The Scam of BigEva - They Want You Dependent

AD Robles iconAD Robles




I'll tell you right now, Big Eva has made a lot of money overcomplicating things that are really quite simple.
I mean, there's just no question about it. Endless books have been written, all with the goal of overcomplicating matters to such a degree that you're reliant on their conferences, their books to decipher what to do as a
Christian. God has made this so supremely easy. God has made it so supremely easy.
People are seriously debating right now whether or not part of God's plan is for you to find a wife, have a bunch of kids, and raise them in the fear and admonition of the
Lord. People will post in the Reformed Pub, the Reformed Pub, where they all debate nonsense.
All day long, they debate nonsense. Someone's actually saying, well, that's actually not true, that's not part of God's plan for you to find a wife, have a bunch of kids, take over the world.
That's actually not part of the plan. That's insane. That's insane. In fact, you don't even need the Bible to know that that's part of the plan.
That's part of nature, guys. Nature tells us that's part of the plan. But the Bible, God saw fit and God was very gracious to us and gave it to us in black and white.
But here's the reality, guys. You want to know what to do in this pandemic? You want to know what to do when the government overreach is crazy?
You want to know what to do when you don't know what to do about the virus and all that kind of stuff? Well, here it is. 1
Thessalonians chapter 4. Ready for this? This is going to blow your mind. This blew my mind when
I read it earlier. Ready? Easy. This is what I'm talking about. No despair, because it's not complicated to decipher what
God wants. Here it is. A life pleasing to God. Look, even the ESV version gives you a helpful little notation.
It titles this section, A Life Pleasing to God. That's not in the scripture, but this is a very good description of what it means.
Here we go. This is Paul the Apostle. Finally then, brothers, we ask and urge you in the
Lord Jesus that as you receive from us how you ought to walk and to please God, just as you are doing, that you do so more and more.
All right. So Paul's saying this is how you walk. This is how you please God. Ready for this? For you know that what instructions we gave you through the
Lord Jesus, for this is the will of God, your sanctification. Ready? Here's what it is.
This is the will of God. This is how you become holy as Christ is holy. Ready? Abstain from sexual immorality.
And let's not pretend we don't know what this is, by the way, guys. We know what sexual immorality is.
A lot of people that make a career off of trying to figure out, what is sexual immorality?
Can you cuddle with another guy and stuff like that? They're making money off of questioning the
Lord to such a degree that we don't even know if it's sexually immoral to cuddle with another dude, right?
Or to live with another dude. Like there's entire conferences that are put up debating, kicking around that question as if it's a legitimate question.
Are you serious? Abstain from sexual immorality that each one of you know how to control his own body in holiness and honor, not in passion of lust like the
Gentiles who do not know God. Right? So the pagans, they're all about lust and pornography and sexual immorality, but Christians, we aren't about that.
And it's not like pagans don't know what sexual immorality is. They do know what sexual immorality is. They know how to degrade themselves.
They know what's degrading. But the Christians are having conferences where they decide, well, is this a degrading passion or what?
I mean, I want to cuddle another dude. Maybe if I don't put my penis inside of his anus, maybe that's the only thing that's actually degrading.
But cuddling's okay. All right. Then no one transgression wrong his brother in this matter, because the
Lord is an avenger in all these things. As we told you beforehand and solemnly warn you for the Lord has not called us for impurity, but in holiness.
Therefore, whoever disregards this disregards not man, but God who gives his Holy Spirit to you.
If you're disregarding God's commands when it comes to sexual immorality, you're not disregarding me. You're not disregarding those statements that they all sign and stuff like that.
You're not disregarding the center for biblical manhood and womanhood, whatever it's called. No, you're disregarding God. And it's obvious.
This is an obvious thing. We don't need conferences to decide what is sexual immorality and what it isn't.
We know what it is. You know what it is. If you're watching this video, you know what it is. All right.
Now, concerning brotherly love, this is the part that blew my mind. Ready? Now concerning brotherly love, you have no need for anyone to write to you for you yourselves have been taught by God to love one another.
For that indeed is what you are doing to all the brothers throughout Macedonia. But listen to this.
This one blew my mind. But we urge you brothers to do this more and more and to aspire to live quietly and to mind your own affairs and to work with your hands as we instructed you so that you may walk properly before outsiders and be dependent on no one.
We've got entire conferences. We've got entire organizations, the Gospel Coalition, ERLC, all of these people.
We've got tons, millions probably of Christians who vote Democrat, right? And God and Paul, you know, this is the inspiration of the
Holy Spirit. This is God's word is telling you be dependent on no one. You want to know how to live like a Christian?
Be dependent on no one. Work with your own hands, right? What does that mean?
That means that you should know how to feed yourself, right? That means that you should know how to take care of yourself.
And this doesn't mean like isolation, right? Because if you notice, he says love one another, right? So he's talking about Christians here.
We should take care of our own, right? We should be working together and trading together and planning to feed ourselves, right?
And we've got Christian organizations taking loans from the government so that they can take care of us, right?
We've got Christian organizations that are talking about womb to tomb. You can't just be pro birth.
You got to be pro life. And what does that mean? Of course, that means welfare. That means unemployment insurance. That means all kinds of programs that put you dependent on the government.
And God is saying the way to work as a Christian, the way to live as a Christian is to be dependent on no one.
And we've got people that want you to be dependent on the government. Where did we get this one mixed up, guys?
What minutiae, what way of interpreting the scripture can turn this where it says the way to walk in front of pagans, the way to act as a
Christian in the midst of a bunch of pagans is to be dependent on no one. How did we turn that into, but you know, unemployment insurance, minimum wage, welfare programs.
We got to take care of the vulnerable populations among us through taxation and all that kind of stuff.
How did we turn that into that? That's what I'd like to know. You see,
God's commands are super simple, right? Like in the midst of this pandemic, here's something that you should be considering right now.
How do you take care of yourself? How do you take care of yourself if you don't have a grocery store? It's a blessing that we have a grocery store, right?
It's a blessing, but it could also be a curse too. Because if you become reliant on that supply chain, that grocery store, and all of a sudden they take away that grocery store and you're going to starve in a few weeks.
If that's you right now, and you're a Christian man, you need to figure out how to get out of that situation.
And it may be more complicated for some than for others. You live in a nice rural area.
You've got a lot of land. Then the next step is very easy for you. I mean, figure out how to get something out of that land.
God gave you that, man. God made this world perfect for human life, right?
You can put a seed in a bunch of dirt, put some poop on it, and eventually that seed's going to grow up and feed you, right?
That's amazing. Take advantage of that. You live in the city, you live in an urban situation right now, well, that's going to be a lot more complicated.
You've got like five steps to get to the point where you can take care of yourself the way the Bible tells you to, right?
You've got like five steps in between. Listen, I'm not saying you can't live in the city, but if you're going to live in the city, you're going to need to figure out how to work with the brethren to figure out how to take care of your own.
So you're not reliant on Trump cash. You're not reliant on $2 trillion stimulus bills.
Like, we got to figure this stuff out, guys. And look, this is going to take a little bit of work, a little bit of thinking and planning, but it's possible.
It's possible. If you want to live properly in front of the pagans, here's a very easy command for you to follow.
Mind your own affairs and work with your hands so that you may walk properly before outsiders and be dependent on no one.
Not a hard verse to interpret, right? It's not a hard verse to apply.
Now, our situations are different. My situation is different than your situation. I used to live in Brooklyn and it would be a very different conversation if I still lived in Brooklyn than where I live right now.
But, let me just say this again. There was a proverb that I quoted the other day, or the other month, rather, that I said, basically, it says this.
It says, the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time to plant a tree is now.
So, if you haven't planned to be dependent on no one up to this point, start today.
That's it. Just start today. Don't put it off. Don't wait for the next pandemic. Don't wait for the next manufactured crisis.
Oh, we gotta shut it all down. We gotta shut it down. Like, the last thing we want is to be in the situation where you're in one of those five mile long food bank lines.
That's the thing. That's not how to walk in front of pagans. That's being completely dependent and as Christ through Paul here says, be dependent on no one.
That's how you walk as a Christian. Don't be sexually immoral and be dependent on no one.
It's simple stuff, guys. It's very simple. And so, here's the thing, baby. You wanna have no despair? Well, start thinking right now.
How do I take care of my family? You don't have any land? Okay, fine. How do I work with the brethren? How do
I work with the brethren so that we can take care of our own? That's how you walk properly amongst outsiders.
You're dependent on no one. If you got a Christian pastor, a Christian organization that's telling you that you need to vote for womb to tomb benefits because you gotta take care of the vulnerable, what they're telling you is to teach others to be dependent, which is a direct contradiction to what
Paul's saying. If your leaders are telling you to teach others to be dependent, rebuke them and say, that's not what
Paul said. Anyway, I hope you found this video helpful. God bless. I was about to upload this, but I just forgot something.
So I realized what I'm saying is a very serious charge, but I think it's obviously true.
If you think about every conference of any import, any book that's been written lately that's gotten a lot of press, especially in the mainstream media, but maybe not even in mainstream media, just in Christian media, it's always over -complicating things that are so interesting and so important.
So, so simple. Gender roles, sexuality, sexual immorality, and basically just any kind of welfare type, you know, social justice type program, all of this stuff overcomplicates these simple commands.
You should be teaching your flock. If you're a pastor, you should be teaching your flock how to be dependent on no one.
And the only way to teach it is if you're actually doing it yourself. So if you're not dependent on no one, how can you possibly teach others to walk in that same way?
We need to be figuring this stuff out, guys. And again, this means different things for different people. This is not a blanket sort of thing that I'm gonna tell everyone to do things the way
I'm doing it. For me and my family, here's how it's gonna happen. Here's how it's gonna happen. Starting to raise chickens, gonna start a garden,
I'm gonna start a little mini homestead. I'm also gonna stockpile things that I haven't stockpiled in the past.
Now, I was ahead of the curve here a little bit. I've been doing this for a bit. In fact, I was telling a brother, this is how
I, when I go to the store, which again is a blessing from God, if something's at a good price,
I'll buy a ton of them. Like a brother thought he had COVID and he was looking for vitamin C. And I have extra vitamin
C, not because I panic bought before this pandemic, it's because there was a great price. It was like buy one, get two free for bottles of vitamin
C tablets, like two years ago, something like that. And so I bought like six of them. And so, and then
I plan, you know, that way I don't have to buy them in the future. There's gonna be, I think that if you don't have any land, one way to do this is to stockpile.
When I lived in Brooklyn after the great recession, one of the things I bought, you wanna know what I bought? I bought a few packages, big packages of ramen noodles.
Cause I was like, you know, what if I can't feed myself? What if the economy never recovers? I'm just gonna buy this now.
So I have it. And guess what? I still have it. I still have those things. That was a long time ago, over 10 years ago. And I tried some of the ramen noodles the other day.
They're still good because they keep for a long time. Like, I'm not saying everyone has to do it like I do, but you need to take care of yourself.
You need to be dependent on no one. That's how you walk as a Christian. These are simple things that Big Eva has made a killing, over -complicating for you and me.
Don't consent to it. Don't consent to it. Forget the Big Eva stuff. Forget the conferences.
Forget the living out conference to decide whether or not it's okay to cuddle with a man. Follow God's simple commands.
He made them simple so that you don't need a conference to explain it to you. That's what
I'm saying here. That's what I'm saying here. God's commands are simple. You can follow them. I'm not saying it's easy to put the death, the deeds of the flesh and stuff like that.
I'm not saying that that part's easy, but it is easy to know what God requires of you. That is easy. Anyway, I hope you found this video helpful.