to begin to unfold It didn't really matter what his secret plan was what his secret thoughts were
He went with the flow when it mattered most he went with the flow when he could have made a difference
He could have pulled out that inside waistband and said get back all of you Joseph's going home with me pulled out his
M &P shield or something But he didn't he just went with the flow And because he went with the flow and he did not do what was right did not do what he ought to do
His fates the same as theirs. He ends up in prison just like them He faces the same crisis just like them.
He has the same guilt just like them There's a lot of people who think my fate will be different my guilt will not be the same
Because I secretly disagree with what society's doing I go along with it, but really that's not my plan
That's not how I feel about it. And because I have the secret plan my fate my guilt is somehow different in God's eyes
No, it's not it doesn't matter how you inwardly feel
It doesn't matter that you're only outwardly approving The fact that you're outwardly approving is guilt enough before God and thankfully
Ruben recognizes this He says now his blood is required of us.
He doesn't say I'm out of here. That's on you In fact, I'm gonna go talk to this zapnap Pena guy about how I wasn't really part of it
He understands the blood is now required of us. We are truly guilty until now
Joseph Probably assumed Ruben being the oldest brother was the one that had led
Everything that had happened to him those 20 years ago Ruben was the one that planned to murder him and then sell him into slavery.
He would have never known until now that Ruben had actually protested had actually said don't sin against him had actually planned to deliver him
Joseph Must have been struck by that there was something in Ruben something in Ruben That still had conscience
Maybe this is why Ruben is not the one that is bound as chiefly responsible But the next in line
Simeon he is the one that is bound For the first time these brothers acknowledge their sin against Joseph notice how they acknowledge it.
They don't mitigate it They don't extenuate it. They don't flatter themselves They don't rationalize it and say it wasn't really that bad if you actually knew him drew you guys are just forgetting what he was
Like that pest who said his older brothers are gonna come bow before him. No. No. No, he got what was coming to him
Hopefully he didn't learn to run his mouth as a slave in Egypt All they can say is we are truly guilty
They have come to the right conclusion about their guilt about their sin that they don't let time try to ebb it away
They admittedly say what we did was worthy of death. His blood is now required of us
They can't help but see God's justice unfolding in their Providence And unless they had come to this point
They could not participate in the reconciliation that will follow if they had not come to this point in chapter 42 to say we are truly guilty no more
Rationalizing no more ignoring no more avoiding. I'm owning the evil of it I'm saying it's worthy of death unless they had got to that point
Joseph would have never moved them toward reconciliation Unless we get to the point where we can own and confess our sin a right and have an accurate dealing with God There can be no movement toward reconciliation
We cannot be made right with God When we're justifying and excusing the sin the evil within our crooked lives
For Joseph to hear this confession For Joseph to be moved
By this confession of guilt to hear them say we did this to our brother with the sense of remorse in their voices
That none of the other Egyptians could understand but Joseph he's so totally overcome
He has to abruptly come up from off his his second chariot or golden throne or whatever
He was on he has to hide himself and weep. He comes back with red puffy eyes
Egyptians tended to wear the black eyeliner, right? So he probably had like a Like a grieving teenager.
He probably had an eyeshadow running all down his cheeks and he returned to them again and he talks with them notice
It began with him speaking roughly to them. Now he talks with them
Reconciliation is already beginning to creep forward In this family
And he took Simeon from them and he bound him before their eyes and I can't think of that as something violent and aggressive
If it was meant to be that way, I don't think we would read that he actually did it Remember we're going to read that he gives commands.
Let their sacks be filled with grain Let them have their silver restored. He gives orders and men go do it when it comes to this he himself does it
And I don't think it's because he rolled up his sleeves and said I've been waiting 20 years for this moment I Think he's been so disarmed in his wrath
By hearing the confession of that guilt that even when he comes to to move this plan forward.
He very tenderly binds Simeon What a contrast between the way they bound him
When against his cries in his confusion they thrust him into the arms of the Midianites to be dragged away forever
Joseph is doing everything So that his brothers would need to take responsibility to come and retrieve
Simeon Have these men really changed? Will they just let another brother die in the pit or will they actually do what is necessary to rescue him?
Have these men actually changed will will their compassion and desire for Simeon?
Over rule their their anxiety and their fearfulness and their guilt So Joseph verse 25 he commands for their sacks to be filled with grain
Every man's money to be restored to the sack This is setting us up to move into chapter 43 and to give them provisions for their journey.
This is what he did for them So they loaded their donkeys with the grain and departed from there
But as one of them opened you'll wonder whatever happened to those camels There was a whole fleet of camels that seemed to move from Abraham to Isaac and Jacob but here they were riding donkeys
Maybe that's emblematic of just how severe the famine was. I don't know Maybe those donkeys had to be sold time to sell the old
Corvette and hop in the Camry, you know would be the equivalent perhaps They loaded their donkeys with the grain and departed from there
But as one of them opened his sack to give his donkey feet at the encampment He saw his money and there it was in the mouth of his sack
And he said to his brothers my money has been restored there It is my sack and all of their hearts failed them.
They were all afraid saying to one other What is this that God has done to us? So Joseph orders his brother's bags to be filled with grain.
That was the whole reason they came to buy grain from Egypt But in order to continue his plan, he also orders that their money be restored to the sack.
All their silver is hidden Back in their grain sacks This is going a little too far but to paraphrase
Matthew 5 First be reconciled to your brother then bring your gift We're not done here yet One of them we don't know who finds the silver
Maybe maybe the canvas tears on the side and some grain seeds spill out and all of a sudden he notices something shiny
What's what is this? Maybe they drop it on a rock and they hear a loud clang and they're like, what kind of grain is this?
However, they find it When he announces it we read their hearts fail them
We read what we'll see next week in verse 35 when they get home and they all empty their sacks They realize this was true of all of them all of their hearts fail them
Again, remember Joseph is now testing their resolve to save their brother He's causing them to reenact what he had to experience they will need to go back and report this to Joseph to Jacob and they will need to undertake to rescue their brother or Otherwise abandon him to a fate of death essentially what they did to Joseph But he problematizes it
It's gonna make it a little bit harder Easy enough to say dad.
We're gonna go play some football with Ben. I'll be back before you know it then book down to Egypt Sorry dad had to do it.
It's the only way to get Simeon back that would have been easy enough But by putting silver by putting their money back now they'd have to come back as the accused spies also now accused thieves
Whoa, how'd you get that money back? Why are you coming back with money? You stole you come into my land as spies and you steal
You steal our grain you take your money back So now they have every reason not to want to go back to Egypt They already did not want to go back, but they were gonna do it because they have changed.
Well, have they really changed? Now more than ever they're being tempted to abandon their brother to the pit
But already we see signs of change in their lives.
God's grace hasn't just been working in Joseph It's been working in this family as well Notice when one of them found the money in his sack they all
Were afraid They didn't say we're marching you back. We're not going down for this.
You're on your own man. They don't do that. They're all afraid They don't even know at that point in time that they all have the same money returned in their bags
They they could have easily just said that's on you. We'll have nothing to do with you. You're on your own from here on out They could have used that to get cred under a zap not
Pena look Yeah, one of our brothers was a thief. See how honest we are. We told you we're honest men There's unity here solidarity
Well, no matter what brother. We don't honestly you keep saying you didn't take it. We don't really know How your money got back in your sack.
I hope you're not that foolish But if you're going down we're gonna go down with you we're not gonna let anything happen to you
And They begin to attribute also God's hand. What is this that God has done to us? They've been silent about God this whole exchange
Joseph's been the one that's been talking about God. They finally in around the the donkey feed.
They finally can say what is God doing? Why would God allow this? So they're not blaming their brother.
In Fact their guilty conscience is in joining them with their brother. What is God doing to us?
They're unified in their guilt they're unified in their need Joseph so wise he put silver back in their sacks 20 years ago.
It was for silver that they said our brother's life is meaningless. This bag of money means more to us than him the temptation again
Does this money mean more than the life of your brother? Joseph's not willing of course that their household should starve and they don't realize this is actually part of the blessing and mercy of Joseph Not only does he not want their households to starve.
He doesn't even want them to take a dip in their bank accounts You have your money back. I don't your money's no good here your your family.
You don't realize it yet despite the trauma despite the agony of Looking his grown brothers in the eyes and and vividly recollecting all that they had done to him
He does not react to to them with seething vengeance
He doesn't poison their grain or hamstring their donkeys He doesn't leave them in the prison to rot.
He doesn't torture them What does he do? He gives them provisions for their journey.
Here's grain and here's more than grain Yeah, here's an espresso maker, you know when you get to the campsite
Here's some these are the best cookies in all of Egypt we used to have a baker He lost his head the new
Baker's been great. Let me tell you all about him He gives them provisions for their journey.
This is the opposite of vengeance. This is blessing. Here is the
Lord of the land Who is not yet reconciled to his enemies and yet though he is not reconciled to his enemies.
He is loving them He is blessing them He is benefiting them Does that sound familiar to you as a
Christian Though they have not yet been reconciled. They don't even recognize him all they feel is their guilt and Yet the one that they need to be reconciled to is just blessing them
The one that ought to smite them in revenge is actually blessing them for their journey He's concerned about how difficult the way may be.
He wants to make sure they have more than enough for their households and themselves And when they call this out in the next chapter as we'll see in several weeks
Joseph connects this blessing to God's fatherly care God has blessed you
God your God has provided this for you And we see Joseph doing what is perhaps the most challenging instruction that's ever been given to a
Christian in Luke chapter 6 when the Lord said Love your enemies
Something radically challenging about that I'd I'd venture to say it's the most difficult command the
Lord ever gave his people Love your enemies and do good. Why why why should you love someone who's persecuting you afflicting you someone who's wronged you?
Who spitefully cruelly harshly? Why should you love them love them? They're lucky if you don't take revenge on them that you are loving them.
You're not taking revenge. Why would I actually do good to them? Jesus says because when you do that, you're like your father on high
That's how God is every day to the people that he has made
Who cruelly? Abuse and misuse all his good gifts and fatherly care who are rebellious hour after hour who love their sins and hate his laws and yet he does good to them and When you love your enemies you are sons of the
Most High For he is kind to the unthankful and the evil therefore be merciful
Just as your father also is Merciful Joseph does what?
Christians only can ever hope to do he does it He blesses those who pursued him to death
Money is not what he's seeking They can have it back. He doesn't want silver
He doesn't want good deeds He wants honest repentance They're terrified at the implication of this silver.
They don't recognize that this kindness is designed to bring them to repentance as Always God's kindness
God's mercy is designed to bring us to repentance To be honest with ourselves before him
To give an honest account of our standing before him to own the guilt
Not maneuver around it, but to own it And to accept his grace
But for now, we leave them all they can do is stutter.
What is God doing? What has God done? Why has God allowed this?
At last they're confessing God Though in a terrified way They are rightly understanding that God is at work in their midst at work in their
Providence Illuminating their evil act their conscience is now sprung to life
And that takes us really to the application this morning, which is the conscience Can't recall that we've ever spent much time talking about the conscience.
I spent way too much time Reading books and articles about conscience this week, and I hope
I'm not too scattered in what I recollect from that it's a fascinating Fascinating study in the
Bible and in church history in in the Puritans Especially how they understood and used and appealed to the conscience
J. Packer a wonderful set of Essays that were published after yearly conferences began in the late 60s in England J.
Packer Martin Lloyd -Jones several of the notable English Evangelicals would hold these yearly conferences and they they would talk about the
Puritans and sort of recover that heritage the reformed heritage there in England and they were trying to to influence and resource the the
English Evangelicals the English non -conformist to connect to their past We take it for granted as if there had never been a dip or a neglect of that rich soil of the past of the
Reformation the Puritans But in the 50s and 60s and 70s in America and in England, it was almost unknown
Lloyd -Jones was so unique because he would walk to an obscure little library and he would he would rent out these
Puritan books that nobody wanted. These are grandfather Stewart's books get rid of these old musty nasty books
They wanted the things that were hot off the press and some man made it his life's mission To create this library where he preserved all these these
Puritan works from the 16 and 1700s So Lloyd -Jones would go there and it was just a treasury for him.
Well, the church needs this You know, these guys are Giants. We are infants. What is going on?
so they they hosted these conferences to try to reintroduce the value and the insight of these fathers of the faith and Packer in one of these conferences
Wrote a tremendous article about the Puritan conscience And this is how he begins to define conscience in this article
All Puritan theologians from Perkins, that's William Perkins sort of one of the godfathers of the
English Puritans They are all agreed in conceiving of conscience as a as a rational faculty so an aspect of the the human being an aspect of our
Inner dynamic our inner self the rational faculty a power of moral self -knowledge and judgment
Dealing with questions of right and wrong of of duty and desert and dealing with them authoritatively conscience to them signified a man's knowledge of himself as standing in God's presence subject to God's Word and exposed to the judgment of God's law
So conscience, let me just it's a great definition conscience Signified a man's knowledge of himself.
It's a rational faculty. It's how I understand myself how I examine myself as standing in God's presence
Subject to God's Word and Exposed to the judgment to the accusation of God's law.
That's the conscience Get the echo of Romans 2 14 and 15 there the conscience either accusing or excusing them you get that in that definition and yet if a believer justified and accepted through divine grace the
Conscience became the court the the forum not not the law court But the forum like the meeting place in which
God's justifying sentence was spoken to them So so now the conscience rather than saying guilty says justified to the believer
Conscience therefore became the soil in which alone faith hope
Peace and joy could grow Let me repeat that conscience was the soil in which alone faith hope peace and joy
Could grow brothers and sisters, are you lacking faith? Hope peace and joy this morning.
It might have something to do with your conscience before God vital
Christianity Christianity that's alive Was rooted directly in the exercise of conscience under the searching address of God's Powerful word and the illumination of his
Holy Spirit This is what the Reformers held and this is what the Puritans held, too So the conscience again this the self -knowledge our understanding of ourselves as in the presence of God subject to the
Word of God Exposed to the law of God right found guilty by the law of God But then through faith in Christ the conscience becomes the meeting place of all that justification means to us and therefore the soil of true faith justification by faith and true, hope
Hope that God has begun a work that he will continue in true. Peace peace between God and man There's there therefore now no condemnation and joy
My joy I give to you that your joy may be complete This is what it means in part for man to image
God Man as an image bearer of God Has a conscience
Therefore every human being has a conscience by virtue of the fact that they were made in the image of God Now that image has been corrupted by our sin by the fall we come into this world
Distorting that image of God through sin and Yet where that corrosion where that distance between the image of God's perfections and the distortions
We we introduce that distance that gap is where conscience begins to come to life.
I Should not have said that I should not have acted that way. I should not have done that Now we all know by Scripture and by experience what it's like to repress to Smother that gap that alarm that something's not right here.
I feel bad about this I'm guilty about this and we learn very quickly in life how to silence the cries of conscience how to Maneuver past the guilt of our conscience and so Romans 1 talks about how we repress through unrighteousness that that voice
That that charge that God has made us with and therefore that conscience even in someone who's never heard the claims of Christ Never heard
God's Word that conscience is there because as image bearers We have the moral law of God written on our hearts and that moral law though We repress it and distance ourselves and avoid it
There's times that we can't help but feel the guilt of it the intensity of it.
The Puritans gave primacy to conscience in The way that they preached in the way that they understood preaching in the way that they encountered
God's Word They understood God's Word is Uniquely given to man that it might awaken and enliven and by the
Spirit Illuminate their conscience so that the conscient may help them examine themselves are rightly
And also open up their affections and so move their will Toward the free grace that can be found in Christ Helping them to avoid the terrors of the law if the conscience isn't awoken to that then you're preaching to dead bones
Dry bones in a desert they understood that They understood that it involved the Spirit of God.
They did not preach. Please hear me. They did not preach to the will of man as An Arminian might for those who have ears to hear
Because the will of man is dead God doesn't begin to regenerate through the will the will is actually sort of the caboose in that train
They addressed uniquely the conscience because the conscience is what the spirit begins to illuminate
And when the spirit illuminates the conscience through the ministry of the Word that conscience begins to make an impact on the affections the emotions of dread of horror the affection of hope and the beauty and glory of Jesus and the gospel and it's those
Affections enlivened by the conscience that move the will yes, I will come forth in repentance.
Yes I will commit my life to my Savior So we don't preach to the will we following the
Puritans preach to the conscience the same Luther Who said it is neither right nor safe to go against conscience at the
Diet of Worms the famous quote also said as A believer you should not believe your conscience or your feelings more than the word which the
Lord who receives sinners is preaching to you So because our consciences can distort and repress and twist the reality of ourselves and the reality of our
Situation there's ways in which we cannot trust the conscience JC Rahel says a conscience has never saved the man.
In fact conscience has led many men astray You don't trust your conscience more than the
Word of God But neither do you ignore your conscience because the spirit Illuminates and works with the conscience of a human being as an image bearer of God No wonder that Paul could say in 2nd
Corinthians 4 speaking of his ministry as an apostle along with his his Co -laborers we have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty not walking in craftiness like not scheming
Not handling the Word of God deceitfully but by manifestation of the truth
Commending ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God that is short in short
It's how Paul understood the ministry of the Word of Truth the ministry of the
Word of Truth is Manifesting the truth of God and if it's illuminated and blessed by the
Spirit of God it impacts someone's conscience It commends the fact that this is true in the sight of God.
They say there's no escaping this. This is true and Therefore they can say like Reuben and his brothers.
We are all truly guilty If this is true We are guilty if this is true
There is no other name under heaven by which men might be saved The ministry of the
Word is always appealing to the conscience We can't coerce these things the church has zero leverage
To coerce a response to the Word of God go to the graveyard and coerce a response to God's Word What we do is we appeal to the conscience and we pray that God would bless it by his spirit
And that God would so move in the conscience that the reality of how they understand themselves would align with how
God sees them and They would drop to their knees in repentance and say guilty
Herman Bovenc the great Dutch theologian says the church has no means of coercion Can't coerce zombies
You have to be made alive by the Spirit of God born again It can only bear witness
And it can only manifest the truth of God's Word it can only bear witness and make this witness suitable to man's conscience
Right bear witness and make that witness suitable aimed at impactful to man's conscience
Perhaps the greatest expression of this is John Bunyan's Holy War You thought I was gonna say Pilgrim's Progress Holy War, which is a sadly neglected work another
Allegory that Bunyan wrote later on after Pilgrim's Progress, which is just tremendous Years ago,
Joshua Harris introduced it to me and I don't think we ever made it quite through brother but we did enough of it and I spent some time studying it and did did a few papers on it and I love how
John Bunyan describes the conscience and you you understand how he views the conscience as Central to man's response to the
Word of God in the allegory You have the town of Mansoul and Mansoul was made by the king
To be this goodly city on a hill reflecting his goodly care his righteousness his justice everything that is true of his glory and yet this this town of Mansoul is deceived by Diabolus devil and Leads this rebellion against the king and so the king to respond to this rebellion sends his son
Prince Emmanuel to retake the city and this allegory becomes more and more rich as As the son the
Prince Emmanuel Jesus uses the word and conviction and the conscience and all these things to recapture the city of Mansoul and so you get a picture not only of the the plight of man and his fall and even the redemption of man, but also
What sanctification looks like through the allegory? well, I have to restrain myself here because there's so much
I'd love to say about it, but Conscience is mr. Recorder Bunyan's great with names. Mr.
Recorder Think of a town clerk that's always making records So Bunyan says in Mansoul, there's one.
Mr. Recorder. This is the conscience Under sin and under grace we see these differences between the conscience
So remember first Mansoul's created uprightly. This is Bunyan. Mr. Recorder was a man well read in the laws of his king
That's how Adam was created He implicitly intuitively understood what it would mean to walk by God's law as it was written in his heart
There was no confusion. No doubt Mr. Recorder the conscience was perfectly aligned.
Mr Recorder was a man well read in the laws of his king and also a man of courage and faithfulness To speak truth at every occasion and he had a tongue as bravely hung as he had a head filled with judgment now that's under creation original glory now the fall
He was much degenerated from his former king, but he would now and then think upon should
I that's the king and he would have Dread of his law and he would speak with a voice as great as the devil when the lion roars
And he had terrible fits that would make the whole town of Mansoul shake with his voice His words were like rattling thunder like a banging drum
So that's under sin Now when he hears that law It's not this
Faithful inspiration rise to courage Not a natural response because he's an image bearer, but now it's terror dread
You see that big blue drum off the side it's like you bang that thing around That's after the fall you look at it when you're in the lunch line in due time in redemption
Emmanuel comes the king's son and listen to how he breaks through listen to how bunion is understanding the role of the conscience in a man's conversion and In due time the king's son broke through ear gate sent these captains
Boer energies the sons of thunder conviction judgment To take possession of mr.
Recorder's house an event with event which shattered the old gentleman drove him almost to despair So here's the conscience now and and the claims of the gospel are thundering in Boer energies
All right sons of thunder and here comes conviction and here comes the dread of God's judgment, and he's almost despairing
I can't survive this. What will I do? But in due course Emmanuel made him the messenger of a large and general pardon
And I'm actually not gonna smite this city I'm going to forgive it. I'm going to redeem it and Mr.
Recorder conscience you get to bear that good news Here's the pardon now you get to preach it to the town you get to speak it to man's soul
So now the conscience that had a dreadful condemnation is the deliverer of the gospel the deliverer of the good news of grace
Not only was he a messenger He was then put into an office as preacher to reinforce the king's laws and all that he had learned from the
Lord's secretary the Holy Spirit So now the conscience is illuminated and led by the
Spirit becomes a preacher in man's soul your conscience
Moved by the Spirit of God to be a preacher to your soul What a way to think about conscience
This is the Puritan emphasis on the role of conscience a study
Packer Summarizing a study of Puritan sermons will show that their constant concern in all of their very detailed detection of sin
Was only ever to lead their hearers into the life of faith and good conscience
Which they said was the most joyous life any man can know in this world
Puritans get a bad rap as Straining at gnats and trying to find 30 points on every known sin and you have an encyclopedic compendium of man's depravity
That's what the Puritans are known for. But why did they go to such lengths to do that? well Not only because everyone was a
Christian in the 17th century and they knew that probably half of the English people in their congregations weren't
They could see it Though we probably wouldn't detect it if we went back to the unregenerate in the 17th century.
You probably thought these are super Christians That's how far we've fallen but the reason they did that was to lead their hearers into a life of faith and a
Keeping of good conscience before God. Why why does that matter? Because this is the most joyous life that you can know in this world
Calvin says somewhere that Man's distortion of his image in terms of defiling his conscience is a way of living hell in this life but defiled conscience is is life in hell a
Good conscience toward God and man is the most joyous life you can experience in this world.
Do we keep our conscience clear? It's very hard to understand how the
Old Testament wants to depict conscience If you were to do a word search for conscience among various English translations
You'll find a few hits in the Old Testament, but those are almost always translators decisions There's no one
Hebrew word that we just across the board translate conscience It's usually at times for certain reasons translating man's heart
But you can't equate the heart with conscience Because the heart is always a lot more than that and sometimes conscience is quite separate from matters of the heart but I think back to Genesis 20 and How a
B Malik said When the Lord came to his a dream and said you are a dead man and he says in the integrity of my heart
I've not touched her. I've done no wrong to her and I think that's a right place where you can translate.
I've got a clean conscience Do we have a clean conscience? We have integrity
Have we been loyal to what God has shown us? Have we submitted to the preacher in our soul?
Can we be like Hezekiah in Isaiah 38 when the
Lord said? Get your house in order you're going to die, which is something the
Lord may not reveal To any one of us, but it's something we all know is coming And what is
Hezekiah do he lays down and he stares at the wall And he says Lord don't forget that I've I've walked uprightly and I've been loyal to you and I've loved you and I've served you with the integrity of my heart
In other words, he says I've kept my conscience clean before you don't forget that and he weeps bitterly
But that must have been a comfort to him It's bitter to face affliction.
It's bitter to face death How infinitely bitter it is when your conscience is not clean.
I came across I don't know where to include this I'm just gonna say it now because it's so fascinating to me. I Don't think so The conscience fund is actually a legitimate fund that's maintained by the
US Department of Treasury And it was established in 1811 by a former quartermaster for the
Union Army during the Civil War and He wrote a letter to the treasurer at the time
Francis Spinner with the $1 ,500 check for previously Misappropriated funds and this is what he wrote to the treasurer
Suppose we call this a contribution to the conscience fund In other words, I don't feel good about how this $1 ,500 was
Found and so I don't want anything to do with it. I'm returning it to the Treasury I don't know where you're gonna put it how you're gonna account for it.
So let's just say it's part of the conscience fund. Well Spinner said, okay, let's actually make a conscience fund and then they advertised it and they said, you know
You've got something on your conscience that you need to make make right with the US government You know something on your tax returns or whatnot you can you can donate that send it anonymously do what you will you can send
It to the US Treasury. So from time to time there'd be newspaper articles about what was happening with this conscience fund one article from 1844 said a nine -cent donation was made by a person from Massachusetts who had reused a three -cent postage stamp
I don't know that there's a soul in Massachusetts that has that level of conscience today in 1908 another newspaper article a person from Jersey City sent $40 ,000 in 1908 money.
This is big bucks Person in Jersey City sent $40 ,000 in several installments for $8 ,000.
He had previously stole Something about that number that I recognize don't you
I'm not very good at math But if you have 8 ,000 that stolen and you take 8 times 4 you have 32
So 32 plus the original 8 is 40 $40 ,000 Someone must have been hearing about Zacchaeus in Luke 19
See Lord if I've taken anything I restore fourfold the power of conscience
There's an answer of good conscience but as we see with these brothers There's also an answer of bad conscience and the answer of bad conscience must come before there can ever be an answer of good conscience
You don't get a clean conscience unless your conscience has been cleansed And that takes us to the gospel and the cleansing blood of Jesus Christ time does not blot out sin
It's been 20 years. You think these brothers would have just forgotten about it all. It's more vivid than it ever was
It's more powerful than it ever was they feel more guilt than they've ever felt in their lives Time does not erase guilt time does not cleanse conscience
In fact time would only seem to deaden the conscience calcify the affections
Become more and more estranged from the call and the light of God Joseph's brothers lived with a terrible secret for over 20 years.
They never spoke about it Perhaps it never was shared even among them. It was just something they didn't want to go down didn't want to recall to memory
Certainly their father never would have heard a word about it But it was gnawing at them
When the word Egypt came up at the very beginning of the chapter they couldn't help but look around nervously
It was gnawing at them any mention of Joseph any mention of Egypt any mention of pit any mention of robe
It must have just triggered them What kind of impact does that gnawing guilt make on a person's life?
There was an article from 2016 in the Guardian about a court case in Germany of a 94 year old man
Who was being tried for his role as a guard at Auschwitz and it made the news because he spoke out 12 days into the trial.
He he had been silent for 12 days. He finally spoke out. His name is Reinhold Hanning He's a SS guard at Auschwitz And he says
I deeply regret Having been part of an organization responsible for the deaths of so many innocent people destruction of countless families
This is the Guardian article in his statement Hanning insisted He was initially unaware of what kind of place he'd been transferred to but it didn't take long for him to realize
What was occurring mass killings? He said people were being shot gassed burned all
I could see were corpses being moved around and around off -site I noticed the smell of burning. I noticed corpses were always being burned
He said of course it didn't take long for me to realize that the trains that came crammed full of people into Auschwitz always left empty
Hanning stands accused of playing a part in the killing of at least 170 ,000 people between January 1943 and June 1944.
This is what stood out to me. Hanning said he had never Spoken about his role at the concentration camp to his wife his children or his grandchildren
No one in my family knew I was at Auschwitz. He said what kind of impact does that have on a person's life?
It must have been a thief of every joy every smile of his grandchild must have been something that tormented him
I don't deserve this Anything that went wrong in his day. He must have said I'm finally getting what's coming to me.
How do you operate? How do you live under that kind of guilt? There's no peace
Even 94 years doesn't cleanse it There's no peace not just meaning rest
But as we say that word Shalom it it means being whole you cannot be made whole
Carrying around that kind of guilt your whole life your personality your behavior your self -understanding
Every relationship in your life every prospect every failure. All of it is tied in with this guilt
Everything yourself the world around you your relationships your work your God Everything is now colored by this filter of guilt
When we apply this to these brothers in Genesis 42 we can we can say even after 20 years these brothers need
To be liberated from the bondage of guilt Their their conscience is day after day being defiled
Paul says in Titus 1 15 to the pure all things are pure but to those that are defiled and unbelieving nothing's pure Even their mind even their conscience is defiled
When You persist in that defilement when you keep just running over the tracks of conscience
Just guarding over rushing over it. You keep doing that. Eventually they wear down And it's not just that you've defiled your conscience.
It goes on to what Paul says in 1st Timothy 4. You've now seared it You've desensitized it
He uses the the imagery of a hot iron speaking lies and hypocrisy He says of a false teachers having their conscience seared with a hot iron.
They don't feel anymore Some of you maybe have animals that you've had to brand you take that searing
Iron out of the fire and you press it into the flesh and you watch that flesh turn white and smoke
And that's all scar tissue dead tissue There's no sense in there anymore doesn't even hurt anymore that's how desensitized it is
This is a dreadful state For any person to be and believer or not no conviction of sin nothing, but excuses and rationalizations self -justifying self -flattery
Thomas Brooks the Puritan said it's better to have a sore conscience than a seared conscience Better to be wounded by the
Spirit of God better to bear with the shame Than to run the risk of searing desensitizing being unmoved so brothers and sisters in summary, we've seen you can have a weak conscience that That's so distorted.
It feels bad for things that God says you shouldn't feel bad about And it doesn't feel bad about things that God says you should feel bad about you can have a weak conscience
You can have a defiled conscience that loses the ability to discern right and wrong It just keeps going over the tracks that the sermons of that inward preacher
You can have a seared conscience. It's completely desensitized. No longer feels bad. No longer feels guilt.
No longer feels anything Was it the the Parkland school shooter? That before he was arrested before they understood who they were looking for He went to I think it was just a
McDonald's and he was just eating with the friend Seared people all mental health issues seared conscience seared conscience weak defiled seared, but praise
God You can also have a redeemed conscience And that's where we're going in Genesis 42 and 43.
You can have a redeemed conscience That is being renewed again so that it can be subject to God's Word Because as it's been exposed to the judgment of God, it's come to that that all -important
Self -acknowledgement. I am truly guilty and when you can say I am truly guilty
You can then receive that free grace that cleanses a conscience from dead works
And that is how you can have the answer of a good conscience before God There is no other way time will not do it a change in your circumstances will not do it
No heap of good deeds will do it You cannot cleanse your conscience unless God provides another to cleanse it for you one who is infinitely pure and infinitely willing and in the
Church of God We ought to reflect that embrace of forgiveness and of mercy when people confess when people
Unload the guilt the burdens of their conscience before us We become as it were little mirrors of God's embracing forgiveness
Every time you go up to someone who's who's confessed and you give them a hug You say you are loved of God praying for you know that God forgives you and he loves you
Know that what was drought is now becoming vitality in your life. And when you do that You are a reflection of the forgiveness of God your father and the growing
Christian When they experience God's forgiveness and then they see it reflected in the forgiveness of the church
That old dead Calcified conscience is beginning to stir and cast off its its ropes and it's beginning to become more and more sensitive to God's Word and God's commands and that's how you can get someone who
Reuses a stamp that wasn't inked out and then mails nine cents to the treasurer
That's how you get there. This is vital to how we understand
How we experience how we grow in grace if you Ignore your conscience if you neglect your conscience if you don't
Run to the cross and plead the free and flowing blood of Jesus upon your dirty conscience
You will not experience grace. You will not grow in grace. This is the way we grow in grace
This is what the ministry of the Horde is designed to bring us to do So notice we've been observing the work that God is doing in and through Joseph for so many weeks now
Now we finally begin to observe the work that God is doing in and through his brothers It is a work that begins in the conscience.
Let me ask the question. What work is God doing in your conscience? What work is he doing in your conscience?
Can you get to a place this morning where you say why have you allowed this Lord? Why have you brought me to this place
Lord? Keep a close eye a close watch a tender heart to your conscience
The English poet John Byram said think and be careful what thou art within Self -examination
But there is sin in the desire sin. Let me restart it This is so beautiful think and be careful what thou art within for there is sin in the desire of sin
Think and be thankful in a different case For there is grace in the desire of grace if you're desiring grace take a close look at Genesis 42
Joseph knows all their evil deeds and they just do not know who he is We're reminded of Jesus our
Lord Sees who we are before long before we ever see who he is sees all of our evil deeds that we did against him
Long before we understand who he is and what he's done for us You are led to respond to this
Lord Just the way these brothers did though they did not think they were being heard you must know that you're being heard
Acknowledging your sin and your guilt Dealing honestly with God so that your conscience can be cleansed from dead works so that you can be cleansed through that baptismal death and resurrection of Jesus and have what first Peter 321 says is the result a good conscience to God Let's pray
Father thank you for your spirits illumination. I pray he would illumine and shine brightly this morning
So move and impact us the the preacher of the conscience to our souls
Lord Let him roar mightily that we might be moved to have consciences cleansed by the blood of our loving
Savior That we might have the answer of a good conscience toward God through his death and resurrection
There's anyone unbelieving anyone lingering anyone hiding May you so move and bless the ministry of your word this morning.