John, pt. 81 | John 14:1-6
October 6, 2024
Covenant Reformed Baptist Church
Pastor Jeff Rice
Tullahoma, TN
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- If you will, at this time, take your copy of the scriptures and turn with me to John's gospel, chapter 14.
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- The gospel of John, chapter 14, we will consider verses one through six, and this is our 81st message.
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- Y 'all see how Red was really comfortable making fun of me a few minutes ago, right?
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- Yeah. See, he only has seconds. I have an hour.
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- Like, what are you doing? No, I'm glad that Red feels that comfortable with me since he's been here, our friendship has grown, and so grateful for each and every one of you who are here.
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- That doesn't give you permission to make fun of me, though. All right, I'm gonna open this up in prayer.
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- Gracious God, Lord, we love you. Lord, we gather here today because we love you, and because you have commanded us to gather together.
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- We are known as the body of Christ, and Lord, here as we assemble as your body, as your bride, we pray in the name of Jesus Christ that you speak to us.
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- Lord, there's so much in your word that we just cannot take at face value.
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- It's one thing to know the words, to recite the words, but it's quite another thing to know why the words were written.
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- Lord, that's where this portion comes from. And God, we pray that you speak to us.
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- If they're dependent upon me to reveal this to them without your spirit, they have placed their faith in the wrong thing.
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- Lord, I need you. Please, please speak to your people.
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- We pray in Jesus' name, amen. Let's begin with a text,
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- John 14, verses one through six. Jesus speaking says, let not your hearts be troubled.
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- Believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many rooms.
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- If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you?
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- And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am, you may be also.
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- And you know the way to where I am going. Thomas said to him,
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- Lord, we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?
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- Jesus said to him, I am the way and the truth and the life.
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- No one comes to the Father except through me. When Jesus tells him that he is the way, he tells him that you know the way, meaning they know him.
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- My dear friends, do we know Jesus? If we know Jesus, we know the way. He says that he is the way, the truth and the life.
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- And that no one comes to the Father except through him. Our theme for this Lord's Day is a call to believe in Jesus.
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- And to believe in Jesus is to know Jesus. The two are not separated.
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- You cannot believe in Jesus without knowing Jesus. And if you know
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- Jesus, you know the way. He is the way. This is what this whole portion is about.
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- However, this one verse, verse six, which you would think that is the highlight of this message, and it is, that is not where we're going to spend most of our time today.
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- Again, this theme is a call to believe in Jesus. And my proposition is this, to believe in Jesus is to believe in God.
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- You, like me, may have run into people who may not like the fact that we as Christians believe that there's only one religion, the
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- Christian faith, right? The Bible tells us that there's one faith, one
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- Lord, one baptism. This one faith that we are a part of is the
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- Christian faith, those who are in Christ. The word Christian came upon us as a way to, let's say, make fun of us, right?
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- We were known as the people of the way. We were those that followed after that Christ guy, that person who claimed to be the
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- Christ, right? And then eventually it was like, those are those Christ ones, those Christ -like ones, those
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- Christians. And we're like, hey, that sounds pretty good.
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- Claim it, all right? We are those that follow Christ.
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- We are Christians, right? If you're not following Christ, you're not a Christian. And there's only one faith, there's only one religion, there's only one way to God, and that is
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- Jesus Christ. And those who follow Jesus are Christians. You may have heard people say something like,
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- God isn't inclusive, or God is accepting, and you don't receive
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- God, but that God accepts us just the way we are. And no matter what you call
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- God, we are speaking of the same entity.
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- Pope Francis just recently made a statement, and I touched on it a few weeks back, where he claimed that all religions are pathways to the one
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- God. And I told you that what it reminded me of was something that I studied probably about 10 or 12 years ago, where this one guy was speaking about a mountain, and on each side of the mountain, there's different ways to the peak, and that a religion is basically, each religion is on different sides of the mountain, and as we climb whatever side that we're on in the different valleys that we might come to, that it's all eventually going to lead to the peak, to the one
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- God. My dear friends, that's just not so. The Christian faith, what we believe, a part of this core doctrine, is that we cannot get to God.
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- The Bible says that God dwells in unapproachable light, and what does it mean to be unapproachable?
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- You can't get to him, all right? Like if he's on a mountain, it's a mountain that we cannot climb.
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- And so the Christian faith says that God came down from the mountain, and we cannot ascend to him, so he descended to us.
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- He condescended so that we can know him. And he reveals to us how to get to the
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- Father, and it's through him, Jesus Christ.
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- And if you're just not sure how that's true, please give me your attention for this hour, because that's where we are in the text.
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- In our outline, Jesus is ministering to his disciples while pointing them to him, and he does so in three ways.
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- He calls them to believe in him, he calls them to trust in him, and he calls them to follow him.
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- So point number one, he calls them, his disciples, you and I, we're his disciples as well, to believe in him.
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- Or number two, he calls them, us, to trust in him. Number three, he calls them, us, to follow him.
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- And as we transition, let's remember that in our text, this is
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- Jesus' last night before his crucifixion. Then in chapters 13 through 17 of John's Gospel, we're going to see
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- Jesus ministering to his disciples by way of prayer.
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- He's ministering to them, he's gonna be comforting them, and he's going to be praying for them.
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- And in chapter 18, we will see the betrayal take place. And also in chapter 18, we will see that he is judged before Pontius Pilate.
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- And then in chapter 19, we're going to bear witness to the crucifixion. But now let's turn our attention to see how
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- Jesus begins to minister to his disciples. So point number one, he calls them to believe in him.
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- Look at verse one of chapter 14. He says, let not your hearts be troubled.
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- Believe in God, believe also in me.
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- Here in this verse, we see Jesus consoling his disciples.
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- And once again, what is he doing? He's serving them. Our God is a servant.
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- He's a servant, he is serving them. To console someone is to serve them by comforting them in a time of grief or disappointment, or sometimes it's both.
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- The question is, is why are they grieved or why are they disappointed? Or why is it both? And the answer in short is
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- Jesus is leaving them. He's leaving them. They have spent three to three and a half years of their life following after Jesus.
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- They have left everything to follow Jesus. And now Jesus is talking about leaving them to go back to his father.
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- You have fishermen leave their job. Think about that. They left their jobs to follow
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- Jesus. They left everything that they knew to follow Jesus. They stopped being fishermen, they stopped being tax collectors, they stopped being prostitutes.
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- And they were following after Jesus. And now Jesus is telling them that he is leaving them.
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- Jesus is going somewhere that they at that moment cannot go. And they're troubled.
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- Look at chapter 13, verse 33. We looked at this last week. He says, little children, yet in a little while I am with you.
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- You will seek me. And just as I said to the Jews, so I now also say to you, where I am going, you cannot come.
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- Look down at verse 36. Simon Peter said to him, Lord, where are you going?
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- Jesus answered him, where I am going, you cannot follow me now, but you will follow afterwards.
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- They have been following Jesus and now Jesus is leaving them. And they're troubled.
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- Remember that Greek word there for troubled means that something inside of them is stirred up. They're having emotions that they don't know what to do with.
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- Again, they've left everything to follow him and now he is telling them that he's leaving them. Sometimes when
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- I'm reading this, I'm thinking that this is the only thing that he said so far that they understood. This is the only thing that they've picked up when he's dropped.
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- And they're troubled. In chapter 14, verse one, their hearts are troubled, they are grieved and they are disappointed.
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- They don't understand. They understand that he's leaving, they just don't understand why.
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- They don't want him to leave. In other words, you, if you were able to spend this time with the
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- Savior, you would have not wanted him to leave. You would be troubled. You would be grieved.
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- You would be disappointed. And in this verse, verse one of chapter 14, he consoles them by saying this, believe in God, believe also in me.
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- Now, some people will probably say, well, that's not good counseling. You console them by telling them to believe in God and to believe also in him.
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- In other words, he is saying this, because these are children of Abraham, physical descendants of Abraham.
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- They grew up knowing about God. They grew up believing in God. And he says to them, in other words, in the same way that you believe in God, whom you cannot see, believe also in me, whom you will not be seeing.
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- He's telling them to put their faith in him. Jesus can say this because Jesus is
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- God. And so he consoles them by pointing to him, believe in God, believe in me.
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- No one else can say those words. I can't say those words to somebody. If I'm consoling someone, if I'm counseling someone,
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- I have them and they're upset for whatever purpose, my counsel to them is not, well, it is believe in God, but it's not, but also believe in me.
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- I can't say anything like that. And ladies and gentlemen, if I begin to say some stupid stuff like that, please remove me, even if it's by force.
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- And this goes so far, excuse me, and this goes for you and I as well.
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- Because if I were counseling you, I could say, believe in God and believe also in Jesus.
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- When you and I are troubled, when there's something stirred up in us, we have hope.
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- We can believe in Christ in the same way that we believe in God, because Jesus is
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- God, right? We spoke about this numerous of times throughout this gospel about the one
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- God and three persons and that God is a trinity, right? 1
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- John 2, verse 23, the same author says this, no one who denies the son has the father, that whoever confesses the son has the father also.
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- And so in that time of grief, that when the minister is to comfort you and he tells you to believe in God and to believe also in Jesus, that when you confess
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- Jesus, you know that you have the father. You know you have the father.
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- We have hope. That is great counseling. That is something great to say to someone when they're troubled, when they're broken in spirit, when they need hope, you can point them to God, the father, and you can also point them to Jesus Christ, that if they confess
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- Jesus, they know they have the father. You have God in your times of trouble.
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- And so Jesus is teaching us how to counsel. We see this firsthand with him and his disciples.
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- Point number two, he calls them to trust in him. Look at verses three and four.
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- Before I read that, because there's, you know, you said believe, faith, that's kind of along the same thing, right?
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- But it's not necessarily, so when I say he calls them to believe in him, that is faith in him.
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- But there's also a process, faith in the process, faith in what he's doing. And that's where this trust comes in.
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- Point number two, he calls them to trust in him. Look at verses two and three. He says, in my father's house are many rooms.
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- If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you?
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- And if I go to prepare a place for you, I will come again to take you to myself that where I am, you may be also.
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- So he's calling them to trust that promise. That when he leaves, he is going to prepare a place and that he's coming back to get them.
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- Again, this is great counseling, right? If you believe in God, you can believe also in Jesus and you can trust that Jesus has prepared a place for you and he's coming back for you.
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- First, let's deal with what's apparent and obvious here. And then I wanna dive a little deeper and look at what isn't quite understood, what isn't so obvious in the text.
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- I know some of you probably hate when I go that direction, but I feel like you have to, especially here with John.
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- John is always speaking of something and teaching something that makes the two come together. I've been enjoying my time in this wonderful gospel.
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- First, what's obvious. What's obvious in this text is that most people will agree with is that Jesus is going to the father's house, which has many rooms.
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- The Greek word here for rooms, it actually means places to dwell.
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- You might have a translation that says mansions. The Greek word does not mean mansions in the way that we understand mansions.
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- Now, there is an old English form of mansions that we could dive into. But as I was thinking about it, it's really purposeless for what we're looking at today.
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- But just know when your translation says mansion, it's not talking about some huge mansion for you to live in.
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- It just means places to dwell. So when it says in my father's house are many places to dwell, are many rooms, that is the literal meaning for that verse.
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- And wherever his father's house is, whatever it is, there's a place for you. Jesus is telling us that in his father's house, there is a place for you.
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- Now, what isn't so apparent is that Jesus is going to prepare a place for us.
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- We don't understand what that means. But what is apparent is that he's going to prepare a place for us and that when he prepares this place for us, he will come after us.
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- He is going to come and take us to where he is that we can be with him. Now, many well -meaning
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- Christians, and I mean that. So what I'm about to say, I'm not saying that these people are not Christians. Many well -meaning
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- Christians see this portion of scripture as speaking about the rapture of the church, right?
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- I do not share that understanding when it comes to this text. I do not believe that there's ever going to come a time where the church will be raptured, removed from the earth to where a seven -year tribulation can begin and then brought back for a thousand years on earth.
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- I do not believe that the scriptures teach it. I do not believe that that's what this passage is teaching, nor do
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- I believe that that's what's taught anywhere in scripture. And listen, even if it is taught elsewhere in scripture, in the context of John 13 and 14, it is not there.
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- There's nothing in this context that would lead someone to that understanding.
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- We know that the kingdom of God is here. Jesus mentioned that with him came the kingdom of God, but we also know that it isn't here fully, that there is a here and not yet understanding of this kingdom.
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- We can clearly conclude from the context being from chapter 11, or we can even go all the way back to chapter two and use the context from chapter two, where Jesus turned the water into wine, that this is dealing with the second coming.
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- It's not dealing with the rapture. It's dealing with the second coming. And we can say that in chapter two, that what's taking place here in the wedding of Canaan that it is a picture of the
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- Jewish wedding. And then when you look at this, again, most people, what's obvious here is as they read this, they say, yes, this is speaking about the
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- Jewish wedding. So when a man would betroth a bride, the bride would go to her father's house and he would go to his father's house and he would build a place onto his father's existing place.
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- And in this time, his family would store up wine. And once he had built a place onto his father's existing place, then he would go and retrieve his bride.
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- And then there will be the seven day festival of a wedding. So Jesus is saying that I go to prepare a place for you.
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- I will come again to take you to myself that where I am, you may be also.
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- So you can see that's clear wedding language when you understand what a Jewish wedding is, that he is going to prepare a place for his bride.
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- Again, I mentioned earlier, the church is called the body of Christ, but we're also called the bride of Christ.
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- On the last day, so this speaking of the second coming, on the last day, that's when that will occur,
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- Jesus returns for his bride. The dead in Christ will rise clothed in Christ and will meet the
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- Lord in the air. So the question is, is what does it mean to meet the Lord in the air? Because this is where those well -meaning
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- Christians would say that this is what this is talking about, that this is the rapture of the church.
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- The apostle Paul speaks of this event in 1 Thessalonians chapter four. If you will turn there, 1
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- Thessalonians chapter four, we will read verses 13 through 18.
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- I'll give just very little commentary. 1
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- Thessalonians chapter four, verses 13 through 18. I'm sure many of you have heard this and you believe in the rapture, this is your go -to passage.
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- It says, so Paul's speaking right into the church of Thessalonica. He says, but we do not want you to be uninformed brothers about those who are asleep.
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- So this would be those who have passed away, that you will not grieve as others do, who have no hope.
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- For since we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so through Jesus, God will bring with him those who have fallen asleep.
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- So the context here is speaking about the resurrection of the dead, that's not the rapture. That's when
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- Christ returns. We see this clearly laid out for us in 1 Corinthians chapter 15, look at verse 15.
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- It says, for this, we declare to you by a word from the
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- Lord that we who are alive and who are left until the coming of the Lord will not precede those who have fallen asleep.
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- For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the sound of the trumpet of God.
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- And the dead in Christ will rise first. Talking about the sheep, those that are in Christ, not
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- Adam, not speaking of the goats. It says, then we who are alive, meaning that something's going to happen to those who have not died.
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- And another area of scripture, another passage says that we will be changed in the twinkling of an eye.
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- You say, Jeff, what does that look like? I have no idea. I have no idea. I don't know if we're gonna fall over dead and rise again, or if it's gonna be some kind of mighty morphing power rangers where the new body just comes upon us, right?
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- I have no idea what that is, right? But this is what it says. It says, then those who are alive, who are left, right here, will be called up together with him in the clouds to meet the
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- Lord in the air. So this is where they get the rapture. And so we will always be with the
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- Lord. Therefore, encourage one another with those words. And now I will say,
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- I believe in the rapture. Just not what they're saying, not how they lay it out.
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- So that's what Paul said. However, what I believe Paul meant, and what the recipients heard was at this time when a king would go out to battle, they would have people watching for their king.
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- And when their king would return, the village would go out to meet the king, and they would follow the king back to the village.
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- So this is something that was actually taking place at that time. So when Paul, who is, is
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- Jesus our king? Can Jesus tell us what to do? Yeah, so we're supposed to be doing what?
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- Watching and waiting? When we see our king coming, we're going to meet him in the air, and then we're gonna come back with him.
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- This is the picture that Paul is laying out. He's using something earthly to explain something heavenly.
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- And John, that's what John does. Paul is speaking of something heavenly that would have brought to mind something earthly that they would have understood.
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- The problem is, is it's one thing to know the words on the book. It's quite another thing to know why the words are in the book.
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- Why was it written like this, right? So it's a lot more. So I was having a small debate with the
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- Church of Christ. He says, if all you had was the Bible, would that be sufficient? I said, oh, for sure. But that is not all
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- I have. I actually have information to tell me why these certain words are written in the
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- Bible, and it gives me a better understanding of the Bible, or else I would just be confused.
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- And if you want to see a Church of Christ who's confused, go back and watch Brayden's debate last night. So I would say that it's clearly talking about the second coming of Jesus Christ.
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- Now, I also believe it's teaching something that isn't clear, it isn't apparent.
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- And let's begin with the father's house. Went back at the text.
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- It says, in my father's house are many rules. Rooms, excuse me,
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- I said rules, but it's rooms, are dwelling places. All right, the only other time in John's gospel that Jesus mentions the father's house is in chapter two.
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- So turn with me to chapter two. Chapter two,
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- I want to read verses 13 through 16. Verse 13, the
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- Passover of the Jews was at hand, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem, and in the temple he found those who were selling oxen, sheep, and pigeons, and the money changers sitting at the table.
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- I mean, sitting there, excuse me. In making a whip of cords, he drove them out of the temple with the sheep and the oxen, and he poured out the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables.
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- Verse 16, and he told those who sowed the pigeons take these things away.
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- Do not make my father's house a house of trade.
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- Question, see if you were listening. In this text, what is the father's house?
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- Answer, the temple. So what's the father's house? The temple.
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- The Jewish temple is a pattern after the Jewish tabernacle. If you turn on the back of your bulletins, you will see that I have the tabernacle printed out there for you.
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- So the Jewish temple is a pattern of the Jewish tabernacle, and the Jewish tabernacle is a pattern of the tabernacle in heaven.
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- Turn with me to Hebrews chapter eight. Hebrews chapter eight.
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- We're gonna be doing a little more teaching than preaching today. It is what it is. Dr. Martyn Lloyd -Jones says that preaching is theology on fire.
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- So we're gonna set ablaze here. So look at verse one of chapter eight.
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- So it's now the point in what we are saying is this. We have such a high priest, speaking of Jesus, one who is seated at the right hand of the throne, excuse me, one who is seated at the right hand of the throne of the majesty in heaven, a minister in the holy places.
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- So when you look in that picture of that tabernacle, that inside that tabernacle, you have a tent.
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- That's what you would call the holy places. And the true tent that the
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- Lord set up, not man. So who set up the tent that's on that picture, that tabernacle?
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- Moses, that's Moses' tabernacle was set up by man. For every high priest is appointed to offer gifts and sacrifices.
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- Thus it is necessary for this priest, speaking of Jesus, also to have something to offer.
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- Now if he were on earth, he would not be a priest at all since there are priests who offer gifts according to the law.
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- Verse five, they serve a copy and shadow of the heavenly things.
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- Speaking about that earthly tent, they're in that earthly tent serving a copy, a shadow of heavenly things.
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- For when Moses was about to erect the tent, he was instructed by God saying, see that you make everything according to the pattern that was shown you on the mountain.
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- Now when Moses was on that mountain, he was given specific instruction. He saw the tabernacle in heaven.
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- And he was to return and build what he saw in heaven. Does that make sense?
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- So the Jewish temple is a pattern of the Jewish tabernacle and the Jewish tabernacle is a pattern of the tabernacle in heaven.
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- The earthly tabernacle and temple were pointing to a greater tabernacle and temple which is in heaven.
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- This tabernacle in heaven is the
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- Father's house, which I would argue is heaven. So if you wanna know what heaven looks like, you can get an idea of it if you turn your bulletin around and look at the tabernacle.
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- Heaven is the place where Lazarus was seen by the rich man in Hades at the side of Abraham.
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- Now there's a whole lot of teaching there that I would like to go through, but we don't have time to do that today. If you ever wanna do it, say
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- Jeff, do a one -off sermon where we can get this understanding and I'll be glad to do it. Now what's called the bosom of Abraham is not separated from the place called heaven.
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- As a matter of fact, I would say if your translation says the bosom of Abraham, although it's an okay translation, it doesn't really give you the details of what that means because all it means is that Lazarus was at Abraham's side.
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- So if someone was to come up here and stand beside me, like right here beside me, that's all that means, that you would be in the bosom if you were right here beside me.
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- So it's not necessarily a separate place from heaven called Abraham's bosom.
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- It's just Lazarus was standing beside Abraham in heaven. Like that's all that means, right?
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- We can go back to John chapter one and it talks about Jesus, the word being in the bosom of the father.
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- No, it was just they're beside each other. They sit on thrones together. So what separates those in heaven, excuse me, what separated, separated, past tense, not no more, what separated those in heaven from being in the presence of the father at that time was the same thing that separated all people from being in heaven away from the father.
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- And that is the work of redemption, which is why the father sent his son and he sent him to accomplish the work of redemption, that Christ must fulfill the father's purpose.
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- Remember the father purpose to save a people. Christ comes into time and accomplishes that purpose to his life, death, burial and resurrection that the
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- Holy Spirit applies the purpose to the message of the gospel. That the veil in heaven, just as on earth must be torn.
- 36:30
- God has laid out a pattern. And if you read the book of Revelation, which I'm hoping to get into eventually, you see things happening on earth and you also see them taking place in heaven, right?
- 36:45
- And so when Jesus is crucified on earth, the book of Matthew says that the temple veil was torn from top to bottom, all right?
- 36:53
- Also that temple veil in heaven had to be torn. And that's an argument that I would make if we'd done a one -off sermon, can't make it today.
- 37:05
- Now, if you would allow me to challenge your presupposition concerning this text, Christ is not in heaven right now building onto his father's existing house.
- 37:16
- You say, but Jeff, it says it in the text. It says it in the text. I go to prepare a place for you and when
- 37:23
- I prepare this place for you, when I'm done, when I have finished, I'm gonna come to you and bring you to myself and I'm telling you that Christ is not in heaven right now building onto his father's existing house.
- 37:36
- You say, well, why would I come to such a conclusion? He has already told us in here, if you pay attention, he says that in his father's house are many places to dwell.
- 37:48
- There's already a place for us to dwell in his father's house. He does not have to go and build onto the father's house in the way that we see in the
- 37:57
- Jewish wedding. He's already said it, there's already a place for us. So the question is, is what does he mean by he's going to prepare a place for us?
- 38:06
- This is what isn't so apparent. So as I move forward,
- 38:12
- I wanna introduce you to three titles given to Jesus. The first one is the lamb, the second one is the priest and the third one is the king.
- 38:20
- You might have heard me discussing this on my podcast here lately. It could have been last week,
- 38:25
- I can't even remember. They kind of just blend together these days. In his death, Jesus Christ is the sacrificial lamb that takes away the sin of the world.
- 38:35
- The Pascal lamb was pointing to something greater, which is Jesus Christ.
- 38:41
- So in his death, he is the lamb that is sacrificed for us.
- 38:48
- In his burial, he is the priest who offers up the sacrifice on the altar.
- 38:56
- And in his resurrection, we get from Acts 2, he is crowned king.
- 39:03
- In his death, he's sacrificed as the lamb. In his burial, he's the priest who offers the sacrifice.
- 39:13
- And in his resurrection, he is crowned king. Does that make sense? Now, what I wanna focus on, what
- 39:20
- I wanna take us through is Jesus being priest, Jesus being buried. I offer to you that in his going to prepare a place for us,
- 39:29
- Jesus was performing his priestly duties by entering into heaven during his burial.
- 39:37
- During his, and during his burial, in the entrance into heaven, excuse me, during his burial, he enters into heaven as the priest.
- 39:51
- And he walks into the holy of holies to present a once and for all sacrifice.
- 39:57
- Now, what I want you to do, again, I want you to turn to the back of your bulletin, right? I want you to turn back there.
- 40:04
- And I want you to imagine, again, it's gonna be more glorious than this. This is the pattern is never as glorious as what it's pointing to, right?
- 40:14
- That lamb was nothing in comparisons to Jesus, right?
- 40:20
- It was something pointing to Jesus. That's all this is, all right? Heaven's gonna be more glorious than what we see in this picture.
- 40:27
- But this is a pattern of what that looks like. I want you to imagine Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob who are in this tabernacle in heaven, right?
- 40:40
- And all of a sudden, a priest walks in who is marred but looks like a lamb as though he was slain, the book of Revelation tells us.
- 40:52
- And he walks into the holy of holies. And he sprinkles his blood on the
- 40:59
- Ark of the Covenant, what Hebrews teaches us as we're watching this. And all of a sudden, this lamb priest who walks in, walks out, the temple bell is torn, and those that are in heaven have fellowship with the
- 41:14
- Father. And that man who walks out, that lamb, that priest, is crowned, is the king of the world.
- 41:22
- And then Isaiah says that once the father sees that offering, he prolongs his days.
- 41:29
- And so that priest lamb that walks in and offers up himself on the altar raises from the dead.
- 41:39
- That's the picture that we see in scripture. That's the scene that Hebrews is teaching.
- 41:47
- And thereby causing the veil in heaven to tear, which would allow those in heaven to have fellowship with the
- 41:55
- Father. And because of the work of Jesus Christ, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, you and I, when we die, we will be with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and we will have fellowship with the
- 42:07
- Father. But not only then, if you turn with me to 1
- 42:13
- John 1 3, 1 John 1 3, you're gonna see that this is a reality we have right now.
- 42:26
- Look at verse three, it says, that which we have seen, speaking of Jesus, we have heard, right, they were with him, they heard him talking, we proclaim to you, so that you too may have fellowship, right here, with us, speaking of the saints.
- 42:42
- We're gathered here together today, we have fellowship with one another, we are saints. Now listen to this, and indeed our fellowship is with the
- 42:51
- Father, and with his Son. The only way to the
- 42:58
- Father is through the Son. We as Christians have a unique relationship with the
- 43:05
- Father that the Jews never really had. It's different. We have fellowship with the
- 43:13
- Father through his Son. The veil has been torn, that which kept him separated from us because of our sins has been done away with, thus allowing those of us here today who have the
- 43:28
- Holy Spirit to have fellowship with one another, and with the Son, and with the
- 43:34
- Father, and we have that now. We have it now. So Jesus can say to those who are troubled to believe in God, and to believe also in him.
- 43:48
- Turn with me to Hebrews chapter nine. We're gonna read verses 11 through 15.
- 44:05
- It says, but when Christ appeared, now have that in mind what I just was explaining to you, as high priest of the good things that have come, so when he first came, then through a greater and more perfect tent, the one in heaven, not made with hands, that is, not of this creation, what did he do?
- 44:32
- He entered once and for all into the holy places, not by the means of the blood of goats and calves, but by the means of his own blood, thus securing an eternal redemption.
- 44:47
- For if the blood of goats and bulls and the sprinkling of a defiled person with hashes and heifers sanctified for the purification of the flesh, and it did, how much more would the blood of Christ through the eternal spirit offer himself without blemish to God, purify our conscience from dead works to serve the living
- 45:13
- God? So that little bit that that verse didn't quite look apparent, it's there.
- 45:22
- How does he prepare a place for us? By sacrificing himself and sprinkling his blood on the holy of holies in heaven, thereby allowing heaven to receive us where we can be in the presence of the
- 45:39
- Father. Makes sense? The place that Jesus was preparing for us is us for heaven and heaven for us through the once and for all sacrifice on that cross.
- 45:51
- Him as high priest entering in behind the curtain and him raising from the dead and him being established king.
- 45:59
- And listen, he's not just king, any king, he's the king of heaven and earth.
- 46:04
- He's the king of kings. So that after his resurrection, all those who have died, not only enter into heaven, but also have true fellowship with the
- 46:18
- Father. This place that's prepared for us is him giving us access to the
- 46:26
- Father by the blood of the lamb. When someone dies, listen to me, they go to be with him in heaven, the place prepared for them by the sacrifice.
- 46:42
- So it's not just when he comes back, because 150 ,000 people die every day.
- 46:50
- Whether he comes physically to gather us or we go to him, that place is prepared for us because of the blood of the lamb, because of the sacrifice, because of the gospel message, that which he has done, not us.
- 47:06
- However, at his second coming, at the second coming of Jesus, everyone, even those in heaven now will receive a body, a glorified body conformed to the perfect image of Christ.
- 47:19
- That body, that glorified body that has been prepared for us for the purpose of entering into the presence of the
- 47:25
- Father, which is heaven, is being prepared by the life, death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
- 47:33
- Speaking of your sanctification, right? In your sanctification, he is taking you from Adam to Christ.
- 47:38
- You're being conformed to his image. How does he do that? Through the gospel. It's through the gospel.
- 47:45
- Everything is through his life, it's through his death, and it's through his resurrection. Remove the gospel and you have no
- 47:53
- Christianity. Christians are those who are for the gospel of Jesus Christ by the spotless lamb that was sacrificed for the sin of the world, by the priest who makes the sacrifice, and by the king who sits on the throne, by the work of Christ and not of man.
- 48:13
- That's what Christianity is. That's the one faith. Who serves the one
- 48:20
- Lord in which our baptism points to. So in this point, walk away with this.
- 48:30
- In the burial of Jesus Christ, Jesus, as our high priest, prepared the place for us.
- 48:38
- He's not preparing it now. He's already done it. He's already done it. In the text, it was future tense.
- 48:45
- I am going to prepare a place for you. He says, I'm about to die. And I'm gonna prepare a place for you.
- 48:53
- And after his death, whoever died got to be with the Father in the tabernacle in heaven.
- 49:02
- Point number three, he calls them to follow him. Verses four through six.
- 49:12
- Jesus begins to speak, and you know the way to where I am going.
- 49:17
- Thomas said to him, Lord, we do not know where you're going. How can we know the way? Jesus said to him,
- 49:23
- I am the way and the truth and the life, and no one comes to the Father except through me.
- 49:31
- In verse six, Jesus tells Thomas our destination. Our destination is the
- 49:39
- Father, right? Look at it. He says, I am the way, the truth, and the life.
- 49:46
- No one comes to the Father except through me. So where's our destination? The Father.
- 49:53
- So when he tells us that he is the way, he is telling us that he is the way to the
- 50:00
- Father. He tells Thomas that he is the way to the
- 50:07
- Father. He says, you know the way. He's looking at the way. His eyes are looking at the way.
- 50:12
- You know him. To believe in him is to know him. So the question, where is the Father?
- 50:18
- Answer, in heaven. So how do we get to heaven? Through Christ.
- 50:26
- Look, it's really that simple. In the tabernacle of heaven. In the tabernacle of Moses.
- 50:33
- Listen, this is good. Only priests could enter the courtyard. You ever think about that? Only the priests could enter into the courtyard.
- 50:42
- The Israelites would bring their sacrifice to the priests at the entrance of the courtyard, which is why, so again, grab this.
- 50:56
- So this is the courtyard. The people who were surrounded in the wilderness of sin would bring their sacrifice to the entrance of the courtyard and present it to the priest, which is why as you enter into the courtyard, the first thing you come to is the altar of sacrifice.
- 51:20
- The only people in the tabernacle in heaven are the priests of God, who have been made clean by the sacrifice of Jesus, who laid upon the altar of the cross.
- 51:34
- The Bible tells us that believers are made priests. Are you a believer here today?
- 51:40
- Bible says that we are kings and priests of God. Believers are made priests.
- 51:48
- You and I, through the work of Jesus Christ, have been made priests. Turn with me to 1 Peter. 1
- 51:55
- Peter, we look at chapter two, verses six through nine. 1
- 52:00
- Peter chapter two, verses six through nine. Peter says, for it stands in scripture, behold,
- 52:18
- I am land and Zion a stone, a cornerstone chosen and precious, and whoever believes in him will not be put to shame.
- 52:28
- So the honor is for you who believe, but for those who do not believe, the stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone, a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense.
- 52:46
- They stumble because they disobeyed the word as they were destined to.
- 52:51
- Verse nine is our verse. But you, those who speak in context, those who believe in him, but you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellency of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.
- 53:19
- No, I won't touch on it, but I'm gonna say it. If you're his priest, he says that you're gonna proclaim his marvelous light.
- 53:25
- You're gonna proclaim him. That's what priests do, right? Now turn with me to Revelation chapter five, because right here he mentions a chosen race.
- 53:37
- Who is this chosen race? Is the Bible racist, right? Look at this. Chapter five. Look at verse nine.
- 53:46
- And they sang a new song. Worthy are you, speaking of the
- 53:52
- Lamb, to take the scrobe and open its seals, for you are slain, and by your blood you have ransomed a people for God.
- 54:03
- Here's the race. Every tribe and language and people and nation.
- 54:10
- Every tribe, every language, every people and nation.
- 54:16
- And you have made them a kingdom and a priest to our God. And they shall reign on the earth.
- 54:25
- How are we making a kingdom and a priest? By the blood of the Lamb, which was in his burial offered on the altar.
- 54:39
- And because that is true, you and I, the elect of God, have a dwelling place in heaven.
- 54:46
- We have a place to dwell. Prepare for us. Prepare for the elect.
- 54:53
- And listen to me. There's not going to be one place in that tabernacle, in heaven.
- 55:00
- There's not gonna be one place that was prepared for someone that will not be filled.
- 55:08
- If the place was prepared for someone, that someone will have that place.
- 55:15
- He will not lose any. Jesus is the way.
- 55:21
- He is the way to the Father. There is no other way. Muhammad cannot get you to the
- 55:28
- Father. Joseph Smith, Charles Taze Russell, Ellen J.
- 55:34
- White, they cannot get you to the Father. Confucius, Buddha, name it, doesn't matter.
- 55:41
- They cannot get you to the Father. And it's through one religion, Christianity. That's the only religion that's for Christ.
- 55:50
- Judaism, Islamism, name it, right?
- 55:56
- Jehovah's Witnesses, the Church of Latter -day Saints, Oneness Pentecostalism.
- 56:03
- It doesn't matter. It cannot get you to the Father. There's only one way to the
- 56:10
- Father, and that is Jesus Christ. There is no other way. Turn with me to Acts chapter four.
- 56:17
- Acts chapter four. Look at verses 11 and 12. Peter speaking, this
- 56:27
- Jesus is the stone that was rejected by you, talking to the Jews.
- 56:35
- The builders, rejected by you, the builders, which has become the cornerstone.
- 56:40
- And there is no salvation in anyone else. For there is no other name under heaven given among man by which we must be saved.
- 56:51
- That's why Muhammad cannot save us. There is nobody else. Heaven has sent to us its champion.
- 56:57
- It's Jesus Christ. He is the door. He is the gate.
- 57:03
- You cannot enter in. You cannot enter into heaven apart from him.
- 57:09
- He's the door. This right here, this is the sheep gate. Those inside of it are gonna be his sheep.
- 57:16
- And you might be there like me, blacker than everybody else, right? I'm the black sheep. I don't look like I fit in, but guess what?
- 57:23
- I'm in. He is my shepherd. Matthew chapter seven, verse 14 says this.
- 57:31
- For the gate is narrow and the way is hard at least to life. And those who find it are few, are few.
- 57:44
- Like I don't know if you got into Christianity thinking this was gonna be an easy life. It's not.
- 57:50
- It's challenging. We're to love one another. How hard is that? Very.
- 57:56
- I said it last week, some of us are really hard to love. That's a command given to us.
- 58:01
- We're to do this. We're to perform that act. If you're a Christian, you're to believe in Jesus and you're to love one another.
- 58:10
- Jesus is the truth, meaning that what you believe about him matters. He is God. He says, he says,
- 58:16
- I am. That's talking about him being God. It's pointing us to Exodus chapter three when he tells
- 58:26
- Moses that I am who I am. This is God's covenant name.
- 58:32
- You have to believe that Jesus is God. You have to believe that God, that there's one
- 58:39
- God and there's three persons and that Jesus is the second person of this trinity and you have to believe that Jesus is the son of God, meaning that he took on flesh, that he left heaven, that he took on flesh and you have to believe in his substitutionary atonement.
- 58:53
- You have to believe that the life that he lived, he lived in your place and the death that he died, he died in your place.
- 59:01
- That's the truth of Christianity and guess what happens if you don't believe it? You don't go to the father.
- 59:09
- He's the way, he's the truth, meaning what you believe about him matters.
- 59:15
- You get him wrong, you don't have the father, which is why Islam and all these other religions will not get you there because they have a false
- 59:24
- Jesus. He also says he is the life, meaning that those who are in him, even though they die, yet shall we live.
- 59:32
- We saw in John chapter five, speaking of the believers that when we die, we pass out of judgment into life, into where?
- 59:41
- God's tabernacle. When we have true fellowship with him. John 3, 16, for God so loved the world that he gave his only son, that whoever believes in him has eternal life, present tense, will not end.
- 01:00:00
- When you die, yet you live. You live.
- 01:00:06
- You're in the presence of God. In Christ we have everlasting life, in heaven, this heavenly tabernacle, which is called the father's house.
- 01:00:17
- That which is earthly points to that which is heaven. Our text today has called us to believe in Jesus, to trust in Jesus, and to follow
- 01:00:30
- Jesus. Our text has called us to believe in Jesus, to trust in Jesus, because he is the only way to heaven.
- 01:00:41
- So how do we follow him to heaven? Answer, by believing in the name of the son.
- 01:00:49
- But let us not forget the other part of that commandment, love one another. Show me someone who believes in Jesus, and they don't love their neighbors.
- 01:00:59
- I'll show you someone that doesn't believe in Jesus. He says that the world will know us by our love for one another.
- 01:01:10
- Our text has been dealing with the exclusivity of Jesus Christ.
- 01:01:17
- How can you have comfort? Do you believe in Jesus? There's your comfort, because he is the only way to the father.
- 01:01:28
- I don't care where you were born. I don't care how much poverty you've experienced.
- 01:01:33
- I don't care what you've experienced in your life, whether you were raped, whether you were molested, no matter what happened, what war you were in, it doesn't matter.
- 01:01:41
- It doesn't matter if you're in Compton born, or if you're born in Brentwood, it doesn't matter. Do you believe in Jesus?
- 01:01:47
- Because if you do, you have comfort. Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in me.
- 01:01:56
- That's Jesus's words of encouragement. There is no other way. There is no other hope.
- 01:02:03
- And the Bible leaves us no other excuse. You either enter into the tabernacle of God through Jesus Christ, or you die in the wilderness of sin.
- 01:02:15
- You ever think about that? Think about this. Just look at this real quick, real close. As this tabernacle was erected, the people around it who could not enter, only the priest, they were in a place called the wilderness of sin.
- 01:02:32
- They were dead in sins. The only way to enter into heaven has always been by the covenant
- 01:02:39
- God who had promised a seed. You can be a physical descendant of Abraham and miss heaven because you did not believe in the seed, the
- 01:02:52
- Messiah. Those who believe in the Messiah are priests, I mean, are priests, and only priests enter into the tabernacle.
- 01:03:01
- Let's not get this twisted. Let's not get this twisted. This is a kingdom inside of a kingdom.
- 01:03:10
- Seems very familiar, doesn't it? Life or death.
- 01:03:18
- He lived the life you could not live. He took upon himself the punishment that you deserve, was buried, and in that burial, prepared a place for us in heaven so that we can be with the
- 01:03:29
- Father. Three days later, he rose again from the grave, proven who he said he was, which is
- 01:03:34
- God. He's crowned king of kings. He is Lord of lords, and he has given a command, and that is to repent, to stop trusting in yourself.
- 01:03:45
- Stop trusting in man -made fashions. Stop trusting in what you can do.
- 01:03:51
- Trusting what he has done. You believe in God, believe also in me, because through his death, he bought and paid for our eternity.
- 01:04:04
- We are available to anyone who wants to talk. Let's pray.
- 01:04:18
- Father, Lord, we thank you for your gospel.
- 01:04:27
- Lord, we thank you for all that you have done for us. The more there's times where I feel like I know the gospel like the back of my hand, and I come to a verse like this and realize
- 01:04:44
- I don't really know that much. Lord, I thank you for your word. I thank you for the great men of faith who have gone before us, that we're able to look back to and stand on their shoulders.
- 01:04:59
- Lord, I'm thankful for this church. And God, I just ask, Lord, that you bless your people, that you will lead and guide us, and that you will help us to, in this life, know that we are a kingdom and priest, and that will empower us to go out and speak about the magnificent works of your hands.
- 01:05:24
- Lord, I pray if there's any here today that don't know you, God, that you will convict them of sin, and judgment, and righteousness, and that you will awaken them, grant to them life, fill them with your spirit to be your follower, to trust in you, to whenever they have troubles in their life, that they can believe in you, that their hearts will not be troubled.
- 01:05:51
- Well, right now, I just pray for this meal that we're about to receive, and Lord, I pray if there's any here today,
- 01:05:59
- Lord, that have not made that statement of faith, that have not received you by faith,
- 01:06:06
- Lord, that you will prevent them from the table, and also pray that for those who have, who have been living in a rebellious state, and they're unwilling to repent,
- 01:06:17
- Lord, please don't let them come to the table. Lord, many are here today who are just like me, who have broken your law in one way or the other, and were convicted by you through your word, or through your spirit, confessed our sins, and asked for forgiveness.
- 01:06:42
- Oh, those people, we welcome to the table, and we ask that as we partake, you will grow us in holiness.
- 01:06:51
- That you will use this to conform us to the image of Jesus. Pray this in his name, amen.