The Crucifixion Debate: Opening Part II


Continuation of Part I


I am asserting that the reason
Shabir Ali sits here this evening and denials the thesis is due to these 40 Arabic words traceable at their earliest to the revision done by the
Quranic text or by Uthman and undertaken by a committee chosen by him sometime after the middle of the 7th century according to the tradition recorded in Al -Bukhari.
There truly is no other reason and what is more though the Quran claims to be a clear book written in the perspicuous
Arabic tongue the fact is this text is nowhere near clear let alone perspicuous.
Many have pointed out that if it were not for surah 4 .157 the Quran's teachings and such texts as surah 3 .55
and 19 .33 where the death of Jesus is mentioned would be easily understood without prompting very obtuse explanations require us to believe the text is referring to a future death of Jesus that has not even taken place as yet.
What is more the text as it is written is very unclear prompting as Shabir himself has noted any number of contradictory interpretations by Islamic scholars over the centuries.
What is truly amazing to me is this when the Quran contradicts the Christian teaching of the deity of Christ it does so repeatedly and forcefully.
We likewise find references to this in the Hadith but when it comes to this one single ayah these 40 lonely
Arabic words that pop into the Quran out of nowhere we likewise cannot find any meaningful commentary on these words in the
Hadith literature. Think of it Muslims for 200 years could not think of any commentary by Muhammad on this ayah and yet I as a
Christian am to believe these 40 Arabic words written over half a millennium after the Christ event in a different language from far away are to be taken to be sufficient to overthrow the entirety of the
New Testament and the testimony of eyewitnesses and martyrs. But as it is my job to defend the thesis this evening allow me to read into the record the ancient testimony of the
Gospels regarding Jesus own words about his death. If these words are to be contradicted I assert the one doing so needs to do more than point out that liberal secular scholars tend to disagree with words that claim to be inspired.
That is a given. If we are to believe these words are falsely attributed to Jesus then I suggest that proof of the dishonesty of the writers needs to be provided.
Documentary evidence of later tampering with the text must be submitted. Without such evidence the words of Jesus must stand.
And so we start with these words recorded by Mark. During the time when the eyewitnesses to these events were alive and well and very active in preaching
Jesus message in Mark 8 we read. And he began to teach them that the son of man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders and the chief priests and the scribes and be killed and after three days rise again.
And he was stating the matter plainly and Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him. But turning around and seeing his disciples he rebuked
Peter and said get behind me Satan for you are not setting your mind on God's interest but man's. And he summoned the crowd with his disciples and said to them if anyone wishes to come after me he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.
Likewise in Mark 10 45 we read. For even the son of man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life a ransom for many.
This New Testament witness to the centrality of the purpose of Christ and the cross is given prophetic authority in the words of the angel recorded in Matthew 1 21.
She will bear a son and you shall call his name Jesus for he will save his people from their sins.
The apostle John often refers to the self giving of Christ as a means of salvation but one summary statement that is particularly striking is found in Revelation 5 9 through 10.
And they sang a new song saying worthy are you to take the book and to break its seals for you were slain and purchased for God with your blood men from every tribe and tongue and people and nation.
You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God and they will reign upon the earth. Paul's testimony is ubiquitous on this subject of course so I simply read into the testimony these words from Titus chapter 2.
Looking for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ who gave himself for us to redeem us from every lawless deed and to purify for himself a people for his own possession zealous for good deeds.
Many other texts from Peter and the writer of the Hebrews could be included but we do not need to belabor the point the evidence of the
New Testament on the issue is overwhelming consistent and clear. I would like to remind our
Muslim friends this evening of just how strong the evidence is that this was the faith of Isa Messiah and his disciples.
Keeping in mind that the first 100 years of history after the death of Mohammed yields almost nothing that bears witness to his life, work or teachings.
And that to quote Humphreys quote our evidence for documentation prior to 750 AD consists almost entirely of rather dubious citations and later compilations end quote.
The Christian evidence the central teaching of the cross is much more primitive much closer to the original sources than almost anything that can be cited for the life and teachings of Mohammed.
For example a scant 65 years after the crucifixion the elders of the church at Rome wrote to the church at Corinth.
This letter is traditionally called First Clement dating around AD 96. Here we read quote because the love he had for us
Jesus Christ our Lord in accordance with God's will gave his blood for us and his flesh for our flesh and his life for our lives end quote.
In section 7 of the same letter let us fix our eyes on the blood of Christ and understand how precious it is to his father.
Please note that the earliest Christian writings outside of the New Testament take the message of the crucified
Messiah and salvation through his blood as a given. There simply is no evidence that it was a point of contention between the allegedly true followers of Jesus and some
Pauline group that has taken over the faith. The only people who were attacking the concept of the crucifixion were doing so because of their connection to Gnosticism a religion that denied that Jesus had truly been a man and that he had a physical body.
Now it is pretty obvious why people who did not believe Jesus was truly a man but merely a phantom would deny the crucifixion as it is very difficult to crucify spirits.
But it is likewise painfully obvious that Jesus was not a Gnostic sage wandering the streets of Jerusalem and surely the fantasies that developed into the writings of the
Gnostics over a century after Christ have nothing to do with the historical reality of the preaching of the cross being at the heart of the
Christian faith from long before. The first Gnostic tried to make room for Jesus in his pantheon of emanations from his
God. About 77 years after the crucifixion Ignatius, Bishop of Antioch, was traveling to Rome to die as a martyr.
In the letters he wrote as he traveled are repetitive references to the cross and the death of Christ. Remember this documentation is still about 70 years closer to the events of Jesus' life than the best documentation that exists for any of the events in Muhammad's life.
Remember Hadith collections like Al -Bukhari date from over two centuries after the death of Muhammad so Ignatius was three times closer to the sources than Al -Bukhari was.
In his epistle to the Smyrnians he wrote, quote, I glorify Jesus Christ, the God who made you so wise, for I observe that you are established in an unshakable faith, having been nailed, as it were, to the cross of the
Lord Jesus Christ, in both body and spirit and firmly established in love by the blood of Christ, totally convinced with regard to our
Lord that he is truly of the family of David with respect to human descent, son of God with respect to the divine will and power, truly born of a virgin, baptized by John in order that all righteousness might be fulfilled by him, truly nailed in the flesh for us under Pontius Pilate and Herod the
Tetrarch. From its fruit we derive our existence, that is, from his divinely blessed suffering, in order that he might raise a banner for the ages through his resurrection for his saints and faithful people, whether among Jews or among Gentiles, in the one body of his church.
End quote. Around the same time Polycarp wrote of the testimony of the cross and said we must pray for the enemies of the cross when he wrote of the
Philippians. Interestingly, these enemies were not denying that Jesus died on a cross, no indeed, they were arguing that Jesus was a false messiah,
Christianity a hoax, but they were not in any way denying the historical reality of the crucifixion. And so we see that in the first hundred years after the death of Christ in the
Christian scriptures, Christian writings, even in secular writings, the cross is always connected with Jesus.
The next element of our thesis, that Jesus the messiah gave himself willingly as the sacrifice for God's people, is again the plain and consistent teaching of the entirety of the
New Testament, as well as all those followers of Jesus in those early years. Though some misread the inspired text, isolating particular verses from the rest of scripture in an attempt to make it sound otherwise, there can be no question that all the
New Testament, including the Synoptic Gospels, make it plain that Jesus willingly gave himself upon the cross of Calvary.
We have already heard Jesus' words from Mark and Matthew, that it was necessary that the Son of Man suffer and die and rise again the third day.
Luke, likewise, records these truths. It is not an argument to isolate Jesus' prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane from the rest of the testimony of the
Synoptic Gospels, and claim that Jesus was an unwilling participant in the scheme of the cross.
Nothing could be farther from the truth. Indeed, such a theory makes Jesus downright cowardly, for in the
Muslim view, Jesus is merely facing his own death, and many have been the men who have faced death with bravery and courage.
The reason Jesus praised the Father in the Garden has nothing to do with the fear of death. It has everything to do with the sinless
Son of God becoming sin for us, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. It has everything to do with the wrath of God falling in its full fury upon the willing substitute.
This is the only way to understand the prayer of Jesus without accusing Him of cowardice. It also happens to be the only way to read the
Gospels in a fair and even -handed manner by allowing them to speak for themselves. It is a horrible misreading of His words to miss the real reason for the prayer, but the
Muslim is forced to misread the text, since the real reason for the prayer has everything to do with Jesus becoming the substitute for God's people and taking their sins upon Himself, and this
Islam, coming six centuries later, denies. If Islamic readers of the Gospels would apply the same rule of interpretation to the
New Testament that they do to the Quran, they would not mistakenly accuse the writers of errors and come to false conclusions about the intentions of Jesus.
But many, following after those who do not believe God can speak or reveal His truth, pit one part of the
New Testament against another. Hence, the synoptics are said to present one view, while John presents a contradictory one.
But it is far more consistent to allow for harmonization of an ancient text than to assume contradiction. This is true in reading the
Quran, and it is true in reading the Bible. So we read Jesus saying in John 10, 18, No one has taken it away from me, that is, his life, but I lay it down on my own initiative.
I have authority to lay it down. I have authority to take it up again. This commandment I received from my