Matt Slick Bible Study - 5/17/17




We're on we're live. Hey, how are you out there in the Digital land, let's pray and we'll get started and I'll explain what the handouts for and what's going on and See how it goes
Lord Jesus, we thank you for this time again, and we asked Lord that you would bless it And as we look to your word and truth, we ask
Lord for Your blessing and your grace upon us. Just ask for For Understanding and wisdom as we look to your word and compare it to our times.
We ask this Jesus in your precious name All right, so I've given you a handout and the handout
What I started to do come on in What I started to do with this was develop a
PowerPoint slideshow on The Apostasy of the Christian Church, and I thought well, okay.
What I need to do is write a few topics You know like not holding the scripture Maybe absolute truth is is ignored or reducing the majesty of God and I went well, wait a minute
What about the Trinity and then there's a denial of certain doctrines and then Jesus not I think
I kept listing these things out and as you can see I got 35 and that's condensed and Then I said well, oh my goodness.
This is a lot bigger than I thought it was gonna be And I thought okay, how am I going to arrange these things? And so I had like eight different subcategories of that That's too many.
So I tried to find You know categories I found Four and not that these this is the exact right way to categorize everything but doctrinal failure compromise
Religious humanism and what I in secular humanism and I figured those four main categories now that's not to say that one of these numbers one of these things can't go to another category and and things like that, so What happened?
Well, I started realizing and this is a far broader topic than I Anticipated this actually could be a book
I could really work on a book for six months on this But I'm not going to you don't have the time of course and so what
I figured is I just show this to you and see what you thought of it if you like that categorization and Maybe it'll generate some discussion later.
I don't know but that was my this is my handout I just thought I'm gonna just talk to you about it and go through some of this stuff because what
I want to do is go through some of these points and talk about them and Just go through some of the issues and then what
I had to do is I had these things under different categories doctrinal failure Compromised religious humanism and secular humanism and then
I had to order them within those subgroups Now not that it you know, my ordering is the right way but trying to present something logical and organized and what happened what
I thought was interesting is number one under doctrinal failure in the church
Scripture not elevated as a final authority and I put that as number one because I Think it's where it belongs.
I think that The church today is not taking the Word of God seriously
Now when I say that You know people say yeah, we've heard you say it a hundred times in the radio and here and other places
I'm gonna be honest with you. I don't even take the Word of God seriously a lot of times I said something on the radio.
I think it was Monday and I said I can't remember how I worded it, you know during crises during times of troubles
What's the first thing you turn to? you know booze or TV or the
Word of God and when I said that I didn't like what I was saying
Because me Aliens, you know, I'm gonna go watch aliens and Something like that goes.
I bury my sorrows in sci -fi and aliens covenants coming out tomorrow night. Whoo So for me, this is good.
Okay So we you know, yes, I've got issues, okay, it's obvious but as I was saying this over the radio as I as is often the case what
I'm teaching and preaching is I convict myself and I go boy. Here we go again
I wish I hadn't said that because now I realize how guilty I really am But I keep preaching and then when
I if you ever see I'll tell you now if you hear me preaching It's you know, I'm at the church. I'm preaching and you see me do a dramatic pause
It's because I'm going Man, okay. Okay dramatic pause effect.
Okay, and by the way, it's me just you know Oh, man, I just condemned myself for something
Usually that's the case when I realize how much of a failure I really am in a lot of areas
But nevertheless this issue of the scriptures and You know,
I don't know there's a lot of subjectivity here But when I first became a Christian and the
Lord baptized me in the Spirit, I'm just gonna call it that There was this fervor to read his word
And I would read his word four to six hours a day Five six days a week now, that's from the
Lord. I Mean I can still remember my mom and dad's house laying on the couch
Just reading the Bible for hours. It was just wonderful Why?
Well, this is subjective, okay, it's my experience why well because the
Holy Spirit Had put it upon my heart to read the Word of God. You see
I knew it was the Word of God I don't know how I knew I just knew It was just the
Word of God now the Spirit bears witness of truth John 14 26
John 15 26 it bears witness of the Holy of the Jesus who is the Word of God and Yet we have in our hands the
Bible the Word of God and yes There's a play on words and a differentiation between the two, but yes and no
So when we look at Genesis chapter 1 we see in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth He said let there be light and there was light and the
Spirit of God brooded or hovered over the waters So we see in there the Trinity we see
God creating by speaking. That's the Word and The Holy Spirit's there that's a
Trinity Then when you go into John chapter 1 and bidding was the Word the Word was with God the Word was God the
Word became flesh verse 14 But between those verses it talked about Jesus being the light of the world and he's a creator of all things
So John is reflecting back to Genesis chapter 1 as the Word the very Word now
We know that God has certain attributes. We know that God's a Trinity Father Son Holy Spirit. We know he's holy first Peter 1 16
We know he cannot lie Titus 1 2 I believe it is We know that he is everywhere all the time.
You go to Psalm 119 and he knows all things 1st John 3 20 He's all -powerful,
I don't know where that verse is, but it's there Well, he also has this attribute called speech and I first heard this described that way in seminary.
I think it was John frame My professor a great man of God seriously humble and Incredibly intelligent.
She's very articulate and he would often say these things just You know one of those things you can't really listen to what he's saying after that.
He's like It's just one of those things. I remember in class. He said one of the attributes of God is his speech
It's out of his nature and things occur when he speaks and it just struck me
And it struck me I think well because the Holy Spirit was enlightening me to think about that But this thing of the
Word of God What is that word? Well? You know
God the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit Have an inter -trinitarian communion that is forever the blood of the eternal covenant the covenant of grace
Hebrews 13 20 Where the Father would give to the Son the chosen ones the
Son would redeem them the Holy Spirit would apply the redemptive work and It's a binding by their word now.
They didn't speak to each other because they're one. I don't know how that works But there's this
Covenant covenant is an of for us as a verbal agreement or a written agreement, but it's by the
Word And I was thinking about this the nature and the power of the Word of God now Isaiah 55 11 says the
Word of God will not come back empty without accomplishing what he desires it to accomplish Now I was at a wedding a week and a half ago in San Antonio, Texas And I was
Co best man in the wedding. Okay, never been a wedding where you do that and I'm six feet tall and I was a short one there
You know Ryan my friend his brothers is like I actually said to one of them What's the weather like up there and I go that's pretty nice It's so I can see the
I can see the ocean from here, you know, and we're in San Antonio So These guys were tall it was great.
And then they gave the wedding vows and I was thinking about this Why is it our vows matter
Why is it a man a woman I perform marriages? Why is it that when
I say do you this do you that you promised us you promised that yes Yes, at that point when they commit they're already married
It already married. I'm to pronounce a man and wife. They already are the wedding ring is simply a symbol of the covenant
They've already promised they're already married at that point so But think about this.
Why is it that the covenant that a man a woman makes in marriage has power?
if you think about it if it's we're in an atheist world and a husband and men and woman get married husband and wife I Mean seriously, this is how
I would be you know I'm an atheist and she's an atheist and we're not getting along after a few years and she goes you made a promise
So, you know, I'm gonna hold you to it. Whatever you went go away.
I don't have to hold on to anything If I feel like it, I will if I don't I don't want to Seriously, who am
I gonna answer to there's no power in my word if I don't decide to give it power Well as Christians the covenant that we make with our spouses as an example has power because of God's Covenant in the intertenitarian communion.
What we are doing is imitating His covenant power his the nature of his word
He cannot break his word and because we're made in his image Genesis 1 26 to 28.
Therefore When we make a covenant, we're imitating God And he takes our covenant seriously
So when as Christians I'm trying to get this in this idea about the power of that word from God That when we imitate his word through making a promise
That we are imitating God, so if we're gonna say we're gonna do something you got to do it
I've used this illustration before, you know, let my friend over here Nathan, you know We've been friends for a few years now, and if I say to Nathan look,
I'm gonna come over and help you with whatever You know, you know, he needs my help. Let's say I'll be there at 4 and 5 o 'clock comes around and I show up yeah,
I just stopped for some ice cream and I had a nap in the car and I Washed the bird I'm letting him down right and my words no good
You know if I say well, I'm late because you see there was a bank robbery I was held hostage watch the
TV tonight and you'll see you know, I'm gonna all right. Okay, that's a good excuse The idea is you better hold up your word
What your word says and if you're not gonna keep it there better be a good reason for it Okay.
So now we get to the thing called the scriptures. The scriptures are theopneustos God breathed they're inspired out of his own character his own
Essence his own nature through humans That's really something
Got these humans walking around no different than us And then
God goes here. I'm gonna speak through that one. My person to write this down. Okay And you write this stuff down and it's the
Word of God What does that mean the same
Word of God that said let there be light is That word that's inspired in the
Bible that we hold in our hands and That word is powerful because that's what it is because it comes from God and what this should do is ratchet up our respect for his word the
Bible and The understanding of its severity and necessity in our lives and the trustworthiness of what it says in our lives and I Think what we do is we hold
Bibles in our hands We hold Bibles in our hands like this
Let's see if he's got a good one. I'm gonna judge him by the oh, he's good. He's saved. He's all right The NASB you're all right.
That's close So NASB is the one Paul the Apostle used hey
Look at this. You got all the kind of notes in here Okay, I'm making sure you're all right.
Just just okay Yeah, it's a picture of what's her name much. No, okay, so What I'm holding in my hand
Translated from the original languages into English is the Word of God Now, how many of these do
I have at home several? You know what I didn't even bring one I got my computer to digitalized digitized and I got on my phone
I have a lot of it, you know up here and but there's something about this There's something about it holding it in your hand
And you know, I used to go places when I was younger. I have a Bible this big
I'd walk into the grocery store with it, you know and Now I walk like this before it was like a shirt
Jesus is God I was ready I was armed I Did I have a shoe
Let me get to that me gonna go through stuff We're gonna do
Q &A afterwards, let me let me go through this. Okay, we'll do that kind of stuff later I'm trying to talk about an aspect of inspiration and stuff
So what I want you to do is understand what this is But the thing I'm trying to get to the point is I can hold this in my hand so much that I become complacent about It yeah,
I got a Bible whatever here. There's your Bible Well, it shouldn't be like that.
Should it? because what if You know a thousand years ago we're hearing about the
Lord and we go to this place called a church and We go there and we've we've heard there these special guys and they read out of the
Word of God Really? The Word of God. Yes, you mean
God? Yes Then they talk about the word that comes from God Well, what's that gonna be in three weeks?
I'm going well, where is it? It's 20 miles away. Okay You know, we get to this church building and we're sitting there in a pew stinking from walking and traveling and this man gets up with these robes and he sits there and he opens up this scroll or these parchment or whatever it is and He starts reading
This word and what would you do? Every single syllable you'd be listening to Every single syllable.
Wow. What's that? What's that? What's that? What's that? But we're so familiar with it
We are so familiar with the word that John 3 16 gospel of the world it gave us.
Yeah, I know about it We have that kind of attitude with it. It's unfortunate. It's happened with me
Unfortunately with me, you know, I started I started the word so much in a sense not devotionally but to prove a point
Apologetics to teach a lesson and that has you know, it's good, but it's also not good at times
Sometimes you just need to read it, you know And and so I'll go to bed and just you know read through Psalms or I'm going through Jeremiah now just reading
I can't help but going. Oh, that'd be good for an apologetics thing. You know This word that we have in our hands that we can hold in our hands
We can hear the syllables of that we can understand is From the same place that said let there be light
The same place that became incarnate the same place that dwells the same one who indwells us
We have that power and I don't think we hold it in high enough esteem much anymore because we have our
TVs and our cell phones and our microwaves and and our nice preaching stuff that we can get our best life now and the power of the great
I am and and they self -exaltation that comes with Not taking the
Word of God seriously We gotta take it seriously That's hard to do How do you develop a love for it a desire to hear it to go over every syllable?
You know, I would suggest I've done this before, you know, take a chapter and speed read it Fast as you possibly can get a gist go back in read two words three words.
What's it saying? to masticate means to to chew
Mastication intellectual mastication. I call it just slowly Get that down in there and chew it up.
I want to get I want to understand it. What's that? So why is that word there? Why didn't use a different word? What's going on here that kind of a thing fast super slow?
Because if you go fast you see oh, he's talking about these main things. What's these sub points?
And you don't have to read 8 ,000 pages. You have to read eight verses you can read half a verse and spend a week on it
But the idea here I think is taking the Word of God seriously Scripture is not elevated as a final authority in the church today.
It's not Scripture is not the final authority you the final authority is in a lot of churches your feelings
Experience Because of it absolute truth is abandoned Now, you know as I'm see as I'm going through this and they
I can reword this one And you know when I'm teaching things gel a little bit differently than what I'm thinking just in front of a computer screen but if you don't have the scripture as a final authority because of its nature of its being the
Theopneustos the God -breathed Word If that's what it is, it should be
The final authority of everything that it addresses every single thing it addresses
God knows all things 1st John 3 20 He knows all things It's like saying the
Bible tells me so therefore. It's true Is that right? Yes it is So what's gonna happen if you hold the
Word of God that high level You go to Joel Osteen's church
In in the lobby, you will find the book your best life now and I Don't find that in here your best life now,
I don't find that I find Stuff like Like this
If anyone wishes to come after me he must deny himself Take up his cross daily and follow me your best life now.
Is that denial? Your best life now your best life your best what you get
Is that denial? No, it's the opposite well, we got teachers who are teaching the opposite of the
Word of God and Christians are Just jumping on board and saying feed me more, you know, it's it's a horrible thing
Why do I know this because of what the Word of God says? Because that's what it says
Pick up your cross and follow after me. I think it's Matthew. You know, you have too many things in here
Making it difficult for me to turn your Bible with your stuff in it. You should do it the way
I do it the right way Oh, I can't even find that verses maybe it's
Matthew 538 Yes Matthew 1038 and he who does not take his cross and follow after me is not worthy of me.
No, I'm sorry I want my best life now You see that commercial Where I want it now, whatever that commercial is.
I hate that commercial narcissistic little diaper Indians It's my money. I want it now And People are like yeah, it's right.
It's mine. It's me my best life now I want I want me me me if you're gonna hold the
Word of God to where it's it's supposed to be the final authority You better shut up and sit down as you're reading it.
You better listen to what it says You better take it seriously Now I've been doing this for 37 years and I'm gonna tell you
I don't take it all that seriously sometimes And sometimes in my marriage love your wife as Christ love the church
That's got to be translated incorrectly You know, it's all kinds of areas and all kinds of ways that we fail like Colossians 3 horrible chapter
The first half is no good the second half where the wife's supposed to listen to the husband now that's good But the first half of the chapter is pretty gnarly because it exposes me in my sins
It's that word that has that power It's that word that comes from God and since it's his word that's empowered by the
Holy Spirit Who lives in us and it reflects out of his character, there's a communion and there's an intimacy
There's something that happens to us. We read it That's why of course I'm joking when I say I don't like Colossians 3, but I'm also not joking because I don't like Colossians 3.
I Love Colossians 3, but I don't like it You know, it's it's fun to preach. It's not fun to live
It has that power and so if we are gonna hold on to the final authority of the
Word of God Then we're not going to have other problems surface like women pastors and elders Homosexuality is an issue in the church
Why would that be an issue in the church? You know, let's do it. Let's talk about The Bible says no, it's sin.
Done. Can you imagine me the president of some major denomination? Somebody gets up.
I'm a homosexuality. We have an hour lecture on why it's okay. Homosexual And I get up.
Okay my rebuttal First content six nine Homosexuals not inherit the kingdom of God.
It's a sin Done that should be it shouldn't it final authority.
It's that's it Yeah, which is all on so the thing is
Is that Word of God the final authority? That do you is it it is is it the final authority in your heart in your life
You know is it I Believe that because it's not the final authority in most churches.
They only give lip service to it as the final authority That that's why we have so many errors in the church.
I'm gonna just say it for those who are listening Homosexuality is not an alternative lifestyle. It is a sinful lifestyle
Fornicating is not okay. If you are living with your with someone and you love each other
You're gonna get married later on so it's okay You stop your rebellion against God and repent of your great sin and you separate right now
And you'll get counseling and if you're gonna marry that person you get married so you don't sin against God anymore
Women are not to be pastors and elders in the church. They are not to be in a position of teaching authority
I don't care what anybody else says because the Word of God says so first Timothy 2 12 and 13 for example
It says these things You know, that's what I'll do in the radio. I'll say this is what it says
Right. That's what it says. He imitates me about that That's why
I always quote where try to get a lot more to learn Quote the references of where things are found in the scriptures.
I want you to check where it's found I want you to see because I believe the
Word of God is the final authority not me You need to find it in the Word of God. So because of it
We have other issues like absolute truth is abandoned Because to demote the
Word of God is ultimately to demote God himself Because he's the one who gives authority to the word
Jesus authenticated the word and then therefore to not hold that word in his proper place is
To not believe God for who and what he said and that is horrible because what's going to happen when that occurs?
something very natural We're gonna exalt ourselves. We're gonna put ourselves in place of God now
I've done this so many times and this has been coming up more and more if we go to Genesis chapter 3
Now the serpent was more crafty than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made and he said to the woman
Indeed has God said you shall not eat from any tree of the garden now That's the Word of God that he's doubting has
God said this he's casting doubt on the Word of God. Does God really say this? Just that's just your interpretation
There's a word doesn't really mean that Well other people say it's okay for women to be pastors and elders and I say to them.
I don't care what they say What's the word say That's my arguments with a lot of people. I don't care.
Give me only all you want won't make a difference The word says this done like the doctrine of election predestination
It's what it says I'll quote a verse on election and predestination people say oh you're a Calvinist Is that bad?
Yes, it is. Wait a minute. I'm quoting the Word of God here. Why are you having a problem with the Word of God? Why are you against God's Word when he says this?
Who are you to answer back to God? This happens in the church
Where our experiences take the place of the Word of God? Where truth is no longer absolute because we're going to decide what truth is according to our feelings
Because you don't hold the Word of God in its supreme place if it's the supreme authority of all things
Then if I say something I quote a verse like he chose us from the foundation of the world for salvation
They go that's what it says Next topic next topic
Why is settled? It should be that simple But we have denominations Partly because there are differences of opinions on how some things are to be interpreted in the
Word of God because in some areas It's not precisely clear That's a fact you go to Romans 14 1 through 12 that talks about having differences of opinions on things that's okay
But our differences of opinions should be in what's called audiofra the non -essentials
But where it is clear For example, women are not to be pastors and elders because the
Bible says in 1st Timothy 2 12 and 13 I do not allow a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man that remains silent for Adam was first created
What does that say it doesn't allow a woman to be in that position Well, I think it's okay.
Okay, let me get this straight So this is what it says, but you disagree. I've done this with Mormons many times.
You believe the Word of God Yes, is it true? Yes, you really believe it. Yes, I do. Are you sure? Yes, I do I said Okay. So you did
Joseph Smith see the father? Yes And I go to 1st Timothy 6 16
Which says that talk speaking of God the Father dwells an unapproachable light whom no man has seen nor can see
Did Joseph Smith see the father? Yes Okay, let's try this again See what it says right here.
No man has seen or can see well, it says you can if you had the spirit I'm missing that right there in a translation
It doesn't say that and I go on and on I've had many Opportunities to talk to Mormons about this particular example and all said you got a choice to make you believe
God's Word Are you believe what you think is true? And they choose their feelings over the
Word of God and then I tell them you are condemned You are condemned because you deny the truth of God's Word.
You are under condemnation They don't like that who are you to judge?
My name is Matt. That's who I am and I think it's Romans or John 7 34. I think it's where it says we can make spiritual judgments
Let me see if I'm trying to remember that verse because 1st Corinthians 2 15 says you can 1st Corinthians 2 15 says a spiritual man makes spiritual judgments and we can make spiritual judgments
But what we want to do is judge spiritually and judge properly. Let me see if I get that right.
I just heard the verse Dang it. That's not the verse. So no biggie Maybe six whatever
So when I confront people with the word they often reject the word and I'm seeing this more and more.
So here's an example. I was at the radio station Several weeks ago and was talking to two women and I'll shorten the conversation.
I mentioned this before and One of the women was a widow and her husband had been a pastor for many years, so okay and We got talking
I was talking to somebody else the other lady who I know and I said, oh I sure I'm glad God's in control and I appreciate my my theology and one thing led to another and I said, yeah
I'm reformed and she goes. Oh, well, then I'm reformed because I believe like that, too. I Said well, no that means a little bit more than just that I didn't want her to say she was reformed when she didn't understand what was going on.
I wasn't trying to Raise this issue of reformed theology. It's just our conversation
She heard she said I had to kind of correct and I said, um, no, it means other stuff
Well, like what or like God predestined people for salvation, you know, he chooses them for salvation and things like that She said oh, no,
I would not serve a god like that and it really struck me
This is a woman who had been a pastor's wife for several decades who said
I will not serve a god like that Why I don't know her heart I'm sure she's a good believer, but probably just ignorant in this area
But I've had this attitude come across my desk so to speak many times I will not serve a god like that.
In other words, I don't care what the Word of God says. I know what I feel That's idolatry and this is rampant
Not only in the world, but it's it's into the church as well If you hold the
Word of God in its rightful place Then the question should be You know
God predestines God elects. Where's that in Scripture? That should have been the response the appeal to Scripture Oh, it's right here in Ephesians chapter 1 verses 4 and 5, you know, look at this 2nd
Thessalonians 2 13 here Look at this, you know because When I was in college and my professor
Rod Rosenblatt at Lutheran College said we were predestined for salvation I sit up in class. No, we're not and he said yes, we are said no, we're not.
It's our free will choice and He said well He's very polite and he didn't bash me to death in the room because he could have
By quoting a ton of scriptures, but he said well, I got an idea Why don't you read these chapters and stuff like that and go read for what it says and come back to me next week?
And let me know. Okay, I'll do that So next week I went to him I said
You're right. I was wrong. That's what it says It's like that It didn't take me long when
I went home that you know, I'd lived on campus within 15 minutes I was converted, you know, that's what it says and I had to apologize in class
You know in class I did that in class. I'm gonna retract it and I did I said last week
Did you do and you said it didn't I said and you were right and I was wrong Why cuz that's what it says right here.
So I believed it why that's what it said. I Didn't like it who gives a flying rip
I don't like it. And what's my basic theological response a lot of times people say stuff.
So well, I don't like it So I don't like it that my foots in the cast
Okay, I don't like it on my cars empty. All right and Yeah, now what?
Well, I don't like it. You take my diapers and TV. So We have to have the
Word of Truth in the proper place of elevation That's right so that We appeal to it and we submit our emotions our minds our our desires our understanding to what the
Word of God says and Because the church is not doing it enough That's why we don't have
The impact in society that we have You don't take the Word of God properly
Then there's no absolute truth. You reduce the majesty of God the Trinity becomes optional denial of God's election and predestination
You can start teaching you lose your salvation. I don't care what anybody says. You can't lose it Jesus said so and that Jesus is not the only way
I've heard pastors and I Very well known preachers you all know
Who said that as long as you're sincere, you'll be saved. There's a guy named
Billy we know about who says that Ordination of homosexuals using
God's name in vain Using God's name in vain. I had to preach a sermon in a
Christian Church back in Southern, California about that because they were using the Lord's name in vain and When I remember this sermon because I warned them
This is gonna be a hard sermon. It's not gonna be easy and I said here's the exits back here and here feel free to leave during the sermon and I I actually said this and I actually
Meant it. I said this is not gonna be easy on any of you And I said some of you have been using the name of the
Lord God in a vain way thereby breaking his commandment and sinning against him greatly and I said let's turn to We went to the scriptures and I said this is what it is
And I said I know people in here and I could name names I'm not going to who have said and I can't repeat it.
Oh my Or and I I can't repeat these things and you guys say them left and right
You're gonna be shamed yourself and I went on and on and on Now that I was I afraid I've never being invited back again.
Yes. I love to preach And I did pulpits apply for years in Southern, California They invited me back back after the sermon.
They just a lot of them goes it Wow That hurt and you're right
I said, okay Because they believed in the Word of God See they were slipping, of course good thing
I don't slip in anything Because you know At least my sins aren't as public as as some other ones now some of my mental things are a little more public
I heard that so as I'm going through this doctrinal failure, you know
Using the Lord's name in vain lack of teaching on judgment. Did you know? That we're not going to judge anybody.
Do you know that right? Don't judge anybody, right You know,
I people say you're you're a hypocrite you are you're judge people What'd you just say?
And I've done this with people and I said well you just judged me no I didn't Wait a minute.
You just said I was wrong Yes, you are. You're judging me. No, I'm not Okay, what grade did you what's the highest level of grade?
You got I'm thinking maybe elementary region because I don't know Maybe third fourth grade, you know, oh, you're insulting me.
Yes Because you can't think you're way out of a white paper bag Look, if you are going to say that I'm not to make any judgments and then you judge me for doing that How are you not a hypocrite yourself?
You know, so you make everybody makes judgments Everybody does okay. So I judge murderers to be wrong.
I Judge liars to be wrong. I judge rapists to be wrong. I'll ask him.
Do you agree with that? Yes. Yes. Yes You make judgments. Well, those are righteous judgments. How do you know?
Because I know in my heart Well, then I you know what I could do with that right
I'm like, you know, I'm just sitting there got the bear trap okay, what we think cuz
Okay Just come a little forward here They're up right don't know right.
Oh you're saying this right perfect. Okay. Now before I shut the trap on you This is what
I do with people. All right, I set them up tell them to trap them. They go. Okay No, go ahead
Because they don't know how to think properly they don't know how to think critically We are allowed to make special judgments as we are first Corinthians 215, let me show you
You guys don't care do you do you you care yes, you do all good cuz you don't like snoring back there
Especially Rob. He's like out of it I'm gonna put you see a good comeback.
Okay This is what it says in 1st Corinthians 2 14 and 15, you know contextual here but a natural man
That's an unbeliever does not accept the things of the Spirit of God for their foolishness to him He cannot understand them because they're spiritually appraised but he who is spiritual appraises all things
Yet he himself is appraised by no one. Now. This is the NESB and so the
ESB says the spiritual person judges all things the
NIV says This person makes judgments, I like the other translations better because I just more convenient for me
But do you see appraising judging Spiritual things. How do you do that?
You do it with the Word of God? You see if someone says to me Jesus is not God in flesh In the beginning was the
Word the Word was with God the Word was God the Word became flesh and dwelt among us John 1 1 in verse 14
Yes, he is God in flesh Simple. No, he's not. Let's go over this again, and I've literally done this with people for 20 minutes a half hour
Let's go over the verse again Why is it that they don't want to believe the Word of God because they've got an agenda their idolaters
They don't want to believe the truth Now it's happening in the church a lot
Now I'm gonna step on some toes when I kind of say this But now I'm reformed in my theology and people going.
Oh, no, here it goes. That's right. Here it goes There are people out there.
I encounter them pretty regularly who? Hate the doctrines of God's grace
They hate the doctrines of God's grace They say you can lose your salvation because it's up to you to believe it's your free will choice not
God's work in you he doesn't elect you and choose you and then they condemn as Demonic heresy the doctrines of God's gracious election predestination salvation and security in him and it's rising in the church and When I tackle them and I can prove them wrong
They don't care They don't listen. They don't want to listen and hopefully
I'll be debating one of them in August. We'll see what's going to happen but the thing is That the elevation of man always follows the demotion of God the demotion of God follows the reduction of the belief and the
Inspirations this the high inspiration of a scripture in everything We have to be careful that we don't bring to the
Word of God an agenda Now I have an advantage over a lot of people doesn't mean
I'm right, okay, please understand that I have an advantage in that You know I was raised as basically an unbeliever who kind of believed in God but not but did but whatever was mixed up in the occult
Got tricked into being saved did a little bit of good backsliding Got prayed for excessively repented
Reading the Word of God constantly and learned my theology on the streets By talking to Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses.
I had no agenda. I had no denominational loyalty I had nothing like that.
It wasn't in my mind. It was this is the word I'm talking to a Mormon on the streets this back in the early 80s.
Well, you said that that's what this says That's how I learned my theology the Jehovah's Witnesses. Oh you say that well this let me research that that's all
I did There was no. Well, we go to Calvary Chapel. We go to the Baptist Church. We go to the Presbyterian Church We go to the
Lutheran Church. Here's our line of thought. This is what you got to adhere to. I Never got exposed to any of that.
I Got exposed to it. Well, you said that but I'm gonna let me check that that's how I learned my theology seriously and When I went to a
Lutheran College And I went to the pre -seminary degree I moved it. I switched it later, but I went in the pre -sem
My same professor Rod Rosenblatt challenged me about that stuff said I knew more going in Than most of their pre -sem students did going out getting ready for seminary.
They took seminary Preparation classes, but I knew more going in. Why? Because I kept going.
Oh you say that but let me check Let me check you said that let me check what that is Let me check what that is.
Okay. No, I don't know. Let me check that it is. I'll get back to you Where's your phone number? Let me check it and and I didn't have the
Internet. I didn't have computers. I just Memorize, where is that located? That's why
I started and so I started going to the Word of God. That's an advantage Doesn't mean
I'm right about everything. But it just you know, that's it. I have no denominational loyalty right now and Yeah, I'm five five pointer reformed because of what
I see here. That's all Something better comes along great. I Have no problem with that I'm not loyal to anything except my
Lord and my Savior Jesus Christ and the power of his word. That's right here Now there are advantages of that I think it leads you into less error because we take our own sinful selves in the process of reading
God's Word We're not gonna be perfect in it. That's just the fact but with this attitude of what does it say?
Okay, what's what it says so I'm gonna believe what it says So as it wasn't the days of Noah's so shall it be the days of the coming of the
Son of Man for they were eating They were drinking they were giving a marriage till the day that no enter the ark the flood came and took them all away
Right, but in Luke 17 the flood came and destroyed them all two men will be in the field Won't be taken who's taken the wicked real simple
Those verses are about the wicked being taken not about the good and when I show people this Who've been
Christians for 10 15 20 years and they don't know what to do with it Because they've never seen it read that way.
They've never seen it why because they go to a particular denomination that teaches a certain Eschatological view that is what is must be and that's how it's presented
In all the classes that they teach and the pulpits that they preach from so that you get this one perspective
And we're the Christians doing are they doing this the Christians doing this? No, they're going
That's what they're doing If I were a pastor again, and I'm preaching and I see somebody going
Yeah, that's right. That's what I want. I want people to bring their
Bibles I would want people to go through the scriptures take notes go check it out later Go check the
Word of God go check it go look at it. Hold in its high place But it's not being done
And so we have wacko morons teaching crap
From pulpits all across America We have them teaching moronic idiotic from TVs I'm gonna do is read you some stuff now.
I've got this out of the book Christianity in crisis And these quotes are old.
I actually knew the guy who researched them. I But he's the guy who researched these
So this is you ever heard of Charles Capps an older guy Dynamics of faith and confession
Tulsa, Oklahoma Harrison 1987 2029 okay. I mean
I get the documentation for all of these but He framed the world with his words you can't build without substance
He took words faith -filled words were God's substance Here a son essentially is what
God did God filled his words with faith He used his words as containers to hold his faith and contain that spiritual force and transport it out there to the vast darkness saying
Let there be light That's under the theological category of crap
Charles Capps said God said let us make men in our image after our likeness the word likeness in the English language Original Hebrew means an exact duplication in kind Adam was an exact duplication of God's kind Mormonism right an exact duplication
So Adam was an exact duplication of God's kind the kind what the
God kind This guy is on TV selling all kinds of books
The church is buying them. That's why he's famous. That's why he's so well said um
This is a particularly good one authority in three worlds page 258 259. I'm going to read this
Are you going to like this? This is really good to pay attention. It's short Notice that when
Jesus said I have finished the work john 17 4 we know that he had not finished the work
Now if I had been in the congregation You know,
I would have gone What What what we know that when he said
I finished the work we know he didn't finish the work So he directly contradicts Jesus himself
He needs a spiritual groin kick Kenneth Copeland heaven has a north and a south and an east and a west consequently.
It must be a planet He said that 1985 1989 he said faith is a power force is a tangible force.
It is a conductive force Kenneth Copeland said this you don't think earth was first.
Do you huh? Well You don't think I can see Kramer saying a who You don't think
God made man in his image and then made earth in the same in some other image There is not anything under this whole
Sun. That's new. Are you hearing what I'm saying? If this is all a copy It's a copy of home.
It's a copy of the mother planet where God lives He made a little one just like his and put us on it
Yeah, yeah now Kenneth Copeland said that all right. He said that in 1989.
All right now Somebody gets up to your pulpit and says that says that to you.
What do you do? You either stand up in the middle of his sermon and say that's a heresy and you should not say that and you need to Be out of here
That's what should be said. Okay, or at the very least afterwards and You couldn't talk to him, you know wanted to get behind him, you know get over like that you go okay,
I'm mature my apologetic approaches, but Should he be allowed to teach the
Bible? No, why is he so successful? Because people are not how pulled in the
Word of God Where's the say there's a mother planet? That this earth is a copy of the mother planet.
Is there a father planet? Planet Do so much with this before I go crazy
God's Kenneth Copeland God spoke Adam into existence in authority with words.
These words struck Adam's body in the face His body and God were exactly the same size
Yeah, I know. Where's lightning when you need it? That's right That's Holy Bible Kenneth Copeland reference edition
Fort Worth, Texas Kenneth Copeland ministry 1991 page 45 emphasis in the original Kenneth Copeland says this
God's reason for creating Adam was his desire to reproduce himself He was not subordinate to God even
Adam is as much like God as you could get Just the same as Jesus Adam in the
Garden of Eden was God manifested in the flesh Adam was made in the image of God.
He was as much female as he was male. Yes. I never seen
Kenneth open walk Let's see, he walks like this, you know, because what he's saying here
This is how I keep my sanity folks I've been a little bit humorous because if I don't
I'm gonna blow my stack at this These lies from Satan Let's see
Kenneth Copeland says God had no avenue of lasting faith or moving in the earth He had to have covenant with somebody he had to be invited in in order
In other words, he couldn't come God is on the outside looking in in order to have any say -so in the earth
He's going to have to make an agreement with a man here in order for him to have authority
He's going to have agreement with a man. This is a exaltation of men exaltation of men exaltation of men exaltation of men
Okay, the Word of God you hold it seriously You take it seriously and you memorize the Word of God and you realize who
God is this will not happen These lies from the pit of hell
I was shocked when I find out who the biggest failure in the Bible is The biggest one is
God I mean He lost his top ranking most anointed angel the first man he ever created the first woman he ever created the whole earth and all
The fullness therein a third of the angels at least that's a big loss man Now the reason you don't think God as a failure is he never said he's a failure and you're not a failure till you're you say you're one so I've gone bankrupt my wife divorcing me and The drug charges, you know, they're still pending but I'm not a failure
You're not a failure till you say you're one. Oh, I'm a failure. Oh, you should have said that you're your failure now Yeah, you're the copy.
He's been here a cop. You hear that? Gosh, okay. Here's Kenneth Hagen Adam was the god of this world.
What he was authority second edition. Let's get to Benny Hinn. Hey, Benny Hinn. He's wonderful. I Would love to talk to Benny Hinn Oh, it wouldn't last long
Adam was a super being when God created him I don't know whether people know this but he was the first Superman that really ever lived
First of all, the scriptures declared clearly that he had dominion over the fowls of the air the fish of the sea
Which means he used to fly Where's the comic book
Adam, you know? And he's going around and he's flying all over the place
What do you have fig leaves on they blow away during the wind you gotta worry about these things
It's ridiculous Okay, the
Holy Spirit says God's original plan is that the woman was to bring forth children out of her side now
I happen to be married and They've been on occasion when
I've noticed certain things about my wife's physique that's different than my own and I've actually looked at her sides and Unless we're talking about aliens
That's not going to happen they come on the stomach that's right. Well if you're leaving so I would make about this one
That's right. Darn it. I knew that But she was created identically as him in other words she was created with an opening in her side and Children were supposed to be born and I get that from the very fact that you'll never see birth spiritually except from the side
And I would like to add in here and I can't think more than cat pooping This is how
I deal with heresy This is how I have to do this because it's who I want an XM radio show so I can say what
I really think Don't call me the Howard Stern of Christian theology Serious this stuff makes me mad.
I have to be humorous about it. Keep my sanity and the Bible says The Prophet spoke the word not knowing what they were saying
But 4 ,000 years passed when the word became a human being and walked and talked and moved the spoken word became a human being the
Spoken word became flesh the spoken word got legs on arms eyes Hair a body and he was no longer saying thus saith the
Lord He was saying I say unto you the word that was spoken through the lip of prophets was now walking on the seashore of Galilee Different way of saying incarnation a little bit different.
It's not that bad, but you know Okay How about this one
God told Abram he could touch this earth. He could touch this earth till a man gave it back to him
Never ever ever go to the Lord and say if it be thy will don't allow such faith -destroying words to be spoken from your mouth
Betty him Ben me him Yeah You said that in 1991
How about this one when you say I am a Christian you're saying I am Mashiach in the Hebrew I'm a little
Messiah walking on earth. In other words, that is a shocking revelation May I say it like this? You are a little
God on earth running around Benny Hinn's getting millions and millions and millions of dollars and I can't even afford a plane ticket to go to South America to teach for four days
And I'm teaching the truth. Let me tell you The world's in trouble and the Christian Church is in trouble
God came to earth and touched a piece of dust and turned it into a god Are you a child of God then you're divine you are you a child of God then you're not human
I Mean Seriously, this is like a stupid fest
Seriously, this is a stupid fest This is a moron fest of idiot
Stupidity, this is moronic We could make up stupid things about theology and these guys are saying it
What if I came in to you as a joke and did this without even you even knowing it? Hey, I got some ideas for stupid things.
Hey, I'm I'm Messiah. I'm like God. Oh a little God you go That's stupid. Let's put that up her and then
I said, I guess you said that guess who said that guess who said that what? Oh He said this when
I stand in Christ, I am one with him united to him One spirit with him.
I am NOT hear me. I am NOT part of him I am him the word has become flesh in me when my hand touches something.
It's the hand of Jesus touching somebody Any him I am him
I'm him Yeah Like that you heard of Fred Price He's a
LA teacher God can't do anything in this earth realm except that we the body of Christ allow him to do
Adam as I said gave it the earth away to the serpent to the devil as a result of it
He got his behind kicked out of the garden. He went out of Eden out of the garden He began to wander around and he has troubles from day one.
Now God was out of the business God was out of the earth realm. God had no more stock in this earth realm.
No more none at all Nothing he could do not a thing in the world He could do the only way God could get back into this earth realm.
He had to have an invitation I don't have anything underlined in this last one
Let me just read it and see what happens Fred Price says this the Bible says that he Jesus had a treasurer a treasury
They called it the bag That they had one man who was the treasurer named
Judas Iscariot And the rascal was stealing out of the bag for three and a half years and nobody knew that he was stealing
You know why because there was so much in it He couldn't tell nobody could tell that anything was missing
It had if it had three oranges in the bottom of the bag and he stole two of them Don't tell me you wouldn't know it was what was missing besides that if Jesus didn't have anything
What do you need a treasury for a treasuries for surplus? It's not for if it's not for that which you're spending
It's only for surplus to hold it until you need to spend it Therefore he must have had a whole lot that needed to be held in advance that he wasn't spending
So he must have had more than he was living on. You know, that's for Having money lots of money
Tied to the church and he can drive up in his Rolls -Royce type thing Okay, so Let's go to Stephen Furtick modern more modern now, okay,
Stephen Furtick If that doesn't get you excited and you need the doctrines of grace as defined by John Calvin to excite you
You or you are in the wrong church. Let me get a phone book. There are 720 churches in Charlotte I am sure we can find one where you can stuff your face and tell your soul be spiritually that you can't even move
He just mocked the doctrines of grace He had he likes women pastors he introduced pastics
Christine came to preach on a Sunday morning at Elevation Church TD Jake's He I want you to stand up on your feet right now and let's welcome to the stage the greatest preacher of our time
Bishop TD Jake's come on and show him some embarrassing love PD Jake's denies the doctrine of the
Trinity How about this one Beth Moore in this video on God's vision for the church
She's teaching on stage as a woman sitting in small groups She has women sitting in small groups on stage who represent different religious groups within the church
They are the United Methodist Church a missionary Baptist Church a Catholic Church and the
Abundant Life Church It's not stated if she includes a Catholic Church as being another denomination
But they're part of the church. They have a Catholic up there Okay Yeah, she has
I need to get more information about that she's had a vision of the church I see God doing something huge in the body of Christ You do not know why
I had the privilege to get to travel around and see one church after another one group of believers after another
Interdenominationally all over this country, but I have gotten to see something that I think is huge And I'll also suggest to you that I'm not the only one and tonight
I'm gonna do my absolute best to illustrate you something that God showed me sitting out on the back porch
He put a picture I've explained to you before I'm a very visual person So he speaks to me very often in putting a picture in my head
And it was as if I was raised up looking down in a community as I saw the church in a particular dimension
Certainly not all dimensions not even many but in that we will discuss tonight the church as Jesus sees it in a particular dimension
This is Beth Moore says she gets visions from God now, okay As we study we may see several examples of him
Christ posing a question that only he could answer Christ certainly uses that teaching method with me.
Sometimes he'll cause me to dig Through scripture for a question. He seemed to initiate other times
The question may come as a personalized whisper in my heart Beth. Why are you acting that way often?
My answer is I don't know Lord. Can you tell me why if I really search his heart sooner or later? He'll give me insight into my reactions
One more quote from her what what God began to say to me about five years ago And I'm telling you it is in me on such a trek with him that my head is still whirling over it
He began to say to me quote I'm gonna say something right now Beth and boy you write this one down and you say it as often as I give you
Utterance to say it. My bride is paralyzed by unbelief My bride is paralyzed by unbelief and he said quote starting with you
Quote amen because we can do a lot of finger -pointing around here about why we're why we're revived
Why we're revival is not happening here and there. Let me tell you something revival will always happen with faith so direct revelation to be written down as from God and she is promoted in churches across America and women love
To hear other women preach and teach because hey, we guys don't know we're talking about because we're men because men are not the spiritual leaders are supposed to be and you're just a guy and stuff like that, so Let me get to Joyce Meyer He could have helped himself up to the point where he said
I commend my spirit into your hands at that point He couldn't do nothing. I love double negatives.
He couldn't do nothing for himself anymore. He had become sin He was no longer the son of God. He was sin.
That is damnable heresy Okay, not just heresy. There's heterodox heresy damnable heresy
The minute that blood sacrifice was accepted Jesus was the first human being that was ever born again
Sinners need to be born again. Excuse me, ma 'am He became our sacrifice and died on the cross now,
I must say this That this is the book The most important decision you'll ever make by Joyce Meyer second printing made 1993 page 35
I had to track it down There's been a printing since then where some of these have been altered
But they're not altered in a way that they're corrected They're still taught and not recanted
In fact the way it's worded and I remember going oh you're saying the same thing except not as severely a couple days but anyway
He became our sacrifice and died on the cross. He did not stay dead He was in the grave three days during that time
He entered hell where you and I deserve to go because of our sin. He paid the price there Where'd he pay the price for our sin?
on the cross first Peter 2 24 Jesus Paid on the cross and went to hell in my place now.
She's contradicting herself finished the atonement there paid in the cross He said it was finished John 19 30 on the cross.
Okay, I Mean me. I'd be like, excuse me Can we just?
There's an idea. I was thinking that we could go to John 19 verse 30 where Jesus says it is finished on the cross.
He didn't pay it in hell Can we discuss this God's Word? Just Just asking and what gets me is that the men around her don't have what it takes
Don't have them to be able to stand up and say you're wrong the men I could just see the men
I could see a special glass. Look at the man What did she say? Whatever she wants? It's okay Cuz I you know,
I walk like this and I don't have any I could nothing I'm just gonna follow her around And if you're one of those many you don't like what
I just said call me up and I'll talk to you man -to -man and I'll tell you to repent from your sin stop supporting her and Grow a pair and start acting like men of God who refute error instead of Supporting someone who does teach error
Jesus paid in the cross and went to hell in my place Then as God had promised on the third day Jesus rose from the dead the scene of the spirit realm was something like this
God rose up from his throne and said the demon powers tormenting the sinless Son of God. Let him go
That's out of the book of Deuterectomy Right, then the resurrection power of Almighty God went through hell and filled you.
Where is that in the scriptures? Where is that?
It is not in the Bible first Corinthians 4 6 do not exceed what's written
I don't get it It's not here and She says stuff.
That's not here. Why are the people who are just going to excuse me? I'm gonna call them the vasectomy clan
They see what the eunuch boys the eunuch boys the eunuchers Well, the eunuchers eunuch ease, you know, they talk like this.
They don't have anything. I don't know if I tried it wrong It makes me mad sorry I Don't like heresy,
I love it, but I don't like it. It's kind of a love -hate relationship with me Okay, his spirit went to hell because that is where we deserve to go
There is no hope for anyone going to heaven unless they believe this truth There's no hope of anyone going to heaven unless you believe that his spirit went to hell because that's where we deserve to go
So she's just now said that the gospel Message for getting saved you can't go to heaven unless you believe what she just said here, which is not in Scripture now, that's
That's a serious heresy She should never be allowed to teach in any Christian Church period
He's a heretic I Was listening to a set of tapes by one man and he explained it like this this kind of gets the point across He said why do people have such a fit about calling
God his creation his creation his man? Not his whole creation, but his man little gods if he's
God, what's he going to call them? But the God kind I mean if you as a human being have a baby you call it a human kind if if Cattle has another cattle.
They call it a cattle kind. I mean is God supposed to call him or I mean What is God supposed to call him?
man woman Okay, but anyway doesn't the Bible say we are created in his image now you understand
I'm not saying you are a God with a capital G. That is not the issue here So don't go trying to stone me or yell blasphemy at me blasphemy
The Bible says right here John 10 34 and Jesus answered. Is it not written in your law? I said you are
God's so men can call it God's by the law now When I hear I read this
I hear the incredible ripping sound of verses out of context She does not know she's talking about there
This is good, I am NOT poor I am NOT miserable and I am NOT a sinner that is a life in the pit of hell
That is where what I were and if I still was then Jesus died in vain
Sometimes bad English gets me. I'm gonna tell you something folks. I didn't stop sending until I finally got it through my thick head
I wasn't a sinner anymore So when you realize you're not a sinner, that's when you stop sending but if you don't know you're not a sinner then you you're sitting and the religious world thinks that's heresy it is and they want to hang you for it not hang literally, but X communicate but the
Bible says that I'm righteous and I can't be righteous and be a sinner at the same time. Yes, you can Miss amateur theologian
Let's see They were having the biggest party that they ever had had Ever been had they had my
Jesus in the floor and they were standing on his back jumping up and down laughing And he had become sin
Don't you think that God was pacing wanting to put a stop to what was going on all the host of hell were upon him
Upon him up on him. The angels were in agony All the creation is groaning all the host of hell was upon him up on him.
They got on him They got him on down in the floor and got on him and they were laughing and mocking
Ha ha ha ha you trusted God and look where you ended up now You thought he'd save you and get you off that cross.
He didn't ha ha ha This isn't a video.
He's teaching this I get this out of a video I'm read one more
The Bible can't even find any way to explain this not really that is why you have got to get it by revelation
There are no words to explain what I'm telling you I have got to I have got to just trust that God is
He is putting in in your spirit like he put it into mine. You can't get it in here.
It's got to be in here Now that's dangerous Now she's a preacher against scripture.
She has no business doing any of that and I have a note here. This is a
From 2011 I wrote this called Joyce Joyce Meyer ministry spoke to a man who directed us to the website contact info and how to submit an email
We told him about calm and the issues that we wanted to discuss regarding her teachings He again pointed us to the website and we were told that someone would contact us at the website.
We submitted this email to them And give it a think I am Reverend Matt slick the president of Christian apologetics and research ministry
Karma is a very large popular apologetic site 1 .3 million monthly page views Trying to get it up.
Okay, let's listen, you know some credibility here Okay I'm doing research on Joyce Meyer and her teachings and have serious concerns about some of the things she has taught
Instead of writing articles based on information from years ago I would very much like to submit a list of questions to her and or interview her regarding Christian theology
Soteriology and Christology to find out what her present views are I can submit a list of questions so as to get the most current teaching
She has in these areas the information would then be used on the karma website radio show and books I want accurate information so as to not misrepresent mrs.
Meyer in any way And I wrote we have yet to hear back from them And we still haven't so good over over a little
Second Timothy 3 1 through 5 but realize this that in the last days difficult times will come for men will be lovers of self lovers of money boastful arrogant revilers disobedient to parents and grateful unholy unloving
Irreconcilable malicious gossips without self -control brutal haters of good treacherous reckless
Conceited lovers of pleasure than rather lovers of God hold into a form of godliness
Though they have denied his power and avoid such men as these now This is a list of all kinds of things
So which ones apply to the stuff we've been talking about for men will be lovers of self lovers of money boastful arrogant right right there and This is what we're up against Now I'm gonna tell you guys something, you know on the radio
I Get very in -your -face about some of this stuff and there's a reason
And the reason is because I I honestly get quite angry at what I hear I get very angry because I know what it does.
I know it's from Satan I know it's through these false teachers and I know that it deceives millions and I know that that they're gonna suffer because of it and so on the air,
I will say some very strong things and Even when I do that on the air I'm holding back and I am holding back because what
I want to say I can't say Because I want to say things that are very strong in Some words that I shouldn't really be using too often.
This is what it does to me. It is wrong And I'm going to charge the men
Men if you're out listening to this You're an elder in the church. You're a parishioner.
You're a pastor, whatever it is You better make sure you're getting the Word of God, right? You better make sure that you're holding up the
Word of God Don't preach to please the congregation don't preach to please the unbelievers You preach to please
God but I've said on the radio before I've said go out to a forest on a Saturday preacher sermon to the trees and Just understand that God's one listening to you then go on Sunday and preach to this
Congregation is it going to change because of who's sitting there? It should be God who you're seeking to please and you may lose church members because of it
But if so, that is the case then so be it Because we need to preach it in the church out and start preaching to equip the
Christians for the work of ministry And you can't do that if you're gonna allow Joyce Meyer Fertick Kenneth Copeland Hagen Benny Hinn in through your doors
Either literally or through teaching materials. You cannot do that. You ought not do that You got to hold the
Word of God up and bow your knee to the Word both written and incarnated so that we as men can start doing what we're called to do
Adam and Eve were in the garden and She sinned first. She gave the fruit to Adam then he sinned sin entered a world through Adam not through her
Romans 512 But when they hid themselves the pre -incarnate Jesus came to the man and said, where are you didn't say to Adam and Eve Where are you didn't say to her?
What have you done? He said to the man. Where are you? We are the ones who are responsible. We have federal headship.
We're the males males have responsibility representation and authority so get off if you're
Not taking the Word of God seriously get off your lazy rears and get out of the pulpit and If you are taking the Word of God seriously, which
I know a lot of men are be more discerning make sure you don't let these heretics in your churches and either way anyway shape or form and name names and If you are those who've already done that praise
God we need more of you But this is what we need to do as Christian men stand up for truth Someone's got to say it and people like me who say it will often say it in the wrong way the wrong tone
And then it got plenty complaints coming in because I wasn't nice enough Sorry, it's got to be said and breaking people's idols is messy
And sometimes we don't do it the most perfect way, but if you don't like it turn the stinking channel but this is what the
Word of God says and I'm standing on it and I've Uphold it and that's what we Christian men need to do stand for truth.
Even if it costs us our lives Amen, and amen. So we're gonna do is I'm gonna pray. We'll close. We'll take a break.
We'll come back Q &A We'll do whatever we can after that Lord Jesus, I thank you for the time and I asked
Lord that you would present to us your word in A way that we would understand not only in our minds
But that it would affect us That it would change our hearts That it would have its way upon us and shape us and that we would welcome it
The cost of following your word can be great and though we may whine and complain and doubt
Please look past our failures and teach us how to trust you Beyond our ability to understand
And trust you because of how good you are Because of who you are. I thank you for your word and I thank you