The FALSE Teaching Of Robert Morris!
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- 00:00
- Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to Fight For Truth, the channel where we bring you Christian commentary about the things that matter.
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- In today's video, we're going to be talking about Robert Morris. Now, Robert, for those who don't know, is the pastor of Gateway Church in the
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- Dallas -Fort Worth area. It's a multi -site megachurch, and one of the biggest in the United States at that.
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- According to their website, they have, quote, 100 ,000 active attendees. Also, Robert's television program airs in 190 countries.
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- Moreover, he is the chancellor of the King's University, which is also a seminary that trains pastors in their theology.
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- But perhaps Robert is best known for his books The Blessed Life and Beyond Blessed. If you spend about two seconds looking at Robert's ministry, you will quickly find that he has a shockingly huge focus on money and material wealth of all kinds.
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- In fact, this is the very teaching that he has become famous for. But given his immense influence and popularity that I have just described to you, it would be a very good idea for us to analyze his teaching, and to see if it lines up with Scripture.
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- My contention is that it clearly does not, and there are many direct evidences for that conclusion.
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- In this first example, we have a sermon entitled, quote, The Principle of Priority. Robert Morris is speaking about the priorities of the believer here, and in this clip, he not only makes a point, but he claims that he got this point directly from God.
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- Watch this. One day during my quiet time, the Lord said to me, I want you to write your priorities.
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- So I got out and I wrote a piece of paper and I wrote number one, God. And the Lord said to me,
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- I didn't tell you to write that. And I said, yeah, but I know what you're going to say.
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- Because see God, I've actually taught this. So I know about this.
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- It's God, family, business. Y 'all ever heard that? God, family, business. God, family.
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- If God's the one, one, family, then business, all right? So I know what you're going to say. You're going to say number one, God. And the Lord said, I didn't tell you to write that.
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- Got ready and he said, number one. Mm -hmm. No. I knew you were going to say that.
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- So I wrote number one. And then this is what the Lord said, Debbie. And I said to him,
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- Lord, that's not right. You're supposed to be number one. And here's what he said, and it's changed my life.
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- He said, son, when you're married, if you'll put your spouse as number one, you are putting me number one.
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- Now there are several biblical problems with this. First, Robert suggests that God directly gave him this message.
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- That God audibly spoke to him and told him not only to write out his list of priorities, but to put his wife at the top of that list.
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- Yes, even above God. Here's the issue. I can prove to you definitively that God did not speak this message to Robert Morris, and it has serious implications.
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- When someone claims that God spoke to them, what is our test for determining the accuracy of that claim?
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- In other words, how do we know it's true? Well, one such test is that this new message must not contradict what
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- God has already definitively said in His Word. In John 17, 17, Jesus says, quote, sanctify them in the truth.
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- Your word is truth. In other words, God only speaks what is true, and what is true is defined by what is in God's Word.
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- Therefore, if someone uses private revelation to contradict God's Word, then that person is not being truthful, and as a result, they did not hear from God.
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- First John 4, 1 says, quote, Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God.
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- For many false prophets have gone into the world. So clearly, we are not required to believe
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- Robert Morris. Not at all. Rather, we are required the opposite, to test his message and see if it's from God.
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- So let's do that. Robert says that God told him to put his wife above God in his priority list, because, quote, if he can't put his spouse number one, then he can't put
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- God number one. But not only does the Bible never say this, the Bible actively demonstrates that it's false.
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- There are many passages which tell us that our allegiance is to God over any family member, even our spouse.
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- The first and greatest commandment, according to Jesus Himself in Matthew 22, is to, quote,
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- Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind. The fact that this command is the greatest means that it takes preeminence over any other command governing how you behave towards your spouse.
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- To put it simply, loving the Lord cannot be the greatest commandment if loving your spouse comes before it on your list.
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- And in Luke chapter 14, Jesus gives us a practical example of this prioritization in the
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- Christian life, quote, If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, even their very own life, such a person cannot be my disciple.
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- The Greek word for hate here in this passage is meseo, and it does not mean that you should actively treat your family with contempt.
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- After all, that would contradict the teaching of Jesus in the second greatest commandment where we are told to, quote,
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- Love our neighbor as ourself. So the word here refers to simply loving someone less than another, or showing preference for one over the other.
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- In other words, Jesus is saying that we must prioritize love for the Lord even over our love for our spouse.
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- Here's a quote from C .S. Lewis on this topic, quote, When I have learned to love God better than my earthly dearest,
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- I shall love my earthly dearest better than I do now. When first things are put first, second things are not suppressed but increased, end quote.
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- To put it bluntly, Robert Morris has just contradicted the Bible blatantly and completely in his sermon.
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- Not only this, but he has claimed that this message was from God. The Bible has a word for people who claim to have messages from God that are false and lead people into disobedience.
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- They are called false prophets. In Matthew 7, 15, Jesus says, quote, Beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves, end quote.
- 06:02
- So the first problem with Robert Morris is that he is a false prophet and a false teacher. He presents the fantasies of his own mind as if they were the direct revelation of the
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- Lord God. But that's not where the issues end here. Not only does he have an unbiblical view of epistemology or knowing, but also an unbiblical view of anthropology.
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- Man, watch this. So this summer the Lord spoke this series to me called
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- Divinely Human. Now, here's what I mean by that, all right? But Jesus was fully divine and fully human.
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- Fully divine and fully human, okay? I am not fully divine.
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- I know that surprises some of you. But I am fully human.
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- But I am partially divine. Because I know
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- Christ. Because Christ lives in me. Once you get saved, and I'm going to show you the
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- Scripture in just a moment, you are also partly divine.
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- So according to Robert Morris, because he is saved and he has the Holy Spirit, this means that he is partially a divine being.
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- But this is not adequately biblical teaching. The proof text often cited for this by megachurch pastors, especially in the
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- Word of Faith movement, is 2 Peter 1, 3 -4, which says this, His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us to His own glory and excellence, by which
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- He has granted to us His precious and very great promises, so that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped from the corruption that is in the world because of sinful desire.
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- But you see, this passage is not saying that Christians are partially divine themselves. It merely says that we are partakers of the divine nature.
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- The question becomes, what exactly does this mean? Well, if you look at the context of the passage, it speaks about, quote, things that pertain to life and godliness.
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- It also talks about, quote, escaping from the corruption that is in the world because of sinful desire.
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- In other words, we are given a new nature in salvation, one which now aligns by sanctification with God's holy nature, rather than with the sinful nature which we once possessed.
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- Ephesians 4 .22 says, quote, Put off your old self, which belongs to your former manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful desires, and to be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and to put on the new self, created after the likeness of God, in true righteousness and holiness.
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- End quote. Thus, the new self is not divine in the sense that we are partially God. Rather, it is divine in the sense that it is patterned after the divine holy nature of the only
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- One who is truly divine, God. And of course, we know that we ourselves as Christians are part of the
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- Body of Christ 1 Corinthians 12 .27. But is it accurate to say that we are now little divine beings, or little gods, as some have said?
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- No. There is no good evidence for that claim from Robert Morris or from any other Word of Faith teacher.
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- But of course, this is not where the concerns about Robert end. His teaching about tithing is also very unbiblical.
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- For example, take a look at this video in which he says that if you're unsatisfied with the financial results of your tithe, he'll give you your money back.
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- Watch this. I don't want to exaggerate, but I'm sure thousands and thousands of people, and I'm sure it's multiplied that, have told me some way over the years through email, letters, whatever, this changed my life.
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- When I started giving the first 10 % to God, it changed everything.
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- And here's what I'd like to do. I'd like to just challenge you. I've done this with our church.
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- I've told our church on multiple occasions, I've said to them, if you'll try it for one year, if you are not fully satisfied at the end of that year,
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- I'll give you your money back. Now this too has many biblical issues. First, it seems that Robert is making the case that you should tithe because if you do, your life will be more financially successful.
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- And second, he is asserting that if you tithe and do not feel this financial satisfaction, then you can have your money back guaranteed.
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- But regardless of your belief about tithing, hopefully we can all agree that the way Robert Morris presents it is not biblical.
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- Whatever tithing is in Scripture, it is most certainly not a money -back guarantee if God does not deliver you all the success you think
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- He owes you. 2 Corinthians 9, 7 says, "...each one must give as he has decided in his own heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."
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- And what Robert is describing is the opposite of cheerful, generous biblical giving.
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- What he is describing is a calloused process by which people give him 10 % of their income as an investment so that they can make even more money.
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- And then if they don't get all the money they want, then they can have their tithe back. The main point I'm making here is that nowhere in Scripture is the
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- Church supposed to be a business that effectively sells the product of blessing. And also, nowhere in Scripture is the
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- Church told to offer a money -back guarantee if people don't get the financial success they want.
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- It is the case that there are many views on tithing. Personally, my belief is that tithing was done under the
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- Old Covenant and is not required in the New. I will link an article to that effect in the description.
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- But again, regardless of your view on tithing today, we should all emphatically agree that Robert Morris' doctrine here is not presented in Scripture.
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- And it turns the Church into a business rather than a solemn assembly of God's saints.
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- Now I could go on and on with examples, but let me instead show you a few of the people that Robert Morris looks up to, people he has actively endorsed and partnered with in ministry.
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- Let's start out with T .D. Jakes. Watch this. Well, I'm so glad you're here. We have a great speaker tonight.
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- We have a fantastic speaker tonight. I've listened to Bishop T .D.
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- Jakes for years. I have actually, for those of you who are members of Gateway, I've actually preached some of his messages, but you didn't know it.
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- He is one of my pastors. I love to listen to him because he is full of the
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- Word and the Spirit of God. And God is using him, God is using him in an incredible way.
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- Not only does he endorse the teaching of T .D. Jakes, he calls Jakes one of his very own pastors.
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- But T .D. Jakes, in reality, is one of the most notoriously false teachers in America today.
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- He is a charlatan who twists the Word of God constantly. So if Robert Morris genuinely looks up to him and supports his teaching, that is a huge red flag.
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- Next, we have Creflo Dollar. Watch this. And your pastor is one of the greatest teachers of the
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- Word of God that I've had the privilege of hearing. And I thank
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- God for his life, I thank God for his wife and his family, and I thank God for you being here. Now for those who don't know,
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- Creflo Dollar is a notorious Word of Faith and Prosperity Gospel teacher. His doctrine is horrendously unbiblical, yet Robert Morris invited him to speak to his church nonetheless.
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- And finally, we have Joyce Meyer. As recently as ten months ago, Joyce was invited to preach a sermon at Robert's Gateway Church.
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- Joyce is a false prosperity gospel teacher and a manipulator of the Biblical text. But more than this, 1
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- Timothy 2 .12 says that women are not permitted to teach or to exercise authority over men in the church.
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- So the fact that Robert invited her to preach indicates that his church has compromised to the modern feminist culture rather than obeying the standards of God's Word.
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- Meanwhile, Romans 16 .17 tells us to mark and avoid those who teach false doctrine that does not accord with Scripture.
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- And by contrast, it does not tell us to partner with them in ministry and introduce more people to their deceptive content.
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- When you put all of this together, it paints a picture. Robert Morris claims to have direct messages from God which are often completely unbiblical.
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- This makes him a false prophet, and a very dangerous one at that. Moreover, Robert also teaches that Christians are themselves partly divine beings, which does not accurately represent the
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- Bible's teaching. Also, he puts a huge emphasis on money and wealth in his semi -prosperity gospel preaching.
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- And the outcome of this is Robert's utterly unbiblical offer to give people their money -back guarantee on their tithing if they don't make all the money they want.
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- And finally, Robert actively endorses false teachers to his audience, and he admits that he himself has been directly influenced by their spiritual leadership.
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- All of this is plenty of evidence to confidently say that Robert Morris is not a reliable source of biblical teaching.
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- We recommend that you get real, solid, sound biblical teaching elsewhere. I pray this has been a blessing to you.
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- And please know this video isn't meant as a sinful attack, but rather as a biblical critique. Pray for this channel and for anyone discussed in the video.
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- Many of you are looking for teaching resources or trying to find a new church. If so, check out the teaching ministries and church networks linked in the description.
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- And by God's grace, let's move forward joyfully, holding to the truth of God's Word. Thank you so much for watching that video.
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- Please like, subscribe, hit the bell, and subscribe to our Rumble channel. Link in description. And before you go, take a look at this list here.
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- These are the people who make all of our free content possible with their monthly support. Today's highlighted channel supporter is
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- Frank F. If you would like this channel to do more research, make more videos, and reach more people, please hit the link in the description and join the
- 16:19
- Truth Army today. And until next time, fight for truth. Thank you, and God bless.