Wednesday, February 19, 2020 PM


Wednesday, February 19, 2020 PM "Climate Change and the Christian Worldview." Dr.George T. Matzko


And talking about the Bible and science, we're over at Christian Heritage Academy this week every day, and in the science classes, doing lots of demonstrations, and talking to them about how the
Bible and science go together. And we have a program about, like, pioneers of science, talking about Christian pioneers of science.
I talk about the electron, and atmospheric pressure, and water, and just a lot of different things.
We have a lot of demonstrations, and it gets their attention. When I was a young man growing up in New Jersey, we had a scientist came to our school, and I don't remember what he said, but I remember the fact that he was a
Christian. The fact that there was a Christian that believed the Bible, that was a scientist, that got me all the way through high school, as far as not doubting the
Bible. So I want to do that for those kids as well. So we've really enjoyed that. Now, what motivates me to travel, number one, you may be aware that there is this movement in the world called theistic evolution.
That is the idea that God used evolution to bring about everything. And there's an organization called
BioLogos that was founded by Francis Collins. Francis Collins is the highest -ranking scientist in our government.
He's the head of the National Institutes of Health. And he is promoting this idea of theistic evolution.
And he has a grant from the Templeton Foundation. They're producing Sunday school literature to try to convince
Sunday school young people that Adam and Eve were not real people, that you cannot depend upon Genesis as literal historical account.
And so we're trying to combat that. And they get mostly into, you know, your big, you know, megachurches and seeker -sensitive places, that type of thing.
Then I'm interested in telling young people about the opportunity of studying science and engineering in a
Christian university. I was the head of the science division at Bob Jones for many years.
And I feel like we've gotten to a point now where we're kind of at our zenith as far as science and health professions and engineering.
And we find as we go around the country, people don't know that. They don't know that they had that option. And so we find young people who are, you know, homeschooled or they go to a good
Christian school, and yet when they get to college age, they end up going to the secular school because they want to get real science.
Well real science is usually evolutionary science. And so that's a problem.
And we want to show that they have an option of getting a world -class science and engineering education at a
Christian university. So we're promoting that at the school this week as well. And then
I'd like to answer people's questions. We find as we go around, people have questions about things having to do with the
Bible and science, and the pastor doesn't feel like he can answer those questions.
And so we find that people have questions that they want to have answered from that standpoint.
And I'm happy to answer your questions. And my name Matsko means teddy bear, okay, in Hungarian.
So I'm a big teddy bear. And so you can feel free to ask me questions. So I'll try to have an opportunity this evening for Q &A, especially about this topic having to do with climate change.
Okay, so let's go ahead and pray and we'll get started with the message. Father, we thank you that we can be here at Sunnyside.
We pray, Lord, that we can be a blessing to the folks here. Pray you'll be with the words I have to speak, and I pray for those who are listening, that you'll help them to hear the things you want them to hear.
And may you be glorified all that is said and done for Jesus' sake, amen. So there's a controversy raging in the broader evangelical community over our stewardship of creation.
The split is between generations, with many younger evangelicals calling for a movement on broader environmental agenda, including global warming, and many of the older generation warning of an emphasis on environmentalism being a dangerous thing, a distraction from the church's primary focus, and that would be the salvation of souls.
And we've seen it ourselves. I've been in a church where, you know, young people come up and they'll talk to me, and you can tell that they're going one direction with this, and then
I'll be there and an older person will come up and they're going a different direction, and it's interesting to see, even in our fundamental churches, this split that's occurring.
Now, there's no doubt that a large majority of fundamentalists would side with the older evangelicals who believe that we have to guard against worshipping the creation instead of the creator.
However, it could be that some of our skepticism, as far as this whole issue is concerned, is that we distrust science because of evolution.
In other words, we say, well, if the scientists get evolution wrong, then they've probably got everything else wrong, too.
And so I think maybe there's a lot of skepticism in that regard. Why couldn't they be wrong about climate change?
Let's turn here. Here we go.
We've all seen the video footage of melting glaciers and polar bears having to swim more and having trouble finding food, and the news is not encouraging.
Just read an article today where they're talking about how the Great Barrier Reef is going to disappear because of the warming temperatures of the ocean.
We've actually been to the Great Barrier Reef. We took summer mission teams to Australia for 23 years.
It's one of the things we tried to make sure the young people had an opportunity to do. I used to go with them. I got two seasick, so I used to send them after that.
But people are concerned about that, about losing the Great Barrier Reef because the sea temperature is getting warmer.
It's easy for people in the pew to be scared and alarmed as the bad news keeps rolling in.
Christians want to know answers to basic questions about global warming from someone other than Al Gore.
How serious is it? What causes it? What, if anything, we should do about it?
So I'm coming to you as one who's taught about global warming on the university level for more than 25 years.
In fact, I was teaching about this before it became a political issue. It was actually a scientific issue at one time.
I'd like to put global warming into its proper scientific and biblical perspective.
Can we go back a slide? Yeah, we'll just leave it there.
That's fine. Okay. So what's the amazing fact, most amazing fact about global warming?
And that fact is how little variation there has been in the Earth's climate.
All this controversy we've seen about global warming and climate change and so forth is just a very small amount.
We just have one degree Celsius in the last hundred years as far as that change is concerned.
So just really a small, I'll show that to you in a minute. And we need to understand that God created this
Earth as to be a home for mankind. Isaiah 45, 18 says,
For thus saith the Lord that created the heavens, God himself that formed the earth and made it, he hath established it, he created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited.
I am the Lord and there is none else. So he didn't create it in vain. He created it with a purpose.
And that was for the habitation of mankind and for life to thrive on the surface of the
Earth. So that tells us something about what his plans for this planet are. And then, there we go.
Went too far. Anyway, God has also promised the Earth will continue as a suitable habitation for man with regular seasons until the end.
If we go to Genesis chapter 8, for example, Noah's getting off the ark. And if you remember, first thing
Noah did is he built an altar and he took some very endangered species and sacrificed them to God.
And then the Lord says, The Lord smelled a sweet savor, and the Lord said in his heart,
I will not then again curse the ground anymore for man's sake, for the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth.
Neither will I again smite any more every living thing as I have done. While the earth remaineth, seed, time, and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night shall not cease.
So the question is, how does God do that? How does he keep the Earth's energy in balance?
You see here, here's the chart. This is not in question, usually. No matter what your place on the political spectrum would be.
We see that one degree Celsius change in the last hundred years. And that's just a remarkable thing.
To think that we live on a sin -cursed world. This is not the original design. And God is balancing all the energy inputs and outputs in such a way that we've only had one degree change in the last hundred years.
So how does God maintain this energy balance? How did he design it with such precision?
Now when we were talking about having a test, okay, well this is where you're going to have a test on. I can't even see it from where I am.
And the point of this slide is not that you read all the figures and so forth. I can't even see them.
The point is to show you something about how complicated it is. Some of the energy and inputs and outputs that have to be balanced as well.
The Earth is the only planet circling our Sun on which life as we know it could and does exist.
If the Earth had a little bit different mass, or if it traveled a little faster or slower around the
Sun, all life would cease to exist. Most people think that because of perspective drawings they've seen in textbooks, they think that the orbit of the
Earth around the Sun is elliptical. But it's not. It's almost perfectly circular. In fact, during our summertime we're actually a little further from the
Sun, about 1 .7 percent. And in wintertime we're actually a little closer to the
Sun in the northern hemisphere. And so it's not the closeness of the furthest away being further away from the
Sun that causes the seasons. That's actually caused by the tilt of the Earth.
There's an extremely narrow range of possible temperatures, pressures, atmospheric composition that must exist in order to sustain life as we know it.
The precision of the Earth's orbit around the Sun can be demonstrated by the fact that the
Earth's 365 -day, 6 -hour, 9 -minute, 9 .54
-second trip around the Sun every year By the way, the Earth is moving right now at 66 ,600 miles per hour around the
Sun. Can you feel it? 66 ,600 miles per hour round trip.
And how much does that vary from year to year as we go around the Sun? It varies by less than a hundredth of a second.
Even though it's such a long period of time. Even if the Earth rotated a little slower on its axis, we would either freeze at night or burn up during the day.
So even that is balanced out as well. And then we have the diffusion of heat energy into space by convection and radiation.
The reflection of incoming radiation can be about 40 % absorption by the atmosphere, 20 % absorption by land and water, maybe 40%.
But of all the energy that we get from the Sun, we only pick up 0 .45
billionth of that energy of the Sun. Why is that? Because the Sun is so far away.
It's 93 million miles away. And so it's a good place for a fusion reactor to be.
As far away from us as possible. And so we only get 0 .45 billionth of the energy from the
Sun. Now we kind of take it for granted that we emit into space about the same amount of energy that we get from the
Sun. It's evened out and so forth. But that's not true of any other planet.
Jupiter, for example, gives off twice as much energy as it takes in. Which is a problem for those who think the solar system is old.
It's not a problem for it to be doing it over thousands of years. But for billions of years, what's the mechanism by which
Jupiter would put out twice as much energy as it takes in? Same thing is true for Saturn. It's true for Neptune as well.
Uranus is the odd man out. Uranus is pretty much even as far as the energy input and output is concerned.
And this precision balance is responsible for the critical balance of forces that drive the hydrological cycle.
The rains, the rivers, the wind, the glaciers, the snow. And then you have to balance the heat from the
Earth's core. The decay of radioactive isotopes in the Earth's crust.
So of all the heat in the crust of the Earth, about half of it is from the original creation and the other half comes from the decay of radioactive isotopes.
That has to be balanced out as well. And then you have the conversion of gravitational energy to thermal energy.
Potential energy in the form of rain or cosmic dust. Turning to heat energy, turning to kinetic energy.
And even just the waves of the ocean hitting against the rocks on the seashore.
It's like setting off three hydrogen bombs every day. That energy has to be balanced as well.
And then you would think, well, what causes the tides? What causes the interaction?
Well, it's because of the Moon. The Moon is pulling on the Earth and the water is going up. Even the land is going up and down.
And as it does that, the rocks rub against each other inside the
Earth's crust. That has to be balanced as well. Well, you would think that the Earth would be losing energy, the
Earth -Moon system would be losing energy because of that interaction. But it actually only changes by, increases by a point, the
Earth day increases by only 0 .002 seconds per century.
How can it be so precise? It's because we can actually get energy for the Earth -Moon system from the outer planets.
I hope in your devotions this morning you thanked the Lord for Jupiter. Because Jupiter helps stabilize the
Earth -Moon system. It's like a finely tuned precision device. It gives us energy, keeps us stable so life can exist on the surface of the
Earth. It also keeps some rocks and things from hitting us and causing big craters. And then we have the,
I'm not good at this, there we go. Oh, okay. Then we have the enormous capacity of the
Earth's ocean to store thermal energy. Of all the common room temperature liquids, water, other than ammonia, water has the highest heat capacity, ten times greater than steel.
What do I mean by heat capacity? I mean the ability of water to absorb energy without getting hot.
And I wanted to show you a demonstration of this. Do I have a young person who wants to come up and help me with this?
Do I have a volunteer? There's this young lady right here. What's your name?
Abigail. Abigail. Abigail, I have a job for you to do here. Let's see if I can light my candle.
You want your camera? Let's find her camera. I want you to hold it like this.
I'm going to take a picture. You blew up a perfectly good balloon.
Look at that. Now, Abigail, we have a water balloon. So, Abigail, why don't you get on your knees right here.
Have you been wet before? Oh, good. Well, get on your knees and look up at the candle.
I want you to see what it looks like. Can you get on your knees right here? Get a little closer. In case the balloon breaks,
I want to make sure you get good and wet. Okay, what's going to happen when I put the balloon in the candlelight?
You think it'll get wet? You think it'll break? What's it look like under there,
Abigail? Thank you.
Go back to your seat. Thank you. So, I can actually hold the balloon here until the water boiled.
Why is that? Because the water has such a high heat capacity, it can absorb the heat faster than the candle can produce it.
So, we can actually boil water in the balloon. If you're ever out camping and you need to make some coffee or something and you have a balloon, you can use that.
Okay? Okay. So, let me demonstrate it another way.
The high heat capacity of water. So, here's a... What I have in here is a rag that's soaked in isopropyl alcohol and salt water.
And what I'm going to do is I'm going to set it on fire. It's going to be like Moses' burning bush.
It will burn but not be consumed. Okay? So, the alcohol burns and the water absorbs the heat because it has high heat capacity, high heat of vaporization.
The salt water there, the salt's there so you can actually see the flame. Otherwise, it would be a non -luminous flame.
And so, we can... It doesn't burn.
Oh, almost done. Almost done. The microphone.
Just leave it there. I can talk into it. Here. I'm going to be close to my teddy bear. So, this cloth...
See, it's hardly... I can touch it. It's not hardly hot at all. It's made out of cloth. Now, I dare say that there's somebody in the audience that has something made out of cloth in their wallet and it's green.
And I'd like to try to set it on fire. So, who has a 20? Does anybody have a $20 bill? 20?
10? These are Christian people. They don't have any money. I'll settle for a one if that's all you have.
Or maybe you have some. Do you have a five? Five going? We have to support ourselves somehow.
Here we go. Okay. So, we're going to dunk Andrew Jackson in here.
Alright. And then we're going to set him on fire. See?
It's perfectly fine. It's very wet, but it will dry.
We call this money laundering. Now, I do have to tell you a story, though.
My husband, being a good scientist... I don't think we have time for that story. When we were in Australia...
I can cut your mic. If you've ever been to another country, right, they have different money.
So, in Australia, they have... I only have a five with me today. Here, careful.
You want me to talk into the mic? Yeah. Okay. But they have different colors, different sizes.
All their bills are different. But you can see that this is not made out of cloth. What do you think that's made out of?
It is. Their money is made out of plastic. Well, my husband is such a good scientist. He's so curious, right?
You have to be very curious. So, the day before... You also have to be a knucklehead. Before we came home about six years ago, he decided to try
Australian money. Well, plastic and water... Water does not protect plastic when you set it on fire.
Well, because the plastic doesn't hold the water on its surface. Okay. So, he came to me.
Now, if you didn't know what was going to happen, what would you do? Would you use a five? Or a ten?
Or a twenty? Or a fifty? You'd probably use a five. That's their smallest, is a five.
Right? Oh, not my husband. He's so... confident. And he used a fifty.
And he came to me, and it was totally... bubbled all up. Melted.
Yes. She said she was speechless, but she wasn't. I thought, you did what?
And then I remembered in America that, you know, if you have a bad bill, it's torn or something like that, you can just take it to the bank and they'll trade it, give you a new one.
So, my hope was up, and I thought, on the way home now, we're leaving the next day for America, if you see a bank,
I'll go in and see if they'll trade it for me. Right? So we did see a bank, I went in, and the first thing they said was, do you have an account here?
They're really pretty tight with their money, with their banks over there. And I said, no, I'm from America.
And they said, sorry. I mean, I even tried the supervisor, everybody, sorry, we can't do anything for you. And I was crushed again.
Fifty dollars? I mean, anyway. So, we went back to the missionary's house, and sure enough, they said, well, we have an account at a bank, they'll trade it for us.
Well, we went back to America the next day, and about three weeks later, sure enough, I found out, yes, they did get a fifty dollar bill.
So, isn't that, to me, that's interesting, because it makes a good story for me to tell now, but, also, because that's the way the
Lord had us give them fifty dollars. The missionaries, obviously, needed fifty dollars more than we did. So why didn't you give them, just give them the fifty dollars?
Because I'm a moron, obviously. But, what I was going to do next, because I tell that story, he was going to set me on fire.
But, I forgot the nozzle for the propane tank. Will you forgive me? It's online, you can see it.
You can see me set her on fire online. So, just go to our website, you can see it. This is twenty dollars.
Oh, give them some money, twenty dollars back here, okay. Anyway, the point is, that water has such a high heat capacity, you see the,
Psalm 24, verses one and two, the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof, the world, and they that dwell therein, for he hath founded it upon the seas and established it upon the floods.
Okay, well that's really important. If the earth was, was, was smooth like a billiard ball, there's so much water on the earth, it would cover the earth to a level of a mile and a half.
How much, that's how much water is there. So even right now, the surface of the earth, it, the water covers it, seventy -one, seventy -two percent.
Okay, so it, that high heat capacity keeps the earth temperate, it keeps the earth from getting too hot or too cold, and therefore allows life to flourish on the surface of the earth.
So, God had to balance that as well. Then you have the North and South Pole ice sheets, if melted, would submerge large amounts of land, that has to be considered, and then the greenhouse effect, well, this is, let me go to the greenhouse effect, this is
Al Gore here, and, I don't know how that's, there we, can we go back to the greenhouse effect?
No? We don't have to go to the greenhouse effect? I don't know where it went. Oh well, heat trapped, there was a greenhouse effect there at one time.
Anyway, greenhouse, the heat's trapped by the water vapor, carbon dioxide, other gases retard the escape of long -range wave, radiation.
So you think about a car on, no, that's not it either, car on a sunny day, so,
I had a student from Guam, and, I found her sitting in a car, parked car, on a very hot day in South Carolina, she had the windows rolled up, and I knocked on the window and said, you know, what are you doing?
And she said, she said, oh Dr. Matsko, I'm so homesick. She says, I got in this parked car and rolled the windows up.
She said, because I wanted to feel like home. Must have been 120 degrees in there.
And I thought, I don't want to live in Guam. But without the greenhouse effect, without the greenhouse effect, the, earth would be too cold for life.
That has to be balanced. And they have air currents. The heat balance is maintained by air currents that makes the hotter air near the surface with colder air aloft by means of convection.
And then you have the tilt of the earth, okay, the tilt of the earth is 23 .5
degrees and it's stable. The, the moon, our moon actually stabilizes the tilt because our moon is in an unusual orbit.
Most moons of most planets are in equatorial. That is, they go around the equator of the planet.
Our moon is in the ecliptic. Okay, now if you remember your high school geometry, a plane is defined by three points.
So the sun, the earth, and the moon, that's the ecliptic. So because it's in the ecliptic, it stabilizes the tilt to 23 .5
degrees. Now the Mars doesn't have a big moon like we have and so the, the tilt of Mars goes from zero to 60 degrees.
Okay, so you couldn't live on a planet like Mars because the tilt is not stable. So God has to balance that as well.
Isn't it possible, some might ask, that man through his actions can upset this incredible precision that God has created?
And what are the big concerns that people have? People are concerned that, you know, we're making more and more carbon dioxide by burning fossil fuels and burning the rainforest and driving cars and so forth.
And they're concerned about things. One of the things they're concerned about is the thermal hailing circulation, which is one of the slides that went by earlier.
There we go. Thermal hailing circulation. And, I went to a climate conference years ago at the
University of North Carolina and they, we were sitting, they had us each at a table with a climate expert and I said to this climate expert,
I said, if global warming is true, what would you expect things to be and what would the weather be like in the future?
And he said, it would either be colder than normal or hotter than normal or wetter than normal or drier than normal.
And I did the same thing. I went like that and he wouldn't talk to me anymore.
But he was right. I didn't understand. So global warming doesn't mean that the whole
Earth gets warmer. In fact, one of the things they're concerned about is because Greenland ice would melt, it would actually pour all this fresh water into the
North Atlantic and shut down the thermal hailing circulation and that would cause
Europe to get a lot colder. Okay? So Europe would freeze over in a world where global warming took place.
Here's another thing that they're concerned about is the Western Antarctic ice sheet. They're concerned about the ice melting.
The Western Antarctic ice sheet is up on land and so if the, if all that ice melted it would, it would actually cause the ocean levels to rise some people say by, you know, 20 meters, as much as 20 meters which is, you know, goodbye
Florida, goodbye New York, so long Hong Kong and so forth. So they're really concerned about these things.
Now, if you look at that Western Antarctic ice sheet, how did you get that ice sheet there to start with?
Where did it come from? You know, Antarctica is the driest continent on Earth and so you wouldn't expect to build up miles and miles of ice.
Well, this had to be left over from the ice age. So if you think about it as a
Christian you think about you have the flood and with the flood you have a lot of potential energy being turned into kinetic energy, thermal energy, so you have warm water, a lot of warm water and with a lot of warm water you get a lot of storms and a lot of rain and so forth and then you have a lot of you know, the fountains of the great deep are broken open so you have a lot of ash up in the air and so you have cold air because it's blocking the sunlight and so about a hundred years after the flood during the time of Peleg and so forth the ice age really starts getting going and so you get these big ice sheets that form on the continents and they start in the middle of the continent and they work their way to the edges you can see the scratch mark on the rocks and it lasts for maybe six, seven hundred years until the water starts cooling down again and the volcanoes settle down and so forth and so we still have a remnant of that ice age from the from the you know, from the past and that ice is melting that's what we'd expect so as Christians thinking about it biblically we'd expect the world to be warming up ever since the ice age that's pretty much what we see there's a lot of variation but we see the things generally warming up next slide and if we look at the computer models computer models are really don't work very well these are these are 102
IPCC models climate models that are averaged there so the red line is what they predict based on the the computer models and the actual measurements are the the green and the blue that you see there and you see we're not doing very good at predicting what's going to happen with our computer models and that makes sense it also makes sense if you think about meteorologists they understand this so your weatherman they use similar types of models and that's why the meteorological societies are very skeptical about the climate change because they understand the limitations of the models if I told you it was going to rain tomorrow you might take an umbrella if I told you it was going to rain next week you'd say
I'll wait and see if I told you it was going to rain next month you'd say he's crazy nobody knows
I told you it was going to rain a thousand years from now that's the thing so we understand the same kind of models are what they use and what
I'm saying is it's so complex there's so many factors that God has to balance in order to keep the earth stable that we really can't know what is going to happen in the future as far as this climate change is concerned next slide so here's a picture of the ice age it gives you an idea that we talked about you have the all the volcanic activity and you have the warm water and so forth and you get the snowfall so ice age is called not because the earth is cold but because you have a lot of moisture and you have a lot of cold air blocking the sunlight what's the next slide so what's the effect of man's sin on the earth you know the greatest pollution that we have in the world is man's sin that's one people don't take into account we realize that in Genesis chapter 6 verses 5 through 8 that God saw the wickedness of man's heart was great in the earth and so because of that we had the flood that occurred so you have the flood the ice age the slow warming and then we see in Romans 8 22 for we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth and pain together until now so this is in the context of believers in the sinful world with all their aches and pains waiting to be redeemed and given a new body so the earth is under the curse of sin and groans and is decaying waiting for the time of renewal the earth is running down this earth has a bye bye date now you go to the grocery store you get a gallon of milk and it says best if bought purchased before such and such a date well this earth is like this it's not supposed to last forever it's running down because of man's sin
I mean if you're interested in global warming you know read the book of Revelation a lot of global warming in Revelation ok and what causes the disasters in the book of Revelation maybe you'll have the thermal circulation will cut out maybe the western
Antarctic ice sheet will slide off during that time but it's because of man's sin not because he's driving alright now what should be our position as far as political and economic aspects of global warming next slide we see in 2
Peter 3 verses 3 -7 says knowing this first that there shall come in the last days scoffers walking after their own lust and saying where is the promise of his coming for since the fathers fell asleep all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation for this they are willingly or ignorant of by the word of God the heavens were of old the earth standing out of the water in the water thereby the world that then was being overflowed with water perished by the heavens and the earth which are now by the same word are kept in store reserved in the fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men so what do we know about these scoffers in the last days number one we see they walk after their own lust that is they have strong desires for money and fame and prestige and power could that describe some of the politicians and corporate leaders who are pushing for action on global warming any actions taken by government will produce winners and losers who will be the winners who will be the losers politicians who promote action for political or financial gain companies that have a financial stake
I used to have my students as an exercise tell me which corporation has the most gain by legislation on global warming and they would come back and say well
General Electric I say why General Electric because they make make windmills okay and so they would benefit more by legislation on global warming and so people have financial stakes in trading schemes those who are promoting one world government scientists who wish to receive grants for global warming research and so forth then these scoffers they deny the literal return of Christ they're ignorant of the ways of God in that passage
I read verse 5 says they're willingly willfully ignorant they deny the judgment of a worldwide flood caused by God and so they believe that that this change that are taking place that ultimately man is in control of the world not
God okay they depend on this principle of uniformitarianism and so if there's anything outside of the normal cycles then man must be responsible and therefore man because he caused the problem man has to solve the problem that's the idea there because nothing new happens things just go in cycles everything rolls along by itself you would think that global warming would contradict uniformitarianism this idea that everything continues on as it has but these scoffers believe the world just follows natural laws and nothing out of the ordinary happens there's no thought about God creating all things there's no acknowledgement that God can step in and has stepped in to the natural cycle into our history into our weather into our lives so what do scoffers think about global warming rather than admit that God can step in to an ordered world they come up with a theory that it's man with his industry and his automobiles that has broken the uniform cycles and placed our planet in jeopardy and therefore it's man who must fix the problem next slide but even if we accept the idea that mankind is responsible for global warming what can we do about it and the answer is very little on the it's a little hard to see from this distance but on the left hand side these are various climate models and so forth and how much money would have to be spent the one on the right hand side is a 1 .5
degree increase and the cost there is 37 .8 trillion dollars in constant 2000 dollars so you know a trillion here a trillion there and after a while it adds up to real money and so the point
I'm trying to make here is that even if we shudder all of our industry we can make very little difference even according to their own models as far as global warming is concerned if you look on the right hand side you can see the various models and so forth you can see that the range there over a period over 100 years is going to be you know less than you know half a degree change so for example we took mission teams to Australia for 23 years while we were there they put in a carbon tax and one of the industries they had that produced most of the carbon dioxide was cement industry cement kilns produced a lot of carbon dioxide and so as a result they actually threw all their cement industry out of business they shuttered them all all those people lost their jobs now
Australia buys all their cement from China and China doesn't have any controls over its
CO2 production they actually produced 10 times more CO2 in China making the same amount of cement as you did in Australia so it doesn't make any sense even from their point of view so I guess you would call me a global or a global warming agnostic probably the first agnostic ever spoken from this church why do
I say that number one I don't think that we have the tools to be able to know what's going to happen it's just too complicated
I've tried to show you some of the complications here and number two I don't think we can do anything about it
I don't think there's enough money in the whole world to turn the clock back so to speak the world has been changing in historical times the idea that the world the way it is right now is the best of all possible worlds is just nuts so you go back to the time of Paul when
Paul landed on Mylita it was a jungle there in Malta nowadays you have a hard time finding a tree in Malta because it's all desert the
Sahara desert used to be arable people grew crops and there was animals that lived there we can see the archeological evidence for that in the classical
Greek period remember Jason and the Argonauts they were able to go from Greece all the way through the
Black Sea to the Caspian Sea the Aral Sea they can actually go on sail to the foothills of the
Himalayan mountains now it's all just howling desert in those areas so the world has changed a lot and we as human beings have adapted to those changes the idea that the way it is now is the best way for it to be well why wasn't it better back when the
Sahara desert was a lush you know jungle why is it better today and so we've always adapted to the changes that have taken place on the planet next slide so let me ask you a few questions number one do you have the spirit of a scoffer do you believe that God does step into this earth's cycles according to his purpose or is it in your life when you get up in the morning go to work eat dinner go to bed watch a little
TV whatever does your life just go on one day after another this endless cycle and so forth or does
God sometimes step into our lives personally do we believe that he can do this do you know the difference between climate and weather when
I hear people talking about it a lot of times they say oh this is the coldest day we've ever had in July or whatever or this is the hottest day we've ever had in December you know people the climate is longer than any one person's life so you hear a guy on the
TV some old codger and so forth it's so cold you know that kind of thing he hasn't lived long enough that's the reason why climate is longer than the lifetime of an individual do you believe the general principle that while the earth remaineth seed time and harvest cold and heat summer and winter day and night shall not cease this is a promise by God you don't have to worry about this planet becoming uninhabitable it's got a bye -bye date yeah it's running down yes but it's still going to be here to support life according to God do you believe that the whole earth groaneth and travaileth in pain weakened under the curse of sin and man's stewardship until Christ steps in do you believe that Christ can step in do you realize do you believe that Christ is going to return do you believe that God Jesus could return tonight you probably weren't thinking that when you came to church this evening and he's going to take control of our planet
Christ's literal return is certain are you ready for that are you watching as well as waiting
Christ's return is as certain as the payment he made for sin of the world when he died on the cross is that your possession do you possess the peace of God that knows you're forgiven that the price has been paid for I'm sure there's plenty of folks here who would like to talk to you if that's not your possession are
God's in control do you fear global warming or do you fear God we have a great
God it's a reality to you Luke chapter 12 verses 4 and 5
Jesus told us what to be afraid of and I say unto you my friends be not afraid of them that shall kill the body and after they have no more they can do but I will forewarn you whom you shall fear fear him which after he hath killed hath power to cast into hell yes unto you fear him so our fear of God the one who can kill and send to hell our fear of him should be greater than our fear of climate change or global warming or any of these things that people get worked up over in our day what questions do you have about this or other matters yes yes yeah it's you know it's kind of a that idea about how you know we have these preserved mammoths and the ice and so forth and that was kind of an urban myth bird's eye you know kind of promoted that idea in order to sell freezers sort of quick frozen that really that's really where the idea came from but if you actually look at the mammoths and find out there's quite a bit of deterioration the ones they find in the ice they've actually they didn't quick freeze like you read in the literature okay they're actually quite poorly maintained you know we found some better than others when we find these elephants in the snow we find them with their heads down facing the direction of the snowstorm that's what elephants do when they get caught in a snowstorm they do this and face into the direction that snow is falling and so we can actually tell which direction the wind was blowing when they got frozen at that particular time so it wasn't right away you had about a hundred years between the flood and really the ice age getting ramped up which would put it right during the time of Peleg when you had the
Tower of Babel and people were dispersed on the earth that seems to be the timing there and then how long did it last well the
Book of Job is was written probably during the ice age because we see a lot of references to ice and snow in the
Book of Job and he lived in the Middle East so it wasn't a snowy place so we think that is an indication of how long it took place so maybe some say five, six, seven hundred years after the flood until things settled down any other questions yes
I'd answer that the question is you know doesn't that one degree we're talking about one degree
Celsius which is about 1 .8 degrees Fahrenheit in the last hundred years and we're talking about you know a time when the industrial revolution is really ramped up ok and that's the amazing thing is we had so little change in the last hundred years now if it continued at that rate you know for a longer period of time then we're all toast ok and the atheist may be right about that ok so he may be correct but on the other hand
God has made a promise to us he's made a promise about the seasons he's made a promise about the habitability now it may be true that we can grow more crops in Canada ok and it may not be good for people growing crops in Oklahoma ok but that's always happened and since the ice age people have had to move and adapt to you know different growing seasons and that type of thing so the the crazy thing is to try to freeze it all in place so these same politicians are concerned about global warming they're building big houses on the seashore ok and you can see you know even though the number and severity of storms has actually gone down a little bit since 1900 yet the property damage has just gone through the roof because they're building all this fancy stuff on the seashore well that's just crazy and you're paying for it you know through federal flood insurance ok so the sensible thing to do is cut that out don't federally insure those homes and then people will make rational decisions they'll put their homes back from the you know the edge of the ocean and you won't have all that property damage so our policies are actually making this situation worse ok but yes the atheists may be right and that's that's a that's a you know point of contact they think things are going to end badly we know things are going to end badly at least in the if you look read the book of revelation so here's here's a bridge that you can build to that person to share the gospel with them ok rather getting involved in a political argument we need to point them to the all wise god who created such a stable world that maintains this energy balance you know that's just extraordinary now we know there's some kind of thermostatic limit on this we know that as things heat up get more cloud cover it reflects more energy back into space and so forth so there's like a thermostat built into the world ok so it doesn't heat up the way their models show that it does because it's hard to model the clouds yes ma 'am yeah those days are literal days solar days and they were six or seven thousand years ago the reason we know that is because you know from science is because things look young ok all this warmth that we've been talking about the warmth from the crust of the earth the warmth of jupiter all that shows that the earth everything would be cold and dead if things were as old as they say they are for example they we sent the voyager spacecraft up to saturn we measured the rotation rate of saturn then we sent the
Cassini spacecraft up 20 years later measured the rotation it slowed down by 1 % well 1 % in 20 years stretch that out over billions of years why is why is saturn rotating at all why is there still a magnetic field on mercury why you know is pluto still gassing out gases from its surface and so forth and so the the solar system looks young and dynamic doesn't look old ok and so other than you know you can read the genealogies and see you know that everything started 6 or 7 thousand years ago but science itself tells us that the earth is young that goes along with this energy balance yes we don't know the question is about the garden of eden and the conditions that existed before the flood and we don't know a lot about what the conditions were like then because it was so you know the bible says it was that world that perished in other words the word in greek is that it was completely destroyed and so as a scientist
I can't recreate the world as it was then we know the hydrological cycle was a lot different because if you remember in the garden of eden the rivers came up in the middle and they flowed out our rivers start in the mountains and flow in ok in a completely different system going on there and we're going to see that new that system the original system during the new heavens and new earth we see the jerusalem heavenly city coming down waters walling up in the new jerusalem going out to the ends of the earth again so we're going to see what that's like but as a scientist
I can't recreate that what that was like it's so different than today we just don't have any idea yes yes so the question is the division during Peleg was it a division of the continents or a division of races of people ok actually the word
Peleg actually means river and so division by river and so you can sort of picture these you know if the oceans are warm you're getting all these huge storms coming on land you're getting this all these rivers and so the earth with people on it is being divided by all these rivers ok so that's kind of the idea that's going on there so as far as the division of the continents
I believe that took place during the flood because that event the Noahic flood had enough energy to cause that with rapid subduction caused the division of the continents so I believe it's speaking of division of people rather than division of of land yeah only evidence yeah well
Peleg itself means river he named his son River and so rivers so rivers have something to do with this whole this whole business sometimes people ask me where's the
Garden of Eden and the Garden of Eden is there you know down there somewhere you know it's under thousands of feet of sediment that world is completely destroyed we say well you have these rivers
Euphrates and Tigris and you know and so forth but those we they just reused the names just like we did in America we used you know they remembered those rivers and they reused the names and so forth those rivers are gone that world is gone completely it's hard to reconstruct so if we go out here in the parking lot you know and somebody t -bones me well the police can come out and they get their tape and they can look at skid marks and so forth and they can say who's at fault but if I'm driving down the road and a car is created in front of me okay well there's nothing science can do about that that's outside you know observational science and that's the situation we have for the situation before the flood or before the fall of man and so forth we just don't have any tools to recreate what that world would have been like we just know it was very different from the world we live in today yes so there are
Christian motivations for space exploration so we are made in the image of God and because of that we have you know a natural curiosity about the world around us okay and so that's a um you know it's a god -like thing that we're doing we're the creation mandate says for us to have dominion over nature and so we're pressing nature to a useful end okay some people young people think well
I can't serve the Lord unless I'm a pastor or Christian school teacher or missionary or something but scientists and engineers can directly fulfill the creation mandate by pressing nature to a useful end and thereby glorifying
God now the question is as far as colonization well the earth was given to the children of man not outer space we're gonna go to outer space we gotta take part of the earth with us we gotta take air and water and life support and so forth so it makes more sense to me to um do space exploration with robots okay
I don't think people belong up there the idea that we're gonna go to Mars and colonize
Mars is just nuts again because you got all the there's no magnetic field there you're gonna get cooked by all the hard radiation we sent um what's the name?
Scott Scott and Mark Kelly you know we sent one of the twins up in the space station for a year well the space station is actually protected is protected by the earth's magnetic field to some extent um but his his
DNA was scrambled when he came back to the earth they found all these changes from his twin and so forth you get outside the earth's magnetic field send somebody to Mars we have no protection at all okay so it's just not gonna happen okay and the soil yeah the soil martian soil is full of perchlorates talk about rocket fuel okay rocket fuel and organics don't work well together okay um so you got this poisonous soil you don't have a magnetic field it's very cold thin atmosphere you know people are just not gonna live on Mars we think the first thing that would happen when we send people to Mars is that the hard radiation will kill their gut bacteria and they'll actually starve to death they won't be able to digest their food they'll actually die of starvation before they actually get there okay
I don't know any way around this problem not to mention the fact there's no money for it there may have been money in the 1960s to send people to the moon we're all bankrupt
I mean the country the country's bankrupt we're up to debt to our eyeballs and the idea that we can spend all this money you know with sending people into space just doesn't make financial sense either wasn't that planned?
no no a little bit not measurable because of relativity right yeah but it's not going fast enough you have to get really close to the speed of light so if we sent our spacecraft to the nearest star
Proxima Centauri and it goes at the rate of the fastest spacecraft we know of that's
Voyager okay uh it's gonna take it would take 75 ,000 years to get to the nearest star okay so you gotta have some really long -lived astronauts to get there we just don't realize the immense plus once you get there you gotta slow down you gotta figure out otherwise you're gonna go shoot right past it you know so that's a problem as well we just don't realize the immensity of space but the bible says he gave the earth to the sons of men you know this is where we're supposed to be this is where he made conditions just right for living things and we don't belong in outer space okay that's not he didn't give us that area so I don't believe that that's a appropriate thing for us to do but as far as sending robots out there
I think it's fine as long as we have the money to do it I think it's fine and it's gonna be a lot cheaper yes any other questions yes sir it is the magnetic poles are moving and they're moving away from the geographic poles you know where that rotates so and they're going faster and faster so the north pole is actually moving you know over Siberia and the south pole is actually moved off Antarctica it's actually in the water between Antarctica and Australia and they're actually headed toward each other and if they continue on the same path they would end up both end up in Indonesia somewhere and we don't think that's gonna happen so most scientists believe that what's going on is that we're getting close to a polar shift where the north will become south and south will become north and we can tell in the rocks that this happened during the flood that the poles did this kind of thing during the flood now what would that do as far as life on earth is concerned well if we have a weakened magnetic field because of a polar ship that will allow more radiation to hit the earth so cancer rates would go through the roof because of that we see something called the south
Atlantic anomaly off the coast of Brazil it's like there's another pole that's forming in the south
Atlantic and to such an extent that when satellites go over that place in the ocean they have to turn off all the electronics so they don't get cooked by the hard radiation coming in and so we're seeing a pole grow there in the south
Atlantic and these other poles moving north and south poles and so we've never in historical time seen this happen before but it's probably not a good thing maybe this is something again that will happen during the tribulation period the bible says that the sun will be ten times hotter and maybe what that means it will be ten times more radiation because we see the kings of the earth where are they they're in caves they're hiding underground and maybe it's because they're trying to protect themselves from the radiation coming in from outer space it's just a guess on my part but yes the poles are moving well the geographic poles would be the same north and south pole the compass would point the opposite direction not if you're a navigator so the government has an office where they update the charts for the naval ships and so forth and they do it every five years but because the poles are moving so much faster now they had to do it like after two years okay because it's moving faster and faster so something really dramatic is going to happen here in the near future and nobody's quite sure what it is yes it wouldn't it would not make any difference so but I feel sorry for the liberals because again they think that the whole weight of the world is on their shoulders they think the changes that are taking place is because of man's activities and therefore they have to solve the problem and I think it's an insoluble problem and so yeah so it's it's you know to have an insoluble problem to have the weight of the world on your shoulders my wife's brother has a
PhD in chemistry he's an environmentalist unsaved man and he's trying to save the planet and he saves the planet by lying to school children telling them things that aren't true he knows he's doing it he said he does it because he wants to be earth eco -warriors and and justifies the means as far as he's concerned he tells them things he knows are not true in order to make eco -warriors out of our children so that's the that's the mentality that we're dealing with oh my wife's telling me
I need to quit yes so we're talking well we use ice cores and and tree rings and so forth so we can only get back to the to the flood because everything was destroyed but the variations recorded recorded history as far as the you know tree rings and ice cores and sediment layers and that kind of thing so the variation is not more than four or five degrees total in the past now that's an interesting thing we would expect that the earth would be cooler in the past because the sun was cooler in the past based on evolutionary ideas but we find the earth was actually warmer in the past so that doesn't correspond to the idea of the earth of the sun actually getting hotter and hotter as the sun burns more helium rather than hydrogen it actually gets warmer and warmer so they call this the cool sun paradox why they can't figure out why the earth was cooler in the past why it was actually warmer in the past so as far as the sun we don't know what the sun's gonna do we don't know how the sun's gonna behave so back right now the sun is going through a period of very it's a very quiet time there's very few sunspots the last time the sun looked like this was in the 1680s and they called that the little ice age so there's some scientists who believe that either this year or in 2030 the next cycle that we're gonna have a whole generation that's gonna be colder than normal because of the sun quieting down and that makes sense it makes sense the sun would have something to do with how cold things were on earth at least it makes sense to me and because we don't understand the sun it doesn't matter what kind of climate models we have because we can't predict what's gonna happen because we don't have the knowledge that God has about how these things work there's a lot of hubris there of people pretending they know things that they don't know and that's why
I call myself a climate change agnostic because I don't think we know we can tell what's gonna happen in the future ok well