F4F | A Closer Examination of Kris Vallotton


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith here on YouTube. If you've ever heard from somebody who claims to be a prophet or hears directly from God, at least that's their claim, and they've regaled you with stories in their past that make them sound like they're candidates to be psych patients, yeah, you know, go ahead and hit the subscribe button down below, and don't forget to ring the bell so you can be notified when we update the channel.
Case in point, we're going to go back into the archives of Sid Roth's It's Supernatural, and you'll note that Sid Roth is much younger, so is
Chris Vallotton, the fellow he's going to be interviewing, and let me get this in the right spot on the screen, there we go, and you'll note that the story that Chris Vallotton will be regaling us with makes it sound like he was in serious need of major psychotherapy, and yet this is a guy who claims now that he hears the voice of God inside of his head, and I'm just wondering if the two are connected, just kind of putting it that way, and then to kind of make the point, we'll wrap up this segment with a
Kairos moment prophecy delivered by Chris Vallotton recently, and note that Chris Vallotton himself gave a very vague, vapid, vacuous so -called prophecy that sounds like it could have been delivered by Katie Sousa.
I mean, it's that bizarre, but the funny thing is is that he hits all of the buzzwords that we've noted here in the past on Fighting for the
Faith. In fact, you may be able to hit some of the prophecy bingo words on a card from that Chris Vallotton prophecy that we'll be listening to, but let's head over to Sid Roth's It's Supernatural.
This is from the past, so Sid Roth is much younger. Chris Vallotton, much younger, but listen to the story.
This is unnerving a little bit if you think about it. It's Supernatural!
Hello. I'm Sid Roth your investigative reporter. It's hard to believe. How can an intelligent family man, a manager doing well in his business, a
Christian, loves the Lord, how does he just suddenly start shaking with fear, and it just doesn't stop every day?
I mean, were you really shaking or just, what were you doing, Chris Vallotton? I shook so bad
I couldn't get a glass of water to my face without holding it with two hands. I just trembled like an alcoholic, but I never drank a day in my life.
How did it start? One night I came home from work, got in the bathtub. When I went to get out of the bathtub, my heart started pounding.
I started shaking all over. I yelled for my wife. She came in the bathroom. She tried to help me out of the tub.
I shook so bad I had no strength in my legs or any of my limbs, and that lasted three and a half years.
Three and a half years of uncontrollable shaking.
This sounds like a psychiatric version of a major anxiety disorder.
I'm just saying, people who are displaying these kind of symptoms, they need serious help.
How do you survive on such limited sleep? Oh, it was terrible. I would get in the bed at night, and I was just trembling all the time, kind of like an
Irish setter. I would just tremble all the time. I'd get in bed at night, and I would sweat profusely so bad that my wife would have to get up in the middle of the night.
The sweat would finally cover her side of the bed. It'd wake her up in the middle of the night. She'd get up two and three times a night and just change the sheets because I trembled so bad.
You know how disloony you get when you haven't slept. I went like that for three and a half years.
So three and a half years sleep deprived from major anxiety, shaking uncontrollably.
Three years. This guy sounds like somebody who needs or needed to be seen by some pretty heavy -duty mental health professionals.
Just keep in mind that he now claims to hear the voice of God in his head.
God talks directly to him. He claims to be a prophet. Legal drugs for this?
We called the doctor that night. It was, of course, late at night, probably 10, 10 -30, 11 o 'clock at night. We called our family doctor, and he said, oh, it sounds like he's had an anxiety attack.
And he told me, told my wife, he said, go get him some alcohol. It'll calm him down.
Did you drink much? I never drank. I've never, I took a drink from my grandfather's beer when I was probably eight, nine years old.
Never took drugs, never touched drugs, never smoked, never did dope, nothing. So we went out and we got, all we could find was wine so late at night.
Got a bottle of wine. I drank half the bottle of wine. All it does is make me sick. I still shook.
Went to the next - Yeah, for three years. To the doctor, and he gave me, he prescribed some tranquilizers.
I took those one time, and they, they just, they slowed me way down, but my shaking still continued, and they really depressed me.
So I carried - Sounds to me like you have a malpractice suit here.
I mean, they probably should have done a far more intense and extensive psych eval on you,
Chris. ...with me everywhere. In fact, I carried those pills in my pocket for three and a half years - The pills depressed you?
Oh, totally. They took me, they took me to depression, and didn't, and just - Anxiety, depression, and the only thing they prescribed were tranquilizers and a bottle of wine.
Hmm. This doesn't sound right to me, but I mean, just take it at face value, and this is a fellow who clearly has a mental issue.
The trembling down. I carried them with me. I mean, how could this happen to you?
Everything's going fine, and you become a mess in every area of your life. You know what happened? I'll tell you.
When I was in the bathtub, I had a thought, and this sounds crazy, but I had a thought, and I don't know if anyone's ever had this happen to them.
I had a thought that I was going to die. It was stronger than a thought. It was like an obsession.
Never had that before. It's kind of interesting. You - So, an anxiety fear of death.
Depression. Right, and he now hears voices in his head that he thinks are from God.
Told me that your dad died at a young age. My dad, my dad, six months before he died, every night he would wake up and tell my mom,
I know I'm going to die. I know I'm going to die. I know I'm going to die, and my dad drowned when I was three years old. My dad was a phys ed teacher.
My dad played for UC Berkeley, played football for UC Berkeley, got drafted by the pros, but chose to finish his degree, went into teaching, taught phys ed, and drowned as a phys ed teacher in Anderson Dam, which is like drowning in a 10 times an
Olympic -sized pool. So, by the way, losing your dad is going to, under those circumstances, at such a young age, that's going to have a severe negative impact on you.
You know, you talk about anxiety, you can talk about separation disorders and things like that.
Yeah, exactly how he, exactly six months after he started waking up.
So, you just started getting this thought, and then this fear came all over you.
So, if you went to a small city, maybe things would slow down, the pace, and if everything would be okay, how did it work out?
Yeah. I was living in San Jose, California. Everything was, of course, the
Bay Area is just busy, big city. I was managing a repair shop, 13 guys working for me, and I thought, well my problem is that I'm under all this stress.
So I moved to a town called Lewiston, California, 800 people in the
Trinity Alps, and what happened was, instead of it getting better, it got worse. So, it got worse.
Morbid fear of death, obsession with death, anxiety, uncontrollable shaking, not sleeping, and yeah,
I think you're getting the picture here. And this guy now claims to be a prophet of God, and he hears
God talking to him directly. He hears voices in his head.
Let's fast forward to a prophecy given
February of last year. February of last year, here's Chris Vallotton, and if you want to grab a prophecy bingo card, you can.
You'll note that some of the things he's going to say are going to show up on the prophecy bingo card. I mean, this is about as, like, boilerplate charismatic pablum prophecy that you can imagine.
Here is Chris Vallotton. I believe we're in a
Kairos moment. I don't mean this second.
You think we're in a Kairos moment, really? Now, a little bit of a note here is that in biblical
Greek, there are two words that are primarily used for telling time.
One is chronos, and so when you think of minutes or hours, that's the time.
So, this is the reason why watches are called chronometers. They measure chronos, chronos time.
Now, the other is like, if it's the season of fall, then fall is a season, and summer is a season.
So, we have kind of the same concept, but for Chris Vallotton to sit there and say,
I believe we're in a Kairos moment, that's an oxymoron.
In fact, it doesn't even make any sense at all. It's worse than jumbo shrimp, okay?
Just kind of think of it that way. There's no such thing as a Kairos moment. We don't talk about, and then there was this moment, and all of a sudden, it was fall, and then we had like a summer moment.
No one talks this way. So, yeah, he doesn't know what he's saying, and by the way,
I've heard this from hundreds of people claiming to be prophets today.
I mean, this is like boilerplate standard nonsense, and it's fascinating that Chris Vallotton, clearly he's gotten over his anxiety disorder, but again, he doesn't sound like he was mentally well, and yet he's claiming to hear directly from God.
See if you can make heads or tails of this. In this season, and I think it's going to be marked by three things.
I think this Kairos moment will be marked by three things. I would encourage you to take notes. Number one, acceleration.
Really? It's going to be marked by acceleration? Oh, suddenly, you mean?
Yeah, if I had five dollars for every time I've heard somebody claiming to be a prophet of God using these exact words,
I would have a ton of money, a lot. Things that normally take years to happen, happen suddenly.
Things that normally take years happen suddenly. Let me remind you of Nehemiah's walls.
Yeah, now notice he's not actually prophesying anything specific. He's not saying, you,
Jane, over there. God has said that that house that you're building, the contract got stalled, that God's going to now remove the impediments and that it's going to happen.
The rest of the building is going to happen quickly. No, no, no. This is some generic one -size -fits -all.
It's a prophetic onesie, and if you're thinking of a onesie, think of Ralphie from Christmas Story wearing the pink menagerie bunny suit.
Yeah, so this is a prophetic onesie. One -size -fits -all can mean anything to anybody, so are you having a delay on your breakthrough?
Don't worry, there's a season of acceleration now coming. You'll probably remember the story in the book of Nehemiah that Nehemiah is, he's in, he's serving
Exousias. Oh man,
Exousias. Yeah, it's worth at least taking a look here. Nehemiah chapter one.
Oh, I pulled up Nahum. I keep, yeah, Nehemiah, there we go.
The words of Nehemiah, the son of Hakkala. All right, let's see here. Yeah, we're looking for the name of the person he was serving.
I was cut bearer to the king, Artaxerxes. Yeah, that's his name, Exousias.
This is a mess. Anyway, let's keep going. He's the same king in which
Esther and Mordecai serve. He hears that Israel has been restored.
He thinks things are well, but one of his brothers comes to him and says, the walls are destroyed, the gates are burning with fire.
Now granted, you know, at the end of the day, when you read the story of Nehemiah and the rebuilding of the wall of Jerusalem, yeah, it happened fairly quickly, but that's a historical narrative.
That's a descriptive text. It's not a prescriptive text.
Just because the walls of Jerusalem were rebuilt quickly, swiftly under the leadership of Nehemiah, doesn't mean that now there's a
Kairos moment, which is nonsense, and the Kairos moment, there's going to be acceleration and suddenly and stuff.
Yeah, again, this is boilerplate charismatic nonsense. Nehemiah begins to weep.
He begins to call out to God, and God says, go back to Israel. He's the cupbearer to a foreign king, and he goes to the foreign king and says, listen, this is what's happening, and the king says,
I commission you to go back and help your people. He goes back and he surveys the walls. By the way, the walls have been torn down for 152 years.
For 70 years, the Israelites have tried to rebuild the walls completely with no success whatsoever.
Nehemiah gets there. He begins to pray. God gives him a strategy. You should read Nehemiah, especially chapter...
God gives him a strategy. Yeah, spoken like a true apostle.
Yeah, they're part of the NAR there at Bethel. There's one through six. It's a great opportunity to look at the strategies of God in a
Kairos moment. There is no such thing as a
Kairos moment. That's an absurdity. To build a strategy, a God strategy, the enemy begins to, as you know, begin to taunt him and try to scare him as they...
Yeah, if you have a God strategy, you know, yeah, you got to be careful because then the enemy's going to send people to taunt you and stuff.
Uh -huh. As he's done for 70 years. But here's the cool thing. Nehemiah rebuilds the walls in 52 days, and Nehemiah doesn't know a thing about rebuilding walls, but he knows a lot about Kairos moments.
They rebuild walls in 52 days that have been torn down for 152 years, and for 70 years they've tried to construct them, and in 52 days
Nehemiah rebuilds the walls. I'd like to propose to you that things are going to happen in your life that the doctor said, this will take 10 years.
Really? Because it took 52 days to rebuild the wall of Jerusalem. If the doctor said it's going to take 10 years for you, whatever is ailing you, to work itself out of your system that no, no, no, suddenly moments because, you know,
Kairos moments and thingies. This is nonsense. This, I mean, seriously, this is gobbledygook.
It's not even lucid what he's saying. It's not exegetical. It's not a proper handling of God's Word.
And from a guy who has a history of, you know, mental issues, just pointing it out.
You have to live with this pain. You've been in poverty for five generations, and I want to propose to you that what you thought you might have to save for, and by the way,
I'm into saving and into working hard. Everybody knows me, right? But there's going to be an end suddenly, and what should...
There's going to be a suddenly, yeah. What other adverbs can we tack on to this?
Taking 70 years, we're going to pay our house off in 30 years. We're going to double our... And God goes, how about one month?
How about two weeks? Yeah, how many suddenlies happened during that Kairos moment back in February of last year?
You get well now. How about your son come back tomorrow? How about your son and daughter turn around tomorrow?
Notice he's not actually prophesying anything specific, just giving potential ways in which this
Kairos moment prophecy, and he's going to make a point that this is a prophecy, is supposed to happen.
The next one isn't a miscarriage. I'm saying what's happened over and over. You begin to like just give away to it.
That's Kronos. That's the old man. Like life just happened. No, Kronos is not the old man.
Kronos is... We all live according to Kronos time. Yeah, it's just how it works.
You know, if you have to get up at six in the morning in order to catch a train, in order to make it to work by eight, oh,
Kronos is doing his thing with you. What he's saying is nonsense.
But all of a sudden, something happens. The divine moments touch favorable people.
Acceleration. Be ready. Listen, this isn't a message of encouragement.
This is a prophecy. Now, I'm going to back that up so you can hear it in context. He's literally saying this is a prophecy.
No, it's not. God didn't tell him this. This isn't a word from God. God didn't send him to say this.
Favorable people. Acceleration. Be ready.
Listen, this isn't a message of encouragement. This is a prophecy. I need you to take it differently than you would.
I love encouraging messages. That's not what this is. I assure you. This is not a prophecy at all.
This is a divine opportunity for you. No, these are vain words. These are your vain imaginations.
In fact, you stole this from at least 200 other prophets you've used these exact words.
You just lifted it up and decided to spew it out as a prophecy for Bethel.
Yeah, you forget that the internet exists. I could give you other examples of other people saying this exact same thing.
Step into your Kairos moment. Number two, unusual occurrences.
Things that never happen occur against ridiculous odds.
You mean like the San Diego Padres winning the World Series? Yeah, that ain't gonna happen.
Things that never happen occur at ridiculous odds. Jonathan's victory is a great example of that.
It's in Jonathan and his armored bear. You get the point. But again, like I said,
I've heard this nonsense from hundreds of other so -called prophets.
I've been sitting at Fighting for the Faith doing the podcast for 10 years now.
I've been around the block. I used to be in the charismatic movement, and I heard nonsense like this when
I was in the movement in the late 80s. And so yeah, this is nonsense.
And you'll note that the energy level of the people in the audience, woohoo, yeah, yeah, from a guy who, you know, has admitted he's got some pretty serious mental issues.
I think that's probably the real source of this, but I can rule out with 100 % certainty
God the Holy Spirit. God the Holy Spirit didn't say any of these words. God the Holy Spirit didn't send
Chris Vallotton. God the Holy Spirit did not say, Chris, I need you to explain to everybody that there's
Kairos moments in the near future, and suddenlies are going to happen and stuff. Nope, that's not from the
Holy Spirit. This guy is a false prophet, a charlatan, and probably not mentally well.
That's the proper explanation for what we're hearing coming from Chris Vallotton. Now, if you found this helpful, if not brutal, please share this with other people so that they can be warned.
They can be warned and protected from men like Chris Vallotton. He's not a prophet of God.
He's a false prophet, and Jesus warns us about men like him in Matthew 24. So please share this video with others so that they can be inoculated against the virus that is
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