The Here I Stand Theology Podcast Interview with the guys from Open Air Theology


In this episodeThe Here I Stand Theology Podcast Interview with the guys from Open Air Theology we discuss everything from Pastoral Theology to Open Air Preaching to arm wrestling and more...


We've got a great show lined up for you tonight. We have the guys from Open Air Theology. Jeffrey Ross, Braden Patterson, and Haps Addison.
It's going to be a great one. Stick around. See what's going on. Here I stand.
I can do no other. Will you recant or will you not?
Since your majesty and your lordships desire a simple reply, I will answer unless I am convinced by scripture and by plain reason and not by popes and councils who have so often contradicted themselves.
My conscience is captive to the word of God. To go against conscience is neither right nor safe.
I cannot. Here I stand.
I can do no other.
Welcome to the Here I Stand Theology Podcast, where we are a podcast devoted to a pointed and spirited debate with the funky
Latin music going on just a little bit there. We are here at the Here I Stand Theology Podcast.
We are a ministry of the local church, Reformata Baptist Church, which means this, that we are accountable for what we say and for what we do to the body of Christ there at Reformata Baptist Church.
We have, as we mentioned in the intro there, we've got a great show lined up for you tonight.
We've got the guys from Open Air Theology. We're going to bring them on here in just a minute or two, but this is going to be a recorded episode, but we do want you to be sure to do this if you would.
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It would greatly help our algorithm there on the YouTube machine, so if you would do that.
With that being said, let's go ahead and introduce the guys here tonight.
Let's bring them in. Here we go. All right, so let's bring these guys in one by one.
Here they are, the guys from Open Air Theology. Let's switch apps and Braden around there again.
There we are. There we are. How are y 'all doing tonight? Awesome. Doing well.
Thanks for having us, brother. Awesome. Thank you for being here. So glad that y 'all are here. Been looking, super looking forward to this.
This is great. So I know y 'all have been busy.
We want to get kind of right to it right here from the start. As you know, or if you don't know, just in case, if you keep up with the
Here I Stand Theology podcast, you know that when we have a guest on the episode, we usually don't have multiple guests like this, so this is like big time right here to have the whole
Open Air Theology group with us here. We ask a very, very important question that kind of sets the tone, sets the mood, sets the stage for the entire podcast, and here it is.
So let's just go around the table here. So Jeff, if you and Braden had to arm wrestle, who would win?
Ooh. Dude, Braden's a fireman. What are you talking about,
Jeff? But Braden pointed up. So Braden, how about you and Haps? He's humble.
He's a little more humble than I am. I've been told I'm the best humble person in the world, and I just can't agree anymore with that.
Moses was the most humble person that ever lived. That's right. That's right. Braden is proud of his humility.
Yeah, that's right. Amen to that. I take what Braden has to say. Yeah, I'm not.
It's just not there. So Braden, what about you and Haps? If you and Haps had to arm wrestle?
Oh, man. I don't want to. You saw that heresy block he was doing in that intro. Oh, man. Jufu 101.
Be me, sir. Next Saturday. I drink milk. I drink milk. I love
Jesus. So obviously, we have determined that Braden is the youngling among us, that we are elderly.
Over on this side of the screen, we are elderly. Over on that side of the screen,
Jeff and Braden are—well, Braden's still climbing into his elder years.
I could still be Braden's dad. That's right. Braden, did they pick on you like this before you're all set to start?
I mean, never, never, never. Well, guys—
Oh, we clown all day long. That's awesome. You see my mustache. It's easy to make fun of me. That's a manly mustache, though, dude.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. You rock that mustache. It's funny. He's always around the
Mormon elders, you know, the youngsters, but now he's around real elders. See? I know. That's a fact.
As a matter of fact, I am an elder at my church. I am an elder. Exactly.
So that being said, let's go around the table, Jeff. Let's start with you. And I'll just let our audience know right up front, the goal and the aim of having you guys on is that we want our small audience to get to know you so that they can understand the work that you all are doing, understand the importance and the value of the work that you all are doing.
Okay? So, Jeff, let's start with you. Tell us a little bit about who you are, the man, the myth, the legend.
Well, my name is Jeff Rice. I am married to my wife,
Catherine Rice. We have a litter of kids. And we live in Tallahoma, Tennessee.
Me and her both run Post Tenderbrush Slugs Bible Rebinding. And I also pastor
Covenant Reform Baptist Church here in Tallahoma, Tennessee. And I'm also a street evangelist.
I've been doing that for probably around 12 years. That's awesome.
And that's, well, it looks like someone got cut off. But that's pretty much it about me, unless you want to know something more specific.
No, that's good. That's good to start us out. The specifics will come out as we talk. All right.
Brayden, how about you? Yeah. Brayden Patterson. I am so fortunate and blessed to be saved by God's grace.
And I'll also be blessed with a wonderful wife that I've been married to now for almost coming on five years next month.
We have two children, one Shepherd, one Owen. And then I pastor.
I'm so privileged to pastor just a small church over in Hagerman, Idaho. I just get to preach
Christ crucified every Sunday. And then I'm XLDS, which praise
God for the X part of that. Hallelujah. Yeah, that's right. Amen. Praise the
Lord, guys. Praise the Lord. Not sure what happened with Haps there, but we'll swing back around to him.
So in the really important things, one of the important things that I'd like for you all to share tonight, if you would, if you don't mind, share with us your testimony of salvation.
So we ended with Brayden. We'll start with Brayden. Then we'll come back to Jeff and then get Haps when he comes back.
You know, that's a really great question. Coming from my background, then
I looked at my own filthy rags that I know now that are filthy rags. And I look to my works, enduring to the end, my obedience, my righteousness to save me.
It's now solely looking at Jesus Christ, him who knew no sin becoming sin on my behalf so that I might be made the righteous of God in him.
And so the assurance of my salvation is nothing that I have done, but simply to the cross of Christ that I'm clinging to.
And so that's where my assurance is that God in flesh paid the price for me. Amen.
Amen. Jeff, how about you? Yeah, man. So I'm a product of 9 -11.
I'm an ex -gangbanger. He's ex -Mormon. I'm an ex -gangbanger. I was sitting out in an old trailer park somewhere in Nashville, Tennessee, playing hacky sack and drinking a beer, smoking a joint.
And all of a sudden, people start running out of the trailers, talking about the world is ending, that this is in the
Bible. Oh, wow. You know, I was like, what are y 'all talking about? And the planes are going into buildings.
And that day I picked up a Bible for the first time, started reading it. And over the next couple of years,
I started going to church and listened to a street preacher by the name of Ray Comfort. I had already been attending church.
Matter of fact, I'm teaching Sunday school, leading a youth group.
And then I heard the gospel very, very clearly from him. Saw myself naked and exposed, truly called upon the name of the
Lord. But ever since 9 -11, I've been reading the Bible faithfully every day and growing in the knowledge of the
Lord. He saved me. Him in eternity reached into time and removed this stick from the fire.
And he is continually saving me through the same gospel message. So as a
Reformed believer, not only do I believe that in justification by faith, that this is something that God does to me, but I also believe in sanctification through the same gospel that God saves me.
He fates me and he repents me through the message of what Jesus Christ did on the cross, his life, death, burial and resurrection.
Amen. Amen. Thank you all for sharing that. So very, very important.
It's not necessarily having a day in a specific time nailed down, but it's knowing that you've been born again, that you've been made a new creature, that the old things, as the scripture states, are passing away and all things are become new.
I heard it said from Adrian Rogers, he says, if you and I are both going to California and you drive and I fly, and when you're driving, you know the exact moment that you come into California.
And though I am flying, I do not know the exact moment I get into California. But the point is, is we're both in California.
Amen. Amen. So talk to us a little bit, if you would, guys, about open air theology.
How did you all come together? How did you all meet? Well, for the most part, it's just Facebook.
I mean, you know, I met Haps through Facebook. You know, we kind of went back and forth a little bit, talking here and there through Messenger.
And, you know, I listened to a few of his videos. He listened to some of the stuff I was doing. He came and visited this area and he hung out with me and he had me on his podcast.
And then ever since then, we were a dead set that we were going to have some kind of a podcast together.
And in the process of this, Brayden reached out to me and he sent me a video of him witnessing to Mormons.
And I listened to it. I was like, I got to have this guy on my team. Praise the
Lord. And so I reached out to him and was very persistent that, you know, he was one of my new best friends.
And we just hit it off, man. So I don't know if you remember the story that way or not.
So how do you remember it, Brayden? No, I think you hit it spot on right there.
I was reaching out to you because I had seen, I mean, just as every
Reformed guy does, we have our certain group of people that we follow. And so I remember hearing James White years ago talk about post -Tenebrous
Lux. And so just watching more and more, I was like, oh yeah, this Jeff guy is definitely somebody
I want to hang out with and talk with more and more. And so I eventually just sent him that.
I like sharing the moments I could express the gospel to different people. And so I was like,
I got to send this to Jeff. And he actually watched it, which was a blessing.
And then so we just kind of started interacting from that. And so it was... Very nice.
Very nice. So as far as... Are you guys by chance getting really bad service on your end?
For me, I am. Yeah, no, just from your side.
I'm super far behind on your guys' side. Okay, copy that. All right.
Um, so as far as theology goes, how do you all as a...
We'll call you a team as Open Air Theology Group. It's down to two.
That's down to the two of us, Jeff. How do you all... Maybe he's just backing out and coming in.
Yeah, he is. Here comes Braden back. Let's click him in here.
There you are. How is the sound now? There we go.
I guess a potato gives you the best Wi -Fi. I'm sorry, guys. What kind of Wi -Fi?
A potato one. I got a russet Idaho potato downstairs running my Wi -Fi. Don't use it, guys.
What do you guys use? No, I might be breaking it out. I apologize, guys.
It's pretty laggy on my side of things. All right. No problem. Sounds a lot better now. Does it?
Good. Yeah, yeah. Just don't make any sudden actions. Your camera won't have to make adjustments there.
Yeah. All right.
So theology, as far as theology goes, guys, obviously, as you all stated, you met, you kind of came together on Facebook, which a lot of us have.
I know that's how I came to know about Post Tenebrous Lux. And then over the time, just kind of watching
Jeff's stuff on there. And then we got to finally meet up at G3, which was very cool, very nice.
And but as far as the theology goes, how obviously you recognized each other's theology.
But how did you all decide that this is what we're going to land on? I know you all started with a couple of different names right off the bat,
Jeff. Yeah. So at first we was shooting for the
Black Sheep Gang. Mm hmm. And the reason being that the Reformed Baptist is the
Black Sheep of the Reformation. And we still plan to do something with that maybe in the future, as if the page grows and we might want to have like some extra content.
And we might have like an extra page where this extra content only will be posted.
And those, you know, like for those who decide to support what we're doing in the Reformation.
And so in order to be a part of this, you will be included in the Black Sheep Gang.
So it's just something for the future. And so I thought that I would put that on the side and kind of develop that later.
And then in the heat of the moment, we had Grace Covenant. So the
Covenant of Grace is one of my favorite topics to speak about, especially as a
Reformed Baptist, a 1689 Federalist. So I would view the Covenant of Grace different from the
Presbyterian Brothers. And that's actually what I was going to, I was going to ask that.
I'm glad you already addressed that. So I was going to say 1689 or Westminster.
You could be Westminster, but you should be 1689. Yeah, yeah. And so Grace Covenant was just like 99 % of the words.
Yeah. Yeah. So Grace Covenant, I was just twisting the words around because Covenant of Grace podcast didn't sound good.
So Grace Covenant, and then I was just twiddling with it and thought, man, we just need something that's more catchy.
And it was hard to say, like, I'll be trying to introduce it and I just get tongue tied. And so, and then every one of us do open air preaching.
Yes. So I was thinking about the open air preaching and we're all real theology nerds. And so I just kind of put the two together, open air theology, and they concurred.
And here we are. Very nice. So Brayden, so as far as open air preaching, how long have you been open air preaching?
You know, that's a really good question. So after I left being LDS and immediately after I was saved,
I almost immediately wanted to start doing open air stuff. And so I had the privilege of being discipled by Matt Slick from karm .org.
And so hanging out with him, being around his peeps and being a peep of his.
And it just kind of came with it. So I would almost say almost day one coming out of the gate. So I've been saved now for over seven years.
And so a little over seven years is how long I've been doing open air witnessing. Praise the
Lord. What did you find at the beginning was probably one of the biggest hurdles or obstacles that you faced?
You know, that's a really good question. I got to give credit to Matt. He really encouraged me in different ways.
So he actually was like, Brayden, if you want to get good at debating and talking to people in person about this kind of stuff, you need to go online to different forums.
And he gave me a list of forums that he suggests. And he just said, just go and argue with people. Just go and talk theology.
Give the gospel and you're going to fail. You're not going to know how to answer questions, but you're going to get better after every single conversation.
And so even taking that to the street and just knowing, look, I have a Lord and master who is worthy to be talked about.
I am going to go out and find that I don't have answers to all the questions, but I'll get better at it.
And so seven years later now, man, it's a blessing to have people come up and talk and engage in those ways and know how to direct them because I have failed in the past.
And so those are definitely some of the hurdles. You know, I think I can speak for almost every evangelist that the biggest hurdle is just getting your mouth open, is just starting the conversation.
It's just introducing yourself. And I mean, it's as simple as saying, Jesus Christ is somebody that's walking by and then you're off.
But it's just that intimidation of starting. And once you start, you just can't stop talking about Jesus Christ, I found.
So getting started was the biggest obstacle there. So how about you, Jeff? Yeah, well,
I would say still starting is the biggest obstacle. Like, you know, I always lead off with that.
Hey, my name is Jeff. I'm the pastor of Covenant Reform Baptist Church. I'm out here today just to let you know that I love you.
I do not come out here because I hate you. I come out here because I love you. Like, by getting those words out, it's the hardest.
But so again, because I am a product of 9 -11 and a product of Ray Comfort Street Ministry.
Of course, I do things a little different. I'm just, I do what he does, but in a reformed way.
Like, I've kind of reformed that method of preaching and witnessing.
So what do you mean by that? Well, I just go about it a little different.
So I actually teach a text. So I find a text and I just preach the text instead of just going out there trying to debate someone.
And I have a different aspect of when it comes to witnessing. Like, I just go about it a little different.
Now, I definitely use the same rules that he used when it comes to the three uses of the law.
So the first use of the law being, you use the law to bring someone from the knowledge of Adam.
I mean, you want to take them, you want to use the law to show them that they're in Adam, which
I don't think he would use those words. And you want to bring them from Adam to Christ. You see what
I'm saying? So Ray Comfort did not invent, you know, have you ever told a lie?
You ever stole something? You ever like this? This is something that the
Reformed Christians and the Lutherans did. It's the three uses of the law. Of course, the
Lutherans in the Reform would reverse the numbering. So we would say that the first use is you bring someone from Adam to Christ.
And they would say that that's the second use. And what we would call the second use is the law. It's kind of like the government uses the law as a curb.
They would say that that's the first use. Right. And so because I am a product of street ministry, and I know that it works because I was saved through it.
Right out the gate, like as soon as I saw this, I started learning about it. But because there was no one that was passionate about it,
I was afraid to attempt to do it by myself. Yeah. But then the Lord put me in by His providence with someone by the name of Jamie Terry, a good friend of mine.
And he wanted to do it. I wanted to do it. And so we just got out there and started doing it. And this was probably this was 2000, 2011.
But the first time I ever preached was in 2010, downtown Nashville on the streets.
And it was terrifying being by myself, really. So me and him just started doing it.
We started going door to door. We started hanging out at parks where people would have that walking trail.
And we'd stand at that trail, pass out tracks and witness one on one. And finally, we just started building ourself up to stand on a box and preach.
Yeah. Yeah. You mentioned the uses of the law. I think Ligonier has a great article on their website, basically how
Calvin crystallized the three uses of the law. The first being a mirror reflecting to us both the righteousness of God and our own sinfulness.
The second is the civil use, because you had mentioned that, Jeff. Yeah, yeah. So a good way to remember it, it's mirror, curb and guide.
Right. That's exactly right. It guides the regenerate into the good works that God's plan.
Yeah. So the third use of the law is for Christians. First use is that the first use you use it for the laws, but you also need to use it to preach the gospel to yourself as well.
The second use is more on the lines of our government. They can use the law to keep free people from being as evil as they could be.
And the third use is for Christians. We read the Bible in light of what Christ has done. That's right.
And govern ourself by that. Yeah, that's right. That's right. So let's go back, let's circle back around to something that you said earlier that really caught my attention when you were sharing your testimony.
That the church, right? The church is precious to the
Lord. That's what the scriptures teach us, right? He gave his life for the church. And I think what we see a lot of times,
Jeff, as you had mentioned, you said you were leading a youth group. Yeah, I was one of the leaders.
I was one of the leaders of a youth group. I was teaching Sunday school. Right. Yeah. But that was before you were born again, right?
Before you were regenerated, made a new creature. I do believe so. Yeah, I do believe so.
I'm not trying to put you on the spot or anything. I'm just trying to get my head around it because where I'm going with this, because I think that one of the big issues that we see in the church today is unregenerate leadership.
Yeah, absolutely. The desire, you all can just give me your opinion on this here in just a second.
Let me figure out how to formulate this best. If this would help, I walked up like when they gave an altar call,
I walked up to get saved and all they asked me was, where are you coming from? And I told them what church
I went to previously when I was like 12 and they turned to the congregation. I said, now, do we welcome him into membership?
Boom, just like that. And I was like, I didn't know what was going on, right?
But we see it trickles down, it kind of trickles down. And as we get older and Brayden, man,
I want to say something real quick to you. Dude, I am blown away and impressed by the guy you had on here a while back that you were debating with.
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. At your demeanor, at your calm, at your wisdom, at just the way that you answered those questions, dude,
I just want to commend you. I mean, Scripture says that we shouldn't have praise of ourselves, but we all have praise of another.
And I want to publicly praise you for that, for your standing in the
Lord and your ability to speak with clarity there. But again, going back to the church, if as the church that we don't have theological, which are
AKA plain talk, biblical standards, right, for leadership from the ground up in the church, then we see generation after generation literally being fed a false narrative, a false gospel, a false idea of what a
Christian is, of what a Christian is to do, right? And that, it perpetuates itself.
It goes over and over and over and over and over. So how do you all feel?
No, that's not the right question. Good grief. Alistair Begg would bust me in the mouth for that. How y 'all feel today?
What are y 'all thoughts on the importance of rigid biblical standards for church leadership?
Let's start with you, Brayden, this time. I think it's absolutely so important.
And I think we see the byproduct of it in almost every United States pulpit today, is that we have clowns that are preaching.
And because of that, then we have unregenerate people that are, or maybe not even unregenerate people, people that just don't know that are in these positions.
And how can somebody be a leader if they can't even speak educatedly on the word of God?
Or these are things that are so important, so, so important to make sure that a person is qualified for the call, and that they are continually qualified, that they're continually seeking after the glory of God.
Otherwise, like I said, you're going to have people that just, like you said, how do you feel about this? You're going to have people that are meeting people's feelings in these areas.
They're going to be people that are feeding the feel -good emotion stuff rather than actually feeding them spiritually, using
God's word as that standard for it. Amen. So let's, let's hit this point now too, because I was,
I was triggered. If I'd had a, if I had a shaking effect, I would do the shaking effect now. That, that, that word,
Jeff, what would you say about this? That in our, and we'll call it reform circles, right?
There is a tendency, and again,
I would guess, would I be incorrect, Braden, if I said in the, in the LDS that it was a pretty, was it pretty strict and rigid and quiet and calm in the service?
And we're, I'm talking about the church service. Maybe not, maybe not calm, but very, very rigid.
There was no, I mean, they would, they would use heart emotions to sway people, but there was no power of the cross in there, in there.
It was very boring. It's very boring. That's okay. And so Jeff, Jeff's coming from a, from a, you know,
I'm, I'm, I understand, I know exactly where Jeff and I are coming from the same spots. We've got the same, same people, the same, the same motions that people go through.
You know, country, in the country church, if you ain't, if the preacher ain't shouting or somebody didn't shout, didn't rejoice, then we didn't have a good service.
The spirit wasn't there. It was dead. The flip side of that is in reform circles,
I think that even still to this day, that there is a tendency for reform folk to veer completely away from emotion and veer, you know, kind of into the stoic deadness.
Yeah, the frozen chosen. Yeah, frozen chosen. And so Jeff, how do you, how do you think we, that we as reformed folks and reformed pastors can rightly shepherd and teach and lead our congregations, the congregations that the
Lord has made us under shepherds over? How can we lead them and guide them into a balance in biblical worship?
I think first the minister, the true worship leader has to recognize the two sides of the ditches.
You know, we have to recognize that and we have to drive the cart and not wreck it.
That's right. You see what I'm saying? Keep it between the lines. Yeah, we have to keep it between the lines.
I mean, I mean, uh, Martin Lloyd -Jones, you know, you know, like you're a part of our, you know, the group that we have on Facebook, Preaching and Preachers.
Yes. And one of the things that said was that, that preaching is theology on fire. That's right.
Right. And so we want to be educated when it comes to theology, but we do not want to be passionless.
Am I saying that right? Without passion. Without passion. We don't want to be without passion.
All right. And, and, and, and that's just something that, that it's beyond me.
Like I would rather be uneducated with passion and learn and then be educated versus to be educated and without passion because you cannot be taught passion.
That's right. All right. You know, I do not want to be a talking head in the pulpit. That's right.
And in order for my congregation to be passionate, they need to see their pastor driving the car without wrecking it off with the two ditches.
Amen Jeff. They don't need to see me running around the room. All right. But they do need to see me passionate about God.
All right. They don't need to see me so calm that I'm afraid to say hallelujah.
Amen. You know, when I, when I, when I, when I feel it. So we've heard the saying as goes the
King. So as goes the King, so does the kingdom, you know, as goes the pulpit. So goes the ministry.
But again, as goes the pastor, so does the congregation, right.
The, the, the, the sheep are going to reflect their shepherd. Yeah. If their shepherd's abusing them, they're going to be abused sheep.
They're going to, you know, be flinchy. They're not going to know how to act. But I think, you know, when they see that the shepherd is, is, is, is, is someone who is passionate about Christ, but also serious when it comes to theology, it's going to be infectious.
It's going to rub off. Amen. And so you just got to know how to drive. Right. And, and I mean, and this really is, seems like our conversations keeps leading us into pastoral theology.
So, and as far as you talked about Jeff being able to keep, keep it between the lines as the pastor, as the people, as the pastor goes, so goes the people.
Brayden, what would you say about the importance of the, the, the pastor and the elders of the congregation?
How should the pastor and the elders of the congregation love the congregation?
It's. Yeah, I just, I'm picturing Jeff right now running around the room and his beard just splitting and going up on his shoulders.
He just runs around saying hallelujah. That's all I can think about. That's exactly right.
You got to do that this Sunday. You got to do it, Jeff. Most of my congregation would leave.
Like I got one family, the Houghtons, which is just an amazing, amazing family.
And so they sit in the very back. They are the definition of back row Baptist. And so I raise my hands with sometimes in worship.
And then in the doxology, like I just go wall out and I'm raising their hands. Well, their kids, their kids have started raising their hands.
Praise the Lord. You know, the husband and wife, like, like they don't, like they, and the wife was telling me one day,
Lauren is her name. And she looked over, it might've been Alex, the husband. He said he looked over and saw her, his daughter rocking back and forth with her hands up.
He's like, hey, stop it. But they see me doing it.
Right. And that's true. The pastor is the worship leader, but back to, back to my question to you,
Braden there. How should the pastor and the elders love the congregation?
What should that look like? So let me, let me read out a revelation real fast for us. Revelation chapter five verses seven, just let's go to seven to 10.
It just says in here, and he came, this is Jesus. It's that he's coming. The lamb that was slain is coming up and he came and took it out of the right hand of him who sat on the throne.
And he had taken the book, the four living creatures and the 24 elders fell down before the lamb, having each one, a harp and a golden bowl full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints.
And they sang a new song saying, worthy are thou to take the book and to break its seals for thou was slain and is purchased for me,
God, with thy blood men from every tribe and tongue and people and nation. And now has made them to be a kingdom priests to our
God, and they will reign upon the earth. And then it says down in verse 12, worthy is the lamb that was slain that these are, these are these 24 elders that we are seeing worshiping
Jesus Christ. And so when I approach the pulpit, my mission in glorifying
God through the preaching of his word, I've heard people say, well, you want to preach a sermon.
So like Jesus was sitting on the, in the front row and could say amen to everything you're saying. I understand that thing.
And I, I don't look at it like that. I, I look and I see fellow sheep in the congregation, in the seats, and I want them to be looking down on the word of God with me.
And I want to be clearly describing the attributes of Jesus so that each one of us could say, worthy are thou to take the book.
And I want them to be saying this. And if Christ himself was to come again, and he's behind me, that when they lift their head from the
Bible and their ears are, are, are hearing the trumpet of God and are not hearing my preaching anymore, but the, the, the very
God that they were reading about and the very God that they were hearing about is the very God that they're looking at and praising.
And so I think as a, as a pastor, I want, because I love God and I want him to be worshiped properly, adequately honored and sought after.
I want my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ to see the same God in the Bible that we're all seeing and to worship him as that.
So as a pastor, as an elder, loving my congregation is, is by telling about who
Jesus Christ is so that he can receive better worship today. Amen.
Amen. And that's the, that's the, that should be the chief, the first, first and foremost thing is that is the, that is the responsibility of the elders to, to ensure sound doctrine is proclaimed first and foremost.
And that's worked out number one, and that's comes from love, right? Yeah, absolutely.
It's not, it doesn't come from a, a, we're not talking about the, the feel good, you know, the, the lovey dovey stuff.
We're talking about the love of God. Yeah. Who was it,
Paul? The love of God is shed abroad in our hearts, right? And it's, it's poured out.
Yeah. In the past. Man, I want to serve those people that are in my church.
I want to take care of them. I want to help them. I want to pray with them. I want to, I want to meet their needs.
I want to show them, I want to keep on pointing them to the cross at every chance I can get.
And so that's truly what I think is, is a hallmark of a, of a, of a pastor that's, it's attempting to do a good job behind the pulpit is one that's just continually has his finger pointing up at the, at Jesus Christ upon his throne.
Amen. Get behind the cross. Yeah. Behind the cross. Yeah. Can't go wrong there.
The cross before me and the world behind me. Amen. So none go with me. That's right.
Still, I will follow. And so few, do you all know the history of that song? I have decided to follow
Jesus. Oh yes, I have. Yeah. Yeah. I know that. It has nothing to do with an Armenian theology. That's exactly right.
It's literally about a man saying, look, I'll die for Christ. I will follow Christ. Though none go with me.
So, so guys, it's, it's getting late here again. You all I know have been so gracious and so kind to be on with us tonight.
I would love to extend this conversation. Maybe we can get together again before too much longer.
You all name the day and the time and I will be there for you all. I want to again, publicly say thank you to all of you for your ministry, for your love to the
Lord and for your fellowship in the gospel. So let's do this.
Let's ask Jeff, if you would, sir, close us out with a gospel proclamation.
All right. Well, excuse me. I'm kind of a little tore up by your ending.
And I just want to first say, you know, it's a pleasure being on and, you know, and, and I truly love you, you know, and I value your friendship and the gospel message is, is simply this.
It's that we have broken God's law and God has paid our fine.
And I'll go through that real quick. Every one of us have fallen in Adam.
And it's not that we sin because we're sinners or that we're sin because we're in Adam. We sin because we prove that the
Bible is true, that we have fallen in Adam. We were born sinners worthy of God's holy, holy, holy wrath.
We deserve this. One bite of a fruit caused the whole world to fall.
One bite caused the whole world to fall. But God in his love sent his son,
Jesus Christ to remove the bite. Adam, when he took a bite of that fruit, we all fell in him.
And not only that, but the whole earth was cursed in him. Jesus comes.
And because of what he has done through his life, through his death, his burial and resurrection, he is removing this curse.
He is removing the fall. He lived the life that we could not live and he died the death that we deserve to die.
The Bible says that for by grace, you are saved through faith and that is not of yourself. It is the gift of God.
And it's faith in what he has done, not faith in what you can do, but faith in what he has done.
So the gospel message is just simply that we have broken God's law because we are in Adam.
We prove that the Bible is true when it says that by sinning, by breaking his law.
But God has paid our fine by sending his son, Jesus Christ, to be the propitiation. The word propitiation means in layman's term, a payment for wrongdoing.
We have done wrong. God in eternity past has reached into his pocket and he pulled out his eternal son to pay our fine, the fine that we could not pay.
And that is perfection. Jesus comes, lives the perfect life, dies an atoning death.
And by grace through faith, you and I can be with him in eternity and have that everlasting life right now by trusting in what
God has done for us in Christ. Amen. Amen. So guys,
Braden, where can we find you all? Where can folks that watch this? There may be a whole 5, 10, 15 people that watch this.
Where can these 15 people get in touch with you? And then Jeff will have you tell us where we can get in touch with you.
Yeah, yeah, for sure. Pastor Braden again, Valley Baptist Church in Hagerman, Idaho. If you are in that area,
I'd love for you to come to church, worship God with us. We preach Christ crucified and it's a privilege doing so.
You can find me on ReformedExMormon for my YouTube channel where we just discuss anything theology, evangelism experiences, so on and so forth.
And then, yeah, that's the places to find myself. Please reach out if you are LDS. I have to give a shout out if you're
LDS and you're wanting to know about more about the Christ that we're speaking about, because if you're LDS, you have a different Jesus than what we're talking about.
And so I want to talk with you about that. And if you're ex -LDS and you want to be walked to the cross,
I would love to point you in the right direction. Jeff, how about you?
Well, Open Air Theology is the podcast that we all do together. And there's a Facebook page that you can like and be able to comment.
And there's also one that you can join that's Open Air Theology. But me personally, if you message through there,
I'll definitely be able to answer, message you back. But personally, I have a
YouTube channel that all this goes through and on it, I'm a part of three different podcasts.
So the YouTube channel is My Two Cents with Jeff Rice. And from that, we have
Open Air Theology that flows through it. And then we also have Trailer Park Theology that flows through it.
But other than that, again, I pastor Covenant Reform Baptist Church in Tullahoma, Tennessee.
That website is CovenantRBCTN .com, CovenantRBCTN .com.
You can reach out that way. Or probably the easiest way to reach out would be through either
My Two Cents on Facebook or Open Air Theology on Facebook.
Amen. And let's not forget about Post Tenebrous Lux. Yes. Jeff is the
Bible rebinder and the Bible fixer -upper of great.
And mine's over there, so I can't climb over the table right now. I'll get a little quick 3D view for everybody.
That's exactly right. If you want the best quality rebind or quality new
Bible rebind, if there is such a thing, go to Post Tenebrous Lux.
You'll get quality work. You'll have to wait for it, but it's worth the wait. But on that, you will not be talking to me.
You'll be talking to my wife. But of course, she's used to everyone talking to her, thinking they're talking to me.
Yeah, I was wondering. I wondered that a couple of years back when I ordered that Bible. I wondered if that wasn't your wife on there.
Yeah, yeah. Well, she kicked me off from running things for a long time ago. I couldn't do it all.
And so she quit her job. She was a lawyer, and she quit her job to be a part of the business.
Praise the Lord. Well, guys, I'm going to play us out on the intro. Hang tight here with the outro.